The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 25, 1908, Image 1

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    fh !"imHr!d
I- , 'V li i !'i . : ..i II Hit If Ox
liar tti larvt rin-nlatinn and in on
tlif lt MfafMHa nttvliiima in K.-
9t flrtat Mnrnfg Couttlru
I'ihiti an Hi. I .I - arr ol
lamli 4,SM,M1 m rrm yr varan) fobjrel
In antra nnilar th imlillr land lawn of
NO. 10
ROM This, of course IRRKM1 ION T hi OUTH. completion ot the ".tad.
does no. include tickets sold to (lf J" toaJ? ,n 'i
the Canadian Pacific. "; T-. m.vt this line
..., V....ikA i- i,Kr uiii ni iVVi: UIVL'W iT fiBI T I'llST TT1IU n runs, nHHim.ui ri.K'""
'II' l i'"mhmi '' -a. a ix a -rr b.b,,l. ! " ". waaaaaa - -
imin Caaaaaak Cam lactr
led VgattallMK Will Pa' In
craanfd tart. Hawever.
mads whose ticket- catnc around
by way of Puget Sound. The
Oregon Development league has
made the ookmist i chief
feature of its won. The l'ori
Isnd Commi -ivial Club circulated
400.000 leaflets with this low
rate its central feature, and pro
are also to work on a line that
will ran from Natron, Oregon.
southward) Together, then
.. 1 J ..... . ...It l..lllll iI
Ctractta. al Blear I akr ami rkr Saath "" W 1""" " " ""
BraiKa Caaal ni Rrcelx lai- much): ' '"
aardlatc tttrattaa. til' lillC ItOtt lifOT-
nia and Oregon.
m 1 BB 1. A. . I I a . I ... a . .t II . I . . . ... ja japfc I1I1Y-
I.lepram says. rain iunpntral fcatnr,.. and nn- mrn in icniif ami, M.enm. inrwiimuihnvn ''
most duty has been haWy r() advertising ever done ,Rkt nd Mirroundcd by moun- h a rich, Band) ''am. of lasting
by the railroads entering .... ...... Rttr in ... rnjon nas tain ranges with forests fertility. It appears to be a mix-
;!and hi the fight thai they l ' h.ttr mult ol almost incalculable timber ture of disintegrated lava, volea-
i making for a reduced a, .1v tn,, Il(. far,-s that value, the Klamath Basin of On ash and earth. The lake and
way colonist rate for tn; wjii KO i- t under the con n has heretofore remained Ian- marsh lands soon to ! iv.',.um-
ar. While the victory :, ,nn . pff-tive this ana almost unknown, rsov ,1 01 volcanic ma-
it to be thrown open to the tirial and the decomposed vege
farmer. the lumlerman. the tabl imnlationa of apes.
I 1 1 NI Murph; m 1
, i
,. Netett
m Hun.h CaaatracM TaraafM aalra-
1 ' tn Ot4ra Warrt lll I aa
lt aa Fkifrk I liw
1 lion work has stopped
on of the railroad 1
Hkte, but the fact OJOM not re
ant the newsjvaHrs from build
Rf a fi-w air linos, when" tho
up in .1 .
iule w th a no. I- . , .1,. to apply
to tin m and inflammation,
for an form of Pik
and h .11 . h Iicn.-s the pain,
inp and Inirnmp Man Zan Pile
Remedy. Pi Uuaran-
mac .. Bums, reilHain
Harney. Ore,
For a BA boras LI :nk. t po to
needed The Salt ljke .1 r Welcume d Son.
Mo nature 01 a compnmise.
tviR moan that there will he M
vinpof the tremendous rush
seekers to the North
cominp Sprinp. aii inien-st
be'n fiphtinp for the
idmittinp that the $5
MM above the colonist rates
have no deterrent effe.
stream of Orepoi'-b.und et-
. far as the local territory is
mi, the Hill roads an' the
lines that opposed prantinp
iMRMl rate this year, and
n Hill formed a combination
; rtain of the lKtwerful
ern roads, ajrainst the lower
it looked as if Orepon had
delivered a body blow, as
Washinpton and t'ali-
I'nfortunately forWash-
wasn t a line lajv
. ilu.t would stand
I tipht lor th. 8I Middle
It and S2T Missouri River
.. and so strong and
as the Hill and kindred 0D-
Ion that the mads fa
saw there was
vinninp. and
the tWO
fiddla West rate at M
..: ,itiri uier rule ut s.m.
i" roads which deaan
for assisting the Coast
in keepinp up their rapid
of settlement l Kastern
made indivi loal de
the former rates of
1 OR, N.. Rod I-
. d the C R &y. In oth-
.id of two other
wlipK'd th trant
nist season rate.
From Kansas City, St.
