IVim(-4tnfd T n( M.irni-i ('Mini , J i circulation an. I li om erf rilling tnedtami in Kafltprri She m tme ifefolft gh rt Hrng f omitrij rp an arra of fi,4R,l'0(t cr of turn'. ' irrm jrrf vm-ant n1 trr nmlrr Ilia nlilir land laara ol I Halt. BURNS. HAUNKi COUNTY. ORF.r.ON. NOVEMBERS), 1907 NO. m SCARCI: TFACHERS ANNUAL INSTITUTE. WOULD KILL PAPER ROADS nn or rmi.ro ns. School Supt. Hamilton announc- Food tor serious thotivht it i : Nlllk OWN rsthal tin- annual institute will be LITT 0RR00N RCII.D REM. RMIROVDS WOUrfliad in figures that show RR 1( IWtVI hold in this city beginning on Of ITS OH N the relative I trf wr Wedncsday evening. Doc. 18 and and eastern torritoi-y with respect ,1'mhiiiuihk inroujrn ine resi 01 ( to transportation tnciht.es. nays i H. hlml I -tn UlOUVek. Mo rxnLllllS that l J n. tkhatt latlat rimt The Prnplr llr -i r nl i-.i.,,i-f T holding it on this dato it will ac- 5""" Take th. 0 the Pacific runodafc TiK.ro ,f tho toachers mn ' """". knnip (if p liington. ,n "" than anv J. H. Ahln.tt. who has or, sev- ()VK'" California. Nevada. Ari- nthortime. i... , . M J i lliri n mm. onii occasions ororvc mio print on "" - PACMNO HOI SI IN PORTLAND k erfWti ' , i '... aide pap pns a ha I. pi Bua PUMRS tOOIk ON NORTHWEST WITH Ml'CH EWOR. PoflUml U l ltd nine Ihr fVpol far Saaply nl Hrat far Tbt Orital--HIH Ikla l.atal Sfackawa. la, Indications that Portland will ktOOtno tha grent pucking-housc- 1 . I .L in UVWK'i""." n nil" I'llTM nil '"Villi inn )(ll'lll iieilllK-llllll.'e .snot vol completed the u. pi.0,H1si(i()n r t. people of P to th Mttth Atknl .,,.,., United Stab -llli- H II) I ..II. n'lit dt- mi 1 bank ac supply thi i. in v on narketing i the Portia . iHtas uuih- anl i: suunw ninat.io for gmu.ni (hecks, 01 on. hut hopes to at an early date. Tin latonoss of the no will likely prevent out- ua from comintr to Jly thi ease, hut meeting tnnj neverthelaM be ry instructr . and beneficial to M hani.s those engaged in tin profession in the county. Tho dates are Tivenient for the toaclurs and should bring them all in fur the meeting. This institute should have tho active support of every citizen of inty who takes an in- ni odtiiMiiniiHl affairs. ('in umstnncc. v. i !. such that it was in to hold ii larlier vim -ii u was po-sihio to secure of prominent edu cators from .uit.-ide. therefore local 1, olile .'.holilil irivo nil tVw i making it a Oregon huildiiiR their own rail- ' x irn- ,.f iho K.n-k.s Mountains. r.ids. conies out again in ; '' Carolina. South Cam-1 ptroMHvr fn,m ,j;u (,lav. Swift cent issue of a Portland imiiht """ '"" " rmrum. iw ('m,,nny .of Chicago, are im- latter states with atotalareaof with a communication. 11. Mates '"" r Maus wun n iouii area o proving their largo holdings on truthfully that we have th 'ti-iU:! tlu peninsula b) dradging out to I'tiiid these mad- and "ll,s "' railroad. The Pacific baahi forooMUfigotag Mmmmn, group sv.lh an area ol fl7,U0TJ win. h will U lalon with quaw mOi Rl mOm U-et in n-frigerators, inmnd for UrOaai tho Orient. This hwf will I., her word, RtarrttOT) no- fn.tn stink nused ill KasternOro i xifie group g,.n. Washington, the Willamette lias tuico M mam alk-yandas far eaiit a- Mon of railroad. I 'hrado. with tana and Nevada. 