The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 15, 1908, Image 1

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    fh Clint-!!
Th I f C "inl y
linn Ihr Uriiot i-irrnlatiim an.l in n-
thr lM mlvertiHMii: mi-ilinm. in BeSSI I
rh rat Wnrnfg Coutttrg
r. on arwi .f fl,4!B.K00 arr nf
Uinl, MM.ati mtw ci vinul SSfcfJSt
n.Ur llir pnl.iir iami lawn of
I ha I i tadMtSS.
NO. I :
biggest product out of the land WRIMiS ON iK IARMIN0 outlined with favorable condi- iiui NEWS TO STOCK MIX
v.mi can't do that with selfish t ions of soil tho dry farmer can
interests leasine it in large bod- raise a battel quality of wheat
tea and virtually excluding small MUHIl R COUNTY MAN ATTtvns DRV m ' ' than tne iarmerjswit i T0 hi It l RHi icmnh Pi wi
rc Kartell Bill Pla lain
. Ilih Inltrr.l-- Slant PtMlBBBKBl
Aad kill Railroad RulMhtf.
illiam Han ley, the leader of
big cattlemen, has come
igly against the Hurkett
providing for the leasing of
rnment lands for grazing.
- the Journal.
r. Ilanley in an interview
morning declared that lin
ing of government lands
are would Ik- playing Into
hands of selfish interests,
would work a great harm to
veetern states which an In
of settlers.
nuns: as it does tmm the
popularly supposed to be
hief advocate of the bill in
Mr. Hartley's statement
e of great importance in
itle that is to lie waged
n the cattle interests and
partment of the interim
am against the leasing
Mr. Han ley in the
ud hotel this morning. "I
it liecause I think the
untry has a better use hi
ul ihan to use it for corn
grazing. I do Ml
Matt) can be devel
a i th the lund leased tot MJ
mtk a purpose. No
the ritcht to say what is
and and what is had
f ten years the man
oes sin the lund is bud or
n thut he waa a hat
uars will change the aspect
try. Tli com-
of any development.
UBia IJ II" JMIl'W 111. l II'
Oregon or get ieople into
untry unless they can get
,! the title to the land. The
: it the land Im
lit und demund ton
icn In perfecting
"With the price fixed at $5 an
, acre, the government need never
i tear a monopoly, i ne nest lann
for grazing is not worth more
than $5 or $7 an acre.
"The question of land monopo
ly is a hugatxxi land is the wont
;nent any one can p.
cepting for an immediate turn.
The holder of any WJWJ amount
of land is always exposed t, the
will of the common neopl
;hi hoodoo about monopoliting
land is simply locking the
door after the horse is stolen,
and Oregon is the victim."
Mr. Hanley explains his stand
on the leasing question in the
following i Kpn salvo bngoj
"I'm from the common herd
myseu. Aim when l see anv-
r. alaahk and Pratt, al Sar
(loaf Thai nil) FU-nrfll Haaw Pcaaat
"Prcparatloa a( the Sail.
By request and in acconlance.
with a promisi made !' He
ond Trans-Missouri Dry Farm
ing Congress. 1 M Ml you this ar
tnie, hoping thereby to in some
part la Ml readers,
ally thoso people who
are tTjriag ID MM lands in this
county that are not subject to ir
rigation, and therein ti to tell
some truths that my ol
leads me to regard M established.
who irrigates, but I emphasise
the fact the land must have spe
cial tillage to produce p
results. Am i
$1 with name and address to
Fisher Harris. Salt Lake
Utah, s of the congraaa
and chairman of the executive
committee, will be registered as
i an affiliated BMraberof the con-
I gross and will !. entitled to re-
tlu journal of the proceed
i of the second congress,
which will contain copies of the
written by government
rts and mum i Rns in
charge of eti.
OH the various snbjects
rnn Traa.aarlaHaa PrnMciti. lln.f flnf
Vltlcd I'lun. WIH at hcd-VAIII
Saad S.1.MS.M aa Waal.
sensible and of value and
suggestions from what 1
thing that is going to hurt thoso r:um'd at f K that may
oe oi use anu neip 10 uiose wno
Tho trrayincr mv ""'K u" lllilKt nolllCS D llf-
.. p,a ...... .p.
my lot with them.
act would bem tit
ts and set hack thi
n lihmI mnnv .:ov I ntn an.
xloa and one thai 1 think
and mt turned oertothe cattle-
V M other ImkI.v of Ma
"The leasing of the land as
and in the Hurkett bill
would seriously discount
building of new railroads into
;rai uregon, on- inerecouui
dueti 'ii bun la- d
held iii large b
purines. Kailroad- w..uld never
ronneeted with drv t'armini'-
some theoriea that appear to be Also the bulletins to
such a committee on publicity appoint
have ...i i,,. .u ,,,,,....,., ik m,K
I w i I in .'ii,i' rvi i 'i iii 'vii-
pose of gnthcrin.-. comiiing and
publishing all Information attain
that will in- beneficial to
-i- socking (0 obtain hoiii.
and extend the and cultivated
Is in the arid und scni-ai I
regions of d il and unde
veloped weat w M. Miirh r, in
the Ontario Ary.
