G B 191 iinr1ernla lit IH POT ,.f Huriii'v .inl , t riri'iilnli.,11 n. I in IMM ol prh iiu ni.'.limiiK in Kaftnrn She fptne MtMk 9h Mrtftt Werttag Cotantrrj t vcr an aria nl il,t2,M)0 arraa of lan.l, MW.M1,MM yl vacant anhjaet If unilrr t ! petto larxt law ol lha ti.it.. I Mataa. MXRNF.Y I orkc.on. NUVKMHKI; NO. 1 m RANflE ed to establish pathological sta- SHU :l INSi'l CTOR REPORTS is no trouble expected In this l COLONISTS RREtk RECORDS lions in the range states for I snort. and extermination of d If tho MM goes through. Mr. WK amonir flocks and herds; ANNUAL RI-PORT TRI'lfS 01 OTHi-- iVhvdimutt will move nt one. '! ( powrsTRv that the convention heartily in work of the Bureau of Animal Industry in eradatinj? ii ni Bcao, unci mat sincere manKs ended to Dr. S. W. Mc- Clure, United States Insp. for his untiring efforts in the work. t '..!- Dalles Still I' in-, taapKfer ami ilepatka FM l.tt,W Shrca la Slate, at Watch 27.77a Y,m Affected WM the Stat. Iaidlaw and it I that H he located there in three or four weeks. It is his inten tion to complete the reclam of the entire project Bend Bulletin. RCRBOtTI R Ol t i'i-.Mifl ri(K Slmniim a lv law m pi ire I. the tit ..f atalaM NtaMaal, lili-1 Mi I...I ayajMt lhavi ii.ii .,( lUrmv Dr. W. H. Lytic. it inspector, has npleted his annual report to the board of .. I commissioners and the document contains a i w nJ f ii..- work done toward- the ,,1,'U(I YurH'1 .,r..,li,.ntin f aaaah in tVii. ct.t x,v mterseels the SI Rl IIMSI!i TO 1 M--MFW ran k la W :i- r.itn no irr-tip in nvpRTisiNti ori w s MANY RISOIRU - Taa Haaria aatf TMrtr V Peaate I ana Ortfaa I'icm t Iraai I fa tktaacr it. thirty new in Oregon .1 and ople found homes rery day from Septemhet I i .'list as a result of the I one-wav tickets, and The sur- the help f the newspaper! tho north and population and wealth of the ........ I th..,H.M,ntall...T.I iA j. f south lmeninninir through I. I. ,..,,(, nmri. jother sheep iliseaaes than scab and contains mticn vaitiai.ie in formation for itoe In opening I. ; H I n M'r l.lh . '. .. teas, dnt; . vicy-pl 'ene ;eseoui . AM dleton, .1. ( liiarn . Heppn.-r. lical. m of sixatiou of hwro,: ck lerve, ttaaaVJ Fores' Bun oar I. Bbephard, witnvaa b. l(.rr ilintr.rt atturiK-y DSI Miliar, .1.1.. I .. da, .'it-.. John llnrkli.y .1. I .1. M.M lllllN'll, it.. Ml..'., .I.ln .l.i. k NortOBi .til.. I; i. Barrow, alto I .1 llowar.l. .hi" Mra Arli.. A. -inn. .1.1,. . ,it,. rllr ,, I, ; , III,, ..... Il k ., ,ll',. I....1 I.I..I..T, ll'.t'i .1 I:..mi. wllnraa . !.. .. Mm atari Lamb, itlto ,.' S...I.I., llilo fi.nl ., I. 1 1, .rii...iru. j.ii.ii . rani, .11'.. I I Mac, .lii. . II I. Hi. it, .lit.. . Kraut ' ,.,,l:i.K. .in lit.. .l.i. .1 , ., I I. I',,I.U,. .III.. I'miii.- r.in , .in., iraball, .lit . I W lini'liHiian, ilitu .. I I illiu MMgJ , llllO Hal I ;n.. i .,, in , i ii , , bai . .l.i.. Ill - .... l.t.. K It.rliar.l-iiii, laaa, iiw.iww,, .ui..m., iHHik" llhitik- M . ..,.. muffin !.. .. ...Ill( Lit . I i ii, baaai ..' It. raid, i.ubliali- bjg mini itllliUu . C ,ii. it Nawa - Laubarg a balloa, u- .1 i w i, i.ii,. s ., i. .,, la. i.l .lit let i.i.. , laehom i, b pbotx I J Ii having Botofl tHlvll. 