tld. or TUtftCt h Newj is in the f," Thf Tin. H blanket v- Son, .' was I hur nation mid to .un made lnewi Hot' on neks me . Thur) from ' i ii I'ros- h hftP " Hnirlu mbj a' sown rk iuv 0. ou-i I tit of R to wnifdpsn; i H anil ''x WHS l:trrnV ". i i on i. . -(...-(i niberlii cwiilen ti aoppore ei makes o f Walla ih no The Financial Strength of First National Bank of Burns fa bent xhoun by our Report of Condi tion to the United State Government at clone of buninen December .?. 1H07 RKSOURCKS. LottHMd Discounts $190.74 4.68 U. S. lionds Bondi and Securities 18,886 10 Premium on U. S. Bonds 8,608.00 Real Kstnte. Furniture and Fixtures 6.000.00 Five Per (Vnt Redemption Fund 1,880.00 Cash on hand and in Ranks IK, MB. to nt LIABIUTIKS. CapiUil Surplus and Undivided Profit Circulation Deposit 8688,1 $ 25.0(Hi(Ki 1,66000 331.561 22 Cootey automatic brakes Wilson ' blacksmith shop. Loyd Johnson was in the city dnrinjr the latter part of the week. A larpe number of younsr peo- 1 a social at the Pres byterian church last night, C. M. Fields, one of the pio neer resident! f the Andrew section, is in the city on busi lohn Caldwell who has been "1 at ihr Airricul- t lira I College is exp this evening. The Hand will give the annual Jason Bennett is in from his home on Nine Mile slough. Born Yesterday. Iec. f. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welcome, a girl. Paul Blume was assisting some I neighbors in making proof on land todaj B A. C. boys gave U n ! dancing party in club hall last night Frank Matney is home from a trip to the railroad .here he it to deliver some cattle, I. W. Henderson was up from vs yesterday having Dr. Christmas Pall at Locher'l Hull . Marsden attend an injured kmv on t hnstmas night. The best of music will be furnished. Rood and Johnson have a very nice lot of Christmas v"'K bssldes ladies' wear and I new consignment of millinery. i I and windo? be had ft C. 11. Voevtly's. These Vmm1s lire in extra fine shape. I THE CONFIDENCE of the bjinking public in our institution is best evidenced hy our deposit growth during the pnst two years nvi'osn.s Jan 29,1906 '3143,384.74 De 3, 1 607 $334,534 22 NIT8JD STATi's D8JP08ITAB1 Miss Helene Swam is expected home today having dosed a MM of school in the Cr.u Camp dis trict yesterdav h It rOBOTta.1 lhal Wm. Han ley had his shoulder injured in a nm-away accident at the P. Ranch this week. lowan Nichols auto- OUR GROWTH As Shown by our Statements to the United States (government Sinee we ()ryam:edas a ational Hank nwosiTS: May 20. 1 . . 8109.788.96 Aug. II, 1907 - . 1fil.433.08 I t-e. ::. I'm; . . . 177.386.70 )( n iiomf isrm rios" THE HAKNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS COTdddring the distance they hai p wj, ,, (li Hwal of f i I ii t Inn in. I to be parties who wish little spins That bijr doll in the window at about town of evenings anil Sun- Blih! ii foj nk at Limn Wloi nod kinr Allans s, e buri ' W . B Jo om his Sil' hoi Chaa. Newe; n up from hi home the past lew duvs. id was a business ! from ll;uiv Thursday. .1. II. the pioneer l.miri'ant n. is down taktaj In th OUtig man mimed P.. ;uciilenlaliv cut his hand with an as '.ecessiUi the services of a phyok Mrs. Julia Hayes, one of the old and d pioneer lending the winter in Bunt! rith her daugh The W j will lx' ii iwaj on Christmas i I imr- Th Prank L Smith Meat Oo, of Portland will pay gold coin for carload oattJa cahes. and hagi fat : nil. dressed venl. pork and ; u'll ha. old I: :.. 