h. 'I I Thr Fttnr&-lUraCd. - . volinlilr narl htain will mnkt thoir how nw on I! , liar- Hi over land to and Mr. ami Mrs, Tnnrman i t When he got the Klamatl applytng at Vi Herald j ATrmA in. many : unty. I have saved ss: iped that the threatened '" nil the young peo- I have ill bold off until after Uh . ... done and thou un- Th,v (..,. ftei i- wuMtro uri ntm i; Dt Rlbtari and hi '; in t,,,, ' iiamki , ,,.,, , ...,,. . Minn w . v Vmhe- m Cttl ME uncli t Hilihanl will k i tendi d trip to and who w; art of the count) '" "w "' "'; ' erhapa a month " '" """ " or burning and Die schiwl hoiis. nUTTO - ;Hftter th . ,. fW.-,, . m,; Kunedenti '.that hi not irritn tn hunt biir nnu when- inim,. . , -d for tr f , "(1 ' u, ' ,Kn 3 ind L R Tacoraa. arr lutolv eeaenl ,.,. ,.OM, :. - Vt IIIIIIM. "VIH RS point u inter- .. '"""T1'"1',""" ti l.'l! I II - i. 'lull' mill in. in. i "'"' , . I.iiN. nt will mm Burns. iinniM' tm- im- . -,., Irr, . iurf ftiin II II I T I " " Itl "rill I I I II V I" 1 'ni'l I III I t. . . Wrfkrtl 1 li. t season ! main for a t- und bg bm than land c tl W ELL DOWN M I i WRITI M c kH COUNTS I I - and BlOWt '; v. dofinite ha ." of : machine ah Every Manufacturer tries to imitate1 McCormick Machin Buy the Genuine McCormick MOWE RAKES BINDEll From GEER & CUMMI la; !V with the pump t" mil and. learn; ' ' : J work oi ling very sat m a " mioh n, . thnnijrh a oh. in. or Mi (in- :in . Laai Uc.i i and v but he ha? ior Sale i should 1 i . ". hta U-en : anticipate a I temporarily data; ling a coil ata t at sand hue: ;,rod would ca unless n n ng. ra. vL AND PgtJOMl. tefore when th- durinp I rday i -' 01 W LINES OF J ruv;s. Stationery is and Cigars U T Pouj: HOW in M, Enton-Hulburt Ste ;TTom, Banquet Hall. P Hale, tc Bylo Teic . "3- stoei:. iVl. HORTON. I ?lF ire HIJ u;i be C. I' lav LU jf'rrur a lumber houae. from Diamond w TIIHII Whlll) . -a Irwm br . :. at three v . : ortunatel !ar- ag . lingfeaat -Ued. otherwi.st tnipht h:: oupli I . Light rafreal -erved after ioner V. I . V Burns, 2 & DALTON Merchandise Oregon I good t.' up the matter of u v Tim Donovii: for tlfm a Popular House in hkiiM v rilUUI ill oi J ten for Traveling J au RACINE. Manager. Bu lm .he RNS LI VERY AND Ftti) Si i.t'NMs A QAJtfU : S,i : tl till Hoi lit t ,, -i y all that reman. whmwmwmtKf tmBf' : -a FlkSI Q BR South .": Doi ith Uffl-I unusual hea It haa aanaad th thresher i ti' - V. iecea of ( .Mrs. Lv. Mr. RogThun j Lucas. Th THIRD ANNUAL Harney County Fair K) BE MliLl) Al Burns, Oregon Oct. 8,9, iO, II, 12 ... Lai- TKTiA.aHosra I I, Stavtr Bti MN I'RAV PL'MPS DAIRY CR ATI SEPARATOR! IMt, Rop. Pipe. Garden si) ii:r j'Kicis J. J. TUPKER 0PP08IT1: OVERLAND HOTEL s, Oregon iiL'iitioo Given Juctinc Funerals alU Ml M SCALLV Mir. WITH BAM. wt h r Exhibits of Live Slock, Farm Produce, Horticulture, etc. Wanted from all Sections of the Countv Jusi Arrived tNS MILLING HORTON Sl 8AYER, Prop: Rough and Dressed u ustic, Flooring, IViouli Finishing Lum er. st Sawmill to Burns. Coed el i. OF ttl'BUEK (.ouiiv llilig ol mbinatioo Fountain SyriagM 'lllt. Veteri . Jintfer CoU. Lumber Yard in Burr. ? " c The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon, j $3,200 IN PREMIUMS AND PURSES nd for Premium List to the President or Secretary Burns Meat Market Harney County Fair Ass'n JULIAN BYRI), Secy. P. G. SMITH, President Burns, Oregon s Sael v. irtl Naiioual Baak -a; v mCV m i " "4a Hn iuur patrwafe MlkUad. Il . Deei iu iy yuauiiiy. H. J. HANSEN, Propt Bl 1 1 m jfl jSUtr FLOYD &MiTCHi Urn -81111,; eneral Blacksmithiag and tftptfl wi) HOKSr SHOEINIi A SPLcUJ !Y. Customary Pri' HOTEL BURN SftM BAILEY, pro t rViiyF, Lienors "d r Dts for jianilai H CONNECTION Courteous ai,i obiiii MwoL.; n th Youif Patroi age filii