thc aimcs -rtatd. n k 16, iw: 'lUITION I. 8I Mo.itht Tlu.'. ll.HN e . i A visit ii the irrist mill the other (lav nhi irythinu active. Ml Mil i- quite bii IV iu liaiull. i, flour, I the furniahe kv er Tor tl Venator, the Crane Creel rattle man, was in the Bit) Motl dm. Ring ' pepsin Table! do the work. Btomache trouble, tion, hloiitinn- then I n genera! rantiment In w ii. ' down from fawn of charging weiterr. home near Harney Tui man fbr the use of the pul lie nd oven if all v. members uupoaad the bill ii fa doubted if ii could be del Thai beinp the cae. it Mem up ,,,, ;md ,,. niiI, fo0(1 Tll(, etc., yield quickly. Tv 1,110 (l1" i,; i i .,, .i iii ftbnenl fi ir druir- bandwagon'' ami ne that the furnigh B lriili. Bold by ..... provision of the la are aa f a . The Woloome Pharmacy.. Mm ----- orableaapoaalblo." ,., Harney, An indication of the return ol Thi ehancea arc quite i I1 i. ... 1,1. .,!,., -I,..,, 1.1 l.wl, r. F.llia an in nemile .1)11! tluv :v lint HomCC d. ,deltlll . ii"i mill iiiiiiiu nil eenmuons nil ine ' " im mhn ..,.... .,.,..- m , outaideii the wheat and other for a land leasing bill that, unle mmnnitiMaa .,r .1 i, ,mite ilitlVivn From ii.. in wheat, nor thiv ,"M1M. U.I.IV.P .pi i I,.- 11, M I M ' ' ... - proposed, he will find n I V W,W1 ",,1M : I next election In cenl , he cannot ride. ! month ii- il awaitinj: the I I .,1 l V II. . II. .HI- tho beat make of) an officer but ,.,; ttnd il in making his escape. 11 Himes. . .,. ,, ., .,, one h . ... ... , them wm "',' "h,,x i Mr and ami friend i liunli I teati d. i'i- N o i HI i'"i: . re again beginning to move. The local land office h i rraphic from Washington to acce proofi and w here proper was shown thai applicant niomn in banks that could n drawn out in the pre ni cial Hurry, that paynv Bended f seems to i Willi uslv in the land frai ' itttte. HIHI'l Will TAKE .Unl miiWI Ii 1 limes. ol Hie I State n ted I v was ui praai ever Tl I'alli .- Ciu" ihe pnntinj on the i "-'"' ii It would landwicl in ,- the i ' The first prl ui on thi i , ... md primer b ml an children how i. i i foretime ,m ' ouverandwaa take. ita wo the t'oluml,,:. and l lie I' U UIO) com n IP Tile The type will bi m;nn; than th dally in th rani within . fl'l I Mil IN DKIliO- i , hat th I n no v f ti t to ai ucl n an three .ii. Scottiah I. and W. D. !' nton of I '.inland 1 nl' at tlii he 33rd d GRAND BALL Thanksgiving; v genuine old tlnv Sociable Ball with Quadrille. Waltz, Two-Step, Three-Step nd Qood Time In Qeneral LOCHER'S HALL, NOV. 2K The ritisic bv Austin Goodm n I uncheon, con il i ol TANDWICMES AND COFFEE W ill be Serve i In tin- Hall The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. emi IRfKATN Main Offlce, Bu Branch i McGoi ai Land''. l.aml Sci mi . Every Manufacturer tries to imjtaJ McCormick Machiil Buy the Genuine McCormick MOWERS RAKES BINDE From GEER & CUMM1 UTIRILTS, - OBEGO NdH CLOSING OUT SALE "Ci mi phkmisv and M . da IIOII III General Merchandise Farm Machinery, Wagons and BURNS, OR will ' to hut ntigatc J Prii Ol p iv U 1 : tlOlle PoUi can LINES OF I i, Stationer) and Cigars now in I oton-Hulbur' Dunquet Hall. lie, te. ByK T 1 0TOZ83 M. HORTON. 