is-JIerald. I.ATinB r iTHiarOUKTT. lA SO ! lace lews. den seeds at kg onion sets. un collars $3. 75 me & Sons. ItinK and pawr )re(ron. a car load of and harrows. ivc receiveo a ic woolons and bid cultivators Busy Corner its over i rom rter his politi- Icity. Monrtay. nd M r. liowan n-ceiv- morninR stat- Kt Winm' ay. nnp his NO to leave his lith is sick at Smith in this pieman is suf- Kroub "The Pioneer Bank of Harney County" Statement of the Condition of The First National Bank of Burns At the close of business May 14th. 1908 RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $190 On I Bonds 50.000.00 Bonds and Securities 54,504.48 Premium on i nds 2.000.00 Real Estate. Furniture and Fixture 6,000.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1.250.00 Cash on hand and in Banks 114.733.24 LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Circulation DEPOSITS $418,489.81 $ 25.000.00 24.252.00 25.000.00 344.237.81 $418,489.81 IE 9FFE8 THE F40UTR5 OF k STOW. Mil l-Qf IPPIfl lANk FOR THE KIXDI.KIMi 01 MOHTl . SaTlSFACTWY SBMCI 10 01 H PATRONS. 01 R PATRONS aRI ASSIRED OF COlRTEOiS, CONSIOERATE TREATIENT. RE UtDlLSS.QF THE SIZE OF IHI.IR ACC01NTS OR THE V0LI OF 14 SINESS TRANSACTED. -o- t i I SITED STATES DEPOSITARY irtland where Huston has horse pas- w. I '( ii'l!'! liars $3.75 , m aark n .1 ( ' U' itn.. ft Son'n r tieaun lor -w. - rare accompa- Hand seeders and cultivators , ounjr. I. Schwartt. The mus ranchers will Sr fhuraday afternoon from a trip intajre t eith- BORN In this city. Tuesday, to the railroad. H. J. Hansen May 26. to Mr. and Mrs. I. L Mnrket hefon Poujade. a son. Job printing The Tin Painting1 and paper hanfrinjr A. Horton. F. Crowley was up from Law en Thursday. I. H. Holland has' returned from a visit to the railroad. Fay Comejrys was a visitor from his Weaver Springs home this week. A car lend of harh wire at Voeirtlv's loinr distance wire one-half mile to the spool. W H. Morrison ws down from Harney Thursday In "" pany with James and (Jeo. I lert . The Misses Lulu and Agnes Miller have (tone to Canyon Cit to visit their many relatives dur ing vacation. Harrx Jadtaon and wife are at present stopping in the city, Mr. Jackson Wing at his old post in II. M. Morton's drug store. Schenk Broe. do all kinds of cleaning, pressing, repairing far ladies and jrentlemon at i reasonable pi Albert Oakerman. R. J. Will iams anl James Winters ' from Silver Creek on, lain! huainess.tlie tirst o( the wwk Sheriff Richardson returned Thursday evening from the south ern part of the county win r has been delivering ballot box The little daughters of Mr and Mrs. L. Woldi-nlxM-iran- from Canyon City visiting tl grand mother Mrs M. F. Will iams. W W. Drinkwater. b i smith. Harney, Oreaon. H A 1 .arden seedl nt Voegtiy's. Painting and paper ban Horton. Hand and mltivatofs 'nsy Corner Store." No. 1 Bo ion trim collars $8.?.i it '. C VSihome & Sons Walter Sullivan has been up from his boajmtead (hiring the Mrs. :'.. I Pimkwater lins re if Bprlnf and mmmsi hat and looking for .1 Thornton Rosa, eoni i .1 be c i . .. . . Burnett of Schenb Bros, you tOOOTM ;,. ,.imii, loneountj M what they hav... m ,.,, ,.,,, , D, .,.. suit and he ehool hinds h . hi of the de- I .v Trust ,"u may order a I of the rest, QmH and httleaons i"r PorMand whore will it relatives and Is for an indefinite time. Hettie Bartlett. of Drew ey, i in the city visiting her oUter, Mrs. A. V. Racine. Blue Mt. Bagk 640 acre ranch for sale suitable for dairy or stock ranch. Abm,,! anci of water for irrigation and p 'wcr inquire at this otli baOfjMB game at the fair, lit Sunday afternoon i