Id. , v,;is the Hpl s city (th Bit of 'I "p K his HB (In to St of Tuesday flpp trii fiv- The Financial Strength of First National Bank of Burns in best nhotcn bu our Report of Condi lion lo the United States Government at clone of buainen ftecember i, 1907 RttOUBCM Loans ami MMMrti l. s 80,000.00 Bonds and Securities ''' 10 Premhnr. m U. s. Bonds 00.00 ' Batata, Furniture and Fixtm- 8,001 1 ; I.Yd.-mi'lion Fund 10.00 (Hah on hand and in Banks!o LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus ;ind Undivided Profitu Circulation Deposits 800 0Q ."Hum Johnson arejbvev reek on a Chrijjgn-i ire I0W pR or of the new 1 1 latkmal Bank b: njr rapid progr. lis need s3S deliver in tow hirq Chri or drop a lit ild- for nu in THE CONFIDENCE of Iho hanking public in our institution is Ix-st evidenced by our deposit growth during th past two years deposits Jan 29, 1906 143,384.74 Dec 3, 1907 $334,564 22 UNITED STATICS DEPOSITARY Mrs. Gee, D, Hapey is ri ck at her JMUM Coolev automat i i. rakes at Wilson's blacksmith shop. Mrs. Wm. Stewart has Guinea fowls for sale $8.00 per pair. Mr. Black and wife wrc among-our the first of the v EL C Kjjjrleston was in the city yestcrdax after sonic lumhor and suppl' Arvi ).w n from his Trou? Creek hom acMiiaintances. The ma ceptionsliy heavj unt of holiday packages. Ir v Deal it, (Mies I lilding north ol The New Windsor Bar. under the management Of Lm Caldwell. f the most popular i istern 0 Drop In when you have a thirst. .1. II i. Mullen, the photo grapher, is now prepared to mp pictun Hurlburt Be near yesterday after supplies. Some tine thomughbt Island for Hale. Inquire at tin The frl Mi Simon rrv to lean that she i. ill at li.r home in this city. Cor: t and wife have - trrOWS where they will riatmaa with relatives and The I the annual (In on ' The b For Sai.k or Rknt A photo graph, gallery doing a go1 lnist-iirs-i. Keason for sale I have other 11 demanding all my lime. .1. H Mi Mi Bums. Oregon. Before starting for Japan. Chi md the Phillipinee, Joaquin Miller visited Oakland anil laid in a of lirecrackers to be l his major domo in kill ing i md sijiiii ' ipatch. The Toet of the S. PS that eMrience has ehewn him that then- is nothing better tl troying ro dents and as )iis hillside pa "Th. H back of Oakland ha heen tmuhled with th over fr Warm Springs! against them OUR GROWTH 1 Shown bit our Statements to the United Stain Government Sinee ire Organized as a National Hank DEPOSITS Ma LM. Vug.: i t. IU7 $109.7HS. Ifil.l.U.OH I77..m70 ) R HOME N77 TIO " rit HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK III KIRNS IM M11MNIIII A telegram rweivod here Thursday announces the nnnoint- ' menl of Hon. Frank Daev as sumed thai I the U-al land other I R reiver A. V Gov an who-.' t.rm eapfcej ,VI. I n. the the !,W' water, and l it, Mr. Davaj ii a hWeughlj snath reman, competent man and doubt will of his sari- it officer Hi real surprise upon re i the atffi M he was not the bill, m ipplicant ll.v. i er, il .-. nu v ill I. ad ! ! ! QE1TTLEMEIT f ! ! m i i i n- New : l l . nai me appoint nun wsa nol r unexpected bj thoe rt ho had given the n a.