The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 11, 1908, Image 3

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wiu.ation r
n. i-i-
Ilk I'.ros.
Hami!toi is over from
up from bis
if MM) pancr
ts putting in
"(1 a
woolens and
taken I DO-
illllB mi
18 till'
tinir some of
in filinr
iirnp. Mi'fiowan &
e hcadqu. or I
(l,,..,i 1,11V-
"The Pioneer Bank of Harney County"
The First National Bank
of Burns
pive careful. intllip'iit
attention i all buninPHH
committed to our chnrpe
extend to our patrons
i'vitv rourtfNV and eon
Hidcratioii consist ant with
wile bnnkinp unit prudent
Itusinofis mot liods.
G, (iriffin was transacting:
DHilMn in this city ycstonlay.
-vliink Hros. arc now readv
The hayinpr season lirv con, ". w. 1ijoran 0VPr from
menced. Rarnn.
Edison Phonographs and re- Painting and paper tanging
cords for sale at Lunaburjr A A Morton
11alton's ItW and tmm Hueklnnil were
tie,,. Ilmhanan and family d. w n from Harney Mondav.
were in the city last nitfht amt
took in the show.
Mr. and Mrs. Geonre Hopkins
left this morning for a health
resort in Grant county.
Dick Gibson ami familv k I ''
first of the waak for Athena
where they will remain all sum
mer. M. Myer, the San Frrn
cigar manufacturer, sjiont a few
days this week with his son-in-law.
L M. Brown.
Scbenk Hros. do all kinds of
tning, pressing, rehiring for
ladies and gentlemen at very
reasonable pricea,
.1. K. lnggan is now post n
ler f this place, having assumed
his duties last Monday John
Caldwell is his deputv.
Dell Dibble and wife were in
the cily I few dfl thfcl week.
Ctoaing out prices at Voejrtly's.
A mower and rake for $86 Rot
ter burr)
Mrs. H. m. u home
from her Jviail to Portland and
Other point ;.
t;. w. ciei 1 1
with their great line of spring y l,,t ' furniture dur-
mimcr goods. inuf ihr ' ' ' '"
Yesterday was the waraie t
d.i of tl" season so far tbt
thermomel" i- registering II
McGowan fc Nichols have
for relinquishment v
1 ini If von want to buv or
Isaac Foster is another one of
the pioneer settlers who has boon
summoned on the water suit now
W ' ir 78 head of
stock to past CHAI Um son,
Hup m.
ir McGowan and famil)
accompanied ! Hum Smith,
left Thursday naming for an ex
tended camping trip inthet'as
cades. They will go bv way of
Silver Ijikc and Archie ma buv
some horses (here. If he ln-
he will return here and ITHUgl
idth 1 M lv to take them.
U K lin-ion has horse pas-till-,'
James Stalcup was down from
the mill to celebrate.
Ted Haves and his son, Elbert
are up from their Lawen home tepair
The Prairie City Miner reports
Building hardware ol everj
kind and best quality IWrs,
windows, and all house finishing
i . i '
I "zad left tins
morning for her home at Canyon
i M alter I pleasant visit a ith
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. l-'arrc.
V. . DrinKv j,t,.r. 1
smith. Harney, I taagan. n
hoeing and all kiw altera!
our bn-
SchenV Bros, wish you tOOOUM OtherwiM I'll . i pect lo be ab
in and sec what they have, so I sent at least gOdaya The will
yea may order a suit and bejgo on to southern Oregon and
ahead I f the rest. also visit home folks in Portland
Buy in July, from Cha.- II -
visit here
h is his t
I of I Maine and
rtjK-K I'aiilina.
ok I:
Mi Gault
to bi
ll i.
lit I home
Chas. K,,p, i il,s. Bain. O. J.
