rhe Times-JIerald. I I AROKIT CIBCOLATIOK of ANT KFWBFAMU IK THI8 OOCKTY. MTmiiM, JM'KV l. Iv Local News. lob printing The Times-He raid R. A. Miller was in town Mon- For a 5A horse blanket po to .Velcome Son. Al Coleman, of Suplee. made tily a flyinp visit this week. Grant Thompaon waa acen on i- streets the first of the week. I. R. Jenkins and Jim Paul ne over from Happy Valley iterday. Lundy. who has been iy sick with pneumonia, is ich better. rchie Croas and Pen Cozad of alley were in town the t of the week. Vhin and Charlie Spurlock m River Side. were busii tors to our city this week. .lohn Daraey is very' ill at home of her parents in this Irs. Thos. Allen has returned f I' lianch where she has ' rn visiting her husband. .ur wood-choppers ool ; Voegtly's. .lust recci and the liest makes on the -k-t. rank Kuney la bw fnm i V . understand sou i nis sheep interests in : mie.s Jot Cmrk ami .!. n Harney itives .da. Pioneer Bank of Harney County THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Burns l MTED STATUS IWOSITARY Capital, Surplus $25,000.00 $17,500.00 Hr nfTer thr facilitir of a utrong. icrll vquipprd hank for the rendering of prompt not i factory rrricr to our patronn. . Ir W 0. IU.htii, DtnltM. Offlc , in t!. building north of ii) a ivi on;. Stephen -.vnhalgh. of 0. Becker. 'line Falls were'in town ! ; torday making proof on their timber claims. Mr. N. Mever. eenior niemlxr of the firm of N. Meyer - of New York and San Francisco. is in town is'linp his daughter. Mrs. lon M. Prown. lfou want the beet Incuba tor on earth see or write W. T. Smith of Burns. Oregon, about the safety it runs without the lamp no exivnse. A recent issue of the Oregon ian states that the Pension Pu reau has 'granted the claims of P. H. Grav of LeWOfl and B. P. Bennett of Hums. If roa Intend in I. ml. I ' K4 MB UeateOi Ho will fiitni-li von plana, apsclBnstion. iloora. niiloim and hardware f.r nliout half what win dow" formerly coal Address him Hi I. w-n. Some fine thoroughhrodlRhode Islam! i;,d cockerels for sale. i this off"'. The NeO Windsor Par, tinder the management of I,e Caldwell. f the inot popular resorts tern Oregon Dftt m you have a thirst. our so. I laiii from C II. DftVii at Harney. From. 1000 to Ma,(JQfJ paaaea ft 40 '" .1 Oats from one to 20.ooii (HHinds at 14 cents per Pi No. 4 A Check Account amist you to anvo by pointing out untie ex-pondilure. rpii man w hoknov m Wheat $1.10 Bar H. your money and get the fci 0MTUAIY W nam Henney was born in I ..a Scotia, on Jan. :t. Is he erne to Colorado in ' mI resided there until one y o when he came to Burns. On .eil took up a homestead M Mountain He was taken sick ..ii the : of December. 1197 an. I .1 on thr t'.th of January 1! Nee forms of declaratory A CHECK account will furnish I able In . i with an accural. with luxtlfl Phe 1 4 ul IMOUnU spent. It k things that you do not n m expenditure be- the onea that mas.' the te you OM tell what was hill high. Might it h nible bought, when vaaj Bag it and l".n! doom I in. I t'n.m whom. This method will save a little earh m nth .' roil ahead. If you don't know 1 here you can save, a check account will tell you. THE HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Or Rl HNS Regular preaching services at -tatwivnK applications and C T t'ary la visiting in OUT R H tin. n. V. '. Warn-i. of Ijiwen. was Chicken dintif- :.t French Hot in town a part of the week. cry Sundaj . i of Harney waa the Preebyterian church Sunda Jan. 19. Tim subject for the forenoon: "Build Kige-er Soul. " and for the evening theme: "Tl Courage and i ei 4 Sin." I'lv Pro' i-essieej Mothen' Club will give St. Patrick's hall March IS. Thi mm this ball will tro low ml th Lwwwl of Diamond is in chase ei ami should be liberalli patron- !.. l. I Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lawen. W.tlneeday. Tun. If, a daugh.. A. S. Swain WhWA ' Wedne day to look aft holdings al that place. in town yesterday. The Hni- ntv National 1 Ban! ed I lot of new fur niture ti . the week which roofs, under the coal land laws. applicable lo the public lands of niie.l States, outaida of the of Alaska. I '..lopted anrj on and after March l. 190s no dedaraterj etata Mients. applications or proofa will aflowed In :::i.!i cases. ;. m-cuUmI np.m the new official former upon forma which are i acl dupli. Btes thereof. Inith as to wording, arrnngeineiit and laa l: A. BaI i im;ii. Commissi, hut I. I...I1 . r . 