'wrung i gawilin.' M I V ill am. in. i ii. ; purka A -.iiinl.ruali A.mkI K tllw. .r rtmd ii.i. , aiii i., u.l I n.-i . i. I .."J auMriar i . ... Nam Mutbi r-l,.a I, i-aal. tur , -'i.l r janiti.r u i. ill, 1007 II l II . , j.lloa a rvfl a :n is on i2on ' action in in on taKinu up me nirni against I'i'ti to a paragraph as foDon "In the paat unorganizcil of. J fortl on the pan of the fal H9() counties throughout the iik. itiul pi. .ven wholl Inadequate t.. eradicate or ---1 - -1 scabbies and " other sheep diseases, and in .r i i on the part al counties rt.it 1 pniv- .'ii '.I th. .iisoaM WOj to check. The federal authori ties had nojun 11,0.1 lslKI I- INI "II IK 00 WM In -III .mo 0 20 p I'.fi. I . M Irtd " and ti tr.ln , i,. I, , It' a , ,1 apji,. I- - f t... ', I. , in at l..i. t It comes up in a cullansihle tnlve with a nOBtrt? easy to tipplv to the nretieas and inflammation, for any form of Piles; it soothes and heals, ndieves the pain, it ing and buminfr, Man Znn Tile lvetlli-.lv I . tee. BoM l The Wekomi PI macy.. Munis. Qmj i-,, Han . Ham- .!.' ptintinc It, 1 1. raid Ml HUMPaUMtl 1 1 ii ii 1 1 uar I fiirlmlilHii iim, in v lnci a. .j .tiling Bitmi I n n tii i.. ,i mm .. t. i r II t. .. I I . Mothers with little i hildnn need no longer f"a.- l (Ml '.. I. 2t0 :io 7 (til ujea I :ii In If. M txi J IKI 1'. til ton 1 1 in I -n l.i ) 17 00 n K) other than tlune Intended for ui- IM INI .in,, shipment, and in an ef- for: to protect the owners of s1 , adjoining loreiil to demand a prec.uition 10 at the tun., of ship- d for 110 IS ai Is I If. il 21MW 3 9 SiiUft i .a. ping lor an i tH interstate hipment. 210 "" on lee. Mill , n the 1 Is,!,, linen ow ner. i .;.. where uu their ftt-e ft re iii no waj " aiding iii I cation a i of ill. .It lease Ullillii the i7, g, suiie, in nee ii wus absolutely neooMary that some meast , . ases of sheep could be eradicated from (In state of Oregon.'" cntaiii ed in the t " Hu w . total :'"' of "IIMl. 227 Sheep ill I he Of these li"i7.77o were found with the .-.call .. annual dipping last spring. The total number of Lands found af- Ifected was 1:J ami tic approxi U6 47 "'at'' t'"st "'" '''I'l'i'' ' aheepmen. was rr.. iiii.in. n the deputv 1!i.sm.c1.ii k largest sheep coun ilie toatok M .'.linwii hy ti. ir. which has 415,- 788, while 1 tate has been enormously in- view, at the southwest edge of creased. The exact numU t .-t town. v runs on a tickets sold as n-aitttsl h Mr .t line from the mouth of William McMurray. i.. Drew-- uiyon, onth. assengvr Agtmt of the Harri- si.le.if (I.H.se'l.