" I! d the r Dowr I nnl i ! Bes- Jlerald. News. death of E. dition of the the Black en nostpoiir iday night. . It iri'l he produc- hat dl with realis- t and hi e to please. i 'I wifi ne, () Bd family Tir vviini. ck hern iat dfltv. ii. 1. aHinlt' mil'' wire. i and si Ihoir oen "The Pioneer Bank of Harney County" The First National Bank of Burns -o- Wator baps $1.10 rnoh at J. I Welcome & Son. 'K Hurt on. Capital Surplus $25,000.00 $22,500.00 Edison Phonographs and i cords for sale m Lunaburg s 1 'niton's. Roy Mc rd linnv "Grandma" Win i edinto.heM.F. Williams,, ,, , dence on south ma; Chas. ('nmcgys and family , w, . M. ,, li. OUR ADVICE wo KVKUY -o- We jrivo careful, intelh uticiiiioii to .-ill bottom committed t our elmrpe. We evtend t our pntrons even eonrloNY anil con sideration euriHistiint wilh sals banking and prudent luminous mot lie ii I'NITKD STA'IKS DEPOSITARY re. . . ii ' i. iiml E ii B heir who HI 1: ill! Ir W. '.. Huston has bofM il albert (lakerman er crock ycs- md family were ..nil friends in t! I Monday. pas-1 Mrs. I. H. Holland bM return i'il hOBM from a short visit to Malheur count v. . Hendricks, nephew of . and ,1. R.. is In vis it t't his uncles. C. P. Miller and his sons Lee, and Neil ' I mm their in from their Wagon tire lain nome on a visit to Mr i i n frys momer. 9mt Cilore " I Co.. is in the city, hm ly n turned from a trip hour county. Beheui Bros, do all Mm clean ir.tr. pl'OMlng, repairing foi ladies and gentlemen at reasonable prices. E, I'. Hill, of the Ann Land A I.ivi stock Co.. arrive. here Thursday, 'enroute H from the railroad. Building hardw.'iri o( i kind and b .1 i 1" windows, and all boUSC finish material St ('. II. Y... W. Fitrperr.ld. or. largo number of men v bo recently SSttlsd on lai..l M lake, was in the city Tties.: 9 1". Mrink and N. OoHMjyi arc hoav thi'ir visit t0 Iiiinn ( IlM) report ven ptoMSJ U W. Dritilv I.,. ,acf smith. Han., j I on, d all kinds i repair work. Your busim Icited H III!. Ill lis tree Up from their la i Schenk Hros. si R. D. Sum b) in " I mm i:., . . i-'. A. Miller snd Mr I ,n from their Warm h m Wednc McGoWM & I tl i if eu I Sinn i ihi.4 " ' m neighborhood friends' from 8um i i". k a daj or two this mer, M Crops are no ul. all I ;tr Worn hmtitntinn l';! out no iihti.". iii tbo maii neni of household affairs. Ds poeil j our itmiHu in the Ibink, abject to cheek. Issue n cheejft for all obligations account frires you and i onv'-riifiiir it puts in into husim and fur nisb : party vou pa W 6 invite out : i omit ' II. ranch, Prank D en riding home from tj. !i ou to in snd -ee what Ihev ha you order .. lit and be MM i. '. in n was up home near Lawen VVed returning ,k ti,,, ,, npsnit h h) Mr i a!,.. . Barrett, the well known CUud St The Harney County National Bank of Burns TE n J. Tim Dont ss in tl lb i, recciiiiy returned fraa I 'he l'aiii:,n mineral spri T1 v ,, i;..,. ,,,.,1,-r Cnm (amp home la.-t Saturday, sorts ov am c,unt jddwefl, - i:. I iri nk water has re- The Roy Bunyard ular resortBJceived a nice lot of snd ' ,n' ready for it i Drop in hats and look All kindi time Buy in i' all and grain ,n. R tfins w iih Joe l tinker, Hi i etun vi . nnn i,. ..,,. 