Joseph, Leavenworth. Atchh
Cuncil HlutTs. Omaha. Siouv
City, St. Paul. Minneapolis.
th and Winniiiep. $.; Das
Memo, M
Oklahoma. $35: Proria, :'. 0M-
ansville. $4; lndian-
axlis. $40; Mempbis. st2; Iuis-
ville. $4.'!: I'incinnatti. MS; le-
troit. $44: Cleveland. $44: Nash-
I i is positive that the Bam-
I trie road, now well
slonp towani completion, is the
fmitpmw aneher, There is no More productive ming Salt Lake terminal of the
ville, 46; Pittsburp. $41: Toron- 'n nais "" n et.mpiei.-o
eja-n.mflir. j?. Ttirm nrhnm anu waier
lartly by the irrigation work in the world. .ides, all out b the Governn n-n. siipar beets,
and partly by the cominp of rail- alfalfa and liuil of all kinds
way tranaportation. duosd ..luindantly on ?;
Th' 1 States Government lands. For these crop-, as well
is carry inp out plans to roclaim a for rattle, the gMen and th.
and irrigate 2ia.iHHi acres in the timln'r. the railrojui SMMI th
Klamath region. One of the way to the markets not only of
the Co st, b 1; to the whole
was made availaoie country.
for several thousand acns last At present then no gOVUm-
The (Jovernment's work ment land RMM Itt Settlements
is divided Into two .u.d there will noi be any until
drowlai iter supply frM tha bwar ail raalaiMad
uiiKr Klamath knke. the Ian- , m. antinie ih. Covernni.i I
navij r in ,s rarniabing water (lor prlmtalj
the Wast Tbabt) of the land owned land whicl the on
from tins lake MMg Mai if bat hoidinps exceed
can : (,4i aires. Simil b il 1 I
surtimjmfm.f witmoit WAfal an-a by pra ity. : ike. in M fumiah water to noa raaidai
ia, will b than euouph t.
Farmers w ho h;. I alfalfa ' mamd- ; .,, ,.
out on the pi.-. lnr ths
resents forces .
wh. n i;i ' ""' fiirmin;
ful alfalfa will
iter atm
. I flri
eultivattd irripatl-
ilt i vat- ",,' l" from $-' to I
it will : ' "nd for 10 fter which the
n -allow under the dollan vr rigbf Dl PMl
I'anuilH'll uu.m. thai object I 'he prm- without furthei iln-own-
from Ijinder Wyo. Interview -dp
a man who claimed to know,
he Tribune printed the follow
"This is no dnam. my bO)
Here an-the blue prints. They
m rou ths r. ite. The North
in. sun Bnansa, r
tlanta. 151 ( ,ville
.M : W..
lialii more. $! !' " ". I
York lity. $55.
Thes' rates will entHls ooaon-
go to any point thni
the Sl I repon.
Alfalfa se.l tor J. .1 1
burp tVr Pal ton's.
o 1 k r -in'.
HenllnR i (bri. hl.'M upon sij
pi . 1 ilitini r..ini
r- il
C il "i in
Moihers with little children
need no lonper fear .roup, colds
-tern railnmd is now built to or w lumping couph. BSM I
,iler. Wyo it differs from ative Cough Syrup tasus
that transcontinental lines in I ft works oil' the cold through
that it traverses. md will travel-.- I, ,,,v , jv clears the head Q
In t portion of seven states, antced. Sold by fhi Welcome
From lender, the Wyoming,
X- Pacific railroad starts.
: . the w.-stei M and southern
-ion of the Northwestern to
bt north and south PacUk 1
From Lander nasi the last mm
prade that bj n -w ready for the
"A water piade is f..i
.1 .1 the Cnen river 1
.U.iii To miles v., 1 fr....
ml then the Cottonwood
lowed up t the -ouree whence
the continental div i.le
BMMjh a tunn. I :'.. UNI !
. npth and at M " 7.
Ofl f.ei. Than doe
to when- it emptii into the
Brown's Satisfactory Store
Kmt) thing to tempt feminine fnncy
For Women and.t hihlren
Klankcts. Outing Flinnels, Embroideries
M..( I Ml W MMTM. IH-M. OAQUgg
woMI n WHMTKRM, i;oi.l i.KiVgg
lor Indies and Misaea
To hv Shown in a Short Time
Pharnia. v . Iturn I I
H 11 '
. 1 i:i-r--i-i
oulh fork of the .- er lo
inir to irerminate and kill all we.-d cipal item which is ui tin-base of the Caribou MOMV
seeds in the surface nil, retail ruc- thai -ut of ,r it.- placer and
put th land into tl,,! !ear Lake dam. which prodnead fl dapoaltl "I 1'old. and
aHI mi settlei th. lower and of star
summer fallow - - about 25 fottl ah ,t,utui r liMemia produced trfntah county, Wyommp
inp or grow il' in tl only
0 acm- acreage in neede
possible tilth. im'" B l pain-
lapandsnt b :,i, , lands of the
on the at i-ego-
danger ol killing frost is in LanaaO arid nittn.
