The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 23, 1908, Image 1

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    Wtt ritm-Mral&
riic i'
M tl.P : I'll- !'! I AM I)
uLf ttl f - ffl IMP
jri. ail ! i i a u. j I
w nr nrtni nnnirg w nunirg
(' in MM f I I MffH acrm fif
limit, 4.iiii'i MfM yi't vnrntit anliji-rt
ui'li r On' pnlillr Inivl law nf
NO. 27
N i S
kv h, Oik Who Haf
al kc SaapaM
iHk Maatwr.
paper on irriga
!y a a farmers
rdecn. Idnho. will
it is
10 1 SI V-TER made through such hijrh pi
The water flows without inter
ruption, and soaks in about 12
TBREST TO PEOPLE hours from one corrugation to
another, leaving the surface gen-
erally dry. and supplying the
water to the roots where it is
The ilts are obtained.
manent ditcnes by placing
sprouts made by nailing lath to-
hcr. in the sides of the ditch
es to take the water from the
ditch to the corrugations. One
spout will .-imply two corruga
tions. These spouts should be
plaMd in the side of the ditch,
about one inch or so below the
I when the cates are
closed. For instance, say the
plant life. fyi ls tw ftYt to tnc. half mile.
and your ditch IH inches deep.
It" the' gate were put in at the
lower end of the ditch it i
back water up only three-fourths
along or across the field. But
.n about 200 yards from the
upper end of the ditch, and put
in a gate that can be raised and
lowered, not quite as high as the
banks of the ditch, so that water
will run oyer the head gate or as
many as are required. The
greater the fall the more gates
ired. When you want wat
.'isethe gales and raise tin
water altove the spouts. When
through, raise the gates, the
water le.el falls, and the
harmlessly passes away. When
hej are constructed this way
;i pi. I ure to irrigate and
requires little time.
In preparing your ground for
irrigation (for permanent Set
. it
is al If no more than
.res can be prepared in one
it right, because it will
lg run. Have your
level is meant
-. with a slope, j
r cannot be made to run up
Hr the slope is too great
rrumtiotu around the'
in steep places or parallel
with the ditches as near as n
be necessary, instead of from it.
A fall of an inch to a rod makes '
a good flood for corrugations.
n the land is quit, level and '
has a gradual fall to the south
east, with the water coming up-1
or tin land At the hiirht-Mt im.
Knged tot . tHjrnt.r. Construct
MMte as many films as a .ilch clear around the tnictf
Boil particles. Then with that the waU?r ,;,,
P huld more mols- 1. d westward and fed
c,,:' .,:h spout 10 the north.-
W' " part of tin iiei.l .Uu Mirplu-part
H I" ' '' of the water passing aw
N -ll,nct the ditch on the west
Hi the ideal proper- The BurpU8 waU.r OM th,
va ill Ka Aumvlir in m Alt.. I.
4t w veufiii in a t.nna u.ivu.
;i thirr. (if I ri u'uv iinuii Iho Aalri
Rpu,ieri ' M may be used to wau.
' ' ' . trul part of the field or allow-
fa' :ilwa;v"v eastern the ditch on the
t That is. the mmmt i(. if ., . A.. . ,,
the middle or lower parts of the
tield the water can be turned
down kae ditch to toe east, and
forced into either cross ditch as
desired, and the water confined
to the land intended to be water
ed. If the tield cannot be prop
erly laid out without the set
of an engineer it will be much
cheaper to get one than to try
and get along hod man-
attempting to drive the
water where you want it with a
sting is easy where
.L . . .. I. ..i ....
. ,' .1111. Iiillll'..;lllllll UT . IT. Ill I II I T
y the application 01 "" , ' '. ,
irrigator may benefit " ua. " ,l
nt growth. Api,. l'" " ,u. -
near Uie surlace will " . . : -k
Q keep it thriving unUl it II u the
tage, irriv..