local teams was pro-1 . od kr'xl by those in atteml anoe. The score was 8 to 0. nplete sectionized m.ip of Hnrne Co. in ten colors, show-. ina; all l.i i holdings, has leen n out by E. O. E. Co. 11.00 McGowan t Nichols. Sales Ak' of p rtlt '" Ifl 'I I i nitentiary and to i and in default of the tine he ma) serve 288,000 day I in the Multnomah oounty jail. i more than StM years. Ml IT NOTICE. i mi i i vm 1 1 i, r i i' i i, lug ln Consistently adhering to legitimate Imrikiiig, confining Its loans to rvpatable farmers, etoci niiseis nml bttltMM tneti. The HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of BURNS offers to the people the advantage ol itsfacill tieM. developed tad ptriteted hi yenrw of mieeeaa fnl strriet bo dffsMttofo. nor l'H In Ii It fa allege I t at tl t M lflll'l iw in hl WStlT .fit-i ln M. ftrotrn. i nahirr trti llmtnr. t ,v rff, i liat log In RffMSPf Attn Fun Sai.i Four i-vear-old thoroughbred Herford bulls from' famous Ibnry Cray herd of Ooofc County, I ha o purchased Herfords from another herd to take the place of these is my reason for wiling. W. E. Smith. Burns, Oregon III. Ml I . . . . b ivn hi ilii n. ,r,, r iihlli ,i..n i rmi Sunt Hamilton informs us C. H. Voegtly has garden seeds. C T fn-,- la .... f-. .. k.'.. v. a vsmi I l' Hi' IM'III 111. .1 , ., Crane Creek home shoeing and all kinds of g.i ,nal me sigmn grsae examina- ; air work. Your buaineas sol tion rcentlj taken was one of Chaa. Roper was among our j(.ito1 the hardest he had ever seen. viaitora the first of the week. None of the eighth grade pupils a r. i. in; n . MUM 1 CH 1 1 1 I , V I 1 1 i u. w. cicvenger arnvea nome k.i i. i:..: in .u.- last fall for the purpuse of ad (ng their little son to school, h.v . Dorman Leonard is one of the m ..-d t Har late virtima nf Ktinttiwl fi'vnr ..... . ... . . on or lard. eu . ut..ln ': ' ' '-,, '""ert. m .Michigan. '"ui win,. ii .ttui i.wt, B..U nr ii impniving. iahe care oi no9l. tney aPe fr-ajh and good Voegtly has them. 1 1 Catteraon was in yostar who tiHik tin examination failed in more thsn two studies and these may be taken again ai the June examination. NOTICE I'OH ITIU.ICATION. mm his horse ranch in the and familv 8tsin'sMounUinM,tion. Meidames Reed & Johnson McGowan & Nichols have have r.jved a pn 0f their Spelts to sell for seed or feed cr than bat: the it crioas. presenting the tment of tht- -may ano re here n the r. Mr B '- Duple of years ivith Mr. Mc- erest of the will i amanied by a i'preent I g ones. Those laSl oolil unu .tirs. ueriuuM rviui. wiiuum jMtfSSi MM '"' Siffenng from typhoid rev- ,ng from er. is improving SOTf satisf:wlor- ould let Mc- ily since Dra. Msriden and .nf- w before flth operated on him. The republicans will close, the means exact- campaign tonight with a rally at ik., .ts.itft kniMA TWaor Kuvu so aesssena M,w fmir differ- been out to Narrows. Lawen. Adam George has 21 quarter sections of grsln land. Tracts up to (HO acri's. Tl,;. la .. UK I Ul.. .. ".' :;A .,a!,hi8 "'" Lmnii fu;";,h,r ind. ' but bushels, s" -a uaiiMm ui i'. i . aunwn in liii- iiiw iimee 01 .1. w . ni.'i W. R. .mer 10 james itiioen at 11 Dawson and wife were sey and father of Miss is here on a VYnti:i 1! unestead relin quishment or deeded land, with to $27.50 ikt acre spring shipment of millinery and 40 acres or more that can be ir- sre expecting more. rigated. Qhnj description, loav " r"r'"". of Drewsey. W. L Beat and hi. fstl . end lowest ossh pries.. .; ' '"'"-''; ''ing in came over from Silver Creek this re. I J. ""J" T h """"i week and the former has gone harff, . Wash. " u"h' " " h"" ., ... ,. ildwill. .Mnith (lamis he did out to Baker ( .ty. Why not see what your hon ,,, . hon,.M ,)Ut that an W. M. SU-wart has a nice, dealer has and get his pricea be-i, ,,,, .. ,,. ,,1PtlHi ,h..m v..r t Frank, the little son of Mr. i8m0oth two-year-olcl stallion for BSfO sending away for goorls? id he M saronts to John ii iiragaa, Mn Ii iw M'llV U . I . i I rli,r.