I 1 1 i 1 I I I ) t I . I I ' I 1 Si I TMF PARTY SENTIMEVr in'thp Mv Woman's Home Com ...-...- ... - ..,,.., ponion. to use. in a collapsible tuoe. wun There are those who honestlv "In the first place, why do Mk. One application sooths and sincerely believe the political people want children'.' How and heals, raducn inflamaunn parties are necessary to good many brinjr them into the world tad tvHtVM wroneaa and itching. government. They believe that with the thought for the sake of Trice He. Sold In Tin Welcome divisions among the people on the country they should have off- phnrniao.Hurns. Oregon. Fred imaginary lines are absolutely spring, and that patriotism de- Haines. Harney. Oregon, neoessarv to Dreserve the integ-, mands a large family'' I would rity of the government and to j also like to know how many bear keep the wheels moving. children with the thought that The East Oregonian just as their progeny will not only make honestly believe that the party the world a better place to live spirit, the spirit of rivalry which in. but will, on their own ac- ManZan Remedy comes ready The Capitol Barrier .-.nop H. J. REKD. Propt. Headquarter for bathing and First-Clan TtoMOrtal Work. IHRNS, OREGON- Job priming Th Tune HrIH tAll FOB COlVT WRNTS. ..KFicui i:m rrrr nMr ij.ihn M tlaarlrt ii w, ftiltnn v ll!lam.in. necessarily leads to the spirit of hZ.fu in given that the county levenge. is absolutely wrong in '"""" l" "w,"7' , :..:"; treasurv for the redemption of government and that letter rov-' parents could not feel justified . . . , - , l VI . rawf.trd. F i Imnhar. - i...t vr it rtaaa. J K Wbltaey ernment can be enjoved without in refusing them existence, strong partv alignment. "If these questions were ans- The essence of the party spirit ) truthfully. I believe that is centered in the personal ambi- in nine hundred and ninety-nine tions of party leaders. Men for- f cases out of a thousand it woiil.i mutate partv platforms in the I be shown that parents desired hope that it will bring them and i children for their own personal their co-workers a following happiness (when thoy think of which will earrv them into office, the matter at all for what the Ritterness is engendered in the children would mean to them of partv conflicts, corruption follows i Joy and interest. Such feelitn party victory, no matter which " entirely natural, but th partv wins, and the wheel- of lean hardly be counted to the i .; -government are absolutely block- parents for righteousness. If a I ed while the partv is dividing mar. and woman choose to have j the sjoils and paying party debts, children because of the pleasure ' ml,.,.. If th iwnnl urr nnurncT1 they will themselves receive . all warrant drawn on all funds. Interest on the same will cease from this date. April 4. 1906. .1. M. Dai.ton. Treasurer of Harney County. ttiprwta 1'ilix ) I. - Baan. . 4 ... 1 (1 11.11. NINTH ICOH : iMatrtrt ilr Olti'lrt Aiioi' Dpal 1II All. I I'oli w V4nulla.li h laonatd NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION t NIT' .lurhTltn th i Ir. mi i ..iirt nn lb arat Mon.ta. h, ul fln; MunJa. la Ovlotwr lain! tiimf j N lUrt olni.Rtra.otatlT KIbi oimTT HtaMri : Ktur. r. . v. V anl matt tafor. ih Kn rwiiTi. n Ha ,. KftUUt I ! arrlat -.. Vl, . .. J M Ixiiua ' I M -If.. . .' K. lAHt VI K I. I ii k . . , - tin Kr,u lh. lirat WatlaawU Jnua. Marrh Max. Jn aafMaib.