Ung. Irrigate again m th i
.md with
LOCAL BOMB OF NARROWS satisfactory, and that under ex- ORHQON INDUSTRIAL NOTES
listing conditions the trend may
be expected to be itcadltj down
eail nossiP Of TMF RHMON ward, with the result that in a
comparatively few years the run
:Of salmon in that stream will be
reduced to such a degree that
thousands of fishermen may be
thrown out of employment and
much rnnit:il rendered idle. Th''
ieml Goremment is withr
In this vicinity the subject of nnv iliri,Uri;oM htevor in the
fBWT K KteWi
latere Fthif T4c Tbvfv
The Oregon delegation to the
roads seems to be agitated to mlmm nn(1 the dutv of con- N-Honal Retoil Grocers A
:. . a a s ; . ,..., .-j:... i . i
qune an eAu-iii. vme man s.vs wn.jnK the Mnwn BUppv
"I have a road on one side of my he rommWa (loVolves on the
place and that is all 1 need." Sta(eJ, of 0rPR(1 Washington.
This statement is make by A in and Maho: hut this Dei
regard to the proposed road . M !,- -hapirrii k, Emeries
W. .f th
o thl It) left
for Portku i ht
Hi' NATMNAI i TAIL MtoUKs lo may mak. ..u.nent home.
.l I !l -I --..
' pjeen Ihsi inoii-
ing ni.'l I ling ni"iii if null il
IhikI- ' ili. Ann iohu l.niil .V ,'r
Hi., k ... i. Mrteth
,ll. II I I lllllll-
oi(j im I .miImI
norlnfiiKni Uatae ChxalaHaf HM Cafkn
nl Imn Pair Dak ni l.lvtutaca
Halklla- Capraalr
net ad.iournel at ltvton,
' (l victory in securing io th f i raimii ol it
which is tn nn about ten miles
with important ftsh-eoltorwl op
r the control ot
jod irrigator can
growth with as
. almost, as he
of hi
does not undei-
g of plant growth
me a good irriga-
ust 1m applied in a
rational manner,
e lever which con
n. Moisture, air.
ntrol plant gr
ehicle which ( ,
nt. Seconding in-
issoh hemi
ind rising by
ction. carries that
nt. Rear in mind
he water going in-
t that c
e the seed spr
ture. il
:.nd in
I do HO. 1
it h v
If the i lant is civ
rn inn ranrrA iini aninn ii mq . a .
1 ' '""'" ""' '"," ' " erationa in the oinmbia i
heurlake. It seems that the new ,uui h;s ,,,,, imiM,(,(1 f,,n
road divides A's ranch throwing to time to direct attotthw to tin
less than ;ti acres on one side of n,.lVssjty fr giving id
the road and the remainder on protection to the various sp.
the other. It is up to the resi- f Mmori fr,,iuentinjr that
dents of road district No. 2. to
decide whether an
stream. The Department I
' convention for Portland.
i- (imsiders that the ro-
i ere more numerous
other class of business I
an ides of the Im
mense audience of merchants
K. II. Din.
It inch MsMgtti
.t)l I
llt'ing inn ii
any popular commercial body
anywhere. The tirst luncheon
was made to0OMtol of hsJM -ins
Oregon products. In addi
tion li bhhl the furniture and
i'c Oregon-made.
Hie Hood River Commercial
Club, through its officers, is ask -
Hng. Hear in mind
B' :i
B soil forms in thin
Bdes with
B. th '
sjtot '" the
iged to it
le as many films as
imposition v;ntWi that the run of salmon in
should be placed on the genera! thc (l,umbia can be arnph main
public to benefit one individual. Iamed lor an indelinito period if
Mrs. Wm. Dunn and son Frank artificial propagation is supple-
returned home from Surprise mented by rational protection;
valley Cal.. where they have been Jt artificial propagation alone
visiting a few wi. canno: cojh- with the situation,
and, as a matter of fact the n-
Mr. and Mrs. Alfwl Marshall ,.,., ,.V) .,.,, ,u. f lh) i)(.,i;(ll.
returned from Hums the first of ., ,lM snwn (hal its ,
the week with n fine drove of (.(.nt lnU,rs an- rendered! almost
,,a,,l'- futile by the failure of the B
The watering place west of to appreciate this fact.
Rarton Lake field is nearly dr'. The Department sees no res
Cattle in that vicinity are suffer- son for advocating the elimina
ing on account of the short sup- tion of fish wheels from the riv
ply. er. as there is no evidence to
Vya .,,. ft K . Rg show that tin. lorn, of apparatu-
andWm. Dunn returned Satur- " wnicuiariyuesirucine to sui-
ing from Burns with a mon condition that
load Of shingles and lumber. ,:il,v fl"" he pi
of salmon namely, ver- high
r has gone to the w.u. i)h. Uooh un.
h part Of the county tow,, rk M.rvu.,.a,1(. !lI)(i nI1 th(. .,
ori ,hr rnad- hand, p ry low v.