1 v, dk 1 ruie nirpoeea. ! I I -mil rriirh t' 1 ii hi ni ami Gone: Burn &. DALTON merchandise : Ti. i H( "Olll ti: ic v Is u Vfallv in' count Ha I H pi addi . Br H A PRIZE PUZZLE Find the Hidden Lad) nd Vou'll be Rewarded M. Oregon .... ---r fir 4 ' Si r elf Hardware ammunition Tinware, Cra ware, Pi Etc., Etc. lie Most Popular House in Interi MATLV 1 LRN1SM ALL 01 1 Ri f . tmF I H ...u icrs ior 1 raveling ivjc ana 1 ELAR RACINE.,tManagcr. s, Or BURNS LIVERY AND Ffcfci - ihu i.i.w I- I GARKK'J I. 1 h and i ...rke eaonT n-ceived Mr hi 10 fro 4 iii :3 Dili : I J SHlli. lltt fu hoi. 11.11 Hi r. I) FIK1 CLASS LIVOI ui 1 1 Hi on mini Via, Sun tli Mi re . .wne liomi V ... i:iii. ;i"- : from 1 i purchaa- ! . Ill I with bin Mall is. EiLERS PIANO HOUSE y Sti. :, 1- xr-A.a-ortsrs Staver BugfK PUMP IR1 Cl.? 8EPARAT0 Rope, Pip,-. Qarden Hi (II I I'KICKS . J. TUPKER OVERLAND HOTEL s, Oregon cial Attention Given Conducting Funerals 1CCUU1I laM SCALti MM HUH BAKN. i five tii. lie in--. and among otl . BaKiii'i1'1 tin- public domaii Mr. 1.11' ftj of th- . man i the . Malheur and Whi d again tlii inavitabk and i; ! BY, i'KWY! 1. JAli DRY MODS, FURNISHINGS, SHOi.S, HATS aNI) CAPS Fruit. V 4etabies, 80ft Drinks, Confec tioner, Cigars and lobacuo. fHain St., burns, Oregon Just Arrived A ( ( iituiii and ti' I. OF KUBBLOlt GO( ombiaatien luuntain Uiovaa, .Nipple, ei. riii :v 1 iagei tu. The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. BURNS MILLIiv HORTON dc 8AYER, F opts. Rough and Dressed u Rustic, Flooring, Mould) Finishing: Lurmcr. oat Sawmill to Burns. Lumber Yard in Burn leaH iitelll in ad .: '1 JO fuJ leli lei . 'HE HOTEL BURNl id Li u 1 tin Chi 1 inj e. remaii have again left for the o 1 ,.:. intil iprim . plsul Ihii mi.' fruit . v . uri il.. ' iltiludfl If. )in Allan. I i I mm '.' r'- Klli,' ,,11111:1111 tlial II i. ivd by the admini " "" a law. ill the 1.:;-! line to i. . GREEN RIVER WHISKEY ie Whin hout a Headache 1 In- ;.,. has been uaad tar ihe i 50 vein ni lite '. s. Hospltaki, rm .unl Navy, on Mcaunt "i Ui purity, highly rwummanttad i all hmding phi took and ttini nl, ml. Pof sii in oni one tiiitici 111 each town Henry Richardson, Sole Agent, Burns, Or mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmMtmmmmmmmmmtmii Iuur Piruua MiiuUd Burns Meat Market III lirst NaliiHiiil Bank Maiu St. 1 ?fW BaiUY. ptnitobjr. Roe Wines, Liqiors and Ci fleotv for lanljrf Cub Hlbisii NHKnoH I.VERYM tuurtuuus did obli Mwolu " ,' Un nd at M FLOYD & MITC EM Pork, V'ieui BulogUJi and Live. iSausao,, deneral Blacksmithing and Kc . mu Ul m) hobs:: mum a special n yuau!il. tt. J. HANSEN, Propi. Customary Prices. Lira V 1 Your Pati-oi.aga Solicited mbh - iiaai "'?2I B