J t t I 1 a d tl si I I N hi th UK BO Ill Jl Itj ia IK- mi i. v, en U le, lie un rin l'l rtJ M i i I I I' I I I J c J ft hr fttuKs-ftrrafd. - WHKIIAY. MAHl II I -I T.silMI'TION KATKS porer) chalmeji ami Oram Jameson temporary secretin-'.. After ;i general discussion si ni tfOD carried that the ehaii- an point a COntmlttM of live to can- the situation, ascertain tin llll ItlWN CKICKHIMIII mi.lTiai. ANNOl'NCI.MrNTS. I herein announce m The lament crowd that ever t herein announce myaeu a MBpmhlitH in I i hall on a candidate for commissioner of imilfl ! the local Harnej count', ub, I to the da talent players Insl Wednesday ')"( Vflt x Month. Thru- Miniihn I'.iv sentiment of the business men of evening when thej produced the IVLIAR iivitn - - - - Kmhi There has been considerable talk of sinking an experiment Ian well here for the pur- Of testmjv the depth nece I I '' arv to go for I How. S bueineti men have signified their willinjrness to subscribe to a fund for this purpose and others have similar ttsjReated that the city appropri ate something toward mak rabl Itj and surest. "' rather outline a plan for reorganization to report at i meeting to be held iturs time, definite date to be set bj the committee. Chan man Kllis appointed I. Schwart W in. lam. (,. YoVttg, Franl. anil A. O. Faulkner on drama. "The Woven Web t ir the benefit of the to- i clock fund including 6 tiuntarily given In I. R, Jenkins, theSteins ciaion of the democratic voters at the primaries to be held April 17. 1908, .1. P. WlTIIKHN. I herein announce myself n Mminfaln ahiwnman onH K1 rii candidate for treasurer of Har- nby V. G, Coiad thi pta nej County, subject to the de- !,.,!,, i ision of the republican voters at ne wood that the primaries to be held April 17, i . , . i ! IU1U the committee. The secretary '" w ow to tne Motners iw ( - ted to write for .-..pies Club fot theirdan G. u ' "nkmifr. Of constitution and by-laws of ll'" 1144.66. I ir i . II l . I 1 I l. . .!. i i..ii. iii. i. It it organizations in other i ms amount aaaeo to me innu ' ' " " ".'" T The B. A. ft hat fm-now in the First National Bank, candidate for school superintend- SlftM.10. mi total lund oi em oi narney (. ouniy. suojeci so paraphernalia in the the test. The director of the club rooms and the reorganised Harney County Fair A iil will have something sub- bave Interested them In stantial to start off with. Ac me matter and h ha i" . n their cordini to the sentiment of those intention to appropriate b lum it will i" ssml social In for the purpose ot a teal well, character and made to include s The proposition has been d members all pet of good sd among the plane for this ses moral charaeter with a lad worx and exploitation auximary. m our resources, the lm- III" I tmes-neralil is mueli itli sufficient interest the decision oi the democratic dueonth bat It to bring rotersat the primaries to be held pril IT. 1968, catali tl and pric- ' ' Cavbndul msulti da committee will pur I hereby announce in i indidate for the offlce of assee the interest hown by the citisen or for Harney County ubjeetto in this matter and to know that the decision of the republican a sullii nut amount Is now read Oters at the primaries. April 17. M.m.ati File Remedy. Pries no, i guaranteed. Pul op ready ippllcation prompl , ., form of piles. Sooth- thes and h'-als. Sold bv The Welcome Pharmacy. Bums, Ore gon, Ik il Haines. Harney. Ore gon. FOI! SAI.F. , Denio Oregon General BMrchandise business, saloon. I,, buildings and land. dwelling hoUM and furniture. i rticulars addn lus. A. BCfflJBBNlB, i )i-nio. Oregon, o TRR8PAB81NG. Hiii,' i biddi n upon 1 1 1 v pr mi-' Pn -I' i--"i- nil'' ii" .r.