The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 04, 1908, Image 1

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    Vl rtnict Wfinlft
! , - . i lottntjr
It Did I.ti"'"1 i i i nfntioii Mid in MM
I itMng in.'.lliimn in I
gtttt e&
fl 'rent ?tnrny goutifrg
.'i mi nrcii ..I v., i
vR'-nnt on tij l
IMMI thfl Inn, I law! of
row 1 1 ah
iat tii
nittlMe Ihc clOPhu ol
Irnm Mllnlhl
ik In Mornlnj.
)i:ul a an
rday awning nt
ht closing
s WON passed.
BOON with the
m Hist. A it v.
uli'ill I
te limits of tin
ny Store, slliiji.
bowling alley.
plnig linu
. for the
r traffic, or an)
nl. I
common i.
h persona upon
f. shall be pun-
f not l"s.-. than
n $50, or bj
the city jail for
ami not
;. Or hot h line
iply to i
ras, bo long as
igs or iiH'duin-
ly situated, with the sweet privi- NEW LAWS NOW IN EFFECT The proportion repr
of lookingnnlnre in the fnce. ton amendment is t
'hing unpolluted air. drink- and yot is not oil
tag pore water, and rating: pure TWELVE OF THOSF VOTFD on JiiNF amendment provide?
r the grime MUST BE OBEYED.
and tilth, the smoke and stench, I
the close ounrters and adulterat
ed food, the starvation wages ! Ocvtnwc1 ShiiT Hxr4 to ttw Hmrc
and .'ikes, lockouts Pawed uw by the Prop Finii
and. v,ll always Bin, .. Cm H,M.
he regarded as an insoluhle pro- Port,and j ,
Not only do tho farmers wrong Poo,p of tno may
then- when they flock to i?:r ' l,,it 12 nf'w '"W"
thi I i hey intlert I Jerri- '" "l"v sin''' - w"en the
njury on society. Atrricul- governor's proclamation put into
tureis paralysed and the cities l"n'" ,l"' constitutional amend
are glutted, impoverished and ments and initiative and rel'eren
corrupted. When they havej(lum tawi considered favorably
i.i ,'m-etiv imii mnkp thpm. ! by the people ft! Pit eU-
bod; else miser- tionofJunel.
they then propose as a rem- Taking them in the order that
edy not a return to the farm, hut WW promulgated by the
octal hwn secretary of state, it will be
"Hack t(."tM- farm" should be 'I'"' b time forholding the gen-
thfl watehward of Americans. It '"rRl elections will now be the
b feared that Secretary lirst Tuesday after the first Mon- q tin poopla of the Otati
m is far too .sanguine, but ,,a.v m '""'' Consequently the
if his pi 1 is correct, it is nexl funeral election nfll be held
own try has '" November of 1!)10.
beard since the surrender of Under the provisions of the
Appomattox, Chicago Tribune, prisoners' fading bill drafted
tional representation, but leav.
the legislature to wrestle Wit
the manner of securing such h
It is contemplated b)
amendment that the legislatu
i.. Bald provide a wi
uring such represent
It HM be up to the next legisl
rare then met a law pu
ting Into effect the conetita
The corrupt practice act is no
a law and from this time on it
iiirgal to offer cigers to proepi
ttve titer and political supper -or
In fact, under the
illegal to do anything ex. il-
ently oaal the ballot in thi
or at least nearly as ckiee drawn
ndJtkffl as that.
(Jrand juries have coiii
' d the
1 1
V HlMlt: ND PARTY MM V will
i RKKpAi
in .
c It
VOKO l l
Ol IN',
district attorney of any i
is not empowered to ait as a
grand jury from this tin n.
All indictment! are no
returned by juries and
and enacted by the legislature of in fori on the c
primarily for the ben, tit of Sheriff f the district attorney l-
Stevens of Multnomah county. ,,r the n-ist
betel Military I ml (IrMt Road
voter More Thmi M Hk k)
Wimi mil a Nrtkik.
