frhr 7unr0-$CNUrt i 1 1 V II I M IK, IWR I ITION ' TKS Month! I I I v HI i:n Sf) little grain was blown down. The grain mips were matiriiilly benelitlc-d I'Wt the yield thl Oil will not lie up to the jr. "ii account of the unfavorable weather early in the spring. OUT new holders are not disiomari d, however, and are prorarinu for Maaam larger acreage next season I IV 1.0 sih1 quotations from theout- NO. Mtl. Hi hurt of I),.- i mi, I! II An .,f Iti side indicate an upward tendency HARM v mi T NAIMMAI MM of BU" in cattle. This will bo good nev . .or. ,.,. in ..-'iii' io mi' growers oi inis seenon as they ill no doubt soon have r-'" ; - - Irnftr - M-t-.l nn.l mifwrr I iBdlMMtWt Iri'tilatlmi Prealnmim i . . iiomix Ronda, . Mnnk Mm haVM f n r n I f ll I ami fl ttttrro Mil. mm rtattoaal Rath fi . ajMHl Mil.. 1- i r.-'rv Hff ni .... ' nirniiii Mui rrnpii ,,',, emphatic m its - i ,u.,k. expression ol di rMt i.ii mil,, l I- live i when- the .1 mi. Mom ment had discriminated in fora I Mil t I 'ion) ipiite a number to turn oil. At a rtcenl mooting of the ad visory board of the Grant County Stock (trowel iation the i e matt rs to the disad :' local stockmen, i Painting and paper hanging A. Ilorton. MARRIED At the home of the bride's mother, in this city Wed , hily lo. Lenora. daughter ol Mr Goo, Shelley. and Mr Claude It. Mrown. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. .1. Irwin in the BT once of a lew near Yelativo: J the con- tractlng partita. The bride is a Karnes county girl and she has lived in tin ; city since a bib She is quili a favorite with her i- school friends. Mr Mrown is (lie -on of Mr. and Mrs. .1. . Brow n u ocJatad with his father in i inUMtlttfl and build He isa ver stead young man of good habits and iiKiustrioiis. i lie ceremony was followed by a delicious luncheon. The happy couple were the n , i pients of many handsome and Useful presents among them be- tng a carving sot by Miss Grass Cary; Hariland tsaeaps and sw ship agreement WSI executed: One application ol and the thousand dollars paid. Pile Remedy, for all forms ol tl... u- o.,.w.i oi, diffortitiPiles. soothes, reduc inflame- routes to buy cattle, and were to tion, soreness and itchinr and keep in touch 60c uuaranwea. ooia o Welcome rnarniiu , imiui meet at Mums ami iei with each other from day to day by phone. The BttgOfM man not hearing from the other for more than a week became suspicious. and made some investigation and found that no Letter of Cre dit had boon placed with the Canyon Hank as represented, the one shown probably being a for gery. and that theEfl ''in Stock man had evidently skipped leav lag him a flOOO poorer hut mud wiser. Prairie CitJ Miner. PRIVATE SALE Price . The Ore.. Pred Haines, Harney, Ore NOIICK Koi; PUBLICATION CM I Hi ITU IS AND "1 i llunm Ori'K"M. ' Nolli'e I" lnr,ii' (Iran dial i I th i Martha l' "i Rnrni. orrKxi li , nn Jtma W, I ' vnitii h'ul. m.-lil, fol ', Ml',, N I, SV i .- nnlti, Hhiikii i 'iriMm, hM nloil Bdtlrn oilmen. i 'nal rr.iof, l.i tttaMllh , l!in to I ivrr. l Humr, ' lr .1 MIIU'I mr nllBN " I homM F Moinrf. I' i. Pi .1' ( llunm. Oreirori, mhI nl N'ltrniwi, Of, in receipt of .. bulletin from the ricultural college on tin mb- l thinning fruit. Tiler. iP 'i w fruit i n in tin i that nosd the thinning pro - Our cold backward Spring did the work qui illy. r Mi and Mi II I' Cotton; silver knives, forks and soons, Mr. .'mil Mrs. J, Hrown; nap- ,;.;' kins, Mr. and Mrs. I). I . Jordan; . mil creamer and sugar. Mr. and Mrs , fsrvhi Ml;!" -'-' ""'""l i in i "run dish and ipoosDi Mrs. Qso, 8h( 111 v; bonbon dish, Mr. and i.ii t, i ..