rh rim(-Mrrl Official TupiT of Harney futility be lanret rirrnlalinn an. I in oni it lvcrtl ng nmliuma in Kaatern She fpmf- r Jl -I rnrVV-V f 1 I I 1 I I V W M "! rlUBrti foiintrfl ri mi am of fl,42a,,i00 arrra of lanil, 4,ll:M,fiAl arira yrt vat-atit SBhJl I ' lii.nlrv timliT tlio pniillr I a ml lawa of iIm Canst) sitr. 1 BURNS. HARNKV COUNTY. OREGON, MAY 16. l!08 NO. 26 0 OfBUNfir. SHFEP for NDISTV ' Ef " mw m M fca' In ParttaaS MK M Tit ffJBcnllev the the same way k and .ther eastern Bep an- kept on Hhil and East P the bllsr Mflna. Wyoming -big be or nominal- husiness in a d sheep arr ber- at trifling will thrive nd the gnw- ihle. and the i menswu'i side" arr compared different fatteninpr lamlw. lambs from Wyoming, that were fed 10R days on corn and clover. made an average daily gain of .244 pound, practically a quarter of a pound. It took 4.77 pounds corn and 4.5 poor, r to make a lb. of gain. Each lot nf lambs re- 4 twice weekly U pounds of a mixture made up of four parts of salt and one pound sulphur. During the experiment rations CROSS Range he,.p n R one at "he va atiid i impen lomain one of he oo i that Miaaou he t'il' sheep t r . I '. has New York, Minnesota. V there I A Washington. i date, .97K.W5 is show Hn is tisnsYiin when it stssnfc Multnomah had only Tasco ha Lfts 8.210. while lMjBh Ijine foun Croek had ftad only 684 jhflfct.l:'.:. Wash ty bad .tadjLMMO. xinenBte determina tes mfde known to oil Bpwcking-hnuse the ci Ideht hin-ilia urart anlrlnm out rf nana whien allowed them only a trifle Bta.' over 7 square feet per lamb, and they seemed to suffer no in convenience for the close con finement. The proposition of feeding the ninge lambs at home is worthy of serious consideration. The packing-houses have got to get Duality as well as quantity, and the farmer- of Oregon and Idaho can prodtn inlity as well as the farmers of eastern states, i astern t; m't begin to comjK'te with the western far mer in fattening lambs, if the same study end intelligence are put into the business in the west The second pou that the wheat and alfalfa farms of M .illcy farms of the Willamette need the fer tility badly that the feeding d at home would give them. If unch of sheep lc fed on the farm every winter, the furm will very soon double up its yields. Portland Journal. RKHTMNO NOT 0001) em Oregon region will 1m made more than ever tributary to San Francisco, more than ever dis STOCkMEN SHOfin SIUKT BREEP connected from Portland. N STICK TO IT. But as for this kl.imath-Iake region. Port land people art"1 to blame as veil as H.uriman. By acting with sufficient energy n enterprise soMM year agv. they could have prevented this result and Iwund that region to Port lnnd. But this was not done, as fKr. M.i.i.v4imi(ino ,f l-n.l.-. II if It ,.' Spirit and written by one Roacoe. 41 , ,. ,, " . ','. i tno tr .u r Alaska, the ( o'linile valley, Til- t IW writer traiw nrwdlat In M lantcaca Pratact Mwtai AaiatalUtvcii FHac. In the Hade of April 10th is an article copied from the Rural Knox on the subject of but the animals he i his article were mon grel bred animals, and not cross as he calls them. Cms-: breed in v pure bred animal, of one breed to a pure bred animal of anoth- n-ed. ! Pit. if IN were to breed a pure bred Clyde mar. ue bred Percheron horse, the offspring would be a cross bred animal. An animal I in tlii way might be bet ter than either sire or dam. but would h.'.vr no )' ' power. that is, it would not have the own iecul iarities i i'ring with any ainitj The progeny almost almook, and other regions were not improvinl. Sometimes it seems to be a wonder that Port land fro ring Indifferent it I ending its domestic trade area. .Journal. EX-SHERIFF IS FOUND 0UII.TY New froth garth n tly's includiti tmmmnmm lewesi eeeeeieesM said to h w i H nenj pwperty of I N WIIIUMSON. CfMk CawitT Jri Otektratr II Nmri mM ItrwiiM tR frM ! (Mlt Urn lw Ur In IVaKmNar). No II II m; N o lee i" lv rci.N ivrii i bsl henl inn hi. 