MOEBmEKasBBBSxajsaaaHDBjaMBaan i thr I- ti ami i ono o 'feat bI.-iIi iik medium in ttM"tt a h Hrf nt Hnrnry Cotiutrg I KM nil An I ..I '..I'H.OO hit l"''- ' i Brunt milij. it Irv "ii.l.r lli.. Inn. I lawn of BURNS. HARNEY COUNTS ..on. JUNE 6. 1:0 NO. 29 MM STOCK Wkrwtaf fipure; have boense- KILLED MONSTER cured from Sn- Gp. J. 'ham. nnd may bo relied upon INTJRFST is M f-nowirg correctly tne amount kept WATCH k m Aalmnl, Will n MM tk AaclaUaa, lured that there 2600 and chihited on the tland Country Association at Betting of the Show S-ptem- jsive. Togain widcsp'vn-, from i.iigary. i.. Montana. Cali nre larger in v.Mlit til. i Washington Animals and all Hreat surprise. Lv: .-haracter of business done, in this office: Numlnr of cattle grazing for FOR DR1ZZI.IN0 RUN n i 20.396: number of horses feint? wih COl'OARS for complaint. everyone kn ever has anything to do in - the with TWO NWMTS IN umbrella and raincoat, and thenr m ; n vrs cost money. In nearly all otnei shons the proprietors wait un- availing ly for customers. L riie nr n especially have no great desire to 0 IIRIVER HOME IS WAIN i OF TRIP Will : ItCFSS No i H INK HaoMtiii i ''j i r wll ' i- HeMestMi wmmammmti III I imfn- i i.i. i. M OEM I 10 number of cattle. Number free grazing. c fi kmh T Cmim- shop m the ram. i nat mean? cms Hd mm i nm. considerable loss of trade; it has i shops in 1900; and number of sheep grat- The hast Oregoman received (he Wry .lose tn imr free. . the following interesting letter ;, single rainy day $50tt,o tu i,.j u; fmm "Fnt" Turner denutv rame c.,.., l;.,,i ,,r ..-.,. ...linrAtiao an- division or administrative unit, is warden, who is now hunting in ,v RCn9jtive to e influ " 'M'- "' ' h ' . ... ih. u hones and the south part of the county, and Cnce of the weather. Mutton '" "' i"i ... , lion. Trnn.nmiiin(l Taw WW OM Tlax Pratr Sv'kMttr IN Tra M Fallhtal Itvta. Baring addressed more th;m ' . hiklren, met the resident in the White Hon and NO DUMP AMI KG N-.ii. Ibai hunt ing; ami OitMiitig iMin It Uii.l- of lb Auii"ii"ii l.n.l.V I. mi Si . V ' . i vim. i ' v V I ' i -I 1.111,1- tlia oi In (. i , hr mghout the I. ned from I n enth aes res W. etc r ii these W; r men B L so. and as tun one may buy here. ur l.vostock ill bi ies of the tock Aao- !"1 ll is going to Jk shows. At Bw, more than Mil ft: the Mr ewL while at as follows: 1 'nm cattle. $5,16SUKI. From sheep, who with Henry Uzinka killed nnd jwrk. for instance, ate mm- $7,820.74. Total $12,990.64. ttJO monster cougars in Camas ,,, ,v very strong electric The free grazing is permitted .Prairie this week. Mr. Turner charges; so that many a r pha0v '8: f' to fin by a thund r. irding to the' Mel Shutrum and wife and my- s-.m. 1 down in the Use Book. H Bnd xvif' h;n' h'"1 5?f'-f A ,val ,',,ulo,1 ' " .nt County News. at Hnr.v Li7-inka's place in more expnsive. by reason- rie for several daye impenetrable darkness, ror W(i SLE OF CATTLE ' vc womo W"! timc8- alone. Lofjdew exinds p This week while out hunting for wnon there is fog, $7500 .-. -of the largest cattle sales w" f,H,n(i "hire somothing than usual. The potfMl f hi. ..tinn in avfr1 had killed a four-year-old buck aro pleased by such weather. I r y.'ais was It null M.ii ! r NOVICE - 1 - nntnrin awrB naa araggen ii up a the reason that it causes a nu - Mondav when . -1.600 head of cat- ;p mil lor nu yams, una- H.r f .lisoases. so that nei were Iwdcd Rmini7 "' u"d w, ,;1ll"1 Thoun.l . the ears and started forborne 'bat t!.e deer had been killed by p,,,! niwy also have tli. i ram ..purchaser-, Par-.a courar nml w, m-'lHr l,p ur toeowe tnuwMtid by rain and i and Hanlev of Harney