104,000 km a little The coming of these lug stock MO mflaaat railroad. Ala- yanis is the result of the ni.Mt lama, wit: i ..nlyhalfas ing of the National l.i. great MOoloraia. kM almost as Aasociation in Portland three much railroad mileage. ars ago." said F. K. lUach. Ml state- He was a delegate to themeet iih."1 Praaaylranta, lag of tka aooodation at Omaha mit or even Ohio, w.. dd m- an little, the year pr.ious, and helNd to .mple. can sUrt the agitation that after. If li.r I ware fn m- Mill at l.n It cornea up in a collapsible tulx- with a lio'le, oaaj to apply to the soreness and i:illanniai ' for any form of Piles; It and he.il-. vhe I ,;l). itch ing and bum Ml Pfli Kenioih. Pi nin- aid d The Welcome Phar macy., Hums. On-. Fred Han i Harney, 0m JiiIi pimling Thf TlatM !! ' 'I paaaaWaaatWWoaaajai laaaaaaaaaaaMOaM ;hat the legislatnro en act! law doing away with paper i roads and gives tho paoplt a chance. H The need of Oivgon tla i- more railroad transirtati..n fac ilities. If we need tin so. why don't we have tin I uise we have leon rohhod ol our rights. Our industries have Un-n iriplod. our lin.mcos distuiLed. our opiKntunities stolon In tin- railroad ti n is i no same om tai. oi tin id the ll . We . in. surrounded, linked up I... a m rRBAPAMINU lluiiiiiiti i- in i.iil.l.'u plaoa n'i"iiinB upoi I'm 'aii- rt will i proi t Idirn ulr.l II VORU1 I 1 aonod -iltl, iitid i l.i ' r lOMl issued. ,,... i the oxter. f the val The oertih le m OfUih will hi- u tha aaii v will 1 I cuvula- lloaring :i.i ! got ml. le ured I iy ih. lum- hor inar- pjipei ap i that th-- :r o ceriili through As- iil" two- I . lile Will iarj ad in all I as cur- dh) fall ohh- tlhlle the or iapor MicAl AMI I'IKSONAI use at leaat aa much tr i- ward culminaUnl in Swift & Com moan of narmr railriunK uiiwli in theevf of oar lav has all th North Caro- n.v select ing Portland as their rights of an engine and train of l,na al sUtes wa.,' p headquarter. hut which cam n f.vit'ln :!l1' """ '" ,'"1 '"The big imcking tinn had lot to . and haul M pna i Then i not .. ii paas or - :. were up from ' v,i,h . . Ham" anjtia husmess the railroad trust haa not 'locat . m Marrowi tha i b i" lino, and it: dummv Uiard of direcuira "adopt it," and I forth it i- their property. to whicn west and eaat u-e thou men out in theOrient for several carrk n the fad BBaBthsls.kingupthechanceTrl the School for prov luting ml hi ig a lem- lium waa of the of the Ipok- in. A .supply irroio- the work .. lli- Hamilton waa in ie week uttond to official dutii had his collar hone I indajT, the result i all from a l; P. A Miller and wife wore over fron their Warm Spring. home tip- first of tho . . ' 'lemens and son (Hen left Sunday for Pendleton when t, v will likely penii the winter Sid I .Torn Nar- Sunduy. He has disponed of his saloon at that place to tine Gilbert and will here aft r ! id. on hit urm. ... . . . thai tin . fr.'ii'ti' ' - " I I ".....I .1 analogic point through which "' m,M1' "" "" ' ijcr nine in ine iw hail also men along the (oas' -.mie, whil. CM BjajMaHJ eaadMOM in the Ine I'" '!' railroads stink industry. The are av "I WOO morepeo- that not enough Ml .attlo and . are now raided in th ''" packme Inn vostern , iiraP0n, hut lhe' know ihe th. ragioa will soon acoomNate it- .:; Iinki miles a wlf to the n.-w CCAditiOlU and ' more, that In the immediate future th.- Thel not like that of hvest.K'k indurv will rapi.ll iMNMaV As for th. pa king in Iding west of th. dumry. its gr-.wth will Ih- ajanj . i mil ii diim,.ll,n.i. ...., i i .. Ij .. 