I d tl a sr. th so m. (o in HI la h.-ii 111! 111 un mi PP w a h i 1 VI ! J CITY DADS REJFC1 PETITION 1 1 iontinued from pagi ' ,;'' ' meanti to drain off the Rood it must And i way to meel the difficulty different from the one proposed bj the petitioners, and that tin- petition should nol be allowed. Reepectfulb submltti I'AKl'.Hii I RlMBOLO WH TKI t Till IMOPI I XI M I Senatoi Hodaon and Senator Beach assert that thej will an legislative candidate 1 iron mi'' I thwi of M The Pulton Turn In Mariot i t will do the same. Their i tude i- thai the legislature eh and thai the) will fl who favors choice bj tin i Whj in", then, insist that !.. oven Wh; it for publication, remarks an The man who - 1 1 1 1 1 - ml to thus expn opinion la the verj one who v II (i d 01 the corner and . loudlj about the cowardki . tin editor. The world Is full . rdi men t and re afraid to grapple with I it' the shoe tra nine-tenth of the j oil v ei m to an office to eacl th editor could be traced home th ild ii found ' The Capitol Barber Shop M.l RKKI). I'ropt. h tthing ami nrk. not nave uie nbhiw . . ,mrmi. tl timeto troubh th sou publish Al,n. and Op ; Instructions of tin ib Tiber; l right not havi ... whicr nfrni.l t,, h he ho '"imi v, hn in--. in the candidacy or eli rci the ia . . In . to plaj tn ai am hidi and nv ,-. Aghtii climb down ai v ihould l" rnatun and of tin tl Ughtinj ditor of double -btackms hin . i rail little man ilmwiiii. collar II : . -- 111 lli. . Ill UK I I .III l'NUl nntry, bild wil on tlu I i While tin Tuh I d V" .' tht- fl. lulato I .ild up th. importai i . i must ha and 'lid havi any time, now hen ..1 unite on and put ml.. ip . hole nationa bj the Talisman I'l Li. : vrup that .. of a cold by actios as a cathartic on the bowels L !i ' BEES Bran ,IS CAMP OR F.LO AT mu UNTAIN OR SHOHt - .nee ' Km, M HUM... IRIAHM kiad ki Hiai nt imo tfftftf tun Ou'bie RIFLES PISTOLS, SHOTGUN . RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC ,lu Sv Vti nut mM ... I.. ... u,. uirt-i i, ,,!,,, .. i ii., ..r .. .. LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP yrop. me wc IKOlMLL.s Oh OUK OVV in - '- . '" "'"I" " i-.o. ,,,., I ..".'.:::' ':..:.!.','.'.-- ,,";" "'I .-.--.-. " "' ..I . . i U -- TT "'.' ' I. . Hi Lj ..' ' I" ... . iiiilri, IT' "" " " I- V. """' "" I 'TI.VI N, A1IM A 1,,,,, , ,, I' . Hut U7 ' II.. fX m v- v - - OsBsa BRS )". I J-OAD OF A TH0U8AHD W0: ', -0.75 All for . . . . It.gQ A- MAGAZINE lin OREGON- i ------------ M Oaartr, N Ml lion rftwfofd ' ' man ii Hail) i li.vli II IU.I p i on ,i The Times-Herald is offering most attractive Clubbing Rates In its wub&crtbtn at present THE TIMES-HERALD One tcar with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 rtland Senii-Weeklv Journal $2.50 S. F. eddy Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progrees FREE ti every paid in dVMMt Suhstrihi' Qtt one or more of these fndpapffi in etwte lion with The Ti un- -Herald lor the lonp in tct eveninfl t all and pot Cluhliinp Prices JOB PRINTING III I'lipiiri .! I. ilo Ih, ( r )W lilt. I Ma ... in. in. , Ii.im- .ill Hi, LATEST TYPE FACES ami a m t Cosapkta Um HRSTCLASS STATIONERY &MR ' nl'Lli'i.M OREGON and union Pacific PBO iNAL CARDS. Wa. MILLER. tTTORNBI I i.au lliirn nfTi .' ..