1 days. Commissioner stailanl cams from Drawee) nawofaj to " 6 0 aVsem, Dsailat assist his co-workers nidi rth ( me business at an nd.ourn-d "' '" '' rm of court. t- The N w v ,. under I I I '.ddwell. of the mool popular reaorts I Oregon. Dr. I thirst. Son in) I I Red cockerel for Inquire at th Dr. .1 W i.. .u was called to I i.'llletit hied Idwe v D Oi merchandise hu sJao buildings mg hous- i i 1 lata itun C. A. MeMahon v.m d in this cit, W dl luines I S:t. imi - affairs in tin Rin. I' at p -i.i Tabl. i V. N. Smith U hero from I. trouble in th. interest of the Wise Pian tl bloating, ied Ollil I 'I , en linn. i rrei I for Ini i.'i . . :tiil ia tm. Ms hand ea hei on Sun She Wai Geo. Milhr. a young man that !nnif Austin (iood w Ith In: eroodaaw, had lioon d of. Most any tb i ' carriwi by i i' 8. Voei . ' rim, ha drwsn aath ablos, dnu.- ;u not y.Hrri -quoted. and wtfil h nt the th tillll leJ.BC. it' our moat iud hu lu 1 1 : .1 ' ' I ' ., i i 01 Tb have bee: i liun.'iog p.. . i.vabl 'ill be itarvi 1 . i' , -. 111!, -.Hi, e, ha !. . :,.-ic 'K. .:.:: bei Me Vou cm ye! limey dishes, Japanese Hluir. glassware and :.iiei for 'hriMinas at C. II. Wait and see. The pries woirt kill ou. Kohi. Read and aiJe n iiom, 'A . from an .x- lended visi! u Washington ihe visiied Mr. Heed's mother and The) meat oa ko 1 41 wen y I. Clark who used iohu all through this eounty, was re risier(i ai ihc(crland Wt'iln.--day. .Mr Clark has become a i. sideiit of this county, huviny tai. en up land near Drew Tho I 'aw son, 1 U Duwuon and I. ' i . keatOfl were up from their home. In Bui Un Thursday looking after maM business. Anong other things . before the District Boundao hVmrding asking for new .scluKii district Tin peo ple of that icinit are entitled ration in this respect II than are a gfge number of children of school age. gold bj The u . , v., Burns, r. . M ml i. At idenee nd Mrs. John Darsey in inesduy n and :. ('. W Hollo fenrHm the many in the prssenee of friends. Both are w. II known ' n-ek, the bride being u daughter of Mr. in. ilasii. ' i: oil. all and try it. Supt Hamilton left where he will visit the public SBBOOL u umm now UnmealaadMid desert claim relinquishmi i IfeOofraa & Kid .lame:. Qubert srea down from Hurnc) Wednesday In-ing a wit-in- in the proof "i .i. n Jon hi feet of second and thud and Mn. IV. B, Johnson, lumlier for sal. I Httfi ll I il 'Uil. lit par thnnaanil at the mill, popular The Tim.- lleroidJoaM Burns Millinc host ol friends in rtoadiag ..... i,,...; .;..i... - ,i... ' Mother's Club ' .o,- ,v Adsn r Ml)(. com.. ,. d,.,l l.- Tuesday rmaati I 1 h. , at John ,!"