f iuiv-T4ri'Al6 il 1'iipi'r of itarnc " tut ii on of J n 111 KrtHtcMi m imt-mtmth. Ch rul Mnrnatj fountrg It n urea of fl,!W.l"00 aw of IkihI. MM.WI mm jn I to INtf iMIr In ml law o( : "itr.i Metw BURNS !i ii MY oici m SEPTEMBER NO. 44 GRASS been mad.- allotments on the VI:S. ORI.UON IS CMI.IZI D ,, M I m s H I k'll I u.'i.W I KS rv' for a greater proportion rike of ih, stock thev own than the w within a Ml 'i i i .11 i.ty stockmen. i sr ORFflOMlv tSSI RTS A TIMW At lew hmg This short review of the situa-j VIRQINM LADY, would indicate such. The for tiori affords a history that we m is a fine sand that hope may induce you to look upon that found along the ouMMcn the return of the ranore to its Halt m OwMtan lt tin la siet). sea -1 re which ia very beautiful rijrhtful users as a more urgent matter and not one that can waitj and be brought about gradually ny the tailing out. one by one. of h. lino id. -I fterlc f Ibt Fteawat. The Easl Oregon ian has re- I'MI AH PtRMlNU '"""the outside stockmen! whirh -ived a let.-r from a timomus k; seems to us a postponing of it to w.wnan in x 'nnnia asKU urc I of ; very distant future. And we gon is really civilized, if p trust that should any further re- may come here and thout forth the 'lurtion lx considered necessary, danger of being murdered 1 ns is rumored, we at least of savages. Grant County will be exempt. Evidently th especially when you hear in mind, has reached Virginia. a thing that we have drawn your rom Mr. town from Lngw WM up from the f the wwk. .siting his family In tins city during the THF IOICTA Of GRASS ON TNI ROOTS (r: TRUES. lov Etfwriiatal 5fca H Oallr Datrlmalal H nnf I rull lrat--l.e S(dlf Sn.rl Wirt I Ealaa. ial I theri tMmtmmmmmmtt$9$tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmm$ Big Reductions is Prices ,t That many kind' ly fruit trees, flo ter . hen no grav. It allnv their root. h:t It th- grass on o' health a . I.y ;i, Man l.iltli Bu.r lh. I ol i : n-'ili- ;"ni" ),nm.n,m has Civilization en bra. rreat tion thi attention to before, that many of institution.- p-o eminent. these outside stockmen are run- industry. rsHgion and sAessftk ( ;, nmg their stock on land that : Civilization is measured Dj tin pertosental Fru m Kng- back fi ! since ItfiM, and though no look Col. ' : . H Pi. I R DM tl- card, n nftei crossing tit i expl could be very nrofitablv turned to projrress made in thene instiui grain raising, and that we with tional phases of community life ,. eems reasonably cer ' ' Adam no area of arable land anyway. This womnn. lHing a Virginian. -,. , , , ,, .,: ....... ,im. i in i i 1 1 .iv lie heard fron th: l and far from transportation, with will perhaps want an extended our stock reduced bevond a oer. review s! the element.- si tain point, will have our hay ization In i iv the ranches on our hands with DO I Invitation to come Ui Pendleton. iSftlt' han tnl with ii:ivd it at I.lia- I and .1) of K With m I like m uses to put them to. G. S. L. Smith L. V. Stiwar. R. Daniiv J. L. Deardorit. Advisory Board. In goveniment. OsflO Diltald sM among the mt fofeWlOSl states Otl She has ado.! '" at- rsute. ilar ejection of I thai winter. M BM edii, : .eiHcr Pickering, who " 'A nK "" Hindoo, .line 6). tells us that ! ''- to Uil Supp . rimiMii li.is xhitwii ii mniuit 'U I fi r t RCHBUt l.K n i KPBNOm i i l.r U rt.iirl, tlir urn. i. in' -I . Iiiiina .ri-M.itl, fllad and ii ' il.t- i .ui. ..