Ihc FJuws-$cratd. "VTTIROAY. ntCRMRI R IDA: tirriON K. I Mr . l M.mthp Monihi ' i niv iiriin - - . - finalh moved liim to Mrs. Slid ' denes in this city when dll Alttg as v II I could ic expected, The Doctor found compound 111 of llu- loft log "id Hi.' ilesli jiik muoctea badly larcerat- il Tlii' piffhl tar i:' k-ullv t'r:n- tured, Owirur to the wounds on ono leg :iikI the Swollen Condition ;ll! wam inn tows MCLARBD on " A PortJ taking action I rd to an ap iat tri ' th .hvw Fritter, I an ei fort was made by a numb the members of the Multnomah Mar A oriiition to br; about ii'i .11 this lime is mat mr " " the nresent tho holidnv.s will pro to Shorni bablv lc com' 'The demand foi tion of tho holida 1 1 1 1 t u i eontinua- c mm s oven I'1'1' more strongly from the bu l iiftn t'roin thi' banks. lill'iilivimicnt nl' -lini- o! tlii' ill Inn- it h loin ImimMi'. without the tivin-:ii I i n "I lii-!li- The sixthioth con n n.-n- bl bo PBMO them in pornianci:: 01" OU of the ed last Monday and tli. Pr UD to this time. Theiniur dead .jurist. For the reason. man does not suffer very mucli ,v I he busi hand was a if the ! Illl' inenaa ileal I messafre wns wmmA im e Tuesday. It is a most lomrht the limbs hut seems to have document and we hm'i l. .,! b n write severely strained and I ume to read it through yet COn- Mi'' nl refrain from comment. eems rather strailfrc that man maj bo lubjoctod to without raoortJftf to court ning a banco fur honrin . Vei us to be the mat in whicl do things. Does thil men. channel iirt oi perquisite Mr. Young is n very imi "U young man win has made friends since his lot In tin- vicinity. He has thro Ml two brothers li Ins inty, but no n-lath-in this section, iChW ANNUA INSTIIt II ipl Hamilton ha Hi projrram for the com- unite to be held at the ' building in thi ach of ti u ednead ty evei "'' !?"t in thi i The instructor: will be i ' best In tii. framini ibjei the Govi rnot . illy adopt opinion of the " wise S ith the ' I condil i i in the Churchill of Baki t ipp ed mi C. J, Mi h Home people have n I. C. Raymond In the li school of Burn . :n, stability of these two in- Pi D. W. Yi der thai Th n stituuons and with the men- men the ll.irnex the h ttth da Imith Ml, Hand ha an annou i'1 this llortog h ird iiie raahn foi Smith is kwUm ffl the) would appreciat ah, hut through i tly, out ml II. I ..I tn pr, '.ition. f . mar . Marj Godfre unty high school. bo tM evening Wednc :ch will be pivlimin- iiut. proper. The rill conejal of n 1 address and re-i Drosnam for tl- will coi Melt tare by Sunt Chi it chill. Music will also be n progr it lance of tb b icational v attend. .M. M If. C ' hn II. Hall, this n I inn,. I ilitions M MMI. Illton of Hi. i covtrrvfUTMNAi iamcsimrm .t UnrTii tlON nl UNHM n.l lilni'iiiiiitr lullnii I'm. fr ii i ..ii.i- ,i Han In . -.-. Stnti ni r Kmc I In nn.l . i im . i i Moi M I..., I. I ritnl li i no mi II until ,us r- I d, II. ( !.: I'll' . I 11 i NOTICK i"i "ON i i'iiiiim. in. I -m k fnl I In I iln.l and M I)ii:i , , ,'itv 1 Mi ii,i. I Mill ml I i -- The Eastern Ore Engine CMII.. IUNM iKHl'i'iim Main Once, Hum 'On O. Branch R McGw i.ai.ii in it: Doors, Windows, Paints. S-fc !! s Varmsn, ouiming raper, ing, Builders7 Hardware Wood Choppers' Stoves, uranne ana rinyJ Crockery and GlasswareH H im HIVV oniifc i inuiH VVI amp Stoves z ny Description made! Full and Complete Line of Hardware, Guns, Ammul Sporting Goods Yours for Business GEER & CUMMIN - 0"T?"P"!r Tl Bn ;r v liar JJ LJ -CTW-J- cr. haWej W-LTUJ f. ., ,v .v-- ,. V I Vtl I III- llMv in . VI'I'IM IN CVK! VC I Portland On announ pan ' will do much for tl. i 'I. i the who nwilh thll tees th.- naeaaait in pottl welcome new A i. tter n tile othi . tl that all our buv but hard: until our I .id H. Th. Hai Vallej hn nlod an appeal frwni I : r and l al land inv.lviinr the I I "ii in The . if the srbieh an recommending the ition ... the eontraet I daeWon that tin ill'-.', bnprovement Co, i oertinoato of the IM that th. Im ha .i il a ;i corpon that Mmii I ir the capital will Impn mo ' &.