a ttWi hr awl.1 tgtn. i-Hrrnia n( llnriinf Ooi (latum anil is hi mi ilium in KmMivii Hie iHme HeMJi ft "rmi Warn, Cotsntrg i i-ri- M urea ol lt,42H,l10 art of lanil,,4,li:tl,0ftl arrca jrit varan! mt.j..t Mt 'inilrr lli til'li'.laml ll ol llir liiil.il Mataa. - r 1 1 -l t-t 1 BURNS, HARNEY O OREGON, DECEMBER 7. 1907 NO. 3 ON FARM METHODS should be thoroughly tested in the arid, scmid arid and humid IK carried t completion, for the ADVICE reason that large sums of money i have heen invested in their par-1 to determine which is JIN tial completion, and this money inland FMPIRI IH OS THWaTI-NED the most pi-ofi table to jrrow un THE CAREY ACT A "HOODO1 -, oi W rutoi ' Hm ' it,- Hrtft The will be in a measure lost if the work is left long unfinished. The investment of a few hundred of thousands of dollars would immediately render productive these uncompleted lines, MORE "SQUARE DEAL." B. A. Dickenson moved his TO DECRI AM Department ol tfrkaltarc Tell ( (he rVt Treatment ! Sail iM ol The Rel irrA Adaalrlt In irlllll. I m.l. ' . Unless the wheat growers of ORMON MAS NOT RECEIVED CENT Of MM ONI der the three conditions. The arioties should then be im proved by select ion. The farmers as a whole will by confin ing themselves to a few var of wlii ' 1 1..' Rpring varities I ho little Cluli Mini r.-rl I'hnfT the vast Inland Emptr. improve u,s Jh , ,,, humjd agreement ami (JuaMllMRJ over their methods of cultivation they tions. and Rlustem to the arid tno adoption of irrigation rules. family down from the saw mill I Wl" aoon crops cumin- and semi-arid conditions, inei me mate irfinu mwra ami me W I .- - i 1 i' . . bin, 11 .11..,-. .,. .. ...... ..-U,lnl . a the first ol lh' week in order ismng in vniume. oi u nuiri- ". "'" "m veer Mites ),. n,,. i.;i.i i.:.. mnnt luster than it is heme wn (nvee SITOTW iiniicaiions ol ' a . . a . a i I . a 1 JT o. .n.' ifE.iH. Iil.i i ulit.i i I bit , ar1 ur' ic mi': a aayi uw wre- "Mnn-ininv .uuv u Weal all Half Catke ftltfcaat ReaNihif Waal II Haa Cmtrate4 aaa Na IWHatlr Bale la (latent taatra.tarv After manv months of dis going hack as he by are orn nn.ncht i time rk on which continued iff. JlMt piece I'lci iken ill b ruahei lOf) labor rnman rued and Seatti Calif.. iigctan and H rebuilt. g" .. ha ho mill machinery all torn gonian. mis id generally true . .. ..C .1 I i ...... ,ta ,(' I i- ,1 ri any in move to a new site. " im M"" ,l " " ""f"11 , Mr. Dickenson has cut out her he owned on the prt y e all Washington and Idaho, though ;ir. still some exceptions. sent !i am! a little more and ""' wnou thin little ma to iuite lively dkcuesed m recent pub ii ot the lieimrttnetit ol Irrigation A Power 'nil an agreement and rules were adopted apparent - i"! to all concerned. ihe Hoard receded from the n it hail taken upon the ... .!.:- r At tl ,1 meeting of 7"-,,"-V VT , ' oi incident show ing the awful strain and fa- of its earlinros. . It McDSHIP. I ' 'H . II- i apocilli' ' lnTnir f ! 