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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1907)
'imcs-Hrrnlo Olrcawtlno an. I i im i.i J tl;iut niilluma. in Ktrn Bjje fpme ti-mfum Vh euii Wfnt CotMitra CoTMl an area of n,43S.MW arraa of lan.l. 4,rn4,"'.l MTM yrt varan! nlijrt to rnlrjr iin.lrr Hip nibllr land lawe of ll,i I nlln I State. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON. NOVEMBER 16. .07 NO. R2 REOON 'innreMhiWh stock pamblinjr. ORIIOON A (HM)D PWOWCW fmm the OraflM producers will ims vicr is productive of noth- 1m- used to fool tho bill. In ' Buying and This, in brief, is a statement solliriK 'on marpins should be pro- thf ortoomw SCOWS HMMtUN of conditions which hi. LROISLA IN n, ins ? hlbited In nw. Pmhahlv the crnment is without ooiutitutkind authorttg to 'nact ProhiMi suci) lagWation, but it could im- such in internal revenue tax on all such contract! and actions that it would amount rr. , , .. , ,, , . . ,, , I he annual report of he O. R to prohibition, and! shall hojie ' 'ich legislation. Than ,v M' ' "' " " Wl,h ,ho res .f stork should Iv is- Washington Railroad Commis- smu'ii) wison mi coyote IN AN flMTORIM Report nl I). R. ft V la. Shorn. Vl I uroinf Nearh fo.MM,IM for car rt ho Road RiilMIni la State. II i enacted, I'l.itini H ' i.ilion est in hi-" id tho pr ling. In r the me hat will , Senate :-, linfi i Onn ftBftJUpr ! tl. a to the tumor- ain in I ii. M ion Bsy one surea lid M - he tna- much l Hshing t and :i nbiting leaking Impor llll. In - l-'ul loii will be hre in "or the tl Orepmians to a point where Nf") will rise and demand that rates In' ii ducod to a hVure that will not admit of the pilinpr up such abnormal surplus earnings Mad in speculation and in building roads in which Oregon has no Interest We might sit ' in silence and inm "Misuchan injustice if onlv n sminoN hw tut m IN MIIIPMI-N. I'RimiiM : I r ii, n I I i Ii ir,l ilrnaa f A'lilfOM lorn 1 1 I 1-1. II Brioaikti Vaawraa o4 I apKa.aat Shne Bnaali a Rraiai ril M i tVilarr Irrtala Ptaa Dale P lll S.VN(iS HNK I'BhIM It sued by any corpbratii Ion at olympia. ofltei Maple es mail porttoa ol the money had on full payment therefor at par planation for the risinR wrath of '" rmprortag the vTi ,,,!,. of 0 the WHttaol th. which it I lie iii'iieraM eminent can ,.,., is ean an. onlyregu to rjoqtfr- mnnmr m wnu'n ,ms " com- mg exploited by the Harnman . but thai really include '" Thii report shows net Of the large corporations, earnings of n.-arly $1000,000 fr PoMmaMrr General lljpfj. Tkcm In order to reach them, however, the year ending June 90, 1907, ..I rttgaM I mm, 1 1 It-1 1 1 h. . 1 1 ... . -11 w"-' ""I""11" more than 10 corporal urn engaged in inter- imero ii i.ei : '.'ni:i i 'i tin in.... ... ... eoilll'illM. !'