imes-J-Cerald. ., , , ,,-- ---- ItOKKT OIHH1I.ATI()N or APKK IN THI CIHIOTY. IT. M.Mt :il !l. t0 leal News. seds at Voejrtly'B. land paprr hanpinR- rson was amonsr our ns: Ihe week. hcrt was down from ar Harney Thursday, over from his Wajr- ih on a visit to his PlOW on Berth. Th mi:i rati too Satisfaction. firs. P. II. Om WW won Wndnosday and I production of "The L t pmbrw was in from M last Wednesday. )mpaniiHl by his wife r. iers was amonj? those n to pny taxes this ile advantape of tlw Ismnm. h left the other day ,n County where he usiness. He will lie idefinite time imilton sM'iit several present week in this ; Home dental v looking after other THE BEST BANK For the liopusitor in the OM which offers the DUl Nerviee find the jiTi'Tltest wnfet . SERVICE Wo offer unexcelled facilities for service, the result of years of actual experience in the banking booinoM SAFETY W offoi to our put roiis the protect ion of the tWOgreatOfft factors of MJety in Itnnkinjr. ooneerravtiem and a iMge surplus, our pol icy of conservatism lias been sirictly adhered to throughout our entire history .Mini is pur liciilnrly e IdeOOOd l Mrlatrge surplus, now equal to KHiHTY per cent of our capital, or KOI l; titn.s the ninxiinum amount required by the United States (iovernment . The First National Bank of Burns UNITED STATUS DKI'OSITARY o CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $25,000.00 $20,000.00 itinpr and paper hanfrinpr A. Horton. New fresh pardon seeds at Voejftly's including onion sets. BORM T the wife of Oscar jPrestley last Tuesday, a son. Qeo. A. Smyth Wei -er from Diamond this week looking after seme business affairs. (ieo. Marshall and wife were over from Harney a couple of davs I lie tir-t .!' the week. The county court made the same appropriation as last year to the Harney OoSJIlt lair. $750. RaiT) C Smith was call ed to Portland last Friday on ac count of the death of her sister. Prof. Archie Millard was over from BentCJ a few days this Week looking after his political iVneee. Mrs. Artie Pool, who has leen visiting ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roht Drinkwater in this city, has returned to Harney. Jeff CawlneM has been in the city the past few days, K H Sitz. the Uwen Short Horn breeder, is in the city. 1 '"ad was down from Sil illey for a few days this week. i F'vd ("liniran was up from his homestead near the lakes fi IV. ir W C. grew, iVntiM. Otk I in ilf i . Mom Isiildi'.ii t...rili "I Ihr PmK Oflw, Better huiTJ your order for one of those incubators lefore the rush W. T. Smith. Born In tnis city Thursday March 12. to Mr. and Mrs. II ben Poynter, of Puck envk. aj daURter. A. (. Faulkner is home from a trip to Narrows where he went to do some surveying on an irri jration projeel Metdamoi Frank Havcy and .1. I Gault entertain the "Five Mi ' r, if yon arc in need Hundrod" Chlb at the home of 1'Iou or Harrow move this the latter this afternoon. MANY FARMERS AND STOCKRAISERS Would like to keep BO UO DUO! of their receipts ami evpeiulitnies if someone would keep it for tii-ni Open M netouni with the BARNEY ml n NATIONAL BANK tad you will find the an on ut kei p Itarif, without ex pens.-. Your ho, ks ore .ilway n pi ldfnOB of date mid nnioniit of nil dinbnraement ami your deposit booh shows the dals ami amounts of your receipts. Manj of our friends and neighbor! have ac- counte with ni iiV not ..u Don't wait, for a big stmt mix amount offered, either larjreor small, is eheerfuiu .,.,..,, ltd, It isftbandrcon veni.'iice tO the laitnoi or stock rnimr as well as t he lillsinoss in.ili THIi HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS Iff stock in that line i low. Call in botON it is too lute J. J. Tupker. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Merman Kuh is here under the Messrs VanderVeer and Key left tins morning for their Fine Creek ranch recently pur chased from Tims. Arnold. Mrs. .1. I-. Parrwh. who bM (are of a physh i.m. It is not been in Portland for sometime known the exact nature of his under medical treatment, arrived J"1, p' "n I'ih rim.- Moral i AUCTION ! ! ! O-EZLvTTIEaIEifcT J J J Jake ' Jerj li up from Lawen. ('. V. Peed v;i I up from Sun let Valley Wednesday and Thursday, from Narrows Dave Richard ion from Harney Thursday. I Will hold i..m.ln. in..t I. lolm Day and has ,, ,i. , , ,,...., L. , 1h,ii visitmvr with her mother. ,,r ,.,.!, ,.,,, ,..,. , , " "'.in in i in- i v ,1('Ci .' illness at lhi time. .1. C, Freeman and wife. J, W. C.H.Voetrtly has garden seeds. .irii., ..n ,. . ii,,,.iiir .i v i I.. r i i i iTTT The Anderson brothers are up Chandler an ! Siani Tvler w, r, irTr'w "" """SLT T " ' e and ( lM,' I Ill'k. IMUf il I a-i week in ieen visitim Mra Sam Mornn SlieH-kher ,,,,,, ta !ir ,;,,,.(,; was over anionr r from the Warm Milt Modi m owr from the s'"in' 'k- Wedneoday and Stain's mountain oeetkm. TheNea ' Bar, under Ibrnu.n Fuh was a business ,l"' Iwwll. roar money foi it. sp. . i tention giren to tali In the Tel and p.iih.v Hayes were up country. Raffle. md mpper given In I Club last nigfal w.i fttl both linancialK , A nice crowd was ( let your onion ettl now and visitor to this city yi iterday. from their Lawen homes Wed nesday accompanied by their ! know the are fresh and vrcwid Th l Clevi land and family left ce and all reMrt n today for Pine Creek errs will make their hom (ui old friend, Wm. Dunn, tt'll Up fl Oil .liter Struck is in from his homestead on a I - i I M i i . i ' ' I .. il .1 I 1 1 fOLl ,1- t .. lainibes. 1 hey isited relatives ln ,lr"l' " and friends in hi. eiti .! h.ln. e.l to swell the town clock fund bj attending the lival talent pro duction. 11m". v. no will pleased w it li the performaiton W. T. Smi i ii. Aui'tiinii i i when you have s thirst. Geo. Myraiu I a in town Mon day from his stoi h ranch in Bear vauey. Thus (ar, be saya, stK-k M.lli. l I'lul SciiUaral Smyth was looking after have erintered well in that locali hon and James Peal P. McKinney arrol busineea in this dtj the SrH of ty. Blue le. ubstantial stockmen (eel an- bORM from Portland. ,jl(. . and Happy Valley They had been absent for several . ','.,, ' '''"' 8cntolte Inr' city a few dn thi week end H good thing for IK for home yestor- them that they showed up when i hey did I Kirinj their abeenes I hey visited ( ink land and other California poinU ami report a good tim Cap't. Ii. F. Divihney, of Port NOTICE POH BIDS. Nil,. I . i. '. turn II, (I wul. il boh, one of our new ie Wind) Foint set p this week, lb in it In i ; expecting his ml several more of a fri Is hero nexl land, has been here for sum.' relinquishmi time in the interest of the A. . See them if you e or I ' . lodgl I!" has been with "11. this fntterual oiKani.ation for rms tins li. .1. U illi.ui". ha- boon over tfrcat rdifrioiis weekly that he bldi will lw m o. I lii i ( hi from his Silver creek home for ha-already planted potatoes out ' "" " '"" ' itorNMHagSS seven daya at his place and we expects Allen .bme and Mma U. '! '" n,'w I'"''''"1' '',""" the werea.nonc tho I th. """ '" ' M phntlng. I i. I Haiiii i am over from Berne) this week lookini mile business in this city. Mr.. Il.ii e- and daughter. hall lasi night llcGowan & In III.' ( ..nri .1 il,. .sui.. .. Or. I(..ii t..r lUri,. I"'1' llrr of (lir k: iirilUlilii. n.i II., .. I-.,,,. ,,, , ,,,,, . ,, ,,,!,, , Ism is i 1 1. smi mi- i I in. lu Imiiki. i I ., Ki.mki Wrl. linn-, jo .1 II Ml,,, nil Ml wi. ii. I n n, ,, , V.I.. .. I- Iii-ii b) k'o.n II, .1 il I,., hiiiiihI in . lli nl lliHHlnti. ii. I nun.. i. Lin DU-il I Kniilllll Nil. I H I il I. . I,, , ,, linnsl In. in ,,i .,,! ,. ,,, ..r th fie lm Ifc'Wj A, i LM W azX I . JWJ2r i Aifc u'ii t "''" L VdW IMP- Ml v5 vf tTvf' ' -1 L fr f and no more trouble alnil them ELY TIP" "W - . mm P" I' p i r Dint miss seeing my ilfAl SPIlNfi Mi SI1MII LINE btfort you b'ty Clothes.' I line I hem in ihr Kulil md iini F.ithionabh QusHttc an tho l ' 'ml ( .m . u r ;t iUlt from SIXTBBN D UUAR8 UP rVp.or n( Itoutrr bom FIVB DOLLARS UP for I Kimrnntee a lit Nichols have A i i.', .nil .,.. ;..rvn. ... u.. and rancher: will mm wtmrm mill h.w urn ulml , ' , ... U ov .li . li . . nas uirneii 1. 1 in 1. w( re also over to s the pro luction of "TIM" Ir advantage to In reviviruj Intereel among tin bnsultrXJ. Hansen ooal members, besidei adding I Meat Market before several mv names to the Ic a, bacon or lard, rosier, ed to take tare of at right prices. sad his minis to Mr- Cowan & NicholH who will have v" "" ' the exduaive distribution of them Ibariej roller will continue to j.,,.,.,1 ,., public In thi- section until iuii.ii i vuei ' will take A $50 SlDEBOAicn Fi;i:i: C W. Clevonger offers $o(i Me- has been ovei board as a premium in connc n City tor several lion witl chine sales. I old acquaintance He ha four dilferenl standard after hi political In lewinj maehiw i" stnrs eom i uuiie well known prkdng seven etylig, ranging ml d time resident.-, of price from :;'. .10 to $45 each. - The hut dni "' Robt. Stoner, .lames Hicks. tin- engine to other parts to op Ins sheep l hearing plant. W. Drinkwater and Alf Baker ,;, . workdfflM ,1((W JC- are home I rum the lakes. Kiev Xi't I'lmniimliili nl tin- IwoSI Kill rn i.r.l. nil I i inn , iti-K I tOMOS i-i iilfil llfiii .i.l nl On. 1 . 1 1 li nl Mid I"" k- ninl ii.nriln I. i III.' t.i Ifim I l. Inn. .lull I.I hHIM aeael i ih in..., ,.i. di ""'" "' ''""" " ia si ii.. ..r it..- linn. ....I ihMMMWea !? ""' '" slBrfi Will h. ....,, i.mI I I., i'""" " "! """ '" '"" i M.uli.o.. IWM, .i i...,M.Hk1"1,1":" l--l,. .oi .il.. ISM IU .. I'Kiri A M .1 t , IM. M Hurim. QfOSJM, SSS I ti.lti.. 1 Inr llii' liaamitf ,.t ohtrtl IS I mi lea naeosassl smssm as . ... l.mrliin an ... ih.,..i,. iI,.ti.i., ....... i Bin 1 1. -it. mil. II,. , I. a ... .,, nr iHi.ioi Hi,, tam tiiim II ir. I li.r II. In ..., Ilnrmil, Hl.,1 imm.i M. ,. ... ....trl ,il rat. I i linn... . . Metes mi. !' ii smi ioMge .......n... DM! "i Ht.t,,.. Man I. Data ni u ..ii.h. i,. i, .r.i i laK l Mill. INI UkWk lirAHINi AN! PHlNMMi S' HFNK BR08., The Merchant Tailors Bums, Oregon . ii in. Tin' iii. in ii riti'i .in- riMl.t l . I .o Mini .ill 1,1. la 1 ... nl ('...III. I m M. ,,, . ii, ,n CIkiIi. NOTICE FOB BIDt report no 1'r. ..i tue Bebsanh riaeamdlj ot (re gon, is e.M'cied bore some Bane i . :. . i. t i I hd has many friends. A chance on the sideboard with " AlJ " LLj i.i , i... .,..,-.,. She will ro iioin here 1.. Canyon hi.iiiiui. ... Ill- ',t. i I ... .. ...ill ...... ju.ll . ...'Il I 1 1. ... .1 of district attomo) machine is sold the lucky mini ib are eoniideiit h. Iht gets the sideboard. excellent nice A very pleasunt surprise part tendered Mrs. , City. Nona Egnui Notki hereby given that there an now Adam tee ha -1 .piarter sections of graia land. Tractn from g0 a.