The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 02, 1908, Image 1

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    Vh Vmi-Mrlft
ThnOII.-iat PiMr of lUrney Count y
ha the larttitt circnlatloa and I one
the het enlvrtioinfr iivlinm in Eftttern
gfte Sftnte
1 M
eh tXreat 91rtig Cotitttrg
OVMN an area of n,48)t,i00 acre of
lain), 4,tVH,o1 arroa jrrt varant anbjpct
to entry onder the pnbllc land lav of
the rnlte.1 Statea.
NO. 24
Bin stockmen
Hit dntac of Osaka:
WB""-nt I note far a
f Mmi Coacrrai.
uch stir among
ttle and sheep in
over the advent
packing plant in
a Pendleton spe
Telegram. Iarge
ock have frequent-
the ( Chicago mar-
thinjr was boom-
to arrive three
nd an overstock-
ices way down.
had no alterna
his stock on the
atever price he
turn home loser.
UiHMhc Swift company
nd m remedy. Being
grower believes he can
t stock in Portland on a
rket Another great
ill be in shrinkage.
H in a stock car.
two thirrts the way
Arkansas and came to Surprise VERY SENSATIONAL ARRES1
valley in 1879. later to takeview
and in 1882 moved to this county
where they resided until eight
years ago when they moved to
Besides the widow eight child
ren survive him. six of whom re
side in this county: Mrs. Simon
Lewis of this city Mrs. J. T.
Shields. Mrs. R. J. Williams.
Mrs. A. L Vanderpool, of Silver
Creek, Mrs. P. M. Cheney and
J. T. Garrett of this city. R. C.
Garrett and Mrs. R. N. Miller.
AccawaHcc Arrertee" aaS Tra State' Evt
ittct. laiofkanwf Other --Sararfcic
ta Pcaatr af That Caaatv
o pi
This city was treated to a big
surprise Saturday afternoon in
the shape of t he arrest of C. Sam
Smith, former sheriff of Crook
the other two children, resided county, on charge of arson, says
near the parents in Washington. ! the Prineville Review. J. N.
J. C. Garrett was one of the Williamson is the cnmnlninsnt
best known men in Harney coun- land the property destroyed was
ty where he was universally liked the steam shearing plant, ranch
for his sunny disposition and house and barn belonging to Mr.
genuine Southern hospitality. Williamson 18 miles east of this
He took a very active interest in city.
politics as well as all matters of! Two weeks ago sheriff Frank
a public nature. The many Elkins, investigating the fire,
warm friends of J. C. are griev- found a piece of a bridle belong
ed at hiB death and extend heart- ing to Elliott which was identi
felt sympathy to the bereaved fipd hv Elliott's HmIp hv an th.
heretofore; Baker City is alive
to the value of similar work.
Headquarters of the Row Fes
tival Association look like an im
mense Valentino Shop now-a-days.
Thousands of beautifully
engraved invitations are being
sent out in rose-garlanded envel
opesprose poems in accord with
the occasion. "The queen of
flowers will have a perfumed
whisper of welcome for you, and
her sweet hospitalities humored
for your tarrying" closes the
Voagtly'a including onion et
mm 09 trntetm
W Hake a Thareofh taava f Slat
tfl Ala k. Cak-lthHrar Na
Nat yet Sera A cN,
NollfM ! 1" r. I.v n t v 1 1 thai Imnt-
iti ami ikjOfMini
i lamia of the Aii. ciii' .in I. mm I A Litre
Stock Co i Mriotljr forbidden,
Any iroii or pttfJMM found luii.l-
Ina or lreta.iliiy will ! pruw ruli il
i" 'In' 1'iil i-xii-nl of lit l.i n
I H Mitt
1! inrK M ktlSSJSf,
Heing IMkh to give our pcfoiial
The electric railroad seems to
be the practical thing at this
time and the news from Port
land that the Willamette Valley
property of his father. Elliott
was taken into custody a week
ago Monday and "sweated," and
in a few days had confessed, im- rarm
iVclaring that he is a pioneer
in advocacy of Statement No. 1.
the initiative and referendum and
other reform" legislation in
UK3 State, Governor Chamberlain
yesterday said he was most etal
tivcly in the race lo stay as a
canaitiaif tor me popular endor- M tout in to th cnllrcllon uf lata
"At the Kansas station alfalfa "ement '" 'une as candidate for .lue ,, the im
roots have been traced ton depth United States Senator, says the ,.i .i m, Mr. t II anl A
of over nine feet, while at the Oregonian. If the friends of vmr having Unaed aim- iae .h.
