'imes-JIerald. .MBST CIRCULATION or PATKU IN THIS COCNTY. kT. miltllV . INK. cl News. Iihk I ho nmps-Horaln R. Jones is reported W Gownn is rv . list horse blanket po to pome & Son. isn ana wne nave their new ranch near Plow on Karth. The ntec Satisfaction. or. iiwsoti and son wan Sunset Valley visitors f the week. H odder spent a few kir city ;he first of the I reports everything unset Valley. iry left this morning id where he goes for hy n specialist for ear It will be absent an Kme. I Circle Women of will pive it makcl 14 at Locher's hall. rs will Ih given puhlici- Pioneer Bank of Harney County THE FfRST NATIONAL BANK of Burns Chicken dinner at French Hot el even Sunday. V i, l'niker was over from his Warm Sprinps home during the week. Dr, W 0, Hrown, IViilinl. Ofllo in the nr asm building north of the Pom Office. I MTKI STATFS DEPOSITARY Capital. Surplus. $25,000.00 $17,500.00 Hf offer the faeilitie of a strong, trell equipped bank for the rendering of prompt satisfactory terrier to our patronn. horl that G. lot of old U . , ,.r sewinp ma- Fred A. Clinpan was up from his home near the lake yesterday after supplies. Cortes Elliott anil wife moved absolutely fals'. He over to their ranch near Harne.v , relimpihment.- kk the U'st hi. to date imnmrda.v after spending tl. with latest attachments. v lareripht. R. A. Smitli. , . ow pN km'thcfaivirnleomo- l"us Stein's Mountain sheep iwaentcd by local i.ii-i.: ""'" MM"1 " " ,his '' i'rinp. peaday evening. i for qr iiurmg the week. lihrar'. The ei ft to ite liiir..!.. fund ill insure a larpe at- Sidney Comepys was up from Narrows the first of the week on fr business and Austin I a visit to relative! and looking (tared to po to any (tart !' liar mme hudness affairs. Althouph the ground hog hv .tdow last Sunday we are having nice Bring weather with rn Meal Market iH'foi Mfantki of il la ting. ams. haeo:i or lard. r-n and randier win heir advantape li cith mult H J. llan-i-n itared to take car' of ra at ripht prices. np to i ourne hi'. withdrawn of Chris Schuchel as torney foi it was holnM and lhal would tuni him down leton of Portland has r the -ilace. I get most anything in hard- of l.a and men's dreK munis, all vsnatshins drugs and etc ha.- not et urriv 1't lie fiuoied. has Iteen in the t ' the Ptat Week With tl has been here for MM tune afcaWOS second ; A' rge has pasture to I a small number oi stock the rate ill tie 50 cents will be month. under the care of her physician. The Times-Herald PM some green grass about four in ches high in ati envelops from i '' head each month Harney last niirbt and our i riend i number of itadt How is this for high'" Tom Jenkins and W. R. Jones uent over t" : n's moun- atssn the first of the week. 'I in lias returned but Mr. Jones remained with J. R. Jeiikir a abort visit ami will return later. i the sad news of the death of nil brother Chas. Owen, I ft fon man at Silvies, was down a short time this wrek. H. M. Horton is expected home Monday from an extended visit (0 Portland and California points. Judge Hector has been in the city the past week attendinp to probate mati- Ontario has organized local company to proepatl for oil and pas in that vicinity. The law firm of Parrish Rembold now occupies new quar ters in the rear of the Harney County National Bank. The New Windsor Bar. under the management of Iee Caldwell, the most iopular resorts in Eastern Oregon. lmp in when you have a thirst. If you InV I '. I. add Adiini . il will famish j i. ii plans, I oiSeal ladavs ami harahrare for heel half aaal win- ,,Mr. lam Member Burns lnlpe No. i7. A I . .v A. M. are hereby notified thai there will bt work in the Entered Apprintiee degree Feb. IS, Visiting membi dially i:i and his mother and brother Ulei are home from ill ton where the foi mer has il. Cal is now uk' I buai .. fs' Club 'k'n liali on I fn m this ball . ..: I the .ur- chas' hooka hr library an. i should lie liberally patron- ember the public Ubrar) U'lietii to bt played by local talent in a short tin people always inaki y jn their '! Ilu public may --I cut, lllent. W A. Goodman, Frank GooA man arid Mrs. H. Richardson A large lo"' l'" ' '""'I11.1 I"' ha ......i, ' ""' l " ' "vn sum- " i , . ler hetul iT m"n,n mrre on account of in.