val- m'ntds to f M ! "' Naturally, it is much mow p I sellers and J M Henry Ivizmka and myself t to be protected from wind and of Miles City. Mont, and ' """! "f M Id of K and '' tch "Inibus and get soaked through. be purchasers. Holt bought . n"rn, m a ar'"ng ram. cnang- So Nature c.uisos consul. , mg on win. ram uiin i ''"'i enMfldlMlV Lr mail. Ml ''' P x the old Oregon trail congress build a concrete the cunt inent will, tunlly be b W'- -s. Ezra Meek.i the pioneer, arrived in lw,.,g .,.. . . rasfsnael this morning after hav- ,,,.,. , ,,, , ,. ,, , . , .,, ,,, travel., 1 more than 4.500 m,.,, .i, , .i,. miles by.. team .luring the last ,, , , ,,, M, i ll I i ar ami a half. , j, lVI, u , M , ,,,,,, ,h, ,),,. Mr. Meeker will remain in .... ,.: ,,, , .m, ,,i,i,, ,. " III in- hi I I, - ii,. i- r. iin .t,.,i M i -1 i s , i.i m Portland for two weeks and wdl take part in the l'i..tieers day celebration June 10. The M and .amp out lit their era) to Portland, . been shipped from St. Joaeph. Missouri, by train last While here Mr Meeker HeiiKioMn lerHeM K- v A J. Irwin will pt tl.irii. thl -'...I Su.i.Ihn a "iili nt ll a in. un, I 7 ..'hi ii ii. will camp .in on some lot in the- sl.1Htl, m i 1 even aai.lmtli t I l. ing steers, pay off with each k. I !.. al ...! . . .a iiwo nours uurmg ui" imk.iu mif ,a a apendthrilt. as in II - .u .... . . . . aid took iihi luad of three " l'"' 'a ' "" storm sue VMWPM tore iich he got for S. ";" k n,i,! xvr ! al1 The Otona that (ie.tii.vid I day and th n. xt night un- old han hed I Ihlg heifer. D8"" " ' uy " thtSB Hir head.- Bak at. ,r,K wnn appcareacauuoua gmc of tlie world I INDlSTRiAl N01 spondent i n the i ally asked the ate in mak- '" assurance of lulp ry quarter, put i . , ! . of the Commercial Club Buildini offered a five years' rental of : - m and - j- stic. But the officers of the League say that tiie.r plan will yet malerial i.". Both : ' Bjjhbj" magazine and Sunset" appear aa special Rose IVstial numberH for June. Nothing proves the act i v i : gon and Washing ton communities so forcibly as a glanc h the a -de Coast publiahod A communicatioi: went out last f i rn the Portland Commer- d the d i storm would DMICMBi paaj they looked big an.: savage wi' it wa II it $12.' I a man efl tunc W'eoachs' Igar MfMBJ minimi. at -I ci. tiled three and fired and killed Mh animals nt lh first Thl of lnc s'u,t- Statesman sends the f"l It was e long watch of about lv.-i,,,, frntti Vale under recent 36 hours in drizzling rain . . , ,, snow, oui we maue uj.our minus WliIl, lllov,n,t hri now. Tn to get them and s. warded well for our trouble. warehouse here and bBOrt These cougars had killed aev- c,niv,, in ullIVJSt (laiIy , eral pt'nies and m n.uM, U) m.n ll( lhl. )lW , Camas Prairie and measured 6 offered whll.h m ome cases is aa feet from tip to tip. They weigh- ,((SV m H ,jr ., c.enU M I(OUI1(, ed about 115 pounds each. Mr Jhoam Venabe a nnch, Shutram acted as can.; im,mdi Qn ti(. ior us wnne we waienea, carry ing grub to us in the brush. UM COMkMS VW1H0U M.KlW.I New land contests a' up 'every day, seys a Lake view news dipatch. The busi neaa of contesting is being ear- :.i . . .. vu rxuriim, tor pernuiw goBIB iiv. ji ,7i uj. un viauin nt ..iai . years ago; out through tin .;. Railway ated riub to the organitationoftneasof the force in flet Owarll state asking f.-r a supply of Land Office have not agaa ichcommuni- their patents, are being fore, d ty. Special files of these publi- into contests. These contests of newcomers, aoos who have I. ft the ajajatq naturally come to the larger and the object is to faros them such a t- sell their rights for a small u will l " ahe returr. here and tight at a big expense. It Northwest is included in uppear.s that tin mscrupu- lous metho kj are being used in m many it:su.nie.