The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 28, 1908, Image 1

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    f h Yim-ftrrnia
Tliu (Mi 'ill Papor of Mini'
ban tho liirizi-sl ri rnlntioti and It OBs 0
Ikt kM MhwIMog nmliitmain kMm
tm eg
"h 0rnt ftnrnry (T ountry
nn nriM '.I i;, r.'S.xfKl am
liiiul, t.i. I."'1 inn1- wt vniiint ml
Irv mill' r tlir nlillr Inml law nt
Id I If,
NO. 1"
:i; or crook county
Cfltlle FoaiHi tn he Ml Prof-
lrwcr Meet l)fmnd si
frtitr aarf Ihc Rlack.
Si III- i 1 I I "! IXIKM'tl
of Oregon, ami the amonnt allowed
lit the r- I (.Tin M
Dray, in ('rook County
f consideration of the
ni the Improved classes
c;U tic for gracing
as well as the breeders
appreciated by mi
cts oi me Journal. In
s when there was pli nty
ni'r, almost anv kind of
mid he raised and old
I. I ndcr the iroooot
conditions of the ranjre
of producing It much
and the poorer grade, or
II no longer yield satis-
turns. The man who
K hi Htm'k in inelosurcs
iplates so doing will find
try, if he expect to b
ul. to have only ihai
k that will net bin
test returns.
ow that it is a fad wc
ve some large ucking
i the near uture that
illing on us for our lin-
xlucts it iH of vast im-
I hat wc produce only
tie that will yield
rented profit I lor the
n vested. I he onl
In man Wlln expects to
running hi. .stock on tin
miniii or in iml i
ll.. 11111 si raise sillhci.'llt
UffJ his Htock tin
r in good condition and
I he a grade of stuck
In. ike liie UfgOOl I
II III the shortest tlllle.
an can no longer afford
era until thoj an loin
but must raise the
Hiring kind that will he
i In market when they
old. anil .. yean at
Not only must these
dure early, hut the.
oi the Kind that will
i ni h'- centagi
tn du this the cattleman
a high grade of OBWI
nothing hut pmo Mood
I if the cows are pure-
till he so much the bet
he best are none too
.i -1
Ntato v lll
I 1
I 70
1 70
to son. ten eonta .-.hove the top PUSH NEW HOMESTEAD EMU
The slaughter and the
lilnrlr tnjt u)Wi-,.,l l-Vm n,r.a v ' rpfjnjrfd
i-ir .1 . (tiio-int nf claim pri.ntct, Iill ami
toy the difference in ihe selling COMPUTE TEXT OF THR -FNHROEI) , ,,, Nnin .J . , Mlirn,v.
price. I ne .Jersey had impounds HOMESTFAD" Bill,
of loose or internal fat, (tallow)
and 55 pounds of suet on a
pound c. Which was 32.1 Meamirc a Atrwd I'aoa ) Wclcrn Solon. P
Hit of the carcass. As tal- Calarie MllttB)is SjsOnjbj Wr Hivii li
low was worth 4 cents while the na SJSt OlOBBaMBOA oiakt Ball
loin cut sre worth 19 , - "'
u-iiUaoU on,i ii. m.1i The complete text of the "en- suuva.Ball
(Ire ni of beef. larpcd hoinesii ad" hill, which
iviinc me I'ereini-q nresseo ut.o nas agreed upon hy a general T,oa. Ham, witnnm fwn
percent a&d I'., Hereford had ,.m,itl,.,. n Senators -"
only 96 pounds of tallow and :w , ,, . , m. i.. i .