'i iaeeilii up " inrnU f iho Aejeriean Lead A I phook 0e -h,,iiv MeWddee n psteee or pseMM towed beat inst or trespassing r i ! I ! .t ..-. i-til.-.l ii. ill- toll sileM ot Ui- law I IIm. It oi. h Mn -n-m ot. i Portland Corn ponden The Cxks Bay Harbor has jusi issned a Woman- Edition in the auspices of the Beautiful American Club. The lest known women il the stale have contn ue and it is a suc cess from ev l-int. M HAIIHIMIIMNIMTIII MIITH A Reddinr Calif., press dis pateh says: Southe n l'ai torests will build I railroad from Goose Lake, on the Oregon line. to Anderson, in Shasta county, with a branch line to Vina, in Tehama county. Articles of in eorpenitiea of the Genet Lake and Southern Railroad Company I ! . I 'a!v in William P. H.rn.. W. 11. and J. L Wileutt. ail BouoWll Pacific officials. offered at two to one that if the jury reachel a decision at all the verdktt would be an acquittal. This opinion was owing to the bad reputation of Urkin Elliott, the alleged accomplice and prin cipal witness for the prosecu tion, for truth and veracity, the unreilabilitv of whose statements The members of the Portland wa. thomrht to ho clea.lv e '..I. invariably t. r the parent Realty I lyed, in addi- lished by five responsible wit that has the longest line of in- lion toabo.it ridette the incom evidence was also offer berttano family fixed parable Columbia, a full day's ,.,,.( i0 slow that within the characteristic outing at Bead River, In Sat- as, year Elliott had remarked, Mr. Knox claims that thekon- unlay, where the were enter- "We Wl have to burn Sam . his country were 1h in a most gracious wav. smith's house and run him out years ago than the ones we now . , , . , ,,r ,k .,,- i ue vhi urv.i hi rviuriiiiiii. " w"m;, Harney. Lain and Malheur conn- The ev idenci- against the le tiee, comprising some three hun- fendant was largel.v circumstan- dred thousand acns t. be 'i:d and but for the testimony of opened fr settlement. Much Mrs. Larkin Elliott and Thomas tital is Ixhind tl, rori Huston it is doubtful whether and '-ces.s- the state would have had a case. Another factor in the eonvictlan thai the promise made by the which only needs improved tinn l irict Attorney to the jury, make it 'bat Elliott would not be grant. ! one of the mo-- productive aid immunity but would also be pun- popular of the North- iabed for the orime admitted west, and toe rapid settlement I he case went to the jury at of these lands will force th Krk yesterdav evening. On building of tra ition lines, the first ballot the vote stood sv- en to tivc tor c .ir. ictioii. r ive ballots were taken, when the A special to the Oregonian from Prineville. Ore., says: After delileration covering more than 1 f hours the jury in the case of c. Sam Smith, charged v,,l ' with burning .1. N. Williamson's shearing plant, brought in n ei Hlng aniVtU to rIts mtrpi "lilty, at 12M5 o'clock aHsatlwa lo ins willtuiion ' ib sc his afternoon. iouni diif hh, ihr an hvi The verdict was a huge sur- plaesd nlth Mr. C. H Leonerd to the people here, most of year having lapsed sleet las ii- w hom were exiecting a disa- eslntl if eepartwerehlp a arempl r,rement. Wagers were freely I ' lennif the en breaeestes i MIH-l I v A lit VHV. M(Mjiihi Nf r 14 r have. My memoi- M car- ite that far. but 1 do know that the horses we had .irs ago wore far infer ior to th. at the present time. Thai is. the hors-' i.ad in those days would Dot the people to (!:. ley