"am s-Jcrald. IK( TI.ATIflN or THinrorxTY. .O0UBINeWS. from Sunset. nt Huston's. 'Hamilton is in Intinjr and paper lOreRon. i is in from his file slough. am collars $8 Icomr & Sona. in from his' imp this wepk. eceivcd a , Inc woo! Iim'ii is si ' between ind cultivators nor formerly f the new s t- S'2T)M :ill. lb wvrt Mil at this Pioneer Bank of Harney County The First National Bank of Burns UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CAPITAL, SUKPUJ8, $25,000.00 $22,500.00 BANKING BY MAIL. Vomii1i in erf It.-i nk inii By Mail wliieli i-civinjr the saino careful, intelligent attention n though thej called upon m m person. Beery customer of this hank ih assured of i siderotic I 1 1 in -i 1 1 . regardless of the alas olhw aoeoont or i!u volume of liUHimw t ransiu i-'l Girl waited inc-jnir1' at this office. Paint in i '"K I A. Horl Charles Williams is in the city I from hi home. No. I 1' liars $3.75 each at .). C. Welcome & Sons, ft, Bucaaol and vir. from tin in this week on a ' shopping on. Scht'iik i all kinds of ninp, pr. ; epairing for ladies nnd vnt lemon at vejj reasonable prices. Mrs. .lolin (lembrrltnjr and lit tie daughter, Izora, left Tuesday for visit with relatives and friends in tl" Call on J. J. Tupker foi hard war- ry, agricultural implements, vehicles, gasoline engines, wind-mills, pumps and itinjj and paper hanging A. Horton. I. A. Madilu- icting business in our city Monday. Rand nd cultii i. Sehwart Corner Mrs. Chae. N:well was the sndl in this city ilur inr the week. Mli Myra King now has Mrs. fl i Drtnkwater has re- of the central telephone celvedn n - and In this city. Schenk Bros wish you to come : in and see what they yen may order a ' ihe rest. ha l suit and he I chan will Mo acre ranch for sale suitable " : fcr dairy or stock ranch. Ahund im , fe ,r pee of water tor Irrigation and men at wors moldlns brick at powvr inquire at this ofli. the John Hlnnman pi ce north of Calkins serionsb -this city Limited Spending NOT SAVING ! 1 her hand this morning Mr frying pan turning ever. Three of her fingers art1 burned quite had. v tin Goodman will ao his shearing plant this season, but will devote in . engine I Of work. The various candid ites for of fice an' 'lit ho ttin-r among the primaries eoten la van r ttie ThelxH.ks ' count v. ietration books are again open. Those who did not glster before the ma row beenrolli-.l. The New Windsor Kr. un.JPr. .,, mv ... . i'ii mill ii. g- 1 c Caldwell ' ' ' throp. of Ijik- i H PHtch and several of ,Minn.. is a late arrival in this nie newnooi-s wero up mini the aertion looking-over I n.l and In- and Wednesday vestments. Itl.1 !l UKi. Inur I Archie M llaniev Momlav. h.'inir neeom Johnson and daughter Denied haek hi r oounk of tnv .me up from Uwen yesterday ,.ju salesmen. .nil were accompanied home hy Kuima Johnson, who is a student i the high school. I; hunting, or on the lands .n team collars $3 Miaaiit; ermitt or ai Mrs. Rose lure Dickeaaoa A ''gin sh. rain la ime. Idle Butt and night brightened up vegetation. A . v H lts t " -pass not printed oi ,nd fami'v nr- cloth may m their homi home with them, from ai r home in this land. Hand : . 1. ranchers will I. S ntage to eith- in Eastern Ore on. Prop in when you have I thirst A 'phone message from tl Steins' Mountai n Thurs day i the laiaWug seaasn well along in t1 tion and that the avi ; bt iter than W per cent. I . w . !levengar has sewins machine and will sell then I II VjegtlV has garden see urchassr., hi Don'l iff a machine when such nn ;er. d. ' . K. Mason n. this ' r this . ts during day . II. i 'ass iws.lav after sui and busines C. J. t i btftgf tosiive nnudi than .to tpnd nun h . i Rjaad lo put I limit on vowr ggftl ii A healthy savings ae- count neil not worry von Take nire of our