I I tuoniM the rime rUrrilO Official Caper of llariirr County i Urt circulation and la one n hVt ailvprtiaina OMxIinma in F.aatorn Sflte vxt$ ttak Wt S..l . mmm 4f ...a..... OoTtfl an I 'M.SOn arrat of l:iiil, 4,i:W),tinl arma yit vacant anl.ji 1 1 loestrj BSCSt il..- pni. lif lamt lawa of tiia r. it i Plata BURNS. HARNT.Y COUNTY, ORKCON, MAY :. 11 WO. 28 n FJ IB WAS WILED BV M'MiMBHT. S DEFEATED lumber bill for the school house A and work will ,ioon begin. Mr. and Mrs. Kinar roused throueh Sunset on their way buck to Rurns. Mr. and Mrs C. V. Reed were hosineea visitors to Rurna this week. N. Hency made a trip to Burns irton dispatch on Thurada" of excit PROSPEWHiS COMMUNITY satisfactory, and that under ex isting conditions the trend may ho expedtd to lx Steadih dnvn- M4v new Howes in the sunset ward, with the result that in a MM C.ppo.H. n (U Waate. V ALLEY SECTION. TWlttr HaaJtaalMan Clan a( PMftt Wbo Have Fall la flat Tuft at HartKy Caaam-TV Nr OraaV. leration of the ins: i-i. howavar, the reiHirt am The many new homes that have sorunjr up south of Wright's Point are certainly a revelation to those who have not visited that section lately. Very sub stantial improvements an I com- 1 Byron Smith ex- fortahle homes may be seen and to leave the last of June for some of the moat hospitable peo lYnilleton accompanied by J. B. pie ever met are among the resi dents that will make gixnl socially, financially and otherwise. The certainly Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porter leave in a few weeks for Pendleton for the summer. From Pendle- the bill pro- ton m -will go to the d homesteads Valley to visit with relative. Mondeil of yea of Tennes- led the report. )set hy I 01 lfi led inr Mr Hamur Xr nnrl Wnlfnr . , n,. -.,,.,-,.,., ,u c. .,., ,. iimes-rn'ra ti w certainty promt course of his! Warmer are oi cr to Warm Spring .,.., ' for a few weeks. " " ' , there. They are thrift v and will J. B. Hodder arrived home i. .v.- .- . ...... niaivv nniiriiniiK v, iii.ii -'ini'ii seldom t rum Rculali on rnda. of ihn vllnv The mmrf now Mr. and Mrs. Baron have re- cleared and in cultivation will the following W, : rho ii int. and I pro- advocate this is oi inousanas and they have lisposition to- tliat . prated this re- ipon him- held that the constitute a re-immber. leu me ruling. I ilarel he heard other iown. (which at first! fct. thereupon turned home from Sage Hen where they have been for the past few month. Mr md MkaV Koy Blackmer irns. A heavy rain fell Sunday which was much needed by the gardens. rge Simmons and George Id of Narrows passed through Sunset Sunday. Mrs. Harmer has four hund red little chickens the result of her inculiator. Several of the chicken yards have been visited by that un welcoau i te. make good crops even this sea son under favorable conditions. comparatively i'ew years the run -almon in that stream will be ivduced to such a degree that thousands of fishermen may be thrown out of employment and much capital rendered idle. The Federal liiueniment is without any juri t in the premises, and the duty of con serving the salmon supply in the Columbia devolves on the States of Oregon. Washing' and Idaho: but this 1 -pai-tnieM has been charged bv Cong r with important tiah-cultuinl op- in the Columbia lai and has felt impelled from bane lo time to direct attention to the necessity for giving adaoa. protection to the various spe of salmon frequenting that stream. The Department i vincod that the run of salmon in the Columbia can be amply main tained for an indefinite period if OHIiUON INDUSTRIAL NOUS W HOI I'siu: NTHUSEO OVF COM MIRUM ClM H0WI NO R (i Mm. tiny .- i .