t Clma-Wrnl6 The i I ! H irni-T (' unit y Inn the l.rpi'.t riinilntion ami i in- a tho lwt nilvcrtlsing niliiiiiin in Knsii- n Oncon. mt mimtg'Mtfuib. ghe ttrtntiflMrtitq' Country Ml n nt. I f I r.'H.HOO arr. of litnii. mii mil m,l ,. . t I' I'ntrv nn.l.T III" I 'iililir.lnml lW of ll.. I ni If.! HtW. 'OL. XXI BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. 0R1 ON. MARCH 8, o M Hi BEEF EXPERIMENT tOI'VTV MAN FATTENS STOCK iK PORTLAND MARKET I.I llnrlci in Additional Ralinn Mlalla With Profltihlv Rcmill Iraaxht Vry Hlht Price. rlarequh M W SHEEP SHE RIN(1 RECORD ment of the pnjrajrement tW Old hunters, in the days of the made by Mr. and Mrs. HW7 pioneer, who knew Ihnt door and A H ! i. pen of thrhrido- hufalo traveled long distances to 325 IN WE DAY IS PACE SET BY AN elect, ll is further stated that Till TOWN ClOCk experience of one of our in fattening a hunch of or the Portland market doubt be hnth intern 1 Inictive. Concerning this Alfalfa is not a halnnc 111 and as I had a quantity ?y that was not marl senson I determined to injr it rolled. cannot he successful kittle in a whole condition. rolled for 10 cent per Ihus alnto.il douhlinR it a Battening ration. 1 1 'ed in the Ultima of the fWd rack which is luiih :ijrht bottom to prevent kage of alfalfa lea ran hy feeding nhniit a the head. The i-rnin Mated in tin' bottom of . and anion;, some of the nd stems that weir left iaodtng hay. Tin- Dot stH the steer lo f. ( the pwer and chew it heller. pn mixed evenly with the fa lea jgan this ftbOttl a tn.itith Be first shinmen; was to for market. Th. was not M appatent at lie effect seemed In lie a Of the 'puuneln ' look Im; th . increase in the solid fat iu - the t stand the railroad and with less ahrinl a shipment mao. weight was about HO while the average e- the hay fattened cuttle 120 iKHinds. Let' ..Id ;. thirty cent over the I mted price, rated us prime' stuff. mint of ft lay is to about three pounds amount ol bnrlei that d durine the MMOII R ill el IWo l.llsliels IK.'!' Ili'lllt the markol price of ncludine (ho d feeding, will not itt tiie pnir rtOtlvod will ne ouurter t.. one-half Hind, or an in ss s-r heud in the veil tor the hat ting a neat profit ividual. the reeult will aseof the present hitch astern Oregon hus ut- feeder, thus increa: portunce us. a fl edinj r the markets 01 the I'rineviiie Journal lick salt in saline sprinps. The ARIZONA SHEARER. Blue Licks on Licking river, in Kentucky, and similar mineral spring on Klk river In West 'ir- .( HMj H Sheared .M2 In irmiit. were famous for the hords IMy-Chimpiw tomnij to OretM Of dtar, buffalo and elk which frotptentod them. The adjacent irrnonrl u.'(iu an rfonnlv m m rvnrl To SSear Thin Sprint. Mis- Hoyt, who lehutante of two seasons ago, is a girl of brilliant accomplishment! and n extreni. 1 popular in (Jotham's rial circlet, Mr. Corbett is now in New York, and his mother. Mrs. Helen ljidd Cirhett, is awaitim? The East Oreponian has just that the marks w.r. to . s. '""' "". """ .'" !""K further information nardinR fl.ll1 Ihl. 'I , .tt I '..t-HllJln f MABM - .... a many yenra nft'-r the nlaceecaaa- I ""' r " the retried U'tmlhal. either by J i u . . 1 I I . I. en in ih- vistieu oy t nose atumais. MAY OUT SEATTLE annually for the Judd and Root people. The clippmir orives an unit of the breaking of the When it was announced that world's .sheei.-hearinjc record at Swift & Co. had secured appro :,,irdsle.v. An;- 1 as the lmately .'tlHHi land on the .1. Burke, the well known i woot ou.ver, wno visits mis cuy , late I'nited Stat. W. Corbett, and also of the Lite W. S. I. nld and a nephew of Mrs ck H. Pratt, of Brooklyn. 