Darst. Price Withers and others
are hero as witnesses in the w.t
tor suit In'ing tried
Rooting and
lelt this morn i tig the most economical and up-to-
I be New Windsor Bar under1 thc h'a,h of Mr8' T"m ll,1,lsIM"' ;'" A" "' date material w mid for these
the management of U-rViddwell. nt "er City last Monday. his ml r. heyounfl lad will Larposea. All t lies, .od things
Mrs. S. K. Drinkwater has re , " ,l"1' "" naMiijf a nKiuon m to U hart at C. H. V.H'gtIy's.
ceivedanice lot of spring and in' "W"
summer hats and looking for The Roj Hunyard saw mill it
. ;,rof John I. -ere plows and m' ""v ' v 'w '' "
barrowa Tin denlgMal Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hamilton " All k.- I
jmpl, ,. atC. are here from Nevada visit be seer.. I
K Voagtly'a These are not: to the former's paren's. Mr. and ".ui io me vue wni
Mrs. B. W. Hamilton. FoF SAJ Chase piano
Mesdames Reed & --.ini ...I. one White Km
i,., ,...iv,,t n ,.r, r in,, machine. All caah i
Davit, all the pickets, lumber j NOTK I
: i Hi 1 irtum i w i niuul llafttut
., ... .... I Krunh tl,.. kUn.l SUrr,
,,r0ff"" JJ - Jin. tiinit. H.oiip f,ot,.v nn.l
Quite a number of our paople(w,M newa eel n laj .i id
nis, mnkincr nr.iui-!ifion (,, m, (., hv" '" -" "' ' "' H,n'klM.I.
the moant.'iins and camp during
the heated period,
A. w n. wr, Jaapar Davla,
l-i, ,iril adjuated to your
Income by the use of i checking
ai (Mint. From month touionth
yon have mm exact rtcofd f all
niopev received ihhI aid out
Tin i mini .in,iit upon flu- h
ol it "beck In proof that the iarl
received the amount ol the ebt
Stiu I to,n t,i . n l i liek
Yolir account i- eantestlv sol
1 ...I
The Harney County National Bank
of Burns
Mean, i
i .,' iu tnenmnagi
k1 i,.' ..resorts
m r.asiern viregon. wrop
when voii have a thirst.
IT Vis'gilv'.s. These an
consigned goada, but bought for
cash. Hii here and save the
middleman's profit.
Mr. and Mrs. M. l'Vnwick and
Thos. Arnold and famil
Wednesday morning for Ijuic
id coast points where
Hill ! ml lb boated p.'i i. .1 1.
The) uo ovi r the mountain! and
A complete d map of
Marti, Co, in ten colors, show
ing all large holdings, has been
gotfc I, nt l, K. o. E. Co.
i oq MflQofm I Nlehela,
at this
. I In, w.l li.ilom otMAAIMll
,",,, "'""" I'nul Blume was down
Sunt. Hamilton hands us tl- n mountain runch
I imhI friends ,nlnv''"" lll "'' PttpBa who wore Rctting machinery repaired pre
ivriiiai. in r
POH SAI i iKsert land claim.
nan aerea bi danhnMi loaBtfant
,,n vvtiii t, i'C.itiiI nttmiiil ttt-iMtf
spring shipment of millinery and "wswy ,. purcnas,, . , , has ,.,,, ,, urrhlM(l.r ran
are expecting more. ""' B. C Godl B bava option of laeigamint or rr
U K. Folio,, and Eamilyand linqnial lent Inquir.
Walter Heifer axped to Lave D. N. Cattaraoa a Aea within 20 daya.
honn for Corrallis. They v. ill bt l;lW,,' "W Monaai i .k.
absent tor an indefinite time Ml
I niwmn 1 .11.
ti.. ii f.K.i while making a slide for the
, . . I"l lll.ilM Will. UNO IM HOI HI. II
tills V
eriauy iniinru.
r Jameaoa bad the mis-,
fortune to break a bono in bis
, I, n ., I, to sin,, Rockland 4mlni
tinli.r n ni.l . M it,, mill t.i M) nl rI
Vm, ,'i't I'H.'I, i.l i in ( Iiiti t$ imii
lii, I Hint I, Hi.' ,ii , iniml. I, a I
saeesi lbs inn el iimi n, ii.., i,
imirni, iiH'iiU mi n On' ll'illi hi ;'irif
Mining Claim, Ihik iim,i
In llir llrn,' Miiiihk ili-i ili i .l itu
Mini., . ,r . ,. r I 1... . ...nt., .., .......... .