iltivat- which 001
aaaakta kill the w.-eds and as the Uplier 0R-(tU I Kt II
I usiiociau- d sewlsov. distely. He- arnment has atipulated that be-i
I -iin.wmp them a 15 throughout th minen-
I oea eoio 1 mibSioHiI ilm "'th.-
Mnort '
aeoordiiiK to a
is th- junction point
(1 oont " -t down
i!i. river int. the
1 MM th-
pon si.oit UaaraUwaj i "'tween
! 1 Lakfl and Idaho lalU
I 1 he line continues almo.-t
I inp Lrfjsl nv-
. 1 r near the hip ranch of
Millivan of
hi ,es Wim-1 nvir south
. ., and runs throuph th
it is a wa and seed to land in these v. , ,! (, ( M : the late Senutor Arthur
The of the
.en- Wold
od tor the spring and
MM was announced in ,A ;i:;;fa with a nurse crop signed op under the Government
1 natfirnaai irum v ..,,..... The grain' shades the alfalfa to proji .las tooth range M MM Hdrtad, Up
much and robs it of the moistur. I:- !: to 1 j a ureal f r and indeed is p and silver dl
1 cent tun- re- neoeggmrj. lo currv it through the undertaken during the year is 0 ells I'ahfornia id of the Salmon kt
enacted b -imer. '! the building of the south branch nth kinds of I crossed south of the 'Ihunder
. -- Will not op- a- - - m auJ ... iU u,n, fn:il which leaves the a 1 reach' fhaall Ma ,,11 Lnrni' tt ItVi what . .1 mtwtmi utid
! HWM rrwis w ,u,v. ... m. ..... 1,l I I ll,,l IIKIIIIIM .,...., .
ia generally sufficient. It is usu- constructed main canal altout d keen ap turn ih. - eoittinUM wsst to the
wo miles west of Olene (, d vege- heul of the south fork of the
with u common tooth harrow. and follows a westerly courbe l- table, of those of p. n to the
irntst Mtad t 'U" ": Oils maturing a little later. Sik er whn-h la gMMSj
and .d way to sow it is canal wi d will add I Ths latter are ah nd tj mouth of tht Boiss rl
with a common grain drill with a ' lenor, in most i ip the '
grass attachment. For this pur- land to the project 1 i allowing doe , h rough Vale, the II
l i uo away wun nnumsi
OB the railroads M
. . -m
i aciliC L.OUSI wus aniiuuiiueu
yesterday . 1 1 idepandant
I to this etlec'. and been
:. by the BantaMra i'acitic,
R tern roads are e
ed to follow the lead. Be-
March 1. and eontinu
ii, it is announced, the
IH from th Middle
t to the Prcific Cwst wili
for home
oni uie Missouri Kiver ler-
Cahforniu will
tins announceiiieni inai
commercial bodies of
ii... ii .
liiinu unu orecuii, u wc-u ao
railroad ofhcials, nave bean
.'.1 they
nt of giving
- cam
id the colon a i
. nvnand the coinpron.
accepted, the magniheient growth of the North
US way af populalior.
liiaudiriai aeveiopmeni womu
been given ulmot, if not
a death Wow . As it is
there will without much
ie just a.s steady an influx
.. and atnrdy population;
bt ths Snrina and I
pose seeders shoul hat stru- been auth- , Oregon to
sad in- orized. Of course in u, the Pacta eMM
-' I .ical fruit i oranges, dut..-. i tal ks (MM the
rill. In dry localities whet icroai the Lost olives, etc Oi dot not c i oi Btai
. or no danger of Kiv. bars the water compete; but in all other fruits ip Salt river to Pail
gon the surf see the for some two mRm Must be ear- and In n 0 VNv. thenea southwest up Oow
drill should be set hi at heights varyii l'i it ;. all town M-
seed from one and one-half ' I the ordinary has Californi r. it crosses the Oregon
riches deep. In i It is proposed to 1; i"-ur per- gh railroad, then. e .south
ties the sed should n eaiis hap Hear Lake valley on th-
,ed so deeply. When all of the of a massive eai akment for they le of Bear Lake to '
seed is covered the proper depth carrying a water channel lii ' Ix'ing su,
h r, by ' limit-
Itlg Ml I
lands "i ih. v ! nd
i . It hirn M. h n
i,t " bui '
UK in to -
Mil ll I
Hating itnabta le a
I '. M,. ..