'ev YiirL- tie is an nlntiiniw world's chnmoion shonn-r snoken , .. , .. ;,,!.. .i .. ,.u 1 . . . . 7 llarvam. a praouaie ot tne tienninsula. and would expend (,f j,, the article is coming bo ,,.,., ....... ,1 .7 ....."...-... in (..nuiiiiimiiiiK t matnia and AIOITOW counties to ,. t. .. ,,,.,. ,..;., a packing house plant and stock -hear this vear the facts will he , V , A ,,)r:1m,"n, ... . 1 ,i, ,,,,, ,. ' '.o.ini lai us wm iu v (l,,ni,., Wth leading hust- ' "" -"' 1 unusual intere I to sheepmen the mind- of moat pt U that .l!l(1 .(., y .,.. .,.,.,.. Tbeartiele iA'ifta alone were interested I. ., fnllnwa- world's the Beard- sley sheet camp, an :ic- hii wnent which again bring! Arizona to the fore, and 1 ishe 1 In md I he 10 M BI'NI MX that 1 lllie tlv 1 m t nt hope TO c'OMPini latione to pi 11 sn WfJBWMAY. " " I WMM rn." 11 Slront nrinmHt Kill h Prodmrd Inr TM rrM Well Worth WltetMtat. -III. 1! talent will produce "The Woven Web" nt Locher'a hall ' evening for the tn n i-liu. L fun.l Tllu i., .. . . , "'---n'ri.iim. 1 1 1 1 r. 1 r. .. .... i leioKmpnor u ,.,,.,. f, , .,,, ,,.,. Ml ('...liett is jrrandso- of m. . . ', ' which emlirners i fiuj e,.,. 11 "eatage.l in this place and is ,. , ,, in the undertaking. From a re liable mod It anted, aee over, that the land la bald in tU name of the Union Bt Company, and thai . Air 'o ontrolling inl in that concern, the... mtroverag, that the ll,r,m" "i"'" '" bar c.unp has - rapid ar.d firms, says the Orcgonian. U1U. of kha., gather her in the United 1. in ! hours beared cad of affairs bare, being president of the Portland Motel Oompanj and a member of the Uwrd of direcin' 1st N'alioiiiil Ma 11k. i r of the Hill. While at college be distinguished hirnseii' as an athlete. Since return to l'lirtland he has i a memlier ',' the Multnomah Club football team. II. interested In I OH M an netve ranch in Harney Coun ty, lie recent! purchaoed the fIi Wrnl.1 lln'i.i i.p.ituipf ,01 ! ..!- I ..1,1 , M i. .01,1 v,-,uK I, , . , 01 jiracticany u head no i.in It is poll .hat the es- tabuahment ol ..nls on a in I'ortland. surround- ing plants, will in a short tune make this cu one 01 me greui cenii nan. was tor Itock. The I'nimi t. nnniliei q hy Vanls Company la aaid to ba an atan in 1 I '1 ating in Chicago. I and Omaha, at which Knnu Htv- tally showing 825 thorn in '. 1 n operate hour.-,. ,,,,,(! place their aha plants within the same lin. ; The .,t thi ol' 7J . Hill of Oregon, who cjaarvant will nc . i.kHuuo with tlu-situation in Seattle said wml .... -.,1. ... ..'... The ivsult showed ' i " ""' ""'"I" T' .t'. lion. ' and tin ti taU u i n of the people took i.tth inh The total vote eaet waa i?o and Horn. ol te.ill. th.it poli a to tn. which figure I"" ,,ut ni,h' pmnabiiity ol ' high renumerui Packing Company building a the) gel fm- tbeii hard 1.. plant ban wi,. added that at B "Thl .why sley ti, . at of the .dm Compaa aid bar H 1 ba I rtland. In 1892 it sum p. ' of Seattle sheuri 1. on an jtuu needs salt uirement that all cattle. sheep grazing under the national forests he at freauent inu ition which has beet fo a long way in range and cm- page crop. luce lias shown that the dt makes stock id horses are not sup- ley need it, tliev roan; sr, haunting old sailing led in previous seasons. ground, and in ol ing the range. Hut if 1 are suppli. u, the) icel'ully ovei the imsi- Uiul feed at their ear train conduct ing a packing-house, one mile from the s. On aOOOUnt Of the proximity t oompanj got into several lawsuits, which led in il how ever. Hut there ha Keen at all times more or less friction on this account. "The company's hit r than thut of r man for oarers. balaavj bo Jaaaaa A. Pitta, who haa a do, pressed himself most highly pleased with the work and the record. The Arizona Ban apany. of which I atllp'.iell 1 tne Me. idellt. la doing tin work and it is conced- U sheepmen aBjaerally that the Beat np la the beat in the 1 if the m- 1 mi ll baflat The onl ! : was as foil,,. MAYuK A ll .1 .1. Deaagaai .1. I John Qeaakerttng a I Bf H 1. '. KER Chester Carter L. K U. HAaaaaUl 1 J. T. Anderson Carl Wei: 80 H &3 114 ej 126 3J pa.