( lUrn. i gon.ttad thrum. m lit llnwttl . -iiiInm , : i Ii- at' HK jspflt Hf fme otto ' sum K afsi B'' i 'lazed !' k. m. awed the I .f till UI I ii. a. I Mai '.i. h ...iih in.l . son 60 80 . I on. i 1M56 JflSM l.i.lurj.iii. ex 1 N I - 'M till bMel .. iisuo I I lluntll- or., ws vu U'iriii;ir, uiirml o.iint ST 00 67 00 1 I M A0 l.l nui'd H . -' w 56 I M . fin . iuou I h pj adoptC I 'he initiative and I endum method of passing upon 1. I'd the toSsJ "I'' advanced method ' iiandling the I and she has al.-adopt'-ii tlir d ting law. I ' the indh dual in Orego action (l' Vs 'l"NW'' ,,, ,,rt ,., rlh. il mder the I ,.., to th-inibi.i:. up in : 'tlu anas or K. a corset, put on tight ! AlUr. m was p all houi wed-! also been. .... and r. .-ausfs. I '' t- way a man il irrass or indii moni) through the agent or. M upi" periments, mi to the killing by the . that I" th in ... ! our stock of Muslin Underwear Shirt Waists Kimonas and Summer Dress (.oods Xvir Line of Sorosis Skirts junt in V I the sole agency for the aale of C A KI I A RTTS CLOTH ING If Sen want GOOD GOODS Iff ran Supply ou N. BROWN & SONS ia Ba ling frat. ! Q I. I'ritfliman. M I , iff II. etl to i little ImI t.T t ill I He J.W.BROWN &SON ton ractors and Builders I .tlmntca, Plans and Prices Mm have work In our line If ln.s neatly blessed. have impl. Hhe grass. B). I.r.t . BsK.,n,l,l,nv tHI. gWOd jury rul III 1 l..iiiiwuu bu.nl ..I .ri..n. ii- .. ,-an duput) Inrt! and (!lg! I nlmiii r.mil upTVi-ir .Il.tri. I I, The 'iiuic-H.ra! .liwarl i.ti..:.r. fur Kl a In r tri b pa- lo Mh i i. side r t for fo, ,' h !l v thaav ty an I on I le anil loi- o I ,et by '. b. Hrsd am mgnfl redoe- p the John i Uiy i h 700 18 00 7B75 ;u. M laooo 14 no M w. whore social life is elevating, in- . .strially. (regon is uniqut . No aiawi Id dustry organized on such tic plans aa here. The largest and iiiiml perfec.1 aWsaflh in th- Tin- kit-j'i -; farms, vhfls opavat ed upon a somewhat wasteful plan, yet ti.nd al BM toil "' M rieultural Manu'.. the use of . the best there Is in the we ' in le.vuine.-. gion takes the higher, ' i .-... a bn the sum of ' r may be . pumpk . Hiual will Im- ;, leless. rig a i v. I. D ly lived in man. 'respect t Kwiti Hold your much n . iwh where trues ar grass" Though the d.Ute li o grass may generally hi noticed it ihe oounti ii i !. aii: i ii al l.u : i THE BREWERY SALOON iigmii k(ii lo n. iiul.li. at lit. .ti'iidaxl lu ll l.l tin." I. I ii. iiKkt tliu. ! :'.e Im-..: wiin. and these cannot ne ex- I by an) of I characteristicH of ih tlthU in. .ii i.i. ! -." i i menu have been ma emphasife these obsei in Fobruary last ; .1 BEER ALWAYS ON TAP WIN' S, LIQUORS, OIOAR8 ich had isjaj lliUOO Hi I brooder, nv lh w i here, and a . 7(t -6 life ia at widespread, y t there is a most healthful ming ling of lalor and sent amontr the churches. guests at the A. M. ThiB Virginian need not feai v- N tor lbe religious liberty for i. iii in. nday, being I III Wilt Byrd h-jint home SM IM H"il 01 . i III degree .