- PCIlt' lb H. ('. LrtVRNs, Tool Herald is not authoi. with the inti definitely the sun the - la- in this movemeni and fa Con can devote to this work, but will i sea The organise tin- directors will do something tion will lead to something better to encourage this work and will I and be of inestimable benefit to nun Ik- glad to take the initiative in the i of Hums and i 1M I . .1 ., IIUIW taken me people appreciate ine euons iwo of our local talent in working for this wortl . but the pfa- ers will no dit for the thi undo the liberal patronage and !'l Nil I I.' VM'M.I The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. Civil.. KMClraL AMI HlluATION ENGINEERS Main (Hlire.'Hurns. Oregon I " I l I KVIII, l(fi. Hranrh Ollire, Lakeview, Oregon ii. Mitr. the matter provided sufl encouragement is given l stantial men. Messrs, Swain ,v Smith are willing to RMS Cession- for a tet well and it is time some action w i The Fair si for the sol.- purpon of promoting the in Of Manic;. COOnt) and will appropriate BJ lib, rally t--Ward tin- importaii! . limited mean- at it roinmand will justify. Tin obligated to look after H prsmi- t and other necessa penditures taetdeni to the annual fair, therefore eanaot a :: amount the test we'l i-iitinl local essastanes (ally our young people, All t h ncoura ement ittended the mooting enter- made It pi ed into it with a spirit and all de be "tne members. This matter will be given more atten tion In The Times-Herald lah i of the public refore the town cl i" all 01 US witi particular thanks to the I herein announce myself B candidate for the ollice of a -o - or of Harnej i ount . wbjt i the di ci-ion of the di moeratii at the primarie to beheld April 17. 1' II. L l.i iu Mc(iman A Nidsok L-i-rl Locations -Real Estate tor Sale Laud Scrip lloum and Sold. BURNS, - - ORKOON Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils Varnish, Building Paper, roof. ing, Builders' Hardware Wood Choppers' Stoves, Granite and Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, Etc TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKS Camp Stoves any Description made to orde Full and Complete Line of Hardware, Guns, Ammunition Sporting Goods Yours for Business R & CUMMINS. - oECs-oisr GEE :B"cr:E2Nr kBI SI'KW 01K TREES. All pood dti ed bl tin- adanceinent of i-duca-tion aad it i- a matter in which pottl extent whatever. Tin n..n. titled for the inti niieiit should and will the fund. The in.- ligiou gated to i who .)( in many fruit power and will do what- tl proper formula "' i;- Thta, with which to mm lhni '" un - and shrub- for aphis ami other " mijrht be well topublish "'"" ' tnnounoe mj all the formula authorised, or con v uperintem i bjeei to J The Orouon formula: liuii-k ''' '" ' IM"" ' 1IK' --!" p for t. ihe prin beheld f I If. II MII.Tii- $ tile ' At thi solicital n of numerou I hen b- announce myself .. candidate for tin- ollice of asse or of Harnej count . ubjei I to the decision of the democratic i obs In I'1 April 17. ! . ItltlTi U d in June. We should lie careful in our selection . look not only to the oal, but also to the moral c! of U.-i'ir.ii.: I'm tin- pUU I '. 1. r i announced in issue as a candidal' superintendenl and i' i quite probable hi will have DO Opp own part;.. lived II I eount) i- i" years and taught continuous!) fa th year e iirenon lormuia: iihk : ulphur. "" without salt, KO, gallons. lime thoroughly, add the .-ulphur and boil an hour and one-half or until -ulphur isdisnol Add wal-'f to make .i gallons, spra-. through i in- hundred This solution should bo net it trees only and th. inniortant. Ii - -v-v - JDTZTJGrS A Complete Line of Everything PRESCRIPTION SERVICE OUR SPECIAL FEATURE Stationers, linrnt Leather Qooda, Books, .lew eln . Pountaln Pens. Novelties, TolMCCO, I'ipes Home Supplies of all Kinds CITT" 3DE5TTO- STOEE. H. M. HORTON, Propt. tvwi .. -. V k'- Burns Meat Marke Nc Mmpppii:iii the lirsl National Hank Main tl Utr r.u -ititl. M. J HAN.'-liN, Propt I The law r.'i u in -.all brush from pruning burned within 10 daj ' iprajhig why this formula without delay. lit till llAltltlS. inty Fruit li innu scmoiii unun H Uncle Bill Mi. Pai . B !.' and th . ; lull. Ill I Clare B I ..Mad". Miller well sustained il i ;,a-1 ni.