- mu- the the I Ii" i main ed he LiiiSpi HflFv LsssV Lbbbbbv1'' sLUflLslV'' with inn fani Mai ill i I p.i ft'XSH ito yvhsfe I e EmoT'. lering from patient w; Alfalfa seed for sale at Luim i DaHot I . Hill has i i" the of tin sount d her school all i i'i ed home Mo: I John Shane. ,;,. time sheepmen of lllis . h Dr. who is teaching the Wild tchool, i I'll and - quite popular a a teacher. I. ii mi eati nese stuf ii . .. , it c. M. 11(1 See. Till' I hour now . al u . Warm r i ond w ii. '. :.. aarpenter a t W. .1. C ! man ii quite with of ! r ition and . with land idle. ih.H ' 'nas 1 iitieal devi bpmenta. Mr. tiowan was none the less sur nrcciesur. aw he n ippomu .llv not mad. an iippiicauon. senator imuuti i I.I Th- i 'in that he expected to up the praeUus 11 , . 's bonds i I and In ; i-.imin K V ' 1 oath pur rhsst lole H Satur ..ill Stockmen in haw ill at iusl con he nays. what B KOIIIMt) MW I St) I Ws n't kill vou. A. . Hacine. who recent I Im' bra BUM Mt I ' :ii.,i Urn I i, M il purchased the Blkhorn hotel m oneofthoai itian is rlnw home cejk. i (iregiKi an ivuuld Im Msim. oa nB b ' Hr hard H oeeriett, i u dip" drues and t jB arn - I ited r sBrtmeiii inual 1. dl o hall e ea enspainei friseS t" at ity, arrived earl thii ... chare.' Mlue Mt. I ,. Dr. Geary han returned from where lie found on ' fa I hoys suffering from pneejBMtda. The but the dK tor left him impiov Ins, Fountain ' n I lit oir. 80,000 f and third S12 K-r ihousniiil gt the mill. Hilling A ii' teen unp i V and i. world. , lollllll v - war ii. .1 i loo d I eo I.-': that are lf CO terest to the f Han ' ill' .emelll of m'ttlillg arid and wini-arid! ami tl,. the Otl Mes the hji grazing lands n ; ad uf leiuiing. SI 1.1 i laetead ot euthoi I puhlic in ihe sreeh i tativi i m Irai l n. I"'ii in area which Mr, H South Dakota, -W ml these st a graxing pui... s and nol of al ral ulture purpoees, shall i.. ubjeel al. in I .; of I . tWO, sect '. al the ssrr9iectK m r mS ' . aa Ls.v M, IM t f 1 u ' z sV " A if VBDBBSfa f aB s1 AWi 'sT47 m RBBBBBBSa VoyH i iiSlBSBSBSBJ ft Ii ATIMELYTIP f I r s.-iiog my mk Mil 4SS1INIU UM before you buy UottMS. I 1. 1 . ilii'in in ii. I I " ih i i i sixriBN D t.mRn U " A rf I'.ho I-IVH DOIiUaRS UP 1 guarantee a ttt. fisnu ot mi. fctrAWN tit fiosiw. HUNK BROS., The Merchant T ..tors Bu-nB, Oregon ui.i no in, t(.m l per a. of the propped laa by Wash Stockmen d ington press am i n tion at the local land C W, HoUomai end fam ily have moved into the R, I, William., residence. Mr U illams not to in. this winter. Supt C ,1 mi leap I;. the ( .1 .l.iliiison cam.- up from wen ii. .m. Thuntday and a iicoinpanied home yeaterduy hy his daughter, llmma. who will d the Christmas vacation at having decided home, returning to high ahool after the boUdf Friends und relative.-, of Miss Maude Rgsjai and MIm Bla are I.Hiking forwurd witli pleasure to a visit from them during the holida.,. They thm luanes this morning are exiscteil Inn tomorrow. Both young ladies are teachers in the Baker Cit schools. idman I r i - i. . for husinasj and Austin is pre- .1 ai go I lie) OOUnt) S here worl i t" l had. Bee him. Mcintosh ol i county, and Supt i hurchill of Baler City, who have lieen here uk instructor at Lin institute, left f..r their reSDSe- limy Corner Store Irs For Santa Claus. ko;; art invited lo look y extensive line of over ID ch Ft t,th HI Y GOODS. Habit for old and yot S DAY I GIVE AWAY Bndal Vail, ui. Bohank. Mr. ! ill get work in th u us scsii &a nd in th (i. half w . i He I...I ridge. N ud White A new plan to encourage set tlamant in the arid am: I ad. .up!., which "I the west has iMH'fl I he dOOireS lo i.ui.ll l I loifelher RepreeenUtivc with an altldavit thai i to. In