-i and I ling nude goxI. Of the 17 il all St.. luni : ar nmlrf III laslsg ' a Sit ilaM (Mud art Your Patronage 8o'lclted. IIIIH .lll BtEWIRG CDafllT. T. E. Jenkins, Manager her forefathers contend. altsd about two d .r,.'iii. r VSbIiuiih- Pharmacy, att ,.,r eosat) I in S 10 i mini di paint i.i. r.mil lluui. . 477 86 Allan. Adrian, iiiquMt u( ... Uaatr) 1600 Baui I d, caab . !N)UU .1 I ajMSSj ruad U(r ii.'.nct 1 1'itciii. m av Maaaah 'i- laalic duuMiion lor ratlal ... loouu i at lis absolute freedom of thought v Walla . in. ... ... ane can waia tne suet' ". niie out wildest aiitt n.-vs Mr. Nl i;: ... ii, ... M'.M mm BOaB rcau. i.u,U.r WW ..bar 30 01 . liiuiiMr I i . lun western town of arm's re. patatob I gon. 8he b-gan budding her educational institutioi WW organ:. :ind the ututx utsnlw fifth Kl in the small peit I uhl- pha-n'r i stitutiunal life of ' ied, jjerhape be t r. , ,, um.. . 1 . !a Myy. ( iiiftn.i najB limn ifuiia. 118 live iiaii a iiiiiuon u li. 56 16 56 m w Sii I1 i. - i - - road IUli 'IJ1' ll. jai.itor many .ii I . I -on IS 00 in 4 U0 4 IW from Virginia .in. UNO VMIH asSsastAdMi M tunty I oth- 'a n left here i b ' .nl and I and . ftsr fair. I haw v. ill be 4 .uiilaiii I at lea .. ,.. K I ! I. Horn liuai counl - THE CAPITAL SALOON, HUM II A DORM VN. I'r...rlrt. Bums, " - Oitgon. 3ivXD.lco Xiiio I3Ceaua.qL"Viaa,xterai. VVInCJ Liiiiors and Cigars. Billiard and Poul Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. i-eas, cannot ha. : I. nidi i d una j aade'ii ..I noun i.imi. i it. as is shown 'i an alteraiiou u mg ..it. on iuia. o! ..ui... Ixt'ii i - Ia, lac Ua Star RE8TAURANT MBHLH AT Abb HO Bakery in aoonsi ' I X Sstiiall.t wfbaerl On in the :jr CH B BLTTM ikH CUlifUTIll ikicnciiiT" , nr ITIII Ovt ouo H Swmi tor p,.Li.l O tana. ' -" g m iui.ur-iuT .'00 t tA) notch ' ting a laying ; iuuuo luuuu .i iiad. n tor . . aade wi ...i,;... .u ears. Uu, .40'SO 40J .41 airu a paiuting gravel ,. iavi 1 ! j U ' "w aoaH I cuurt liuu 1. B Uulp i-aiutiu rourt w7 60 t II Viwgtly, lnnw for aouM hwiiii lo uti iaj 50 ix; au reached j. U- "ful ac- ueant a nd- ' n ! ii. 1 liat out .! 1 1 not l.itfllt .i 1 aim iioping Wllh- Hly pi lit ballpens man Al Lit 1 00 llgliU fur court a i 'nun baaliag in.. ii Arthur Hall to. up- . lor iiiii totioel aoouo to make betler tnuv i ctiun liaa( Job priming The Times-Herald They feel encoui. the aurfa. loou over he i": .... Ui I vvs drill i have knod ' '" in.- .ubt it will be lt difficult to ill be able but think tin to I. litdwell I 30000 net apparatus with which Nugge n is tl. mother ot C. it. Peterson, th. at tin .k stockman. ib having 1 in Uw no aiteinpi I ... ,ude to g. though STEVEKS m m mmu UM t tkuim tl toM Waat i npirtit 1 1 1 Minimi m4 -" ' " H.'kWMiMMl .... PINO OUT WHV RIFLES SHOTGUNS PISTOLS l"g 1' - mMWm m HairTr.wu wu MM w Mm A' WJf. ml I M L 1 1, w IS JJn itoJ (e laraa PARTICULARS and PRICES Ti Mwa sadnsg INFORMATION. toishlsjaaat DESIGNS. 1 atu.d a . . i.i , in iu.ii i - i ll., I ,1,1. .1 tftMluK, ll lu . J- I Ial tow I il., ....., I.'. U. A. The Burns Flouring Mill J STURTBVRNT. Pl'opt. mm w ' i: mill process is used tar an uyntij (hi 1 ., 100 milts III I ILOUK, KOLLliD BAKLtY, CHOP, AND All kirn! of Mill Fed always tl Maud ran wm iavei wci rm o ma mum lawT CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sal : i