-. t . I i i. ,i .i i"u i TriiH-a- ra wi 'I If i . . C II VOKUTM aaSSaM mmttm atajeieesieaveMeeM AnaaiMatal. IWraf rtofriM tar a rVmu tm EiWWI at OrrtM PrwlMti irt ifirinl i.roiifiLrnthin in Mini'K - Although the present spnng mon, (v rn;1, protection has been unfavorable to grow- mi rtifieial propagation alone ing crops none of these new peo- rnnnrt 0h- with the situation, pie are dlecouwsjed and con- ad. ,u, niattn of fact th, tmue impmving their land. Sev- ,,., cxperionce of the Depart eral have large areas cleared oi ,.! has show,, that its U-nHi-Bte brush and considerable ond- (,.nt lalwrs are rendered ata er cultivation. They have heard futi,. ,v tK. fniimi of t) from former homes and found jn appreciate this fact. that the season is not favorable The Wrp.utment sees no n.. anywhere and that Harney coun- , f a(lv,K-atinj the .lin, I not an exception th. re- Um rf fllh irtmh fl If, Ihl riv fore are just as enthusiasUc as er tlurt. ifl M trfcJsnce to veer ana more actemunni to cie- huw thu( tnJH form of apjr,,,,,,, fmtn tlli oi ii was ai principal argu- ngainst the ci on tne suj- ! lv fmate homs- saad Mat lesiS Honili:, SB (Sviinl corresp 'iidince. ) Your correspondent hfj inside information that there will !e all kinds of nines for the gnnt fes ' huh begins June 1st and I until the lith, with a pnv fl am full of interest from the ng moment until the clos ing hour, with low rates from Hint in Oregon. All i ems to have been ! aroused and enthused over the new Immof tne Portland t'om mereial Club. At one luncheon last week there were representa tives from fifteen towns and cit of the State. The conven tion Hall on the sixth floor, in which all Oregon's organized iwxlics will be welcome, is a tral figure. Kvery picture hung: ujwn its walls is an Oregon scene and in this room during the Mai few years will l enacted much ( interest ami moment to ever man. woman and child of Oregon. Ashland is csecially pnper ous and happ . Aline of shade trees to the number of four hund red hae been planted on either side of the Imulevard leading eft) to the Normal new residences are upon surrounding NO lltl m. NottSS It licrrlo glfStl Ihsl lnoil- ing ai'l -Immiiih( apan is lamia nf ih An.f iem. I.oi.t I I Ii ' ia -irnMi forbidden " i 'i leii.t- inn " Irsspas It g will I'liictl lo lhi fu't i llattl of ili Ihw I n. Mm. r KOTIOK Itcmu lira' I in t -. . .it .. renasl alli'iei Ii lii I lii lull, , H , ,,f I hi Mr eeoms dee i . iti- ssste inv I l I will) Mr. ( . H I hmI. ! l'-l l -OH ill. id,.. minimi nf ( partneftMsj a penespt -I'll, iin mi i.f ii' a.iui- i- n iiii'tnl. S DBS A muii conference, but s I port Hg finally defeat- . ipsi Hrtion of Senatui ment allow Hiaae homesteads ftg upon them. s4 t i ..!.. ...! 9 aaaata a hii1 In na . ... ...v.,. wi. .. laiuis '!"' i- p.o-ticularly destruetiv. to ScIhh.I and possible in order to reap a rev- m.. .ondition that ia s . lu:.. A party from Pendleton pass- enue from their labors. un, .. .1 ed through Suns- eg for The writer returned home h llf suhnon nanitlv, land. They reported wheat do- way of tl. .!. orer wal ,- renders the wheels un- A-im covered herself with intr Kliii'llil III III thut ...Mil- I,. AViirlil' P.. ml TK! niiuu .,( ... sin ..lin.r ! ..iliiuna aiul feateci T . ' serviceaDie and. on tne other "" V .. ..m reasasj mi ntii m fJicocuu ivnu iuw iwwimii ii'iiMUl'muir hand tNTItMlM of i lV low V'i- r ,n,luri rriWTril mHlJ iu wiithhh imentboth favorable and tn whan the flah are much n - passing ,.f the iwt 1 IljKf4ul t . .a 1 aa aBaKla k a ..... 1.1.. 1 . . I .. f S '- - - -- nimiiuni mi lani hiti.p lawimnii-. ni'inm i a now iiiiicn ,i :.. .i.;P mil.,im..ia . nl.. i .. u Van Bmbrse and Gidden Mid- about road building and do doubt ,f. , ' .. " SteSk r "" '" 'T ,V',"" . . . iii j uniaonute tor the wheels, forma. a niigion and Idaho dsugh were business rteston to li irrade could Ih improved. I(m.mt .i,,. Ills, .. ,. .,, ,. ,,...,,. u- "" .. 