-ike valley to I,al,e man I r lf07, was I ritw, .at tweniv Par the same time in 1M8 it mm nice from 8890, an increase of 4133 or aU.ut Klamath Falls to Ijkeriew, ac- sixty per cent This of course cording to the "i mil- does not include tickets sold to es and 2KI feet. Mr. Journey. Ori'gon over the Canadian I'aci- who has Im'II in charvr of this fie Northern PnritV CtsHit if. vtllir crew will return over Norlhorn nr inv ,vlKf n. ! or whooping Collgh I he rout. un.lerv.lt.nil ult.w tiek..l. rnmn r.mH u'. HtlVC t oiirI. S I lip tastOh giasl. and make the rout,. iH.rmnn,.m larav .a V sl I Tk- fw D works off the cold through the - ! a. "a, ! a US' "Mini. I I ll MM Mr. .I.iurn. s new will go to gon D.vilopment league has I lake tlli" week. m:iH. t I... ,-, ,l,,mutu enlnu lKitiir reofito work. The Part. 'hftrm,,,'ii "" r- l'"1 the junction of two toiiawtonl laUMl OoaWMrctol Club circulated ,,H,M,'S" "' ram north and Itht.tum leaflets with this low south mill the nthi.r Pjiat anil rats ila Pi.nlril I'natnn. mul .s,.. ' ". " M.r- WMt. With this distinction bably no advertising ever done Lakiview will bocon aaWaMtl bj I ' in the In ton has imp Southwestern shown Leiter results. The rates 100 as a will ha oa again during March shipping, poinl oai In. es- and April. IS timated. as the resources of the LOCAL AND I'IKSIINM whoii 11 H-d and il.. I"11 "! "' ' r unite .(, ; was down from eimrmoii:. the sLklion . (Inesd;i 1 - Imwels, clears antiH'd. Sold tin ha Hi. Ui'lcOSM Mi lUKSp v-sl.. SSMaaMMJMfMMIMaaa Brown's Satisfactory Store FALL and WINTER OPENING I.m rvlhinjr to (rmpt feminine fancy PANC1 WORSTKIW. VKMM'K SIITINGi WOWTKD si iTIMiS, PANC1 IikoIm ItrTBS TKKdll I IIIIII I (KlTHS. KKK.SKVS, WllMM CL0AKINGS For Women and. Children Blankets. Outing Flannels, Embroideries worn . i mi w msth. nMMHiNii ngim WOMKN H-WKWTKKs i. ill r ..loVSja) NEW WINTER CLOAKS For Ijidiea and Miaaea To be Shown in a Short Time N.B OWN & SONS i Hollos Is hi rsaj u.Vfe that Inn. I ing an. I ihootlnfl ii.. I' ,,-..l lamia ..f ll.. Si.k ('.. ia A 1. 1 .,r,,i. or m . - ...- I t,i hum iiiH or kaspaaaing n. in iii. nil I H lint H .. i ' TH. HOTEL BAR JONtS a BYRD, Managera ,:, -Vinet, Liquors .d Cigars COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS ( ' .aitih lliilil, Mai l . Ouraa, Oraiaai MINI 1.111 ISM 17 (HI With two in. three, booaass the .south line will Ix.th with Fa. or in fact, norti i .tin. tnd I Coastlines. Lakoeount) will be a trreal i r of taM food ..I the world. ImV Exam Man ih. i i born of his i:. is of : full nf mie pobej H hool when a Man ho seat of i . il.ilu't do until he in sick at heart. He tfroweth up like a n To Mr. Mr. J. o. Caw Ifleld Tuesday Nov. 19. asjaV i Haines waa a busineM 1 1 Harney last Monday. Local dealers have already 1m li.silii Christmas goods. lank Button and family were III the illy the timt of the Week HIIK l""l J. J. Heinz was in the city from i of the week uf ler Mil, I K Ui.Sttla t (, III. 111. , , t, nr rill.,.a .lie n , 1 1 i . , . i and Mr. 0, II I a, year having rla I iillllli.ll of en , . In, rail i ll.l.i III .,( I If ,...' i i. , I mi.. v A . . Mclltoa Str Ur I i in -i if M III f,7 III ISM li. tome uifrieultural implements. a...i j ! u .l Kiral Cl.urrli I'lirial n, 1,11.1 II H .try Austin and his brother Lu,..Ui wen- up from the lakes Tuesday. Iwut ,.,. .,...