ftl ime-91rnlft Pnpor "( Harney Cottnt) large! eltenlatlon an.l ln.' nl.rHlni! im'illiimfi In Ksatern W 2l t m t$ BURNS. HARNEY COUNTJ fiefala 18. 1908 f H r Wnrny Cannfrn th an r i( SV4SM09 arret nf laml. ' I" entry I i nl'li.- Irtrnl law r.f I RUt. . ! !-: JON. JULY Mo. :'-, RE 8PBCH Ii HOHl Ml? n prom OF BIRDS m'Tcial CI n there has WASH M i about the great political campaign that i.q before u.-i When dairy- 01 pub- IBTUttl Til OKKiON SHEFP INSPECTED men got together they discuss CHIEF JUSTICE BEAN SAYS OREGON Sat for RrlKr ly nf lno stmt llion iitheasfern eonditkna pnd animal Herman T. L Plntey Dregonian, i and to pre- inil animals M' I.ohlmnn in's iii!' )een remiifl idi com Thsj OSr- lipment anil D vnr- kinl ami nni- KMKi miles By ami LaKi ining many in a can f hsrdshis . were cm tin- I last tired Home Ird and am- ! iiw more than belief thai immediate ii our wild there are antelope in trtiet kid ha- Mope is an bj natme. i hi lie-, the last of ililid the all- in extinct 111. 1 still found B tne tunty, live rv, . good roads; it is the same with fruit growers, while automobile owners have become veritable cranks on the subject. " An insistent demand, coming from ever.v seel ion of the state, SB made upon the Portland Commerci:.! ( lull to call some chmracl .-rosentntivo SSSSt IANS NEED EODCATINO. ii if Sack Work Netted More Than I (filiation at Preet Tlmf-Clont Stadeat at OrefeaV ledettrtal Condition'. A Salem dispatch to the Jour- 'nal says i.i i inir tn iIibpii n ntHinfinoi r.i.n ino i jrctron COmTTURfllOTl wherel-v !) Oregon mnv have conservation of the states n- r highway. President W. w"v '" chlH Ju K. New. 11. of the Stat,- Hoard of Be"- "n"1(i " sdoeata the Hortictiltur. . ha I written to the people to tne neefi i economv in (liib asking that action be taken without delay. A nimilarreuur I i, , .t. W. Rai-!'" nwl wore at tm time-tnan , onimjs. legislation. legislation thai in er, mi behalf of the dairy in- f l",,'",v x:,h f ll.rev's i.iul the linnki.rsnf Port- servatloll of resources W fllll.V landau.! and town- sslal wo,,M irritate people ot the state M mind on Sd STOOll probably be harmful ihesubji ; i of thecitieRIHt nrfi- iiii-,.iuMi..Mi Omcmn nm bnilrlino- Justice Ban is a close student high class hard surface pave-1 ' OrsfSBlB inSSStlia eondMom. ments. and .-...rvwhere you go Hs k a member of the Oregon Pables in Mang. a.i ..ii.:.... i commission recently niinointed In I astures New iiu mm men imik im w.hhi " - RESOURCES press, and to encourage the lishers in their labor by increased patronage. Tak an inter' in the work by paying "Rv COMD TFO J1U.V I ami km copies and mailiug them regul PORTS LL (HADE. ly to eastern friends. The papers' advertise your advantages week in and out. It is certain that public spirited newspaper man gives the public he more than value rscoived for e erv dollar turned hi wav. And The primary work of tll0 ,'.,, g(wA in an , for the mnnitit... u whino- tn nttrnet et- tlers. Lakeview Examin. NO i RKHPAHHI I ' . IIIM '- fill '.'