"mica-Harold list Ppr of Harney Count " I'M rirriilatinn anl i one vcrtiinf mmlinma in Raalprn fhe mtm && J6fWf r & m fo i ;s V Vh atrteJ Wernty Conntr J ('men an arw J ..I.J, rl r itir iil.ll' land law ol J Hi- lata. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTS MO. .; OtBOON PROHIRTS SPICIUTKV IN CAREY ACT PIKUKTS. FAIR lne other transcontinental lines MUST LIVE ON THE LAND P. N must pimh through to the coast in order to keep within hailing HkT PAVILION distance of the jrrowin traffic. (-;.' v L The coming in of the Milwaukee, another close friend of the Harri man roads, will further change . ta'f,'-kit ue traffir conditions that have for so long been nicely balanced to suit the existing combinations- lot familiar LESTER H. HA HILTON APPOINTED from PaM r .'-liit-Hwr I alt to Hrt-aaar RrWratii WttMa taartkt 4fl(r takat aaaScattaa tor Parckaw-Laaa Itoara ak si. hK entries Beir and are nations re- ittar. If they mium fWtar Catterson wti Lawen Tuesday. Ben Riddle spent a few days in this city during the week. Miss Ella Page is among the new students enrolled in the high school this week. W. R Parker and family were the guests of relatives and friends in this city a few days this week The new Uxiks for the public SHOULD PL AM MOkT rWiCS M d The State Land Board has just adopted a new set of rules and regulations for the government and high schools have been re sferitei ol Svbooit to FW Vacaacy of arid land sales and the man- ceived and the transfer of the old Canned h) M. E Riffcyn Rralraatioa agement of the reclamation sys- one has been made. terns under the Carey act. Om , H. .Ionian, the pioneer stock At the adjourned term of conn- of the most important sections of man of Saddle But wasaMM ly court liiesaay icster iw. tne new rules is xnai wnicn re- BBBBBm h u . ... ..a... anp entries Hamilton was appointed oonnty lates to actual settlers . It i fcr cent o! -uperintendent to fill the this section that is likely to prove miunis at !Vd term of M. E. Rigby. a stumbling block to many of the d. Gerald purchasers of land in the recla- fruJaBfetablrs. Criffln and J. E. t'a vender were mat ion systems, for it is gener nn,piiiin.ti(.. other oien applicants for the ally understood that many have ic fees and these position and there were atfMn no intention of living upon the "to -I te UN pl;iii land and will find it very in- 'r Hamilton has been :. re- convenient to make their homes aidant of this county from child- there even for the period of six hood and is a young man of many months. good qualities. He has been a The rules upon this subject successful teacher for several provided that an "actual settler customers years and takes a deep interest is defined to mean a person who ly done. in educational anairs. His ap- is in actual occuancy ot tne (ointment meets with popular iand. with the intention of mak- approval as his friends are confi- ing the same his permanent PM our visitors tins week He has disposed of his beef at a good figure. I' C ivterson was in from his ranch during the week. He was in I for those : you may not ho able ' monument, Of or build a fountain. M en.lou a hospital: but ou can plixnt a trte, and it will outlive library, Tli. following excellent address "1,,n"1,,n- fountain or ami win ror gencmuons to some give c I pus haps noui I life, to many wh will un.'. fl pal alsjoed : - . -, . wmmmmmmtmmmm fMBS CIMNOT uimmi vm INAVCN ol . ' at IrHaaa Irtwator onaa. uMaal Aafcc aa Flasrtai mt nlaatol il V Camlrj fRM delivered b lien tor of the Irrigon Irrigator, in the Morrow county program, nt the district fair at Pet If we thought Heaven had no trees we would not want to aaj there, for are can picture noplace waring petfetUea winch has not sunshine and slmde. and shad.- in a perfect climate is just as eeaen in arranging the .nd he wi wn that g any particular MMtal eon eawtor nher of (l.ll I., . u ... I . . . " ... , , I , t .. ,, j ... I imi O' n'lilli'l l .