: ing the arid lands.
The first preparation that aos
fronts us in the consideration of
eatai'ii n.i iiouot. is
that the conditions of soil, the
amount of pn m, tin-
amount of the di-
rectioa and drynem of the winds
are i us und different in
dit. th.-.t no i
the of the dry farmer
can be promulgated that can- fit
"rro and Snaacl Vallc
Smith ol Hurns wasa busi
ness lay.
'I he County Sheriff, spenl
V Portland paper savs: In
the Aral and only authorised state
ment which has boon given out
either hen- Of anywhere else re
"ltipany's plans m
the Pacific Northwest, l-ouis F.
nt of Swift A
last night dedaradthal th.-mammoth
Portland plant, which iii
peririeni la Pnn outlay of 6W.O00 ,,,,,
aim winen win in- eivciwi or i ne
Peninsula, will be completed and
ready for operation m all depart
ments m one .ar. Portland is
also to be made the center of the
packing industry ot the Pacific
Northwest, and the Troutdale
plant, near Portland, eventually
is to M abandoned, at least s,,
far as the packing side of the
isim concerned, To what
use. If any, thoSarlfl people Mi
:' put their presi nt extensive
and valuable property at that
,H)int WM not vouchsafed.
Th Bn it people are readv and
prepared to go ahead with con
struction work .iust as siH.ii as
for thrni to i the
t will- iribiiluir
i he owner thumb bj
practical, mai ter ol fact, econo
mical, exactim and
thing earofull) .
lb the po seeor of itrong
will and la stubborn!) detemined
He i- caution
seldom impressiouiibl o.
to inv ite contiil. 'no
Such i i ' pow
er to accumulate bj pi
The owner I thumb
cannot m ,
nor has hi- the poWOT Oi ma1
so much, as the more Mml
thumbed individual, but what
he make- In ner.illv able to
He is no oxtroml t and enjoj
a quiet life. MHMII
Haunt, is not orratic, and p
to stick t" one thing. Pittaburg
I Hapatch.
in ih
the P
w i Bros '' iMii
use -tone httildii k north
-I Dili. .
1 1 nit i mat i- fifti
iiluci' rljolnina burM
IB Mill I .i I, 1,1, ,
I II v .,
Brown's Satisfactory Store
I'm i v t linn-, to tempt feminine fancy
i wi n iroawnna, rtLoui siitin
lUKOTK. I lllltIT (to miS. BaaHMnTaaj WltKHTKIlH
I 1 0 Women a ml .Children
Blankets. Outing Flannels, Embroideries
WOUI N s Kl.l. W Usr. PgSaaMM -(jl M
eOMsVTI WHArTkKs. uoLr iil.K.s
For I .id ic. and Mianea
To be Shown in a Short Time
N. BitOWN & SON!
and me. t all those dill'eretit OOaV r;'1 '"";' ww WiM.
ditions, but n ad vim
we can advinat.' Mrs (Jw. Miller was in fn 'in '
Ik built m.-relv to handle the m Bwio pnncipais nm ex- warm Spnnga t-rnlay.
,,.,,,1,, , ui,, H'iencc has shown to be of ;n- ., ,, , ..
cattle anu sneep. Hazel 1 ranee entertain. 1
"n ou! her friend, at dicing on Frids
jOAUtiNMiiiiKssm ni.M.K4PH. ' .all cases boardeveni 1(1 irr hi)1!1(, w
from roauitod In an mcreaMil .
ouipui ana a ' :iti..n oi
Homer itnmrle. Dick Simmons
A M d t -k.dBlf . a K . . a BB u V- 1 a 1 . - M B
prejiara- nwinii'i .h. dinner ui ( umintny
. publisher of the ,, ,
., .. the land for future crop,
Prairn- ( . and a well-
i.viviiiiK in inv hi. si
viraru couiu.v ciuarn, is
itland. and is disVlH.vii.r
a moe-i mavraating docomanl in
rm of an autograph trom
his old friend .loaquin Miller.