." Hie '""'K' "il Hon to exterminate tin eogOte the prublsw bafors the mRand burning, It ionics up in a colla taba with a no.'ie saaj to apply to the soreness and inrtamniaiiiie, for any form of Piles; it SOOtheS and heals, relieves the pain, itch- Man an Pile . n of the state and when Remedy. I'i . inran- "lvTnwers assemble in tin S"M b The W Phar In l'.Mh that topic will mncy. Burns. Onv I "red 11. i i he iial ihinirr up for , Harney. Ore. Ii i ion. For inanv weeks ubjset has Iwn turned over private!) and various reme- liave Imh'h suirgested. At the shvp commission head iie i. i hen tin coyote Hst has succeeded scab as a live issue. i tht .lob prinliiiff- - Tin- Tiiiiiih llirald o i UttPAMtMft 1 1 i ii 1 1 MK la filflilililcn iiiiiii IH niiiB Hums, Twepsss vigorous 1 1 1 . will rnssaotsd 1 r II voKdll.V eent on the r the r.Mwl and eoiiiinn. nt A recent Chicairo irss dis- to incorjiorate , ..,, . , , Mtoh Pii !! flm i 1 ping last spring the soabbii and th . ., . crolie is Ulxm the run and il i- -mihi in llie imiii,iii . i'Hie '.."in. i. mi i,. mi iri . mi- - ;n''" the-., heavv earnings, th , of il last RSgbl at the "" Mtod to arrange a eaniiign M"the,N with little children '"' as ,i:..:.i i .i..,.i..-..,i ....... , i, ,.,... ,,, it,., i,i...,i ,-i,,i. that will make the covute's life ""'d "" longer fear croup, cohk ni : i ii mii un if i ' i an ifiui'i .4 ' .11- iiiiiii.-iiiiiii nil' w - " l"' "il,,r" percent on ll, preferred stock, of Chicago. He gave his view. "' sl,1:1" I ; !, rof the vast regarding postal Improesraante, such legislation and would bare Ling, pPevious years which includ '" trnnsp ---, ,,. maam .,., i,,u .,,.1 .i. ihhi. I hi "rc of "ur- "I the pan sjrningaM baa all b t he wil d to Congrats i.f ll,.. ut'.l.. I". .i- nan ii. mi. in bin ntition) r..i,.,i-l I 1 , . " "" m 1-11 - " '"I ,M!,W'' BpaouDt. chaojngor Improving 1 aid the PoatoM.. n, , Hon lines, but .,1 ,. tu all other corpo in Inter- traffli . tkeeiirn neoesw m V aW1 every other member of the d le gation mmber of jirivate claims to "1 I" with much mi, Me si- entire h ' gation that will wot pi to harmony not worth living. or whooping cough I'.ee 1 ., I Ml,.., I'linirli i nil. liiuln. ih.yl ciiiiw iiir vuyoie oouiiiy was "- - -...... ....-...-. .--... removed the skulking animals ' works olf the mid thnnigh tin bare mn, ,-,. at a dangerous bowels, clean the head duar nitio. in the sheeptnen Sold b I'he el, h .- . -lunate.! that the annual I'hannacy. . Burns. Ore Urates Is pi oar cent. Haines.. Harnev I w riu h is nmre than from all other :: Brown's Satisfactory Store FALL and WINTER OPENING Kvery thing to tempt feminine fancy I N( l WOHSTKIW. KUII K Si ITIV WORflTRD SlITINCiH. FANCY HKOlM'MTII8 TUKOTE. TII1BIT 1 LOTUS. KER8I WORHTKDS CLOAKINQS For Women and.Uhildrrn Blankets. Outing Flannels. Embroideries ""MkSSIMI USfl HHKSsISi, Mltt SfUMKN'N H UTIHs l.llll l.l(l l-s NEW WINTER CIX)AKS I or I .adit and Minae To be Shown in a Short Time : N. BUO WN & SONS snorts appro- die au-iji ,. of ii v sa ity: if i ... , mook 1 hail eat' vey and r imp 3iuKlaw uiH Btr 1 cortani inner t Hnd r the . and i.i- to .pt'oti :'iit of Al.seu i-iiiir- - . ;; which