0l I i ,ow fnltnrr ' I in. at Le li i on i up in a collai tube with a noMtle. etey to itppty to the sorenees aiM for any form of Piles. H nothti and heals, reliexes the pain, itch ing and burning. M Pile Remedy. I tee. Sold d The Wi '. .1 macy., Hums. Un- Harnex. Ore j.i. erinllni o i i;i INU MettCM MRW the land, and the rules adopted reiiiire that then- shall lie a rtsi ' e for thrti' months prior to LI .f . I . Mrs rushing. It ,nrr r, , ,,Mam,u"'1!1 eompRM )n.t unfortunat'.y. they to wholesome advice to th- wla, jr. a letter " -- QrdinK tn producers of tins region. After from William II. n, ex- ..,,.,; ,,, ,. m!s Pre nie h .,.,. ', , .. The Dalles IIiiiiiiiir i forliiridvn up hi my plaea HJoinlni Bn i ra will l I v. it vi.ii. n 1. , llii inilil ii il liiul nil ;u, )llt v.iUl Agriculture, w.ii.en by Myron tigue pec r life ...u ...... ..... ,i... ii :.i. .. Mimter. m which he irives tunc s "" i"" mra v usmng. n "in- i n i an win me iiiii'h Willi u . ..... ... Cllil I Val loll ailil so lelllfll I Mils l..i i 1...1 1 tiimiieiT. nilll llllie illlliiien I: . forci een !u a;nl exhnusliv.iy descrihmg meth 1 feet and as a re. ult he cut 17 "f cultivation thai are in vogue. , (111 and iwiiiiting out then- si,,,: 'l. mgs. he I the v. with Hi, traditional varielie: ,1 Spring and Winter :i,uar. 1, .-,t" pulled Mr. Iicl. ,,il m.vmi in the I :n the tune EmpUe, and ;; 'A ver laig, portion of the lias just come torrltory undei to oi;, o trlMRl I MK.r pnxlnces a crop of heat even ., ... ,, ,ti oti the wheat alternating il, eihr.. ,,r ii, ,.,-,.. . , , ii, ,li,i with Miinitner fallow. This svs- Chronieli . the gll! MitF of all kinds and shapes, which served them for a ,ng place. need no longer fear croup, colds or whooiiinir couvh. lU-es ji- cvhiise. The reclamation must iiv,. (ough Smup taetes good of the irrigation and cul- h w,,lk, ,,tT ,hl, ,,,i, ,1,,,,,;, ,). tivatloaofat ne-4'ighth of li.uv.U. clears the I. trad applied for. wiih.n the tatntf, s..id by Th v three-year limit. I'lmrmacN . BWTM On II.. foregoing paragraphs an- Haines.. Harnev. Ore. jhi taken irom an exenange and re-, Brown Satisfactory Store FALL and WINTER OPENING Kver) thing to tempt feminine fancy I MK.STKIS. VKI.tH R M UlNflg WORSTED B1 MINUS. ENt HRH) I.lrTHM TRKXTTK, rillHIT t l.trTIIS. KERSKYS. WORSTK1W CLOAKINGS For Women and. Children Blankets. Outing Flannels. Embroideries WOMKN I Ml W ISS IIRMSIM. MljIM W.iMi s s WHM'I'KKH I. ill i.M'VBH NEW WINTER CLOAKS For Indies and MianeH To be Shown in a Short Time N. BROWN & SONS '3? fc UOJ called ii a theater and it was :ls i. only assembly hall. Tin were gathered lint ie tort of an cntertainmi Dv i tig ie llnkBd. S now Mei ham been pi i nipt', at Htm uoutfiraM Mieciall Pujfcnan Huong Bt- f o 00 M for Ic. Bii, tractoti H the e advortPr for for p.'Hfction work in W :!. 000.086. an the Klathead on his I l mpia. The , h ruling was to niiin through without r tl be. n received and died out. Wlni i'earsoi, K'-peated did not bung him. A. waiil DOOM inn I I lOOT ,,.v ;l.e w,mk1 wiih in the tern is uniformly followed in all pn-ii Ageni rearsonnrriveu un ,s localities where th ran. have ao informed him. and now & Near tin- moui allow bin t.. mm it where th il b heavier, without Ii' iH'hing up." i"oer..paie usually gmwneach ..r The .el,,leiii:in is onlitled t.i n '."H II. .Mimilll'l 1 11 1 lO WOO. tattowii . i. la Ik-either Imrley, OOH Of I The Tinu Herald believes in in some insunicea wo ci 'law and o. dei and would not sug- l-w the Winter u heal first I Igest violence, b P of barley and ii,. M.iiil.l triLe