dollars now and taarj will take eare of jroq llUel Let us ntnrt yoii out with t h it "axing iMN'ount today. mm hk BvSffffnrffM IHk N4RNEY CMNTV JUrMWU I4I0E Bins, Orajw I-'ok Svi.K 15 head of hogs that will average Iini hs each. .1. W. Muehalian at I'lichanan .1. o. wnyard came down from station east of Heme) his Cow creek hi'iiu- Tuesday ac- ., , ..npaniiNl bj his wife. Mrs. , N' ') 'a,r;',! '" Itunyard is in ill health andi a of Wheeler. t.ranl and oth- it (-iiiiiuii'S Wlien1 lie n is neen In the Inn n it : the Mitchell, sessiessessssieieiessssssssssi siessssssssssisssssssi r ("o. .ess Of irney vers w efore o it price i the IkuI land fis -iif. h A-.. m. ,i the past sev uth- ty. ' ; i; t .:. .. i if Hill Ih i'IiI I -Kit's liiill on ,- Thl l'rice$1. 00. Metiowan V Nichols, esAgt :isult a pli. -ician. Mr. and Mrs. Watts, of W.A- (:lv. nri here on 11 viail uilh the tatter's children. Austin and I t:111, H odmsnand Mrs. Hear) "'' ,, ' irdeon and other relet ""'" h,"n Krts business I at the Acomp lionised map ot Ht()rv d,, . r I t . larney io. in n-n colors, snow ing all large holdings, has Is-en NEW MERCHANDISE Dry (ioods, Boots and Shoes l:resh (iroceries, etc. For Spring and Summer Trade tl'ABURG & DALTON esesi essssesiesMesssssseiesssM mm i lien out i 0 K. '. . of H Austin tioodman's wihmI taw ' ''' !' I hi .1.1 ay on h who Ah will I I...-I ... ..!!.. ...II i' the till i i.. in thiv ...li,.i, ' , .. . oof herd- l'""'y " '" '"K, IKIIK III HI llll l,ll I.a li o I Ibre comes the 8pr to chap, tin, end i a poultice! foi , hums, afcapped -kin. Bold come P from Sun- .'t Ti Ifyo s colt that I sell for seed n t has a i . No. lgood Uaapi thai. smooth . ,-tallion for colt, colli j Is fnm another hen! to ontrj i 87 originul received utul 18,000. U Hi ' k flMv i irs, A ' k- Sadv i to Portland and tin. Willam- A . ... n,,.!;,,!. orkamti , Mrs. MisfKeiiet .Mesdames C. (). 1! ., k Arcl !' h. up fro:;: Lawen . w-k huvinir come un for to. ..m for i p shearing plain '. . .'feet voiir work iloiie iiou Ol tin- lull Svi.i Pour t-yiar-old ighhri'd Iferford bulls from ihe famous Hen r Uray henl of County. 1 have purcluued According to a l .1 by II M Hoi ton fi n .. B i Robl l Padd ek ( the "f the Kpiscopu! church M ill ! la :ln n ' In I'.th and 7th of this month dud isi The Hi- hof now ii A oum in: UNBOP RUBB6R OOODf Can I r.nn.l Hi The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. I ounlaln Syrlncvs, Hut Water Itoltlr. Nipple. (Iluve 1 1. nil I.'hIiIk i's rlnfK, VS hlrlliii Spray, linger Cot. Bjreaeta, Bsaaai I'ump. taftaal n the Wuthe ouoea ii in UP-TO-DATE DRUi STORE J C Welcome Jr., Propt. 16.00 b. ih. M arrived " forth- SStenlav. Mr. "''' Nee., and ake herduarters '"" take the place of thene in my W. E Win ha In ici, i tin reasoi Hag. H E Smith, Prairie City Waav from A.M. i gon. P- Kirchheiiu r and has I A.) :...... i.m oi ............. charge of the paper. , stao proprietor ol Ihe Loag ( ii k Kanger. It was i but sW' laam. . hn recits nd;qr . .i:...i . i . .. , l-l.llll.ieu IO niOVKl li f nted in Malheur the sun.. to deliver the -vate ser- , mi dilating class of argain. . i WKtiii of irr.iiti In i ii I -.. i L lu.,.... Ii i- r......ri..l from I i-ii :u-res up to .W acres. '.". ' , . ,..,., Allen until ri-eenll'. i... in tl tms.sn.Koo ousneis per acre- ', Vl lull 4.r. liUMhels. Stock ' ',' ' iinlin Ih. S"1""-. ',,r' i head rani-..".fn.ma up to 4000 acres. r' " ,' , ,;, -'" ' "' Mr. uml Mr a !"? All ...n u ,..i .... i...i..; r with Mr. Weir in c mi homi i. .-..u H..i... ;...,.. in miner.-" .iiue an. ...IO I, HIiliUK II l l . r. . fill pji. fa$si7.fio i M.lntosh is his party's Mi (iowan tV Nithola 1 Lssd Luvsiwi foi Milt Ur $k 10. at ih- Pi m church. , "UP ' ' '"dent of (.rant County. tja-l. a...ki .. kli returned ui Sum .No intn.sh in urn- of llie bailey in ...