.... ,.. r .,,' i "'lli'll .
budding paiier. IT ... ,; ... , u M , ,.
i miili, Hirjnn, looliil I . v t ) ,il i
Hjnr.l Mini nW .1 Q Itu, klaiol, iI.'.-tm-mI,
will HH'r by in ri'ililli nt.-
l-rr,ilir.' ffl I In II rtl,-,. ,, il,
Cniinlv Clerk il lUrii, 'V Count, , Orr
ten. (T On .,i r .- .,f I, ,,l, ling nii
I rin,i,Hi in il.'i tin 1'iMTi.h.ii" .,( .ti,,,,
:'i.'i I.M.. .1 i iintvf . i ti,.. i mi. i
siirn . Uii Maa itir h ,i i r . i,
ililurr ti ,m , Into (
MM M Inn I,' Imlil lln' inn ti in ti,,'
Li . "t i .,. ii. i . Um i a
Jan , MH
N.., II ltl,intill,inli , tin- ,i i
l,y i,ll.ll,'Hll" vi.ii 'nil, ,,,'gl' . I il r.'lnw
Iu nitilrilnil.' j 'in .i"i", Mi.l.
l,.cfii",i iniiiiiiii ii.iiii, inn, Inii
, In ii in ill It (III . ill i,
. ii d.-r k ii. . ,,,, I. i Hi, I'niriaioni ,,i
Mtlil X I"
,1 I V ( I
r.'.V. M
Dry (ioods. Boots and Shoes
l-'resh (irocerics, etc.
ForSprin"; and Summer Trade
.:::. -',',:
in the last eighth i mratory to getting into bk hay
....-!.. a , ii.....,., (..: l.
have 0 ..i.oo, ,,i.. ..a,.., ..........
lull .-. ( hrmtina Lack
, ,. i an, Arthur Arnold. I.ilban
i.oi, 7C- Ar
nioud Ausmus. Kuhiird Ausmus.
the In.
Minor Krown returned there
in,! ab
cent Bunda) and midnight cIoh
nhout his ap
provaL However, the saloons
..11 closed last Sunduv for
the first time in the history of
Of Mum Whether they will
continue to close we do not know.
mg. a ii ii- mai
m Lam enmity, was
at .1 the
tii steal: ttit case
Burn He
ilfl in tile Mi
fault of G. W. Qeveaget ! some of
1 " .i;'i' awaiting those line new cold rolled refrig-
hici aton and I- so confident thut
the) arill give entire satisfaction
that h to let prospective
i.e tliein on trial for a
week. If not . lory they
....... i... .... i ...... ... i ....ii, ..,, i ...... i
., II, itv hi , i-iiu ,i-i, uiiiiui ,uai.
ml Pnneville
anil arai in Adrieii. one of the pioneer
r. Hie In:,; resuletiUs ol tins comm , is heif
that from his home in the southern
received the part of the county. Mr. Adrien
beidenl on the Ij liere aj a witness in the water
thfa new Ul suit of the F. L. S. Co. against
smm! running la awnb tettlert on Rattle
a great bene- Snake creek and yesterday visit-
o good busi- ed I portion of that section where
ost direct line ho bad been over thirty years
: Culled up thil
prniug an-
tat -tt telephone bin-
ll P
an had
U liel
Boat Gaotga and Qarlaa Mc-
ilee are home from u catnpmv
trip to Kmigrant rek. Thy
rejKirt ftahing rather slow in that
Pater Hanson, one of the DM -
perou upHr Silver Creek ranch
ers. Bjaj getting macbinen re
paired hen- this week. He will
have very good crops on his
place this season.