( Uniik aRISH & REMBOLD, AHnrnpv-nt-I.nW. Ilnr1 ..r llHI .MINII WIIIT1 r.il'.u i mil CiiiiVMli . il HrrjMii. M.,li,i,on nr I'll .. , m.. In ihr m, , . , . . port! i'i M ..,'. - ('.'v. Si 1.11111 I2;86 Chieano and Kt a. lr Atlantic Sail I. I I Im RtnrM' Worth, Omalm l '. in Oily, St I, ,.ni- p m 1 1 in n, IhSM I 1 I ..'..nil' I ATTOSJMH at-i aw. Can lul sitontlon tirsn to Collsc Uom and Raal Bstals inntter. lirr In-. I. Rotary Public Boaaa, Oasaos i, - RIZEMORE, ATTOaWtY, ( laiooii l.4'ui htitln CHARliI VV ELLIS LAWYER Bui - - Oregon ll th. -'.it. i'.'irt .ad In J. CU. GEARY i i Mirireou. r.iirn-. - - - OfSgOB. nil V baratM hop. Main I Ii III MPOW 1 I) Pin Mjnii and surjrt0n i'l.. - ..all ,: i .iii- St. VW W..1I Walla, l.wi K -i M ..! ton B 'ik:mf. Ml.n i n. i.i i. I i.i pniia, di i am. i'ii 111 t ll llV.,lk,T. t III lull, Hi . . I OCKANiiiHl IM i i: BCHKDI l, -MM I'o.ll.n.l ' I " , I I , , .l.l,l. Ml,. v ' Kx Mill I Nlard'j 0 i IIIIUm.IU Ml?',. It , , ' Utf ' r 1 I 'n. i 1 . . W.ll4m-Hr lainhlll T.MI-I P'lhrd ., .. ...I,., HIIUln.ll. Ill,-, irr.Hl Thnm -.1 ' ::tt:;:m;ti:t:::tn:::::: DCOP IN AND LOOK with the ii-u. ii dvsiring RNYTHIN6 IN MY LINE. Qua i(t i Qoinli n il 'rices y Clot -, lewelrj ol al I It ( ' I l.lll.lp.llllt. ll l '..: I lk I , . : , ii", wiinliiwi. vi CU U MASOEN tW ! ' a-errx"torll3Lgr. . i i I I Ibbntxl .v ': v hi )i i -. i U. C. Hkv ,, Ill "9 KOI dlnf, n.'it 1 '.'.' I II I, 'u A 1. M'lHU I I kMddj D0 YEARS' f CXPCRIKNCI Tnanr Ma.n. DCSIONI PorVRIOHT'. Ac- J 1 Scicniiflc Jinier. .-.. U m 3 .' u 31U M.n BUMMS 0 IOOK THK WIMisoit 1 mm 1 1. XUBrMCMt 0 .11 $1000 i.cMlj Hair(uUind lWVJV!VflWVV MSrYMft'VvWv' V EWIS Mua4an la MM) M!. iH.O, I FIRE INSURANCE. .-. R he. horaa IllsHlrVUCe Co.. Ol New Nork, Jve pool, London & Globe, Fire i Co . Philadelphia. OPPWI viTfl KKMOONM. iiu u-. Osajaa, tm "till i t l u.iabu.g & Oaitin'a ' WW WPV VWVVVVVVrV - Ssot AdtflMu. i !.,., j .i I -z Ss ' C. f( i. ,777, SBVINC MACHINE. BOLLKi; BBARINa , IIIIjH UkADE. " Biue MouuUifl Rapid Transit Line I ,.ralisj km . Cii.v. Juha Hay, Cau.vuu Cily in Burn, UrcKuu U ik,-i Cil) in Burns, ' n -.n. Uoad, -'I artful di iv First law a route Railroad u Hums onh ns JOHN t.lMliKHIJM;. Jewoler. i iin-iiii and i n i .. ,i- I UM W .lUli Ki-p.uiin a I. IIU .K'- lllill Burns- Diamond Stage Line 1 I ll.UM'l I; r,)t iraaafW) MoaJjr, Wttlnes. "' '"' UJ '" l'...ii.oi.,l (., c Don'l i ditoi to write ujj . U ii. tlif town or cuin- imiiiiiy, Ijtn when convinced thai need attendii " an article for the paper rF s ,AylTIUr nminu CVD1ID oilinii cc 4V. .. ou ii am sil'h vutir nuiin- u. ... .1?.. f uuun oinur '"". mi iiig (uuilBia .ml .ul.tr i ill Klvi-n li ...i.i ii.-iyui t.i i in. i .k..i ml,. AajBBJ aiMi Trrsajini . '.ill L. WOLDHNBEkG, ManaKer. Balcer City, Oiecn'' " " '" -.ill. ai.,1 t!..- i.,. t,M ll( llh ,, THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON. Propt. nnobU RnkM, Oood Cltnn Meals, fnmfnrtnnlt kooms, Courteous Treal u .ent. Special Accommodations for the R- J- McKlNNON, Traveling' Men. lalnjsiteBaWnf Inntpi FJUS'l CLA8B IN BVEBV PAKTJCULA.U " " l! Your. Patronage Solioited. :" '"""""""" """ t y nssiiBi ' . ,T. Tr SBBaS WRONGEST GUAI r'or parlicular iulorruaiwj W.i.i c..:- m.j-. rJ .lauuiiai .icving niaciiiuv v iAN TRANCISCO, CAl I PACTOBV AiUtii.sux.Mi ll Wu i,,I1l-.' , ,,, , , ., cliaruo -A-elc THaenaJ MuMi.As Mem , fin, . ,UJll