(,M ., 7 aa weed in a back yard and aoon They hail been luuiKorne sport .la, .i i in .. ... Mrstiaaw are aal hen he is in- with i he birds. in M.Muiiai. - P01 lar',l "f K. .1 Klmk, Ual manager of Rei A J Ira,.. .ll ,.,. ,i '"'' "I'l About thw rt.u.hone ( .miiainv. U ll.u n U H, I ,,l, bean looking ufier laisinMS in Msath at ll a ... ...a the past Week. Sal. I, at I very aal. UU, Arthur Horton. who has lieen ' "' quite ill from i il liool tnseta several weeks, is slowly recover- at .' . , I. , k task leads ami a ins;, although quite week. J t I IitIIMIss U n-idul to all Mr ....! Mm Wm l,r..mir- li. ea.. atluil t . innl Willi u- 5C a a lsi a gssa, omI Itoa ( Iter at tto Harney Valley Brewery Saloon t.OOlt ,'NAs or Ml KIMtS Cigarn of Hrnt Quality I .SON 6 (.Alljy. Manmr. Uurmm. me he gets too long fu In short trousers and not long i nough for long ones. He goeth liege, toarneth torn to ih a three dollar man dolin and play whiskey poker. sues second " 'ggr fool H than ever and marrieth a sweet v.... v., ..,.. i uiiiiiiii a ..urtli oung thing, whose is suppos- t""k t heir deimrture Wednesday At tho PraeajtaaaH ilmi.t. with 208,696 bead. MJRVBVtM mii uiiidum 17 -'5 I UU IK. it to luuu HU.J (ai ou ems from a si made bj Watk t " turned from I Mon day, that the report that th road had lii-l-andooed 3au nid three rk The Times HevaM ttmwti its ll,ou inforniutiot, M, llughet irho had been with the su. months, and ' ni i.. u wialthy, but whom he oy prtvate conveyance lor lloiae iturua, iuv. A .1 irarm i.aat..r subsequently ascei toil where they will spend the Davlua aarviuaa tha thir.l a.. i i y ltu the prize rooster at a county winter. Kuniiar luunlhatlla n. , fail. lie h along from J K .loh.iaon em ..r from 'd 7 l "' al.Ull ..illy acquiring I his Malheur eonnty horn, toll off springs until his house reeem- Tuesday. H. Sunday school class just survevmir for ll I' I. S Co 1" a i morning lias, He lletteth through the day and heth awake nights trying I mt liow u and exjai'ts to indelimte time remain for an tslt. ,-ilf lli...urlu...i ua.jl ..i... keep hiniM' and bis deiK-ndent ,. , , . . , " Mm siml Anderson arrived home isipulution out of the isjur bouse , - , . . .g from a trip to afar! ar. I'lea i.. I. ; n ' . t Ljto i i .t.i.v vsher.- th.v v i liao uaujcn a-- o -uu cancaj' aj m 1st Lmc Sur RE8TAURANT ., l'rui Main and ll sir no uring home a sasa w.ri-in-luu miummv fmvi ilavw I,. m'.t ... ..... -.... . . .. . i j v. ngiii. ii is ueaaeu fu-1 u, i.i- lum-,1 Ilia SWSUU -JOSUU BJ L -.'7 SJ III atn a was ; with the return 111 the linaii- ll A M, - s iul U ui,,l u.a- w t ual .1 W llf.iw., J S .i, I. in. I '. ami lahn i.ti'Minn II S oagtl) , luupln It A Martin ., HU ihi 1 w M U-6 nu ;i. uu iiouing tor a susuecuxi murosr. adi-d to gel any times .s.inteil HiUMi at ins uuuru. nil ranis , iow up and cull him GsjWJMMf m '- Hlott eume up from his i 'inpteu and s.