-d lo be ,-ome a candidal- for the oA 8 . el to tin decision of the Republican oi Harnej Cow primaries, and I . r the I will give tfood hoiu Ithout f Ri 'i-t of all i;. i - ublican . i am, rei t fully. E. N Jami son. . .',',:'.X'.'.','.::',.v,;'.:-.:.:;: The meeting was called ! roll call and the minute, were d tin- follow- niiiiawons won- i. Pn u i i ignes r; V. trade Hibbard. E unions the announcement-in an- i DaltOB Millie ll column will I- found his and Joe TtMcnpaon Ires Fred name. Ilr. CWvengoi snd Lsua KglL The before aastad his part foi a .. appointed Leon John- thine !l;, then the foUowin of tin- sounty. lb-:- .. renden d tent, trustworthy man. ami "KISIINu ON IKI II should hi.-- partv nomination would campaign. give maki turn a i tn. of the 60,000 tax lei In this counts on the 1!)7 roll i.. bsj ooUeetsd, D Terri! at pnict.ral it will aid by expiration of die limit n -quired in which to n i eive the Hum i"i- sent rebati a ko4ji showing and Indrpates the conditio ir t.i (- snnounossaent i J, p Withers u.- a candidate for coun , t commit -loner apH.'ars in this i ue. Mr. Wit i the pioneer residents, of th: i oiinty I and one of our hea ,1 lb .; In. K of gOOd ' ness iudgetaent cor and careful. W better mail rial can lie found in Harne.-. coin' tin- position of commissioner. KtiOWnMa. ATHLETIC CLLB. Star Etoangied Banw r ling UlaMeKI Sol,, Toilej Johnson Zella Irving Lea Robi sd That Thi ol' the Territor of the Btati !- a Wits Policy. Affirmative, Blanefa Ten-ill. .;l!i Millie Hulbert. I Irving. Plot ardson, Agnes Cawtteld ihool riighland Laddk Tin- judges, Chester Dalton, Swain and KnidCawlli. Id; l in favor of the affirma tive Knima Johnson Solo Dorcas Sweek Tin- president appointed Robinson Madge Miller and Toi a to prepare the next ram. W, adjourn. MILLBKS HELD INDtK $2000 HiiMi in Richardson and ,J. a. i.sun arrived in this city a. having in eharge .' o s. Miller and his ton Peter, charg ed with laroenj of stoekfromthe William Hanley (,'o. and other The complaint was .sworn to bj in. Pollard who is now held of itealing Pater Mil- not raise ommunl s ti fruit count: announce that I am a candidate for re-election ej iheriff of Harm county, sub- of the deinn- the primaries to be h. Id April 17, I K. RlCHAMM I hi , If candidal. foi Harnej the democratti it the pri maries to be held April 17. 1906, Edw. J. Cati ow, t.i. II I count-. iiu thi fall: I write ! rniers who intend to I this Th.- folio found a -,U "' Harm counts their t'"' decision of the Ll MABURC & DALTON Iheral Merchandise Burns, Oregon j X. ' M " ' '"'' psj , , , t mmmmmmmmmmmmmtm l berebj annout ,-lf a candidate for school superintend ed to republican fruit town at voters at the prin iriesjto bo head the sanii i nrintine April 17. lyob. I hold a diploma on fruit: H the Monmouth State Nor- Mom tter ",- mal Bchool, and also a Btati rinted on uncate granted in Febraai . i:mh;. I have taught I". 'Veil s. . tion of the -un, I ofH county, will i ither dai Am un !:. Miilaud. , I un nui' Kiue ed lo A COMP! IE OF i .in : i iJiJiik' (i s I 1 ppMeBBBBBBBBBMsBBBiBSIH V f sa it w ho to 'tl ox un ha em The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. i num. no Igrrtageei Met 'ir Bettsss, Nappese, tt" llaril Kllblxi in hirliiu. Sprays I in .ei vi Dreaeta, Broad Puaspe, lael u ths muIiIk- Qoeels carriei as un UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORK J. C. Welcome Jr., Propt. The Most Popular House in Inferior I tClTIV I I IlklPU I, III ! .....v. hlaili ruHnidniji ALLULlMUt KUUffl Headquarters for Traveling Men and To IONES & BYKD, Managers, Bums, Oregon z on IOC .fie An enthusiastic bunch a Ulfl men and lev. older i about 2T) in number, met at the city hall Thursda) night '" i;iil on eharge lor the purpose of organising a horses together with til team. After a few ler. I'ollard could preiuninary recaarlu