.litre pun m v i tiitif linn i r will U- c II VOKUl LY NO IHKSI'AsMlNt; .assssm wmmmmm m tmtttt i NEW SPRING WAISTS PhfcK) of Work of Roraa l Skowa aad NnmlK-r ol SaMi Saa RHoctd I row Srvrateta ta Twaatf Coat. PARTUI I 1ST OE NEW BOOKS Noll that limit ing aid homing upon '" molixit land -I id I in I, ninl .V Miiwk i i -trir' Ibrhid Irti i. h I liunl- ina nr In i nidi .1 lure, completed the inapec- to ,h mil ,.,, ,,f tl u I It. Hut. Ranch Maaagar al I the federal stock in- ctors, working in (begon un- the direction of lr. S the use of our resources. It h mj opinion that educational v, ft of new m ,m Following is a continu of on the sheh s nf tin almut the tirsl .I nt month. Save the list for fatun nee: FICTION. Frying Oeath A. Ten Nights in a Har Room Arthur Ade Ade v. iiii birui . !i; illeretl ill extinct or yean It the plume knows of ml on . c" in Roads. ' 'ilt of all this it has letermined to hold an "Ore gon Goad Roads Conference" in the ( mi .( iition Hall (6th floor) of the Port land Commercial Club, iav August 11th. with morn ing afternoon and evening ses lofl No interest in the state to a more anxious to have a part in devclopinp. the good roads sentiment into a reah.-.a- ili railroads, and as a result a rate of a faro and a third lias been made for this meotin ill be good the OhamlM-rlain and Adventures of Klizaheth m by Covernor attended the meeting of that Runen body in Portland this week. ;,,,t Alden. "Oregon is getting a creditable Standish of Standish start in this work, and the visit Pride and I're.iud this week of Secretary Garfield Sense an I Sensibility has helped greatly." says the GhflT Fawoa. chief .item. Of course the Ancestors first thing to be ioM is to pre- '""" Vlajl Huron, pare reports to b submitted to F"iir Pool's Mysien th. president. The president Hell ol Howling (irivn then will call another conference Measure of the Rule and the material will gaj pr.-ptired Ibeak.-r- ahead for its presentation lo congress. Ten to Seventeen. Th.- u.itl. f the commission is Treasut f P.m. enormous, but the character of day liefore and the da. after the l"' m-mlerslnp is such that I niraumniHU'inuru metin so thnl il mac 1 do leu believe the memlKTs Will Chips of UW Flying I i ever the second day if necessary. ntatiiif pragnuB will ba prepared, bttl there will be no eon ii will be secured and practical ii ii cussed. nls Associate- ' pi-rate as m ataaa asaMBjggj 01 ill be an noii n- . t hin a few i1. . . but all commercial and industrial bajdatJ, county judges, county commis- edltora, and mu.Mirs. will be authorised to appoiol del- .egates and urged to have a good l. pi rS present. Hun. .lames R. Garfield, Sec- of th lnierior. und Hon. I'. 11 . veil. Chief of theUnit- l;. i Lunation Service. i n Portland. Amirr Au : ..Au Alls!' ' Ausii i A i 1 1 s ..Attn A Anou) I p Bui Hai i (iallanl line Pun Hun Hum turn of I he sheep of this state and the returns that have lieen I'u ved at the Pendleton bureau imal industry office show treating things. tiicieBey of the present state law and the benefit that the stat. receive, from the work done by the government are two things that are very evident. rV yes ago when the sheep of . ,, , , ,,.,,,.,,, pn.inpt Oregon were insiHH-tiil by thel,,.,, , , , ,(,.. r,,( icdeial men it was disclosed that MMSfNM a (lSAMI ! 4-T percent of ihe sheep of the ! iii were affected with scabhies. I'ndii the provisions of the law even sheep in thej k a j Irwin will teaata .1 state was dipHl. th.' work Is-ing HAriiMN n. j,,( Su.i.biv af aaeh none mnween April an.i M'ptem- ,,,ntli at 11 a. m. and :.) her. Hahl.atli . l.n.il iivt.rv aahhalli j "-" KOI hoing nun' i n giw nnr parniiai alii'i.M-.n In 1 1 1. ol id- cini. an. h li- - !i'i- Iiai I pi m 1 with Mr. I Ml l'i II I... VI 1. J 1 I . . ... .1 . 