-, kaawataaatai SUP I .1. Harrison; hand paint ed plate. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wei . gams plate. Miss Floss Mui "I in demand. d prices apj bo lent offered turn their attention to raising mules instsad of bor .Main have thought that I tion of the countrj was not suit mules and as Industry h di-i ::.. talein.nt that mull lo ;i on and have in mule- I tiie mi, the valle to go into the in the i ammai . , brinv I ths time is no u , i muk at maturity BJBgSS. IN MHI ilnriii f. i I li. h'.m nun, ,- I lmik. -I" - ,'Hr lhi Id ' iflilrr - I -.'. urn t" l.,l,M.. in. Mil ITIh toy ,.( Jal l! Ml Mm- . i I . I Ml klNNK, i M h, Din Richard on Mi 0. W. and Mi I I. C. Foley, picture. Mr. and i 'levenger; $10 Mr. I i iry. Mesdames A. K. Richardson. FMST NATIONAl BANK OF HI (A- m m a. i N. Ba Wm. Miller and C. F. McKinm-v furnishod nies roses fordecora- i;on Mr and Mrs. Hrown will soon take up their residence in the II B. Felton cottage when tin will he at liome to their many friends. The Times-Herald in these friends in extending well Irishes and happiness. OUT ONI: THOUSAND DOLLARS. Wishing to l-ave this Valltn for personal reason I now have concluded to make a privatl of every thinr owned by myself except horses. listed as follow- OnogangS disk plow;ons gane L molillioard stuble )ow; on Single Oilpon plow. 16 inch; one DsoHng Header, new, one Ne McCormkk mower, one New M Coimick rake, one now walking plow. 12 inch, two wagon.s, one .'(J inch and inch; one New seeder; fifth ch lin and many things wrhu li are of uMin the farm such M SMI sledges, wedges, carpenter tools and all farm tools, garden tools, etc. Household furniture -uit-able for kitchen (including a range) parlor ami two bed roOBsti I will save you at least in K?r cent on all goods for sale. Call and see me at the Fair Co Hinds and get prices and ask to B the goods. C l. BsUNDOM, NOTICE Fol: PUBLICATION I'VITI I. -Mil- I.AKDOI lino urn llin' ' -. iii. i.r Rnrni 1 1 . , ' I mlli, I ii,. MrMn. hn i.i. i limn in I... inn, I nbnvu .li'x'iii ' il li. I.,, i It. nl R,irn, orriri". nil ' i inlmmil iintnoi, n wltnMMfl' r li nf n b ii Ki'lll Xl.lllll. of -.',I. "f Hurt SPRING AND SUMMER HARW , eess ' mul ii THIS Mn VANTI I"' KNOW. the Hononbk D tlmmgh your ratual to I am : . ' D igh in tii from th tiler saloon the line. Men . i i,re and get mad if I d n have whisky. 1 would asl. torne;. to please specify win ma tod, also v. : , dnin . men in this loity who get gloriously drunk ip I'm- a w. e. a! a time and then go t" WOffh ; while. habitual drunk;:i ify the sj i.i e- a- 1 d Ml to III', .ml to gambling: do you draw the . Will the dtisei dlowod to i in watered stocks, railr. id and mining shares, and will small gambler- and racing men prohibited? . ill to pass a law to ths old Hlue la. and :ix-! all ritissni to I., Saints : then On gon would go thun doring down to future tii,-one thai had inaugurate,: the glorious millennium. 1: Cii HAM. Donlo, July il, m Haakla DM from KMtaMl SSSM o It) - IBI ml llm. ' i ' MIOI9 Saaki N i II. I . M li tan In i .lu 'IKII.MMU Itaaai i n , , ,M A prominent stwk dealer of Bugens Oregon, passed through 1'rairie Cilv this week, and while lure found that he had been made a victim of a clever swind ling scheme, whereby he is a nnl dollars loser. It seems 'hat laiming to be an n tockmaii. hers for the purpose oi buying and shipping a 0 head of cattle. and having what purorted to be ! tier oi ( ivilii for $96,000 from a well known Eastern bank. .idiln i! to ban!.