Miller is known to Ik- eccentric
if noCktag !. and this particti-
tion, I would not advise any one tondod the in enterprise
connections with necessary
terminal facilities have bOM de
.uhil Upon, work on the packing
I'lani will be ruahed to oomple
In th. interview, II ('.
lead of the eon
:. partment of Swifl and
vho will have direct
:ey Valley Brewing Co.
rarming on land Vull,'v WJ "1h,
thut has a hard pan aub-eoil in th. ek manv h
within less than three feet of seekers have v lotted I I
i. f.rably bMM l-
.i i paoanaJ Th dmnre Ktvvn Htmrtnv
grant depth; thli oo Mf, ar.
everv vi ;mn anu u vvii
no is not latitude enouirh ikjiiu o! trovorn-
deulinjr to get people to
. m un.i seine on tne mna.
of allowing the homo-
IsW acres u- ..mid
M and the of his fm-
bJmbU M the actual de
nt of pro
lounta and for u certain
ais. when the i
own onorg' w
te $K' pajr acre in .t
he la i
i tin oase ol senUiiiK u
he country to live a cer-
f months it is a farce
Bie;hLs of u citizen raising
lar autourraph shows it. Hayte
.It t V I sei ; hill l Til I II 1 I i . i
:. a i ... i i: .. ... ...... .. ..... !,, was a lull liant suobssbv
?. ', . . "'J; be found that in the arid land of x,,ul ,,,,,,, ,, The wb the public could not M Uk-
fairs and has written a sreatUui. ,.,,, . i , K ll i'" ' m
v...o .,.u..... ,,v.,, oimu-c was exceptionally numl, '" I,H" "" wniiuvnitii oi ins
40-acre tract added to ( '''' l thli time, said thai
and sub-soil . , pieees " I'lans, such M whether
.ring in some instances in a ;,. .11 Wbil,. ii. iitutaln mi the comiiany could secun- power
I by the merry dancers fr"' ome of the comp..
land With the verv nlaataani eurd " 11 the field here, or enet
the proper condit - liincl ,.snnr,.t- " plant on the Peninsula.
the railroads have indicated what
eOMaO) tion on the Peninsula N "'"'" " '
will establsb. and when thev will legend I u 1 Itw
bo roadj tod., the irork. When laadeoftae 1 ,. 1 ,v .
Si, k 1 .-
n mT".ii "r im , hunt'
iiK ui 1 1 . ui. il
... Mi. Is . .1 ; 1 it.
i' t
Mill. I
ItiMlig HUH. I' til tl.Vi !
lMi'1,1 I Ml... I,.
saaais Jw u-, tin is lim
: .. .Hi M 1 1 III 0.1 t
I o savins, 1 i I -1... 1 hi
aa,.aeara deaased wiaw lu ativi out "'""" t aiin ii.p m m mftt
aal 1 Ii in. ui i.f 1 1,. 1 - 1 .( 1
l tasni n a i 1
Mmnilm turvra (
I miiiIU Imtlf SolltllrJ Irat Ikrilvrry
T. E.JFNKIN8, Manager
chargo of erecting the plant, act
...1 .. ... 1 i
. . .iini'suuiii hi 1 lesiiieni
Swift, and entered into as full
ffl of the plans of the
Swifts ;Ls the head of the lux
m bx Ccnti
I iblication at this time.
Mr. 1 i.inliu 1. in explaining
deal alniut them. From lb fact that ,Ioa.)uin Miller was
tin tir m county
and li. MOJg the
ins, he and Hayte CmjmJ
ag attachment for each oth-
.1 when the P.M.t of the Sier
ras" ai. i Mlsotime can lidate for
Hrllfliiv Scrli.r.
After finding
.ii ..I cultivation.
I will inv,, iii I liia nimnantlnai
t,a successful in Utah, and which
I and i
sists of dividing the tract into
n part in
( mint (. otinty u
. . ST.
nen mmer prewreti i. leave .Ai,u, -.k
After a :" "' and that
dainty lund. , nurabarol otiM eon-
nt in listening I " ' ' disclosed
I a number of ' "'" w,,h th,-r
1 u.t ummation.