&. o.1k.. ,. kww w CHRISTMAS GOODS A om Line of Everything that V. I be Useful foi CHRS PFF EVT Sta looda, I Jew el I olW Sel i i- m '"i v CITY' ITDESXJO- STOE M. HORTON, 1 v. '. B rns Meat M No SJtnp Opposite the lirsl Naikiul tniH Wi he has I tly ilui: li .1 'IAN!eH - aaj iinnoatfr- ' L NAG & DALTON mi ; "I . " Burn i to comi UUINSI I WI, I I VMM, an ' : ih... the past more. Thi Died U) :' ques- inir va . ... I ,.. , ."HIM Ul.lCC.pi compel the.,, bo pa " ha . iail( th, 1,1 " ihort tin ; . COUr n force them to call I Ti " '"" iho. who w. landlord; thai will am, and. at ... flnan, iisvno here and such ino ..,; .., ould In- avoided a i iiiivi.n . ' V Oregon ... . . , . . . , . Jf Hardware mmunition Tinware, Cranite ware, Pitch Forks m Etc., Etc U. y or i ties .uflii ha SH! t n illy it -fitr .Mi; ch be iujl 'W i . country. (HSTKESSIMi tCCIufc.M "i' ten yean ' time their lone, the .vhai. to what homestead- i r:iiitr nlnn, nick xoung had the misfortune one, the atookaM the knee, la ,,:; ,, ,,, u ing in a bad run-away. H iiad tlinsrupofl hitci ' horses to a disc plow theirinl lerthepi at ,: Jackson farm 7 mil- demand that eaeast of this cit and as he ment starteil from the gran onditioni and waul: irtedtorun. Mr. Youni lit There vriU be but attempted to throe the d ground with tin : All over i idying the team but owini countrj are the ground being hard it would pri up, farm are k not catch and befon hi could n put under irrigation, and en in" .'. i hand from tin-1... being prod in controlli'itf the horse, . ..i. v.iw-riiiiu-nt otl'uinl . . CLOSING OUT SALE am now Cli,sinu Out l ' my I General Merchandise Frm Machinery, Wagons ii t .Uu Stores in HARNEY, OR., and BURNS, OR 'JFTJESID ttJ I JXTjjEiJS . ll ' In I1U Ulll fi.'l.li. , ;,, 5Frr;i Host Popular House in Inter NtATLY MJKNISM.:ii-ALL OLlfl quarters for Traveling Men, IONES & BYRD. Manaecrs. Bunui f x BIKNS LIVERY AND FEED 5 1 i. . i . MIt:::i :z it . . t7o onrs SUverBu RS WhLL . PR x PUMI IOWA DAIRY CRBAHSBI Btovw Qauolin kpc, ij,, (,.,.,,, " hi i PMces J. J. TUPKER OPPCSi OVERLAND HOTEL B, Oregon t J I I w i ,:i.i- i i lit 7..N itllU. ur Hiafl I Hkbi tl ..i:. Ult Ih on liu ml. If .Mmi , Special AUeution iiivn idactJif Funerals 1UUKATI. IIA SCALES ' 10NNLCII0N Wiril BAKN M l in were going at a terrific n h. ad, ten . ... oould never l- anything but range, now Droduces annual it i ipn im- aver in- lost his hal- ha. and grain that make the Ittd thinks in fallinj Id oi middle west (arm- look must have bean caught in the paitrj in cuiiiiiaiiMin. All tha and was turned over and th. lunen warn is r several linn that present conditions, under aanse looaod from the plow, Jo h which these things have con Hlack was working for him near paa ball be continued, i and the team ran down to wli.r, u '.all;, .ale to leave tO tl h. waa. ih- immediately oame given section tlu to th- assistance of tin- injured men! of uueslions vitallv ,-, man, but on account of the ter- ning such section . and it wii rible pain he could not move him. safe to do so in thi Whiting came in after Stock Hulletin. Dr. Ifaraden who went out hn m.-diately and made Mi. Voime Hurbank Clay and wii. oaafortaba and 'down from Hsvney yeatard GREEN RIVER WHISKEY The Whiskey Without a Headache fats Csishratei Walshey has seen iisvi i... ism i.i-i to years m the t. g. Heapitais Army aasl Navy, on .unt of its purity. Mi)iii reeseassssaaeal ail iciuinv, pii - . family use n- .. Umi( .uul Mini tilant 1 Of s.dt In only OM taler in Mgh town THE BURNS HOTEL BAR SOLE AGENT . CHARDSON, Proprietor WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous and Obliging Bar Tenders EVERYTHING IIKST-CLASS DROP in ( antral!) located and ( oiiiu-cled with Hotel Huriw - - -- -i ... : ,.. C11R1S1MAS GOODS BLBQANT M D-PAINTBD HAVII AND CHI Ubey's Cut Ulas Bohemian Cut Glass Sl -, Albums, loilct Sa PICtur loys, i-tc. Etc. The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Orq UJZ UAGEY, IvnWK K cV JACKS() U OOODS, FliRNISnlNOS, SHOliS, BATS AND UPS Q-BOCEI5IBS Fruit. Vefijetables, Soft Drinks, Confoc tiojsery, Cigars and Tobacco. BURNS MILLMCl HORTON 6l 8AY , Prop! Hough and Dressed LuJ ustic, Flooring, -ouldl finishing Lurnoe Sawmill to Burns. Cfl 1-umber Yard in . - Koyd & miTcBl fieneral Blacksmithing and Kepaifl HORSIi SHOEING AMSI'LCIALTY. E fray's Old stand, Customary Prices. YoUt Patfoi-age solicited- E