-kmg-house i the United Statea tixluy. Chari ness west of the Mianouri aaE. Lai barge of the Uiver. and has outgrow n ir.-.ent she.. ip, and yesterday's litiea. H' be company hows th. able manner in I DOint Oi nd- which the plant .. induct ing Us plant, which would cost ed. V'iaitors there recently state IH0.000 or $80,0000 orb that the general management ol Pcted from MAYRACINUI PKIM III.LE. smne hue racing at 1'rineviM. fjeaa Ma. 12th to 15th inclusive. Hoi are ex- K la- necessary to till the cam 1 1 is all that could be ,!- ihert tune ago the city .sired. eattle iv oked a Ift- From the tit!,.- tn.- heap come anchi.se which hud been into fill, till the wool a in granted the Vakinia ,, , pany and made 1 ;llKi t(., at the same ttaat aa thai d aaaarj handling. Thai the Frye-Bruha Coanpany. With only camp in the eountrj and mi. icies staring the loading is done direct iron. them in the face, the Frye-Bruhn the corral to the car. Be aaa people ara nompallad to laok far eeoiantiy and quickly la H tra a new location, and now thut the ported, that no damage can U Swifts have decided to establish ,1,,,,.. ,,, ,i. U1,i fr.,n. --'- itocl -.. I'ortland, it looks rajM jjv nmkin 12-A on as if Frye-Bruhn would b ... handle the wool from the car. ru polled to con.. ,-jd lu t(K. (.ul. ,. protect their mu ,;. .... ,,n lo much for, as sure . better ban in . installed in their new plant, other camp. open) will reach out ;.. ,,lllt.r lll( and make a ute effort to lerelv a section hou. gel math Fall Mai.-difield, lndependeme. Tne i.,h, and John Hay. Theao town have been heard from 1 II which favi 'o ea L Enou 1 are al- did m. work has al readj ommi n the tr,tck and by the May meeting it will be la I'.xi can 1 be de tails of the racing are aa follows: sort' to please all. The cast has iH'en tarefulh selected and each character will lie well sustained. Every part la an Important one and tits into the plot in such a ! manner that all the pl.nors kfl ! chance to show to lest advan-1 tage, Seats will be on sale at the Welcome Pharmac next Monday and the sale w ill be conducted us the last one reserve our sji will call for your will U' a limited number of seats reearved In the third row for those who prefer paying 78 centa and have chain fiirnished otherwise 1 1 1 of seats w ill ' ;al. 'I he writer i very an- ofja to have this fund complet ed and the ( lock ordered lb has had charge of the fund the I Hai pi r lo gave the 1 t benefit 1 be Rat per Corn iv started the fund with $86 and the amount was placed m bank and has draun BOOM rest and othi add) I to until il 1 manager of 1 ,1 to complete the fund mo tm it drcumatai aeeaaed again 1 bin that things ed, , and all the hem : . nt 10 deserving , ranged and K hoped thill the 1 1 ..in the production . ne Vi.en I. may te the fund. It 1 to tin people of Hums to ma!, il good. Tin re wi hard and oven nog- .vn all. i drun i! J In- nopi ma I I thai they will get value 1 b witnesstne th. ind even if not interest iil 1. i ii 1 Imk. will m well ! for a couple of hours ll the intention lo with a gong or strike haafd ..n over tin- ctt.v 1 . eiitne fund will In put the Hock, aa the county com gnitied its willingneaa to b I the lower and pluce the clock m position on the court I hi Klectric Light & iw hnd i ulation tl upon the ft thout I that cons,..n,Mit I) Shannon was a tn when he allowed his cattle n drift upon the Little Belt 1 although il was im fen ' from 1 ctoion, and .1 M 1 the .Ninth toilet. 