f Cintes-Hrrnlo Th OIHehll Ppar ol Hurnnr (' Mint lm tin" Urtfi't circulation ntxl llONIi tin- Im"-i ri.l .-rtis'iiK MdiMM ill Kn'" Ori'iion. he pm.fp.efa! fh Wrenl ftnrntg Cotttttru t 'tiM'm mi nrrn n( A, 428,100 am ol litml, 4,tUt,lM arm yet vnrmit onlijcet nlrv nnilir tin' (ill tilic. ImimI lawi of il I'niliil Stall. IL. XXI BURNS, HAKNKN COUNTY, Ol MARCH 14, l'.os NO. 17 IN WA1F1R INORItiON F IIOVFRNMFNT OFFICERS l)N THE SHR.IECT. It late Prof. I. C. Kiiwll-- lien rHgatlnn In llarnrt mil Kintrrn (Ircfun Section. !' well;' can probably be ii number of districts r eastern Dragon and oni Irlnho, according to swiied by the United 1....I. .irii.u I yiirirnv ny ipplv I'iiiltNo. 78. This Lchich was prepared bjf rot'. I. ('. Missel, is the geological invostign- arts of ( an vi in and unties, Idaho, and of and Harney counties. ade with the spcn:il discovering localities ,'ing water run M 0P drilling wells. lenci of artesian con- an area is t'reiniently y geosogi ita from a ii'k structure. In what termed an art. i.vers of POOk are bent so a: i" resenili!'' a low plate-shaM'd dish- iine within another. n of the bedfl ! rock nd allows water 0BB- rain on its upturned rcolate into ii. Abov the wntorihnrgcd lav e-teMmeii roeJa . tiki irevent tin csoniie ol ill the bed betv iimiher of such BtrUCl HI found in the re- d bv Professor I rs is also emphasized. Own- NEWS NOTIiSPROM PORTLAND her. hould lie compelled by law to case every drill hole in an ar tesian basin that is. to placo an NEW CFOtmPHII s NVM1 UN iron casing or tulie in the hoh ATTENTION TO ORE0ON. fJMde sufficiently liirht to prevent water from rising outside of it. She had no weapon. The ite hurried it- t-eth in her shoulder when she caught it by the thro At and choked it. I his SIU.M is THI si titil STIOV ol POUT zi'NMMRiitxm-nroK arm- is the first instance known to us that a o'voii Marked a human when it had a chan.'e to should be put in Thl s""1' 'l'"i" " Sl"" ' l,or " "rln n. . In( I'mKrn People lo the Nnrth.tM that remains ..pen. -other vi oMtrr..t. DuritiR the past inter :o wild- Ihe low,.,- end ot the cas, c:itshue b. , n killed IvtWtMB should be . i iisi above the water- Professor R. S. Ton-, occuping Push and Howe's ranch, a hl'.iriiur liiwl hi- B Kill III 1 . . t l il. i . .. " , . , the chair of Phvs en Oeoeranhv ""' (1' "vt nines, aionn uk iwcnen its zenith ant :z;;z:T:rz;:z .. 0,,, ,,, -- . jz - . imiuci iini wi mvot w "fiv." i'" chfm v mi ii'iui n tin I' nm LAND MWSI'tl'IK. UCatkm and a man ol Mi Haml no rKRapAH.-MM' .--- .'.'."..,r.'.:'.'.'r.''.r. I N I If In r. lltlllt i a nt.il t hooting umit Hit t n 1 wiiI it i In in I. mill A St. irk c,i a itrii i iv Forbid It n Aim pafMtl Of i- Ull found Inn ' I the cattle market alrcadv l"g or treeastitg lll li proaecutt-d 1 , In Hlr lull HI, III ul ....... , g rkrd 0n,r Can Vol I orce Prlie tk.it Hw M Intl. Ucrtlai. la TM Puper kllkm Sti tv II lliu l ii of unusual size and without doubt any one of them was that food had bam plentiful. rape of water from an ar- author of a (reography now n basin in excess at the nat- as a text book in a vast number urnl overflow means a decrease ol schools throughout thel'iiited in pressure on the portions re- Slates, and in revising this book mnining and eon-ciiiiently a low- is paying especial attention to ering of the artesian head. In the development of I hvirtui nnd arid regions especial!;, the pro- Washington. The Portland Torn- It i- reported that the wife of blcm of economically using wat- nwcial Club has furnished Trtif- a business man of Canyon City er and maintaining the artesian essor Tarr vi r.v complete data on did not want Prairie City flour, head is a matter of public con- OragtXl, together with