'ii ii .t hiiiiiiiiiik i .'mil sun', nui ii win grow an ine No on Dttlld there. The ted Inn ' out all pr greas. all hop' railroad trust feeds h promise-; of dec. it l. ki"pih n anrrlng untry. Hut they neither build railniads themsilvos, or let aj on. i . TKi' ri.lil..flv' fur flu- .v ' the hands of the people. It is :hun 8t,': " "i "' within half-docen veryahnple l-t nui ' ' " l,,'"M""1 '"' bar- years more it will surprise P..rt- tiative and referendum. ''' ll'''1 wh" "uve IK U , "gislature enact a law nui- ;,'nlU1"'S "! ul' "' Jallft-" touch with the change, " Tele- ...g all ligations for railroad old " ' ' v" ram. ,,f..n i.aa. -f-lo. .,,..,.. t'iiUona of the Harriinaii linw ,l' .'..i ..f .... , "d '" il UwH P-n that "Theik tion is begun within om year keiiyon haa sold bl imj.rovem. m new empire dence iimtK-rtv on Kiehardaon v "! i . wit nuiiiu "in u in - , , , . I 'thereof and lllllllalllUlrij '..mod " w " " stn has. A. Adams, and .ll.-d up this office I forward to completion and I by phoa the Narrows running of trams for I Tuaodayaadi rjrthim Than laaagaaarj railroad in his section. He ia atul di-umiMio- home; tho mean the develop- wj jn tM. t,car fu' of vast ea where u ,.. -idonee on n umm in- Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, OoMi or whoagiag cough. I lees Ux iitiM Cough Syrup taatea g.l. n work-, otf iIh ..id through the liiiweN. clears the head Guar antilll. Sold l The Welcome riiarnincv .. Hums, die Haines . rlaraar, I so i i:i IHU .Mm llial limit ing ni.il booUo t i Hii'ln .f ih' Aiiicricali I. no I A I. ur Sim k ( '.i m -triiily l..f i nlli h i liiu.l hiK oi in ppaiwing win i" III till' fllll t l III III III" I I I II H Vl o jjrf KOI i llrllitf lliml'lr In Bjl ioiiIinI ' Ii lO h- ' I III' Hi iiiiii.m .in. M , la -am.' Iihv I oh Ml ' II I mi.ioiI yriir having ilnj'-id nliit'i ilm ilm- lillllloll llf en .I. l , - cilli in. ia i.f Id l If Al KtlKluMr. Scrtkn I iral I t. ur. I, I li.l 1 1 u, SiiinUi I .. i, . .. W . .1 nila. . Martial e n -im i I I a in ii. M. i.i.-i. - lull.. Brown's Satisfactory Store PALL and WINTKH OPKNING r.ery thing to tempi feminine fanry i nm WOMTtm, NKI.OI R si MIN WORMTKD si 1 1 inc. s. I Nt V Itltoln Minis IKKOTK. Tllimr CLOTHS. KF.RSKYS WORSTEDS CL0AKINGS 1 or Women and ( hildren Blankets, Online Flannels. Embroideries aroiitN'i rau. v ists. ntnaMora iaqi n WOMt'N S WHAIM'KHS. liOIr I.I.OVR NEW WINTER CLOAKS lor I aclies and Miaae To Uv Shown in a Short Time N. BROWN & SONS THfc HOTEL BAR JONES &, BYRD, Managers VVirieb, Liquors and Cigars COMFORTABLE CLUB ROOMS NOBj IHMir to t'ranh hotel, Mala at.. Bum. rrn paBaBBBBBaaBBVaaBBaBaaBaaBJaaaaaaBa THE BREWERY iSALOON I imam i.mb In Ilia pulili. al tha breaking horaea he Will. Into ventures of thm kind. capital lias never entered ibIom nturaa ar not like- preaent conditions of uncertain The fear aaema prevalent that M i-iiii in, v.- ii.. i-ii it t. -.. I . tn. I. v .......... .. ii.iii"..-. ..in. . . - , ii i, ii- uaauraa or urga . ! ,.u.s up from the ntilrouu kinks "l lie Monday lUd railnwd.- i i Had thut Kiti with Mr. Daw- vm- must U- er eureful not lo impleted hi n"V resi- a i ier them or they will leave us eomii.rialil.v out in the wildernesa, poortl.. n the Wll and gft I ' -" - ,'iiini' no fn.ni Huild your own rail.".u k' uf Oregon. You atato. A ,,, '.'.,.. ,,,1 the men of ex,--, iHHIB '" thut , '" no " l'l'- '""'"' -will J"" to aerve your intei al rangin, ,,,,, I.iu,..i 1'ortiaiid Iihs money enough to I f 'i I oil Inn fruil in I.. '.. -I I.