Operation for Tiles will net bt
necessary if you use ManZan
Tile Remedy, guaranteed. Tm,
60C. Sold b) 'I'll. Wel.'om,
Thttrmae., BaVM 0n, I
Haines, Harnc . I "
.1. It. Jenkins has been ati
ing bu- ' '- hi tin
for the ims; Mr.
Jenkins is very well satisfied with
the aale of his wool this season
even thoutrh it went at a much
own- Ignra than laal vear.
I, i iST An ohii face gold
watch with J. A. F. monogram
on buck, attached to chain, either : Ui , On
at the I-aiming homestead near
on the road to Burns.
Finder plea.-e return to J. A.
Panning and receive suitabl.
am d.
.i w. Bigga Ii 's his
t !. rot her, Allen, is ex
pel-ted here Irani Missouri i
week. The rowag man just
graduuti college thic
neond base in last Sunday's liall
game. It was very unfortunate
I '.I IIKI. Ill ,. I
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon.
I ininlnlii Syrliifru, lint Wntrr Holllc-. Nlppl, nliive
hard HiihUr!sriimr Whirling Sprsys, ringvr Cats,
Hrtusls. Mn.isl I'niiip. In fist. H Itiv Muhhi '
larrieil by an
J C Welcome Jr.. I'ropt.
.. ..In
I Hi
'. lilTT. I
Hum,., in. (.mi itljr I, ! i
., 1 1 I,;., .... --- -.- k Null . i li,,.-l.y mIv.ii Hi.,. ..ill,
anil has put him on crutches !,i
tie ,.r. cut. ,
I'i.i: Salk Four 4-year-old
thoroughbred Herford liulls from
i he fumuuM Henry (iray
i riHik Cotintv. I have purchase. I ,,..,....
llerionls I rom another henl to
take the place o these is my
ior wiung. w. r,. Mmnn.
herd ..i i ," ,
Hl liri ii.i'ii ar
WD r.i.i Hrllr
!. ! I, Kim .
dain George has 21 uuarter
Attorne) at Ijiw
-I grain land. Tracts ' T .n IPrCXCtlC
from '..'..iii,", up to (UU acres. . .
I uli .1 Illi
not lifi bushel per u.
land, but 4r bushefs. Mc(iowan & Nichole
ranch wntMngtoHMlHll int Ucjiw,, tctl ttliic (tr Sak
.11 watered no kajothagd ,.ail ip B.,, SeM.
w uter. ranging in prices from $U) I
Mmva, - ..icK-.MN
About one buiidred bead ! prlag and comes here to jou
iability is Our
'Atlllliul oiDWtli (il till.- stole l- ..lie ,,)
tm imts iii tin; liistory (f ni.ieliuiulisiuo
Wlie for lliia growth i luin to
V -t be sat isluit iuu v bieli at temlse, erv
lie eoniplele HSNortiueuta, the bruafe-
Bpf tl.e iiieiidlUiiditM. the idlieietit ht-rviee
&a ' lowest prices, all eouiliiliili' to
Hn; i lie looiru! supply eenU'i- lor giu
imipatel in oils.
fink to: iradiny rtamps. given with every
pure i MV,
ranch horses, broke and unbrok
en, at the Trout Creek ranch of
the American Land & Live Stock
Co. Call on or address,
1 i: Hill.
I'emo. t laagan.
M. FitCerald urnv.l
yesterday from Wash
where he is now located and m
duct ill).' a teal estate busiBOBa.
Ho report- Mrs. FilzCerald and
children well He is here only
for a few das on business and
will return to his new home.
his brother
I'm an indefinite
Mrs. Luc Beard
Mi. and Mrs. K. J. McKinnon
i b.-re from tier home in South
Dakota on a visit to imrents und
i: da w ill be received up Ui 10 Wt. urt. wntl f( ,,Uncture-pr.f
', i Iock juiy a, r.J n ine irus-i tjM.H un aj
daughter oi .. f district No. ! for ainU.kl . . m
lag the DrewM-y school-house s ' AIJKI IJICYCI B9,
roof am Coat mineral paint and
(ahoat HI si yd.), outside
Dealer in
Groceries, Provisions.