Frank Dunn has gone to Weeds whsjitlM MM 'h n
lake to look after sto. ., in their movements, are sjsn
L-.i 4 I i u: u unfavorable for the wheel...
j:;.:: . .,.r,n, , Pas, r c ,,
-t ,, toearins olant
,...,,,, , wheels has ! . n coinnaratively
John Marshall has gone to the Bma b(. even
llli run ',' I li 'M ., f,.r fr..i.rlil
. . .. . j;.irt. it would te a fact of v
l('l "HI IM
throughout this country who will sitenilnn m ih if I iIm m
be interested in hearing, from i ....... i , i,Vr toen
i during the next twelve ,. ,,- I Hh Ml i II ln.,M I A
months. . i ,, ,, u , j ,, i,. ,p.
The Portland Commercial Club "' ' " i ..,.. ,.(,,,. ,.r. ,,,(.
today into Its magnificent -"'. .. .t ..) Hi. ...m la rrqu tr.l
new home, probably the largest
building of its kind owmd bv
Mam Ii u
Rcllin Scrln
U. v A J Irwin will etOBOt '
n.irnny ll.n 2nd HiimUr f oseli
i ill. at lis. in. iiml 7 ,'tll . in
Saliluilli m Keel i'Vitv sadbstli si '
I'll.' Harni'V Su.iilny
inir tl.. iii.iui.irat i.m ..I' tl... i,m I 'Oi'liK'K
" ,,, .11 l III.- ..'Ill-
mei,i:,l bodisj of the .state in
favoring the establishment of
Hood Kivi r ( unty.
The I -
for C. A. Haines.
i Itivation, in hav-
1 further into the
i its b it.
ly rut
a be Ml
to the ........
wet v. hen the plants
w, ti
the ouru. t il
withheld, th-
..s an
send tht u . loudeep
he deeper the roots go
hj leUMM pesm i
and tin
Mr. Bosford, Elvin Marshall,
and Calvin Race went to Ander-!
son valley to work in the shear
ing plant of Jenkins.
quent ungati
require.-, much
lUb uy Sla: -iiK
ll work.
li the MR ugaung or
r, lor tv.
quicker dial:
lessliabiui.. of check
row th. I
or lour
eel aMH lOUid be
id iii.inediately
Iig, bel
MM I Ui i
e v.
eld in ii. ume
flood. i..
'. lbe ol ai.
a lew SQUaiU rods of
scarcely noticeable.
cannot be forced upon
kind without
dania and
i loo wet white the high
shouU be sufietont to
p. W hen the soil
a below the sur
:n in a ban when
squeeze'1, m the band it d'
. ater. 1 1
match race for Saturday
Qittl b) bf well at
tended. VVadi Hampton, owned
Orliter bos f the Jonn
of Mike brown, of Paulina, are
to run for $lou a aide, and Bpecu
ch will be
Brandy, hia owner
a scrub, half cay
uae, but so far he seems to be
gathering in the bhekels. He is
used out on the ranch aa a cattle
horse, and is big-muscled and
any tiling ratiter than
the racer he is. It i exp
endance will be iart."
Ijjg -rj
getting moisture enough Prineville Review.
: planus grow. Wh
four inches deep is Job printing Tlie Times-Herald
Angeles Mun-au of
rortland Commercial Cluh.
under the management of Mrs.
Fraud- C lleadli-e, gives S lec
ture I" an avi age of two hund
red people every morning st
I ! i ...idition to this. Mrs.
lb adler has MsaM liefore large
gatherings, and i peeially la-
fore social ixdi.s m the eeening.
She was recently the guest of
the oho Society of Southern
seasons the catch of salmon by tells the glories of Omjm, Her
.taily reMirM show a great inter
est in this state, and that a large
percentage of travel back Hast
special significance in the pn- "' r.wn y way i wregon.