- theeaaea MhnMhl that the prices being offered were alout half of what he sold ar but that be did not look for a much better market full. This seems to be the general opii ion of the major- i. . of lambs will torn llo to 1 1 M-r cent ore tun au 01.111111a1.1t; am say the increase will be 150 nt, but tins is somownal .itv. This afternoon Mr. Meek er will consult .1 acorn Kamm. ' t old-timer, to see if he can have the pnxilege of putting up hi 1. 1 ton one of Mr. Kamm's lots near the busineal district Ml M' - .. sjiys his trip has leen a success in (prery way. The pi ople i . i.' when-, hi were i riy glad to . lum il lum with oK'ii In N' v . orh eit. where Mr. M - d wo months ed .. peeial -ing his o to appear on the -iixets of Ana il ea's in. tp j l'- ;:a, Mi Mi fkat has lived i th- nH t. tao. I of the time, and a i i the principal .. try. Ah a re- ult, be is st ill '77 years young." lits it hnnsolf. Whil.- RWaj one of the oxen ii thl oihrr still remains i.i The mate was taken I I -',-. kyards at Omaha led more than (ragging the prairie , 'ad driver all those Bill'" i rauajej Mr. Meeker is ei the Perkins. The ox team will arrive within a few will apMiu on the of Portland. At The will be unloaded from t cur and driven to v Mr. Meeker himself. will go than to meet them. d Stl I-. i 1 w overdrawn. WHO WAS HI.? work. all parts of j otaies seem i oe .a tbi .n .ioiis -he:-and especially is true of the factory which re- Httt - er about mtk Bto pull to A acr. SCI A Ijtke.. pre says: A man. apparently a ; en on a pro- s iwn u (1 few days ago rtly after- h lead in th city jail, not b All that is known is that he at I'd.- Ilr, , s Km i ,v wbeol atfn'eleak Bnoda ami enrdtal inv.ut - iimejod i all ho . hi. .ill. nil I" in, v H ill. U- Ai i;. p. tn i harsh lee 4. i Irwin aaatei I'-vni. -. r. '.iiilli -uu I i .in. I . .; , 10 a i, i n awieaeMaaMeeaMea NEW SPRING WAISTS .hint reeeiel beautiful line of ladies' waiata in Kmhroideried, Ijice and net waists for Spring. SomelhinK Very Stylish in Lawn and Silk Our drcRH goods department will ahow a ven tittr.i.tive display of UlTM, Silk Mulh, iMercerixed Chambrays, (orrine SuitiiiKH and Ingomari These gooda.are the latest production for this season. New Embroideries and Lace and . beautiful line of India Linons. ( )nr hoe depai tmenl is comp rte inevery way and we can satisfy the most Fastidious in loot wear l. . I lL- ini-min-i wv tnrrj nil' HOYAI. WOKCHSTKK COItSFTT Browns Satisfactory Store. airatsmtntti time Bjejajajj MM rnt-f- The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Mi. ml I be Use Mar RESTAURANT I 'hll.t ' ...,f(. , I ' r . 1 MB w. f r ALu HOUR Bnkt.'y in . nne stion A Specially if Mmrl OrJcn. I I . it . i' Ii i lb tug lh ma. '.i I -ll ill. Yntir ,,u,.., ana ai.l'i'i.ail tire Slociia. Wetter Tamil) I ral Solicited- lrcv IMivrry T. E. JFNKIN, Manager ; Must S eepl n I,, . ed at '. against women who endurod nunv hum.hiiut in hnlHiriLr ,!i,ui than makinjf commut.. -f. A peculiar ineitient .,i a Al fear days airo. when a biir. abb- '""" llot Lak i'e be liasi ol any Size on lMl;Mj man limiivkf a Mtntauit been T . ha.e cu;.- to acrainat u widow who has thrt I. i- in Kkai. Fjjtatk 140 Crane Creek gap. ho I land, thf other 80 I fi'iin-il, yrowinv planted, small sajkapd, ull kinds, Ibrti m boust . liar, an abundance prtaafl water. Can be I XX). Also a (lest i i nt, land all u iK-w houst' well lin- ' .liar Slid w.'li; H niiU-H I ten, all lt-vel and Hne farm Some bind cleared and 10 er 12 acres in trr-.winv' .mated 4 mile eaaj "f 1'rice 4f)0. Wai.tkk QaUY, Lnwej JbtUtTMtV - 'ra . . , I.. Urkmmt, fitac u. Hi..i i i. raaaaa h Aatla. Oaali ,;'?"