1 1 . 1 l. J - " - " - ' I '' ' ' '" RrlifliMK Srkf Jusl received a beautiful line of ladies' waists in Kmhroideried. lace and net waiata for Spring. Something Very Stylish in Lawn and Silk Our dress goods department will show s very attractive display nf lawns. Silk Mulls, Morcori.ed (hambrays, Corrine Suitings and Ingomars These goods are Ihe latest production for this season. New Embroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of India Linons. 0r shoe dfpartment is complete ine ery way and we can s itisiv the most fastidious in loot wear. Kememher w carry the ROYAL VVORCHSTKK ( 'ONSET loose their nthiisiuam for thi A Sane Lunai great worl.. Miss liaggs Baa ...ii-lirld yivesijov- Miss Archer A re I emor Chamlierluin eredit propoi Through .me Administration itlg the eonl'erenee of goveni' railed last May by tat at Bodal 8ecretarj According to Mr. Garfield tbl In!" 'he l'rimilive.. proiMisul was made In Governor I' in l'ip- " . . rL 1 1 aington will be - namberlain uunng the seasion neriut in making 1 0I "w national irrigation congress ' n'"' The basis I Sacramento last year while Only thi ".uvernass governor l-hHiiilterlain was prtv inoi ijko uuier iiins .sideiit of thai lioii.v." No. 101 In the Country "KM" INDIAN SCASE. Marabbaa A correspondent at Lyle write Maul at Arms of an amusing Indian "scare" ! (Maims and Counter Claims told by Colonel Frank J. Park. . Goodwin the well known journalist -s Wife QSSBB. inerl.v ol Walla Walla: Silas I ean Maitland I I lank .). I'urker, pioneer min- In the Heart of the Storm Gray er, General Howard's old scuui an Old Msnse in the Indian WOT of 1S7. news- pgfjar man. later I'nited Stm I Tales communities a rapn ington under Kutledge .1 through then i al Cleveland, now retired reiding Substitui This year the federal insec tors commenced an inspection try 1 and all the sheep of the stale were inspected lietween that time and July 1. RafSftj 1 from Ins nnn by Mr. Met lure show that out of the neop in the state only fniiiid to 1 bescabbv I In . -.) , ,, ,,, ,, .,11 .lipiie.l twice under the aupervis ton oi . Federal r and all expo' -I sheep Wi-re dipiail once. 1 mber 1 another in- all the heep in the state will I., started and il will I :-. ipiiie three months to comjil, ti the work. A I thai time all segb- Huriuii hv shoi p. it any, will he dipia-d. Murte t The in -iM-ciion just closed Bern. -Huwing counties I'.ui iitely frw- fmm scab: 1 iker. Wallowa, (irant. Wheeler, 11 Crook. Shtnnun, Wasco. Gilliam. Carey Morrow and Harney. tryi This mu-Umatilla county had in p. tn tin. II... . lund i - IiimiI in.-, t at 2 o'clock ir Ii Siimlay aiel n cordial inviiai. sdsi I" all arho can nli.-ii.l ft I ' I t Ii n At III.' I'" II . Ino. h Ibitna. I'cv. A J Irwin paator Dosha -. m 1. - th' Muni .n.i iniitiii Hunriaya nf f-n Ii iimni Ii ... II and FlaW p "..' ' onl al 10 a in .-in , tuorulng Brown's Satisfactory Store. .ma e. . ittnnmM!' Forgot 1 harles Corelli Chan d Mi and other agencies for ad-1 in Portland, has just concluded a Monolov uiitiug fol ds. In all uowy er two dui;- la- found 111 the '.M.s rtisine. should commence at trip up the advantage of the changes that Columbia, noting Priest and Pagan haw been mad. Accomplice .loiiiat rates which will be in offset from Sept 1st to Oct. Hit No state in the Union has received greater benefit through those colonist rale:-, than Oregon id at SO tune in the history of -. . re more people ex Ig g determination to come H) make their (icrmanent home. John Sharpe Williams, I nited States Sinatiir irotn Mississippi, and prolan. . as tht had Is tin . a Hi.