Mr. and Mrs ;;iker were
Prairie City, he pulled his fam- ul Ujaving the other l'1,UM:,v -""i- in Sunset Val
I ir.i 1 Inn. Ii 1 ' 1 1 1,,
V r.l-
raiting 11,, 1 .1,,: al J ' vi . 1
inir mi' i.i'l.l in V. vi
it. i .1 Irwin rill
ii .1 H 1st 1
nun. Ill at 1 1 11
Mabliatli . I .
p. in
'I be Harm . -b. .1 . . Iimil imila
. I.M-k mi Ii - 11. ..i y ami a
i-oniul invilalloi
ls)i s tM. teal ilau ( leer si Ike
Harney Valley Brewery Saloon
i.iHih ItRISKS OK ALL Klls
Cigars of font Quality
! LLSO.X VAI.'UN. Manawm. Hum. Orryon ;
to have to go out into
region and serve a pivM
pVa settler, taking hischild
1 from schools, Hvfaog in
r hack, simply put up to
Bie retiuirements of a nar-
Burkott hill is molt- im
H t Oregon than to any
M..;. 11 the union, a
bably has the biggest
Of vacant land of any
ne tiurd ot its territory
ip in iorests reserves, anu
e third is represented b
ndt. Anyone taking up
Oregon and goinv
portion of th.
that with road grants.
and cattle and stock
t : land,
i ..nt.
ous gooaequui pen trm some down in his carp
and wrote wha? aojpefli to be
lame in both Indian and
00 spots ui what
Miller said was his signature bj
i ih that might, in an uncer
lain light, be mistaken for some
2U letters of the alpha
"'. but their resemblance ceaaea.
in p.ctui
guage, and is easier to decipher
l" 1 d. While
Miller was Sheriff of I
County, in the early days, w lu n
the count included about all of
Fast em Oregon. Idaho
and Hopped over into I 'tab, here
and there,
among other
phies. a reai Indian name. It is
as follows: "BioKen-Off Arrow
I.. ,tiii.lii- ..tfAia.
! ' ' d ' I t Al tin- I'r. in . bun I.
PUJW. The iM-oiile of Sunsit had the Aiion.ev John II Hall ImiHsbbbI It...... I.. A I lM ,..,
----- --- . wtm , a m t tt ill raaB t
I'. Ml.' f I . .Ill 01, 1 '
part in summer fallow.
As to cultivation,
now deep. Put on plenty of extreme pleasure ul welcoming j, ennspimcy with the Hutie
teams and break tie land if k.s- many Hums, . Livestock & bum-
10 bMbsM bV Plow in I.av Hiding ., ... ,,, maintain illegal
soon as the crojis are country on X.iu'-.ia;. .'..nuig. f,., , whlflll encloseil 2U
harvested, plow ; Mjaa Baker wa., a oltauure public land, was found
IKI II .v IMINMUN, l-oiprninri.
Burns, - Oregon.
WIlKlsl. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
that the funou risitor on flatun .ing.
ridges wiN prevent the
running off in the spring.
As so 1 bi work
ed without I clodding
-k and disk thor
oughly, following with the
h harrow until there is a
deh, and al
tad ev.-ry tune during the .sum
mer when a rain fall of sufficient
W. II. I bidder
ill two
their school-l
I hi Li lal had been in
I - since January PS, and
had bOM bitterly contested.
1 stirad a. 10 n 1
d na.hed a decision
nours and 10 minute
. d verdict was returned at
I next morning, Under the
f .. . racy such
.iUionsare charged against Mall, is pun
i Bun
vacation at
.Siui'luv I ! Ii iiiiiiiIIimI I I
ui. 1 7 K p in habi.Htii . baal t
In h in . 1 uruiiiH
fat Use Stsr
1,1, .,
1 M oiwla.
Bakery in eonnaetion
A bsaisll; ( bawl Oiscr
only ab ;iM, Tl
paea WitJ 1 1
"hen -IM,. 1 .., ... indij.i.s
now, Oregon it will find (.Jk(j , B,ok,
and un
this Ulla't'leil
tvil in leasmir is that it
JMJOe of the it..:
to the property for lu
v, bile the bill nomi-
irves the right ul the
The way Miller .1
while he had
a scrap with som. serous
'i 198& he waa shot
of the
with ur itrrtwkr unA mm. It.fl fi.i
' of ""' .idly Indians found
th popu- h;.n ,. ulu.n , ,,
uy piumo Uie arpow out uf igamiin'i MJetic
aL't H ,1 .-,. iU,., ....,., ,.r
wvia nit-.. uivr,u tin- i;iiu uu.