1.,,. , U.. . I. . ' : " .""" "'" " ""' lOllHB-V MIIK-lll-llllll- w "-- '; sesMins the catch of salmon b) grains maoe miner more iavor- ull,.(; nine iiuiiiiiiinia, afci very c"n"ismal venieni 10 mai new seuiemeni and a great saving of miles be ra and Narrows. ! A J. Irwin will fee. i liarnay (ha 2nd Sumlav nf each iiiiiiih at 1 1 a. in. ami T .'Ml p ui Sabhalli ai IiihiI nvrry sabbath at 'i p. in TIik Barwsj lasdwy -rlm.il mi la at 'I 'clock mih Siinilay anil a i'itiJihI Invllalioi, i- , itrmlrd In all w be I IS n ml ! in' I .lit Al Ihf I'ri'aiivi-rian liiinli Hiirna, Kv. A .1 Irwin iaatnr. ! iiii MTVlifa Um 'hinl mill l..iirlh Hiiik1h r. .,f I'M. Ii lu.intlihi I I a. in., and 7:30 in halilialli wheal tt 10 a Hi SI .tl. iii'iriniiK NEW SPRING WAISTS Jusl rM eivrl ii beautiful line of ladies' waists in Kmbroideried, Ijice and net waists for Spring. Something Very Stylish in Lawn aid Silk Our dress good department will show a very attractive display of Lawns, Silk Mulls. Mercerized Chambrays. Conine Suiting and IngomarM These good are the latent production for this) eaaon. New Embroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of India Linons ( )ur Shoe department is complete inevery way and we can satisfy the most fastidious in loot wear. Mememher we carry the ROTAL WORCESTER CORSET Brown's Satisfactory Store. .muuii .tm mmiiiii ttni" Rums this week Mr. Bar I Washintrlon spent several days at the home hers attempt to.,, rui 1- i lookint? at land with inten tions of locating VY. Dawson has returned after a brief absence. Plans an' now Iteinjr laid for a unique Fourth of July celebra tion; which will be m the form of a camping party to Stein's mount A SNA!". ESTATK III acres at Crane Creek pi; acres farm land, the oth vn e'ltnnarativoly ii it were very Isrp'- it would be a fact of no special significance in the pre-.-nt eoiiint tion. ml'ia Rir i.s. how ever, made to yield a quantity of salmon far greater than regard i ,dl pointl in 1'mi daad during the val. rraejeji to m fi -it- Arrangements are being per- I by the Executive Com- i the I'nrtland ('ommcr- lub to atsajre the corner, graaad Moor room in the new The Last Msr RE8TAURANT ciiina Haorgp, ir...'iaasfi Mam an. I II m rnBALi AT ALU HOUR Bmkaey la unnaatiot A Specially ef Sheet Order.. i ii i ttiiiii i oi. hi The Haiuey Valley Brewing Co. Manulai uu cind. I amllv I rmle Sollillrd Free Dallvery T. E. Jr-NKINS, Manager ' f. for the future suuolv uermita. 'Mimercini i mo Muililmg for an pasture, all fenced, growingcrop. and the drain is yearly lascomitiK ' vl"' ; "f Oraeasj iirwlucts und garden all planted, small orchard. murt. s,.ri,)U8 No one familiar '" adquarters for the circuls- bernes of all kinds. -room house with the situation can 'fail to ap with good cellar, an abundance , nn-, ,a,i- to the nr. : with a mixed of fint Hmng watt"r' ('a" U' lH ; Hen Kighf, had for j.40U- Also a desert re- furnish. -1 by iii. .one. iunday. The 'hnquwhment, land all under f u tremendous amount ea fixed ump ubtlywas v. fence srltha new boose well in- ud noting sppar;. a the business as he did not sue- hed. cellar and v .Ms. Ii miles lurt. j osed in susarmu over his tricks. "' "- " ",,u '"'""' tie river, in.- apisiratus e..m o.i young peo- "i ing in fact, the smallest Hruise a fund aassf buviiiir a town ; hc benefit of our Sunset ms cuat ' Oreron advert isinif mat- tor. This room is practically a the principal ric ears betwin-n the busi- - ! lion and the I 'nion I U-doI inily. Portland busi- ii an- williiiK to ay the TsMt fiirinli. .1 . nil lliinaik.l ..ll .i,- Yuur an an'iiiii'.l You Must Sleep I n s, but they want to be cleared andprjesab. la nets or ind of a permanent ex B told that i250jcorrsponoe:H in.