Colorado experiment station Dr Statement No. 1 for an instant toltntow .par taaeaiile a ewaael
W. P. Headden has washed out ontertain the thought that Ore- -ni,.,, f it taM r...M-i..i
the roots of an old alfalfa plant gon's Coventor contemplates re- MlinMI I ii. iai
to the depth of nearly 12 feat, tirin" as a candidate for Senator.
says an alfalfa leaflet. Various they should disabuse their minds RellflM lajatajj
reports have leen made, without "f th i(,0- for h" aays he is
good authority, of finding alfalfa not only a candidate for the of- Kir.t rtmr.h timi mk nti.i a. u
roots at ven irrea tor denths It fice. but he is planning a thorough il".v. rlio..i j p. a. Wad-
ie ;.l,,o ,lki ,., r ik.. A.... canvass of the state in the intor. "' aveiiln merlii at J
ir nuiivui 4i4h, m i tin .in r - -
est rooting plants grown on the rRt of his candidacy.
Why should I retire as a can
10 Mrel-
Miilleu' Stmlin
United States, rapidly
BBBkVrl ..tllir !... I
, '" . """ -iH to be completely
aaaaaaiur. mimi oiiitcr.
s a lower price,
ockmen think a
e meat concerns
"obable and that
about as they
they all believe
He snrinKaKe lost
are made East
ill profit by ship-
lger a dangerous
lose two i actors
any increased
a nice additional
' said the stock
r stock to Chi
is cured there it
d through the
the Orient.
king i ut i Portland
ts will be saved
consigned west
ill reap the tx-n-
in freight rates
n. We hope it
O tne lienetll oi
e. We at least
r present shrink-
to receive high-
ter we will or
what combina-
control prices.
worse off, for
ive the fcaatern
is we stand a
more profitable
resent, and We
ley now. ine
ken a profitable
expansion will
business. The
lalready crowd-
being decreas-
ier of the For-
nt regulating
l forest reserves.
lot believe that
will ever be a
try. It lakes
hog, and we
with our- cool
herds of cattle
Base all over
live i
of building this season in fact iti
is rumored that the right-of-way
men will be in Harney Valley
within .'todays. What the people
want is something to make him
move and the electric line may
Ik- used not only for this pur
pose, but also to compete later.
It seems strange to those who
are familiar with conditions in
this promising section that the
railroad people seem so indiffer
ent regarding it. If electric
Inn art- lull In M
Key A J Irwin will pruned lit
plicatinp the ex-sheriff and his "Alfalfa will do more for west- didate for Senator?" inquired nr'", " 2nd Huttdav of erh
14-year-old son. Stanley Smith, ;prn aRTjt.ulun. jn tne ,,ext :.( Governor Chamberlain with a ,h l " '' ""'' :'-
in the burninR of the shearing yean, than a the otnpr cropg smile yesterday when asked if '''" 'riool avi-ry Ml.usih ut 2
nlant and outline the wire fonc li.l l. h Ikl l,..l.. i - vt i I n. n
PfivnmH K i . " - - . . wnicn larmers may oe aoie lo jv oi-iik-iii nv. i
coverea. oy .l n p A en nnrn rlriRe .. ,. ... ;;--j .j ..-i . -.. ..
. , , irrou in n s reirion I lie wn ut inuimicii m MiKKonuii ui net- I I... ii.r... , ,,i..i ., ..,.. ...i
-w" -" -"- -.-... -"' - - .... j .- . , ....... ,,,,-,-, m
western Kansas and of much of ion on his jwrt. "I can see no'ai .iVlm-k Mil HumUy ami
the western plains is usually rich Jxsihle reason why I flWuM 1 wrftal laTtlathe h eileaaX 11 al
in the mineral (dements of plant withdraw, do you? In 1902 I ho ran aii.nd t ,,,. . t nh
food, but, as stated before, it is advocated and supported the ini
ofton lacking in humus, which tiative and ref.-rondum and oth
liecomea eapecially noticeable if '' l'lnr legislation that was
the land has been farmed con- proposed at the time, and if I
tinuously to wheat for a few remember OTNIftlj I was th.'
e;n only candidate at the time that
By growing ulfalfu it is possi- "upported those measures, whuh
1-le u incroase the supply of w,r ,h1 considered impntctic
humus in the soil, and the roots ihle by imlitieians.