- I i i- i, i i . ti -I i ii" in- ilialwat vtoU-UI . M . ,',. all, lud from A.Um lir.irw. i " II kr ull ii -i' ii.-lhlli J lirti'i .ill .-uli at ,th of Ihe home ol I,.,,., ,. j11( - MV .,f ,1, 1 u ,,:i" All". II, .t II a. BJ ,. I Dp Salihatli w'IiimiI iv'ry nl.liai la fuat becom- ior iiuality of horses. J. P, Wilson aoid u l'i montl ami iM ri-ilmc i. a no- All lni-a war- I I.. i CotaWMti PMMd taaTOUgl Vale, Friday, for Burns lie i.. Hi. .ii for $340. ran a newapaper at Hums about and7;80p m l. in ilau.'-y ftnndaj Mboal u t al .' .i'rliM-li Ii iaodaf an. I a n.i'llal invilali .. .1 In all ii. altrnil I-. m. Hilh ii- At tin- I'rwbytfian ahfa liurua, lUv. A J. Irwin , I 'iv i in Mrtric tin- ihinl ami I.hiiUi Hunia a of aili limul Ii ii II a in., r-ale uili ImmiI at aiil an HfVftaM I id'tnlad lo all ..M tin..- laaluaaara awl lha fattaral lfalaMlH Hirimlna il lnm BEER ALWAY8 0N TAP WINE8, LIQUORS. CICAR8 II. I ..la wmlia are niMaf tha iiiaiiaa.iii.nii .1 u ami I in- ii ami la luriilnn mil a rli.l rlflM ptialurl Your Patronage 8o'icited. IIAKMV Al LI Y BtEWIHG COMPANY. T. E. Jenkins, Manager a r i aa v. ' . ihl Hr' . be Hb that d onHtli tli' unit circu- AiU aac aaolc.Sfi.1 cinpunar Kt .hi alaaaaaaV HieaiKS Duo Harney mon 1800 for un- t v 1 1 i eara ago and has husi- 10 a imih morning and Huhhard & ( ..I I mi ;e- aJM intereits than no ' d $600 foi a OOll they rai dam. of Ahn h Pen Mutlei is. These , ver (reek Wednesday huild rouds ri-uehinir im i :ill imrlk A.t th- family home ut , lu neara can furnish ull the talent Ml' "Ml U'utfht '' OkM, und Alma Hav in- nine- ...,.. ,i, j. i. .:i kou man iiom near ijuiiis unu ' ii- uniii. n iiu.'. u nuen i an- mduetadSan- raaoU would plaoe 1 ad they will day by Rev. A. J. rwia. The ()f a irpoaaa. The imj.rovem. little Ol.e liaU U'ell SICK lor about . ,- -. i .ti.. I holder, in this county I i l ii ' ,ii ',.'.. I 'oat henav" from Hil- AiI ill tell VL'iir linn- Pin P ii. Smith has returned fnm the datart where lie took several Second: huild hundred head i ivceniU uur own. purehaatd to their winter range. it tl,, oilier He reports tl plionui- MMJ MUM JOMlim narket K' '" tha -section und stock the eoi " ' in old say ing that "iaim t. fr m Harney the firs! ol 'he Mat myth was over from i mond the lirst of the woek on ihe Lett Star RE8TAURANT III!,. Mam an-1 . MfaHU'i AT ALU HOUR Bkry in annnaation A Sttualtjr ( Mnki Oittm. ' W Ix-wis was u from his cH gai MacMai and Thus tad hiue Willi allow wells hi "! i at a iiom- Hue nine Will jeiiaiwone and will They will j to a depth a four inch man) y a count) fan us were preaent at Wann Springs valley home dur 'il.it. (al- ing the week after Inn ,.. the Maj Im. fruit jieddler, will Ik- in Hums "" ' lve'u.,.jI, a,out Nov. li and asks . flub au- ii;- .iiteinjit " si. ke a poultica m ioe popla t mm "I-.- rald to an-i" un.il ihut .:. on which nisi uurucuiari) true u in " ,B ""i,i . famihantv comes ahout on short tail -lief. Sol. I J'li.in, Burn, Ol I Haines., Har labia fiiriu-li. .1 Mill. rytkJlig lb marl W i'll" lo .1 noiiiice that the book langad will re maiii ih. HUM during the win- M(iu !.,- ,.,..:.,,. Inn the ladies in. A "' lomt is that Ucloaa tn.- b.K.k case '.t out from V... a. lead of 6 o'clock p. iii. A Whin-rton p "An interesting J-ro..