i and IN: tives and wh-fh .-.... c.iin-
pound an 888 pound
,.s equivalent l 1:, per rem. ' far VU-
and there was the vast difference u hMtA ,,
in jicrcentage of meat in the ' ' '' enacted hy the Senate , , , ,,,
hiVlipriood cuts, and the meat of an,l HottBS of Re - of I. I I. I ...I- .... .lit"
the Jersey was much inferior to H Unit meriea. in M ' ' ' " ' ''
l... i , .1. H l. :. i- ftlflTfl nig.iml.ln.1 l,vt or,.- Slut.. I 'In MnliT
mill OI nil Iieieoiril. IV S ggl i V ni ". . , s I
much importance then, thai : "n "0 QUOlifled entry- " V1'nr " ',',;,,,
feeders should have the right ma" 0dOf the homestead laws v ,;.,,
kind of cat tk- I'm fatteninu. and of tho United may enter, Hsbta I
he fore the feeder can get them 1,v ,,,'r;i1 iubdivioioni undof tin
the breeder mu -t produce them. '"'"' .inthestat-
The time is now riin- for us to ' ' California, Idaho,
DNdnoo nothing but the best. h Iak(V-
u. W.'shmgton
BjartBiSBI Ipoo Drath ( W. J. Cakataa. mil Mil the territor-
n of Arizona and New Mi
l red
rao miiiiov vcpi s iirimim
mRiMN iNvoiMp
it ii hi i lion h llonv- on RrnlutkNi
.I fej Cammliter Win 1,k
In lh I Plar " sail..
Nil n;i ..
V !. ll. t, l. ,.,x
ing ami idiontin, ii ,
' I
tuck Co .
An) poraoii in
inn or traiapMtiilg Hill i"
I . I Ihu
tsgasOM ooi it. u-
l VI i ullaril
.1 ii k ll n iv. II to
I'l.Ut.l, 4 iUin
I iiiiiiialiini
.1 I Hill. III.
I.. I
I tl ll'I'lllHM
k I: i. : .i.
M 'r.
.10 50
1 ..I
i ,
i ,o
I 70
I 7i
if land In
rnia and 0 e ted In
i i.i In the Central
".i.o;l I I . k. II.
If action t.ik. M "' ' ' ' '',"'"'
the committee on public lai ouniloi
noteined by ih. boose. Th ' " '
commit tr !'-
voral-ly withottt amemlm. ri .i I ' P " r'
rvsolution. which already has "i""" ' ii- n- fr
passed the m- Bpowerins
Mai ins A u
I r in
1 .,l
Whereas: Death has again in- MO a. res. or V
vaded the circle of our member- nonirrigable, unrosarvod ond un
ship, we. your Committee ap- appropr urveyed public
pointed for that pvpooo, beg lands which do not oonfcaln mor
leave to submit the following ro- chantahi. in a M ' ' ,4,i,,
BOhltic reasonahl.v and 'Watoh,
es..lved: That in the death "oi OTOT 1 mile., in i J",0"' tUmf
of William J, t olemaii. Burns lenirth.
LodfO No. 5)7 A. F. & A M. has -'. That at. OS ap - Hi
sustained the loss of I inetnber pl'.i "he xv ' '" '
iiigh chin telling pro ,lhU
integrity and kindly dispositioi 'c the propor , ' , ,
,.,.,, , i , 'i' Italliiii. auii-
make u tell l , rorj individual Offlcer an affw
mem;. . Stat- i. I' M
Uesolved: Thai in the goo I mnddil all i
of tins Lslgc William .1. Cole- tho land ' '
.....,. . 11 Lnuarhtfc .1 ; .. ' - "
" ""rl -""'i'..o, o-'o.
in noiicsi man, a Kino nuaoana ; v ""'" ' vu m mimm 1
Ivi mi :
and directing theattornoj i
nl to luin mil for tht rocoven
li the t'liiteil 8 tho title
of the pubth Ian vd t
westi in railroad comp.i
'"- m eases win , .1 , (, m
siooo stip I in th . hn not .- . , , ,,
... Hi t .1 Irwin mil I
Complied With SUCh Collfll- , r.
anions ior exnmpii
the fimnl Of amis to tht ' I
I California railroad in tho I
hi It is said thai under the grams
the landi were to be thrown c
by th in bona
"1 ! I I H. II in
.lusl received n benuliful line of MsW
waists in Knbrnirlerird, I jut and not
waists for Spring;.