-'l' "' $160,600 worth of beriing's not later thai ", l1""" For partn u Mrs. A. Dl.v iil.l I Iiin '.in i Co i.o ing batwoan Bhnon Lewis and J. T. Garrett, has been by mutual OOaoOOt, M' I .Mr. ing. All bill to the in i t i b Mr Gorrett who will likewl A caw of scarlet fever mi any Indebted m igain Uh esranci In the h :i,m ' ' llanii.r this w,-. k and In. hdoOUd rgod to .all called Th. ,,la.ehasjand"4',,,':" ""' li. i n ouunitilinisl Th. fntnilv SlMoN I iy arrivtHi here from , Thurwlai' and larcer- atinf i rarjr. Batl 01 Bj m A photo d..mgagool Kcoaai tor salt I have interests demanding all in.- I II b Ml I.I KN. Mums, Or. , ! ! ! a E:2srxx-aB3juEE;T t f ELY TIP" mlj telnj my BJJal Nil. Will UM b tors yju bjy Clothes. I li i( ih.m in Ihr- U i 'ooniblf Uoslhira on the I . hi li i v.- .i int from 8IXFHBN DOliUftRS UP A p in o Ii.iivm Loss FIVH DOUUHRS UP i ju.vrante. s ' iiIHr TtASM KS&Z aftl i l. ' I 1 WaMT f A ,svaaw 'n ii; M . rSepr I . mo i. trouble about them pner. (..ill ire have i i i aeSM too pi i.i IToe ssn prneers the l -' fur ilio- li'.in A.U.iii. i- "iliih- in . dm rant. .1 tr.ii- ii. i.n ii. i A. L Iraaor, judge of the ii iii Multnomah from II' Hums. Ore. Nov., 7. I II II II -N l-.l. I I-It HI. I I. I V, Hi.. uii'l .1 li ,11.1 . I ik. I-. .i.i. Harm . . ilulli I i i.iinljr . nun ..l lUn l ifpiiii, In grme i ..iiii'uv . I.. K. II h(.n .i ami Viiiim- I i.ii..t in I. . ... u gall. .li in Lskl li. . . . i i thsaki.-L ..r ,....... :.i I.., ,.,. """y"1 " " ' r (.,, II al.l. Friday. A nevy stock of kitchei has justf been unpacked at li .HRtlyf s. 1 his includes granite and l.isk ware, the Is-sl in the Bus) ijrs Corner Store" I In- . nam of I!. count) . re actual of it to suit ptvebaear, Adam had 41 oil ii-,i.v madi in a ssjgf dit firetii I.m . county. Own t" liiiti. Ike Constant was here the first !!. can suil vou if vou onlv muk.. Of tie! week with g big team fur your wunt n. ego di lumber which tie hauled out to reel you i- .. U-st va- bat w v. rVagonth M. I I..,. who came to this eetJon a couple of m rdaj tiUil u homestead and will henceforth bo resident of the pant Harney BOOJ "Grandma" in and hail Im-ii on the cir baaoh m that county iiiihIh r of pean, Dnnaas .! w.i- a -Kn and OMOt highly respected. First National Hank ol "" '""' ..s just received udegra- " " "i' , i i , Will. from th Acting Sec j ,,..,.., of th.-1 'nited States Tree- u r,, wry of authorizing un inc ii a in 'li ' n will I i. Nun ii i ajMeri Mi K ii i I Bala) J umiii. Ja A Kanniiig S in I . I I ... II . I II ll J IliKOi. I I II I 1 In. I. 1. ii l MILL Wl CltANWi. BJ88B8J8J 4 riMa S HFNK BR08., The Merchant Ttiilorv Buiti, Of-gon W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. j Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E AL80 HAS A LINI OF CENTS FURNISHINGS. Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinda of Fah Vegetables in lesson, GIVEHIM A CALL. :.,,kii. Intel Build - Main Srst. in tlmt laetitution from . tu $50,000. Anotl. '..ntial recognition of (gej .