111. I IlltlU .11 . 1 ' i I I'M. the raflrood with n losdol July, from i bs il wrt in i ,l"' ill returned I you ,,ee.l II,,',;. i;il, with a I I of lunil" S. COCKELREAS B acksmith Try the Horseshoeing and (ioneral Repair work . i '.: .'.:'.".:. .. lllllli ,11. ner snd Julia Oi i liouie fron .a! will mmm her can I" -.(iii, d mill to the vail. I had 'month bars with her t id a M in ii :., ;, mu' ' Boii' n doing fur private ii'.rties. are not but boughi for 1 here and save the !' Mr. and M I irtteJd had the all from the court then noon rious frm tUTS Of his Mai di snd Griffith ealled a! one. and he is noa d '.v well. G. W." I has some of me ni'w cold rolled re! rig- b con fldsat thai Haines. Harney. Ors id Mr NellK i lactam ibbons, i ith s v Mr. i ads. " "d A Johnson 1 ....m grsin anu nay. . A. J. n. iiiii i..n - rr Hibbard of the Wan, over in to reosj inent for rbstanatMM, MBB Ruii ami wuc came up from Lawn i. of the bringing their htti who has been ipnii- ,,,. il. , tlfillitr I..I-I ' ..11 ill tl. linn. Narrowi or on the road to I'.urns. i- ' srlll not be .jn(r ,,!,,, i A saiy If you u i .iimai, JFvming ami roe Pile Remedy, guaranteed. I'm ouc. ?Mtui py i in- welcome Pharmacy, Burns, dr.-. . a f. i Wl I lent hi, Mends bare be n we gold watcn wuti j. a. r. mora . iierford at the Panning bom. ' ' Robt ' inn-It ml'., i ins this great religious that Mllli. tile hinge II. v H bag all i on which h p llllVi i I hmenl tlu.s . Pou oiiiity. I other herd to ' i slling, w l.. Smith, Oregon. i i i i i t i a in.. i lum r om. I I (ohn Hit win . 111! NEW MERCHANDISE l)r Qoods, hoot, and Shoe Ircsh Qroceries, eti Tor Spring and Summer trade LUNABURG & OALTON I NOTICK FOR UP ill Sihh : Vallcv h:i.l A luillt i 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 vuul knn.l . . f . a ua. Hid doinu a let prospective ,7 , " f killing 1 .1 11 m Illlllll IK WS. M ,i, the North be them on trial for ones, broke and unbrok- M d Uur the other . en, at the Iron' I ranch canturimr her two ,-ni, II not ton they ., . , -. lur " '" lw" cuos iiu.v the -iiK-rican Land & Live S uuite oroiiiliif ih..ii- Inn- .. u rued without cost ,. , ,, ' " u"" l"! '" to. ( all on or address. catch. W, 'I-.. ! I .... - :- .i L- ii nai ., M1U.V 1 ,111 the ierlorineil.il dSMNft the fil MM MMM for i, ."heal treatn Beestal : the third ' mmm hand M the famous iu- a hi the desert its EsO und' assistu.,' in broke tbt gkas of the lantern blood poi M tllllililed in the i. had a lard darkness and fell on rock, i.iul snd his elbow clear to i lb rsn He did not giro the . Bha wound any particular attention . ..ii I , over again while Hill. '. W. JA.w Ul' v y turned from a trip through um '" :,,',',"' nd the Klamath riatttog home folkl in UiMonsm. ,.,.,, 1(, As the only clerk in the local land ..dice Mr. Walker has been ney country and tivel) very bOM "ice Ins arrival ((,,, l.ru,,s ,, here last year and is certainly any part ol .,,(, . . i. i A. W. i MIC) lttV Practice A v iti im oi KUBBGROOOOf The Welc ic" Fhannac, Burns, Oregon. rtagSS, . iM.nir. Sippira, tiiovva Hani ttHMwr'Syringn Whlrtlng Hpraj ..i.. e HI (act all tBe kubU- (I.hkI ' I'V II UP-'I -l)Ui: DRUGSTORE J C Welcome Jr.. Propl. w MeGowan Ik Nk Ii H ftr Sale Ml SolJ. entitled to a n '. 