; d tl fi k W & o Dh o M in it. i M ' Thr Ttuir$-$rrafd. I I 1 W H V ft T The Tin some laws and nil timU'i n public land ' La;- ajra;:. i : ' the htaMasaker and ca It be; fore v ..re familiar land law- ai agi at fw. i a rel n of :h- Of I made it a custom, under managemer uammi tbmam vw md e year? but for once .. imtance course especial: asked by old time I -have apjxir Hmm . : pa-. purdles.- of jarv. -:?. commend IN first ii fit of Ha: al bono- house of r.ne - in ot BJM tocrat has bee: Bun. for the oAee U make him i lit aum our ri it. Severs, of the frie ard of this citj uj the public in office of state rej and Mi Mr. Howard is a pi of this m fought the Indians in L Gretfoi. sjooj; about the :ai aom kidd.i' thoroughly con verba: Jg conditions hei " 11.1111 rh mnnfan . VMM. . mm rasjd . D : I .. ueciUeU . t i I f I I iSBBl IsbbV the critic report we A0 1 The OVERLAND HOTEL of !inn:r Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils Varnish, Building Paper, roof ing, Builders' Hardware Wood Choppers' Tools Stoves, Granite and Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, Etc TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKS Camp Stoves any D scription made to order -..ii J AmnUto 1 inA of run anu wwnii TIoTn Hardware. Guns, Ammunition "fineerng Co. y l Sporting ijooas . Yours for Business GER& CUMMINS. lesja, saloon. :ind. -. i Civil . MiMUi . S IttltuTMtt u'h Offsn u "CJSITS: CHRI5TMAS GOODS 5 A omplete Line of Everything ild be Usefu a 5TIYIA3 PRE ENT (I 1-tns Meat Market lliUI. nrT SIZTwJil f 4 1 jpfyf Liver Shh vv V v- ABukC &. OALTON nWhrt !'; Oregon HflU ii ""U Burns, "ssw liardv Implement bv Bctr. St. . : interior Oregon S Traveling Men an; lists Oregon m V7y NS UVfcM AND FEtl) STABLE. CI I i An 4. ERY AND GLASSWARES .LD! 1 .munii . cv N J. J. TUPKER OPPOSITF OVERLAND HOTEL Bur 18, Oregon I . t' '. A C GREEN RIVER WHISKE1 -w. Rm The welcome rharmacy, JDurns, Uregon. ktu M italieadac .... slim Fuuni tirLUr.' all the kc IK, E l); STORE J. C. W dcurae Jr., Fr opt. THE IONS HOTEL U ilM BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON ib 8 IY ??, Prop Rough and Dre sed umber, Hustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawm.l o Burns. Good Road. Yard in Burns. i.n. K A JACK CI AVA D iiaivAiii.il WINES, LiOL'OKS and CIGAR DKY I00DS, HRMSHIMiS. SIMS. IU1S AND UPS ' -w vrl ItLL. Club Rooms in Connection aoosKBi Ceoeral Blacksfflithifl8 and Repair Work. oun .d owigiiij; . w .ui- c 1 1, f "0Kit SHOEING A SFtClALiy. Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drinks. Conftc- n . . iVTHIK UKoPiN irrv riwr. nMt TAk Custornarv Prices. tionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Fo! -s 0 id SUDd( . Localed and Urnnti . anu J " flOaio St., 1 n, Or youp Pitro. n. si i 1