- t. MoTlr ft... aaaartt Baal Neat Inatwrtor Biilonr n wise investments on their own account which turn out to 1h alto an advantage to the com munity at large." Job printing - The Times-Hsrald Dr W ( Brown. D-ntiit. Offic in th- n. atonr building north of th- Pout Offic. to think for themselves regard-; from it. I do not think thev lea of party leaders and party ! should be looked upon as civic ntatforms. if thev were encour- benefactors, only as ordinary aged to study the problems of human beings who have made government and make legisla tion a matter of personal interest instead of delegating all the pow er and thought to leaders, gov ernment could be conducted upon higher lines that it is where par tisan bitterness enters into every taw enacted and where each par ty victory means an undoing of everything done by the other party. Oregon is doing much to elim inate panisan bitterness and conflict. She is going ahead on broad lines in which the indivi dual voter is an active unit in the government. Better taws will follow this man. industries will be developed, the state will enjoy a freedom from the thral dom of partisan prejudice and a model government founded upon justice and wisdom and state pride will surely follow this pro gressive tendency. - East Oregonian. iagiaiar Aacaltft Finding electric lines profit able, the Oregon Electric is about savMitrua tiie Willamette Val ley with its trolleys. But no mention is made of Central Oregon, which still continues to use horses, mules, automobiles and shank's mare to get about. In the tatter connection, there is consolation in the knowl- that the walking is good. - Prineville Review. OfE CERENT Bt Court of ilia nuw- oi Ota. gOSlorlatrv M!Ol ul HMir Ic tit Mattar of lh. 1 aiaie ol Juaui Ii. Mul.ov dat.ava.il. To- Mlllaay, one of llir auUa ad hair ut.lbaUcaVMl lo thn nilT uf tlic SiaUr of uracil., roil ar OStSaM ClUd ml rUirtd lu appar III 10a Cvonta lourt of liiv HUW- of tirrg fur Uie (. ouolv o: UaToav at tiia OoOtt fOOaB, l borsa. Oratfon, oi. M Uir 11 OaV of Juur IVOrt, at lo o'clock A M . ttiat. aitd thora lo fhoa CaOa why llic rJal proparty of Mi.l ' i of KBia,, u.i i; . . : Ni U oIimjc. ST. sad S - I i K si M.. siss I JiviOitl , Hilar', of aaul K.tau n. IBM follow im; liiiiiu.' oiaim Vlooogran. OelOM Ai Woaruourv; ainl VVmir Elapliant, on l'uo... MoniiUii., Ilarin-v Osaaij On , i noi b aolii a II. Uir flllloli of Itte AdOJIiu. iralor of r.d LtUlc oo Sic twren. BSl I for Wili.aaa, Ilia Hou. J. I. aaSStafi Ju.lgt ut aalU l ouu'y I'ourl, tiill. Hi. ! oi urt aAscti tin 10th .lav ui afttl 1. itaJ Allaal . rahcavJ, L'Wfk fUw J I I VaMlfsWl.l lur.Hl under which the principal depos- J ri... c.uuo,, u puoiuimi is Ha Ti .: its are found is from Seattle, but i lUra.o, of Horn or, m ponu. this is not confirmed by the 'nurir of taui JuO duly niaUr and workmen now on the ground, a jente'c': Development work has been started on the cement mines near Cliffs, says an item from the north bank. A force of men with powder, picks and shoveU teams and other equip ment is on the ground. Three targe holes