fh Cim-rlerU Tli. ' . M irn.-r C 'lit liar, the kwgrajl riirnlatinn n.l i MM n the ImI mlvorti ng medium in Eaatiin Orej.ni. mt gLtmrg Mttulk Chs reai, Mnrttu CswiHr 1 -. -ra mi MM of 11,4', H00 arra of lan.l. i arrra ypf varan! unl.jert try ntiilir lln piitillr land lawa ol iIik I'hili i II VOL. Wl BURNS, nKn OOUNTT, OREGON. FEBRUARY - NO. 12 : FERS NEW LAND POLIO RrrARV GARFIELD'S REPORT IMF I ERS FROM HIKHUH.K I- um.oaal tvaatoa al Utter ( la WBl Not I at Haar Sea l.lafck to Prar. ctattaa aad l.aa al RifhO. he Orcjronian's Washim ' ites: t is the purpose of Secretary 1 to bo conduct the Irtor- wtnicnt and so interpret I public lnnd laws an toaciunl- ,aid ev orjr bona fide ontryman l"avorinp to est;. me on the public domain. pvtary (Jarfield holds that the were enacted fur a pur and so lonpas the law is not ked. he intends that the entry - shall enjoy its provisions. -i lonjr as he acts in rood shall have the encourage nd aid of represent:; he deiiartment. In ether ..rfield is pro air theory tnat is honest until proven tru i 1 1 v- - human enough to recof honest men make errors ii lo not lay them, or should m. liable to the law. tding of Mr. Garfielda annu- x'n will convince any man there has been a phncn n- n almost incomprerH ns i in the manner of conduct- i pari men t. tr Boorstar) Hitcl tnient and General Land wtary, proceeded iie public-land prevent ng public lam comply with .. irroutiu iminal prosecuti" aced in the path honoot, as well an the dis- nd Mr Hitch- with the1 record of having rived hundreds of hon- llers of their lands. I thieves to up lurce tracts under hit oaa ina report oi aeera- arfield will carry encour- tv etitryman who ing to acquire public lai.d honest purpose. It i- a iieerinif docun id is Deal- b the general public land iirheld Hi ten ami and uct- it is quite as much I aid the honest entrymen aim pumsn me uis en try men. Kortuna: de, but in many instances. careleaanaat or ignor- nonaaoo are maue wnic-n utry. It is there taary that the urn by tlu- local rotary (iarfiehi sa: N henever the facts warrant, 1 confer with persons who are ac I of usinjr or holding land illefrally. and if possible and pro per. elTect a settlement m obtain return of the lands to the asjs ernment without litigation. Under the former Administra tion there was no such effort to settle cases of this character out RAILROAD WORK IS RESUMED only instance in the IciftcTt) k LOR COOII IMUNI Northwest where the two war rURRms SWIM lli.lNs o IIW Ml BRWCH. OraVr Own Oat la 4raiMc Mca 4 Mater- tola at Onf Whfrc ta Sarfc Wat If1 all --Start at Oa.c The Sunday Orpfroniaa says: ring systems agreed i build and use the same tracks. This feat ure of the construction is also decided InMietit to Portland, for the completion of the Riparia I . wiston line- nie.'ins the adding of 1 SI miles of now railway b the lines that row radiate from Portland as a center. Thiagreemont, made in ISWft. 