- iMllirMlllll-. not feeling verv well and will re- , , , , Wo of eastern Oregon fee . and main a few dav to recover be- . .. . . know, that ere h:i. M i foif returning. climate as God ever save to au t. Wiseman, the lxxt and shoe 0f his recalcitrant cl maker, has moved into the build- have a wealth of sunshine i'ii ing back of the Schwartz store where he is ready to receive hi- work prompt- we You HMp'1 '"' l,.v!denl he will attend the duties of deuce and using the land a- hi MK!!':!!)' 111- ptuUl IMIBnI for riee of ient corn MMM : Hfche stock .nd I MK nHril! .orably f having RaaBaV' ig wilJ xme fo emiuma ure the the ol!ic conscientiimsly and en- home. He must become an en ergetically, ual resident within six months W, E. Huston has leen a)- after the date of his application Cperl the books of for purchase and must continue iring suiH'rintendent and a resident nntil he has made final make a report at them - proof. iKiring the first Maeon irt. he must irrigate one-sixteenth of tamed to hi- MM at Hi Supt. Hamilton states he will the irrigable land and an eual has some improvei .John b-ak and daughter ware up from the lake section Tuesday. Miss lcak filing on a homestead. Mr. Leak was soon transformed from an eastern "tenderfoot" to y county land and cattle owi.er. he having swured l'th in a hort time. ipt Hamilton has re- amining board und as soon as possible expects to announce dates for an insti. lllte. Mora Die lo OaJcfcjairc. ;he Hccoud year and to make on his ranch, bejl make his final p'-oof within thn. it,, tirst f the coming years. Thos.- who have made week to aa hU tppaftioB purchases prior to the adoption . I funds and I these rules will at date in which to make may not RMw it. but ere kf the course of a year more hours of sunshine than the so-called sunny California; more hours be cause we arc farther north and during the growing season the MB linger?, longer with us. Sunshine. We n . u almosi ever) daj in Hi. and it will c in. to our chief assets as the decade toll lo ll true ( )res in in 1 1 It f when I t 'il. b upon I tic Oeatroii clin .!, I I if fee steal bei eae fruit itra i Ihabaatl for Ihra aliiiu : Ilia i 'akr all ntaponalbllb l ami will raplSMS. All II I I'll.- In na ' a II.' a ill foiiio.li .ii p'aii, .nil ii t.iwii. tor 1I..10 bslfwHai la dowa f'tm.-rU ooal A !.b"- hln at I. a I no mi run HiiiiliiiK i f.irl.nldri plao A'lj. Hning Hik IpSSS .1 C ii VOBOTLl Nil IHI Id ing ami aborting upon i' I I Brown's Satisfactory Store FALL and WINTER OPENING Kverythinir to tempt feminine fancy I M WdKSTKOS SKI4H H ITINCat WORM1 IIIM;S, r "M HKOlM TMCOTK, I HUH I ( I.OTHS. KKRMET8, WOsMTr.lW CLOAKINGS For Women and Children Blankets, Online Flannels. Embroideries oomrn s mi h um nacaaiNQ aaqvaw WtlMtN S HKU'IW flOl.r I4IVB NEW WINTER CLOAKS For I jidiea and Miaaea Tn h. Shown in Short Timo N. BROWN & SONS na MaoWa iitnl settlement, but in ease wati It has Ik- n that m available, proof of irriga! al mile, down t rooked river were may be excused. mires, and yet the Hereafter aD death of a horse and almost the purchase of land must be the end of another aa Monday in , made in triplicate, and presented one of theae were the first in- to the reclamation comium . d in thi danger which must forward all I ' Mitotan i this source. applications u, the State Land irAeaeci L P. T. Co. j Board. Upon approval kf tl- o do k' horses Monday found , Board, one copy will be filed in ..f A. I I kner. V engineer. last Saturday 'i'1,1 ! into the (inn. Mr. Faulkner is a practical engiiuei a DOtt '.i:i'l": le and 'pi'li- OJ rhe firm will in fu ture be known as the Eastern' I i . ' ,.... I I O I . I 1 ' I 1 and ,l"'1 . -w liostdnVJcl' a HHowB '! e ck:ini: 'n t and da i Hrelpmer.t njHo of rodap ' mHmi--' qflnHkit.. jHp in i m after Matkae tu , , i nta to f , UWUIliUK Pmaii: rail km a award? aasepk the spot and a team therein. One of the horses had heen dead for two or three days, and near ly all of its back above the sur face of the mire had been eaten as. Its heed was sunk i as surface, and it had smothered in I i-ie was still alive and making desperate attempt to keep its head up. although it was nearly exhausted. The an na! had