H. Ibinter. of bflnncapol .
and a party were h .
mo lo'ikitiR oi r tl
ti'ii. It was intmmted that there
deal on to purchase the
I C M. Wagon Read
"Ut nothing was given OOi
i i publication. Very few knew
.r. hMro nnd IHtle was
nncemlnej their busi
The following from a rcent is-
the Orgonian will throw
some lu lit Opoa the matter
Completing perhapa the bjne
(toUev I ii- r t . iiimt-
iliK ri ) -I, .v,, in. n jpon tin' iiicl'"i',l
Imid" nl the ,, . ,. ,i l.ivi
ntd lie
l - I I lnnit-
iitlt in ' ,Mi, il
to tin t i , v. nl "i 'i,
R llin.
Rsnoh M innri
I ' I I.
Il t" ill, i ih- r
Ml R ,ln, ii . i In
i i M i ii i
1 1 ,ii-.
est and rooai thorough tour of
all sheriffs in Oregon are now the Hixvl River couni is now
n i
r hua
t ce
n jai
uch as
lawyer . nor
it all circum-
ot llunih
leaa pur-
uid ( ery per-
in chart
the . ii.n- to
r both
mill , lOli'litil HilM, niwl niiriH.ltoHiij.f 1 1 1 1
-.,. wiwwm ww iwnwwii gooa woraing onier and
the prisoners in their jails. Ill nintr unrlar th ulminlari' ..r
Multnomah county also the she, , ,,f rJUdl appoint.
lowed ii- oonti J far governor not long agi Alto-
the fooi furnisheil to the prison- pstlMr the t ph) !
,T ha .i batch of i. a iaws
By virtue of the same vote of (,, ,
the people tl
safe in it :;ppr..pnation of wool lAUB AT CWT AIM
for 1907 and of the same
iMuiiiril f(ii nli -ii ihirmii'l.
flu- most i .tuation in .
tin lit has bei ii cauiied, bvthe ',
w bhiisiucioi
ger K. A l'ra-er, of tfcv M
Co., wh d the sale.
tn i
pie Un mini
formation that
the lain.
Ear the
I to liav. come
iial .Milueliillig
set ui.
M, aid
til sign for the
lean cities prid
eatl on their
population and
iboe i
an intense competi
tion between the differem oao
munities of Oregon in issuing at-
"ivincing literature.
Many of the publications cir-
I to draw attention to tin
ay are superior to the
. itious product of the
ten yean
Want time the
the Blate is one just gotten out
imhill Counts De
... ,,.iUU.i.r, f . iu, v.;ik. -... ""' "''
. .. .:. productions rr " ' " '" buyers and
, ... rnes, cherries, prunes, '";,ll" wwwnyw raw
ta utn '
I net . . . foli! ,' Inwr llin 111.1...1' i
.uiui;.. ami iim uic picture in i in ' - ...rlw.wi ni.,rL,.i
wiiuld nlmoKl fleiv. "shei ni.-n out of bueinCU BS n
uouui almost tkecs. .,. . ,, ale ... Eastern 0
nr:i lli'ii lie lhi inn.. , i,,.. i.
Cri se ..f the ,tU ik- -BW1. .,.,,,. v en the clip
lr.... , u a :: :","""""'"KiHwiiiiiui,ii.,
,in .ii.ui i'.iii nirautiuiHin nu,n. .;,,. ,, onjn,
nas re;.,.. iur eucuiatioii mere
ft that ImkI.v lor the jmst
year, n hi rary much the most
compn ri'pori which bus
red concerning any duiry
tig on the I 'a title (.'oast,
and Mr. Oriaaa will furnish
aopy to any one interested, upon
.on m grown
wonderfully in fruit, agriculture
aoeral industries, but dairy
ing holds the record for greatest
e, dairying products hav
ing risen from a vulue ol $o.inni.
ooo annually live years ago to
$17,000,000 in 1907.
n that has been made since
the old pioneer days, H. A. Him
f bUnnco polio, and a party
of associates returned to Portland
The t m versed mon
than X00 miles in Southern Ore
gon by wagon and on horseback.