'II in force and the North in of the courts. Every offender no matter what his motive, look- After the suspension of construe ed for a criminal court record if tion work Mooted. Incidentally, while rvernment made a striking nictions in Oregon. ". "" """"" "" TO, : ptetod and is being operated. it lost much of the land in con- "' '"'ro" raurojuis. t,enerai This lnU(i w lIt strVl, a wh,,at (ii! in the state for the acitic is now building its Lewis- M.it..A.ih. k tii,on ton Grangeville line. Aluit 16 umi i v ' it iv iiii i, in. linn i lines an- to resume the building of miles of the nad has leen txm- SHiimis UK mi to sk IRt) UQISI T(R. tiiw In Ihw WMk ihc Dr.Ulmi RrakkH at Mrkaa ta Tr tm I nilnim Caialr lliiaat aSI la Slwtf MM the wixil growers of Ore v. ill ask the next legislature I . coyote bounty law w;ts annnineetl todav bv shtMn eom- n headquarters and it i bio that the sheep count i r O'Rrien issued onlors trict that is unexcelled in 0c Pa- eMlern Oregon will In? asked M tillei bounties until surd an act can be enacted. At the national woolgmwi i ' convention hsM in Helena it was decided to ask for uniform coy ote bounty laws in all the sheep raising states of the west Unit- d action is to be taken in hoiies ment is tola, recovering land n. and inn onenaers are not nesmircneti un- aria-Iwiston line at necessarily. fore the woi yooterdav to assemble men and ciflt Northwo t .ind will add er laal-la a-i n lili th.. Ma. largely lo the annual grain once, work It.. nage handled ever. ear at tin- will Port Harrow and Sattcl Vallr) The liKal institute, baking it as ' My Oarfiold favors OOOSO have Iven resumed on this pro radical amendments to the law feci, which was iilmost eomjiletetl prohibiting the inclosure of jiul- when the order withdrawing lir ll till Oht! OH lifr.tot li t U tit Li wOalI hiioIi.iii f. ..... Lk,.ii,.l tory of Agrkulturebe given this teiriton-was mads, . was rar) successful. r ridding the counteyoT eoyotss TT . ... rtl. Hill thl' I M-I'troll until ita.jM'ir.1 a- r toiHTtrnt the use of the Just as s.n as worku . meexening ession was esjHV- .,, , , ' " '' public ratsJO on permit system can be organizi-d. men will Im- '"' pleasant. Supt. Hamilton haaed either ntwin nn nen.ni'e or nut on the iob and within tin- spoke ill his brond milliled way ta, and regulated in ae comb months the new on school law, rith the pivuliar and line will be completed. Thsworh sstMbh s.int Wh.ii ih,. the b oners. special needs and cus: II along. i- lie further recommends I th' timU'i and rWinil TO URIn.iv troopoadosit) Mien have detenu make a i most entl tort to se- ' 'ohtinental from which man) were gained by rest of the led; program consi .ed or solon. read- OB had in' I a w.int vn hours were spojH in BOOCJal OpfJO n and the ''ridge wa j crossing the Clearwater lacked ptopk retired to the Amh but little of completion. Tbeen- hall wh. put tiki Nit oi of all railroad ttsl SVOntog in a OOCOsI dance. 1 I'mished m. . , toaehsrat I e I ended the local Instil Would be .,tnrHlnv which is to b ''tv. on up tl into i lldl Int road, there oriii i doing in this pari of I It will mean a I line out of here to the Sill b :n,, I he M ing of Kugene the second i it in size in I u shown by the title of the new Portland. BugSI . the two leatlinR cities in Kugene beinj ' with the metropi lis in ilus bbj en- an advertis. men! lew of our . fully appreciate. Bufldlnt of the road to tins , with extension across the moun tains east, al o nee and on to Ooos hay. will cs Kugene to grow n hs grow n before. I NO I It I INll lliitiiiiitf Ii rSfMddsn u mi pises siijittnlng Burns, I r- Hill I ). .cut' ll c II VOK(tTI. .... . . . leststsssssssisssssstse Passenger Associat ion a special ( j finis .and audoth- ft will n tl. Tth- md who will attend the National ii to be held in the nicimp t July. This am .the r Portland Comn Club 1 night and : were furwarded Saturday to the D session at Colorado Iteach, California. The round-trip rates that will b bind and o r will make posjsjo u trty of represen. est men from all parts of -end them on a apodal train to DottVOf wh' : will b. legates in at- the special attractions of the Oregon el ring tb- season. tern and will U-TJ mil. "ho cool will ... oceguiea am omers ,, ,,, m ( mi!'