-res up to HIO acres. per acre land, hut 4.") bushels. Stock ranches from dIO up to i" .'acres. All well vraten d no tKiisting of water, i-anjfiii" in , m$10 7..'iii p. r ;. 1 ' I .. .. ..I ....u: i ji. C Mcln- I""" - K'uiuifh, i (iuik tosh bv the members of . "' wine tace. small aU.ut .1 or Swastika dub and s foa of their 4yttrsuld- '' 1"'1" - has received his H and hi lilies ;ir.- plaoed iii sei lis took out several Invited friends Saturda. after noon. I;, freshments and "500" were the less unporlailt ).;: the entertainment. Those eom- Ippiy the eustomers to Diamond and this Times Herald was om .lame Million's Th.- county high 100001 board has elected the teacher: Bar next 4, I). W. Yod- eras principal, i'rof. H. A. Uil- lard a he assistants and Mi i.iii.-. i rioter of ''has. W. Blue, in esses ef Mis.-. ;dfrey There w ill be a grand St Pat- who desired to retire from the N . Li pVM m-mIimI i.i.t i. i in .tin Oseatj I'l.llll ' II.,..,. I (nil. Ill lOf I (III. III. H ui' ... ni f". Mm .... oil. . i mii. i . ig In . Hi. l.. I (. Ol. !..,., mi (111' ... II,.' nll.l'r ill (III- I ......Il I li,K i i. win i. asees4 ...i rad li las SMwl M HeeeSf Ml III.' tla-lll In I, .,. . I. I II .....I HaS M ... Ml ... t I. .k NOTK'K KUt I' vibiN or o years old. call and gel them Owners wil J. W 1: prising the party WOTO: Mesdames rick ball at llarne.v next Tues- faculty. was in good shape . ' Coead, J. W. Aahford, K. rett it-it reetsrdaj .1. Bayley, J. H. Pell, L B. BaaaV Of phones for the lino (),m.irK U(), ,. R ("It;:,;- mmmmm. .,,. , ttM. um,(. j Mt.1ltoshi UI)(, Miss day night, l&areh it. The man- aeenienl extends a hearty invita tion to the voiinc people of Hums and other neighboring town . i.H'I Him i . .. . .in I iilii.-iii, ,1.1.1 ,ll..- . , , , ,',. in. ... -, 1,1,1 ppreciate tin ,,.,. Blanch Wood and sCaymeCoaad aU,;"(1. Buppor will be served ,,..-,-., Grant County News. UN eon n land will be relinquished together with $4,- ooo wort. una propertpi improvement , implem. . u- once. Iater ... a.. .1 .. . i.i. , O .1 .... . II ll inn., . ...) m. nam .......,, 1. ... ' M.MIM-IK I l.l M.IK I I.. Ill, I I I., i. a Mi.ltr mi. il, , i.aaml, u. . i u,, ....-I WM I . lulr ami rrajnlarlj ai . i.i.i,... iral.n ..( ll.r calal.. nl j rna Mi. liacrMoil, an. I l.aa lul ..,il.lir. , .., aa i.....i. .1 An) ami all t .UK la.ue. aiiaiual "a. I : .. o.- ... J i. ,.l.l.. I i .li-ii,t II,.. aalll.', Willi II. (iftir vnuclii ' .Inly valid. . I aa I.) ' law ii'..iirl ai.l. In an in. . i, II, a li... . I'lal.' .1 ll.ia in, In I., ma al Ka. (tra'..ii in al li, nil.. . nl ...... H Si. Mora, In Itiirna, OssaSS Palf.l al ltdi. -. ( ... gun I I'Mt W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Trophal and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E LSO HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Freah Vegetablea in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. I lie k lii-iii t II.i.I.Ii.i Mji.i Mtgl w a !.. K. ..i.-, eoTi i tut orai l raorgim S I .. I. .. .. I. at linliiialratria u( llic K"lal if A.i ' leoaei i...a.i, seesfsesl ny villi., in all ni.n.f nl aia nl llm linn Alu.iinaUaliii nl ll.r r.ial.. Aii.lara.iii ri iiiu.s i lilt i.HjUmk I n i s i W, .In in, .li tun, lagal n. I.... i i I.I II.... I'.. . ii . I llai . ...nly, Hi LIVERY, FEED AND SALE i.i llw. Ta... .,.. a I...I..I 11 Will UIKe .VllHHI lOLMlll. Man J I' I ..l.r Cnl.l.ll' JmJ I.,. Il.,.. il... ..... ......... ... I ,. I m .--- aip . . . - .. r i -( ' il'H i t jn i i I i -ill Elmer riogoboom iniorms us aflequate . ei right, but will ... usea I wtessles u..