- at Canvmi ( il.v and Burns, offered to take the Eudone stockman as a part - 1 n,r in the deal and asked him to put up a thousand dollars as evi dence of good faith. A partner- KOTI01 FOR 1'rni.' ' " (ltollil.'l in,. I 1 II 111 Ii I l' Ml I'-. I IIuiim, .,ri(iii Jnn. 190a. ) Nn'lrr ii hi rrbr iln I ha I aid '"'l"l Ill I nil I 'Hill',-, im pro, ' rrr- appro, ,'.i jnaai7, inn S'l-ui. ,,:: "nrr at piii. ii, aai .i ni In, V ii atlblxiffl,, i Mn, 1 I p M Mi, .,r,.ii i UiiiiliiK i.',ih.-. an I i Ullni ,,l ,,l,),', li 'InKiialr.l In, Itll NOTIOI rOB PUBLII l ION I'M i ii' sr 1 1 liiirin, i irtffnn, luna i !! i , Ivor i I noil i, hinm .'taliilmi lain I I abort 4a rlbcd, liafori' ih' K(li Hur- r. ir,'Kon. larw mil iininpa n i, II C I'lilillp li smllh. Kiinr.1 Jor.l, ll. . nl liniii. " I , GARDEN SEEDS, GARDEN HOSE, I ARDEN RAKES, GAKDEN HOES I SPRINKLERS. HOSE FITTINGS,,.. 9f9m:.- : I -Kte99lmi0 asa4 Nails, Barb Wire and Harvesting Ma Soon to arrive by the car load. Long Distance Barb Wire half miU bale, soon to arrive. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIM1 GEER & CUMMIN i 'it, al oath, hrlr 1 1 in i. PaMi Im,'. I', i NOTICE VOU PUBLICATION s,. sw .11, I M I. I. -,T1 Mum. i in, ,.. ',''' lll lhl I n. iworti The St rriard Bred Stallion PROG RESS I rial. 2t30 Will Stand the Season of 1908 at the Fair Grounds, Burns, Oreg. PROORBSS, No, div. ,. bay HaaJles Khu I ly MaWo, 11404 In Albort .- ',,, - m, ' ', ,, (l, . Hcnirinl, If 1 TERMS: $15, $20, $25 l'Mlurt' furnlHliotl lor ui.ires troni a disliiMLi.'. I ' ttSH ,'oii.n lars call on or adilnvts (U;. D. HA(ji:n. Burns, H con. Burns Meat Ms New Shop Opposite the First Uank . I,M, ,, Hi-ma', l a, I i l.linanl J Wllllaiu- tlllia. II I WIIIUlul ..i,in ll.ii.. il A lnii Kll... . i tvgmu. w t a n i I ' Ol INTESES1 Ii) llAtllEKS. County Bupt Hamilton has dreular n Suu. Bu with ii lf pubUsl "Our last edition of ths Btats tad; bonce il , ible for many applies ths forthcoming August e .ruination to OOUrSSS of .stud from winch to make rsparation for -sucli d, Tharsfore, no qm in u ,y snhjafrt in Uken from ths Btats oourss ol study for th Augut 1906 oxamina- II KAI.M li M0N0AV. ii IUM I j- ikai U -. ii ,1 J V.S84B1 ' ! WIS Jul), IMa. ara Mutaa N lan rutin. i,.r oiaaaa Ml Mi)K III 1 11 REED. . Wa aSM Uiil lin-' Iii il,e j(""V-yril n m im nal, liui ki,,. yum ayWl aai taaaad Awt ' ' l. ixl In real. . I, I, Hi , I i-- il,. , oar l.uiiii- an. I i.U.- laa ; i ii - .in, i u .i 1 1 I,,,., ii.. li. II. ligSM of liMvan tuu. u, ar, aailj aaaaias I ,,i Iom n datpii n,. .in, , Bui knoa yoa arr r. U 1 1 li oar hvi.,r ami ,,ur i Kmi n alia la ba i Aii'l in n nl; k,., ,' wur.i lafeaa, .ii assaas Bill bjm,. our aorruw Mill ! injul, i Ml will tiw away ur loan,, I Itara ara will aaoai aa mm i 1 ,i- a,, will haw BO I. AT COST FOR THE NEXT 30 DAY8 Hardware, Crockery and Tinware Paints, Oils, Windows and Doors. Vehicles and Implements AT REDUCED PRICES Gome in and take advantage of the Middle Man's Profit. J. J. TUPKER, Burns, Oregon. .--a) vya . .. v,-. A Complete Line of Everything PRESCRIPTION SERVICE OUR SPECIAL FEATURE Stationary, Burnt LMtlMrOooda, Books, Jow- elry. I ountaii: POOS, Novella-.. Tob Pl Home Supplies of all Kind.; CITTT 3DI5TTCr ST'E H. M. HO. - ''' . . L Vour palm i.ikc suliciud. M. .1 HAN8I M BaaMBiBaaMM anaaav . - iaaa f i HsMaaaKar- "IP! 4 ; in th HA. IWVJiK JACKSON. DRY GOODS, FURNISHINfiS, SHOKS, HATS AND CAPS 3-:rocei2:e:es Fruit, Vegetables, Soft Drinks. Confec tioner, Cigars and Tobacco. mio St., Burns, Oreuon JsH osi hml,, House in intl