f h fim-!eriil6 I'M"')- nf Hum Iba largual circulation IM) li OM a ( adveMlalng innliiima In Kafrlarn mt ttti t$ JieMa W Otrrnt Wortteg ouiilrj C'iiT (111 hum nf li, '.',K(IO m Tin if IiiihI, 1,604,001 pi rc i'l vnrnut miI'Ji 1 1 t itrv iiihIit tin- inhllr Irnin 1 f lli Initnl Htntr. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY nRKGON, JULY 96, I no. m N 0T IP )'? : Ktt TH! I Ul Sv HI FARMER MIMO T(l SOCK STATI:. mark lUndlhii of Hktrn by Hun ; Hfe it stwjt. Bp:m nf School nn AgricuHur Ht) I ho Sunday Hb as-Horl Ihnt ! Kl important of k has been io- & immemorial ''Ur ines up- Mrmsts Ml' n Pof fnrming to K-ii'i- ill-.., Htli nrplus the Biold over the .... ,. 111. 1 1 H I nit is sup- t" feociftv or the priljHd loser. I'oor h of labor or 'iil- Hist ho hor lu'l'i food. upport nil'ort. with n KUfiei 10 oneh nl. a wreieh- it lamiiy, so- the amount herwi have XM conuiioili i farm. 'I h progress of In tho rapid p-.il education. (arm Bum I "ulil- .1 in the rill derive lil- m farmer's the surplus HUT HI K'XII riirplu might lnat. if in HRe the not connuri 'xpende f transi tl BvJ: I I horough un- i I i irer and HBeniu: in whi prepu LLLLpd as ulv,. I I ,.' . .Ill ,.'.' I fact, on the contrary, that SWIFTS COMMENCE BUlLDINfl around in our exchan I nli-rlnlnmtnt" and (itatral . tlvltlc Thrnafhaat Orcfon -finml Raadii Caaltrencc art II (Portland Correspondent i Tho Cortelvnu Cluh of Brook- "The best man we have in Oil town for the general ro1 i town is the one you will alwav see on the front seat in th jrreflsive hand wagon. He is the fi-st one io extend an open ami warm hand to greet the stranger & emmn SIMM SM0O, flOT NOTHINU it is almost wholly neglected i so indispensable a guide to correct business habits as a aim- COLONIST RATES SEPT. I TO OCT 1 jiio set oi accounts as almost en- WIDELY ADVERTISED tirely lacking on the farm. The farmer has been successful rath er ii I ignorance and neg-1 in this respect than because udoniv and careful manage- But here also a change in the right direction is noticea l i i now generally recog (hat there is a business side km. Other thinga being equal, the farmer who conduct!1 his operation on strict business orincinles is the OM who forger, ahead and is week was a great success and and abroad and bolievi it to b NO I l: I li. Hmtllti i- l.rlnrlil.i. and welcome him to the be town in the state. He will r sent an insult to our town qnicl or than he would I slur at one I his own fntnilv He verv polite lyn. N. Y.. was represented in i lv invitps th(, chronic Crok. Portland Sunday by a delegation 1V,. on He js ov,.r ready i of one hundred and twenty-five rU( ,. JUR( proportion t,. .I' its members. ,,,,., ., ,l)lhiir character. The Cherry Fair at Salem last He talks up our town at ore the greatest benefactor mpted a num ber nf higher institutions of learning to in courses into their schedules of tudiaa. Thil la particularly many were present from Pmt- HmU. A contract far $75,000 for the ! construct ion of the foundation of the main building for Swift & Company, to be finished within ih. Itost place on Itod earth which to live and d in In barfed hare when h M m all try and be lik man for one year and oui city will take on new lif tMltfilr si n aid liffii- I, t 1 n. 4 ta-n-lci if true of the land grant or agricul-1 ' tural colli Nor is Oregon The Astoria Regatta, with behind in the procession. This thirty splendid aquatic events, is now tandencj In edaOldOfl was scheduled for August 27th, 28th. bj the founders and 29th. and the rnilroa'l aojjl improve as history." never before tile and its PAKfUl 1 1ST Of NEW Bonks Following is a continue of the institution and a literary