will be dug and num erous ditches plowed and other excavations made to reach the cement formation. At this time the developments indicate that the cement deposits cover a large area, and that it is in the form of a blanket ledge about eight feet thick, and from outer. i pings at the surface to 12 feet under the soil. Dynamite has to be used in removing the cement that lies near the surface, but where it is deep under the soil it is easily removed with pick and shovel. It is reported that the company having the option on the lands Adam George has found it nec essary, on account of his increas ing land business, to open an office in this city . His real es tate office adjoins the Harney County National Bank. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION l xiTte irr.T.. ; ,-. ivrrtat Wtal. lraaoa. April a. aat . Sallei trb. trt . ' I i raw . Ran ' toaaaa ina roaafju-. aaaiito( hi - -aaurri . . p - -. i . - . ' , i '; , - .. . . i aid it' I I"-' "U a awrff I Raataitr an.l K.i.r. at Marc oraaaai. via tint lh l" . nn.. HI i n'tu.r-i iara uaaa.aaM i ol lar lr. ill lanaa tWaitr. Tkoataa M Nii'k!. ol I .( Bifo. iiraaaa faaai. RuMHI linn t i -i rrni IT - ! n a i r I'.voiirllmvr r m ii !T i I Jaoitaaibarllu Mtiar of 10 I'oainrll .f fawaad an.. fourth .ln.u. rotioi rot INITkl PUBLICATION HTAT1 : VM Mum urnjaa. rmrlj kai.i.- Ti.m- ktv 1MU aatlr at hi lataauai M.... . )-i. , pr.aH - a 4. -I Hi ill -- -' 1 al roauaaoo ruHiaaaaa a ItltAM) III1.I 1 IM KrilMr 30 Days' Trial 11.00 is the of fer on Pineules. Relieves Back ache. Weak Back, tame Back. Rheumatic pains. Best on sale for Kidneys. Bladder and Blood. Good for young and old. Satis faction guaranteed or money re funded. Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy. Bums. Oregon. Fred Haines. Harney. Oregon. "Ha iaa. Sura, koraaa. pi on inll a can. n o ltar alt aain . au.ltpii . . . undar bl it nhi. M "; koraaa d' . . t-a.-h i I iaaail aar T rlfht rl aru . half ciwf. In kit aar i. Wit aid. ar - u Uf Mar The Times-Herald in offering most attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers at present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weeklv St. Louis Republic $2.35 . Farm Progrees FRKK to oven paid in advance Subscriber (ret one or more of these (rood papers in connec tion with. The Times-Herald for the long, win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Thr Timc-.-Hi.raUI i frrpar In do the Yrr)altet and Moat SatlaftMlon Murk In I hi- line harall lb LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY PROFKSSTONAI, CARDS. Wm. MILLER. ATTORN KY AT LAW. hiirna,' Ortnton. i tflice flmt door wrt of Bank. G. A. REPROuD Attnrnev'-n'-I.sw, Burns. Oregon. aC ""M SHony and m ion Pac ( JaaSS. 11. I ionBrd. Attohsky- at-i aw. Careful attention given to Collec tion and Real Ktate matters. Fire Innuranre. Notary Public HtHNH. Orkook. 