ss-flerald. riHrfl.ATTOK or rTHUCOCBTT. IAV in. IS. News. the city. s at Huston's. H has been in tho i.vv-J was up from . Hr week. rlpam collars $3. 7ft Hlcomr & Sons. v arrish arrived Bom Grant ooun- ;rf t the citv short rail ve received a ne woolens and Pioneer Bank of Harney County The First National Bank of Burns DOTTED STATES DEPOSITARY wanted inquire at this .!,.' ; rintinu; Tli.-Timos-lIrniM1 Hand atedpr and onltiviitofs Paintinar Aiut nmr hnnoW I 1- Schwaftr., "The BV CorMf Girl office. Painting and j viper hanjrinfr A. Horton. J. A. Pasaenjrer is home from a trip to Idaho. A. Morton. C 1 Mrh'inney is hack from a visit to the saw mill. Puchanan w.i - o.r from CAPITAL. SURPU s. $25,000.00 $22,500.00 and cultivators rner I B is in the city W irom Harney Wm. Morfit. ntative. njrers camp- pi who want ey need it to ! .. . ir immediate , wit, a (a: !. 3 (1- BANKINC BY MAIL. UV Wplnj system of Dnnkinp My Mail which inarm our oiil-of-town MJaaHMM of rweivinr the hriiip careful, intelligent Attention m thmiirli the dille.l upon us in pafOal, '.r (MMtOMMT f this Ixink in fissured of courteous,' ti.'atiiient. rerardlesR of the siz,e of his account or the rolnme of luisinew trnnaacted. J. H. Culp. pnmtinp ami paper the station yesterday. hanpin. Hum. Oregon. No , ,Wton teMJtjtinr ry Q00JW was among each at J. C. Welcome S our visitors durinjr the we. M . . ... , lcttowan & Nichols have hoodie Kest and wife are over is for relinquishments. from Silver Invk on a vis, t;u.m ,f vou want to buv or relat i The rains of the past few days have been very beneficial to the ranjre and rrowinp: crops. Jap Beavers and one of the Mankms Imys wm down from Silvios the first of the week. A. S. Swain is confined to his home with spitted fever. He h:i !eeu i.k for o . r :i wook. Wm. Oft OH and (has. Labor e two young men of Illinois. are lato arrivals here to look at the country. ufU! f!! M that Guy Shaver and famil have all been sick out at th, pan Schenk Brat wish you to conic hi and see what they have, n you may order a suit and ba ahead .f the roat Hill Hudspeth arrived here 1 daj to he at the led side MMa father who is sutler iiiir from pneumonia. 610 acre ranch for sale suitable foiilanv or stock ranch. Abnnd- i iter for irrigation ami powt i inquire at this office. i mplete sectionixed map of Harney Co. in ten colors, show ing all larjre holdings, has boon irotten out by K. 0. K. Co. ranch with prip. Price$l.ti. Mil low an & Nichols. Schenk I all kinds of Apt cleaning, pressing, repairing for q, y Clevenger has sewing, ladies and gentlemen at ver machines and will sell them on1 terms to suit the purchaser. lon t delay getting a machine when such an opportunity is offered. reasonable price- Hugh Wit7'll came in the Brat of the week and joined his fami ly. He has been kept hus greeting old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hayes have' R. J. Williams is over from !oen up from their Liwen home, Hght Bd. The. hav ranchers will Silver Creek and will be accom- since Thursday. Thej came up P.uihm) hom. bj his mm FVed, n land business and remained who ha- I" nding high to attend the graduating eer- aehool. cisesof the high school. r. V. L. Marsdcn, who has ynR sai.k Four 4-vnarUH ad. nsi: ntairi- ! H .1 llnnm-i our onion sets now ana know they are fresh and good vgtly has them. e care of McGowan St Nichols have J. C. Freeman is over from hi- I " il ' -gUy has garden oseda. Warm Springs home. Archie Millard was down from forms us that js;. i Boaton team collars $3. 