of the plants iK-netrating tap "1 have always believed in
mi., ttw. oilw.,;i rliuint.Mmiio t. iwt Statement No. 1. and two vonm
sponse to the shenff s phone deeien tht. j, und alo.lher ago persuaded a numlsr D I h
came in and gave themselves up. ,rMlj li,, M ! , aj texture, giv- ocratic candidates for the legia
The boy. being young, was not in it Kreater t.Upae,tv to absorb lature to sultBrrils- to th. .,-.
given a ecu, i.ui turned over to nA UnX . -,. , A .. mltl, nftt.r lrw4. ii
sucn una lenas encouragemem j by which WM leatad bv William
to such possibilities throughout . m and U8ed M range for some
the state. Mr. Harnman has Qf njg Bheep
been taking his own time to open Shoriff Ejkin8 wiped Di8trict
up the rich interior of Oregon Attorney Menefee at The Dalles
and may do something in the line I tn . nnfi .. rhamtt nt thn
case, feeling that he needed legal
advice before proceeding further
in the ma-tor. Mr. Menefee ap-
Just received a beautiful line of ladiea'
waiata in Kmhroideried, lare and net
Something cry -Stylish in Lawn and Silk
Our dreaa irooda department will show a
very attractive 'display of Uwna, Silk
MulU. Merreriied (hambrays, Conine
Suitings and Imromara-Theae a;oodaare
the lateat production Tor thia aeaaon.
New Embroideries and Lace and
a beautiful line of India Linons.
( )ur Shoe department is
complete in every way and
we can satisfy the most
fastidious in foot wear.
Remember we carry the
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
IH'ared Sunday night and wont
to work on the evidence. After
sitting all week as a grand jury
ho ordered the arrest of Mr.
Smith and his son, who in re-
At tin' rYtsaytenaa taaraa
Huriia, Rv. A J Irwin paMtM
Diflaa armo thr ihir.l tad luiirlh
Hundsya of each luonthai II h m.,
nnd 7 .in p in PahaaH a haal at
10 s in i m Sj miIi moraing
The Haruey Valley Brewing Go.
Manilla, lurora of
I be Use Star
i liiita i laoray, I'topilalof.
i'.. i Main anl II MmU.
I amlly Trade Kllcll4 Prsa IMIvvry
T. E. JFNKIN8fManager
and hold water.
. . . , ,.,,. the custody of Dick Tandevert ,u.. oii ..r ,,: .i their enndidaev I fail tn
roads will pay in the Willamette lintil IZT f. BmI u,m " '' '' '' growing al- tm ir candidacy, I fail to
Valley with so much comfietition Abv in v, 'h ,aM"
they will certainly be a greater
source of revenue if pushed into
a territory as central Oregon.
This section continues to settle
up quite rapidly and the demand
for transportation to market is
growing. Capital is flowing in,
but finds investment in land and
other avenues of immediate re
turns-all dependent, however,
upon transportation facilities
To us it looks strange that rail
road people do not make a move
day in next month.
is only incidental to the wn.v i snouiu sianu asme
rapid introduction of the crop inl' " ! "' "' oandidan
throughout the west man whom Mr. U'Ren h
The irreat value of the ctod as mittod he had to drive
JMM Bakttry In (lonrmitiiifi
,,, ,. A Spedally f Slarl Order.
f of a TaMn furnioli. d hiUi SMPftllUaJ
IS ad- lh inarki-t mII.mIn Vmir pNlron
from " aiiln ni-i
tat JAriiing.
1 1 lril !-'!
itli lieu
ecii bl
viap, V
the iU
ed a message
n announcing
C. Garrett at
A tele-stated
a monev maker is the main fac- ambush on the question of StaU-
(Portland correspondence. I tor which is introducing it into ment No. 1."
No announcement made in the agriculture of the central Governor t hamlierlain yester
years has been more interesting west Where alfalfu can be buc- day said that he had not perfect
to the state at large than the cessfully marketed or fed, no ed his campaign arrangements,
publication of the plans of the ol"er crop grown in the west but he has announced that he
Oregon Electric Railway Com- w'" yield ho great a net profit will make a tour of the entire
uany. which mean a system ag- P!- acre in a series of years. state, probably speaking in every
gregating three hundred and county. The Gox.rnor will com-eighty-one
miles in length, and MM aissouBi. pkH I lit itinerary probably early
in this direction. To the electric reaching the principal towns of next week, and will devote the
road the problem of building is the entire Willamette Valley. Lajwn in Missouri there is a greater part of the five weeks in-
not so complicated as the steam with an extension to the coast publication called "The Gimlet" terv. mug In-fore the election to
road, and why they should suend ' as well. McMinnvillo. NowU-rg. d it is issued monthly. The vigorous campTign work.