1 ID! l Ii t in i i ream Manlinaloa II Chioaito- Sail duke. Denver Portl mi Worth. Omaha. K. Special a City, Si l."im 12:3. Chieaiio and Kaal a. ir GEO HlHNA, S. SIZRMORE. attorkkt, Orboon Real rolltraoD. Land biilneaa. and Ralate lualiar promt 'v aiumltxt to. Atlantic Sail I.ake.IVnrer.l Kxprea Worth. Omaha. Kt L'.l" aa l.nv. M l.n p m Chicago and Faat. CHMRuES W EublS LAWYER Burns. - - Oregon Practice, in the Stuie.ConrU and be fore the I I, Un.l Offlra. St. Paul Wallr Walla, I.ea Kit Mail ton. Spokane. Mm t-46 apilia. St Paul iluth Milwaukee. Oj tago rnd Kaat. OCEAN and KIT KB ra r.rlkaaa J. UJ. GEARY ParfsWa ami Suritao.. Burns, - - - Oregon. Office iii in Imiliiinit aorjtii ol Welcooie harnraa atafft Main St. Phone Main . iiiiiiiiiiiiMrTTtr;t7?,wtT"w"""""""'"l"l'''"J"1"""""""'? H. I) III MHOW. M. D. PbTsiciM ass Sirfesi Cliriiiiii iaeaa.-a a Specialty ( Maa anawered at al lioora. Oflle cor. Main A H i- . Hurna, ureaon Ul U 1WARSDBN I'l l ill :uil '.lirfMin 8p All aailinft date j ct l chai g. For an rrancia ery 5 day 8 p. m Ki 8nn j,, Saturd" I' p ii- I.ljkt. HI.. HI Aaloria anu M' ( l.ai.dinu. Wlllaai.il Rit.r. i; . ... Oreuon fn ,S, Kacepi M "nl Sundav Landing- 7, B Wlllaai.itr ,, Tau.dav Oregon t'ltv, I' l-inrav ,,) W( Sat i ay I.. ai idi be W'ASTKlt- to borrow lltwu on first class security. Inquire at Ui OBBBB NO TRE8PA-SIS., liuii'.iiik.' I I'lirliulijeii upon ID place aiijoiniiig Burns. Trrpke r will be proavouted. I H VOMTLY notice for r new nca i Sura mi lul . Maa. -: J! ia aiai.- oi iiiira. Otaaa., aa H i .an I ill Ma. .aar llaab !; iirma )r. . i'B on la. , . k(Mr aaaflBBaLaaw DROP IN AND LOOK H mm ' ORKOOft 4TJBT" 'A,,, ... to ti a m WlUaaall HI Tueaday pi.rlland Cirr.llaS Thura a arHj Way Lai.mnefl Sat H i .. ili aar. iti,l .. . j. ran v rio.s NOTICE FOR Pl'I.LIt ATION. TltiaTATei I ANMirv Saraa. . Marc fc. Katie i karabr o( fc'irti uraaoti aa 1m1 aailcvof kl laiaa ..o . ... .. ... if ..' .11 . la . i . ..... Uaaa I w v lata la k. . - Win i . Ma aai Mialawr. "r-nXE, A rtprrvtnutui In this iount b a Urf c real rauic viorporatlon. pcv -Ltl mJu.emrnt. to trroac who wtah to he. i. im lui.iiui.illv tiucroU'J Ik leal btate Seariiv U. Fan uaaraara (.ail.iat CltlCAOO. IU laa-alur. .. aan aau awnar. rlaatraiiia. Narrow, hortaa. Ilaoa rlaak tag. canl V aar. carraark. uu.ln. . oort ur alaaa la aack aar jiutbaadbj aM -aviik ktra. kocMa iianr klava aaaaM laa aSaavawr cam..i.. ". S?T ear: -.( A t Vaaa. , . . u;. aaj leg M,i ' ", SHH?" ...-.......: 4.4. l.ulM. 4 ... ,, lllp catak- toavor4aa.i4c. ufi- I. mil u. .( W ':- i .1 . . ,.u vLatji ' iaaura ui. iiak 14 aaatS. aaaa. at. . .1. ar. iliw rufeiaMa J A MlUiaaw. ai a ..... t. . 13 I .1111 p (uiiii.li tnv cuitomera with the ususl sigh .la.. Mata and invnc the puhlic to call when desiring, ANYTHING IN MY LINE. liiini iHtir thr Goods n d fries ..iid (i.iid W.iii in-.., I i. locks. Jewelry ol kinda. Silverware, Ebooywsrc, tut Glass. Hanitpaintt-d t'luna at ("ost. Take a ptcp at my windows. O-errlserT ,T.g inniiiiiMiiiiinTTTrrritiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiftTTf tnttuiiiiimmirmTtrrmfl .a Bmwiit.ii L I llltibanj 11iIImi1 tV HixAiiton, Dim it . 1 Iiimm wank llnrii. Oregoai. w. C. tMIOWN. DENTIST. IHKa IlKElliiX li'-ave Ktpai aaak III.. I '.'11 a in Kipana Is I.' viaa I'., y I A Hut tmg I I (ien I'aea Aii'i I'ntiian A I. Mi ll I. n: I'reaiil ii new ami Bawls. Id' building, mil iKiat iiAea. mm i rias . No n. inor . and latirifc aaturdai In vrckla M- iwaa, -ariart B. U. Tm ipSBlraaVr,, 1LJ P T"Ar!LBaBal nil I '.",;:.'