I made a rate of a fair and a third the list of new Iwioks to l .of il has been offer- fot the round trip from nil points (,n tl. IholvM of the public . ed by ill Oregon Agricultural 'in the state. jbrary alnnii th- tirst ol Oollei no 1!0. The schiM.I -- ......... .. . . month. Save the list f.n : ituro n-ference I ION. of commerce has kept pace with th" i niv, lb ol the institution. The board of repents has rc cgni7.eil that tM institution should .serve all industrial classes alike and Un courses have conse iiui'nily been expanded so as to mill the growing demands upon it While the aMd of toejMM emphnsizes work preparatory to general In commen sal pursuits, the fact ihat (MM i business sidi- to . ocution has been rooo ed by providing elementary nil oi'iel from unlei. i eoaai Alarg- aadrb of end The Washington State pNM association enjoyed one of I lieu beat annual conventions at Van couver during three days of last Itosalind at Bed (iate Nichol week. A trin un the Columbia Croat Seen t .Oppei River, a trolley ride kg Portland Mysterious Mr. Snbin and a bancpict at Vancouei were among the feature, of en- Avengat .Oppenl m tortainment J Lane that Had no Tun . , ..... .I'arkei juuge ueorgai. tsaiuwin. i Praaident of the Oregon develop- , nden it league, and Mr. W. 0 pium Mary Smi(h Smith edit.., ,, the Klamath Mrs. Keats Bradford.. Falls Evening Herald, were in ,..; , -,,,.. i oruunu rwiuniuy us bik-cih. ,. ,,, i,m,,t,,n nf JMn.-.r Litrht Fingered C, in try t i . if Avis couice.s in business methods es pecially adapted lor the fanner. committee from the Klamath tonal man and Falls Chamber of Commerce I) for the housekeeper' This to invito the Y. M. ('. A. excur- Quickened an exceptionally sum imrt.v which goes to Crater A 0 .... ,.r ,1... ,i a - I'-t-TT. . ..... pinner in the Sun is regarded m: Strong feature of the (). A. C. Laike August 7th. to arrange th. ., , , ... i In the Alamo voiiiiiH'niiu wurn uiiu ii is e;n'i-i itinerary so as io inciuue u visit ed il will make its sflf felt in to Klamuth Fulls evirv phase of industrial activity Phillipi I -...I : I I i Ray Hoed AREV ACT X'CLAIHATION COMPANV MUST MAKE 00OD Srtttrr Oaca Fkrt M T (.oliimhi SmiMwra CfMir--Nl Mr m IVMvr m4 THk. Threatened with the loss of his home and the improverm ne nas made on a tract ol land rook county, J. N. B I lerk has U'gun suit in the circuit iri against W. A. Ijddlaw for ihni damages. Ijiidlaw is a ncipal st(H'kholder and general manager of the Columbia South em Irrigation company, from whom Cerklng purchased the land but he says lidlaw is un 'able to deliver title without fraud ii,niii tin Tinted States govern ment and committing suborna tion ol n nury in making proof Gtrfcinfl paid f. 40() for the land and water right, and he Oyi that with the improvements he has made the place is worth 00 today. He cleared 100 . I led 60 acres to alfalfa I the remainder to and vines, lb- ran laterals for irrigation and fenced the place, only to learn. as he says, that the defendant is not able to furnish a good title as it agreed to do as soon as he had d ig for the place. I In 0 i the Columbia leathern Irrigation company have been under tire for some time, and Cerking'ssuit illustra tes tin DO nioti of settlers who pH. faith H'ttled upon the laud and made iminvcmcnts on it. Portland Journal. MM IMII.KlMU TO MOVE. ni I'm tpaM pliiei- Riljtiintng i r m II In- iiii..,i hi il i il MHiill.Y NO TRMPAMIKt) .uiii'i- i- le hum girpn i li i ing und iihiioting upon On' Unil- nf h An itii hi I. mill l,i l..r t.i.l ) Aii' i I ing in Ut-i'.i- 'ii il to th" full illiiil nf l(M lnw K li. Hin. Hunch MitungiT s I PfniB ininiili- Vi Hi n nir