$hr Siwrs -rtafd. ' IP: SIIIS.'IMITION HA Sit Month TIit Month! I 141 ' 1 I IAN HYIll' Tlt imoil influx of outside khi)(' into the Harnaj country lookup for ir.wstnifiit :inu- m unabated The ally tinr weather hn an adhrantafa in thi inn charges be made for using the waoannol rstx'ot siu-h It ''ins itnpossibli men wns named by the praeident DECISION IN CARI:' ACT CASH to meal with the public land committee of congress and ;; ton was held in Washington. :' Smytho of this fit v. I .'- cuiinidttaatnan at the tflAe and while at the capital be tmiliar with the fovern mant'l attitude toward the public "The 1 ropoattioa will again be ht up" says Mr. Smythe, "for the eastern DaOpk have tin belief that western stockmen are given something for no by the government and is a wide demand thai LOCAI itlliLIKs RECOMMEND SI 1 1 ( thin hi vvscniri) at Harnev Vallev Inu,ovement Mr,. A. i ' ? Company ha, no further legal husband out ... U .- Mon- existance. It also appears from '' .i. at i i.. n ... n., Mi. Mnwli tiiv mn iii mi iiiii ',' . lev. its former lirrsident. that in the cit: the capital original subscribed home to earry on its project of reda- Ni) M SmM i in- si.uk Comninv PsMSM AssSmi mation has been diverted in t c M.n.c ! impromcm Css other channels and is no further "'" tphcwh, Thci.n, a :iil;lhl(v ,,,,,-m, thtrt bjing pnmii. rnl' ! The register and receiver of f . --i- ,, ( tin receiver of "" iH,rs,n ""' Borporation to re flnim nml tin ntotiiU' to enrrv nil local laml ofiico have render- ,, ... ., ... ,.,,,,0, llll' IMI.l'll Willi. IM' IV!il'UIUM; ..1 decision in th. the pro- recommend that the applica- "' Pacific Live stock Co. of the State of Oregon, on behalf . 'l IW.UWl to last always even in th el local'" Now the local land has rendei I n decisioi Car Valley Imp emenl Co hotx'd the matter ma) 1" Ittd and a I lli'f: will be made of the land i ivnd- 1 the western senators to block the -ii't and If so it Is. up t the tkmen to see that the mea d ' a well adapted to inditim - a possible. The Hallo- meeting, which ' on and the Harnej lle Improvemei invoh in ' srej -.'lection embracing B8 344.67 acres of land in this valley. rre wrote his decis ion on Augu Hi Into to entry or other disposal review of the evi- Dated al Hums. Oregon dence taken at the time of the hearing la ll November and hi" of the llarne; "alle Improve ment Company, for th and reclamation of all of and embraced in the State Land List No. ;'. he re jected, and the lands be restored ' fncial gathei ooui 1 lieepman this year, t.vp. 1 matter. Hi will he discussed and a careful attldj of the testimony action probably a"I i . in his .,, thai thaOi pinion and comment of the same. ma! delegation cat lumming up this testhnonv Han ley, whoaccomi W. W. tour of thu tal blj impreeei made the Hi pleased with the the) li. could hard Mains tin many re ind empin mment hing ti Among connected the leasing proposition 1 or not 1 tein't d. thi' term . rs for which maj be : w tan inches. Aug- ust n, lbot. a'm. Pakju A 1 liter." river Cowan writes an op inion under date of Oct "1 ll which he concur- with l . However, he receivei thi matter on rather different .minion he says: "I concur with the ft neral limine n, and in his recommendation the aniilii-utimi of tin Slatt-ul I Ireeon. or.unarx ear. wun a procmiia- i,,,,,.,!,-... ,i, ii.,,.. v,.ll, ..I. ... .,..,. ... I... 1 mi 11. mi with the following: "Will thi land in Har- HlCfl land-- its are embraced in ti The Eastern Or Engineering Co. CIVIL. WNICII IKRItiATION 1 Main Mb Ilranch OfBei on in' prices, etc. OKI lltl I SI UlMTrk ... of thi- irreat n . .!.' spent th' Aral of "'"' '-' """ ' rf Rev. A Bnd tl,:U country homestead ' thin then in tin Weaver sprim view. and had the pleaaut 1 tiarnev ane Improvement Company, for the aeajraejatioi and reclamation ol all of th..