NtAlLVMJKNiMi.Ji ALLOLTSII Headquarters for Traveling IVlenB mrs. ulla MAK UN, Front., Bur i BURNS LIVERY AND FEED MOW IH & LOCAL AN0 PfcHSONAI. I ill 1 luilliiK 'llin 'J'llni- II R 0. bV vrtr ttnm BU irar CrsskTbu Wa; -I lo each at J. C. Weloocns & Son. V'. ('. Cecil wa ,,wr tlSJSfl Silver creek Monday. win. miisstl and Chas. Craw I'inl asrs in th- city Thui T. M. Johnson of I'urllaiid, (i. If, Rydar of Rydsr Bra .. printer., of liaker City and 11. S. Pattie, also of baker I n i on husiness. Thev i-amn I over from Boksr in Si) automo- AlUT a continued dry spell of l,''t' darabls lsngth Ni wciv isi-, A car load of New Moline wa ted I i.v a heavy rain storm Mon- gOOS just in at C. II VoSfftLv'a day which has brightened crop Tbaso are the bast and ch, BIGGS STOCK FARM One mile north of Burns 1 am hrsaniag Standard Bred Horses and I'uland China Hogs. My breeding stock is of the best both to brosdiiuj and individually. My young stock are for sals at reasonabl. ..II limes. 1 guarantee every animal old to DS S3 actlv as ivpresented. I have aajaaajj pp fur aajg ,iat wjj n lj for delivery in August and Sepiemb, f SPECIAL OFFERS. No. 1. One 2 year old stallion by Dazzler gJH ban Psychs by Cupid SOI (a full brother to EUdne) Dilloi u Dillon 1 :58i.) He is fit to race or head sn) rofti, uui you can see mm trot at any time at th (rounds, and then see his speed. Good size, stvl. tion. No. I .'i-year-old riily well bred her Dam (lUy Wilki I,. Very stylish good action and will maki u trery ehoias Driver or lirood mare. No. li. One Parker Sow will weigh httsJOW 100 lbs and due to farrow in August by my Registereil Harney Ideal, No. 49278. All the above are in good condition and Nos. 1 for use and will be priced right if taken soon. J. W, BIGGS, Burns, Oregon. - .. mm Mtsa e lair and ao GREEN RIVER WHISKEY TheJVhiskeij Without a Headache I his Ulebrriu-il WhlShsj has been Uhed for the nasi SO years In Ih. ( . i.,,,Hals. Army and Nav, .,., MOMMl ol lis purity. Mighty retomnicndcil by all IcaUiiiK SOJ I r teSBUy use as u tonic ami si ulant. Kor sale by only one dealer in each town THE BURNS ilOTEL BAR SOLE AGENT HENRY RK IARDSON, Proprietor WINEK iJQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous and.Oblitfing Bar Tenders KVKKYTHINC FIKST-CLASS DUOR IN Centrally Located and Connected with Hotel Burns J QARRITT, I'. Sjn fin I Iti inn m it: iJui.s A' hi in nd ilKM LI II ii II mi il OH Imii i ilr,. II u Spjcial Aaefltiua (liven lo Conducting funerals 4 NEW AND ACCURATE BAY SCALES IN CONNEXION HITH BARN lueraoie. unerain receded by a severe uind wagon, in ib. country. Also the elie buggies, and Henne.v hack , that shook things up some and I Call and get prices. They an took away about all the dust, j bought for cash, and no middle The wind did no material damage1 man's profits are counted in. THE ANDERSON HOTEL K. J. McKINNON, fropt. The old favorite Family Hotel where quests receive Special Attention and Quod Service. HOME COOKING. MEALS 25 Cent Feed Barn in Connection SOUTH BURNS, OREOON-Near Fair Orounds. iU'NMNM- :i.iiililliii,: .:;jr.;. The OVERLAND HO! EL Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to be itud in Burnt' County CUEAN ROOMS, CuEHN LlNNEfl, Pflb.-tTflBliL VICTUAliS The patronage of all guests under the old management iK-cially sylicited. Partes pox d-siy, $1,25 Jamet. A. Funning, Maimer. mmuimmmwwimmnammwu..immmmmntm,.,, "JI4JJJJJ BURNS IY1ILLIN HORTON fc 8AYrR, H Rough anr. Dre sed Rustic, Flooring, iVI Finishing Lum -rest Suwm I o Burns. Lumber Yard in Bu !lUl THE TIMES-HI Job Printing he