parnoiml Kit. nlinn In il ' il rutin' n it in ii . Mi -i:ii. Im pi .i I with Mr ('. II I A having l:i'-' 'I -ii iin ih- Milll'iili 'il H' llllTflllp H ir,i,it - - I M iinN A i. Rrllftoan Srr !. It.v A J Irwin will prcmli ii ll.irnry tlir '2nd Miimlnv sf SSetl ..until t lis. in. mill D i' in Salilmlli M li'Mil every Mlibsth nl 2 p. m I in. 1 1., i ii. i Hunday sobool meHt ! Nt 'I o'clock "Il NllflllllV mill It. conlul itivitmnm t i tlrniliil .. ill wlin run ntli ml I t illi u At tin- PreeO) lenan 1 suran I Ibiiiin. Itfv. J Irwin geatni DVinMrvti'r tin' ilni.l 111. 1 Imiitli HUIHUVI Of em'll llllllllli.il II II. m lid 7-.'H p in rwh' Nil -i liihil H 10 hi .ii, morning " --..-" .''. ' .- . NEW SPRING WAISTS Just received n beautiful line of Indies' waiata in Kmbroideried, tare and net waiatx for Spring. Something Very Stylish in Lawn and Silk Our dress goods department will show a very attractive display of dawns. Silk Mulls, Mercerized (hambrnys, Corrine Suitinga and Ingomars These goods are the latest production for thia season. New Embroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of India Linons. ( )ur Shoe depai tment is complete iip-v tv way and we c in satisfy thr most fastidious in loot wear. Kcmciiihcr Hi carry (he ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET Brown's Satisfactory Store. iu.. MMM iiiutnit:;.: ::m IIB. J tbroinrlioiit tin? state. Muman I Hume Liiiii,.anJon lor Aafanl. "Tin A intrust issue of Woman's Home ('oinp.inion is full of de ttghtful storii's just the rurd sort of mid :-niniiior reading. k tti tito muiruziiu und boh at the little Dutch boy and tin windmill on thr cover makes you feel cool und comfortable, when yon ok'h the n unfa -.int. iron "ine across enough .me and Find Me. I Magnet io N i th R ill The colonist rates from all points Slots of the Cross Rowggi r in the east to all points in dp A FofBkg Gtffo Viing.. m gon commence Sent 1st and con- He Fell in Love with his Wife Satan Sanderson Second Violin. tinue until Oct Bltt Kvery com mercial organization and every citizen of Oregon should begin to make these rates the subject of lnd Ho tafeffj letter that goes out of the ! A Modern Madonna. state. The fare is $H0 from Mis- Postscript souri Kiver KinUi. St. Paul, lul- Sonny uth and Winniireir: SXJ from St. On tin-Fan of tl.. Iouis and &IH from Chicago, with Dtoporl innate rates from every Affairs of State. ix.int in the United States. Winsome WomanlnxMl Metliator 'loin Qrogan was to h R' 1. it- tl tl tor plow the inal-illce I 'ami Uti.sllel! with I him in the i chanj to not !. loss manager I tin technic i . Uti, points out tarit) o K)'-ri of lai'tn Bexces.. of all kii that the Bii. i ant chat the l Bu 000 ag! - i: lipfiMiiU'd, dur- 10 Hsi . into the 1 1 ofHir.ihi-' depoti- Ht. Ho points HaiKi more in- han tlkv.'ia-e inor i nana . stroa; stories and entrancing illustra- No meeting was ever called in donate enjormont for Oregon whiei, haa attnMBlod tha month. universal I ian tluit has Son i' authors are Temple bean created by the Oregon Bailey, Juliet wHbor Topkins, Oood Roads Confaranoa, which Kivei Kiclimotn Morgai Stanh F. Stuar .K. Stuar Waters .Ste. Sangstei Bout Tried for her Life Southwortli mg away of Mrs. lack's is to be held in the Coineation Hall, (ith floor of the Portland nercial Club on and Aloshine Mien His own People Reimintr . TuJ- Black Bag Aug. llth. An effort will be Koyal Manhood made to call the meeting to order ( , . g promptly at !:.0 a. m. so that there ma bo a morningj un af- Mysterious Island On Life's Threshold. teers Hurricane Island ihv p .M:inon Hill. Kutb Wilson Har Mas lsiibel Pfik, Clinton rflald and Harvey J. 0'Higgina. And when ' tell you thut thesi are illust rated by Orson Lowell. Alice r Stephana, Charlotte Woo- t.lei and other famous ternoon and an evening mission. I Will appreciate what The railroad.