; j i t i j ;. (i tl I w ii. Kh th 0 m in ii IK- I,.-II mi i. u -n eu ie m Un mi M rti te "i W K &hc iTimrs-MctaCd. IIHiM SCHOOL I.ITRRR. N I' I'tWITNITK tiOINOTOPORll MI The High School literal) tiled to order t the pn 10 After the roll call and miiilll. n rr;id ;t"d pro i d th presidi nt appointed il critic and the i .un was rendered: Song b ichool Readini il option pactions hare been Current Events G M DUCAT. M mi n ; IMi OMURintOI i. a ii .'rr II Month I I I m mi .. Mnaarri circulated throughout various prednel in this county and lii'icni signers hare already been aaoored t. Insure the quest! jrn on the ballots in June. It will be left t" the voters whether Rarne county will be wet or dry. on, one of the pi. Of tlli .:' nounces himself toda i didate foi O Unty treasurer. Mr. Jameson has held it in this city and I in farm yen only announced candidal party far the nominatii should he be the i uld make a good run ! imeiital Solo Genet Gownn ): bat Ri olred, That Cap 'unishment should be ished. Aliiruiatr. Ben- i inide Hibbard and I N native, Ethel Browi Leon Johnson and Joe Thomi I he Judges, Elmer onus, John Bayer and Dolly d "ided in t'aM o .Music in The An Lenora ..mint Sinjr The Old & ':' e'ili. ; the from . I mam Friend i Carpi nty: An Imp Juanite v Winnie Hrew i I I of the Similiter I i d bj POLITIC U. NNI NUMIiNTS. I hereby annoum m el candidate for I isseea or for Harnej Count) subjed to the decision of the republican at theprimarie . April 17, Pi it T, i. INDALL, I hereby an -elf a candidate for the office ibjed to the di i.'itie he primari i to be held April IT. I M. I I ' I h .It candidate for or of liar i.. on of the democratic yielding to the strong o mat d 0JB friends Piatt T. R consented ( didate far the office of a and In- announoi nm in this i Mr. Randall younp man oi excellent qualil tions with mud clerical work II. friends who believe hi ointed Genet Go d tiadg Miller i in, , ave. the next program. Pro ! i ort lecture and land I .. (.HI "IT I Ci'l HI PKilcl-MHMi- I A. ('. Faulk' nti i t establish Urn I. R Gould and John IfcMullen. I "in M.K.i. .....I . a change In count; ved. I'.r c. A Brtttingham bs ehai in count; cod hi R T. Hue. Brtttingham has road from tilled with the busil mils Poin the st . i; I i ad from quaint roughout th Hied bu Like! to bi : 'il term. ii i tl .. morning, hi. ' at the p in li' held I i Apr! ' ('. A I INCH M. d I hereby announce The andidate fi rintend- .iit of Harney county, the decision of the republican the primaries to he held April 17. ! L M. Hamu d 1 has. to be COme I candidal. offlo mts Tn the d' ' the Ri ' ublii b Han i . unt . at tl. primaries, and Ri 'full; . I herein am.' i . I an I :., RfanZan ''ilr Rwnedy. Price 50c i (Miarante.d. I'llt Up t ,, . One application prompt n,(, irm of piles. Sooth- i. and heal Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy, Burn , Ore Ion, Fred Haini . Hai Ron. FOB BALE. A neral m, iloon, i buildings and land, end furniture. I Denk, On lli dd e upon n i . ... II. i' I The Eastern Or. on Engineering; Co. CIVIL IUMCIPAI IHHIfiATION I MINI Main Oilier. 'Barns, t h Krnnch OfJce, l.al leu ilule McCkmai S Nicholi Lrmd Locations Real L:!jU t .and Scrip laaffcl and SiiIJ. HI I.N 'U.'li.iA Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils Varnish, Building Paper, roof ing, Builders7 Hardware Wood Choppers' Tools Stoves, Granite and Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, Etc TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKS Camp Stoves any Description made to ordei Full and Complete Line of Hardware, Guns, Ammunition Sporting Goods Yours for Business j GE3R & CUMMINS. .. eya. . ation- i 'i.ril I ' i III! til The annoum M. L LSI uid.dat. ;. i. lie. the old resiuVir (0 ti,. II. I DOtttks and i- well QUalifll d ir tin uich he feel cunt:.: lid make irood r hin i nor him arhl at the prima i I '1.1111.111(1 pre AmoiH' thi d un- nouneementa in this iasui of The Tun. - Herald aril found thai of L M. Hamlltot sch' it Mr li ibsj the duties ha satisfaci knowa lit is a Han icattonal work. HaaaOt i entitled i the hand mers. f'Ben arho at BtatSI Senator on oar out a proposition to 11 It I other candidate, that ti.. withdraw and nuitualh ... on u statam for the pu throwing the Vol. United Star irict v.. ! individual. Oaki in tii. n i proposition. ontaining 1 1 names out! Moun sivod asking ointed for ii at d salary. No definite . Inn .i.h me!.. I tii i R lii Pair, appoint ill in h -esaor and uti. i .. ied that petit question local op allot in .lun.' would Ix- filed with the oner Bellinger bill for leasing pub- t " lubmitted t" the Interior f and . mmendatii didal iin I herebj annou .anilid.it' i. r i : the : , the prim: : hi Id . di Ii the Monmouth State Nor- nty. AftCHIl E, Ml! i uu. Gr-ZTJ A Lomplele Une of Everything PRESCRIPTION 8ERVICI OUrt : Pc.GiAL rfcATURI Stationery, Burnt Leather Qoi elry, Fountain P . robacco, Pipes Home upplies of all Kinds H. M. HOKTON. F. v . -. v ns Meat Market : .;,!' it lite lirM Nataaaal Haul Main Pork, V 1 s e ! W 1 1 ii i H I ri'f ,ii U. J. MAN 1 i .'I I Jui I ; ' '.;:'.'