used to raise a good horse occasionally, but I have seen some of tl good horses that w ian and balky that they could work them after they had ra. them. N who has mode a the prin ing and the laws of hereditary FVam A rtoria nwl fnnii I '. to imiiany will build from ep fa-r east side of Goose Lake at a cking nouses want the tpiiHirtiiiit que. connection with the Oregon Eastern Railway to Alturas and ere the ouaiitv to ibrough Modoc. Lassen and S has- H lambs taken i the fall and jBut for a month t rapidlv Th grand ebam of fat rang- o. last v,ur. and fa were South- Veniged I!. in the and utter Mr. K laBi' transmission, would think of l.r.Nl. liner I., th.. ,.l.l mnnim.1 t,l tile baseball CnUW . VMWWp w . V-. .. scrubs that w had fifty years ana, I hi I something about tbis breeding sad experience." Forex- ample: I had a mare that itington, to Ashland. has full hold oi the stau. and every lot is being utilized in prep lor later coin. ntar. I i luuh h i Ik; red the hie u t The: end pufp i ounds iiities to Anderson on the s",i; ""u'- a diemnce rf ad new U poanoi and a fine W miles. A branch line will ,unimal. She got fa foal extend through M-kLk- Lassen. nU:l. g horse tiiat was ;riumasano lenama counues 10 mo8ty thoroughbred. The urn, in me last named county, a surveyed distance nf 79 miles. . ... up.rai siock is u.io.o et ditiU(rice ,,,- vt.r lW() or .. m.ie. una a4u,ws' hundred miles. I will has been pa.d to the treasure ding . ti. ludingtoii. ine uoose rg Commercial Csnh is after a practi anry man to co-operate with th' pie of Roseburg in e- ng a fruit he greatest attractions , during the reading of the verdict. ..I' Pnu P will: 1 1 u.u.tf u.'! II lu. iku not even I'lmnirinir i-i.lnr ni..n ... 11 .1. . 1 " ' - '"" " ",v .- -1" K'n.i wan biiiuii iiiart; 111..1 1 sold for $50.00 after takih votes changed from ten to two fem oiLni'ietii.n til reiiu i,mniriiil vacant ' ' ' "'" ""' '' until iLH.11 today, at which time the jury requested the court to repeat the instructions relative to the law governing circum stantial evidence. Fifteen min utes later the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Smith retained his composure Oban ii 1 bra s stM . f u SnmUv SnniUv tchool I m, m lnl ii'i'ihi Mri'lillK Kl 7 M M.i-I-inuii rr hi'M in M. .ilci, --i.i.li . ti.v a J Irwin will geaans i ii.irin'v m lad Jaedei sf seek month st tl n. in. mid T ;UI p m Hsblinlh wcIkmiI every ssbliatb id I p in Th Maraey Baaday ssheel ' at '2 o'l-liH'k eeeb. Sunday mill 11 ronlinl inviUlicm i . 'Led,, I I,, ll ant 1 m setead h ' 1 1 iih At iIh- Praaaj U nee shared Bares, Rev, A .1 Irwin pasesr. irviii' srvtem ihethitJ himI haetl Inadaye nf eaah i ibai m n . and 10 p in 'anhaik h asal at Ills 111 iv.iv Siililmtli iiiorniliK NEW SPRING WAISTS Jtirtt rrceived n beautiful line of Indie' waiata in Kmhroidrried, Ijkce and net waists for Spring;. Something Very Stylish in Lawn and Silk Our Hrnvi jroodn department will show a very attractive display of Lawns. Silk Mulls. Mercerized Chambrays. Corrine Suitings and Ingomars Three goods are the .latent production for thia season. New, Embroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of IndiaLinons. Our Nioc department is complete in every way and we can satisfy the most Fastidious in foot wear. Remember we carry the ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET Brown's Satisfactory Store. imimmmui onasasntt: I be l.uiic Star RE8TAURANT 'liln i.