sunk in a standiiur noai- Casn i tirkn nnl ulu.uf Kt.lf itw Iwiflt' u'litt A. J. Irwin ha returned i from Calami tv w tne M.U. iiti.i mice, one re turned to the company and the third delivered to the apphcai '..rm the marriage ceremo- No sale of arid land will be valid ay uniting W. J. (Irge and unless approved 1, the Board. Miss Edna II" we. The wedding Entries may be contested and in took pleas kl the Wolf creek case the contestant wins, be I school house and was witneaaed shall liave a perference right i immediate relatives and i-i uas ior the purcnase ol the a few close friends ol the con- t..K.i r. i i -it i i .... . ittou. o iana win oe openea tracting parties, we join me This mat- win- lline and it i- n be men lost no lime in specu but got busv at planks were laid around Ha ojriml able to for sale until water has been supplied for its reclamuti The rules include a complete of forms to be used for ap: contracts, proofs, etc.. the moat imiurtant features of these forms the precaution taken to nt fraud. Applicants must so that the men were ! their residences and occupa- a line under it: a "una. as annual reports ol irn- sling was rigged up, and a team. (gaUon work must be made, the -i two mc I -md Board will Ih-in touch at the tail of ti ied horse, , with the settlers at all times. An Bh Lunnaf Oregon of tar m rail he staan til be hi irri froi . . B) acrobs i Jourita HU'-ni.-lit .ha ago sure. ai iugii n region, etmarye. Mad U it out of its slimy, green bed. The rescued animal was that it sank lo the ground and for a time was assignment of an entry can be made, but only to a person quali fied as an actual settler. The rules were prepared by friends in v. people sucess and happiness. H. K NsM and wife. Waldo and 'Niu. lagey and Miss Iiell King, made a party that arrived here Wednesday from the Willamette all-y. All the local Kople had been down itives and former friend-.. Mi.vs King is a niece of Mr. and Mn t. King of this city h'i.l i- "' from "orviiii. a visit to the family. Mr. Hagey drove his. Has trotting horse beass totally unable to stand. It wa Lngineer John H L eavarad with the green note and and were approved bj the Sute Was a deplorable sight. The L"l Board without alteration. .red win The section relating u residence will i I haded streets lars. oak and long, om roe i Loin bard) poplai I will l.e a wealth of : it is after all. these In that will chaagl our climate. country, hali ui abate infu and mak ut into the wheat bah: h- went notice the l.. k. pt of tin dw. paintol do i barns, the eat utbuildings; is lack .l'"i n . Alld lliei has win re than trees, where there is a d where the fence i.. wh ne house painted. I this with the then thank God thai there are those who are actually n homes, actually ebangini face of the country, actually liv ing af aakeon G children to Not long ago 1 took a through an adjoining county and the liiithnft ol in..' the settlers. 1 found as a rule they were awaiting a I .1 Hi. I Him, i ' i . plaosd witti M i Hi solution of rshli a p aaiUi n Msaeai .v Hcllfiaaa ,' WIIII1' J.W.BROWN & SON tout factors and Builders Call ami get l.atimatee. Plane and Prices sou have work In our lint- I ilia l,ia A iiairrh l.am, llnra. t If THE BREWERY SALOON I igai.i up., la III paMIr al II. J llN'I'i Will 1 .'siii. .lay i in at 1 1 a in. an. I ' in .ili Ii.m.i r.ry aul.Ualli i , . i i iu vi tail i to all i .. .il. u- Al '!.. I'l- - ' , ' f ... . Ion. I. j Hutna, itav. A J liaiu I Datrloa aarrioaa Um 'bird ami fuurili I'l a i. : a : ail an noliaii. .. la I l-i I" all oil llw n ami (! gmirial lr.,. In main Ihaniaalr. al Ikhm. BEER ALWAY80N TAP WINE8, LIQUORS, OIOAR8 U . "ika ara umlar lha niauaai..nl "I ami last claaa saoi Your Patronage So'icited. BARNEY Um BIEWUK COifiW, T. E. Jenkins, Manager : : THE CAPITAL SALOON, I Kl i II A luiNKIi N, l-ruprlaUwe. Bums, a Oregon. Wiries Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. dcri..,d latter Ual. . ri n-niaining un- luickmire is to be fenced ill .juitt likely result in a very ' claimed in the l-t Otnoe at in so that no more such accidents rajid increase in the population Burn- Oregon, for the fifteen will happen. The wonder is that of the Deschutes country in the days i t 1st. l'JU7 when !ies got in there, as stock next six months, for there are ' calling for same please say "ad- will always a oid audi places by many purchasers of arid land vcrused. instinct, the same intuition which who have not made a move yet i P, I. lllul il.