and listen, bonds but youug Mflser eras bail iiiK to a proposition made b. tin- ed OUt 00 the tirst charge and it Haines Counts Ian A SOUIS I'ollard then '"situealed" a of the grounds, to- on the alleged steahng of other gather with suggestions regard i"c'v- Ulg possibilities for pu The preliminaries of the Mil- s,-i loviiiK cup. etc., an old urn, lers Lwere held before Justice inember of the liurn.. Athletic Lewi.s with the result that both Club suggeatad a reorganisatton re held on four separate n, oi that club on broader grounds mationi ia the sum of $2,wxi and more ermaiient standing, "tch. Hail has not yet been fur- Thls met with general approval m -bed and they may be cunipell- ad was at once acted upon. B9 reinain in jail until circuit C. W. Ellis was elected tern- court next month. fruit i ., the fruit is ripe and ti. moved, the . will a htfh al color from the i. fruit 1 riment is tried on a yellow tl. h ix ach with a ri cl cl gn wlllapp ar in gold surrounded with red. .lend ni. tall or circular and cut out the .i in it, and . on the fruit, which, when ripe. will I.. design in high col or ui on i light i ground of the shape of the ,, of paper. This design again svill be surrounded bj a brighter col or the fruit Frail decorated in this way, when shipped io the Bast or to than an., oth er way that I know of. ti U n farmers, and bi o row ll you cannot spar, the time yourself to do u. turn the job over . mi and dauch- appeur m ,.. j . ., k w.w. ... ,. . .... ... .,.n U.tll-U III would like to see the name of the old farm or town 01 fruit that was being shipped out ': oi tne .state. ELAUEY, FEISWH! I JACKBON. DKV (il) l)S, I l!KMSIIIN(iS, SUES, HATS AND CAPS G-I50CEKIES BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLt irw i OARRfTT, Propti Fruit, Vegetables, Soft Drinks. Confec tioner, Cigars and Tobacco. mam Sr Burns, Ore on H. J. Martin. .-.. :,:: .".wWvWWw A5.' ' ii '' " . I GKEEJN K1VEK WfllSKti The Whiskey Without a Headache I lihe si bo l Sjiriul a Hi , ii, .- to I m )i.sc'n i, .fl irii-lii team. Horses bspi by th sj 'ivi K hi nit, in i hum qm i-iviiin ruwi Hill iiml , uiii n,t; iiii Imml Vour palronag) fiuulh .i.,. Herelord Cattle Mj well known bard of I winning rlerefords Is now located On the farm of Win. 1'. Cavi iii .Malheur county. Will bfl .1 to have you call and in berd. If in need of hull., or heifers we can satisfy you In quality and price. Write sour wants io: wu.r.uvui L. j kink vii IroonldK. In, La Uraodr, Ore. itumnmtttmtmummmtmttttntunnMAmuuuuin: i-.titntinm. The OVERLAND HOTEL Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to Im' hud in Harney ('ouniy CLEAN KU0MS, CLHaK LINNEN. PflhnflBliE VICTUALS The pairanage Of all jrufst' under the old BJBJSSJSJSJSJSg t 'peciullj sylicited. iSates pax d.a-37-, $1.25 Jame A. Fanning, Manager. iuit4nutiiitiiiiu;iiummumiiimmHiutmmmuiimmnii:unmumuitnm ThlsGeiearated Whiske) has been used (or the iast 50 year-, in the t . B, Hospitals, Army unit Navy, on ajeseaal el Its purity. Highly recommended i all Icailui. physicians for family use as u tonic and slim ulant. For silt b only our dialer in each town THE BURNS HOTEL BAR SOLE AGENT HENRY RICHARDSON, Proprietor WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection CoarttOttf andgObliginp; liar Tender EVERYTHING 11KST-CLASS DROP lT5 (entrails Located and Connected with Hotel Hums ,i0iMMii Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals m AND ACCLKAlt HA SCALLS IN CMNKIWI eiftl BAHN. fi A H ss. n BURNS MILLING C HORTON & SAYFR, Prop RoUffh and DrAfird ! umf Rustic, Flooring:, fiVCouldinfl Finishing Lumber. ve : rest sawmill to Burns. Good Lumber Yard in Burns. R H i TJ W J THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printin FLOYD & MITCHE General Blackstnithing and Repair W HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Customary Prices. Foley's Old Stand, bupd?, Your Pstfoi agt - clteid- 4 rh