-, haw made g Mate Nttt thai .summer magazine of a tare and a third for the has in st. mi. round trip for this occasion. 1 here ai k and practical Delegations representing every ,.,.;,, pnt.iniwi wt.t thiiij.' tOO Doctor Hale tulks grange. taW commercial bodies, inn in Ipfully about "Sleep and Re- and the different counties to be sheuhei-d of the Hilln ion." "The Garden in apiKanted b the county judges, I,.., ,- ,,... M. ..,, .u- "i un- .ii.iiin.-. nm- are u ivadv reportino; tbat they ,. , .. ... ., ... unuiT i ne iv i" Lin Mrlioin not of Bbjo Coming of Hill Sauna Stock to ,pkin TarkingUn Ta Vane Vanti .Van Uyk 1 1 Wagm Watson Watsoi Col. I R i'lace roorixeii I telegram Wednoadaj front Port land, Maine, stating 'hut the re- 1 MAMa ..! , I , . r ,.. ( li. . .... . ifirwi .. , .. ,, ''IH I. I,IIH. H' III. I 1 '"I feilili.U' lion ot tin i .iiin.rnia, fMevuiia, Idaho & Northern railway had bean received and that the me't- in board of directors had adjourned until the 17th instant it which time the officers will be I and other important busi- ransacted. The Western tin e- will In-located at Caldwell. hi' will lie a local treasurer nd one local director will be a reside m of Caldwell. ire.ving outiit left yeater- r Sbeaville for the purpose oi miming a line to .Ionian Val- li and I)e Ijunar, with a view nt running a branch to those tniin.l to lie prac- t ii able. It is itoHsihlc that the may extend no farther than nar, but the result of the will determiti" tlm xnn: Vale ( iriano. Tic Lsat Star RE8TAURANT i 'l. In i laatgi . I '"i iii mil i MBmj- AT Abb HOUK Bkwpy in a nnaatlo A Sou.jll) sf Srt Orstrs Tallin fiiriillii-it mill ..- . ii.lnit lb iiiaikrl hIIii.Ii Vuur pal ana aolMtstl The Sanity Valley Brewing Co. ctrs-d. I amll Irailo miIKIU'.I I i . I VIiv i-t T. E. JFNKIN8, Manager Ynu Must 5iecp! Susan Clegg and her Friend Mrs. Lathrop ..Warm Wlo Wi Wr We. W Wl Westrin V roeipai for mersalad.s, m at :.ndsubsl:Mtes will be present l vary editor in for gaaaOj b) Paanle Menu Far- the stale is a delegate at large, nl Christine Tarhaaa Her- us is the mayor of every city, rick, the Summer Fashions by und c. ety count) commissioner. i !i"..i.i VI -i . . . i i .. ,i 1 1, 1 Baa ana A ., asai ,,, '. I . ....... .-.,... -..,! ; v.f ,::.,.. :rz .: z .. ":",,:.:: r.r:: : smiiin. -round thworid.w uuj u ti. & ....., . , .. m t.uL .:-i. i nun n ill in: iiiouc mi.,. . ll'll oi the Ihiaga that will in- et rid of long winded gpaechas ,, JBatt A- th W i'' I most every woman who and to get down to actual work y Acro8b ' .,. ' ' loads in the Am U ..man's that will produce results. ., , , . , jny jjosi uui'iiiwi l"'iv 'Kit Home Companion. wiiiia," aweomim with i:i that tht that the factor to Mr. . J. H. Ann. bare li.e.d.-. morning for . County ranch. Moniiiiieiit Knterpi AttilON NEAT TKIS11E TO Till I OWN HOOSIbK. Thoro are always a men in It) or town wi, : for its advancement than all the others combined, as leaders und pathfinders in new movements I us Heir ul tuuaf Slrauitu A oung man (v I will hold iVKidaiaui ; acvuiu.t liKikinj: to public improvements e'ly named ii j . Burr has l--eo .' 1 '-ranch n llar- on the first and third Saturdayi Ofoouraatha rank and tile of i whowanbr". 'ht of each inonib ai tlu-C. A.Swe-k the people are belimd maii.