a number as she could not make bread o I an. Ii should also be reiuired of thoroughly representative pic- it at all. sasihe Miner, lbi bv law that every artesian well lures, and genuine interest on husband secured an empty flour when not in use should be se- the part of the author is appar- sack with the Simwtlake brand. curd, detail nnd that even ah- eni from a request for further filled it with Prairie City Hour, andoned well in an artesian area photographs on specific subjects, and brought it home. "Now. you she. ild be completely filled with Washington's commercial bodies see;" she said while cutting slice.- material. An arte- Wl" ,,ui1 'he hverrreen ol a tine, snow-white light loaf. I themselves. The IhIc i . rivalHin thismnrkel have enough to la) a deer or an elk .i wonderful degree of calf. Thc wire all fat showitu' Strength to rule locally, but try NOT I- I impervious sian basin is not an inexhaustible State is proper!) taken care of. this Is not from any reservoir, and even practicable The Urn Angles Times, the rolton Praiiii ;i,mr." ... . M ,.,. I ... I ......... I tl 1 . tin tins should lie employed lor " I'-'i- ' ' ine mmmwmm, nservation and legitimate of our H thi y migbt. bj curtailing shipments the lien! owers could hot fore.' the price almve the pre sent level. Killers stay awa from the market when a higher price is asked because tin vond present Agurss the) can not possibly do a profitable busi ness. The low pries of meats compared with the pine of Mock on the hoof is the all absorbing tpic among packers, and thai do not hesitate to say Being iinitMn tn tf Hlll'lltl 'Il lo I Ii eol SOUtHI -I tii' ii-. idr MtSM h iv BOSS ii i silk Hi ii i -.I yi nr liHVri ( i l.i I -"in i ni on i'iii'mi tini it prom pi fiili in, ni i,t ihs on. M Ml-lo A l.l Ml Krliiintf Scrlir CI I AKIII OVsl $70. $7I.7c one presenl ex- presseil a verj enjoyable even- sry muck pleased ttioli ot the supposi- waii' under pres beneath the sur- aivi is found in many lie occurrence oi warm hose with tenixratur from 7u loloodegm water in artesian 1...- Of COUI nnot The dance at the N'arro.. night. March 8, was by far tin IBOSl successful vet in the intaresti of our new school anil some 70 was cleared. Tbtal No. tickets sold iKlat $1.00 each. Mi rson cht the hall leaving77.60. includes in its market reKirts grain quotations for the Pacific Coast. It is significant that only Portland and Tacoma npenr in mnection. This inn rVanekwo pap m of thi i luon sur- tie Pacific Northwest in tlieescellen llilic school and On onununitJes are n the long as present condiltioii; piv .iil the can stv not the slight ird of two men on 20 1 t likehhiHMl of any cattle ad of land near Medford, from voice. Portland Journal. 19, 1907, t" .lanuary 17. Qardan truck sold. $2.2.V"; April 1991 alfalfa hay. 10 worth ol now on band and not sold. From two cows they butter ,'lding another 1100 to d besides the famil.v living has been made from Narrow anil Sun.-1 allr MullH-rt mad Narrow Pridaj Miss Mary hort st. I Saturday. I peoplt I the Sin nd- u Hall makii ' ' "i nil .... ' ill. ii oi.ini, ill. i.llli'H? State 1 . !a1"'L J1 ::.. liv,! . that ,. has I,,,,, il appro- i ce o enable it to linn i . , . . 1 1 1 i . i t 1 1 1 i i other minor expense.- amount Ii ,,..., ,., ,, i ...i ... I Ol Utol ing to 15.80 leaving u balance of " ' nh oi . . in .1 1. 