1 ( 111 tklai.... tk.i k r. . i iiiii ui iii jiiftvi' ill mi" Mfn ..mi i 1 1 . i ii iy I ii ill m k JUA. .1..: Mi:M k., ,..,. fllMI" "miivjiiih. a in in i" UVU'ii ii.;i:ii i niiiij uirMiin m r. Tlu Met low an & Nichols p year i Id at tab heir new ijuai tm iwn "ii leaa. and reports . neighlsirh.KMl healthy and paeeem (craft will give a masked 1 1 at Loeher'i hall, lars will I Jackson retunud the weak ti in Malheur count . having had :. -ii l l-idnpiK-. Ir. fonna us the buh is I v ill. stitter:ng frt.rn tK.th I and pnOO la. will .. their aoSraataaM t. ertb- consuh II. .' Hi.ii -- n Murns Meat Market before ig nams. oucon or lam. prepared t- sake aajn urdera at right prices. ii can get most anything in nee usually ca- hard people at C. H. Voegti '.. lock of groceries, hay uiui dress guotl f vegetables, drugs and :ines. etc has not yet arriv d can't Ik- uuoted. zad expects tea this week on a trip i" cur and Han. e counties' in itereat of his candidal-1 atic nomination for attorney ..f the ninth district At present Mr. d has e clear field for the siat.on at the hands of his Blue lit Kagle The thr. old child ..f Locber'a hall last niirht waa a James Keaaedj trable affair. ill with wh- ch. k Harris, m. Bjgfl The nonce .f Supcrviaor Bing-and Ch-.. Thompaon (real Mal- harn. which anneurs in this issue. , heur county are in Burns will l- -.(' internet to si Mrs. Nora Middaugh. v bo has 1 homi aniak. I harles Davis and Marcellus BJbewa of Harney n town .h.' first of the ind Pall will Ceidwell'a Orchestra Friday Jan. 21. Pmw. Come ererj bod aw. M from Hani. ndamect- l the stockholders of the Harney Caajg aal Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wils-.n Am who came doe n fron 1 1 d the Leap Mi aial Mr Bej Baa lith Tui.in. Alma and lt Da i Loggn r ; hnIIow and l-uth-1 Cha v. i (has. v Reed and (Jeorg. Hodder VaB . Mi Walker wav- mal rning for !' land wl td . on. Julian l.ir.l. tijiti.r ..l ihiN IUIVS' IMIRHITOUV n UtMMH) afternoon, the $10, 000 d . iiory for boya, to i. known .. Krown hall, the gilt of W. W, k county, i" Pend ion academy, was accepted bj building committee and it iWOCI ., ! .iImiiiI Lll Im. ho are atu ndiny ii . a. ad m The bull kt'n in . . ti..ii for the past three racticall i bait Saturday and tin- Mi n.M.i the buildini ommittae ; the academ) Uxd i ..er the itructure with tl ctoi . Rings D d the work. Stomach.' tioiihle. d i epaia, ladurestion, hi. atini ete., yield quickly, Two ,i treatment fret t vnr drug gist for a frei al Sold bj I'hi' Welcome Phai I ire Fred ii l'l M. ' I ,.' am " that all apph. nis a ithin the I Mountain (W t) Nation d i .hiring the acaaon i mu.-t he lil .1 in at.) otlic Prmeville, Oregon, 'ii or U ; !i'. braary W, WW Pull Ini mation in regard to th gra fees to le char ' 1. 1. ml. I !.. he used in making ip plication, will i.e fin in h. d upon I. mil -1 a. s. hu i mo, mm tilliallM. lax llilllll I1. IM..I. Ni i I la hereb) given thai all Applicalii.n foi i . mil to graze cattle, burets and within the MAI. Ill I RNATK M. KORrlST durini! tl.. of P.tiW, must Im- hi. .1 In in'. -Mi..' ! ! ! Q EUTLEMEU ! ! f ELY TIP" ' : P'i t ml-.s sstlng roy kit. 1 1 Mil nd INIER LINE b-fort you buy Cloth I I. i-i ihcm in Ike Knhel snd ), ..I I' I.I.Hlll.llll. LJll.dlllVl on iht i . You i in h .v.' .i onl front SIXTBBN DJbliARB UP . ... of iroeeara from FIVB DOLUARft UP ! guarantee a fit ar rniafcX J'-eb m k 1 IsarVAi A JLa A Vaaavflr ' ' M fflV JaJaV . w 1 -Wm r 'Eaaaail H S Tl f ami no nm ..I mil Alva Sringer of Narrows wa ted to leave Monda ;ma in this city the first of , visit in Mr. Wilsoa'e old beaai the week Be reported Mrs Ohio and other baton pints sreai n oi inner sufferinir fn.m the irrin. hut on the account of Mr. Wil- murning on the . ,. i jii mm umeaa may be detained for tage f. i . I,. . .....i ........ heatin new set of s, cabbage a :raut. Also a desert r hment lmiuire at thi.- afSae, Sheriff Richardson el Harney county was in Ontario during week. II. Harney counts prosperous and many new settlers' during the year 1U07. ( mtario Argus. Makkiki In Bunih Wednes day, 'Jan. 15th. Mrs. Marie Hart- ley.'of Salt Lake City, and Mr. Frank, Fuller foreman of the Harney County News Rev. I W. Holloman officiating. The -..-Herald extends congratu lations. Ladies' Auxiliary to the i.iartment will give a sheet md piilow slip hall on "Jan. 81.1 All maskers will Is 'charged 60 j cents am I 251 After maks are remov ed alii may dance without fur ther charge. I few da 'Iman w.m1 aaw and bar r is ready for buaaneaa and Au pared to go to any part of Har- eount iii- See him. Adam George has past i in nnt. For a small number of in- will ..ntion n session at that place. H wi . : n re in Dallas for a day or two to In- home next : B. Pofioak, a staged waa killed a week ago last night B seems he fell from the ntmin- stocktheraU' will be 10 eeni each, the . paaalng over head each month. A large rn i,r, ;iu,K , k yr number of stock beat -ne party pollock was als.ut 45 years old will be :tf cents per head -r and old resident of and munth. Ii aeg a wife and family. id Last spring's dark From now until February 1st, red heifer calf branded C E on Iwfila Btagald laaajjfj right hip and marked with crop aa all aawtaaj machines in order off left ear and up-r bit in right W make rH,m f.,r ,,t, , -ooda. ear. A suitable reward 0N the prices on the follow- baj i l and reliah C K M.Pheeters. '" While $a. io If trulj In. h .v- ii llie ll- i lOOgBsd Vnu en (i-im ur.- lln Ii i fi.r llii.- sllil ud fg- d Hale, and accepted I at John Day. Oregon, on or be fore March I. P.ux. Full Infor ini.ti.ni in regard to the grs inn lees lo Ii. cbatgeil. ami blank forms to In- ii-miI m making ii plicatiou, will be furnished upon re.lli St. CY, I Bll .HAM. Act ud.' 8u i uil.liiig and nli ased the contract i -i - fnm further obliga I oe luiildinu is a brick vnr lift Tuesday ,"' 'reme and i att ive appaaianoa it will In mi in piinls ami i with kitchen, dining iriora and i'v.i . . ..nveti- I iii a lirsl class d..r- i.a-i Nfeajoaaaa, a.. la 'i" mit' ' llliiM scllool IIIKM( M. ih. ailed lo order by I. nl. and after 1 1 1 - call and minutes were read the foil" nominations were mad. Prea., Neta (iei-r and Dell I id Pns , Zclla Irv ladge Miller; Sec.. Le ant! Florence Tboiniaon; Hoi iluchanan and Cusie II. Madge Miller wasap- I lltlC. ! .lowing pragraai was lab I . Bar. I point- The reinl. ll 11 The Busy Corner Store R HOME MADE MEATS Every Piece Guaranteed AR CUPED BAMS SHOULDERS, BACON Also Pure Lard de Right Here in Harney County A'hv buv Eastern meat when can buy better made at home encourage home industry oney gladly refunded if not sat-ail '""" "a' ctory Vaasar al -.-V0. Hum Come in bj atook C. W. (-LKVENGI i: INSUII mion 01 III I lei k At the last Jan. lf.th the lar meeting, 1 1 sl rt-poiinihili- i Hi..) il: r.ili.-. Vil iri-i- r ranlfd lrti- In naiin- Albert (iamegets formerly of ii engaged in the sheep l. u-mess, has written his i friend Peter Peterson, that be hi ( S I v ia Rebekah IKr-; I. O. bow la Seattle where he ftnda it iii-aile.l the (oUowing ad eeey toepend a dollar but net ! ur easy to , He says il Mike China or Japan there toi nimg secre- i ill hike for the beautiful high hill in Harney count) in tin ; ne may live, aaaoeiate with I peers, lie wnU-b that it will be Ineoaaeary to start soup houaee . up then winti i or put all such hobos aa -f in jail. He is like ile who leave the Ha' hool Star Spangled Banner. Curi ' nts Kaymoi.d Sitemore. Sol.. Klla Page. Song ' aha r..