-. land embraced in the stat lie i-i' 11 I'ti'il .111, thi' L.itil. lit' iv. do not feel justified in holding turned to entry or oth. . ii not deem tl nice a remunerative 1 without artificial irrigation? We believe not, and lairing into con 11 all mat us, Met.. Land l.ik.ih.ni Ltsd Scrip I. . 1 Every Manufacturer tries to imita McCormick Machi Buy the Genuine McCormick MOWERS RAKES BIN DEI From GEER & CUMMI :btt:rTS, - oiEGrd tion gr I Han nkof Bwrn lofentHm Mcndi 1 ' . '; v, ,: ii fail! ri I Ijiflie windo ww:; and mm spend Reed Y Joh is to call it 01 miiunco? (complete sr v oiil.l h. the t'nif count earl) i tin pre The P 1 respect- v faci tractive pamphlet ui would ; at tin puhln spiriti witii local n al 1 ring it up. ihoot at water ! On at bard favored Irn-a-. nti.it roadi .. v. houai 11 promising, u, nit tret's that actor grab and alfalfa .11 the houses. and mentioned !. ell (see Pariimina stipula mpany .- w. D li of an appro- and all improvement application er I Charles Curt low.. . iltural I 'Tic dominant 11 thi im liv- in J . ; (iuc. . uffonlu . allied t" thoas 0 as t tiie United States, mat vin n iu permanent natu "ratifying as it :. itnrdy chis f ln-ttpit ..:;h in the Bar ,. . dan rm . and three ontire- ur Drincinles. a oenenciai um. within ; tune. appear in the ovid ppropi . wat. "Th- againal u mpany u ei quantit Silvies Tin fthanrial flu the East wh of ram inc. (iu a I Of ' not necessary. iai... only tampon vantage of It and in;. 1 . iim befc bani..- at th casion tu take advai hole. havi and there ha KIUI. in tact than 1 huch, for the gem of the Harney count! i ler heart. timid and mora: II d tin The i lentiful and racai I thi in.. 1 .. om toward 11 had n rapid thai Herald man. though In would till a bird whilt how JX.V - iroute to the stopped and viewed tn- could weat other growth haii raight line ach side until i. tiow : .iiini-1- da Laha, dam it d durin i.. inaiii- tain ii and ton- aid flow (tent the In ement 1 sequently said di ai not bind common larg est In. . .. eon ii all lilt nd we I into a narrow line. It " "" ll" !lll(1 that deal railroad and from apt D that teeeseary for eoaatruc lay th d rail.-. would li: vivid the convenience apgaaiaace ri country hocae and otii er interesting items and incid- .vtultl iM- 110 water for the Improvement any. of the I tarnation b) the Bar- nion .seems 10 U.s iii-ull an findings prop.' 'alle Improvem man canals would quirementa of tin and embra i gnvit . rent M 87), "not I), "do ; .. the main ouro supply for tl ,. . . arbitration amon um- parties "While it the Ragiater, that alley Improvement Compi theleat. m Mr. V. inn ' onl- I to .lui "It . thai 11- Btly, what he in. ly. and hlmanlf. and his mtempi bound ti .inline. llo .. most beam to be unit- 1. acond, only, during the month of Apri. at, be fore 1 1 ahoa n and want of a buM rater auppl) for the pur o reclaiming tin.- l;n ion of land. dering the court, j ubic alread; appropriated fron UL: Pi VV LINES OF rus, Stationery ns and Cigars iiv in is, Eaton-huuurt Sta uunquet Hall, Poat ;, ate. Bylo Ta rteiv ..... . tion Poll.. Z . RTJOh aVEOBE. M. HORTON. F .-.v ' - :-- LU G &. DALTON 1 1 11 fnpletnentB ' id m at t at v.m. v. ' IF" .1 it b.A in t atnaflame t ! (' If . . 