-..wuau.rui of the day at the WliiU- I Fn Jai.iyl. ir i - niiiMnAMii lint b f hjoiii. with powar io riird nd un i understands U in readi- it an early expect to lis will inve M'.;esiniv ... i.....m.v ww. wyjnitthe third taraa Mrs. liastie alter patMUng tne liule caut., week With the latter on I, ranch at cne up. mr. iv.s for lh the new home down del,t i in that .section arc ijuite numer- that He counted 21 new houses pri.pivin.ila M II. H. hllioii und wife spant Mr. ami Mrs. ' III- i at enjoying a it rroin Mrs. r. J Frank, vhti aide in Baki i i ity. Mrs. Law is a half aisler to Mr. Miller. Harry Austin came up his homestead on the lake Tuea- The Publisher's Cleims Sustained THE CAPITAL SALOON, rtlMl I'ONKOAN, I'mpriatoea. Burns, - Oregon. lcilco Xlxlo Xilocxd.q.'o.ebrtezai. a i ics Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Table. Club Rooms In Connection. I. L LEWIS ill tK glad ta (ti.la. PARTICULARS and PRICES U mywm ahahhai INFORMATION. SmMi Uni it or Claim " . lol.fi A t-H ij it VP inru un -Tim a tktmuea thaj lacTiciLLiH ar IMotrgUlIt lRf m1 oa aoo S-mlfB. "'' " BUlltul Brca List Ooalana. ifggl O- MOMUMtNTAL PMQNZrCOMeAMV, DESIGNS. a i'. ek in .Mtiim ; dy to meet Ins tMOtltar, ' .1 rVaafBwVB. Austin, who . ami-in tlia' . 'i. for theii ing from Portland. Tbeboyaaa- ih ...mows. Oriano. te a big time with the hirde on t lie lakes this week. The Burns Flouring Mill ous. Illll . . 1 there where there were none lust ' ",l i.mnnieiu at me i hart :ord u freiKhter Sears & ItiM-huck are very good ruin Burns, has purchased lots people, but they ure not going to and is liuuling luinU-i lor uhome vive you a dollar a bushel for April- in iiadley'a addition to Vale. your wheat, nor three cents a Win. Hanl.y and wit. requenl caller at the White I Oriaaa. pound for your potatoea, nor fifty -tunitv i" Winne.nucca via the P- ""u a" cant a dozea. for our eggs, nor uunity to s ,.,.,,,, , given ou' an interview niurat- m, ,.. i t..ui... a..I ., Nu . ui.h mi.ll Kanch. Aicnie Mcuowan iook nu. ; .,,,, .... 1,,.ti,l.1. .,;, 'k .v.si-j. uto uo a cent ior anynung you ve got. low and shut t'"'1 country in his auto- opinion that the pre.sul.at must li"' work. Stomache trouble, lietunr spend yourNajioney wi J U "JTURTHVANT. lropt. I MOURN Kll1 1 IK MILL PROCESS IS I SED I ...,; I I '. . I i Ul Ualliaao i ' iuiii,l in 1 1 ,ri ftitrtit ulur unit of MUJivinnl mpuritu tupply ti. 'try for u unlit ul 100 miles in bread . Ta aaiaw rtfm. INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE . .. ! FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND all Kinds iif Mill fed always mi Haul 1 .1 .ll. I.. . .. a J I .1 nf it is found mot.ile ami tney expecteu to iiimi,aieu wneuier 0UJ make the trip in a day and one louutain aec- "a i,l' uw r.-nancn. ns me , ,- ice6trip was more or less an expert- he will b, oleuse- rwill welcome meiit several arc interested as to friendship if he will d the result. his piopoganda. he 'ia, indigestion, bloating, ate, yield quickly. Two days ie so tar u-eatment free. Ask your drug gist for a free trial. Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy., Burns, Ore. Fred Han. . Harney, Ore. ine thut ou make it. C tl. Voegtiy lias the best make of wagons, buggies, liucks und doors, windows, und builders' hardware, and will sell ihein just a low a they can be sold hML . BET THE LATEST AND BEST QltCMtHRIAMGO., mM$UW i-U.0, MAM. I vtiMttn LiiUkvaiuHail wiiaNri TIE VEIV MMiOLSI MAIIEf NICE PAlO HW HOOD U.LlMi 1MK1T j I J CUSTOM WORK DONE : Good Seed Wheat for Sale