- III,. . ,.lr4li,,ti in On- i BROOKES 8l LOWE Blacksmiths Try the Horseshoeing and (ieneral Repair work South Main St.. i hetcrmn Shop i Hu.ns, Oregon. I hi Hrllr MM I "' III I Ht 111 1 I I . I NEW MBRCHANDISE Dry Ooodat, Hoots and Shoes l:resh (iroceries, etc. For Spring and Summer I rade LUNABURC & DALTON ranches f mm 020 uptolOoii All well v nig of i water mniriiiLr in nre.M froir. tlO "IMOKAIIOV to I MB1 ill' LANDS IN MtldXAl I OKI ni Found At Ixxher's hall after the public ehool entertainment Friday night a child's chain ner call at this of- ice. . i r ! 'li u sale. The cult was -.rx by his levengOT has prices OB Clyde stallion 'Cracker Jack." wwing machine.,, furniture, car- pet, etc.. that will not permit Mrs. W. L. Marsden expects anv one Kn&m for goods In his to take her departure next week jne Qq an(j for Portland where she goes to I ' be i -tected to start them in the races. SheritT Thorp Iwellwaaat Canyon yea-t-nla to intecept the man and 'phoned to take him back to ACOMPI l ll l INBOI RUBBER QOOOt i l ,0 The Welcome Pharmacy, Bums, Oregon. fount. iln Syrlnxr. Hoi Walvr gaSjass- Mplc, OIovm Hani WuhlM -Hyrlntv. Whirling Hpraya, t lncr CU, Brsssti, ir. .i Pumps, in laci n tin- UuMw Uinnu saerMJ spies UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORE J L Welcome Jr., I'rupl. i incliines i Drewwx and Harnev aocomna- Nolli? Kd and Mrs. Frank Wei- jured memu-r. ue was furnish I !.. 1 . ll . ana mue uaugniers win wrt.k li;, Burns band and hav with lots of music UMV.S I ' are for sale ,ng g " ore advertih- nd no'- ai! I' lunn and his mother i one to a car -it returned from Surprise ruon Cilliamcoun- Sl ::. 1 ,i-i i- if the Btt Dg the ; CuiiiSBr will give hog r il :... :- California, where they iaii'-d on account of the death Of Wm. II;. I rank's sister's husband. Mrs. Hays wss left with a family of eight nut in better circum stances thsn same, having a nice paid for with a pettep in the Woodmen lodge. Mr. Dunn says that aec- and that frost county to ar- md bring his kiUt)d aJ1 lht fruit with lhe -eption of early apples ility is Our atchword I'lHlIC StMOOt I1AVI H M) I r. cipts Fi.-naes Hal ( . h.ilid I '.till 1 :7 :, :'.'. o, 98. ' M BO I1H0.0O N"ln i lult PUBLICATION i- uuttl growth of tliit more i- .,ne of ueu in the history of merchandiniug eaiibe lor this crowtli is plum to the witujfttctiou which utteiuLeverv e i iinplete assort uieut.-. the triul- nwl th lei- !llll.ilu. lit -r mi t lowest prices, all combining; to (lift (-Bl'V :"-"-' al SU)J)I relilel for lidAi I ii. .l. tk fm trad ingest amps, given with every 5CHWARTZ. Husy Corner Store" ri ll.l" i;l...... u. I I t-: I i 1 1 I.I . attend the Geaad Chapter o. E. . VT "'T ' . , , ' ; I S. which meets J um laceraUil by a rope 1. m. Mr. Oirhin therefore t.nik leweeasago, nas ossn fur- tin pnsioner Hack with turn yes Prof. D. VS. oder. 1 Schwartz much pain from their.-: morning. Smith claims ike and is MUdoM tn mi litii.lf l.i i 'i. Iilu.'..ll u li.,ri, Ii.. ''" " l'"vaie ,,.