1 mountain ami 1 acme Mates, nis appeal Circuit Court of Api. for the ninth eln uit ittmg at San Francis, 1 fhe 1 now aHirmed Judge Httnt'l da ciston. and this judgi m nl buidinu Upon all federal cunts m the circuit. A similar 1 1 , pending In the United cuit court for Colorado, wlml in the eightii circuit. NEW SPRING WAISTS .hist rejcghreej n iH-notiful line of Indira w.iisits in KmhroiHerird. lace and net waistM for Spring. Suinethinj Very Stylish in Lawn and Silk Our dresH gmnls department will show a very attractive display of lwna. Silk Molls. Hgfttrized ( 'hamhrays, ( orrinc Suii m us hihI lngomara Thrar gnodaare UMSlateat pteemetton for thU New fresh garden Mad .h illv's Including onion H I 111 !' '-'. llimttiiK i- ' 1 iitjninh n Hut 1 1 1 l 11 .iii.i 1 1 Nit I III I Ml New Embroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of India Linons ( )ur Shoe department is complete in every way and we can satisfy the mosJ fastidious in toot wear. Remember we rnrry the ROYAL WORCESTER 00R8R Brown's Satisfactory Store. munuiiuaii ittnim mtiimiiit ibal Inoii- l iboottna n 1. th lands "i l le st,., k i. 1. ln ..1 1 . Si tin I MH I. I rl he iartey Valley Brewing Co. Mmi.iUi fir. i .( 3.n.dL I ninllv Irmlr Solkllrtl I ree Delivery T. E. JFNKIN8, Manager 1 4ll Ill I II ll. M f ill I il ii . .1 miii Mr. I ill rd I1.11 ok. 1, 1 ll- elul ... rtbip n. 1 AI.-OI N .V I KellfHi . 1 p in iii,.l it - nil. I IJ ll .l nil !' l.i'l'l .n M. 'I Rat Ifl ill I-' it ll.o mi iba Ind mds 1 111, mill at I I in I e II. I aa lliii '" 1 Hundas whool bm 4t 'I 1. . k .e 1. onrdial iiiviiMtiuii 1 x Ii 1 can al uii ii- 5 Cents llu) 1 1 (ssd. teal tilsu if leer at las Harney Valley Brewery Saloon (."(HI IHtl.ShS OK A II. hi MIS ( 1 in 1 - As Quality r.l. SttS A UAI'US. Munagrru. Hum: OrrUom a : : At Iba 'i llnrim Hfv. A J I r m 111 imrli.r Fow. 1 ( o will also fnrninh fr?- ,. l.... .'. T(i.-w. ... - ..." iiii'i nil. 1 ....... 11 rtendsys of asab nionlhsl 11 and 7 10 i in i -i 1 1 " luml at oi arm, sufficient liht mak. the dials aUaeereJbie Ighi to Ml the Sound busil thle handhtiK ot sheet. '' r.e-uruiiii ieo.ie cannm unoru ancl. of a white citv. with its .1 . il 1 1 I. . .I,.lllil.. nil I Mll.li. lU..iu ..I.I..I..II e ... re, mat iin iiucMiiusicr, "'" m vrtjjvu. uiirlv . .. h, !. puraa for H I May J 1 repeat (or '& urtcr rnili h. ;.. ''$200. inini .. .1 :sl(J0. Su it of jrettina alonv ul "' l'xIK'' l(1 mention- them. .-r.s and If aheap do net re. ad, whenthi ranchiae theloni ant. with a sua! supply it is onb baaordyefe run. .. iuo men, ne stocK-.Mtr.l-. cmnat:. . vllh riKSl offered the Frye-Bruhn Company c;;;.,. , u .ud.le Bite and ,1 ismOW ,, niKhl when the while likely that the Seattle concern j,, ;, will take adva.miKe of the offer ,lu.:. . llicn and locate here. It certainly ,lt, ulula,.s ,;ath. ditliculty thut the.v in bonds or kept in lit. So far as sheep led, no regulation by necessary, because for their own eon- mi salt their tloch;,. Ire not herded, and Hall Fourth day at for $1 Second latum Puisi to ix- made up. and 11 ;.. mile and Trial $1.00 is the of Pineules. Relieves Back ache. never wiu allow Swift ft Com- emboeaeeaed in ' "k' 1'a""-' 1Jai'k pany to control the Portland and th, ,,.0,,. .,,,. nt ,i,. Rheumatic pains, Best on sale ijfht notflect to sal niarkei. Lo-ether with an great. ching to far. fu'' Kidneys, Bladder and Blood rHiiiluti.ins uiLivikii : opportunity to invad, I C 1 A . . . 