-n.,,i.. . .,....t. i ...... ..i u . he i horoughbred rales grain without irrigation, mm en laji f Jme MN eiMegsrlsi waair Nstsoi ori registered stallion, Avalun, to See Adam Ijiwen or "' i",u' "'" " '"' '" l'1"' "" " " ' '". lu wall ,,, .,..,.,.... ,,,ii Frank Pierce. The Pierce's have Burns imroo i lf ' ' V" " ' "' ',""',, imm ' u number of Bne running fa and this animal is a valuable acipiisition to the bunch. We do not know whether the hOBM will he taken to Maker ( 'it or whether he will make the season here. OD NEWS For You! pportunity for vou to bene- V OUr nrofit shnriny nlun gained ehxoJatlon that 1 am in siirliig tenn at her home abov '"?."1'" ) our prom snaring pian with arm tat men i. ld M(, vt.ndel. ' upL '' ,,r" burns, ( 1 1 J. I ,'l.r arrived hen- last Saturday from DrOWlOf where he had been learhing oinos last fall. From i.-,.. it. i the school wa.s ma factory. Mr. uv en. Li was asaiated l.v Miss Km- ' l'o i he Editor: A rumor has' m Mull...- Tk. i.,tt,r u.-iii iau I. an. I 1. num. in 1. .. iinalilllla-a 'tl'M.K'l j i.,a)rl) U,il aAUhi r.i in ItliH-k lai,l .,,. .-I llarnay muni), Mali, nl in. . .. t in ilu. i ut ni Hun,- Harass iai..nMi.... iu.ii.ii.iw ... .i..i i,.....i "rag.iu. ll.!r .,i .ai.l .. .1 ....h-Hv .11 e aill , v. i iay. "- rnajiaa.1 'y n al li.nua, uratfou m. Naww SNat War. I. ViiiJ HAW, Hi,,. i''lal llurua, Oirf'.i,, Janiitiy 'IM, Vi (..uirgi. Tiiri.kaii. McGEE & OWEN, Propts. tVl ' i li I am mi May I and ba axiil( I il to iiiy aim, ...a. rp .,, , in ., wall tfalla.l liauia Wa ara io ........lain (ha (lubllo in rvary iarli. ular llh a ami ai.rilti laama 'I'lia It.. I I- mi. I ' 'I anil 1'i.iiviMiianl to Ilia BSSSlS "f tKa ii) v I -"' Il li fl Hi our oate r0iva ..ur alln, HoflBe !.,inlii ly w ny, wet'k or mouth oi a li iKri: j,,i, iwmu I'lialaUtrattU ut il.o ..lai.- ,( AaVJuti Diet Dri 'VsViPV f1 A QH 11 TRf1!! A W wilM l,u' l Ki'"ra"tee bim a sijuaie Illl l . I , ill M LIlVlIllJli i.urns. i wish io stale mat Jam aireaoy Oegun :. m on in with no man, or ring of men, Po I in Burns or in Oregon. When man intrusts his business 10 CENTS OK MORE WE (JIVE PROFIT SHARING COUPON TO E AMOUNT OF YOUR PURCHASE ICH WE REDEEM WITH "TITTEID. A reprcaciitulit t in tlila louiity li ., lar real cataic cuiunralimi. hpca. mU UMluicinciiU lu Ihuae wltu wiata In bwuaaa flauiih tally liilcrcalcJ INI IJtf If Villi Vl"lllt t 1 lava Lit fniillliO. deal, and hv never hgi to vAait . , ,. ' u until the other fellow comes '""i M unU W' J home .Smith of Burns, Oregon, about Adam - the ii runs without tin i urt BaajSaaj SaiUiai Lawen, Oregon.' ban I BC Heal I stale tXUf U. CHICAUO. ILL Naii.aa I iiv Maial. i ... i, Il I i .. I kit J,! I. W I II I ., W II I I.I ...y ll. il Prank ' ' ' l.aa I .it. I M i iltwraua i . i rlglM' I (A. II ai'l'll I" tin' . ' ..I ' Ilia l".aL- nl l r. x i , ll II f. r ll.r I 14 I..,' ., ! ... II going wtit. 1 1, II J..M CHAS. WILSON. u. i tiaoa 1 1 ua 4 .Ki BUcksoilthiaf u. Horsohoiof. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oreijon ?M Main Rt.. Rogers Famous Silverware n CHWARTZ. b Busy Corner Store" We are Headquarters lor orsc Blankets, .addle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete Line el HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON -0-U.XEL, gron. Young's Meat Market and Bret- All Kinds of Groceries Meats at Cash Prices. Ms "ssj BMasseefM ummW StrlS1!- 7 and LSI CALL AND INSPECT STOCK The llrat MODKHATK 1HH Kl TYPKWKITKR On the Market Modern, Convenient Durable Han all the qualities of high priced machines) ItupiU, I nil 1 1 ml key board, Simple:, Cheap Chicago WritingMachine Co. laialU Wasaah Ava., Cbkavi, D.