Claude Schug returned from sent connection. Th. Oregon Development Ia
the railroad a few days ago and The Columbia Riv. r is. I, dating tiO.000 MfMl
is now struggling with his part-1 ever, made to yield a quantity of ir ge Dairy and l.ive-
ner in finishing a well. salmon far greater than regard -tl. Mullerin. This contains
Wm. Marshall was in Burns on 'or tnt futuro supply p m tlective illustration and
MMMataMtWMl and the drain is i-arly becoming text, onWRfeMMJIl story of
more senous. No one familiar livestock, dairy and sultry real
with the situation can fail to pp ties as well as some idea of the
preciate the menace to the i- future possjbillttoi 0 this great
ity of the industry' that of all dairy sections. The
furnished by the concentrati Portland Country Club ami Live
L. M. Hamilton the GMttJ l,f '" "" dous amount of fix. d Stock Association and the loca-Sui-rintendcnt
of mWmwmi nu floating apimram- ( cai- t urn of the great packing plants
caller on the residents of this ture in and near the mouth Impt riant features. It is
place in the interest of the school the riwr. The apjiaratus c to see tlutt almost untold
a-t. prises alxjul 100 pounds nets or wealth will accrue to the state
, trai 1 long-sweep seine- through the development of this
J. M. Dalton and C. A. Brit- unj mort. than 2.200 gill net marvelous branch of its growth,
tingham were alsj making calls f. . t t,,,i. .,,, k , . .. . . .
i i ... the last iidving an aggreg . Oregon salvertisirig has reach
looking after the scattered voters an,ir(,xiniJll(. ,,.riLMll of av , ...:1.
in the interest of the treasurer mileg. ;m(i M. a)liaricei, t, , , ,,, hav jwn
ture more than 5 percent"! ,. Oregon Develop-
fish taken in the Oregon ,., i..a,, r.m Aoutrix :.n.l
S. S. Williams of Drewsey was Washington waters of the riv ,lh Wales. Australia,
transacting business in Vale the th). fljrureg for I'jim being '
-Ni.U0fj pounds, or W.7 per Al Mackintosh passed
Cent of the total yield. Uiei i through Prineville Tuesday on
such conditions, it is self-evid. , H, in.m Paulina to Portland
that but comparatively few I to visit U Prineville Re
are permitted to reach the u
rs where the spawn
are located. all jle imedy. I
a.l- f the mea- . is guarantw-d. Putupready
necessary io place tne sain ,, Use. One aoolication orou.ot
Ki i .dief to auiv form of piles. Sooth-
on a permanent basin V,...,.. lhe- j,,s siJ by The
elaborated by the lepartinen Hums, I
this time, but in general It ma, ;..,. Fred Haines, Harm . n.
be said that there should te ta i ltoh
. . A. Adams bM purchased
a one-halt Interest in '
Meal Mai. . ML J. Uukard,
and the mm a, II I. known as
Rickard I Adams. Ontario
II.. i. 'trough our beailolT when
a, get a guaranteed remedy
ive Cough Syrup.
1 , i .rnmended foi
children u.- it ideasant lo take,
is a gentle laxative thus ex jelling
blegoi from the system.
. up, srhooB
hoarseness and all
bronchial trouble, On
.Sold by 1 1 me Pharmac)
Oregon. 1 red Haines.
Hani. . Oregon.
Mi .
II io. ling ia fMfl.eldt.ii o.ui. ui y
pUco sdjoitdog Boras. Trstpsas-
rs will be prosecuted
'ii. h siiuidity ami n
serdlal lavHstloM Is i Headed le nil
who .! i.ti. i .; A.ih u-
Ai il... Pras9iorian sbereh
urns, It.-v A J Irwin saotsfv
.lust rtMlftd n beautiful line of ladies'
waists in Kmhrnidrrird. Ijice and net
wnisls for Spring.
Snmethinx Very Stylish in Uwa ad Silk
Our drraa goods department will show a
very nt tractive display of l,awn. Silk
Mulls. Mercerized ( hambrnys. ( nrrine
Suitings and Ingomars These goods are
the latest production for this season.
New Embroideries and Lace and
a beautiful line of India Linons
( )nr Shoe department is
complete inev tv way and
we can satisfy the most
Fastidious in loot wear.
Ucmrmhrr we carry the
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
mil. .":
itiitimtninui tint
I iik affviffa lbs 'bird mill t.i.tlli
Sundays ef seek RkSNthei ii i ei .
mni . H p ... saealh i mm hi
to in esrj .Hi nwrnhaf
lbe Use Star
i l. ii. 4 ' liairaja, I'ruprli inr.
M.iii. ai.'l
Beksny in eonneakior.
A Specialty sf Short Oiilcrc.