. banfaVIOOOk' 000 tation builtl- and other items of exiiense iM- must pro id w w an ' i ! i.i-' on w-ii- and Sin d will do tb. ir part towards secur ing a bountj l;iw b.ii amount thoj will seek to have oil. i. d for , uyoti -.alps h;W Hot ,. boon deelded UMU1. but, according to Dan P, Smyths, n of the Sheep eonunis- ilasj, the di prohabl) a-k for a ifcj bounty, o Inch amount i under I he old law. Until such a law can be secur ed the sheepmen would like to 00 the different eastern Oregon' " counties offer local Imhu i' basV to oafgnv nee the exterminating '"I ,"'1 'besting "i work at Ot I llus mil It Is Brown's Satisfactory Store FALL and WINTER OPENING RvtfJ thing to tempt feminine fancy I VM UOItSTKOS. VKLOt R SCITINOH WORSTED l ITINliS, KANTV IIKOIM LOTUS IKK OIK TIIUtlT LOTUS. KKKSKYH. W()RSTssM CLOAKINQS For Women and.t hiltln n Klankets, Oiilin? Flaaiets, Embroideries WtiMI HI I Vk ISTS. IRKSI(. stjl is WMMrlNS HHU'l'liHH. l.til I lil.OVKH NEW WINTER CLOAKS I or I -ntlifM and Misses To lie Shown in a Short Time I Mothen with little ehildn J need no . . roup, . ild a.Y " M W TfV T Si S "V aV T0 -r whoopmv. cough, K... I I . I W Si I M Vj alive Cough .- nip tastes good. A. s XFJ-ivV Tf JL 1 XJL k-VfJLlk 9 I id through the bOWStS, clear I the head. I ant.id. Sold by The Welcome was , l'liarmac . liurn . Or I i I II II" ' I be rRKMI' 1 lie : ey Valley Brewing Co. 0FXJ Mi,.,..!, ttirrrn nf like!) the sheep comm A ill a-k the various oOUnt) I for. Ai I h. orork ki com pleted, i , it the lii" The Ih- SUI ' and ballast- d for th. tance und the bridge completed. This stria ly tin - with the i v 'i the oroetion ofonsapan. The bridge i-. iK-ing built b) the engineering try A Willard. of Spokan. on of the rei. of the line I ing d mt or by B & N. Company . Hamilton was a btl ' ' hrii,i f"r tnd Sunday. olporpsH producsd the woolei L the only wa in which be et.nnin.ll. u masked Iwl I by a bount) las. During tho roon i t month a gam ml m ado against the predaton animals has been waged all ovogtitoatojto At a recent school meeting and. sums stod luw beset don. plans f"i bouse wen Oi man near Arlington hs n people and accep I sorted thai ha kill., I M ,'..v,.i. Mi- Elm Marshall oro tor ban sy. It is stab d will bo liven in hall Februarj 1 1. i ill" Am. I v l i, n " i II. )i HI III -Uhl. ll, ., I I illll. i; . laiullv I rmk' Solkllatl - I'rve Dchtrrv T. E. JENKINS, Manager 1 ..................................... ii.il sss I lie maleriai tor the I. mill ing will cost $.Vi7 and when finished w ill conven ient building. d ill St oaa, TKACHERS' tMisllo. ng tit. nlli'i.n eimnl- I., en i i ' m . ir t .i IVillg l.i ( aolull I 1 1 ! ii" hi ! ' I, i (Hi HI N A ' Krllfia IsrvtSI I ir.i I I, un I. i I l.,l 'i that the i Har- The time it will take u. nut un e County will hold the regular un of th oxammatioi pplkanto for u at