- vHltrrfn.- I'miii I'oiilanil . . foreo, duejiliim in KjiMti.m ,,,s I , ...... - w - - - I : I f ; ipilsof Gatdt than ut Locher'i luXK ' eiiinir s S oi uonu school stm ! attend ; d upon him. Mr . ti... , lutim- why not see whin you. home tion of i A rumor has W! '"'' 'ed p. . ,,,-.., U1 ,,,,. L;i,, 'Iltmr ihe tirsl nl !l. aioalr afii.r KiikIi'PIi (In'iroii to t ut .. 1 IiIk lit: . v. r md. 1. r.. l.,.l.H ...2KJn... .... ...l I... ..r ........ . v -j"-- uiuut-i, wiiiuutt'i, etc, IO flini- , K"i i'll'l im l oni' ill iweni -one 14 tam will cull ' his building over at the itire state tsBuutt. mam.. T , .W . "'''' '"'"i'- " will tit up a ,,u1 , iim in nJ " SBBF'l'"1 'o i' Ii ai'K.snilt 1 s I Hi I lire :tli( I" H. iPresbyteriui. WQ start i bee after the gays tl. all who i,,.; licit-lit to his iuying in a . I... .I.. -... .... . man in '"a"' "T" '" .-" " fore SBsmsf i- 1 muchities, lurniture, car pets. ' will not pi rm:l ..I i BICYCLES KEPAIRI I) ii !' rotes all his ener gies to the betterment of tin ftj.ho, In till. iiili.M.ut it 1 1... he should We are agent, f..r pun. Ik i and all STANDARD KIOU i W. L. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E AL80 HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. HiiiUh nn. r liiul.hiiK Main Sural. n roan 0, ttud Id For opp iysi EU with a tin t-Htate men in at lam in with do man, or rlagof men, i lad up phone lied that Jo! .'i hay will i "n June NEWS You! with mc J gi a square! "; "a ' its rsee f..ll,,w .!. Hi ttI,u wnam , ,., . At of the directors ot tin Firs! National Hank of . in hla um cuy iaHi rwiuniay unoiner $2,501 was added to the eurBMl it to $22,500. This flsaii ' Ition in one of the ti. ! in the Htate and in grovsi . nnt natisfactorily. Ke was made in the offteers The Eastern Of fOn -I . .I or I he I. ;ink at the i etinir. If you vanl n wheel, a f tire, or ha hies . .me and fat Carter & Swcck LIVERY, FEED AND SALE rtunity for you to bene r profit sharing plan my CASH PURCHASE FlofcNTS OK MORE WE (.1 m Kofit SHAKING COUPON TO tt OUNT OF YOl'K PUKCHABE HIOBI WE REDEEM WITH Adam George, will I.. I .1 i'n.m I- ree j and ! Home man n- dessrtun railroad , ids. Hi hammer caught hy Messrs , Brown and .' hs ut with g on Bume them a far sj lieuchan but to 1 as lawn I An ugly cut v . Voung took ' I hia Bern . Came lo my Mai ago last Nsinter, one red i h-ft hip and Bajght ,t.-i it is u eoree. iUiKl. V ("laud to Austin to 1 ras an easy I t 4ar and xpht in nvi uer pleaae rail, pi ... proper issy expem the ani- ;. II. ndricks, Ii ss. it Oregon. P0B BALE. ! I. business, saloon, el also building and I ling houe and furniture. Itartlculars address MlUi. A. S ill BKNCa, lienio, Oregon. Eninct rirtf4 Co. UMI, ItMUhl A.SO IMil(iAliU INUMIK Main Ollue, llunm, Or. Miir Mark crop oil Hruiu h Oih. . UkevM-w, Oregsn . M I Hereford ( all! My Well km in now i farm of wm. p in Mall.. plsHMI-! tO McGEE & OWEN, Propts. wm Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade I on us. Neat door to French Hotel Main St llorsi ImanliMl liv tin day, wtM-k or iinmtli CHAS. WILSON, uiiiii. 1 S I- kessWa, ox m ..u, i) Main St.. Blacastfailhiag aid Hurscsbuiag;. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon gersFamons Silrerware t HWARTZ. (o Busy Corner Store" W art lleadquartcn i orse Blankets, addle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Cany a Complete Une el HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON Young's Meat Market and G All Kinds of Groceries Meats at Cash Prices. ' ' rcca-y JKHbt and mmmT The Heat MODERATE PRICED TYHKWK1TKK On the Market Modern, uuiti'iiiuit Durable Has all the qualities of high priced machines Rapid, Univerwl key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Go.