Something fay Stylish in lawn and Silk
Our dress jtimhIh department will shown
rwrj ittmcthra ifapla) .f jwnn. Silk
Mulls. M, reeri4Hl CHBmlrays, (orrine
Soilings nod Incomers Thene goods are
the lutist production for this neaaon.
New ICmbroidenesi and Lace and
a Deautiful line of India Linons.
Our shoe department is
complete in every way and
we ( .in satisfy the most
fastidious in loot wear.
UeniemlH-r we earn the
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
ITtttttl t
(Inl n
Ado settlers of tho i v ' '
at not 1 ore lli 111
and In parcel nol exceedii
ho m ltd u
it tlx 11 hurt li
en each. It is charged that ' urns, Ui '
imn u, i),
m 11 .Id bj ill VV Cali- -in
I'miiia railroad in hikI
eondil "!. nam. d. 10
I. r
and I'athet. a faithful friend and
an ahle woil.. r in the Lodge.
Resolved: That this Lodge ex
tend to the bereaved relatives
their heart tell sympathy and con
dolence, and none with ihfin in
grief at his nn' leath, and
that the L.xlgc room he draped
oi UU.s at ille lees ,,i,
now rinjuirod kO lc jiaid under 1
liomestaad laws. " ' teart
I' ti "
:.... i..j. 1" " r..., j,,
1 hi. uiiun liu iivi ujm 111; IAIIUO I
' - '
ribed, herel foreentorod by ioDni ! u-t, .
him. upon wh I proof has "'"
in moiiining for a period ..ft inr! '. not been made, shall have the '"'"''"'i.., , ,
right to .nds sub-
Tin. Ct to the pri'Vi. ioni . . 1 1. , , 1. ',-. ,mkj
Resolve, 1
rk of Df and im
af the greatest iniMi
there ure many thing.
nidi red. The lledi-pro-
imal is of 1 mil impor
the heel' produi.
e btOOdOOl for the show
: select the ivpe that
the demand for the
d the blOOk, No one
L' more interested in
kes to constitute a good
utl than the man who
id feeds for the block,
to meet the demand of
et. hat sve must work
iroduce tile heel allillia!
carry the highest per
he block which mean.
for the prod
ictically the key to the
' principal breeds now
this countrs a.-
tiie Herelord and the
1 which are both of the
beef breeds tile world
e writer has In
f registered Hereford
borof years. In select
pecial breed it was I10t
uvjudice or fancy bin
uld see in this breed
lit be of threat imoor-
early maturity and
a large per cent lot
Any feeder will have
ictv are certain types
ot feed well, and the
iy learn to drop this
their pun ban
or ilieir teed lot. the
y will get better re
the feed consumed by
s. ine low. oroail.
Lh and even, with par-
; no wedge-shaped or
r oajks
o. ao. Iowa fcxijeri-
1011 give; an expen-
e in tiie leediiiur oi a
a Hereford.
the feed lots the gains
he two animals were
ely the same from the
at of feed. Yet w hen
resolutions, properly engrossed,
lie p
family with I of sym
Respectfully submit:
I L. Ioggan
. Sweek
. contigu hu former m . ..
entry, which shall not. togothi
witi. in-.l entry, exceed l:'"'l'r
and - ' " :' ' ! l1'1'
at at
cMiivaiion 01 me original enir N ,., .,. A
on and cultivation of the origi-
ginal anl 1
"Sec. 4. That at the tun.
' : .
I f Mr. Il.uii:
by him al the 11
; Sacramento
year, t s. n anj portion ol the
led to the miro
ssa duel m b) Senator Tillm;
tho roaolntion winch tho public
8::R lands oommittoi aetod on (kor
ably, bairn in H"n4tH was
H Hirl "f
Mtao he committee which bt will do
' Hi e In list - Ming llle
of ih committee Mr,
II said:
tho intention of tho
in. nan a rSMOluuon sep-
ni tin tl present
public, should the pre-
" . .