- rious illn.-ss of thiir mother Mrs. W I. Coli mat who ha ill at his home in this city for the No. 7 iCggleston and I were up from Sunset Val luring the weak, Wantkh NOD Hoi Mil hols The pram mar would .n- ' nding ;e an immediate break-up as everything ; softening as it Mr. Farmer, if you are in need of a Tlow or Marrow move this way. My stock in thnt line is low. Call in hefore it is too late. J. .1. Tupker. Call on J. .1. Tupker for rott hardwar , v, agricultural ini)lemen;- vehicles, gasoline engineB, wind-mills, pumps and garden lo you know that Pinesahe Carnoli7ed nets like a poultice in drawinp sit inflammation and (toison. it is antmaptie. hr cuts, hn ecaama, eraeked hands i i un mediate relief. Sold b The Welcome Pharami Burns. On Fnil Haines . Har ney, Ore Then- -very indication of there bi reat sort at the fair gr aring the coming season. I he Fair Association hasalrea received aijilications for about 20 stalls to In- occupied before Apr! 1st by Uith runninp and harm horses. The secre-1 tary is communication with other interior association ar-1 rangin for dates for the several fair and nice meets in order that none will conflict. Local jBjssjsjBjpHHHmsaMMfBMBSi have saked the association . . for baseball grounds which will K,,,RS tWNi rableti do no dobt be granted; therefore , ' ",M'k ;,"l"1","' irouble, the ,HKple of this countv may P ""-i"". Moating. I-N.k forwanl t. s.me line s,tort "' ,""'MV- ,W" " durinc the .,, ir-atnient ft d 'nip- I for a free irlal. Id l. I h. tax roil has been oomplet- The Welcomi PI trtnac.v Hun ed ami will st once be turned Ore. Fred Ham. II ""' '" .,,.,o A.nl irm . Vt The totals are as foi- Pmimits v ........ t i ( IH'M thai all appik ati " - fi units Knoh (heck a detailed account of the transaction in which it figured. Vr,X' Ihtgafc TPlIF checks you issue contain ' : it is import lever) featum haamrasattmt '',A, I .. hehet k uracy. A cheek ,, completi put unt at this bank insurs sou able i ii.t for ik.. ,m ,..i ..r... i ,. ,-...-. .Miii-i ,-imu accunuv in all v (hecks are the mosit convenient form of record THE HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS t t a-JE2rx3UE:4::E3T j j ii.untv ,v .1 school i Cii . Total tax roll Austin saw i r is r- am I Nut i i: i ney county had. Baa him. work is to lie Mrs. 1. EL Holland titer:, the Indies of the I I lluiiiln d Club" Is ; !!. in. Mill Mrs. W. 1 Mar.- till ed firwt jirize and Miss Clayte N 'Ml' I IllTl I.. . Mil II At III. .Ill I Ail ilratril "I tl" I iill Tlfcf .1. .- I. n. .'. i un. I In vtrtas ulmi i.i.l. r I Sslsol Um it 1 i ' ' uni) lu.lifH tor II.Hii. i i ir. -k- in, in i,,. un, rMi, ,, . ,, Isj oil tl. r f..r I I I... I 1 .1 I r. . I I in I .1 -,-,,lv .,,,,, ' Il ' I I ' ' .1 IMIIlt) il ... . . . msii eomoaa b , , .,(, withjB .,,. Blu8 S.1T7 09 Mountains i.- i) Katie is i . ' ',,,, est diirine th. N,:' N asuat Im- lib-.) in i Prim .lie. On $t;:!.!K- 77 Pabruan 89, 1908 Pull infer """" niation in repaid to id, i t. it; .ii ni v Imaj to be charged, and bland forms to he used m niakin np plication, will be furnl bed upon M.piest i ki i mi. Super c rfswrr U n.b'A TMTajf WflTrl ,-TI k' a -2' 'Arm I r A ami JXWlf m' JfaAi. A m, mm f ' V ami no more troubis about them ELY TIP" rJ--"v ;r k Din't mist seeing my Kill Mil ssOINfM LINE More you tny ".luts. I bars i in ni in ike Ki, lu-.tsod i-'.iom ibli J i il.' ii the N on i in li.v , i -mi (mm 8IXTBBN D,iiURS UP A ('HI "I llollHK I'o.n Five OOUUARS UP for I guarantee s fit. ppli.aliiM. Iw iltxi.i I'rraiii- NOT1CE e- in reb) v- n that all Applications for permit in US and within the MM. in i i; ii.. i i i. i i ; . i. iii ALPoPKSl' ib 111 I HIS mil. I I,. at John I a . Orepm ISU III I I I I I I ' traliu ..I Hi. -'..i. .. ,.,,l, I MmIi Vn I IWK I'i .