Oregon has no interest men t during the past fiscal yea eat combined Nithiek have th,- (i ni.e the money of itn- (".votes bsOOHM that when a v sxehjartaly an Oregon road, migrants to tht '" '' "' btap gra lost f mm a tning at Portland and ter- 000,000. He estimated the band r m that more than P- '"l niinatiiigat lluntim- . . th. J '' ll"i! "''": lh bjltsg All of the right Med ,, Statl . b thec.Mites. m" entire ,., , , , 1 nn ;k ihhi , ,,, th,. l.anks. ' Under the present conditions .''11 ., f leased summer ranges, high iment, and the b , iO.)i'jo pricetl winter ranches and good which In tin is and wages to herders tbesuoossaof depandi upon I down to the 1 r desired th ol a iHtal ss l"'"- So it is no wonder that Intended that I should ,bnk' '" ," ...allowmc the coyotes ' nRdl' Uiilend. "nail tohaveoneoul 10 sheep bt ml Riflet and aiaon seem to be savings liunK noei aniiuoie lor t tie coyote and the m ' and tin- problem is how to .uiiptiigiif-ittH to muke Bto bid an a sweep as po 1 ab bfjji suggested that ih. ". An 's association draw 1 i.-y the : herd- from theft or by lire, but they do " or other party killing the ssoK But the O 8 N wtui first last "" !"' eoiifldence m the - (luring a given iernal. all the lime ai 0 . - " ,,f ll'' ment a methingol this kind n online, at the meeting to he held re immed n accounts referred to would How in The Dalles. ling the "lt" '' ' "K bank and uui a general pm "in ng scheme . i .1 i ...., ... ... - .1 . ee of the line uuii in- H-U lUCS lllio lOB Cnan- m--vm i' mhi-i Willi (lie imai Ul- ! vor. It is sugiesti-d that:. the demand lean m the Natiu k in those ti" ih-iim .say one month, be itadvai sarpsssj mi ' ..-steil tl, lM'rl " tail ma "WTht bad passed ha wavasto v nl. in rajmlMi fm il, i l i f confidence had been tesUkTad. the get all I ruction. While ur ,, nionev would Im- r. turnwl u district thai made tl"' because the O. S N n. ih.- n,..t i.m. ill tin- ii. banks it '""'li,ion ular as well as the powerful Aould reoaive only aUmt half i.oimiIv that the West bus ever the interest paid by aavinn ' "" W'""M- known W'tiil.. , -h.,.. bunks. If the I. .. ithheld .Should the iM.lsiiliing Ih- hiivA boon Iw.l.l .... r, .. . from National banks or trust "P due notice would is- ' ... lit rates to a norm rplus, King has bee No rRKHPAHHlNtl ! DOO.C haulers Servsysn Called t iff. . - in.. m ,i i u-iii inn- "'" ": l"" ' tmlledb: al M onlj In- counts havt beer withdrawn .:.. ':. . . frm Vntion.d lmnk tr I in ' '1 .' ' I - I ' ill .1 Ml I I I i -I W ,l""' the In arrived nere .auiniay irom lie v, . . v- . iImUiUm .. Steam N.. iany. """" oeisisiiurs, . county, mr. i.. ., ., ,, .. runnel of the Jai ling! hat all the ,-...i, i -. i "ml f Navigation Company. tn ii in.n " ii iiie i vii tl.lU d d iwn. Chief ae to Sn't ..i.. I i,. employss . I press odviO ipoaad sa been luyed off. V iii i- Ii. I. !. gteattl hunt mil i.ii abeeUaf epon ia m, I I i ImihIm i.f ih.. Aini'i nun I. Hinl A Im k Cn m inrii forbid k n m mi..ii, i.i .. mn i.i Utwpeaaltt willi .r nilrd lii llie full x ... I i, , I,.