7'' Harney Tuesday. iBaneh house on , Welcome & Son'a. Schenk Rros are now ready Hand seeders and cultivators with their great line of spring hwartz. "The Busy Corner and summer goods. Store." Meadamea Bead &. Johnson J. R. Hendricks and wife were have received a part ot tneir j,,, visiting with his parent. in ihorouBhbnHl Herfonl hulls from in the city yesterday on land spring shipment of millinery and California is now on his way the famous Hen rv Cr.i hard of are expecting mo; home. He will arrive home (ook County. I have purchased W. M. Stewart has a nici . Monday. Ilerfords from another herd H smooth twt-year-old stallion for 'm. llaiil.-v MM gHM to tba take the pltM of thes is BJf sale. The colt was sired by his railroad to look afi r the ship- reason for selling. W. K ;'mith. ... .... 1 I 1. . m ... t. M take ccri' of McGowan & Nichols ha -stallion v racaer jiu-h. nl (,i an. i cattle, imrns. ureg.m. tefcg' for se.d or lead p, A. Hy.h- s dreasing stone He will visit P r AdHm (;tH)r .,ias B l1HI,,.r ian bari. for the coping around the cement Iint8 w ""' " , nijn 1 1, Tracts alk to W pat down in front and ' Austin from l.u nn-, . up p, i;io;., M ',-. next Saturday and I orth side of the Harney and Frank re all in This is not K, bushels ht kBcct for the ,-,. uiM h.. rbmorl for ihe th-, k. on land business the first of the land, hut If. bushels. St.K-k be ftasnohag Messrs Blott & Spnigu- LbV evening he mj... ! leave here Monda Sunset aaaaam I t., C., L. ' --" ' -' JpjpK- J 1 t IT 1 State." J. II. Neal and wife are in I nun their home at Cord to nttend the high w h ol rutluating exercises. HN ; B. 1: inkwater has re ceived a nice lot of spring and umm more. Dm Gi mi Coin.;' iHrt that PVanV wife I n their Silvies homo. V Fok :- v i i t ". I thai will average KHi I J. W station east of llaincv. Hen the Spring W to chap, tan and fickle t , 1 dve QarboUaed, (Acts like a pooitiea) for t rea, burns. chappad -kin Bold i n, ,i come Thai:' . .. Oregon. Fret! Haim s. Harney On v TRESPASS No lli i Hunting, fishing and camping forbidden on my promisee at F.migrant creek during the grow ing season. .1. H iKRI l I P. T. FlNKKincnarge. NO TUKS PASSING. Hunting anil lishing an ly forbidden upon aitj of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will be prosecuted Ions (in HUM Supt Your Fortune MOST PBOPLI expoet tbot in some mysterious way fr- tniie wiii anfla on iImb iust m llov don't know. If ou iv.iitiuu.- to leave the lllHtter to eluiliee. the r hull-oS JTOU will die in the POOf hotter Yoti .at. M?i s(imi:tiii; Dow. lt us stint on out with ii savings account. Vou dun t Deed much to start with priori piillv deteriiiinat io-i Harney County National Rank Bl KNS. UlflliOS iittMiaa in i tia op i ons iv NnNt relMI f, lllg l'- N ,- W (I ttl ,, Ik HI Ml, - ttmH$utmm4f$mmtm NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Qoods, BooU and Shoes l:rcsh (iroceries, etc. For Spring and Summer Trade LUIABURG & DALTON ittsumiiiiiimi J k. Mr An. tin has gone on ranehae fawn 080 uptoetW t V. -.ii with his family. All well water. , in., hoistii,. B. W. Hamilton and! f. ) , MMfintrin pra. rnmtlO On' Hi . , .. lr) ( i PPkordiallv invit- matM - !,,.- ii. Ii. -., ill lai,-- his da Uuby. at iral RoaeburK- V . I. .1. . . r t. .!... . i i unn nirnnri counirv i-n-iin- lor nnusn v oiumnia wnen- ne - -; : , . , , . ... ...,, i K fill .,P ., ink aotoe fleep wens iorsev- j.ihwh ien mi .v-... , land w oaa delegates 1. (. o. 1 . grand lo.iue. . I I M . I COMPI.HTB LINE OP RUBBER QOOM I a, i I... I. .Iiii.l ( The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. fountain Syrinxes, Hoi Water lloiiks. Nipples. (Jloves llanl Kuhrr'S ring.. Whirling Spray. I Infer v HreaaU. Hreatt Pumps. In flail all the MuWte Ooasls nirtif.i hy an UP-TO-DATE DRUCi STORE J C. Welcome Jr., Propt. Ml Mi afltti IX th ere to Si PBf means exact .