Tropical and Domestic
Fruits when in :eason.
Hats, Shirts, Clothing,
Underwear Get Prices
All kinds of ppaah Vogotablas in lasson,
Dtiikiifiiin i I'.iiil.liii. M mi Sirs,!.
other relatives. Mrs. Heard is u, I Is, lurches and oct two coaU
well known to the piuneer rem
dent.-, f lhi county who were
I'lad to see her. a this in her
first visit ul years. Sh
is accompanied b her daughtei
If you want u wheel, a
set of tire, W have your
bicycle , I come
,nd nee us.
Carter dc Swcck
and they will m., for several
mavh Um HoAnl a,iri.riu..,i
Mr. F.uCerald aa's it la a baau- her home fo,: Mol havlUK wril
ten thai lha Wt I (.uning.
ad ink, und oil (about 77f sq.
: . Inside surface two coats'
.1, ut 700 sq. yd.)
I'.idder Ui take school warrants
!, in 1(J09. See trusteed or The EaBteffl OfOfOn
tor further articiiiui
tiful country up there
W. L. Finlev and party, who
have btaa in this section for mfh
eral weeks, took their departure
Wednesday for Portland. Th.
are most favorably impressed
with the lake regions of this val
ley as a haunt for various water
towl und found many here that
an- not found elsewhere. Mr.
Finley did i"t have time to
thoroughly go over the vast ter
ritory here and hopes lo return
in the fall during the semi-annual
flight of the birds. Just what
will be accomplished from this
Visit is not known, but thc An
dobon society will in all liklihood
lecomnieiid u i.Mi.' hero for
the breeding place of wild fowl.
I. M. Davis.
W. I), (taker.
Mrs Mary Holebos, Clerk.
Engineering Co.
CIVIL msiuTAi mi
IRKHilllM INalNltk)
A S.NaI- IN KRaL K.- i n: lttu
at i i. en- Creek gap, M0
.rin land, the other 80
pasture, all fenced, growing crop
garden all planted, small on hard, Hunting and fishing are Uriel- j
banfat Of aD kinds, enmaa kouaa I) forbidden uism any of the
with good cellar, an abundanoa Facitic Live Slock Co. ranches.'
,. tine .-.prinif water. Can in- Trespassers will be proaecui.-d
lirmuh Old.
IturiiH, Oregon
I likrvu-M (liegun
Hereford Cattle
had for MM, Also a d.
linquiahment, land all under
with a i
iabad, llai and walla, l
ol dilch, all laval and lm. I
luntl Some land cleare. I
about 10 or IL' .. "
Situuted i mill '
uwfii. i'i ui
" :av, Law
John '.ii.rKKar.
known i l'n.e
winiiiiiK Hen-fords la n
on the farm of Win. I' u
in Malheur county. Will le
pleased to have you call and in-
Hunting, fishing and camping Bx.ct herd. If in noad t bulls
forbidden on my premises at sjr nalfara WO can aatisf)
Emigrant i i.k during the grow- j quality and wriu Write your
mg season. araati i"
J. H. GalUTT. a H.tAVi t j toinsAO.
I Fir.hl. in charge. lrUr.Or UUii,f.
McGEE & OWEN, Propts. m
Fresh Teams, ('anlottubl Rigs, Careful Driven.
Particular attention given toTranscient Trade
Call on us. Next inoi kl French Hotel Mam St
llorneK ImuihIimI Iiv tin day, week or month
t i i
..ft t
Main St..
tllackMiiiunii and
Waon Work
AM ffO.
Burns, Oretion
he Busy Corner Store"
We are Headquarters tor
Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
SW- Curry a Complete Line ef
Exxns Oxegroaa..
Young's Meat Market and Grocery
All Kinds of Groceries
Meats at Cash Prices.
W ""'&ji.
and nSgr
The Heat
On Um M.irkil
Has all the qualities of high "priced mat hinea
Rapid, t nut mai key board. Simpit. tin up
Chicago Writing Machine Co.
Isi-iSJ WatMwh Av., chki!.