Lowieton will depend upon c eounly iain-rsat the teals of the I'lenrwHter Rival. An sstsnd orkd in the but unl( Billings. h speaks of the vast amount of I ul,, ,(. matli.r xertlsinf Ort'on w 1 pa,ers ui inm jUbl hw Mia,,v nR.n wj, ,. state as a direct result of the courthou in i as follows: i 0J 01 n rsri.ns. -4-t to work on the Mirfneirii nnd ;';"' ';" : (-';'':' 'i'' bsJksting of tho Una depends round A number of Eastern poopk If cold any are anxious to esubi. particularly those with fro. II necessarily pro- i .' :... f . a w j u . a . H i-U.ti thesea capiuu oi irom ii.ia.aj u zo,- ceetl i n if the that 'ith the now -comer putting ground leral Land Office and the in from ? 15.000. duion. At anv i-ute justas many raly for obtaining 1'ortland has i job ing thatj.. reat "Inland Empire will bo koot Ul ne our- It is the duty of th which sis-nds all facing and ball.. -ting will pru ning Wednesday) Fob- ruary I .'clock a. m., and continuing until Boiurd I m. Wedi Penmansl Ip, his- pelling, physical gi Thuradaj Written iinihmstic M..O omn 1'nda-. nmpnal Baturds) Botany, plane goo law. us. ning and m -con s have been made, bt work How being don. is all gratuitous n the part of ' .ind it is II not Im us vigorous as it " il a reward -.I .J were -umio Kumla '" aaeh animal killed ' At Dr. W. II. "'"" 1 tor, left " v I Irwin sill pn h m foi to make an h. tin ii o the .sheep in the bmhUi t a. in. ' . in l iblislh - .ul l Will !' away about tine,- mil, n, i Ot0 in ich of In UN) county, where BSSJU Hh) a ctd. wstl ilau ( Iter al lbs : Hai-ny Valley Brewery Saloon V(Hh MUSKS Oh' ALL AN 'iffur of lit! Quality hl.SO A i.MI.IS. IfSSSSSSjSW, Hums. 1trrvn xist than in olh- I "Us. While aW he will new county deputies in and arrange far dtp sjoaaan ui. 10 UlNSOI.UMII MAUI I IMS I lliii iii v "vii"! ui .' .. r. i k Moh Kundaj sod u ! illVilSlil ll I Mil. I . .11, ..' I Al lie I'f lb) nun . i limn- I .1 Kami Huilds) I ! ' Ii un un I. o.'i , ;io p in -., boo! i in ii morning. THE CAPITAL SALOON, i ma ii .v DONMAJf, rVaattotomi Burns, Oregon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. agent to aid the i ::.. 1 th, a iong the whole line sirnul- ii all of these eases, and I cordial rsessstsssL Two hm lied taneouslv. a small armv of sev- ' ' Hon !'.!,. MounUii. Itai.nl he aisjaoariataon is large and fifteen uer. .,, cunnn inaa will le ('ominencing W dne.sday. Feb- Transit Line, under one manaife- uploy the kind of party, the trip it made under ruary 12, at 'j o'clock a, in. and ment .Mil. bead M at numi auspices of the Sjsjkane Cham'. 'mA of eontinwng until Friday rabruar) Ibirns. ptaWe that iheie v. ,:i amerce and Nalla Valla ; opera- 14, al I o clock p. m. ibis . dation would m- ielays in the congested Commercial Club and the enter- tion of this oiece of railroad has Wednesday iVnmanshin the Burns-Vale. Hurns- Ths fact that dela. receive hep will been app. till and iis-Diamoiid lines and the I Kellogg of the Hum. Vale lage lino wa-. this week looking after bus 1 1 I he I im. If. i. dd has h1 auth it Mr. Keli. . .as bringing about the mgeirient of placing all MBHUS A I MUU HOURS me , lines, who ine esaon (be Lssc Msr RESTAURANT ' rrant th index of tluit ect bj hy- ir. on points wh rriman people. It opens Thursday W imetic, ing any -lurnobc of a m i making i. oi teaching, grammar, aatioii. Th.v (u:- f tl He public laud lav. Of the public lend, bu' ,, turn to tb.ir hrxnrf a method liadaW which bt obtained bv those ds- ijik wikwo oj lumoer art' to use then, legally ,,avi, ., Voriiihd t u ly. The highe.st use '.. i anama Canal. is the mak.: in. utmobi care sbouiu ten for other purposes Lpable of i nomesiead act; on the we mu.