The iarty made a thorough
.,,,. I. ..r . i -i; i
,"1".1 '" n'Krnpiiiciii. cumiiwc sli,utli -, li
and other conditions of .the vast m, m
unknown area comprising the
southern portkM of the state.
were II d to t, -, I
only the soil, but climatic
and atmospheric conditions at
: aim i,, ies and places. Ac
cording to Mr. Hunt.r. the un-
OWn, un. iillivated . mpire .if
"l iih.rn portion of this
state oilers greater opportaartiai
i) other pari ol Km
M ltd t.rant iid from Ike Lone Slar
1 ' ' i ler tiarnei
OUntJ to the City ol Ki,
Net i perhap mce the
hen the oxteam ai
at their uray Into the
wild.i In- lam. ui .,.,1
ie bean I llowed more closely.
11 " For yean Mr. Hunter was ,
L Orcutl ncct.d with the Northern Pacific
Krllf Inn. s, , . .
K.'V A .1 Im f mil pfeeeh nl
II .inn Ih- lad Stniiliiv i
ii tli Nt tin. in. iiml . Ill ii in
il rry naaatli m I
I'lw II, .ii,' i HuihIm "ohool iiM'i'in
nt 2 iielook ii I, ""iiniPiv mi. I n
cokIihI inviiNt - i I to nil
be .un Ntoiii' i 1 1 1 1 ii n
At th. I'ii -i, i. riHi, .linn h
l, inn. l;n. i .1 I r win psetei
let - las 'hu.i .I,, 1 1. until
mi,i.i ,.i i . i. ,i, ,1,11,1,1 ii n,
un. I 7tK) p '., ,1 il
10 in nm
-' : . :
Jusl i , K '! benulirnl line of ItwtW
waiN in linbroideried. Ijht and nel
waists for Spring.
Something Very Stylish in lawn and Silk
Our (IrrsM ginnls deparlment will show a
VH) atlnutive display of jns, Silk
Mulh. Meneiiod ( hamlirays. Corrino
Soilings nnd Ingomars Thcso goods are
Iho Infest prodmlion for thin season.
New mbroideries and Lace and
a beautiful hue of India Linens
( )ur Shoe l irtmenl is
compl r iim'v ery way and
we can satisfy the most
fasti dn his in loot w i ai .
Ui'inomlHT ve i .irr thr
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
:. num. urn.
. iiiatiuiititiiniiiin
y i, o .nneation
The Hartley Valley Brewing' Co.
tiro JtTlocict "sATzxtox"
I nmlK '
T. E. JPNKINS, Munager
.0 years the war ' Itailrowd Cotniiany in iU land .!.-
i im io iui wnu. irniv iMnenl. It is said t hut he hns
ring salmun inU'rebt.-. of thai
umbia river have been tn'inir to
.....:.. i i.i . II
Kei nuri.'.'.Mii' ii'KiM.mirt'H io re- i
' - " - ii. l: ,i
Kuiun' iiic B.IIIHOII iimiiiiv in mi
each Heetion striving to
put the other out ot luisiness.
Tii, legislatures have been held
in check on such legislation, and
for the most part have taken no
action. This year, however, the
two initiative laws have been
paaeed l the people, thus effect
ually regulating the salmon lish-
i-ctcil. The follow
Halheur 1. . iv Land
! ixiunds V
A!. Livingston, LSI cent; l
idwni. 186 bags. 4
jxiunds. to F. L Orcutl. Il
cents; Hili. Harrison. 11
bags, .'H,i.. da, to F. 1 m
rcutt. 11 cents; .J. II. Seaward
l. Oram. I6i oente; Hub. J
Ward. '.'.) saak un.l
inir on the entire river between
mouth and Tin Dalian, f to F. L. Orcutt. 144 cento; J. i
The lal Ies bnateajl nien have : the laws an ant tho sal Jenkins. Iui bags, 83,800 ou mi
invited the business men of Port-1 mon will have aasJMO tune in to l.udv nian, 14a c
land i" attend their "Cherry which to take a new lease on Sam Jones, .six bags, 1,,
I ar'iival" Ue.lii. sday, July 1st, I pounds, to CJiff Dowd, 18 01
aoplo will make the A big tight is promised as a li. L Moler. seven bags, I
trip from this city either b) Ih.ii result of the passage of the two KJUtids. to Morris Cummins, 1
or rail.