-. PfOfth tSff, Dm Main nikI It MriU. MBAUS AT ALU HOURH Bakery in eunnaetion A Sneciallv si Short trfcrt. TnUs furiiiii.i Hiih eeeryteiai the market nil nix Vi.ur palrsa agr miheileii. ! The jdarney Valley Brewing Co. Manilla, tun r "I cxrid. lamllv Irailc SolklleU f rr Orllvery T. E. Jff NKIN8,rMunour . . - J Lake and Southern, vith the will a croes-fountry line b9 Valley to the 'i.ohile learning his fate, held ihjriiiK ' Wl" move for s new thf afternoon of Thur.idav. June trial to... i row morninir If thin . ------- 11 """ 4th. ThU will be the greatest lUll-r ...;,,. aaaaaai ..vr holil nn th .1 i iiren ii rii i-tf i ' i i in i .. ... . .. ..... . .. .. ramie oust; ine aourae lies eaax , win not u- reH-atii. it tin- Kiieu uiHiui 'too puuilUA iu u that is grunieil. they say errora which the;, regard ax vital in the DUl BUU JiOUIill. ' id Pel lone. aAnring made a mare ueii'heil nluiiit 1 KM) nourwhs Orsgon Short Line Railroad, tap , , u ft fu blood run Bullion, an I must b i i lumad ' eannni' an. t;i . Bol .. KsMsT 1 '- continue to furni.sh rial to k rapid .U'ii.-.ion alfalfa ant and it n tht ground b and e.jen Bhe grain and in theave.it. will net.il and afenh available, . ioraon verting his eaalibjpransortable, This H o anu otner ot depend on nf feeders ev intend to he henebd of mak on it up to the Walker timber belt, the greatest in the Stale, and crus in Siutheastern Qswnen Northeastern California greatest area in the country that has no railroad. BUT W0(U CIIMHIM. Veikiw. BSBBBBsVl.le Mull,,. I ''' l'"1' spriii).' kling that in good condition will weigh 1. ''' iniundj am! the man that has worked sans! for the ja.-t twelve years thinks he is a good enough e are too many people In ity like Mr. Knox, who At a ii ! Utah heap think thi kind of hordes their men Saturda afternoon, Mav i, lathers ieat. final urrangemenls were made When 1 was a boy, I thought for immediate shipments to Ii.- m fall. sea ware pretty ton pi 10.000,IXMJ pounds of the good, but 1 think 1 own betu i lyow clip, which will be stored in horses now than my father ever bond, financial institutions at the saw. Massachusetts city having agreed We have eatab oreedaof to make liberal advances of mon- all the di t domee ey on the wool, says a press re- tic anim ,an who port. is in the stock business should storage of the dip at Bos- select the breed that suits him ton is the outgrowth of the de-best an I to that one breed, termination of Utah sheepmen and not mix them up in a hap to oppose tiie brokeraj.'e combine, hazard sort of way, as it has inch this year offered 10 cents general; he- custom here the pound, 12; wer than in Great county to do. of thi- city, each lap king 14 miles, and a grandstand seating 10,000 paopk has been en ' -1 in full view of the start and tii of the races. No n will bt sBewed to enter which are not of a speed of 65 and dies per hour. Three magnuV four cent silver tropl ed for each liaed at $500 $250. ami four at $100 each. I ourse will dition, the i 'I to all '.i of the M and ineiils of the Oregon National (Juan A te the grandstand will In- reserved use of any w ho may wish to view the race:-; from aut' or carriages, while telepho stationed at dili nU will aiiiiouici to not granPil, notice will be given to appeal to the Supreme Court There is no question that this case will he fought then to the last ditch. Later news states that Smith i t were sentenced to years each in the pnj Judge Jiradshaw denied t a new trial and was imposed counsel al once , appeal to the supreme This serves to postpone tiary. the B aftei Smith the execution of sentence and the defendant was allowed his libert;. on an tnnpjnanj hsnj owTakio luKHfctv av st aovto ml -3AM wh "Nt irt.r aaaa aaw: 4a i . , i . I - i -Jl - UW -! Ifmmti. !. f m-i , . .a H Ek Oonf leri s fanf, cssl filam si sVer $t las Harney Valley Brewery Saloon iOH) ItKINKS Of ALL KINDS Cigar of Hrt Quality V-.7..SO.V & OLIVER, lroprUrton. Iturnt. Orrgom ...........aa THE CAPITAL SALOON, lftH ii a ITfltfltllt. l'r.irl.lom. Burns, Oregon. HVsi2ce Tlila I-3:oad.q.a.atrtxL incs Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection.' llltlMfO'. HI IIIUII THI hlCfsiiu vt ufic. ros lsns coansuii) uiru'.taiti ti USUI iu raouvct nasi SLEEPINE f; Oranen authorities are in cor ith Idaho oHicials in regard to moving the salmon rats of the races, hatchery from Ontario to Amer to hf made on ican Falls and there is a strong bulletin boaj AUCTION - .rauctioi .