. ii il I '. ' i n . to . ... i ... i. . i .... i"" v, men win nia v. r lie ion in neen md sesstt allcj. L "IABURG & DALTOK General Mercnaniise Burns, Oregon .... in INN :. . " . .:.. . m d UBEkQt lillle Uriatiic thai all tl Irrigabli .mil not producing .' rchantaola quan ifiedaapi . nd adjacent t. i ati i .iiin- . lar election of United SUiti They have declared this l.eliei' and faith times with number. Lst us see. The same politicians an out with their hammer. kn lag d i cultivation ma The leading politician to ,.v-umir blocs Koi declare that .,. v vor of the amcmlnunt to th. .. ,. to foe , constant. .tine foriwpu -ucli cultivated lai lai ct to . shall be lea, i i urpoaas at terms, man- quantity and period .. ot the interior may ... t . 'I H' lilt' 111' 1 . I.t I..' popular election of United Stat. itorie8 .mi. uuuiuuf accompium ,upport ,) tht. that a if. i: Th.-;. are fighti i (lllll. Ditteny and tinniK up evi atbis legislative candidate against it. Kow. In what single parti aula Mrould the popular election oi nited States sanatort under th. constitutional amendment differ from the procedure under statement No. i thi yearT 11' you believe in the constitu tional amendment in Core.- why do you nut believe in can; out u provisions toda you natter? Are U really in favor of the eon.sti- tutional amendment or are you playing polity I hi pn dure under .state ment No. i is exactly what it would make an ideal judge. would be under the amendiui rtt It uimply selects the people's . i. . eoiil.ii i announces throuyh the columns of the Democrat Pendleti tnat lie i a candidate tor count in bjecl t" the decision ot' tin- democrat.' at the pri mary election, atys the Oman.. Democrat Mr. Jones a well known to the voters and no introduction having come to this countv twenty-seven year ago, when a aaars boy and has .1 in thi section ever since. terms as deputy county clerk of Malheur couni for four years was register of the land office at Burns, lb- i qualified and we ! : i urwst Cludin lower ship from he public d admin and a n making, urried out. Dan I'. Smythe, o Pendleton of the wool arowera' i Guinn, of and the onranixation. anixed ite and na- continue tO lind th. , alley; and i.. . , i j i - u. m a d. . .. wo for the pi the li 1 1 ill Ik put intend-. , - M Naah ; lilll I. Ball position. Mr. Read la one of On play. iu Pharmacy, Burn:, 0 i . aim. un Syrin ater Betttss Nlpaess. (1 it. mi Rusa v ei Hag iaeaya, Paagai Gets 1 soaps, in 1. 1 t all tiie kubhe Qeeaa carried ' an UP-TO-DATE DRUG STOI J. C Welcome ,'r., Fropt. ma:. PENWKK a Jackson. DRV IjO DS, FL'KNLliiMiS, SHOliS, MAIS AND CAPS OBOCEEIES Fruit, V ouibleaiv Soft Drinks. Confec tionery, Cigars and Tobacco. mum "opuluT House in Interior FI)IN1SI2D-AUODTSIBROOI I Headq or Traveling Men i .msl xnej oe dyku, Managers, Burns, Oregon BURNS LIVtRY AND FEED STABLE. ! ! I'U a ;.-. i;;i.i i , . - ini nth i inu, .-.t, , .... i Bui'ne, Ori on NNaesai MM : 01 Mi r retun i hroa hort pi. . " with in that m ids a buaim trip t.. Burns Wednesday. lladilen Elliott urned v. arm Spring where be had i ilbert canv from Warm Spl of alien., GREEN RIVER WHISKEY The W'hiskiy Without a Headache ( m.v .(,; by tl i iRs j cus uva .di a mill i .iniii on hand our n.iln.n th JU ii from Warm Sunday. Springs i'.st::i:m!::::.-::m;ujt;imi:::m:tmussu4um::u!:::;. t: New fresh garden seeds at including1 onion set The OVERLAND HOTEL Bums, Oregon Afford the Uest Accommodations to lit- hud in llunu'v Counh CLEAN ROOMS, ChtflN UINNEN. PflUHTABUE VICTUALS The patronage of all guestw under the old iiianaKcmenl oapadally syliciied. eates per d-ar, $1,25 Jame A. Fanning, Manager. un. Celebrated Wai aaa aaaa aaad for tae past aa yaara la taw U. I. Heapatalai Army ami Navy, sa aaaawl al it aarlty. Highly lacaaaaaaaaed i all lea.lni ; . o i, . l.imiU use as a teak ami -.11111 ulunl For 1 1 l only OIM u aler in each ti.w i THE BURNS HO 111 BAR SOLE AGENT HENRY RICHARDSON, Propriety WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS (lub Rooms in Connection Courteous uml.OiilitfinK Hur Tenders EVERYTHING FlKST-( LASS )k() DQ Cantrall) Located and ( oniieetetl with Hotel Hurn;i cial Attjntiun to Condiicting Funerals NliW AND ACCLKAlt HA SCALES 11 HON HUH HAKN iiiven icralsJk I I ( w eai id . - ;'$$$$699t6966Q$& . . . . BURNS MILLImc NORTON A. SAYid o. RMirvh ,j r . h ws.. emu ,vre sea LumDei Rustic, Flooring, Wlouldin rinishing Lumoer. Werebt Sawmtli to Burns. Good Roa iikti x ara in Durns. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printm FLOYD & IVIITCHELU General Blacksmithing and Repair Wort i H lINIi A SPFflAITV HKt Foley's Old Stand, Customary Pfiees. purnf, Or Your PstPoi gt So jltad.