Hence the first pari of 1.
si refers to certain honors
ity to form a cru
" - . 41 ; li 1 '
he accumulated, " . " ai . , . . " ,"t,Jt"u Grive Impro.einent Assoc;
.... 1.. 1 , . . I . I a-it,.ii ..I , I J . . . .
trinkets and tro- ,.' """ " '" and al! ne are work-
"m 1 1. -sow lBg Ut ,, , ,.
I hi havi ... 0,,. f,..., u-:.. ..;.., v,
dy all wheat the name of jiau, ,1(i M ihv
Odon allrail
Hng ,, ,A)I,,
'uP:i0.h. with
aim aner ine spring rains nar- fffj
as to break up all the
As ng. Sow with a
puti .- seed
now in the 1 .lopment isbable by a fineof notmorethan u. . i,,i.i,. ,1 ,n i,ig
League, the 1 he Oak BO.O00 or by ImjiImmmm oi kMssaraH iffteds 'i pstraa
1. ;
tfer tb il f Oregon
ought to make BMntion of this,
and the fact tha the loss fare
applies to Ashland Salem, leaker
an 11 is lea
son. under the
ld locale a i
1 la tmct of lund
nsi grounu, 11 you Ci(j, A.,,r;;i ul. Bnyotherp
to put it six inches, ref.
.xrtant and ,).,. (jU tjt,.Mi
will b d by lh
"lbil W. VV. HrownofFife.
Mr. Farrell .alley, vj
1 uti 1 arming me same
I bun two years.
Hall arrived in the court room
w minutes before the arrival
f the jury. As the men man n
"I ill lie seanrnd eaeh JUi
face but on none was tin
un of what the verdict
ii - 11 ii leaned
1 and wl
nto his attorney's ear. lb tb.-i,
led back ui his chair and
ng of the viidut
II. u unmoved by the ad
e decision and 11 IgU.
beter immediately filed notk
.plieai, and Judge Hunt grant
d tlie rTftntT &) days io aja
foot the upK-al.
The Puiii slier's
Claims Sustained
ill jAgCHElfiiTHll
sJpT B m
lAtttnsm 1 tTOlE
OeSff BOO 1 SonU tur
Uusuiiful rl ) rk; Llal
Ualna. I Circular.
T K V? ' '
aaif p 11
k - 'bP"
1. 1. LEWIS
WW at glad ts laraM
! aaiem aMsriag
Unhid biAita Count or Claibm
f, 1
I a. if
lUc fell laic IhiiMk
... muiwuutti 01 coin- ,.,.. .,., uitniut
this right would be of
lue to him and he could
living, surrounded as u eonsoa up 111 a collapsible nd foi ir A- acki; .p tb.
by the big holding tube with a nuzzle, easy to apply on a field of ?00 acres had un l ol the week from Portland,
grazing. The right u the soreness and inflammation, averag hels and 18 m time to take part in the 1
le land would snnplv tor any torm ol xuea; it sooines pounds. inet:tiiiB. ne mi ior 111s iiom.
g it in big chunks and heals, relievea Mi pain, itch- In conclusion, do not try shal- Tu-hiy- lie Iteview.
it up for fuu Lag and burning. Man Zan Pile low land with hard pun sub-soil. The New Windsor Har, under
uiedy. Price 50 cts. Guai-an- Do not exjiect to reap a profita- the nsMsMBaMntof Ix;e Caldwell,
resulting to th. Sold dy The Welcome Pilar- ble harvest from methods of cul- is one of the most populai 1 '
m the range is not of macy., Burns, Ore. Fred, tivation in vogue OO humid land In Eastern Oregon. Drop in They are easily reached through
consequence. Get the Harney, Ore. but by following the plan here ' when you have a thirst. iheir hearta, and it is difficult
thumb which bends ba.k
easily iieraonities great adapta
bility, extravagance, brilliancy
The owner of such a thumb If
at home in changing circumstan
ces in fact, is home anywhere
is generally sympathetic, senti
mental and, as a rule, improvi
ng atnw nfet 1 1
'tWjhij-' li.lvrnev
( l.'l.ill at ll.i; i.l 1 lull,
The Burns Flouring Mill
j d jtu traVANT, Propt.
nlj iimii. tl in 1 1 itirtit ulitr SMMJ
.jnirnl t,i)iiiill(i Id .sniflf ry
li n , a ll'O nil Irs m liriinl stiijj
II Kinds ol Mill Feed always h Hind
1 m IMUfi MtKktl PRICE PAlll rOR eOOO WLLlMl iMClT
Good Seed Wheat for Sale
I'.u u dl I tiUertidul in uur
J, Ml, 1 lid.
( vrsMitaa 1
Lmilm .wa-o.l
Job Printing.