-i t.im i.a ku live sMJt . ., . I . M . intain homestead Mon- About this tit -.d Tuesday made DTMat ,,.,,ii,.-..,l ,.i,,,iii.t, In,.,-., i,, n,uU ii He thinka of tiiLn,i tin kia raaaL. rhkhairstoquai Intei sad st.ueiion to begun. A . ,ti, on to almake this his head qua ""ll " the Ci,l a h.le sinking w. , 1 I e hi- I 'uutry will U ,,. .,.,, hu. i.i . . -... v j , . 1 1 ! f ' II V I II' le puu me by marryinij th MbMUJ r Abu HOURS Bakiry in cunneetiott A Sstcislir sf Stor i ikaart. i furiilahi ,1 wild III lliarkil all., ula ,ali,.i, illci'i'.l THE CAPITAL SALOON, flam H POMM vn, PrrsjarlMSM, Bums, - OrogoxL Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection. 1. 1 LEWIS til to ttoJ is fsraii PARTICULARS aod PRICES Is msm toalrajg INFORMATION. Ialal..l DESIGNS. The Publisher's Claims Sustained W "' .. I ET 0 imiiAUO ItBJTimAS tjftaf SflPaaaaV- inACnCALLT ,' & AIT llshtvUIIl 1 ITilt Ovaa-aOO I aWnat ra ataaHMMltl ' j l'k' kt aaPaVaMHttaSs J f I 9( wwmMJttCyBjBMLuitPAHi. - life in , and get some land Uanio Brarta O ,..,.,f W. first of ufl 1 75 .... "it Misi m.i irtik-N i it , Lumber . I vie era H uil .u).ng iki Ou IuiuImk i tlm...li, ,. .'.. uu 11. Jl t 7 U l I soih mutl 10 da -' '-' the j, n. i oil Ills I I . Vm ,1 u& M W I. on or th- oVei l ttli. i . and wife and arrived home ' ;n Winnemue weat in an auto- .i fine y saya th eom-ui-about tor this eountry. ll ivq . iinprove- lompk most I,:.,., .l.v H.. Hon; lo Mr. and Mrs. donisij H- Gulp, Sunday, Nov. 17, ivl uf ttu t''jf uiinet aati ndth what important, so far as traveling is he foil.. M. Mud WW liajf io Mr. 1 1 Band Is d cutting quite ;, from jiraclicalh decided to buy . iiMBaaata in two and a lialf men to ll L. B a son aaaM hitch in uiy, an.! Hi kajaaaaMataaal taaaW Job punting ,ies-ll weak looking at He reports s ittb.rily on tl illdren will lie over to . ..I Christinas with n and friends. Ir I. I . Hibbard and his un rt- Hibbard, are baek n their pleasure and business jaunt to the southern part of the county. They re(ort a line out ing, laasides doing u great deal of dental wor foi th. people of thai section. Dr. Hibbard is raises of that i of the county and oi the itality ol They i of sturdy . ueii who still cling and al nn toMat their vitotoo in a The Burns Flouring Mill j ) i II,, II. u,l I ill Uu lUo u . rW , Ik a.. .' . .I mts DICriONAHY PRIZE INTERNATIONAL THE GRAND ItlattlujC tUJlati til tlaU 6ET THE LATES1 AND BEST l'.,u ai h uutndtd Uj tnur , ... Mi.liva. Q. a O. aaC RillAM OO, : aTOTBVANT, Propt. :H RO' I lilt MILL PROfLSS IS I i.tt ! I j a (i ruii FLOUR. ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND All kinds of Mill Iced always oa ttaad TsL VEIV Mlaabl NAttfcl rilct tM Hil HMrt WLilMI UUf CUSTOM WORK OONK Good Seed Wheat for Sale ma j THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.