1 . ,. u 'hi I Ii. ii i il....... f,ril.. ,..rl...ol !" "imr.. "I " in -in iMiv. ,ii,i, . rnun eigui act, nir. rntnu t awiiieiti 11) wen dou 'i from II n,j in . visit tin week. I ir-i iiiur, I, i lio-i arli hoi i , iii Snii.l i lit. I i w.i m in i ,i lim ni I m.i that as Isgi " snW In Mi Mallsn'i Sttnltn !! I II i'l Will ili'.ll II III II illii' Iks '-'ml sniiil i , ! ii Ii month itt 1 1 h. in. iiml K)i in Salilmlh S0hoo eViTV mililmlli a. m riir iiiuiii sm ,i ij tcbool ii" i- M 'i o'fliK'k r;i, Ii Siiniliiv Mini I SOHUI UivilHli' i In, i mi attend t A with u Al til'' l'i 'i loin I, Hum hV -i Irwit i l, vii, illiil;i nl ii Ii iiiniilliiii I I iiml , St) i ii. ii III ii i NEW SPRING WAISTS Jus! received a beautiful line of Indies' waists in Kmhrniderictl. Ijtre and net waistn'for Spring. Something Very Stylish in Lawn md Silk Our dress gottd department will show a ver) at tractive j display of lawns. Silk Mull. Mercerized (hamhrays. Corrine Suitings and Ingomsrn -TheHe goods are the latest production for thin neaaon. New Embroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of India Linons. ( )ur Shoe department is complete in every way and we can satisfy the most Fastidious in loot wear. Kemi'mher wo rnrry the ROYAL WORCE81BI 00S8R Brown's Satisfactory Store. uu:::mii:iU!!imt!!!imu!!Utmtr -uttittttmu i'iiii Val take all tin centled from the sur- i the lauperatun ggagasj with depth, the water bun pene- the higher will hi The increase n fclture of the earth i of about M I regions is in generul gree F. tor each BO there is considerable voring the conelusiop gslu'i ii Itiiiiio ami ati.ia it Oregon the rale of approximately 1 each l.'i feet in depth. 1 of 60 feet the tein- rcsponds to the mean rature of the inch in thi.-, ragion tely 50 degrees l , pring in this i rature of 98 degrees rreea above the tem- the stratum of no iation, it would be lude that the water depth of at least !7o hat stratum, or the surface Such uld therefore lion of the depth to I should be bored lo e water-charged rock Kubaell calb alten- act that while warm indicate the pies alei --charged layer apply Rowing wells, or one having ih of more than 100 de so tavorable an iu- ot springs ordinarib pths an fsagl that conn' from a well r -charged layer it vailable us a source most purs n water is uaed, a- f drilling to I justifiable. referred to, which PfjR'il free of chargi- Hto the Director of 1 Survey at W contains a discu.s- urle.siuu conditions, m diagram. . and des-K-ious basins, whose shown by a sketch iled account of the ings of the region d suggestions are to the size of drill f wells, and prcs- 11 records, the im- hich is too Manes ami will have t" thank ear neighi their in terests in our children and hope their school houses will :ioon have t0 bl 'iilargetl that we may re lurn the treat. Mr. (upt. QOU an ilonuted u short but most in ng talk on the enterprise and liveliness of the iieople of Sunset Valley. Beaakl that in iibl be supp 1,'iiiteii Mates, r ranee ami ran enc i 'he mine 'lM'1 worth of ni ..ml from i mi Naff been disturbed ininl ol an acre ol iiern- . i. ilil- Im- tlie na-.l week n. Mime Itiiin.- I I'i'StS. n sod RlMatJ Smith were i fioin am Boring fat i iwhwt unie. myth antl wife wen- down Ilk l.i.ik Star RESTAURANT uith ,: . iiTorch.s ir-. lil"' Commercia C ub rrcenUy. inira oi an acre oi i with our managei andorchi ,, lll( They say they do not regret ' " ' throughout th dollar for an i ;ilt-' " wm ta"' i linn Itvnrgi I 'I nil Hlli l'r,,n i, Inr. It m, Din a: i : in nvik air tej Grace Nottingham, aged 27 1 osMaft lutton of hieher learning area . 