- : -:. i LUlU Zmm I. . BSE , nun i . , ABSOLUTELY FREE t I .ilmr in -f aw au C C-J !!, Hs s uU, mi UIin ( Ikci al the Harney Valley Brewery tialoon ; it BttflVn a ill UMM CifjurH of lUnt Quality NKLSOS St a 1. 1 EH. I'roprMorm, Hum. Orafeei : : a a a a The Sleepine Co. K....v. I i a CCIVKLANb.O. kjeji . Mr. UiKtr rut U-lfil of cir Hat over mok he contract... 1 a mi A fe asu lit ie tl. ::tOBl a I...-. l'ile K. mi 'y. for all forma of .. reduces Inflai I. Sold by, aty, Buin.-., ' Hid t- 'lie session o. ,, u, fcuuixtri and who at the i Ad Men's As irt ui 1 in tne tw i . but for some een sent I of tn. n will enjey a unique t( he Club lo-nitfht- a decision haa not i. the unusual and interesting mhai bAb wtATHtk COaVt aventioii i .milar 'her, Lu uiiiKtoii and since llow i,,uc j bad oi. Ad. Men claim to ln this con;,. ', Ore. IJBJBJ Advertising Anzeigei up, apparently Ingush m Huii.i. form. ing special -is. Ujc PJBj, M.-amer u uaee engageu in ine nignt anu is visn Pineules for t different fa of licide. fnend.s here today, lb- i al forest i. -rial $1.00. Guaranteed. Winn it rains, nearly all trades- Mrs. Haigl.t and tl,- boy in th on tlie Kia- men complain oi uau ousmeas, oesl ol nealtli. Mr. ilai-'h' lnf in the first except the cigar dealers; the make a tri;. I myen Cit) backache, weak back, latter, however, rub their hands f..i '.-turn at Portumd. his may be lame back, rheumatic pains, kid- with delight, the desire to Prairie City Miner. id bladder trouble. They make a bad day more endurable biingly of purify the blood and invigorate by a good cigar increases the tak .'-nk Bros, wish you to coin.- ess trans- tin in. Sold by The ings of the cigar dealer by 15 in and see what they have, so o think the Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., per cent. The public-house you may order a suit and b. gcant. The 'Tea Haines, Harney, ure. Keepers in tne city nave no cause ahead of the rest. AUCTION will hold paajsjnj ales ( " 1 i ih La.Ol THE CAPITAL SALOON, i . Burns, - - Oregon. HVcx1eo Xlxio Hoadquarteis. W ines Llquori and Cigars. liillinrd and Pool tables. Club koums in Connection.' M. I. LEWIS tail ' i- fatrwink PARTICULARS and PRICES U afjrsai tfajlriag INFORMATION. SbHNS,.SK DESlaNS. third Sntordays eacl .ii i. Bring in ing , and get si al io sales in the 1 - - -- " SIS -y , .mp. ros " I.i I I "'.I UlUIH INMNIH i, CREIKI Till ... 'dJK HA L'l laala ar IfAHL tLftr, latttaUk M E tnsie Onac CJO S.n. Saaui.lul I ' l I J. UaaiK.ia. Ci...u.. .. - i I - i i Mi &m'- MONU'.ILN. ml -ANY, W. T. Smith, Auctioneer. Hundreds of jeople who suffer -m backache I, lame Jumbaifo and similar ail- U are not it these aiaHpfly symptoms of kith Pineules for the It -, aci directly on the kidneys. nging quick relief to back- and othi . , m)tms of kid- d bladder derangements. 30 trial $1.00 and guaranteed, back. Sold by The Pharmacy, Bun..-, n . i red Haines, Harney, Ore. mi ! McGowan & Nichols Spelta to sell for seed or i n taper than barley. have i n.i f t it.. tat, . r I iraryH.nie far.UU Dktluaaf y .. u.ti.. O. a C. MERR1AM CO 1 itllabara. arUllald. Hi The Burns Flouring Mill j i j aWN III r ru r M iNr, wo?! a a a a a a H Jlil.1. 1'Kiiiil h USED i III: j mi nil nt in , In r in, Ii) H FLOW, mB BARLEY, CHOP, AND ill kiiidi ill 111! F-'.l 4lwdj oa Hand lhl HH MAiktl fklUfAlli I0K tiOOU atlLllNI fOOkl CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sale I Job Printing.