-.. mii.1,1 u..ll ...il u.,,1 Job printing Tba Tiinaa llt-ral.l I1IIO.I- oil 1,11(1 a I ii.Imm I i'li..o.il in some mh'-r bjOBah I oung men and young Mom home. in. ferred the saloon, U.. x. a job at a restaurant or store or even as a day laborer to call awi tttt animals to give rattle, toward either settling upon oi snake r lands. The ad option of this rule was de lj iany, for Adam George has for sale cheap Jt " apparent thai tn over tltw.OOO wor I ll'" 'fgion would not be Around these places there was ' as required by est nanbasaes of anything L I B A c liar, il, and the -am. within the lac Lest Star RESTAURANT MBPii't AT Abb HOURS Bakany in connection A Neoisll j ef Seeri traVf. I able I Ilia mark lad. I ! MM II lOCTlCiLLT un unproved . of Harney County. gome are actual snaps. oped if land purchasers were per mitted la i .side else. make no impr Tein. .i most i it to suit pur- n"n--r. Adam hn liad 41 soil teats made in as many different localities of the county; every I 1.0. AL ANU PLKMJNAl. i- about 'he Wori 1 -epa ana section i.- known to him and he Man1, i .. , was o.e now BSAuxled ii ...... ;. ,,.,, if .on onlv mtikf- i Warm Sorinirs Tuesdav. VUll OM" vm . J " - - known. He can di- v. . Mecjuiieil Ljpi yOU lo some ,,t tj,e best va- No-MreaU-rn laiul to be had. Address " ;n'fShe coast him at Hums or 1. j The dis . . i ived a'ithonfi Mon dav statinvr that Mrs. Lester m account srj 0f Barren valley had f"" died iiuite suddenly the previous fcoiiwith,, hw hnim.. No nartieu- lars were learned of the sad oc Oataaee. Friends in this county bvt.nrl th.-ir svinliathv. tne 1. I.o. m- m n uu-; Ki : k Job printing The Tunes-Herald havt some consideration for the tan visitors next B. W. Hamilton arrived home Tuesday from Austin where bj took the boys enroute to Cor vallis to enter school. Tom Sagers and A. Dunn lutve gone to Stein's mountain to see if 1. Schwartz and his crowd William ieli any deer or hsh. They ex- Wilkins, Geo. pect to repoi t on the matter by Respectfully, tomorrow or next day, tu that is F. W. WELCOME, when thai are expected home i'ystmaster, Burns, Ore. matter delivered. i). Kaigfct Burrow - J. F. Ii H Iuve I i Lynd I : Moor ajar, D siren, C. N. thur, Mis. Lena. II. P. Bucker, Mrs. Matli.-. Bedon, MrB. Ll'.eii. Siver, Frank 1. Swanson, Arthur, rnton, Bert Winner, Harol'l I J.. of houses. And then 1 came t anuthei iig way olf by a i washed, dainty curtain.-, fiutteied in I an organ ..a parior, i. ed the table. 1 noticed youaf people stayed on ti helpini her make a real boa p i naps sou.. was put in carrying irrigate i lies and Inubs and Mowers and lawn. lid the owner of lliat 4a.e No. He was sat isfied and contented, but wi. . i a buyer came into th.- a try it was th ant ei, and ottered a good pi it. whih less home was passed by. As a matter of pride, plant some trees. As a matte i del bus and cenU, a i profit, plant some trees. Po wn ;sake, for the sake of your coun- The Pulil sher's Claims Sustained Uhiim araTia Cooar oa CiA.ua S BLTTia iirj AIU THAI 117 i ITQI! 0r BOO I 0ne far u..uiiiui j Inrk. Uat idBl UQHUK-d -aa I. I . LEWIS sill st fUd la farai PARTICULARS and PRICES Is uteat anarttf INFORMATION. WI. DESIGNS. i " M 14 III I - uu.aiaju f I I r The Bums Flouring Mill J J fiTUR.HVANT, Pi'opt. ; I MOHHWN l-IR MUX PIMJCI-SS IS ITSED 1 111. INTfRNATIONAL I THE GRAND IUNA8V a tiitin i'l 1 1 )'li the country PRIZE I.I. ,!, GET THE LATEST AND BEST i O. & C. MtHHIAM CO., HINOMILO, I UiiawuwJ V lit '"MM FLOUR, KOLIJiD BARLt'V, CHOP, AND All Kinds of Mill led always uu HaM ISl VUi BrsMbl NAIktl KKI PAIR IOR HOUR UiUN WH1UT CUSTOM WORK DON! Good Seed Wheat for Sale :