1 .stern people who finntira platl lonies here. , k.r w)lu WdS ,, sllfornia peopk are planning rt).n known toold tone p to return the visits made that Bum, Bfuri I in i . it paopkt oi Oregon Denver! Harry used tgton probably tin t,, Wl,rk , i r' first cxcur.iions will b. in nl. at hart pre-s of last the tune of Portland's Kose Sntunlav InJunt "ti this Harry Ad!., :i eloihing sales hot and Uikou-j'acil, ion at Seat- killed I, .reed wife. Mies . .u. tin South. . ,,,, ;,, 1 1,,. u ,i,i,,,r i.i..i Eastern iH-ople an-alreatly be- thi rVedneed good looks, but m ginning to arm - on the Spring and than blew kl own brains aboowaraen(Isuppoeehataiows00,onftl coition la out Th. b . not found maiier towns ana me juntjl today. Prom the ,osition majority of those Im.k ..n- ,,,- ,,. ,, ,,.,. ()f u piuces inienu i. enter iruu ,. w,,,,,,,!., n wa M..vwi for on rmwvn and dairying, two In- a tiim. ,hai the woman had first (tustries especially attnetlve In ,11)t the man and then committ WashingtOO and Oregon, wle IU.;, ltl, jy, tll,.,,rv prov. they bring greater return.- than ...j ;,.,,, ... , uU. m any oth.r part ol Hm oountry frIn Whicn it ;i, (hat had deterrnined to kill his former SMOkl I'MJOKAMrlS wi(V anu wei ni.Hiie.l in I.o. Angeles Lakeview to to have a $11,000 Januai and the woman flour mill. obU in Denvi Bsdsv ( 'itv is to have a regular ' .Virar ago. H He also complimented the ladies mi then tlancing 'luaiities ana most of us). In ull Mr. GoUnW'l tulk was right from the h -art. pt the art where the worn i n came in. as his I, We all thank Mr. QoW an OJOft sincerely. A very close game of ball was played Sunday between the Wild .mil ( iouajan Hm taora bauaj S to (i in favor of the Cougars, to the last half of the 0th inning when errors gave the Wild Qati four runs, niakmy 111 to K ii, fa vor of the latter. The line ui, was as follow Wtl.n Cai.s. Cm i.uts. lilackniier c N. lav Bead p Haanor ('. IlaWSOU 1st Keeln Younger ntl lorter Barron 3rd Dowaon Middaugb a s. HckIiI, i Eggleston 1. f. Ilarmei .inlil'ee c. f Klllbree Nash r. t. Ilarmei li Nottingham shot and killed Eds ' phy, o tailroad fireman, at Avon, Colo oto resided with her ps Slit pleaded self-defense and the Baker V... will hold ahorse jury foun(j herguiltv of involun tary manslai, for which market day . Prineville i- making in Dig I elelilatioli on Jul;. show on April L I In Tilnes,- Hodtl. i I b-t uld would suggest that local she sir...! one day in jail. Atller horsemen do lik anient date iond for tuue. I Hembree from Biley ii' here. A. laulkner arriveti here toda h r the purp" irvey- haj ditch on the H. Elliott and J. c. aWtokpsaooa, A. ' in ami wife made in Minns H.tltoii ami wife made a pl trip to the Narrows 1 returning Saturday to Hun Superintendent Hamilton was smoi . our pleasure visitors Fri day and Saturday. M Hannah Mey. who has just fii bod her oahoal at Warm Spi Mtssed through here on her v. Ul Happ Valley where oka will commence her spring tern Mr W. J. lianlw ell antl daugh- ti i . far from Warm Bprings i tn. Mi .i Ison and wife of Hums wen ii oavra rkdaon u.t w. Ol l the most brilliant dam es of he season was given at Nar.. the night of the Uth At aarly as four o'cliK'k on I i. day aiieri.ooii Nam alter teanJ IvlBnLS AT AUu HOtJM Bttkery in aonneetion A Settisll y tf .Mwrt Orkrt. 'I'm1'!, fun i I,. it with im i l libig ilia imiiki't ill "I i ir ..In i'i'. The Hariiey Valley Brewing Co. M.iiiiiUi turn ol 3-ra.d. I m mil) I rati Solicited- I'rse Detlvery T. E. JFNKIN8, Manager l .'5AM anu t i, mi oW Ocnta Isri s fssd. cssl llsu sf Inr si Iks Harney Valley Brewery Saloon 0001 UUNMi K Ml. KfMM ( ium of ll a I Quality mA r. I.A. .tlrtncigrrs. Ilurnn. : : I. ii. i i ii itmrovifti ii i . I'iNIi ' It HKfU I' SLEEPIN! tX 1'ruc A 1 i ABSOI.IJH-'.I i i - o have b ' rolled in with the merr) danaam Upon an ordinal liostcard a Umpire, Tylei soon keeper, Pendleton man has nuoooodod In W.Q. Hodder. writings total of 6,431 wordi I km will be playi equired 19 hours continuous Sunda noon until th, On OP iitetl. Here collie- the Wind: to chap, tan and freckle. ' 1st slve Carbolk like a poultice) for cuts bums, work and took him over thn e hours to count the worda. chapped