.. a r a M MAKivlSO.S a STONtk BUMwk ' UOh 4" The Cough Syrup that rids the system oi s cold by actlag as a cathartic on the bowels Is ii .toft. "allt Sid aaiwi Jjt law am j Q . -a u ar on itaai Oil) mar Jfe 'V TEE WLNDS0K if .-. caul in.- B ... . w. r a. uri. ..j i-wott la ton . ..L..ui :.c mar aaatorkil ia aaaa taut torrawd and Hair (utlii aaaai 11. BEES . u:.. ver arat auU Itvtr.l aaturdar la aaak I 1 acaaaru. w m kaan ri4i..". I ialr iraaktaaaa waW an. aaawaa Iwa ni.HKa. Bfc m- ' IT I Co.-"-" a ai r at. wa Inla.su i.ouue no to k of p ' II M i iii.i.l k a i 11. Il.r hr..-. ' N Maai mm aawaS aaa hnrUi rnaar A KtMM. M W ' 1 a a aw I atari awewad aau -cfcraa. aaawctto, habkby vaii i . uf s0 mi. a aaaj, aau evari arat atnl wiui.il Tuaada; a a ........ ,...,; -'"-- d iiArrea no . o s. a. ) aaroail aad l..artn Muuua II itaUaSr--'"" 'iJaaal aawaal aattatVaBJMai fcaiial - Scientific flmer val T $1000 neS uH ii it law trat ace and Is. ASdHloa.1 tafl they claim it is Portland capital. Data of nrat publication 1 April 1 je - I eaiaw v laX.krui'iivtii'Jii n Ja wJ. .ISVil but retuse tu say who the pnnci- ate . .:, uo. ,. .,., -, .- J I". Kcciur, I uoiny Jiiil.r pala are. Since it hah become 1 ,M., A it,mu)i.i known that the particular for- Aaaajafajaj mation has been carefully analyz- . ed and thoroughly tested, great hopes are entertained that the discovery will prove a valuable addition to the resources in and around Cliffs. Some uf the old settlers of the Columbia nver valley have know 1. of this cement formation for more than 20 years, but did not understand its value, although ti. y remember that some of it was dug out, treated, and then hauled to Goldendale. a distance of about 25 miles, and there used in the first large brick building erected in that town, which is still standing in perfect condition. LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP atoaa ia the original Uraiira cotagb awrap, aaaai in co opiaia. faailr aania iba twwala, CklTytCf 11 aaiurai cbAaaaia. 11. racL Sold by' the Welcome Pharmacy. Bums, Fred Haines. Harney. Or. 118 oil I4 Narr.,.. aaoa 1111 1 II vuil) . bum. ..I. 1.1(1 ...aibiaeu fft at a a h mil r a - "AT .Liaad a rt1 e A a fa a X i'k' a T I-' -aaaaawawwwa- m kill, aar -Si kUBI . aiark. 4l lo jt V . t TC r:I HKb IlNbLKAINLt. 1 a Ukolaa: Jl ? ..n .o n -. t- t-n i- r. - rtn 1-1 r- n rn 1-1 . -i i-in r. .il tf VLVIa BBBKKAH UkuttKE Nt at "w""") Mtaadkd Waduaadai I'ai. ..lib. aaa J7 ' aW..fa. BBaSSSSSS fuurta laa.lr - - Saud liorton, U M llaatar l..li.14l. ( ,.,, Th lltfn. luuair l.i will pa M.. Mm. . ..It ai ll.il. A. HI N. iiuitt, aac'J. will u naatlad I It lint an rin,ri. Tha Tim, llir.. ill 90 - (or I rof. off . i... ii... :. ; ... Represents the... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, ' ondon & Globe, Fire Assurance Co , Philadelphia. UHI-Ut WITH -IOOS BlUUv Bu ia. Oregon. . ocr -outh uf Luttabtirg Oavltwa'a. rlTV1 aWtkrl4aTja-arBJal aWsW smxa IN CAM OR FIELD AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE Tclkakkkaaa J" RaMT StU I8U fMRT U ISUfSfU wTTM IU1MU fetfJAfi: fcto mijkZTw, a kata aokiag far aawara fifth ratrv Cw La.: WILES rlSTOU, SM.T6USS llfUT4a$C0rtl.ETC. Aam )or Dawlar, mmd laavtok aa law IBVBMS. Wkara aaa ai4 k Ma- ........ . 