-i- of over fr01" Pluah Monda Aitb Bring in any- this character but without those the editor, -in .1 in tlm . thing you hi and get wm, lut. tu. ilUaliVt. U1i .,uu. aoaday morning, lb evi- money for it. Special ul- .,Iv the steam and hot air. if oik dently in the !o t .,,. k i ' I out tention gi. in the pieaseni (lW things an d consumption ur paaomonia gHL .:.'; minor country. in the way of exploiting there- he assayed the trip from I lerstam. w- L SMITH, tjourceb and opp,; tunities of any but us there was no pin value of crulratt ulti- uul of ru-lors. Auctioneer. community. mere ne insisted or comiinj here Some men are naturally built where he could obtain medical !.a.uie Cough Syrup for on this plan und most of the attendance. The remain the pi ing and old is prompt relief others ure looking to them for the bunds of Coroner Wallace, rj Iuk'Ii for coughs, croup, hoarseness, udvice und guidance. They ure who is muking un effort to locute . I whooping cough. Gently laxa- not only valuable in the growth his friends ur relatives. I.ake- ie uu iiuaianteeu. ooui oy ine or a city, but ure invaluable. A VM5W xajuiner. $ that phase Welcome I'liaiinacy, Burns, Ore., tribute to their class is thus paid ItlKHfcH IMKftliV COUNTY M4N 00 NtO? ucording to a news dispatch from Marysville, California, a i tin-name of William Sis- is drowned there recent lv. and it i-. thought by several peo- in i that it was possibly the Billy Sisaon who fonnerly lived m hern art of thiheoun- I lure he was in the stock ass, later selling out to tin mcricun Land & Live Stock (',. i in- dispatch says: "Two men ure held pending an i nation following the ning yesterday of William i n in the Sacramento river at in. Sisson was in a boat with two companions, who gave their norms as Cornelius and Smith Tba boat capsized and drowned, while the .m ash"! neliue had started to pack up his ba- paratery Io starting ,ada, when the officers compelled him to remain until the inquest, as there waa regarding the ex act manner in which Sisaon was drowned." Fok Sai.k Desert land claim. 320 acres in desirable location, on which second annual proof has boon made. Purchaser can have option nf as.-iiKiiineiit or re linquishment. Inquire at this office within kSJ days. Booting and building paper, ist economical and up-to-date material ever used for these purposes. All these good things to be hod at C. H. Voegtly'a. I SAMAfJbcuw attr I , ...... 1 1 . h 1..I, o.Ir i i i i onna lata a...,, i ..ifuiwir i .., . . i i'i,', ', '. 'p , , . . i . . i . i . ...., m- '.I " . .1 ... I ..i... u MO " i ii min . . .iimi .nun i .ii inr 0 rtftMiM k INUMIIT I . : , ..... 5: a a Nov a fwaj, csel tilau ( let r at lbs : Harney Valley Brewery Saloon nit ltKI.h.s nh Ml ANzs ( wmol Htxt (Quality NKLSON ollM.ll. I'roinulurn. Hum. OrrgNM In BJI .1.1.1 I . btt, I AKSOLU1 ELY FREE ' Tho Sleepine Co. ' Dm,.'! IJtVM AHU.O. ( TTHEBLST THE CAPITAL SALOON, l in- 1 1 I DON Burns, - - Oregon. 3clo Xiiio Hoa.d.q.vuartox-9. V ines Liquors and Cigars. hilliard and Pool labks. Club Rooms In Connection. I. L LEWIS will ba (lao to (iralah PARTICULARS and PRICES To aartas otiirisf INFORMATION. Sot lis laiiMoa) PESNNS. iA$. Wi rttai wl m 3 L7 &-' u K ;1 -gaa- Hill .3 utitTicAi imjs V ; . i v BUI Over uOO "' Bautlful m-nu'ia m-,. bbGb BBBB I rim.il . MTI wiM.. J . m MONUVu ANT, Slion? No. i nl Haines. Harney, Ore. in a jiaraKraph we timl floating' Job printing The Times-Herald Wanted - Fifty or 76 head of stock to pasture Chas. WlUION, burns, Oregon. . !.; G. A C. MEKRIAM CO . uMl.slicra, Sprlaa'Uia, M The Burns flouring Mill J , ) i iVNf, Propt mm w ' i ii mii i. pkocess h i ti) i b'ullij i -i i FIOLi, mm BARLEY, CHOP, AND All kinds of Will Kd always on Hand 1.11- IP uHiiibl lAlaal PQOI paid ton dooo iillino WMlaT CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sale Job Printing.