- I.i tr I I : I ' , Hun, i, Man iger sjsaBSansasasafSBjNaasBs i.e. HOTEL BAR JONES A BYRD. Managers Mfintfti Liquors and Cigars COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS Nt Itoor (.. Iramh H..UI. Mala St.. Urataai Iaid Iii lends on the in- vastment and SXacted much high which the JH-Upli PA'hit'li Wi ,1 clum tarbors. last se imiiroviiu- and '' ' : " "" service f the line l" t that bad baan tool ''" l,v 1m' ad work b (I ti'tniMir-eved di in I i iration anil I . rk will lie Eied a:. ' ' planned. ar n iiad Immitui. J prasJdant ,. pti t ll- H'H. vice pre- ,.,i , i. x. HraJ..i.i I il,.,n.i. en rolled s.,ive charges MM. I Hi mil niial'b- In tin ir pefMMSl ' mi ii in lbs i in ii f ilm r coniiia .1 u-, t !- MMae liavf S0S ilae-il Mb Mr. (' II I I , JTMf having il., i i ... ill Milutiiin nf I'lipnitin rln. -.t lb lie nt nf Mi- MNM i- I I Mai Kflifioa. Serine I ,i.l ( l,,ii. I, ( I,, -l mi. mi. H, eaisi Beaaiag wurr . w. i ni-lai rv.iniin Mefteg ie lay arln.l in a m Ml I III Mi Mull. I,', sin. I . lb V A J IrWin Mill plett ll Ml i . lb.- ted lands ( r-wri BMWth at 1 1 a. in. uml I to . iii Slil.lli acbiMtl uvtry aaliUali . in I I.. Mnrni'V - ntes in a given al '.' .'i ! a Meb Ihladsj ami ii Following that aimther snnlUI iavilalioi I i all m would then Is- visited and lm can atlead i hVb the work continued until the . 5C a : Hi) i a (ssd, cstl Diss if leer si lb Hariuy Valley Brewery Saloon MoJ MttNKS OK ALL KLSIM Cigarn of lUnt (fitahlu YWIIflTi UAULIN. Manager,. Hrn. Oraa. ..M.M.I.... (Itll.-IM ill .. 1 b ,lo, in Hpmp, inipn Of th , so ye cnty I o) a m ivhic! i all., lap iii adi.ij ;wliitii elani. tv for t OI and I !. bur, all snd In, , Intflnta the banking buainaau i i i i i i' i. ,f It : to encourage m nwsliirl thrift to (.till Ull ' and Viien ll , (., nf de.-ili.,ir .noriH present aneriniiu J. K n charge lht.. ( k to be i Ii., iii.. -i arii sled have been ranges were cleared down a far as possible. ..!.. Ill l . . mil. mi. .it I.-. - the Innellt of " '"ai Hogs would Ie Kelil III b. -i.g drawn bj cheek, nor. if during thut ierioi. ted in a postal mviasji (Jadai dtebjM u sp bank.. .innnssioi. bfj a.wer to deal lis Use Msr ifl tin- wa. toB or oil thut -.-I Ihe 111.. able paper. I the ibe state now pays no moi mination es and .1 tin .. an to I. ' the ex pense must bj barn by the batfrMi th. -ins. u i federal prranuMi uutoiti already set men lo work light- i.roiH.rtions eigners as well as I, . our ijeoole "'g '' Al tltf I'reali; I. rian . Ie... I, liurita, Kv. A J. Irarin paalor. Defies arvic-a ll..- i bird ami fmirll. Silinla a nf rat I. mniillial II a in., ill p ll. I .i ih.I al lo in. every t iiiorniui THE CAPITAL SALOON, M.I I II .V I'i.NJCOA.N, Propn.UM-a Burn:, Oregon. Xlilo I-3Zasa,d.q.