(Thr tiatHftaiM. ATnmAT. .MV.RY II IKK I HM'KIITION RATI On VMr Is Moatki Thrr. Vonthi I tll.lNKYUn - - - The end of the Fulton! ! controversy means that OM of them will In- put on: of bu politically ami othtrwiae. with popular ap Befora the matter ran intellipvntK discussed i nil uion tb - DIXMl he (lono. Should ,. - the dry atand this aorpam Well, it doesn't scorn it would be a "killing matter" whether Senator Fulton or either I"; KNOCK! MM I wn m Ri UNO man Williai granted a now trial bj the United Statea Supreme four;. endering the decision tin Hawj. tad n ul the foci that the w. ha.' Jonathan bode at Wi ' nUea requ inpton. of eram tha i to port: nient that the OJOTit) -i llld ' rule in handing out plums meal ;U1 W onh when it i complied with the Jonathan. mmiwu'oner R. A nt tin- penora. land ni. h, ill-rod his resignation of thfl ilent. and H to taw. i Moron J. Re wfll i 1 Donnot, at pn p loner. V iinjrer expressed dieaatJ immediately at' dtttfca in tha thinps up noM durinp I, . however, and elinn I lot of untiocewary red topi and srrnnrimothor id '!" ' are practical rules and metii !- i to follow. no proptrtSf can afford most am OUST, liiipt tiMSHIS THF TIRM thinpr along that line, however. The M-oposioion to pet a COfltpe- M 'on' inued from first pa tomdvilenohMorond And iusl , , ,,,..,.. w, ... .vx v whnt posstbilitiee we hove in th tepd way ot water supply is one that t, ., Harney Judges, I. L Foujade. G Ron pan. Thee Bain. I taker. S. V.'hit J. Stewart Pin J. a Will . a. J. Johi Elmer Ir '. W. N Smith Island .1 R. B. H ;i Smith : H. Sulliv: Hap H. Paul. w I 1 II II 10 I I ?'i V Half toWMfcta -nli hll - . i it DaaMU, i t hair I - l!h I lf Mr tn-if tv'.j lnkln welt i i n !. iccond mbi and itoni an : uhlieati' I Halm nt. hi- riphts to the land. I doing eould o right "When tiie . rhl into view. - without making by judicia ition a nen law. in the the final I I, M : win, M t public Mtctlor fnr MWl anil Uko nerllfl' MM !- . Itnintl Foi; B At Donio General merchandi odoon, also' buildings and land. nd furniture. I ENIR, NO I'll; ""PASSING, Hanlioi ' upon my H. ('. I B : Tur- efrom. I Att.. .vhether it 0 ' 'li'Ill --loner- thing it was that thereeer niles herwist .. Would h., syndicates. I'inchot onset for u anil : articular local stockmen as well as the wa ton need not apply, a is e- by the following ap red uiion him. " from Helena to th : doll in the Helena S'ai al lores: ate mnkinirV all the tiir.t th Booldor watershed. nip 50, ' tp feet Ai apph. irtually to Anaconda. I - and p Aasistantu Sttckney and NT. Ha ' lis have finished makinp ai. ; ruber am: I aappiiiK tiit region. If the silt cernini! the makinp in th is made, it will U- OMOi tTH bl lavit to th( OOOl ii Monuinu." Olfod to ami a- l-relinnnar i ( no obligation to n forUnit id intorin pointed to ntaood v toi. In commenting ui think the n th Portland pram says: "'I tiie lour mei thus ca-. been coldly bjnoi Roosevelt in the api Bou . the president tha Fulton and 1. n i.n. unu mwi ,,1(.1U While it was kn. and was a member of dent'- kitchei cal aration con- low I irpoao in aeqoirini nd, since to di natrue the ftmtut it tin Anal hot hich the ver. terms of :i . - The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. cmi. mOOPAL no iRIWiUlON EmVOBB Main Office. Barns, Oregon itranch Ofli. . OrogM ' W McGowaa Nieholi UuJ Lecaltoos Real tsinu for Sale Uad Serif Koashi and SoU HI I.N- - l)l Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils Varnish, Building Paper, roof ing, Builders' Hardware Wood Choppers' Tools Stoves, Granite and Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, Etc TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKS Camp Stoves any Description made to order Full and Complete Line of Hardware, Guns, Ammunition Sporting Goods Yours for Business GER & CUMMINS. hich an of I ne. : --.i-- mpi ,-. .