skin. Sold by Tin We! Pharmacy, Burn Harney Oregon. The DOS PrineviU holiday Frank Johnson of Fa i is home again from a pro- ouch examples should be follow- longed Bta) at John Day, the . date to Iquarters of the new forest tit.' citj Burns w ion ot the Ulue mountains. tl,:,i ,'.,.. should r up. Ki if ol Gasopsr'Woo hi. Warden ( i -lite oiati I ntrul tod A member of the Oklahoma that th prio nl bags Pam ; a bill aaeh s Walla Walk. prohibitii ,! " seen. ill getting cents ovt when tl sold for l in ht and 40 by Uti inc.. f. Ql Ij. Walla Wal D iioOtl ami WW will be turned out t. in t using trouble. ville Journal. Don't cough your bead off win n you can net aguan m Bees Laxative Cousrfa Byruo. 80 Days' Trial 91.90 to the of- Idwell, formerly U to especially recommend far on Pineules. Uel. ,.k- of this place, was attacked by a children as its pleasant to take. ache. Weak Hack, Lame Back, coyote recently and she choked is a gentle laxative thus expelling ai i the little village nidi nly I-- cuma a noisy little city. Prompt. i, uthO P. M. tin i I in, in that time morning the Boor overly crowded A. W. h addn -. in his making ie '.i remark i i ning the people of Sunst . thank him heartily. it 12 o't'1'.i r: a delicious supper I at the Klliott HoUl Her which dancing continued. ry one toft det taring that the ws was a splendid place for a well conducted dam vhich to have a gixxl time. Over ekets were sold which means ' mug little sum in the treasury. W. H. Hodder has returned toj 1 1 uns after spending some time ranch. I I The Sleepine Co. '' Tl .- IUlt ,1 IJ-VH-AND.O. THE . i ... THE CAPITAL SALOON, i Bl ii I PONMAVi Psagetot Burns, Oregon. Mako Tl-lo Hoad.q."u.artorgf. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Milliard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. 1. 1 LEWIS 141 hi lsi It faroisl PARTICULARS and PRICES Is ssjuee ankMg INFORMATION. Ssi ka laatjoai DESIGNS. I 17 V BLTTL'R AXO 3Ai JCHEAILM THAU .aLlW in IJatncUtU 1 j ITOME Ovur MW H 0iiO lor U.aulilul ltfic Li.i Uotlgiit. H 1 Circular.. 1 r T i OMHAar, u. tjia. , ti'td : The Burns Flouring Mill JOB 4TURTBVANT, Pl'opt. MOIltRN W I II Ml! PKOtliSS IS I Si.l) PttUy 0JfUifft4 i" r,rij imrtiinlur urnl tvitu i" .stil the country I in ii i ml in v a luitiiuli.stn bread tujfs- FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY. CHOP, AND All Kinds oi Milt Feed always on Hand Ity for legislation te utilization, or ite, for Kidneys, Madder and Mood, ly now Ii r in Lake county Ku-coughs, colds, crouu. whoou- of ten i Good for youiiK and old. Satis and the other dav she heard a imr-couuh hoarseness and all I taction guaranteed or money re- commotion among her chicken bronchial trouble. Ciuarant. funded. Sold by The Welcome and found a coyote alter them. Sold by The Welcome l'harn We Sunset, both republicai 1 1 i-nwto lu ufu tflui td iuut I a Rheumatic pains. Boat on sale the animal to death. The fami- the phlegm from the system. ' ',, Hum,i, ,..' A . fc. inwl I II. w .yl 1 . , ,. . t. I , .. in I ., . .... L1. ... ... . l, . ,.1J,. 1 I 'iil m- . . ... . ine runes-Herald, since me oters of Sunset vote for the i man Mr. Hamilton will un- . .itv I'liiiiiin ull t lii uitti.c ir I'harinacv. Hums. Oreuon. Frexl Mrs. Caltlwell aMemntwi tii Hriv.. Rurni n,ir.u, WA Uui..., , ,.,... r..n... ipi :.. v ' -.-.-.------.,--, vv , mt . hJ. x sm.j a. m k. iiui iiv k. . 1111 iil w am t 1 1 . 1 i 1 1 i' ii, t i t i i i Uksurfaoe I Haines, Harney, Oregon. it awuy when the bi ule attacked Harney, Oregon. d in the advancement of ed- . I 6C.MEIUUsi.MCt .hare. Cprlagfl.ld, I: 10(1 I r- 1 ; I UK VERY iilulllM NARItl rllCC PAID I0R tiOOU MILLINi WglsT CU8TOM WORK DOME ! Good Seed Wheat for Sale Job Printing.