'jalrM r 4 I "" -fjwaase' 5iniirli ' I uenerai Burns, Merchandise Oregon e If Hardware hi munition Tinware, Cra ware. Pitch Forks Etc., Etc. .. .,0 ahoti 1 ' section win The Most Popular House in Ink tltS NEATLY FIRMSH ALL 01 1 m" trnsd liom! wi Headquarters for Traveling Men .: m, ADLLAR RACINE. Manager. Burm -ade over Rig , I. mpleied and i BIRNS UVERY AND r itU Slfeet- nig aoveroi n I I.W ll I i.AUI.I II iv 1 1 an. jrei public sheah aKi1 "eaal lr : ,t at t. HUM cus um l 1. 1 kiuI :-n ii aiaaeaaj i. a .''. urj If .: . -L. MYI i ll .-,, Statr Hit 'kAY PUMPS Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEl Kill m SCALIS 'I.iMCIIUN HUM BARN. Dll llUH'l : .. S. ..' they are no dollar a it. nor KtlMt' " Itor .: Fam . h nn . iVj i .t '..'...: i w I .van m o. ,. till MkN CREAH SEPARATORS Stover -. Rope, Pip Qardaa tiosi. . t aei PBicBi J. J. TUPKER OPF C SITE OVERLAND HOTEL s, Oregon the court. If Exhibit A " J ll.lkl'li liV tlw. till.. fxniPP lilfM in this protest, it is nut ... ... ...... t.ll'l 'lillll'lll I V .1 VIII.. .11 , IIUl ..i , ' I' II I. vll, I ,1,111 Itliiwi nM. M. i . ..... ;: "' "" " uii'ai- uj me inp, inn we ivi'i inui ww uj hiwkui im.' quired water rights lit- mu.st it,- ii. Hamuli theatocl trumblii ' matteta perhajai ao WallStn more importanaa, but nuo-t i ony, (proclamation by the uij.' at this particular time sllnliMi'iif I i . i-tiiiviim.i ',,,1 ,; ' HIM IIIVI) Miilt- it iimv U man than alert citiisidarad WOULD II SI RAMI I M .ai annual m if the Woolgro I. im- held in The 1:. lii. om oi the most vital jects for consideration the government's propoaitioi laasL' the public rani i tasi Oregonian. At the next aession of congretis Hurkett bill, introduoed aaasion. but which wus not reach ed on the calendar, will agaii brought forth U ml. the Hurkett measure naideration last win- " llla n;,ur" hi"u' At ;. ii.- : the of the First National Hank ol Ity last Saturday th inereaat d fron --'loiixxi "i. Tin.- ia .. aw I pal ' '' Of tle in stitution and make.- it age oi tlgl oankine. hflU in. It ia a sati.--faciion to have such an .. lot ol linanciers at tiie bead of bank in Harnej eotuny. Parriah, of faaai, who as sisted in dnvniK a band of cattle to Pendleton, wa hare Saturday i ,ni i.nnki lit tin fitatea t i il tl iclux I ; that th- nun lecordiiiL' of a in t he wreKoiuan. anil tin- tele- ..... , .,.., r ., ., Water Kight u d and director om the Secretary of State cxnioiu i ami ,.i uiai iaa (Continued on page threi Just Arrived A COM!' IE Of HJBBES GOODS i mm umhlaatlaa Paaatain and lovea, Nippk . eterinan I inger The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. BURNS MILLINC HORTON 6l 8AYER, Pro! Rough and Dressed t ttustic, Flooring, Mou Finishing Lum Nearest Sawmill to Burns. JS1 vt'BJ The! jertn Is, Lumber Yard in Burns. I sui m UltiKl ales in l m - aaeaoaae)aa)as)ae)ae)oae j THE HOTEL BURif GREEN RIVER WHISKEY The Whiskey Without a Headache i in-. Ceaaaealad Whiskei has aaaa aaad aes k .SO ycar in ilic I S. tlospiluU. Vrini .intl u, on uCLiiiint id its j.urily. MikIiI rctttninn.iul.cl bj ..I! leailinv. physicians lur luniily us as s took and ulaiil. i or sale l only one lUakr in each t hii Burns Meat Market Pirai National kaai Mais Si. Pork, ieuua, BologuH and hnei tSaut Beef in Uillltll 5flM BAILEY, pre, iioes, LiqJors rtyntsfoi A-rql i UUBRIIOM IN CiUntCllUN taaua and obi' uil W Mem rwmr te heB uvv. -, -- y i Hay i itl orders ""BUsi-aifei kii.liiu' iiliv.siLiaii lor lamilv use at. a linn, ami viin,. mau WBI A a UNr BBBK "lam laaa W .lIUHaaWl 'IV l.m.r .... ..., ..rm. i.iTV I or uk l only one Ualer ... each t.n 9W OKLmTW "UK M1UUM A'M,!1 heB U Oi-U-Jo CJ A, 4. O r cg- vivr u ti'uf ah x " r iavnuiavii, wwii. i tvm. -uni, v-r , , sr Taeaaaass fmmmm,... ' .'... i . jm FLOYD & hVIIT Utneral lilacksmithing and MORS: SHOEING A'SI'lilidTf.