n "di.r utieL" unit Snrilie wheat. iheae arogant OMMi That the wheat Ian! ol the '" ' ' tK writ, r vwiiilil knnor 'lie inrv I 'ohnnbiu basin will Tiroduca OBP :,! .!... a L.I .., ,. ;...i.. . ed him out on 1 II,' ; Ullll .11' IIIlHll , ll"('.. , AUU.,,,1 IWI !" ...... ict them. It makes rath liniU' lime wuhou Ida de er tired to these thing! dining is a ven general opinion tnd the people should insist upon ainone li.nuei of the i their righLs. These m Uut history is agam.i tin- opin- ihould be made km. Kountiful harvests I number of year .while thi new and then deeline 11 (he ) iclds have been tl. of all agricultural regions that have followed a tingle-crop Willamette Vallev, tin narey aci segregation so 11:1 i. oxer on tin' IVsehutcs river. Oregon took advantage of th. i hnt l.tn.i 't during the legislative tnn hoeUi U ion of 1IKI1 and yet it is still landi fth Km . a Ii king rules and no one has et -',..-. red title to an) "f the re- An, poraai . ' bent elaimed land. Had the matter iiiym i" utrd been properly taken up at first io th fell Tl; tey Valley Brewing Co. Mm,,,!, lu.rri. ,.l we would In- Ik Her ..ir toda) I! .rni allev has over i.i.nl now ti.-d up as ill of the hupli.i aid man- wlneli the law was drawn. I' i entirelj mponsible for the .,,' that haa I MH-ti made in all 3.n.A TTaa-toi- I mll Irn.u- Solttiitfti t'rw Delivery T. E. JCNKIN8, Manager that had U-eii standiiiLr iiim-ii Poaroon was found standing b. ' ri"1 J Mm bindtho door, boll upright "'" ,,",, '" :, 5" nrHt ' -y. o ii in approvon in inesuile was a 10.000 acre tract apple d forty . I'.. Iturkeand aaaocia- this alle. This land ii now just about as it was when . . neli w ilhout . i, rest that ,ii' Ml :, , ' lion k I: ragt,' , ,.,i ill:. " ";i rnadeand I Mm. i; M ilium ewabls i . ,illi nil . n lo ', "f It." Be OimiiiI- MM liav- I . I. Mi l II t i ar Iihvuh I , i i I rolulioi. nl " o pan", i-lnp ii I i nlll. un nl i. ill.- r .un- i- i , l l,-i , s A l.i . Hrlll.iu- Sri., white' ON llll III V I lll.fct tl ill' 111 make.-: ,; lit ihiymii i, i etug cun at ae eve rraator tha Harrimoili I., Union ! u itii '' "-rimW lei't I'.ed IV rmsirt k an be iiiimi !. lie ,1 may h , I again lemoKt tgftrat KwJ. P. i. i a hod ig an ilUt :ont ?h iUU IV Id re Try a haul is brush grows. " siiys the the inn i, ' iiani counts Imnk deM.s- itrs. are not gon, wu nettled hImuiI I nere th d until recenlK wheal the green mooi tor so shifty wm th. priadpoJ poaiud of the . prone to ttMM hum b the beginning I. blOWO. The ields wore OOCUred. but th- fault with the advice is the soon be ,1 with wild oats il manner of rofen and other weeds. The Summer ntbol flower. Sage- fallow system was then adopted Tlie yields gradually declined m Portland i in a stat of land that prodiieeil wheat i-ontin- nnd ii." Oregoiiian uatly, until the aeraj." I I waa or 11' bash-is to the acre was . . gnitka with all reached. found Ik-pleting the soil of il I . interest Utile matter is a slow p man: Capital, I and it ht difficult to predict how and its long it will lie until dimim iicu-.v ukiii the Hon. . .. boll fish un' Cock- oti,. of fanning U Um Whelks, and it.s drier 1 usk- .iwlish ore fray Fish. wheal seem to bjg In. 1,1m , In another line, its country fairs markably well, In fact, n now lb ito good claim they bine increased. The ork, la oi the Columb i run, Cow Twt, and even its were not rich in humus w i ioee. at under cultivation. el. :)Ubt the country press, v hen the gran a witn a all and singubv kx .til of th, the euphemu round. It i I . ' plowifl of the -....