.1 7:.
ill. I use Mar
M on an. I II
MBai. R 1 tljli HO"f
Bakery in n nnistiou
A SfxiaU) 4 Misri IVonn.
1 1 'i,
il.a niark.t .ill .1 ,, , ,.
(it aolieiti I
rllu .11 wey Valley Brewing Co,
UhiiiiI .
uro rHIocict "XWcxtoir
I .iiml Inik Soli. 11., I I rss IK'llvery
T. E. JENKINS, Manager
lYou Must Sleep! j
oW 9;:r?t
I : inror
11. M .h.ikIiI
1. 11 I lr,;.ii 11
'linn., ,,
making final ..led in pu .. ,(,
section '.t of thi I statu
IhoonliiMoii mull 1 iliin in l " A '"U""1
At a called meeting of the shall. In addition to the
oard of sheep commissioners Und all. required under tne "1 '1" ""
II 10
M I. I ' 1 .iiiuuca
lligl, avbgol
BJ . .
Honur 1 1 Arabian
' 1 thai
!. ! ...ixmi wlnle in the east
held in Pendleton, a proclama- ...
lion was issued declaring the an- ble witness. ,t leust
mini dipping lor the spring of eighth of the OfOO,
lt0h i-. iinnecessan and need not his elite .ntinuously culti-
bo observed. It is urged, how- ated to agriculture .ihei
eer, that go far as iswsible. than native grasses, lieginning
ihOOP bo dipped as a preventa- with the second year "f theen-
tive of jKwsible scab infection try, and that a: "ic-(juar-
and for ticks. d in the
According to the reports m. ry was so oontinu ulti-
liy State Bhoop nopOOtor Lytic ated, baginning wi.tli tho li.ird
and lr. McClure. head of tin yoarod tl entry.
bureau of animal industry iii the 5. That nothing herein buit month with eastern
northwest, the state is proetio- COO I tall !e held to affect ih1 1 ..
ally free from scab. A few v.. right of a qualified entrynmi
were reported 111 the Willamette to make home, loud elili.l 111 tin
valley early in the winter, but ..nied in section 1 of thin l(, . . ,
a haw all been attended to, 00t under til. . -of aec- range in . . w
1 aero nave oeon 110 caaes in Hie 11011 xv 01 11. ..J statutes, n,A
stale winch nave not received out no pei made en- ,Une. 1 ItingtOO I' (
prompt attention as soon SJ iv- try under tlii.-, act sh
Ijorted. led to make homestead 1
The eommi gu- undorthepr of said
lotion, requiring railroiul bip- tion, and no ontrj made under
ping ihOOP into the ..UiU to no- ilns act shall be commuted,
tify tho aocrotarj of the board "Thai w in the opinion
...!. ,1 .- . . ,, r .
01 aneep commissioners so tne 01 uie . . . ul tne int. , , ,
animals can be inspected. conditio -uch, particular!) ,,
A resolution v . inability of the en-
favoring a bountj low for the tryman , (j.
state 01 Oregon holding that ter suitable tor domestic iuiijos- j
such a law was rMOaaafJJ and uiuous 1
I liei.l for lh. i,oi, of
the sheep iiaiu.,tr . In. com- tier I &t vv,:
niittee will use ii vvithin und will be unable to
to secure the pgaaggO Of such a tl iriy dOSChU id.
law at the next session of the him I . idence of OOOtiOU-
legislature. ous residence :. icioity of Dofl
said lam 1 ;i guarai
Botter hurry your order for one dem ,
ure wanted. ;-f those Incubotors boforo tbi that inl at tboontryman it i
rush W. 1. Smith. must show good ., ake,
cultivation of su-li additional 10 O geotla loaot filing
30 Days' Trial $1.00 is the of- uivu, not exceeding one-half of the phlegm from the system.
for on Pinouaoo. ae his ntry, oj nia.s bo pro- For coughs, roup, whoop
ache. Weak Back, LHM Back, scribed by 1. Stary; provi- ing-eough hoarseness and all
uneuniauc liams. Best on sale ded, turtlier, tiiat no such rebel bronchi. ile. Guarai.
for Kidney .s, Bladder and Blood, from the necessity of residence Sold by The Weiro lUMJy
uoou ior young and old. batis- upon the land snail be granted Burns. Oreuon. Fred
dopted, v hich will i
li indicate that no right to either
'a to an)
ii shall bo aequirsd
' least a
i I he final judgement )
. I 1 .. 1- 1 '1 enilerod.