- l imes-rlerakl oflV tad v,li: :iml il wa8 not mixed Mir, o that peayed. All were' m .ed members of the II. A riicient und lutve fting prices and jH sat Sn r than 1 a dance will be the Narrows Jum l ."irleston and lrftd Huron sting in some beea ick. The cows are said to be ionally good. land. IsjJM land about 10 or 12 acres in growing traps, ovi r W) long-sweep seines, 'lii''t wJthy of Oregon, and the Situated i mile east of an(j more than 2,200 gill nets,' co-operation of tin- dilferent aec Lawen. Price $450. lM(. abt having an aggregate ' the SUto is all that is Walter Gray, Lawen. Or.-, approximate length of over .170 ' " ' "" to m th under- rafles; and tfcece appliances cap- 'ngs success. The New Windsor IJar. under ture moss than 96 per cent the management of Loe Caldwell, fish taken in the Oregon and Manan Pile Remedy. Price is one of the most impular reeorts Washington waters of the riv. i guaranteed. Put up ready in Eastern Oregon. Ii ejej in the flgaraa tar 1S04 being nearly '" Oat application pronqit when you have a thirst. 009,000 jiounds, or 'JH.7 psj torsi W piles. Xooih- i of the total yield Undei "'"1 heahi. Bald by The lUr ; a Id Htrike to In- heard .:. to U' Bi attachment. B found that to clock to- 800 pound Lm.-U in in Burns an- HB75 more than b :. Ht hov. - iv without K money is on he strike attach tas been sugge.-.t-iness men contri- homkn AtiHstAsg asa MOM meat i he iple of Oregon for the fourth tune on 'ur mone for it day. Why should it be tention given to AUCTION I will hold regular auction sales tirt ;.nd third Saturdays of each month at theC. A. Sweek barn in Burns. Bring in any thing you have for sale and get Secial at nsles in the i necessary to vote upon this ques- country. tion every two years? The suf W. T. Smith, fraarisUi know, as do all women. Auctioneer. that when the majority of w oroen want a thing done, that thing a MAT ABOi'T SALMON PROTECTION:' apparat j win ut uone. I hen why have .are been besieging That n t ..al fish of our State resenting petitions, need batter protection than is , working, arguing and, lately, now afforded is agreed, their 'rights", as You have aire. call them? Because a ma- will receive considers' jority of women are not behind ture on no mat- the movement. ter hov. attractive the argument. ident Pharmacy, Burns, Qrs that but eomparativaijf few fish '"" ''(I Haines, Harne. are p ,aT Watan where iu grou ; seated. .tils of the meii ssary ft salmon iiidu.-.try of the Columbie Id on a permanent basis 'cam.ot 1m elaborated by the Departsaaat at onsiderabli- n rook asaa ey has gone over into ni county aa a result of tin iiirh came to a close last Ae.-k. The Officer boys and Joe ( o.-.ibs brought a couple of horses this time, but in Kcneral it may l" 'be races which seemed to ! 1 1 of .en pe, but tin Iepproa) of The is our business Kited with a ibout . t i . weak kl chit .1 a . . fciaiely interested 'hat they want a vou ou Kisheries are the f the dock and it m . be said that ihere should be a restriction on the amoui in a g section; (2 an adequa clo: - season covering ". ly I d latci -.kjii, pn ferably at ttie i,. . unifiers. Masters and Wade Hampton, Grant county stock, earned .000 for tlu-ir owners .11 twi II .ral .. beta. Last Saturday it was eetainaied that not less than $JO,ISi0 changed hands as a result of all the races. Monday, Wade Hampton was Wf ' Jl JAM AND CANT Ml IT SI in I. . ItS T... ', ma im i .....r fi.. il.ai uu wlSaaaMSl I.., ,...! hr i. 1 BS ... i . . . i. aarhaaii. Slanlaiiaaai ai.o. u, m Naan Uaaaaa. m EiNarvaaaii a&wan -.-' NaanMa. vi. ..i IMP ' . r ait It ltlMFMtutl.1 luuvltllllaUII im neat ni or lucr. cos LOSS COSIMUt:. .