-aunfui BaUa Inst ru mi ntal Solo Lea hot jin. sin i Song I -vi joI Nillietiray. .!': Kesolve thai Harne Count) i ii ore adapted to Agri culture thai Stock raising. Affirinaiive: Mamie Winter, MUll I nl I IN l s, , Ml SI iii Um I mb4j sari " ih ifi.ii .. limn, v I .mill) In H.i .'.! Vi. . J -i..,li..... N.,1.. . i I . r. I.. ,,.!, II, I 1 riganj, A I i -t t m i . lato, linn nlwl iii !) ' llual mnionl bikI . llr.Ur.il i-lnl.ul. i I It. 1 U . ni,.rv ii. a '.ii. leaa . ID uVlucka m .tl ll.. . ....It li.JUl i . I .'.i liifl II.. lISM i"l I ig ..( .lij. ll.n lliairl" ..i. 'I H mull.. .null ll.l.l , n BISOM l.4ii iikaa((ui. I" i.iakn i l.nr. I lo Nln llii-u. in ll." SfctSI "nl -ii M ha li.r tl..- In... bb i .i . .i.i. il.i. i. ..i... i. . 1 1 il.r I Ii) ..! r ..I I .lllf ll' Mill III .. tMlka. lUli "I ln-l '.I.I.. H'l'.i uy 4, I'.dH ml .1 lln I.. i .Hi lUiM i. V) i . 'l ' I .DMINIHTU I ' "i- - "'" ' l Mill INI UltMVl. KII'.IKhti IMI rtlbMMi sHENK BROS., The Merchant Tailor Burns, Oregon 1 1W W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropi al and Domestic Fruits when in Season. ,E LSO HAS A LINK OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN 8 CLOTHING. All kinda of Preah Vegetablee in Seaoon, CIVEHIM A CALL. Durkbs i rhjikhaa M"m 'eei LIVERV, FEED AND SALE r- uf the 'Jusie H.ir.iwell ami (Veil Irving. Negative: Ella Sweek, John and Iiarr Muck. The Judges, Cheater Mace, am! Nina Maker, I.-! in favor of tin- aagaave x by school Watch on Khine. tary; Frank Jackson, Financial -iry; Mm. A. 1: Treasurer; Alice Atnaii ; Julm Hill, War.; 0. . ; Alii King ami i uj,. N. DeJtonandMr Hastie Sup. V. .. Afu r th. i: ling l-on Johaaoa. Louel Smith Aic'ie Cewfield. Uorcas Bweek Song by school aeWaifwl Lad .xfrer th eritlai rapart l-a Mn, Blanch Terrttl and SheraaM Smith were unpointed ll. II.. I - .1 Uraitfiiwl "ii Jjtl.il) lei ISO I i. filially .-.i..l. I a.liiiln i iIim kXst ( i ' i..i !. .luly i.ilill.il . Ii) l ' 1 .. )..! h I-i ... !. in .lain.. atfiii' Iii I'lcaanl III Minn llli On . VMtt-ltcr 'iii . ni"'l ili( l . .1 uiui. a., i ... i.-1...... i .i.ll. .I llita MatsS !' MM '' I'll'"-. ".', II "i Hi lln- 'II I. i.i.ii'l Ml ' ' Hurua i ii w ' 1 A.Iii.ii.'-" 'i I ! ..I a fine lunch waa spread ami Koud time wm enjoyed by all. a oil he program cominitu.- M. FitzCeruld i i , . i i . i U I l rnkiiu Ikfsf. I. b Lji.J M A r BUKNS, OK 0.1 Also a Full Line of st Class Groceries . SCHWARTZ. The Busy Corner Store" We are Headquarters for Horse Blanket , addle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh YVc Carry a ConipWU l.tnte ml HARNESS and SADDLES J C. WELCOME & SON B-u-me, Ozegrozx. JV.t Young's Meat Market and Greet.; You Can Huy all Kinda uf (Jroccn Twenty-five cent toffee for lieatCarocol Coffee 1 Jest Tea 40 am' Tea Garden Syruu per gal 1 I" Hrooms Waah Ioards Two gal kegs, Small Gherkins $1 Two gal kegs, Mixed Field 2.00 l mest Houey ixsr can 45 and 70c Brinir the Caah and tret Some Oood Uargaine McGEE & OWEN, Propts. k I 'lna liaru uu May I ami bafa aajaipfl rip "I"! lii-aii, H gsltsd laaiua Wa mn Id a m.- . lam ilia public In i-varjr particular willi . ami aliirlUd laa ma TIid Had front . I ,, , .i,l i.j Ida Ira. Iii. a: li.itala uf ilia kl-li m our csia ruceivaa nur paratJiial SlUol Hifwtt l ".imIimI hy tin day, week or ruoutli CHAS WILSON, . oa lll..lll Alr.ljM !a?: jajfJaWaaaar Main St.. Blaeksmtthinx and HorNholaf. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns. Oregon - BBal 'BVJ fa. -aaHanaaaVU J MS The Beet MODKRATE PRICED TYPKWK1TEK On thr Market Modern, Conveaieil Durable Han all the qualitiea of high priced machinea liapiit, I nut i sal key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Haohiue Co. iii-iii wsae 4yi