An intensely interesting meet
;d I., the future of Port
old mare land than Hny man of
wars in this o.untn. He
ind his associates are now ar-
rsngtag a huge coloiiizatrm
ie fog Southern Oregon.
,,'mp.iny lie repr.--. -n' has
I'd ,, . .i.m .if ,.
land known as the old
Military Iind Oran'
i.., t 'unprises an area af '
d. talil. more than 100,000
. and il was for the pur
plant lor the cu!o
und . Ml. im lit of this
rBMNM dislricl that Mr. Hun
arty made the tedi
np. In connection with the
: colonization the eomimny
iied head iuarlers in this
.ml ajiasj in various large
i cities.
,, it ih.- train at Austin,
eMreme eastern part ai
ie " Huid Mr. Hunter la i
"We then traveled for
4 Specialty ut .snort Drier.
, oh . mi v iiiiun
ilia Market si nds Yeei imimn
HU wjiiolii
M Cnu
Yom Must Sieep! j
i. i , -
j ' r- m m
3A' Ni)rwt tircp
tion quel momeni
to this section will be discuss,
liuli of
tana A
Grocers of the
Knot only of tin:
all com
the tame way.
air under
H on owi
li,:.'' .,al muscle
H to be droj
D of
d J uul
ilvWU.s I. I II
bills. It is expected that the cuts, Thos. Turnball, 173 bag
upper river lisherswill ki-ep their ,,-'..'8y pounds, to J. M. Johnson
eyes open for violations of their 15S cent.. Hoffman & Allei
1 I.' .1 a' .1 1 . i. i . . i - I M mm
laud, (Heron and the Northwest, law reguiuung me nsiune on in.- uagH, .j.,,.1. pounas, to j. ai
.. , i f.'.r i, ,..-.uu :,i ,.. ,.,.., '. lower river. The lower river Johnaon, Uf aanta; E. A. ti
Hall of the Portland "'i'1' will return the conii!im. n' win. M t "Uiids, h an MOO miles along the old
Commercial Club. Transport- Keeping clow-tab on the upper J. m. jonnson. u cent; j.i
river men ami win prosecute an n. uru. io nags, on.nii pounn
violalioiiri of their las framed to to Ludw .'S eent.-
regulat' ,li. upper river lisherie., .I..mes Paul, 101 bags, 8W.1"
l: tween the two it d, 13 cent.
tbaL violations of the salmon '1 n niii): on Pros. . 120 baus. 4L.
1 ,ul 's '" 1'"rt- Ian will take luominen; to J. M. Johnsoi
"1S places on tl,. of the 1 ii cent; V d Favi, .
I th. cuntry ooorta along the Columb to Lud
will be a I'eatur, ady ft ie for all pub- ts; John
,cd by the merchants of hc. trl-ih u(lu alv nul dotaf tLui
mother ... theurdu nndar Aelawandcus- wia Eiatman, Tuj
-ton has organ ljaK8i gk
i '.inland Club" and the. will wi, .sgruntled over then i to .). M. Joiinso:..H
failure bo fulfill the oaths taken, cents; T. L Woodward
interest is on edge waiting dip v. inch is not all in ,
to see iart of the .state Lud , F!iaemen for 10 i
tli. N anltl slrike first.
Attorn i . of Vale Tin .sutute in ti
in the i , erday, re- members of tl. to
i vote for tl.. i.
red before J lid).., Davil atonal can,.
prohibition issue the higheet number of vou
Da is granted the ,,, ral election is aLsoa law.