MNinii Jos
: ,. with Mr. 4 I' I ird
lilt nl M .ii I' i
-III til '
M . ,i t nv
KclllllM St l
-im, ,Ut I W . .(
naaSs) raoliia in I
I 0 .
it. t v .1 Irwin iii
I Qui I
month at II a ' p "'
MaUaath sehool
1 1,- ii
ttnl a
I In all
ha i sit attM I
Ai lbs I'" ban k
aras, Bee. v ' Iraia pi"r
1 1 i . i u,
-uinlitv a nf il Ii Sl I I
ii,, I 7'J0 in. rabltal I at
I" I, liing
Ik Lssc Bjaj
MBAUi A i Ali-j HOJRt
Bksry n Qortnaatiori
4 Squall ul Short IliStn.
Oil .V.I
iht stark i !
ey Valley Brewing Co.
M rttnihhftWVfl of
xo Boda
I amllv IraiW Silkllti I rrr llrtlvery
T. E. JENKIN8. Manager
la; i a kmj, .mI f lau ( leer al the
Hajin y Valley Brewery Saloon
GOQD i husks tn i i mis
Cigar ol IUmI Quality
Ski SOS A f.l.V, Manngrrn. Iturn. Of
IKlM II A UllNKUAN, l'r...rlH..ra
Burns, - Oregon.
Crvlco Xixlo H.d.q.aartxai.
VVius Liquors and Cigars.
liilliaril and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.-
1. 1. LEWIS
Will be ties' la itrsita
Te MjtMi ettirief
01 SOiNS
than when aow
.Id it should '
enough I
fa. It .-.hould i
make it cut depth.
.. gj
harrow, the SBbSJ i to
'une Kiv.
ii ,, ...! i ;. ill raiae
:n thew hut in
the g
f Kla ' h 'I'jalit)
I, taken
i nee o)
HhandpU ' ' ''"'" 'jr yit H-'k, if he want, d to, i
' n ami ,,( , ,u iJUii,i
I iway
rid BIS . h t'-rl i.i li
he vull.y
ith ' I
ii. II .
"As i have aa 1 the ',afnler
er road will In all probabil
.ed ait ii t" Salt
ike. Mr. litnlxrKer, you
now, ha.i th. i,ehia ev-
i granted by the city,
'in his traiiift right up to the
redaru1 i
i- lao desirea. irmiM 'ml live-
in front
,lisna jJLcEAPUTlLAJ
ihacticalltB Ip ait
..or mxi H awd aw
aatautnui rrk- ''
O Ujn. j iii Circular.
c.rrr tho best
-.0 uav eacn. u iouii u mnv. ,
'' IfW aaaur "J - - -
;,0u0 homeaaaaars came to in,nl jUiit aftel. removing a hay
... i. a.... ,i... ; croo or at any time when it has
Ull tt.', UUIII;f! tlit ., t
ii.iured ii;to Portia
As it is well
ed the more cultivation
ter. This method of
fa requ
but paying re
eminent. 1' I also
other towns at the rate ot
a day for the two
I it eager Agent
iam McMurru:-. .!
lines in the Northwest M-
tluit durinir the year 19P7
hirriman lines liandled 13,-
ir tne same lime in iswaj h
6alJ0, an increase of 4863, or
aet to rui
in ii si Al. I in.
. the roots d. lot for
arrow may be pui
Wuhuut tin .'i ull this
work would count lor nothing.
. . . win
It is a well known fact tha
v- persrjna living in the Pine t
do not suffer from kidney
I tt 1'ineu.'
night usually backache
turn.; will lc- obtained so much So the south 'idly :i0 davs' tretmenL H.00. Your
quicker and the alfalfa will last building northward, from Weed
so much loiter if sown and cared shajjU roUW. di. .j
m.trlf i niHtitte.1 Piinevilh- rectly to the town of Klamath Burns, ., I I Haineu., Har-
Journal. rails. Ihi.s year will see Hi
kll I ID tUI I
Oscar Schafer brought a fojt
und wing of an eagle to this oll'u e
i.ciay. The bird MMJIHMJ
at five inches from tip to
The bird was killed with a
dub near Mr. Schafer's hoiu- on
Wall creek by Jhn J. Murphy
Mr. Murphy found the eagle and
a porcupine fighting. The porcu-
liue had the eagle down and Mr.
aeajtl '.l.'e4
f J ,wblu -rail '. . 1 ')
I. ,
lahara, Syla-'tal4. MmJ
The Burns Flouring Mill
j )a aru traVANT. prop
mm HO' ' 1.K IIILL PiOCESS l I Ml'
I' a 1 1 II rtu i ,,,,, m very ft I
jm radius 100 mii$S " '
All Kinds of Mill Feed always uo Hand
111) . IM. HNItSf MARktUPRItt PAlUi I0 htW HUH WW
Good Seed Wheat for Sale j
Job Printing.