$10,000,000 in paralleling comi - Dallas, Eugene. Albany, Cascad- February issue has reached this Because of his personal inter
titive roads in the Willamette ia' Hillsboro. and Tillamook, with "mce and the editor, Mike Kin- est in the .ending campaign and
valley and not Uko up the propo- innumerable other communities, noy. has some very amusing edi- the active canvass he has plann-
sitionof entering this field is a are included. The line between torials. On the title page is the ed. Governa Chamberlain will
mystery. l'ortiand and Salem has received following: "The Gimlet is issued not b able to attend the congress
such excellent patronage that on monthly. Oamage 24 cents per or IrO vernors oi states and others
several different occasions it has annum. We need th. money, that have been called by Fresi-
lieen necessary to revise the There may be more numbers, dent Roosevelt to be held in
Senator Fulton at his annual schedule to accommodate addi-,Thut a11 dojK-nds. The Gimlet Is Washington May 12, Iff, and 14
Oregon salmon dinner in Wash- tional trains. In the Eastern 'real second class stuff that pays for a discussion of the subject of
ington. D. C. told a tipping story' states the multiplication of tro-rst class jioatage. No iiostorfices conserving the water-power and
"In Astoria." he said, "there ley lines has dec reused the pas- entered or robbed. " One of the other natural resources of the
used to be an old fisherman who senger traffic on the steam roads, amusing editorials says in part as coun try. The Governor, how
brought me the first of every but the lutter have felt so murk- follows. The Gimlet starts with ever, has appointed as conferees
month a present of a splendid ed an increase in freight traffic total unpaid circulation of 10,- to th. congress H. W. Scott and
salmon from his master. I al- that the passenger loss has been UU0 copiaa Those who sent 24 C. S. Jackson, of this city, and
ways gave the old fisherman a more man .ompenaated in earn- c,"ts run the risk of netting the R. S. Heun, Chief Justice of the
tip. ings. Gimlet regularly. Those who do Oregon Supreme Court. I' in
"But one morning I was very not send 24 cent.- take the chance probable that all three will attend
busy, and when the old man A1A very. ."" delf'" f "" of being overlooked. The Gimlet the important meeting,
brought the fish 1 thanked him Albany visited Portland last week NHryM the riRnt of u.m
. - .... TAr u Hstilliiaii mieiuui. k iimI tin. . ...
hurriedly, and forgetting his tip, K ', truth or otherwise just to suit
bent over ray desk again. He c,t' '" come to investigate the ocen. Not u,-ing dope.,
hesitated a moment, then cleared tne 8UuJ;c't "f paving, and as u for hUI)1ort u,Kn iU adver
his throat and said: llt Albun W,H immediately . tisintf columns it can at least
" 'Senator, would you be so '" the Permanent improve- whal it ltuliiieii whicn ,U(,sl
kind as to put it in writin' that "mi oi ner main sireoia. inenediUi wlll uM
V;u Must Siccp!
aaaaaaar a4 aaalia.
m.-i uiaa al
E Onf
Is; i a ftsat, cssl lias f aVr al (at
Harney Valley Brewery Saloon
( ujarn of Htnt Qualify
NKLSON at O LI IKK. I'rvprUton. Huriu. Onm
A ,.
I l.. I,
KUaav. Wa
li., i l... ..
a SaSa niarlaa
i lar Aiikina. Cluali
.i i... .t...
uwr uata.
...... I u..
h.'Z 3ffm
ii it iMror
utr. foa
hud taken sud-
l trouble and ye didn t ifive me no tip, or my
was serious,
ught from his
ash., to Chelan
umbia River,
have the best
A message
Biujn reported
ftved, but two
. P. M. Che
tt were mak-
io go to him
lursday mom-
essuge of his
1. When in-
ie ut Silvies,
any way to
T. was ac-
ife and little
ney has her
born in Ten
lust Novem
until next
been married
rvives him 50
K married in
the committee representing the
Albans Commereia) Club com
pleted uiTungements with Bury
I. Dasent to take charge of the
city's publicity work us Mana
ger of the Club, May 1st. Mr.
Dasent is now Advertising Man-
Local ueoule are amciou to irt ger of the Portland Railway.
you is a great
wife'll think I've went and spent
it on rum.' "--Washington, 0.
Cm Star.