, . for an alternative writ it wdi not be binding upon the oentlj
of mandamus on I the legislature elect- to a
lalheur OOUntJ .1 in June last, thuuh it taper atanl " aled vm,
af prohibition i (,i i;u stat.
s a whole, i Cted frOB Wl- the ( 'olumb . rn '
iii the full ai eounty are now in effect doub- I
rdei all i b Kind. time
territory embraced in the Earlv ta the last camoaivn the t..,-neeix for ihe i
,, l.uuiu- oorporate limits of Vale, known practically all of h. ,w i... t
the City of Vale. Ontario county cand . gj lature. he replied t,
itleat the near- Argus. lature uledued themsi'lvea to tions seemed to ha tnori .,!
abide by the provisions of the bl nowlps the paMag
ative Cough Syrup for law should il be passed. Utter a law than they were two
soiing and old b) DfOJBJtt relief they changed their pledges to a ago. A law water law.
s i or cuugns. crout). noar.seness. straiirlil subscriotion to State- needed and Mr. Ij-vi.-, i
whooping OQUgh. Gently laxa- ment No. 1. Willi the iiassage much in hopes that the l.
tie. Guaranteed. Hold by The of the law, however, it would ap lure will give the stale .
m. Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., pear thai the Clackamas county cal and modern statute ii
- f'
wrterail 11,1,
IwwS iHi'r
j .i . li al
. ..,
A. ,l..
. II i.
i I .
mi- iui
way to
.. . where hi
toe! r.,
0 that pi
i am in
nd 1 1 erf
! the uriem Military .i ,1
road as far as the City of
"And after traversing that
. of tile stale, I want ta
II you people ol Oregon that
, tally don't know wliat
'.ave. An area bigger than
im1 states, practically unsettled
just as it was When the
itOf load. it. ulfeis more pp
unities than any tract of
id I ha.'
g lands, fruit
mini ral p . and,
thai n
especially in i L
view and th
numerous sur
veying parties, Ituilroads .,
,g un , amount ,l
skin rk in Southern ( I
gen and an evidentlj preparing
ij attempt to gel the better of
in u'iiing up thai
ibig territory."
Aiiioi 0 the towns visited along
. . n Vale,
i i. .
uiui man) oth
: : '.
.,1 u
u. !
, - ' t Mf I
Key i s (, bwil Qlstt s( Beer st lbs
Harney Valley Brewery Saleon
Cigamut Ihnt (Jtiutitu
MK0OA A OUIKN. I',. ;,,,. Hum. ,am
I i:. II . IK J
Bum:. - - Oregon.
Scilco Xlxio X3:ea.ciq."CLCirtoxs.
V liftf liquors mid Clgart,
liillianl and Pool I able5.
li h Roomt in Connection,
. . "1
The Sleepino Co. '
K.... 1 li-Vl' AMU.O. .
T Till ST
w wmm
Cifll TIUB
i-atrgflll: TBB
'vor t JO S, i,
Qln. 1 I.
... iO
n. I UftS
ill he Klsi is fars'ib
and I'KICtS
h uym ettlriag
Scskw ldjM
' iNS.
tables are the
and hooks in
Is them ty an
ie larni or ins
.nut rules
pleasant- Fred Haines, Harney, Ore.
men are under a double pledge, regard. Bend Bulletin.
1 will bold regular auction sales
on l In first and third Saturdays
n month at theC. A. Sweek
barn in Burns. Bring in any
thing on have for sale and get
your money for it. Special at
tention given to sales in the
W. T. Smith,
!J ' , i' i
2 jo ' I I'M
. ,l,lUhr, eorlaalUM. Ms
The Barns Flouring Mill
Jlulilii'N k.. Jlil.1 PKiilii:S h l!Si:D
HOlii, "U:ll BARLIiY, CHOI', AND:
All Kiiiil i ilwijfS uu Hand
lit Utn HldUM NAkLi liiafAH I0K WOOD MLUNfl ttriAT
Good Seed Wheat for Sale
Job Printing.