--e. vyy CHRISTMAS GOODS A Complete Line of Everything that Would be Useful for a HR STWIAS PRE EftT Stationery, Burnt Leather Qoods, Uoiii Jewtlfj o Ik "ii m . i. kND Bl I i w CTTZ" TZJ&TJGr STOKE. H. M. MORTON. Propt. . V S ,. - . B ms Meat Market H ll,'po id. Ihc hr.M S.ilinitai 1 1 Vienan, H(( ;:ii( IJiT Hls.li:'S F ill ;my uuitit?. -.. LUMABURC & DALTON General Merchandise Burns, Oregon n:Tci.i:L,i l-.A-G-C I . Hardware, Agri iltural Implements, Vehicle cock Busies illL llllillLSl Ul llliill dl Uii . m for the balaiio- of the ; igiioretl aeenx hlng I"H' he w - '. . u! ianpartant thini Hhown hy tins appointnai they will grvi Koiiifthiii.' in talK al . months. "Hounie 11.. to BaaaaaW and thu looti an flection promiae. "Fulion im.s virtuall mot :rom Roosevelt. "Henej iiu. abundonetl lit i tin- tiMn oi trouble. 'Uarlioraeii of the r. urty . i. paaai d ian who wa.- h, ,. ocialist. mding at man who nas been adffl u a lew earai,u lia inued practi) veral citizen.- oi Bui d council meeting wda niKhi and dfacua work.- with tii. i if Mm what i.- learned i have rather extra... ifor a citj of tin- aire, U- laa all the ducu&don at thh kn i IKMSIVI COVOTI i.Hiiii I in near the Mt. are , ; i I" I te was ea a numb. eamp-n :iimal wa iad nw A. T. ( orief iment wa.- n... lume.-, could be writ he craft) little anin in.- tricker. nur int of damage done b appetite of th 00 tile range aa two sheep i.r montl e.itiniati Hi i x.') BU amount would i biefa nrigkl ha-.. had the experiment never ::::.:::::; . :::..:.. . Under New Management The OVERLAND HOTEL J. A. Fanning, Propt. lirst CI ss in Every Particular Spec. ! Accommodations and Atten tion giw n Transient Guests COMFORTilU L Wi . NNuATED hLU OUTSIDE ROOMS (.LMKtm LUUItU. MU.N STHbLl. BIK.Sb. OHWtW. '".aituimmt mr Baaaa&h Mf9 J aaaMiB t s l S H M i - aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfaB I tie ihost Fopiiiai House in interim Oregon M All V IIUKH iL.tll ill 'Ml.. OAABU Mover, Stover and hah Hn,tn. V Z JT mV Z rnrt L. " or Tvcmg Men ana Tourists a & BYKU, Managers : 4 IMNS LIVfcKV AND FEED STABLE An i tagsnt L4m i CROCKERY AND GLA5SW ARE J I kMi ; s1 ANI BUILDERS1 SUPHUI t'uiiip',, intl-Miil, Ammunition J. J. TUPKER OPPOSITE OVERLAND HOTEL Burns, Oregon J Sl, tin I ,, IIII.Sll, I, It. I m u kv.i , ' fSl CLAiS LIVrj BITS. l"l ItilHil liriujM Vour MtrooAf mi' SlMlli Spj. I isalioi lifoi tu wuudujtiaj; Funerals Mi u Q KAIL ILu K IN CONNLIIION Willi BAK.V W - -... ...-, .. GREEN RIVER WHISKEY fill ' w w r . a w . Whiskeu ithout a Headache " K. r.iicii w . , km aaaal lev the past i. the i B, Heepttala. Aran) ""J Nav, on .u.iuni of it.-, puru.N llilil rtxummeniied b all ...uhii phyeteiam tut laaail) aeeaaa bmMc ' ittai 111. llll athar indefinite on ac- uit ul the lack ot' uottitive in- Hiiifc'.- li.H.-paia Tableus du nution at to adeciuute water the vsurk. Sioinache trouble. Dly. Of cour.s. pro- dyspepaia, indigeation, bloating'. i in burns would like etc., yield quickly. Two d iter works and a sewera'i eatmen Ask your di ii provided sucb could 1m . Kioi for a free trial. Sola tl arithout being a burden to The Welcome Pharmacy.. lti: payers. The man who own.-, ". I red Haines., Harney, 0 POT sale In onl one dealer in each town THE BURNS HOTEL BAR SOLE AGENT HENKY RICHARDSON, Proprietor WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection ( ourteoti.s and Olilitfinu liar 'lenders i;i:uvthe(; firsi-c i.vss drop in ( antraJl) Laaataal and CasMttaal with Hotel lturiw ' '- - : '-.. . ACOMI EOI RUBBER QOODS ( an i . 1 i, , a! I 'he Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. i iiiiiuiim Syrtaajpaai Hat Water Kottlea. Nipples, (ii,, hard Rukfeer sro.;cs, WhtHaaar praya, Plaajer cis, Baaaaata, Breaai Puaapa, in fact all tiu Kobu Qaaala carried t an UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORE J. C. Welcome Jr., Propt. , Prop s HA0EY, FBMW1GK 4 Jackson. M mm, FLKMSMINfiS, SHOES, UA1S AND UPS Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drinks, Confec tionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Olaio St., Burnt, Oregon. BURNS MILLS HORTON dt SAY nyuo" ann ure.sed '.umber. Rustic, Flooring, Mouldmg, Finishing Lumber. nearest Sawm.li r.0 Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. FLOYD & ivJiTCHELL (ieneral Blacksmithing and Repair Work HORSL. SHOEING ASPtCULTV. Foley s Old Stand Customonv Prices. Youn Patroiagt S-Vit.ej. quro5. Insm