-- natal- If ;eetl Ulgbi d - tan Ul W il. lis I and g half my. land- is' or sage bird, hut ling oil rap- hold their pheasant Ithe soo'. i new and m nail 1101 work. is a 1 ie county a.-, in a New cow' tin 1. w 1 found loll ot the oiony This Ii ti tc and the Olll 1 1 1 ..... and breed- fiowl on the if it.s tin- Culled r.;s. anient) Inis to have nontl. itisens g the la-st been more iiong since he and other miners floated Miss Ik'llard's Inspiration from the Dalles to the CaSSstSS lb. wells in an Indian canoe, in 18G4. Suburban Sketches ljg Colonel Park. ssed regret Fennel und I: llowells that SOO ,- ths gSSSSSOttS Seen- II. -. i sStmnge Hmtorv .luck ery of the Cascades had to 1 MrssSllsveis King Ja ; ruthlessly obliterated by ih. I 'augliter cent railroad consti uci aith King Bofosa lakni).'. the Portland Capt I'.lake ..King 1 ruin, the old ininer-sc ait related lodii lire King a little incident that will clear up Joan of Garioch Kinross if the old-timers, what The Iron Had Ia was reported falsi-ly at the tune Donovan C.ill to be an Indian outbreak. The Supn ift 1900 scabby sheep, whereas a : .1 I2,(KK). The 1900 heep found this year w.r, lipK'd in May and when ' 'I again June 20 were fo.md free from disease. Then ih now no scab in Umatilla 1 i.v. Nearly all of the scab n... istmg 1- found in lake and Msl ! counties. Most of the scab ands in southern Mal- Hawtboni ' i owned by Spaniards. Harris I men were slow to dip last Hai 1 - 1. cub in Lake county Herford ' by a Ijand of bMssll Hopkins In the Willamette valley there Hill 1 no scab excepting among u 1 niall bands iii Douglas 1 I. t Oregonian. The Last Star RE8TAURANT I lima IMS and II Mraala. fflBaiic AT ALL HOUH Bsikwey in ennnsetior, A Sftcisll v el Shsrl Oi sm. TSMs furiiiNl.. il il Ii 1 ll.a niarki-i nil -.nla VeSI patron aa anl.cii. The Hiuaey Valley Brewing Co. Mltlttlfdl l tllMI t'l arid. lamllv SSMSSI ' IMivery T. E. jFNRiNb, M .nager You Must Slccpl 1 Pr ' I AAM asp -st sutr I 1 1 Ml I 1 I' i.,lM4aUr iniMrl,r"l Kaalilt. I -nl, '. .lf.( Mt li. ' '1 ( -i.'-. Bra '. ; I , .. . ..I II It IX . .lU'.UUII imi mot nt or nfic ioa SaliSm I El! n. ..rtiaMl rarM 1 m4 . ABSOIA IKLY I (EE -.sr nssw j sss Cnf B a (sai, ceal ilass al Iter al Ike Harney Valley Brewery Saloon m imih 1 oh t 1 h ism ( 'iff am of IU'nt inutility NKUU A (H.IM-H. 'ioomi i..;. Hum,. O : : : THE CAPITAL SALOON, rui 1 11 a niiM 1. w, p.. p Burns. - Oregon, ex1co Xlalo Hotd.q.-u.axtoia. V lies I Iquori and Cigars. Milliard and Pool Tables. Club Rtioms in Connection. 11 11 isaoat IHt icaa coat m ustli 1 SI I El 1 1 . I tpeden -tory runs that General Howard s Kunning Wat' BSS08 to fill UM , ,, t. scout, with a CajrUM Indian Mr. Kris Kringle Mi" Chautaugua Association, was Kuide, waa en route to m ten .ubUtrk Mt-i tendered a reception at the Port- CrSnaisJ Howard and army in Daughter of Aodrss land Club Friday Harney valley. They had in .McCue night. SUNSET NOTIS. In gat hall SSSM 1 , in. jiu.st Ims Inch ban JUSt closed be proud of our last .