-I it llMi I tf.MI. I. I, .11 I, W. II. lltchett made ibis of ('.... ., ..I.. II ... I ths. i, notimprov. , ." irr" ' ,uy- lianot ":'haV ,ear- p. i,,m hsi room i;i!1(. Mt. -1 ""."'- ;rt and w.ll seed .;avr;, portion tl og. .Mr. Fit- a iumi- pl-.i I. H DIM truil in. inp iJailt in t.rder I.. i.n.i..riw iru aaes il Um seal - I J""" "..,.' . (. fn(n MM thin uli i, Ailatii . j j tl.- ..in ..t., l.iki- all i- -. .ii-. I, ill- iy suit sill replsM i IrsM esi ' (" M L ''w' telephmmassl ratiu-d in., tiiimi... ' f t-ommisaion by the Pacific Slates Telephone I muds nave received word t..u..i, .. -n.. : ZZ that Mrs. ft S, ,,mu form. theUw-" low at her home in Southern On- ;, n,,,. ,,..,. llM. ,.nl. , , ,,.. ft ft Hill and Geo. ft Nic I from consumption. The lady witmt .,.: , ,i L... arlan of Cwvallis ar- son too, rture yeater-;u a half sister to Judge Uve. ta. and is well known to the pioneer no duuljt urrangement. will soon people of thib valley when- she Im. , n lhe jm formally lived. trumeuta in a abort tt n MePharaoa fell from a DOD b il,.-i:t.. Wednesday, bridge at th. Hank Vulpamore j , farm last Monday and fractured ,i rcubw illness, two ribs, lb and Hank w.r, 1 1. . . ., v H.vll in thu reiaiirinp ihe bridpe and ,.om. manner Dan caught his foot on i up here with bar husband and an upturned board and lell about of Simon Lewis nursing himself. DssV At the home of 1 is in this city Wednesday, ml Mil. Ml. win. p. r. r. iionie in Southern Oregon ly. His brothei ! number of oury.unp w(l hlMj been here atsandsaf Ban last n.piu .i,k vlmV ma latter mm bab JJ game is fn,m two broken legs, was p A I and liar- summoned home on account of lake in I the serious illness of the other Ced. The hometeam brother and arrived miI th. is, the score being batol he dad. KU r'pirt a hue lime. ening to day for the American Land & iition as stenoprapher Live Stock Trout a it National Bank. Mr. the southern part of tin- county. rmerly held a similar Mr. Nickerson stated that he ex ilic First National at (tected to return here in a few He found several weeks again. Tie i lure with whom he conijianied att by 1 rank P inted while the) were who goes to p of J. W. t the Agricultural coi- Biggs' trotting mares and her colt. i children from M.iiac.-wjta for the at the home U-nefit of her health. Mt was born in Norway hut came to America in her earl childhood with her i She was mar- hi week coalmen es our AT CI .K R A NCR S A 1 .V ? & Grace the " May. 1899. Of woolen dress goods. order to make room for sum-tuu11 wt lntobronc daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ld- &ne ' ' Uwana and Hve ! Floyd. The little on. had ' ' ,l'1" ' ' ' bean suffering from whoouiitL' OM ,jr' 'ter in M '1 ry If : . . mi Minnesota. 1 1. .i was conducted b) Rev. ( . W. Hollo the bright little life but death -rday morning and inl claimed her. Grace was a bright wus "iaoV '" lt"' Buma eamab little girl and was a general fav- ' lw" children will In- tak- ' to I I i'U, , . orile among all. The funeral i by Rev. A. J. Irwin at ie yesterday afternoon and interment was made in the Purim cemetery. . arenu lu.i it..