-t out I be used us a 0 Valuable timber land It comes up in a colla) apply soreness and inflamu. for any form of Piles; it oootheo . , itch- , ir.ir :,rirl bln-nin U.,. .. Till.. e nrst and lortmost ma, '-" f"1 ratari Hitchcock to medy. Price fA) eta, Guaran tee. mjIU Uy the Welcome Phar- with ' o 0l h i Portland, 11 the Ur at Portland. Although the idal of ooatoatioa between th Ii H and Han terest ing b OS t mi- of an . ii the two mt ture. ,, truly, L M. Hamilton, jnty Superintendent it Hsible, convict who had knowingly lse deliberately or violated any of the He never favored he macy., Hum. Harney, Ore. I known fact that psrsoii do aot from kidney di.-- of Pineules at night usually relieves backache. , $1.00. Your satista l harmacy., ton and the Northern Pacific, l4J" J' ww sssassswi saw which ha.-, a branch from Jevsis- : ton to Culdesac, Idaho, was to build from the latter point south- liuy your seed barley from Hari tiki "";' the I me : .vis- SOW ious com bops to thu inm ..( naoo bv j... lag ,i n. alb r ii, ol all - adipiart. i , on Mi Kellogg's line will bo moved I,. .n under detail., i !,; , ,, u Weeks but it seems the party adaausjg ve taken ehargsof tho o would lary Whether thi.s is all " ds In the way of the arrange at prSSSnl Is not known. However, it is understood that sn agreement has boon made and may be d to ffeet at any time within the near futm Bakery in connect A pcciall; ( oJhii i b Te'. I . thu mark. ,11 rda V"ur i Mil' Mill. l ( T THE i i nUia ataW nciuii -aaBaaaiBMBMaW R " ,,, maj al olul UoaiMiia. la - ssaZ'aW-- M. anunuvi n i i iwun ;:.':. fl CailftlTHU my STOME o.. I lor r? lea Lll S Circulars. ! I. L LEWIS litlai laf U (oroisl PARTICULARS and PRICES Is aajsat osdriof INFORMATION. Sooha r eouPAMV. ai. DESIGNS. 1 sa a . " "-BT M a wxm tat ia'uiBH a The Burns Flouring Mill J "i STUKfUVAfir, Piopt. j Mn 1(0' i IK MILL I'HOU: IS USED j J '' i ihii, tl iKtthii tnit ho, in the (has. H. iavis at Harney. W. VV. Brown, the sheeD and Hama , a dis- From lUUOio 100. (JOb nounds 41.41) wanted to land cattle king of three counties, is tance of 55 miles, and both linen uerhumh.d i . .,, er into the criminal in attendance al the stockmen's are to be one-rated jointly bv 2U.0OO oounds at 1A cent ner ic carried out his pur- rsssjaar bars this week. Mr. both com iiai oound. Wheat 1.40 tier 1(S) as possible Note Bixiwn reports an easy winter on There was nothiner com oeti Live Brinir vour niunm and y. i ih. In lus report Sec-' his ranges Prineville Journal, about this building, perhap I uvai 0sS lu EaaUrs Orcgou Indication points to Hill, ' '.-rests at least, as b bsl ii i i -aland, Kugene & n Itailway now built out of j i. u. "u w tti aa . . Ii ' HM Kvcry 1 1 1 i -o IOC. MERRIAM I .. bpriasflald. K Milicienl i nuicit ur a i i,l n, . , lit (n .sni,(i ih. cauntry ii i, FLOUR, ROLLliD 1IARLEY, CHOP, AND All Kinds of Mill Feed always uu Haud III HM tllUHtSI NARafcl PRICE PAllt I0R kOtfil MILLMfc WMtiT CUSTOM WORK DONE : Good Seed Wheat for Sale j i THE TIMES-HERALD