- Alfalfa is clf& there, and jf fseBig is done on OnBnan at Hill- H 4o,uoii ', and hi ay he s too ftr his alfalfa ich mas lUl omplained and certa. taanioi .ale. the highest, offering, howe for a limited quantity of wool. on The she each i 15th '.g that barn in auckv .- gyo fhose tention ; The Utah Associat: broedinj committee to Boston ge for a pu: go) foi storage and the advance of ha iiii money in order that gi utnani ifi li:ue M A. 8 week Boms. I '.ring in any i have for al at- -ales in the W. T. Sun ii, fait. might .successfully continue I EmH" lamb.- ? without disposing of '.lie atiaa v C''J' at 8hna- The committee wa highly successful and Satur ineeting wa the culmina tion of the light. KAILk.AU ifO I Aki i si, 'bility tliat such action will en as the question is hsinf Kly agitated and auii. balk taU;s wh' '. ated the matter seem fav ly impressed with nutking At preaent Salmon cannot get , the hatchery at Ontarhl and many complaints are being re- i by the state game ward n residents along the rivers that empty into the Snake river f Ontario. As salmon can not ascend the river above Sho- Falls the fishing for that Jib . . A.I Jwi ABSOLUTELY FREE - i , hgjst V. i U Unset The Sleepine Co. RIMr. i..lllMi.(UVKIAW,(l ( TTI11 i t it' i . A I aWlllA a i i i i i swsnjnnnjnnnannnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnjnnnnnnnnnnn lonifcofit, i - . f 1 sssnm V I. L LEWIS i Al CEirlaTIUi- ' ' luiCTlaailnsVlsnl m UiliTi i i 1 r; rAiuiuJuiio r... UMndnU J I HOKE I oceoo UHf efijt dllU IIUWCJ ! Dcsutllul Hnrky Llat oo.i.,,.. mr w oircutsrs. ! Mynw ssurisi a law. I n nn ' fir '""" A INFORMATION. t n BTsnsnsnV t - i ; "'"" " WT DESIGNS. MONUMtNi ' COUeAMT, -..-ol t. fcv.ji: i - , The Burns Flouring Mill JOB HTURTBVANr, Mropt ; MOHI-KN KONliK MILL PKOCISS IS USiil 1 i, tAt. oats and te a aft of one forth :h Hturued a pro tiead. al st of Bg purchased Ht a pound, ind nffl at from 4i nnjbi lion 't co id off when you can get a guaran . monarch of the rivers is Cough Syrup, limited to a small territory and Mr. Han. man, it is announced, It is espee. led f ui if a hatchery is moved to Amer- will also build a road into Lake children as . ant to take, ican Falls there would be no fur- county, as he lias built or is i,; a gentle laxative thus expelling1 tiier cause for complaint. Capi- building one mu Klamath, from the u from the system, ml News. Getyoorpai bargain. to connect those great, For cougl , croup, who , harley 1.10 if more than rich Pre mg-cough h m and alf i'Khbl'A.SMM. 1000 lb orders. Rolled barley in 1: hand for a chial U'ouble. Guaranteed. ii . sack $1.U5 on Davis corner, ry ing on these projects, but not Sold by The VS. Pharmacy nuJIdjoiuioBurur TrMuJas- 0ats$i.5 per 100 II,. (ha... H. a dollar for building in Oregon Burns. Oregon. Fred Haines. , re will U oroaecuted station, Davis, Harney, Ore. 'otherwhere. That great south- Harney, Oregon C H. VOEOTLY. Fully nuti14-il in i iiij fmrtii tttur nuA sujiii,iit ii,i(ij i.i .-Mtpili) the country i i i.l in ,i KHt i, FLOUR, KULLL'I) BARLEY, CHOP, AND: All kinds of Mill hoi always oo Hand Ml: VtRI mm MARkfcl mitt PAII m 1001 MILLINO WMIUl CUSTOM WORK DONE j Good Seed Wheat for Sale ii 6C Id .-bftra, prU, : Job Printing.