4oj airact. aiprwaa f. P-ol upon racwipt ttl CaAai; arte. rltOM Till: CHILDtf.VS PIMMT Of lfcW "In all the talk we have had for and against race suicide, I! have noticed little consideration of the children's point of view," says Christine Terhune Merrick Skavat SaadP 1 ASS A..-- all a .-a-ai a - iJJa. "- .'."r" "-" .g- ! saisa ml . ..... i. mzi, " J T:v.Na iuik a tool to r. u. ktaa 4a7 lu.uuwa all., I Maa... l.a.A. aajaL-jrBV I RRkw w Bk ' "- Y mT aalAGAZIiiE READERS uisrr KAOAZirrt aauaar an iilawam . A i 'O" aad taw ii4iawCiawwTaat ailc Ka Weal iai CAMLkA CKAFT dmlwf aatk atoaak at lh at- Banc wptaiiaitinri al ii Lai jJl.OO weak al ami at. ktOAD OF A TROOaURD WOHDLkS a cook ai 75 pgi rnrnaai a 120 nliiirl fXotofMpkit al S0.75 aactaiMKBat ipoc at l trlvrai 5335 Tatal . All for . . . . $1.50 AkUra !! atdaf 1 la SUkfSET MACAZIHE Ftoa. Bwtkfaai Saa Fi -1 ink i nia L1414 aoiouUi .r., 1.. ..., . ci ii. rial. . , ia aact aar U kltltov.b lllt 4.fc, k . - .. tUBa I 1. Una ma:. i.ar, huu cattl. 1 aa kaf ku.) ktiiw. Sura cailla Al aaaa .-. rlupult .ell upper bl. 1. ilkkl aa'. ' kur,atae iclt kouulter J II Aodcraui. klonuiucat, taui. x iiaklakaa I naa X riaaiiia. J I' Varrc, karat. aalUa I - . ... upp.f , " -r-" .' , taaiakaaBrtaafcaa I MUto w 11 Mayaald. burui- . ,,. kltto, aii t tup ai.il apll'. lu toll . la rujo! liorata LX toll aiamldvr Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Oseraltaf frsai Atutiu tia.rrairK Cily, Jaaa Dajr, Caavai Cilv is karsi, Orcjan dav (ri.tii Ii.iki;i L'ny in UurnkOrrgoo. Good, Lynifi)iul)i- cuiviyaiices Careful drivers First ilaa St.i'iuiis .ilontf the mute Railroad to Bums onU 105 milts. Km rau- L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. BaJser City. Oxegroin. JOH M.I.I IJUll.l (,, Jeweler. Optician and aaaawaaaaM ' Fine Watch Rtpainnj' A Specialty. '.ffe'3 uiiki 1 I ml- SWING JWACHI ani taaa bbaB RICH OMiil irms THE BURNS? HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Kettaonable Rates, Ciood- Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatn.ent. Burns - Diamond Stage Liine J- A". HARl'hk, tropt Laaa. Buro, .,,, kOI(a,y Wednaa- fkrasaj iVksai t nuinoild. rrnsnu wilt. BaS Auarcw.-Utnu.uige, UiakiiiK Hie aiu.lilit.ct ami quiikcat u,ou- L. al. pviiul. aouli, ami tl.e .. uni fLAS. ..( aasRaakaWBfaRaSIB UmmmamtM I arciul alti-imoi. giv, ,., pnge,. ' alp, T r,'-'-""i.Uj National Sewing I .lik.kArM.A-., 5AN rRAhcn ' -a.----wa:a a UI-lV 'AWIVRI a wa-a.-- H fKaflfkaH W f H uoofj ! - S - ; i'l af ' SifettWtf ' ' my Lm ''' -', ' in all -klJawwwwwwl k"" IBawwwi ihe C ya-aw. aawaj MM STKO.NOtb'f CI burn, UraajuD. rxiSSZZZX IS&vzi Special Accommodations for the 1 it auitlb. aoiitb i-ailic irlanai. . uar I, US aaavbactau. 1 aajr plat-. . kuitawaaaiv 14 .. Ha j Ii , . , tkiaatimrt itaaiii..- nip, m.n .. 11. ..ii. ...wp.Mu UMU..U...M iiiui linn, kauic altar! a aa. aata ' '"Wlr Uau taille Ki ou lafljklB, aar PIREULES ftr tit Ka4Mff'"""m'uUhLu,y" Q DAYS' TBSATMBMT FM ai.OO Traveling Men. F1KST (L.4SkS IN KVEKY PAKTICULAK Your Patronage Solicited. . J- McKINNON, StR IssatkUr, llaracy lAfaj... Home addrtae, Burn, Orcjgou. Up-to-daUi iub printing al reason able price. Try W soiled ever vi.ra I charga unKaa (OttoartaaJ plaaae our uiieuto A 'id 1 aaa aluau.A Keulou Rldg.,