1 1. II hfeud 1 oouiiu terruors. iditterent ranges iv- quantities of salt. on dry ranges Paget gloomy mountain n or young and old. Sati, laction guaranteed or money 1. landed. Bold by The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. Fred Haines, Harney, Oregon. ed down upon the M:VWi uiKbrll lo Bt: MAKKII U Here conies the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use fi-een. An average nnesaive Uarboltaed, (AcUs like New York dispatches last night 1000 head of sheep j a poultice) for cuts, sores, hums, announced the engagement of D 1000 to 1500 pounds ! chapped skin. Sold b) The Wei- Henry Ladd Corbett, of this city, For a like niinihm nl" eome 1'hariuacy, Burns, Oivgon. to Miss Gretchen Hoyt, of New 12000 to 10,000 pounds Fred Haines, Harney Oregon. rk. The formal announce- Br. W. C. aronn, Beuiiat. Oilit in llie new stone building luirtti el Ihe Puot Old.. . Hl HIHCATIII Ol Mil KIMUVIs I Slates Altoi 1 .chot. chi. 1 uit- thal the agates Circuit Court oi Api at San I ., has atliii : the d of Judge Hum in the grazing tieepai instill. d b tl.. again Thomas Shannon, says B V n dispati Ne cm. of the decision has yet n ed hy the for. lice but is believi d thai it forbids n to all m 1 ti-10 drift n th. natrffnal breagti and tliat goveinment land dix-s not such ittii in nece.vsary for .ate lands. in Decern bei 1904, Shannon al- 1 I ..Ule to drift Us.l: llie Little L ..uoiial forest in ntana. To put a atop to this, .it wui brought b teg, and on March 1, 1 ., Judge Hunt, in the Unit 1 1 for thai state, 1 dered a . in favor ol ermneiii, an i an in junction perpetually retraining i.non from allowing hi.s cattle to drift upon the forests. Mon- 1 has a fence law by which land owners must feme their lande bei 1 in obtain n i from the .stockmen v. I cattle, feeding upon the public I .main, range upon and injure I ivate lands. Saaniion's attorney argued that 1 us state law should apply against the United States, but the judge held that the power of congress lo h in. every Hai.imtii morning I be Lsac Mar RESTAURANT 1 1 Ini ij I'ruj MBMUS Ml HUu HOURtt Bnkwry in eunneetiori A Sackuliy ( Sasrl Uratrt. I'a'.ie fiiri.ili. .1 with rylbiiig id mark. 1 ill "I" VoM patioi. ml The PiujI slmr's Claims Sustained THE CAPITAL SALOON, I IC I B ! .v HONKOAN, l'roprlH..ra. Burns, - - Oregon. 2:yo.zo Xlilc X3:oad.q.a.etrtxa. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. M. I LEWIS will be gUg ta (arena PARTICULARS and PRICES Ta aajiaaa assinac INFORMATION. SetaialaeeaaM DESIGNS. 1 IT tiP BCTTCRAKD 4CillilLiTtlAl LACTICAUirMr AS batatafe '" 'W 8T0NE Ova MO aaeutifui Uaaiana. an.i lor Prlc Llal S ClreuUrs. t I e- a MOKUMtNTri,aagwze compawy, Uniico IM......... BTATca Coort or CiA.wa .U Ul llj,UXli I CUAII1J., . 1 , HaBa. Tksalmm INTERNATIONAL UlilllONARY . 1 , -r Uuj Public lands, includinw Job printing J'ua Tiuiaa-ilarald the "Vajarnsl forests, is complete; ' THE GRAND PRIZE .1 tvianlf .a, an vi-11 1 l.i I i.M.uJ ul tt.c VSmiiJ's lull, , 6ET THE UTEST AMD BEST t'i'u uiU I liifaangejartto iwir Q. 8l C. MEHHIAM OO, I'M' iaH.HH. HKlNOFIfcl D, MM. The Burns Flouring Mill J H srURTBVANT, Propt. MOIihi'MUl'ihRMI. I'KOtl-.SS IS USED Fulifi S4ilifJi 'I ui 'i'ii imrtu ulur 11ml .- nl on m city In uiihj the com jni a 1 miii' " 100 units in bread ttuffn' : HOUR, KULLLD BAkliY, CHOP, AND : 411 Kinds of Mill Feed always on Hand (ill VI Rl HIOHIil MAK. 1 1 PRItl: PAIO 10R tiOOl) MILLIKej lUtAl CUSTOM WORK DONS Good Seed Wheat for Sale .: f Miaaitua 1 Vutl IRAV4JI1 J Job Printing.