T'iIk furni l.d villi i..miii.k
III ina.ktl nil nt- (...ii. in
at(a aiili.iir.l
' I vi ecpl
AW CAN i Mlir
"Thili Saiall i i ill III I haslia.
lUff) '' '4laBa-
r. 1Trr. i ,.,. ilirMak-
le4k 'Unsi v ''
Il 1 1 'I l
i ..
.il...,. taafa aa
I.., .a Mitfai aaaaalaMaaAaaBfea it.
first of the week. Oriano.
I will hold regular auction sales
on the first and third Saturdays
of each month at theC. A. jrSM
barn in Burns. Bring in any
thing you have for sale and get
your money for it. Special at- . ' ' ..,m).
.1, i U louunii; wi lie . w.u.i.w
II illMPt.'H i Kiu.lltiltalall
Miir m
10M CO-'IMUtli .tirt(MIM
II Llll li.
I . . ..' '
... haiUI li. laaav
In ... r ti -aarf
ictow aiaSafW.a. tmm
.i awa
I bu tauta. - aa at
The Hariiey Valley Brewing Co.
M u.iilii. Im
uro rHlc3ciri, "VLT'a.toir
mllN Irmk solkllvd Vrm IMIvsrj
T. E. JCNKINS, Mnaer
msmsv Q nt
Kais a Kas1. uhI Han f Beer al lbs
Hainey Valley Brewery Saloon
CigarMofHent tiality
NELSON A (tl.lYKK. fntprMar; Hum: Ort&n
1 1. 1 -i ii .v im. Praprlatsea
Burns. - Oregon.
cxlco XDcxlo XZettd.q.ajLrt
V i'ies Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
tention ,
lo sales in the
W. T. Smith.
The Sleepine Co.
aarv T.u.. BW,..tlXVfJ ANU.O.
J 11
lall '.
Ovr 6u0
ini mil
a reatrietion on th. nt of
WHAT abOI'T SALMON PtoTECTKN1 a),aratuH employed in a given
a., at duead
lui. i .! ;.. . rcu
unnuai i " sea-
bon. orefcrahly al r
'" " of the asln.i. run, and i lifl
arrangeeaentS. between the
m. . tion; 2 an adeuati
Il.;.t d I Ash of our State (W.
peso I., tl. i protection than is
now afforded ih agreed.
You have already or doubtless
will jtc .Ma
ture on the subject, bul
ter h' the argument,
may U.- colored by self-interest
The United States liureau of
fisheries are the trreatest ex
perl aut. i m tM auJ
and have no ax to grind. Read
what they say:
Charles W. Fulton,
United States .Sniate,
Washington, I C. m
The department real
izes the MMrtMM of the var-
ow much it gtatea, t tl iprol
mm may bs harmonio
iCespecilully y
(Signed; ooCAR 8. BTK .1
iiill No. :U .ini -.
Mt reeoit. lendatioi and
should pass. It is a aiuar
for all. .
Vole No. ,U8 - X Yes.
Hill No. 333 was (tamed to
iou.s questions affecting the sal- fo Mtnsh interest of a
mon fisbejo '" the Columbia l the
River brought up in your letter
of the 18th ultimo, and has taken and will mean a heavy lax
this opportunity to make a thor- the State to carry out its provis-
ough investigation of the matter, ions. It favors monopoly and is
There can be no question that unfair. It should not pass.
the status of the fishery is un-1 Vote No. 333 X No.
The Piwi sher's
Cliiiins Sustained
Uni i to 0TA?a c;ouht or Ccaims
Tl lilldi'easjasj f t W . belt t s I miwsel
Itk. Ll a
ft ill he glad la tarsi
Ta aejraea asahieg
Sat to HaaaiM
iai gar
. aJaS
il ..iar.
.'.ir r-
. i4 In
ThmAurtfmto WV.U'IKWH
Uj-U-dulo jot) printing at ressou-
i al.le piicos.
in tilaianai m4 I waa rina
l.. i. ..I -i i i.w tVuii-l'a 1 "
) fu w ill ht k trtMed in uur
it j iys,
rw ikMlH.
4MNlNOrti.D, MAM.
wiasiae 1
Liajtviejsvu. I
Vis ibvj(i J
The Burns Flouring Mill
J - J t iVHfir, Prop
ihi'Nko '..( 1IH.I. I'KIH.I h I Ml
t'tlll I !' !'!'
tlK' . " hi '"
a kinds oi tiiil FtvJ always uo Haad
Good Seed Wheat for Sale
Job Printing.