"Tin. ...uld tie up tho It 1 -
oor, The axpactatii n
. that w bin tl
lakejii lion louch-
KM-rs f rotn
rood o,'ii' tines witii re-
I future '.II ol
bold by Ihc
hould a forfi ituro bo da
I 'in- iiion
d . bo body
no 00
at V
AM ANl CAN! Mii.r
li s t4. cml (ilsM tf Brer si lb
Harney Valley Brewery Saloon
OOOO OmWKM OH mi hin
( iiiurit of Hint (Quality
h'I.SO A . 1N. Manattr. Ilurnm, Ormjtm
'lie. ..1
I T. romwe'l formerly of
Collfii on, will race
..i-.e Si... J, ugiiinst ' sUill be no authority
. rid
11 IV utn
,1 1 EP1NE;
rklHC'H A I'tlM-l, N, ',,,,r,.l..
Burns, - - Oregon.
vilcvlo Xlilo !EaCoa.d.q.a.irtxg.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
hilliartl and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.-
Well's and D
will ha
i '
win enter a mustang wun
At s meeting of the
if the 1 On j.".o
cs A Agricultural Asso-
,.iti"ii h' Id on l-'r'day last, it
I to hold their annual
iiber from l.lth to I7lh
al. A lot 01 lultan
A-MXM ; . ,.d in
1 will close
on (ii .sill jive
I our
The Sleeuine
RtMTTt Tru.tBlda." -liVH ANO.O,
The Ptiui slier's
Claims Sustained
" ik '
Ova MX) It S0111
I oaulltiil I' Prl. LUI a
Ucalajna. SSJ ' Llrt.ulai.
1 J L i
? aggsl
iliac (l4 It Isrsiife
l SO101 alllSf
Satsb laofosaM
Uniiiu bfn Count o Claims
1 1..
Lm put in
or the horses, ;
HlelitS VWll b
ml fair
and an;' nn. hi, ...I held in
It-' if jrain land will
relinquished vt,-1
bnprovi U.,
it will take $WXJi to get it. H
adequate wot hi but will
gram without irrigation, international dictionahy
The Burns flouring Mill
J I :
s ruRfdVHN r. po,
. N Hu l:H JIII.I. PHOttSS IS ' H
TaaatiuMrf. . 1 Wl.ll
to market the Jersey taction guaraniecd or money re- except upon tracts within .
BOraUfli per 100 be-( funded. Sold by The Welcome designated by the secreUo oi
; quotations wink the Hiannacy, Burns, Oregon. Fred the Interior within six months of
Yas one of a car load Haines, Harney, Oregon. ihe date of entry of such lands."
Harney, (hegon.
Painting and papev hunging
A. Horton.
Adam '
Bun n.
lawen or
the Spring inds
to chap, tioi and freckle. Use
Ptnaaulw.' ' 'arboli.ed, (Acts like
a poultice) for cut.-;, soles, burns,
chapped skin. Sold by The Wel-
J .u u't'l i" iutittsttiUnuur
y 1, t,' Htftt4
h'lllli! , (UlJfM - IH HI ,11, 1
sn iiiiiuilif In ail.!, lh, , unit,
j in 11 1 mini v . ,, mIiijJ
H, 0
All Kinds ol Mill teed always on Hand
I -11 rBI HltilitSI ItttfT PUCC PAH! FOR HOOD hiLLhli MlAt
; Good Seed Wheat for Sate :
I MUtllMa 1
Job Printing.