-pruiK they 1 Mow. Mn Hi Mai ' Munii Mil"" M N Cl.lBBINtj Pk()IHSITIt)N U e have arranged to offer in , los with this paM.'i. 1 K' n. monthly farm magazine ju.m . al Lincoln, Nebraska, by H a CasaajMlaadd ed lo the subjsat "f how to farm dr country and how to ' 1. iults from soil tillage norsssl saadltiona Tins I'.ilM-r in Campbell's Scientitic "d we offer it clubbed 1 I iiiies-Terald Ijoth for 1 s r year cash. Prof. Camp- w paper is a monthly, lull of good tilings, th . y, , . . - liajier of its kind in the I 1 il C i world, and it omuodiefc it f the editor's many years f as st . isa ' "' MLiafal pa t Th Slwcpine Co. IUmo. 1. 1. :. ,1 Uivn jw.o. camp on th hssialwataaTW of Owy- (iuueriiig of hale .er. Iieiir Sllt r 'it (i,,l(l Klsie lag an intermission in the Old Mam'talTa BsCSSt long ride, while the horses were Owl's Nest grazn sting, Colonel Par- Seem looting r : " hens Peaceable I ml iai passing heard the gun 1 par startedL.it undc 1 dtllicul- and tarried , , . ,.,t. 'j 11 number of the 'lodging tl the H.-iunt 1 having not less than four Indian goal. mug at llllJSS nisiSIISt once a baud of their mortal foeri, slii4iaw Ckiaaal ia MaSaaar Una uihjii them. d with a vim that hastened with reports' 10 Th. -.' uncil at . 0 .. of ' " aeon tin ,, kJ M1K,t SBjaajsj played; which wuih lor '" me uewspapc-rs me ,iory oi t, Krant bijuor licenses to V ol Victor) tor anouier ouumsw 01 Indians worlh & Tonningsen and season. Th. gsajB has now n-ar Silver City Idaho. " Maepheion and called in for their salts. Colonel bi has cens 1 rfdanl Miss lliumal 1 d!kflPttl ' ' " "'""k Smith Kibler, and laium-uiMiiv.u-.uu-uiMiiuruu! sequence the t is now in the 1 not to detarot from the fame of dry column M l and son left for the lht.n rihiatf yoUntf journalists. The retail dealers he, . -0 Mond he summer. A large crowd of people were Now Yuuu- lalkiu Buiue,. Davis, which enabled them to .ut on the Fourth everything conduct their business uj, 1 I Welcome I'harmacy, Burns, Ore., went oil pleasantly and every- Harney is to make strenuous 8th. I Fred Haines, Harney, Ore. one seemed to enjoy themselves, efforts to advertise its resources. Vale's city council, we learn, boosters should know that one also refused to grant licenses to . it. r bags 11.10 each at J. C. of the best ways to accomplish the salooiimen of the count v seat. IcBimnii 4ft &t ssi u W ITOVB 0arC3f B Siofer. Baawtitul 1 rta Ust Damiicna). MS I Qsulsrs. 1 anil AbC I KIN 1 will hold regular auction I and third Saturdays n mouth ut theC. A. S week barn in Burns. Bring in any- ag you have for sale and get ...ui for it. Secial at- tention given to sslsf m the try. W. 1. SMIIH. Auctioneer. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for yonng and old is prompt rei ghs, croup, hoarseness, ' 1 1 wnooptng cougli. tjentiy laxa Quarantoed. Sold by The Mi ; MONUMtN SBfJ . ous. OMKASt, 1. l isira ill at las is larslak PAKTICUUKS and PRICES la tsjissa sukisf 1M0KMMI0N. Saaso IsssViav; DESIGNS. tlund Com-' Welcome & 1 much good is to use the local (Ontario Argus. Wanted - Fifty or 75 head of stock to pasture CHAS. WlLaON, Burns, Oregon. Recent I X. -,:.--kvJ ... kijtiO 1 .vorj yUHl . . 1 . . . . . , C.4C.MEHSIAMCO labaaa, Sprlaa'"IS, Ni The Burns flouring Mill j o . 7 ii' " MillH".M(ir HILL nuU-S IS i i.u In: , ILOtii, mm BAkLbY, CHOI', AND j .411 kind ui MMI I j,J alffvj 011 Hand HE V La1! IKslllil HaKiLI Ul I UK uUOO Mil 1 1 vtt SHI CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sale : He BBaaaw Job Printing.