-uuliility. Miss Pauhne LooaOTi aister to hl'um JutM-uhine. teachiriK the terra of school at Mt. Vernon, in I'.urn Honda) and went down to Ml. Vernon to l.'K-hT For Santa Clans. Bpjur.s arc invited to look Hp'.vf-JMil''!l' of IDA Y GOODS. vat Mabt, for old and younu ST1AS DAY I GIVE AWAY MB Jointed lilomt Doll k r h H ftf E EH ) CA SU PI El 11 t SE ite is King of MACHINES A8Y PAYMENTS t for Harney County CHWARTZ. Busy Corner Store" liTflfSaf wu peaces near cant land bad. Addreas in ilMMita of government fu him at lim On gon. It. b again gr old tune frionde In thi. has ill; (lined ffOBJ (brail wh leavin us ago. ad heei. obi 111 .. is her silicon thank U the good time uj to a few weelu kindl) assist. l ago whoa be d . ided to n-turn lo a for a Ioiik time phone girl at her in the trying moments of the old haunts in .unt death and Initial of her friend, Mrs. Ida Shelton. W. H. Howard, one of our proaaaoooa raaoaara and siock- nu n lixini the Drew. - side, vas ill the city this week, accoinpa:, ied l. his wife and little daugh li. roporte Ins a perous. G W. I'Ut ii , at the haul ,"' illu" "., order for Portland yesteeday raonilng, to come he found he couldn't kcI Grant County New. liurns. and lias laalgBed to take use wi trained nurse at J-oriiaii.l. Mn li II on the aUure I ll' " :. ( ll Ml-lllJ.' s hut li. n't good for railro; 1 1 . banks would finally allow $5 in ' o Mr. Joi, certificates . . ii Null. U In raliy glv.i I ., II,. i til. la lillilllgll 1 Mill H U I II.. II i rm . . in. i tut On . SI UN I . M. FitzCernld lml Ia -ati'i "I II rraUiubclKr I.i l.ssi Office i ipcvllll LIVERY, FEED AND SALE C3rO tO McGEE & OWEN, Propts. j, . i it, i. 000 Ol May I and bsvs Ultl It S li led i" (, .II sil.J lunm We are is ill. (nil. In iii .very MMi.'ular with I .. Uaui TU Ked r l IsadeBO botetaol tbs i i.ur rare r.t SSSSBMbI ateUM. H.rrM'. InMitlrd hy m day, wtMk or mouth I i lllllIU. Young's Meat Market and Gr mi s Wh p i gii to iiay for his meals and drew :iger can furnish mone) froa i until hi naarirm auinir m ..... i.. ... " . .i.i. nio i-a iniin v m. , . th the best for abou -,. H, ustted s 11 MinCeMeat. Oltrv. AddI? Mutter. Sut C.i A.- 9 r mm ' -... ., Pickling Vinegar, Fruits, Hein HickU tu I C Fresh Candies and Nuts, i Will, HAVE NEXT WEEK ( ranberrit-M, Frvtth Ftih, oyttru, duten. Ago, leaffli chines nan wnaotney pay oo ..i- bunk Ui and found Sirs. Hehas the as ir, Kid- hiniasei ' liagO, Jfv. RogaJ and Win fore he 1ms made Machine aad i U deliver . up hie aiiad to otaj aeoa. Mr. tba gooLs and make his word J. merly in uartBaW goiHi. (all on chasing. Bin before pur- ship with F. J. Williamson in the sheep busineaa. We arc Headquarters tor Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh Carry a Complete- I inc cl HARNESS and SADDLES J C. WELCOME & SON S-u-rrxe, xegroxa.- Dreaaed Turkeys and Chickens for lltaiikgivnig PHONOUgAJaU ANI HUiiKIm tog UM I ft)x CHAS. WILSON, auccctaoa io.wuOM a ,r n Blacksuiiihing and ttorscshuiofj. Wagoa Work ALL WORK QUA AN TEED. Burns, Oregon 1 j ' 'Af. Bf arSr jaVTBM ami m hPk3P J 1 1 JjH i . Hji i The OVERLAND HOTEL K. A. Cole, Propt. irst Clfas CUU Appointed HJ ;KHB Wbbl. VcNTIItaltO. aUb 0UTSIB8 Cue.'a Tr..t.d Nuthug but Ulhit. Help uasd Home of The Stockman end Farmer UMsUm IW.Alt8.8UN MIUI. wiws. utiiiiuin; ii. 'ii iitif" Thelioot MODKKATK I'KK Kl) TYPKWK1TKU On tke Market Mudcro, Louveoieil Main 8L. . ' t 'j kt mess 8I88JI Hum all the qualities) of high prired aaarhinoi Rapid, I nil trial key board, Simple I heap Chicago Writing Machine Co, lt-tj WatMwM Avs., I'SsiasjS. M