brief he prnpnass duahle i d to that 9 d . uU'll have to ha Well Nfflcient How of thai hi desires th. II Hati i to nilL'aie at le:.hl ISaMMI lti.imu ,,l Kifl AM I i,,.i ii an) quai tw ssetion ol in . , in nth- pubik doeaaia, shall . i, i n .King titled tl ;.at lit for the v.1 rtar eeetiaa, or lema-r sulsh- srith the intent ol a; the case ma In-, on ,, making prat i that he hM actual- All sueh applications are to ha med 10 acres. A lull to invi of aotlUMaeeaiatrodMOsdin the interior dep i if l-let.s do .1 i and Will Im- rll.-.l ,.., u' , aim win im- iaile.1 up rt K fR ,,' for OOnaiderMt ion after (he h.-h- adven clam, i, ld-,. the ai.oli 4a) eaaaga ,,, wln n,, n H. t, Tin hill is so -Aordod a U- pN When an ml more than ,v an one seetfoa under the .,n,. . Wemmi law, and ,af. Mi,. vhethi I. low Ii out to pre. .Ill sH. Poreons desiring t. Ull,i , I thems.-lv. lo this law. i-li should it be enacted. bjmsJ de- lilU lti : it $1U in the I.kuI land office, iun.1 ..Hi,.. .,f il... i,.,, inghiecattk an a month. r with an affidavit of good will be ptnnitu l'. to the tin.. ar val- faith, -1,r.- ti. can go upon Ull, tne land to sink the well. Ihe m.entlv atnued l,v the n gooi water mu put land oih. ujjoii the l.u.d within on ysai uking applies worth '" of v .i. M I liarn " " King. etc., yield quickly. Two di iii'-nt free. Ask your h J Sold I.I I ., . . . . i ne m-ifiiiiii' i narmacy.. tiurns, Adam rent hoi small number ot , wij i. i u his nerhsadeaeh momh A lart-. iue laiu-inn near valley early k from one parly will be 86 cent- per head par month. W. t. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. iC ALSO HA8 A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S OLOTHINQ. All kinds of FeiBh Vegetables In Season, CIVEHIM A CALL. I link In. Idtog Man. Mrrrl Ili'iU FRONT LIVERV. FEED AND SALE Una week, lant year at this nine McGEE & OWEN, Propts. I hi 'mi mi Mmy I tin I li "Ulpdll t i -'i --II 1 1" t USSM im " .lain lit u.l i. mi, u Ktf) gruel ' i. 1 1..' Uk.liaa li'irn ut ibe . ' i ar Nostras "Uf iwfwifl - ' li'il lv the ilay, wH-k or mouth CHAS WILSON, S Km in ' it to .-uit purchasei 41 uuoty. hill. "iily make Jointed litond Doll ww$mtaka&n. Ii th- I Ifoou. Call on hiii " hin i LawL-n UreKon. TH EVERY CASH 1'IRCH i It, a- II and Kfla th- necessary ersier, the '.and will be b an in ,1 th geparUnent and it ihem.M -i-ior's 1 is favorable, patent will lull dot-H I. residence, aa Btipu la U l hj the homestead law, but it M. FitiGer -I a a m m ie White is King ot WING MACHINES east payments e ent tor Harney uountv WARTZ. ftttsy Corner Store" hggfloj h :.i M blickMiiiiiiiiiK aid Jki Main 8t., Wasoo Work ALL WORK GUAR- AN Er O. Bum, O reason BUl; Go to y1 bbbV k We arc Hcadquai Ui lor Horse blankets, addle blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh Wc Carr a Complete Lint: cl Young's Meat Market and Groc MineeMcat, Celery, Apple Butter, Svw, Pickling Vinegar, Fruits, Heinz Pickles and ' Kresh ('.indies AnA Nuts Fir HARNHSS and SADDLES will have next week .2 &A I VlWJH ' "TtTsis ? f J. C. WELCOME & SON 23-U.XXX6, Oxegroxi. ( lunberrie, Fnh Fiuh, oyters, dulen, ijjh, coioainit.i Dreaaed Turkeya and (hickena for Thunkajrivintf i-uoNooaArua amu ai-xoaoa urn u i The Beat IIODBeUTK Ml TYPKWMTI () the Market Caivcuieil Has all ihe tualitnM,ut high priced machinaa Rapid, I' nitH i tut key board. Simple, (heap Chicago Writing Machine Co. ! wtMa Av., CMcsae. i