(.ItfiCSMIM I. IIRIII Ml i I IM.NII( laaafxi ft hi-af .,.... - SLEEP! NE r ...... i anoa a v. auj f raa waai ami 4mm awl alaa ar 1.1 i I I. : . ..... I... I i, .. ll.. I j .4.. ikta a.. la aW ISal t" mar Up U. o will aflk ABSOLUTELY FREE trial i urTi . ' .1 Ml. I' - . UM4 . will .! a . Aa alaa 5 Or n!s lari irwd. timl dlsu sf leer al Iki Hajney Valley Brewery Saloon ;m itli DRISKS OK ALL KINDS ( 'ifjarn of lltnt Quality NELSON A Ol.lWK, lnprirt. Hun; Ortmm a a a THE CAPITAL SALOON, TBI II -V I'OM VN, r...,.ri...,r- Burns. - Oregon. V He. Liquors and Cigars Billiard and Pool Tables. Club knoms in Connection. The Sleepine Co. aaaa-T.u.iSU, , ( LtVltl MU.U. j The Pul'l sher's Cldims Sustained UNI 1 SO aiATta COUNT Of ClAilaS I V iil V-SSr' ' 4 iiirtj&Ht S ( Ovaa tOO BmuIIIuI 1 Oaaiana. I ' aSsaaW. la . m MOr.g. a v UTTIIalB aiami en.i Price Ul a Cli. HSj .. Air, 1. 1. LEWIS litis, ilsl is fersua PARTICULARS and PRICES Te ureas acstVsjf INFORMATION. Hi ina. i DESMNS. of the salmon run, and (I I urraiiaremcuUi between Ml till M sorts Ii in honor of Mr. kV. Reed. Mau spent a imsisnot a man s question; 8top '.sider how much it States, protect ivi u is a woman s question. Let may tw colored by self-interest, urea may b me uomen oi tne state detiuv The United States Bureau of sreateat ex- force it upon them. ( :omull the pert author the subject women you know and vote as and have no ax to .rrind llead natter, but vote, what they say: or the measur- may slip through Hon. Charlea U. Fulton, by the inattention of voters or I ' Senate, uMsnees which will fol- Washington, D. d low the '.urge number of proposi- Sir: The departmetit real- lioris submitted. izes the importance of the var ious questions auecung tne sai- luster the selhsh intereht e comes the Spring Winds mon fishery in the Columbia single locality. It is again to chap, tan and freckle. Use Kiwi brought up in yuur letter Government re I BSMflKAva . l...i..L..l.J J A . I " I . J a t 1 i. 1. . .Ii ? SI 1 . ... i mcoaivf eruoiizu, tActs iiKe oi tne loin ultimo, anu tiiu taken and will mean a heavy tax olSJl fully yours, (Sign- AKS. Slli.'. BUI . aneac reconuaaendstions should pass. It is a biju.ii 1 for all. Vote No. m X Yes. Bill No. :aa was fmn. .! a Oil ntlaaJd lot A. liedell of tins city I. ration of something like M00. Wade will figure a little in the races this fall iew. a jioult. ata, sores, burns, this opportunity to make a thor- the State to carry out its previa committee at a made out the cnappeo sain. bolQ by the Wei- ough investigation of the matter, ions. It favor im.ni.iu.iv and is ', curns, uregon. there can be no question that unfair. It should not arney Oregon. the status of the fishery is un- Vote No. 333 X No, Don't i ough your head oil vkej .11 get aguaranu in Bats Laxative Cough Syrup. i opeciaily recommended for children as its pleasant to lake. is a gentle laxative thus expelling tin pibleum from the system, mghs, colds, croup, whoop-ing-cough hoarseness and all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by The Welcome Hiarmacy PafaU, Oregon. Fred Haines, Harney, Oregon. i o. 1 1 baluaait... . ::iViv ... Iaia n l.'-IUUX. ..lily ra i a. lad la i. ..r i iauia araraaW a aaof I daBul tatatll uva. a a a a a a a a a a a a The Bums Flouring Mill j j fiKnfir, mi .io!il:i'k.i",l( Mli.1. rTOI-SS iStulli HHjJit I '' A. ICTIONASY PRIZE Up-to-data iub printing at reasnii abla pdcas. ! I'l-Oli..', n LED BARLEY, CHOP, ANU ! w li kinds u i' Mill hiA alwavs un iiiad - -- w IHL M. HUilliSI I Ah.il i'HU lIH 1(111 JM g;(!!Mj HUT a aallaiviaaa laiAaiu a. UUOIUM WKIMFi UUNb a ulveu I . I J.. -' m -m df ft a aV I sT 4 m GET THE UTEST AND BEST l uooa eea vvneai Tor oaie 1 ;U uM In UlttrmUd 111 UW Mi 7'h. u. ,.14 I II INTCSNATIONAL I THE GRAND ' -.wail. aa.ulr.-ii I . Il.u IuUnti Uaaaalai 1..0 wurkl'a r... O. & O. MCRRIAM CO., mm. mi, afHINOflCLU, MAS. ........ I Va. im.tmy Job Printing.