-.,,. ,.,,. ,i(..:tI;i D, ,.,;,,.. hacingL . ifeandchild Monaay ior ouuuae pomm ftnd ojiening up the wuind. W. H. Fitchett is up from his j c. Wilson, a brother of near Windy Point. Be , u. mjm, and their niece, says be has a good stand of grain Miss Berdella Furay, arrived in and if the weather will turn warm t.j,v Tlmrsday sfteni.n is confident will have a good fromOoaef Ohio. Mr. Wilson crop. comes to remain permanently Adelar Racine and Mrs. II '' w'l' ke a position in his Wflcome were married at Can- "'other's blacksmith shop at yon Wednesday g. The Ul"'- 1 X Isdy came young couple have man frisadi f"r l1"- bsasit of her health and in this county wi... wi.-h them a ' tay an indefinite time. successful, happy life. About one hundred head of STUDEBAKKR WAGON8. ranch horses, broke and unbrok- ) , . , pj i,ody knows a Stttds- at the Trout Creek ranch of bsksr, ssk your bl the American Land & l.i ve St.xk the worl and material Co. Call on or address, I in a Studelker. We have s Hill, iigiu away. A; Denio. Greg . of these rigs are spoken I Miss Mar)' Godfrey took her for. Send in your ..rder and wei departure Tuesday morning for guaranty railroad prices. Wi Portland. Miss Godfrey was not ; you buy a wagon buy the beat. I an applicant for the ignition she When ou use a Buggy, Hack formerly held m the high school. : Buckloard use a Studebaker and many friends here regret ' 'ou have the best Railroad she is not to return this fall. prices guaranteed. ... , i . .u. .i. , N. Brown & S ju iwj.i i rial 1. wis ine oj fer on Pineules. Relieves Back ache. Weak Back, Luaie Buck, matic pains. I: fsrsTssneri Bladder si (. Hunting, fishing sndcsmpini Good for oung and old. ' my pren faction guaranteed or money re- Immigrant creek during the grow fund I by The Welcome jIIK macv, Bums, Oregon rrwJ j fj GaKKBTT Haines, Harney, Ore p liarge. Mi (iowaii A Nichols Lsad Levalious leal bslalc far Ssk lass ttf BNKBt ass SeM. Ill UN-. OBJ '.ON B4CYCLGS RCPAIRED w PriaeipsJ I. C. Raymond of the' w PB stent for puncture-proof puhl iiand.-d in the fol tires and all SIANIMKI) HICYCI 1 1.. If you want a wheel, a est of tires, or have your i Is ii i am d, come and see Carter A Swcck MTl. I-IIIU I Aki ' Hurt,. Hi,,.., U. , I.I !. ' i l M. (" ,kr ,. .' .,.,,ui. ; .,, , ... I .11,1 In II.. H(i.ii i ii,. Sab 4 ,lm Mm , Saglatof. lksr Ageii TK SPA. N'GTJ M. itiij.I' i ION I I . -I II IM i . I t M m Mass ati' uUitwiui, M. i, i. lUU.OwK tltf . tr The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. LI VII. IIINICIPAI SB IWhulHh IMIMI MainOllite. Buriut. Oregon A . HVH.XHU, MKi. Branch Oltn . Ijikeview, Orrgon h t ii , k ii Hgr . HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropi al ad Domestic Fruits when in eason. ,E AL80 HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats. Shirts, Clothing, Ur dsrwear Get Prices C .'LDRTN'S OLOTHINC. Ai kindi of Fsh Vegetables ir Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. I lurk liuiMtng Hereford (ai.le Prise I mi Un- farm of Win I' ineas, in Malheur MMtj VV'iI! be plsssed to i i call -ml in- jct In id If M Mod "i 'IiIIh ,! i ii in . and pi . . Willi I Al I I J ll"iSU, IdiiiUi mi Uuiitli.Un. LIVERY, FHSD AND SALE NicGEb & OWEN, Propts. .. j Fresh i cons, Coiniortabk Rigs. Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transdent Trade Call on us. Next door to French Hotel Main Hows Iminli'ii U the iIhv, k or inoiilh CHA: WILSON, Young's Meat Market and temy We are Headquarters for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blanket: STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh Wv Crry a Coiiiplttt- Line ef HARNESS and SADDLES Meats at Cash Prices. J. C. WELCOME & SON Buiae xesoru CALL AND INSPECT STOCK All Kinds of Groceries and:M"ln, - nt lackMiiilhin and hV v.shoiujf. Wagon Work atWORKOUAR ANIEFO. Burns, Oreijon THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.