1 will hold regular auction sales
on the first and third Saturdays
of each month ut the ' A. Sweek
barn in burns, nring in any-
let makes no ,1""f hv U,r ,e ttnd et
pronn - U it survives one yur money wr il apeciai ai-
1 will mom is in celebrat- u'"Uon aiven U atlej m tn
ing iu first birthduy to tell you coUntry-
why it exists. As I do all the W. 'i. Smiim,
thinking and as 1 have a avge Auctujoeer,
office force of paid employes to
loss counsel u utiniMsiu
t uiur ie rsoovct iaaiu
sleepine r:. ;,.
wa in.f.l II. l It U i'wm fr-. aaa Saai
IluwiI S fwarwaJ
iOfu... -.llulK
la wSar tsat aaw lay M, will
a tiiaJ I.-, v g I-' i.y a
ad avtl -.. ur will
aava r un I a"!1- an aw aaaw.
MSt V.. lay.
The Sleepine Co. '
aaaarv VruU 1M4 ,1 1. VIMNU.u
-1. ..,...
(anwar aaw
( T THE BE .
Burns, - - Oregon.
2wetlcG Xlilo XraiAq.-vixt
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
VM at Laa it faraiia
fa aayaM atatriag
& wr
una aii
.fill jAmJ OttiPLi THAI
I Ov BOO l&MfiS "'" '
Wajslfjw. fl 1 fcui4.
ia" iii "ajiica,
.aaaam Vbbbba
I '! Pfl!r( k
- ' aH
(ill I hi' U'urL ' mrA oil I li.ll'l ...iw rl, v.klir Vmuti i itf u.'lli'll
r r " !. l. in r a -... .. .. o,... .. v .. ,. .... -
the town clock in position ana "i ' "i". ore- boquc-Ui, k i den truck. brickbaU, ou can get a guaiantocl remedy
making inquiries, the matter of "'. U1 " , ", "0unaBu- lo (hc editor but don't for- in Hees Laxative (kugh Syrup.
urices and size are now hnldinir t'iatioll, and Si of the , 1 , ,.....!, i;,. h i- ....,..,,,.., i,.l,il fir
the order up, us Mr. Gemberling UC,,1L' Loa8t Advertising Men s my intmluctory lfct me children as its pleasant to take,
has not received all the informa- Association, and his experience iIjprwJS upoJ fc, mj reader8 that ia a genUe laxative thuaexjielling
tion he desires before the order will make hi.-, work ett ecu ve. everything in The Gimlet should the phlegm from the system,
is made. From inquiry mado it The greatest success lias at- be taken dead serious. It is a For coughs, colds, croup, whoop
would seem that close figuring is tended the Oregon Development serious publication with a serious ing-cough hoarseness and all
m :
$'' a.
'av--'aj! - a
Rweoll rnluig.4 j !
v r ' 1 r " '. I I
The Burns Flouring Mill
Kwceatt) ratarg.A
necessary to secure a good town League meetings throughout the object in view
clock for the money now avail- Eastern part ut' the state. La Yours faithfully,
able. It is thought, however, Grande raised $3300 in a I MIKE KINNEY,
that the order will not long be minutes, besides adding greatly Editor and Janitor."
delayed. to the membership of its Com-
mercial Club they will complete Charley Kenyon is going to
Mr. Farmer, if you are in need a fund of $ti00U. Elgin business have a horse machine this sea-
of a Plow or Harrow -move this men subscribed $000 to advertise son instead ot a buzz wagon.
way. My stock in tnat line is their city. The Dalles will con- Frank Davis has fixed Charley I sell.
low. Call in before it is too lute, tinue then- nublicitv work on an nn uitli u u,;...r no... on1 I
i .. w. ...v.. ojwiiniiig WW mu
M. J. lupker. 'even more liberal scale than I a phaeton
bronchial trouble. Guaranteed.
Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy
Burns, Oregon. Fred Haines,
Harney, Oregon.
McGowan A Nichols have
customers for relinquishments.
See them if you want to buy or
led I
Ontario Argus.
.-i a suit Schenk broe
. oC Ml1 iVii.iiVK1
asi laherj, C rlaflld, 1
JOB fTURTalVJlNr, prop.
Fully i-iiiipfted in every parti uml
uU'ient vajaeUu lo aupply the ciu,
, ,, ,, i, 100 miles in bun, I etu
All kiads of Mill Feed always on Hand
he mi mmi iakkei puce paid hi eooi millink meat
: Good Seed Wheat for Sale
Job Printi ni