-a amen aa asserts . . . . aW I ur run uti lumiiv k four differ- """" -T- " different "nen nom' ir"m im liines rivrht M'uU'rn l,url ul th" county wnere tho furnwr a'M liatincr nroiwrtv y are lor sale : , Ti- j i i. .. ior me iwjo aaawwwn-"i ami i attar in tK. !nln.l of hit ran. teen have all " , aiaacy. 00 Days' Trial $1.(K) la the .f Thoe. Dawson was up from . .,. ",l . fer n I'm. ules Relieves Itaek-r v-1 I iiL., i . .1 hhSP rwi nai D Sunset Wednesday to meet his .' "y "'" -,ov '"' " ;'" """,ir ache. Weak Itack. Ume Back. , RheumutJc pains, (test on sale E for Kidney.-, Hladder and Bkw A ...111, one id a car it them. iasajal , u u.. .... mcrning. aasV.n m-v,.... f"1 pneumonia. bka ears old and was .,..n. W. K.. whom he expected u K x " ""ul- home fmm Austin. Will arrived Frank Harriw.n and Walt.-i that accompanied by D. Hettai apeel la t week fishing in P. Jordan and family . the streams of Stain's Mountain. Ah..... one hundred head of TU ' ' -w i n,i unbroU. uwful "-ters a they never en. at the Trout Creek ranch of hem Muller died Hoek The olds ,,!. Due terday r ('a iV ha .-. A. J. Irwin, to He was suffering K.Hill. duct memorial service Sunday saeeMaa a- P, C . m.un hi.n. Vtuvitur irni.c In tu-hmil m. r!f in brought in from h. atea mm na lino at hi tha bee he V .'..ide iTr. i luo ll nrcuit ha Oregon. afternoon. May 24, at :i o'clock. .. MMinii,. The service will Ik-at the Pros- w eea a v. . . i ranch qrita .loped a rian ch;. Goo! for young and old. Satii : guaranteed oi money ee fun.!. 1 Sold by The IMmMs PI Burns, ONMMi, Kred Haim-.-. Ham. OB. I)n P At the family home m-ai Wright's Point yent nlay, May 16, Lulu. aaMfMMf f Mr. I and Mrs. W. F. Simpson from tuberculosis. Deceased waa ! and had lieen afflicted i want a colt that isn't a for a long ieriod. She came to I 4kr, l .'..:-i. v..a. i : . ,-.. ; da., m .-;,.,. ,.( s!,,--..i : -. ii. bat ' '' ' ,--c ' bvtieaMalMMi MM wek. , i . . rlund and although he i i can st-. ,end- though his friends voluntarily in for a bUmm -loinir as well MC .V"ur mares to Harney to : over gave him the nomination for , u couij be expected. irJaa II. Iai.-' Cleveland - lint senator Jim wouldn't stand . . .r it uiid mi to the nre.-ient time UerK oi tin , . two sit Line was rarnan oa no oppoaiiion ing'after Ins r"r ine "u,w- . II. Kitchett was here a day bay hoi by the Hank ID NEWS For You! Woldenberg A large number of people were id was mis- up from Narrows yesterday con- .to Mr. Mil : u-c ted w:th the land conteat caae charge oi government vs. lira. Mary Hera' hus the t'unis-Haines. Among those Hi He here aa witneaaaa and otherwise f the mail in on are J. L. Harper, C. A. Haines. MBF Jul,,e v,'r " " u- nenuerson anu nar- ,.Mmuumhim Inaatlum. Itaascaa Klliott and Alva Springer. .. .j t t..u ,,i. i ' nt' mil run i i 'mm inn iHiis, mi" ea and burned three wagons. five sets of harneas two saddles and some bed belonging to the n Hudspeth, the old re apeetad pioneer, la VMM sick at his home in MM city suffering from pneumonia. His condition has been quite serious owing to his advanced age, but he is hold ing his own well and the rela tives and many friends have hopes for his reco. F. M. Bunyard and family have been over from their bone at Juntura this week on a visit with relatives and friend.