-.. itter and otlii i ot.injf . 0U1 beautiful lb leliverin i press mat- wi.uld l;i nis head on ihe table and I able to answer U stions. In re calling these stories of hardahip, i itoful rc membrance di thou brave ' Jul guard n l',l hi illle to dwell MivignsiM, mi net i n-.si. tad up ho that net tiers cannot it. Thi v lie saul of the Harnev Valley Impnivement Co ogregation of .v.iinmi that has In en withdrawn from intr for -ira. Had this iimiiei Im-.-ii taken up in a buoineea like manner from thoatart and applicant! for tracts s(,i,il, achuul avary mIuiIi known what was I. wild ,, a limit as to when the ivclama- liould In- eolilpletisl. Ore A newapaper ...av Uniutuwn hav ,M"' in" through its new and editorial '" ,1,,llr bl'lUMP eolutns. It may items Uxia it numb., about the crops, ,dun" h bn Urging to th, tell Of th '- ";' ''' Cfe' ACI Be"- ..,.i.i i ...r....,i. gallons today are attracting more , Htleiiti.in iIihiihII of (lr.-1..i, Willi ""ii'lui " saOB ii.o'.llial II a. m iiuoriiuud, but ""',"1"" "snauoi in gon whii her diversified reMoufSL ttii.l . ..K li in .-.'.h'Ii el-o.l at when all is said and done, it i "' r u,Virm" rtaounsm. Ihe nn-isent tkte lauiril wrins !'' " 'tl. niiiri.li.K imount of advertising that nw pwmi uu""l"lim" I., I,,. v.. u I luul ,.lu,.,jl ill., mullwr - m .w - i.)iH-;trs iii a paper that appeals "" , ' ...-.- to tin lange. "I0" DU" To him n is tl, exK'ei uiniis iha the husinooa I ni i ban i, brie I . m lead ij i iwada) ...-iiiiij Hug U) m'I,.hiI in a in Mi , in n' ,,, M, M , . i(. i a J Irwin will pi. " at ii iraej ii"- lad ootids um i, il, at 1 1 a i , iii II, I , . Ilarnxy - , uhmU I ... a i .y an. I a ennlial liivilali. I In all OOO M OMOBi ".. . i iili ii- Al lie- I'm i.v ' nun i-hliceli llurna. Bee. A .1 I r win paMaV. Ii. tin. k. ri i. . - th. 'Inr-I uii.l fourth a Ci nts Ms; I (esc, ted Him ( IWcr ( the Harnoy Valley Brewery Saloon (, (Hilt ItHIShS OA At. I. AN.s ( 'tilttrs nl lit at (Jimhlu fgUONS (iAI'US. Mnnnyr; Hum: Unborn THE CAPITAL SALOON i I IC I i II .V IMIN'I i. W, l'i.,.fi.i..r Burns, Oregon. i ks i.iqtiors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection.- jean ana wt Its from (Iim Imt just what d ion will Im- node of ire such as Mr. Burke holds is not known. Are these ptiople gouiy to hold up land indehinuiy with out doing anything, or an they going to le compelled t, .-.: land or relimiuisti it? Practically every tied up ir, Harney Valley under the .. t would have been in the how ' stooden to i aid it been subject to entry and these people would i ...... .I... ..ii;... .t... i.. ...i ..,..1. ,y hi liooet u",", """'"T. "'. out onjr uiini'iai iiiikuii'ii,, I for it. tie Grant Coui I,.. . best method ol Sununej fallowing in the I in.w- iug in the earls Burii. School Supt. Hamiilon Ims n in the city the past week plowinj BO OX- arranging ior uie .uiiiuai in.su- lmiiieuiitieiy uiier plowing, anu follow inn this by ufli, done in a tow i the E00li to Sli it the iliili i, nt iiu.