-u.o.rtar. W i ics Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. . W i n .'ork bad. Ate' li.mir .,, .,. ,,f ii. ., :,. ,.i .! by a general co-ODsration of i a.. a i ...i- ,i,mui.i-iii ui vivgw. r ...... ..... - i. . iiiiigtim who contributed Mr. Meyer in conclusion rasa with to this enormous surolua would he I d for both ajiaociation it ia favor thai dumninir of 22 000. 00U .1 oonUl aavinifs holwl to work out -,ome j.lai ,reby ibe p. ., .... ,.,. RE8TAURANT M..I, HI,, I I MBMUH AT AUU HOURM Bakery in onntion A Specially f Sberl UiW. Tibia. furiiili. il With il.a u.arki ( n, .mU V.,iir pateeaV iciBwima jAtOEArcsTUAi JjT MM l.. laiVJ..i Tf 2 ITOI! oreoo ; ; if n- aMutifut ' B ul Uaina. B OlTdUlaxa.. IGCTTHEBE I I. L LEWIS WW glai firsts. PARTICULARS and PRICES Is ISJSM fsakteg INFORMATION. Slal DESIGNS. MOMUMtHlAi COMfANT, ids, I, .i would an lie stoppage ol wit in i n tne i ra imed i the count) leu ll:..: ne K- paid and intro Ui. inb i a.s I' tearing be- ,in I. deel- weni Hvbaiicc of OUT e Tilbiir....k In; Sf1 " '1 W line, oi ., Harnej county, :it by! No. 1 UK from dejiredu- iow I - ,.,.! n. unci on. P 1. ( I. P. 1 : ... from ' SUvit Mr. Bn :,;. eiio to have l,ul" aI some yrun 8 runnerd ..i...-.. nt i, nr sinno'il fairs in i Mine. j. ,i . . i intario Ol 1 1 iv : i to Portland, and will Pi adit : (lurry has ..... i , .... ... i. nl i " iMatrai I . ,. -. .... ... ....... .., J i a . to tr. i .. I), "We I ''rope settlers co: evt ry Mil. at. a. uei . . and loan man, was few days tins weak. He Geo. W. : VS in. MaeM W Agent, of Portland. The gentlemen left 'uesda alteriioou tor the lake, u.L- U. . liUlltV nun, nar. .Mi... .-.iii.iiM'ii i'. ar - iund will not tap a single Harney is .unties in t hi ' iU:d a ......o. couiuiy urn! is u. - , i(J,y ly berved will. d ihiMU, liter oi the count.. On thai i have been the work lo 0DJf . iii that section to an condition me out by settle- ipeelt .1. .' .1 .u lilt, ill. .11 .nil O lw .... I "..I ,.f tll.i. Si'V . . - - . ,. ., ... Mii. .1 jlinln n al.U ironl mere iiie win proeeeu - F"iii" "J l," " singe w uuiaiw, uisuuite he railroad. 000,000 which has been wrung MO miles. East Oregonian. TLL-tSSa M .wfl I aajaaaaBjajaaBjajaBaBaBBaaaaaaaajBajjaaBBBajai LA Jslfaj kaaVV faaaV ifllirVr' VM Out irf 4.1, a.ltla ll VI.N-5 a WM aaal Ikli.g lur a gfuwlag ki I Ll laiaiaK lo .auol .ll .J . rV auina. saaJHK.ol a I l J-WNI UOI WclslOM A.NIJ . J I MASUNtM MaaSaaatplfanrnairuu II ,, a bl alaaa. rataat.1 ..f eul.,;TrlU" ' ' ' ' I II - l, 1 a ' " - iaiv I l..j iilnlvi....,,,!,.,,. , ...... lajajliar SaSTI ' ' I ' J aitvtN AltMl A lUOl CO. chaaa t-alia. Ua... 0. 1. A i.a.HUAii. WKt f Liprin.n.u, ij t Wf aaa in J ' ina aaaMaaa Ma aaaaaaai Sf The Burns Flouring Mill J id iTUT a V PINT. Propt. ilOHl l(. HO' i l-.K HILLIMtSS IS DSD .. r ..(.. . lit riV , ij fur a i mint . HOUR. ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP AND All kinds of Mill Fee always on hana IHE VERY NitittESI MtRitl PIKE PAW HM bOOO MILLIE sifcAf CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sale i I THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.