-?. Frank EMERY CASH PURCHASE -- l- fr hlt. thfcn " naru over were uui nuti me pro. pec u are very good for an e fruit crop on his place when he left home. this week, I up after lumU-r. He was delay- J- B f Portland is at adhere on account of the rain. city. He is not but as he has 100 acres of y nMstfa and is here in he felt he could afford to lay oi regain- otf lutuling while it was raining baatth and looking over $$-forhim. lt" " ' 'dry. Mr. Joyce A letter just r. the '" a PrtMnn Beuna Vista ranch of the Wm. pportunity for you to bene pr profit sharing plan IOC SNTS OR MORE WE GIVE OFIT SHARING COL PON TO 01 NT OF VOIR PLRCHASE WE REDEEM WITH igersFamous Silverware with her parents a rear ago this month m hopM that the climate would Ik- ben Bnland for a time it seemed the invalid was improving. She lea. besides her iwrents, four We are agents for imiik ture Md.nw.iii &. n luils l.airf Ucalwst leal blilc for Sak l.ti Scrip Baagkl asd uM. in i:n- BICYCLfiS KEPAIRI i) U h not Ma arhat - ur home dealer has and get -ea be- away I Q, w. CMvessfer mm prices on s-wiiig machines, furniture, car peta, e .i will not permit any MM e nding for goods in his line, (io and aae. A SNAI' I I : VII HiO acres at - ,. gap, 80 a area farm la m pasture, all fenced, growinj. garden all planted, small orehard, IsMlill of ail I . house with gixid cell abundant of fine spring water. Can U had for. $1400. Also a desert re linqui land all under ells. 14 Hille, of dili .el and land. Some land cleared am! 10 OI IZ acres in grOWiril? I-,,,- oarlieolara ad crop. Situated i mile east u, -vv, Iawi i l sisti-. Mrs. J. W. Johnson ot CaVAeld, Wah.. Mrs. S. K. Ilaiierng of Moscow. Idaho. Hi l: Homey and Miss Eva Sfanpson both of thia plMM, In temieiit umorrow morning at i k in the Hums cemeU-ry whei Rer. C W. mmmmm of the iiaptiat church will conduct a short service. The bereaved relet i -e have the sympathy of circle off friends in thia vieii HbTic'1 Came to m plane a pgaj last winter, one red COW. biai.ded S7 on left hi also on right hip. Mark ci.,p .,lt d lit in right ear. 1 ; vase please call, preei i pay exixnse and get the ani mal. i, n H. -ndrieks. La wen, Oregon, FOR SAI.K At Denio Oregon (ienaral uiidise business, saloon, I also buildings and land, Urea and all STANDARD mcvci i if you want a wheel, a Set of tin M, .. I,., da repaired and see us. Carter & Sweek The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. civil . MIMU'ML AMI IKKII.AMON IMd.MIK W. t. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E AL80 HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing. UnderwearGet Prices CHILDREN'S. CLOTHINC All kinds of Freeh Vegetable. In Saaeon, GIVE HIM A CALL. Durkheimei Huilihng Main Street. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE M.un I Mlire, . Hurii", ONMMI A " Itramh OIHce, I jtkeview, Orsffun ii. Hereford (aft My well known herd oi wimiii i is now I in oi Wm. r in atalhe i. Will ba pleased to i ,. In nerd Ii llinir liouae and furniture. IJuajly a)1, a. 9. CAVI IrMtlS. Or. I J i iM I ira4r, or . McGEE & OWEN, Propts. mm Fresh i'catns, Gxiiiortablc Riga, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given toTranscient Trade I on us. Next door to French Hotel Maui St. RisflN I'oanli'il I v the day, week or imuitli CHAS. WILSON, uc. t itim in w,i.. t ,,r h Blacks mi ihiojc and ilorsesksiif. Wagon Work ALL WORK OUAR ANTECO. Burns, Oregon if i& Main St.. i HWARTZ. lay Corner Store" , We art Headiuartera for Horse Blankets, Saddle blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Uiri a BMMMBI ' Ml nl HARNESS and SADDLES Meats at Cash Prices. J. C. WELCOME & SON BvLxris Ozegroxx. Young's Meat Market and Broi . , All Kinds of Groceries and CALL AND INSPECT STOCK JJmT eJET jM MpSMMJ i Tat'iMMMKSJit Ihe Bent MOOXRATI I'KICUU TYPKWKIII On Ihe Market Modern, loiiv cBiient OuraWe ilus all the qualities of hitfh'priced uiavhinw Itupid, lniveruul key board,' Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co. ui-iu av.., cauns. ui.