-inesaee are proapor- iliK- lb ' .'"'- W r) wei' if tiie local iiiiiihanLs advertioo i.st be a jirospeet Xixjtl tram with a good COUntT) i lniw I they ,.,'ildn'l allor.l lo if , so. ehanti in th. tiiiiikiiii' man will readily agree with u-, i in .-! 'iial is icion and .vith a luri'e pinch of salt. Ihe Uro Str RESTAURANT 1 1 1. i '. a Main . Ii MBMU3 Ar nut. HOUR Bakery in eonnoefclon A Spwiiiir ( Short Oresm. . I h llll . . i I I, l., ll.atnaik.l .M.ii.lr ur iaUule av Milium i The Publisher's Claims Sustained , BT W ttmiAfl nomma jmuana l,iACT!:iLLlM AKY :.i:.i..t T ; ITOII o ooo f 4 neoe tf Uvautiful j i'' P lna. M Olftiulfa. 18 :H H MOMUMt m i. " ai as QiAVAHl, I. L LEWIS ill k ilte ts fore PARTICULARS and PRICES Ie ettsec OMirieg INFORMATION. DESIGNS. nt Ulil mi ne to tute which I- He seCUrea me .services oi ,iuii. ntosh and Supt. Jilieials.Curchill of Baker con and . the teachers an. and have tbt-iii i. otton, Iters. Judge V. H. King, of Ol la.si uprome court, was visiting Ins tillage an to hi adopted, either lor the bister. Airs. J. ai. uinwiuuie auu me size ui '.lie turui . inu othing looking after buiinOM ta Ontario dot ipment iu- liiri this week. Ontario Democrat. creased. Generally .speaking far- I oluuibia Basin at- not in flOonv ing mo i inon vaiue. If m i .igain after Gerald (.liti up from on bubineoa. , A. W. Gowan is and i, its. J. P. V ', , i laiiiils this week. Dull Tumor m from bis Stein's Mouiiiain home last Monday and seiit .several days in this city. Mrs. Nellie .e up from Brown-Black, Jersey cow stray , DickciuHJii mill in July, I V on right hip no ear rv. Anyone bringing the I animal i w furnishing in formation will Im- suitably re .udeil. B A. 1H KK.S.s Bum. On . It is a well known fact that a living in the Pioj foroatl do not suffer tiom kidney dis- One dose ol Pineules at night usually relieves backa dogg' treatment. 1.UJ. Your ey refunded if not satin. Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy., Burn Qoj Fred Haines. . Hai- Umitiu IM.lt . Otak Court or Cuius tofcaaaef wa. BJ " w. . M II I u.l will U. tLa x'ol.a i nu aMM r I i INTERNATIONAL C THE GRAND WHS I .. . I- a ICTIONARV PRIZE i .lUxua- The Bums Flouring Mill I STU TiiNr, lrop. .inlii'. KO1 1 1.H MILL imi:S ISl'SEDj HI i .iiii,!,, . ui I riff ji ii ii, i. a fjat it; in mi ..li thi ' U 'ii a lint mil ILOUlt, KULLliD BAKLIfV, CHOP, AND: ll kiuuS of Mill Fed always m Hand i m Mii.ui lAkkti ma ran hr tNa irlm imuai j CUSTOM WORK DONE j Good Seed Wheat for Sale j ard IlUb UlAt stu .1 . v n . i a u..u:.. "w... . . . ...i i .. m well- U. J. uarsi anu aii-iiii; v iu tempi lo mi more lanu man can iwn from Trout Creek the property be handled with their her hon u Sunset valley Clay Clemens and wife were I ,t of thi Mr. Uarat equipment Too many varieties Thursday and took her departun down from their home at Cow Ipletion wati looking after some legal of wheat are now produced in the following morning for BaJ k the first of the week on a Mr Mllil Inillnroi the Columbia Basin. All of them it n ami other puinls. visit to relative. and friends. I GET THE LATEST ANO BEST i,i uy !.ct. Yuit U1 1 inttrvUd ii U. V C. MfcRHIAM 00. puet laHtaa. eHiNiaf lit O, MAIM. i ,. j.. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.