1. lr 111.', on.- of .' His phy- til., found it necessary too) na : and bavelthe wound ami seraps the bom red in which had ben injured. w lability is Watchword Our settlers of the lake section, maile proof on hil homc.-.tcail tlr of the week. He SMS " i . i.i-wi.-, and another neighboi r Irvine is well pleased with his locution and thinks Harney county is "it." Paul S. black of thsOOntSSl ' department of the general land month. ih'iil Thursday in this city lookitii d.sat the local office. He found the work winch he tra .) II Jit est-, the horse I, lay, lb came oul from Winnemuocs bo lite Horse ... sn automobile snd on Sunday bought behead Of horseh. He I by Joe ( allow am me for shipment of the borssj he the I A SNAI- i gJQ IMM fwl-lil l:ii,il ,1... ,.il tall ,... t. .!..,.. .....J L....1 MlU.a .... uj. iu u ..u ,.. IUU.II.K , ielmit PI i. im: BIDS. . to 0 fol) W, 190f b the I,,. riot No ! : i , . IM n inl , and oil (about '. i yd.) Inside eurfaei ler to take school able in l'JUy. Bt ...a I. M Ds i. Bakei K. I !. Trustees, ! .Mary Holebt 'lerk. lilCVtl. :. kl l- lit 1 1 1 1 STAND kl i.icnc I.-. ii '.."i ii . i, ,, Carter & .Sw ho '. fi uron Engintlng 3o. urn, iiNiu.,u i IKMlu tilth I Mil Main Oltire, liurtu, On . HUSTON Denier in Groceries, Provisions. ropi al ad Domestic Fruits when in eason. E L80 HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, U d rvvear Get Prices LDRCN'8 CLOTHING. HhVgitiiblK laSttiion, CfVE HIM A CALL. i..ii . ii i a MllllUil 1 ..'. uflfio'i.- ill t lie iiisturv f iii"f. ii;unIiilio flu1 euii.M I'm thus jriovvth is plain lu I'V Mf ,i -i . t be i llieii lit herviee 1 ill llilto I .. for gro- nid u A for trading tilamps, given with every pure ht SCHWARTZ. e Busy Corner Store" grown II planted, small o f all kinds, C-room i i with good cellar, an abund op from his of fine spring water. Cai Also u d' to do, therefore took his depart ure the following day for other parts. J. ('. Sevcik wa land hoii tear the lake tin- had for $1400. ,.. the big pump recently installed by himself and associate oral i r from the lake v. ah t .al, Oi 1 does iti. land S . - tacioty work. He further says about 10 a that every tiling lie ha.-, put in MOB. i ! mile t Lbs ground down tfi, w Iwta, l'i : lMl :ay, Lav.. Hunting and forbidden uon sn reepasoei :;i i .. iici: ,. ii. , lakeviee FIJB3JO FRONT LIVERY, FE!:D AND SALE I .irol i j ii. Gaaai lJ. T. PlNKK . WM KC i llOl.Lt Mate ws a . " -p wm . I'icGEE & OWEN, PropU, vs, Cartful Dm , rticui ttion given to Transdcnt Trade i us. Next doo. ' . St ll(l 'it 'I l I ilr l;l : mouth I . ... .-vtl, CHA WILSON, . i . We are Headquarters, lor Horse Blankets, Saddle Blanket STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam oi Myrrh We Carry a Complete Line ef HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON :0"u.m.s xegfcaa.. . Young's Meat Market and Brr; iy All Kinds of Groceries Meats at Cash Prices. and 1' Muin St., laikMllitlliu, and tlui v shoiif. Waon Work L WOriKCUA- ANiifO. Burn a, Oregon THE CALL AND INSPECT STOCK TlfVlnS-HERALD Job Printing.