- ladieS pf0' Mr circle , ,, it of friends in this city. If you want the best Incuba or on earth see or write W. '1 SmMl Os Bams, Orepon. alsui runs without the lariij, no he mut clear out our iWr Tn?)Tib.dTe Z1! !1' ;,1Lm;hy' '- ak, I and are offering fine dn i at your own price, ( ome d get prices before buying here. In a few days we ex ile latest creations in Waists. Also a Full Line of t Class Groceries Always on hand. SCHWARTZ. tie Busy Corner Store Thirteenth Annual Ball I riday Kvening FEBRUARY2108 l.oi HKR'SHAIX lntiid i.uexUt onlt Admitted. I . ION OOtlMITTKK. Sir Km, M Jr. Win Miller I W. iiiinkwaU-r, Julian Mynl I I unit COMMITTKK. Sir Knights k . Kumay, w i. stamina A. W (iowun. Irw, III I ollATJON OOHHiftl I Sir Knights L M Hrown, He lalMsVtl 1 iijiniiiiiih. un i ition UUHMIWI i Sir Knights ) I B ty. Klmer Carlma, Jaim Mahon, 0. A. Smith, James Pa. I ' i. T Uughett, Robert Irving, K. H Sit Petri na, S. S Williamx. It. A. Miller, Harry .lack.ton, nnan, A. V'enatoi M isic by Caldwell, a Orchestra. A rarcntdlic In IbU tutiuly ky i ''tic real ttc torpuraUun. hpK 11 iiuliKcmi-iiu to thuc hKu Ut bcoM tUuuuU) uitcrotcJ The leal btau Sccsriiv Ce. I Ml OMrtara SnUla CHICAUO, ILL Lt 'in . .i ..i Il lll ollice on iir be tel March , IIUIH. Pull ml.,, inution in regard i" thi fees to In- charged, and Plank , form to he u.tcd in iiiukin, plication, will In- furnished upon reiia .1. Cl I BlWNUM, Acting Biipan I MUll I il I IN l HI I II I Ml S In Um it i ..'ih K.ii fi.r llariint I ..i..i In m bjiUm ..I c. ... S..II, . .r I,, .. b , . II II. ,1 ll.ii im. I. . nt . .I, A.liiiiiii-lne I 'lata, lia lllml in ll.w sba nMrl (In. I ,i...iui.t ai..l paUl i " 'Irr ni i.iiliiti. ii an I UmM I rear Iksadi !', t in 'alssks ' at tin iM.it I Ilu i ii Um lima .l , HiK ul nlijii Hull tlirfrti. ,... I iiifi:' I ii liavii.K tucli ubjaallona to mala t,. Ha ii.iii. i. ii.. aio ni inn- Um Max 't i"i U i.ibiili I in araV I court In 1 1... i in.. . ii. arid i uaka, .lata- "I i.i.i uary 4, IWM, sad ' ' .th l I II. U -IMMoMi, III. Illl. I MiMIMhlU..i I In il,. I aia "f ii ' aatlaa i ban tlaralgnaO aaa ou JanuaiJ iii'l r.'nularly appoiula I a.ln i.l ti.r k-uu ni I'll i I'lioii. saassssi) ai. I lia Self ajsslll m Aii ainl all I....k laima agalUkl aai.l I 11 ail liar. In n i'.IukJ to iiM'Ul Ilia aama all), la f "I- ...i. i.na iiuit rsriaad aasf Isa i cl will. Ill all n...nlliall .In III ll.' "I U i. a in ii. e al tlurua, in n .. aVe nl I II I filial. I in I. 'ii i. liali I Hun. a 1 1. M tilatlaiatral ! ' i li ' aaail I Mill IN) CLUNINI. mVaaaM aM NH.MIi. 8CHENK BROS.. The Merchant Tailors Burnt, Oregon W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. ..E AL80 HAS A LINK OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats. Shirts. Clothing, UnderwearGet Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Freah Vegetables in Saaaon, CIVEHIM A CALL. Dm kin mi, i i 1 1 iiil. I HIJ4 a Ma - ..' LIVERV, FEED AND SALE McGEE & OWEN, Propts. i ilii. Lain mi y I and bava aiiiiMiU it rtmi ami Iraih, wall (ailad tiain. Wa air in niiiiiiUir Ilia nulilu- in avarv narlirular with i taniwa ami aniriUtl loam (art lta.1 rroei 'il ami otinvriiialit lo Ilia laadliiK linlala of lb i. I li in our BBSS HMMiraa our narannal allnili ... II isfn m ImmmIimI hy thi iluy, wwk or mouth CHAS. WILSON. luuliiua lo.witaoa a.ki a BlatkMiiiiiiirif, dad i i . ... . i laii ! ImjIii FitzCerlci i 1 1 frsblia; tkfan 1. l.ai.J hn 4 V BURNS, OK asOM Main St., HoruhuJoj. Wagoo Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon J9 We are headquarter for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh W Carry m Complete line it HARNESS and SADDLES J C. WELCOME & SON Oxegrori. l Young's Meat Market and Grocy Vuu Can tiuy all Kinds of (jroccrieb Tweiity-livif cent Cuffee for Beat Carwcol Coffee Beat Tea !' Tea Garden Syiup per al $1.10 Hrooms - 4. Washboards " Two Kal kegs, Small Gherkins $!. Two gal kegd, Mixed Ficklee $2.00 . st Honey per can 46 and Bring the Cash and gat Soma tiood Bargains J laaaaaaSaaKaaaL fB The Iteat MODKHATK I'ICIi KM iifivum On the Market Nudero, Convcnlenl Durable Ila all the qualilies of high priced machines. Itupid, 1'nivtTHul key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co. Isi-iS.1 Waaatah Ava., Cakaaja. III.