Tltl uirintaa 4 Trn Go. 240-244 Washington 8t f Imte-fferelG ll I'api'r i( Mirn.'T OOOI I t ji'it rirt-nliitton ami i ' UrMlalng rmvllnma if She 2ftttll$ Hernia C he atrret ttnrntg Cettntrg " n ara of l,48.('0O crr of Inn.' i'rrr it arnit ml (or. ' lml law of I Matre. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. OR 'II R 1 I NO. 43 an 1: '. TITCWS. wm New FAIR the W0 cash prize for the best CITY ; exhibit i m n sin- gc irrijratnd pardon, while Wal- COIINTV BW Campbell and J. F. Dr. mu, each won prizes of 160 for the r ipective exhibits of "rlcv and sheaf oats en aM Caere tfJNd by tliem. these last three ah- w veareai At this is a stru'l I or the Im'iic- ipwi nnil other action ami diver- named baimj part of the Klamath I exhibit I. A. Lo ntario. re- d $1IH rash prize lor the libit of 00010, and A. A. Brown, of Ontario, the 1100 for the l.esi , ),ibit of alfalfa. WATER IS POSSIBLE Never heard of him." It was not until a complete answer had Ibeen mailed to Mr. Puter that an MILLER SPRINOS IS SUFFICIENT FOR official asked a newspaper convs FIRE PROTECTION. jpondent if he had ever heard of Pater, "S. A. D. were his ini tials." said the official, sack i the opieien i civil i f iikct Fetter ; "I remember them because of who vhnted the . Wetwtay j the queer combination. That .-,, eah nM,. name r bj( fam.ljar m n, .M-ii on "Ul ' can i unn ruier in me nine U II THEY Bl'l KM W enough to r that wouhi I HfirfaTWri ARE PASSIWl BY SOME reasonable time. I: is to he hop iim puani ORF X OI'TORTIMITIES. SCH(0I.S OPFNRI) MONDAY. Chas. M. I Kineer of Baker county, is in this section doinji some work for the Pacific Live Stock Co.. and on Wednesday he accompanied M. L Lewis up to the Miller Springs. Mr. Foster was called here a few book (which has the names of all government employes) and I can't find any previous corre spondence with him here. Stranjre I can't place him, for certainly Material for Haet f, Awilttat Mm Cwnfat KlfM Maa -Oprmmnltki foikee. ad that th there will not conclude thai the build ing of a rnilrvi Httt in time that it will not p to stay upon theirranel ye that is jual tlu conclueJen they would reach if they had the I Mr. Han n to ha Big Reductions in Prices The public school nf Burns opened las! Monday undermost favorable nivunistances with an I'M -optionally week at tendance. The entil' teaehirs were on hand and the various (Trades have been proper ject an daaaad and aatefMd, Th- lay in receiving the new bookl If the hundred! of anxious iMBieeeekors who are paaaiiw through Pendleton. dailv . on their wa 10 I'mlland. 0NJ RMU Of the ajkrhma, inviting freedom George ii ved u-hi, 1 ',., -Loin to them from the a letter from hw son Pick who is we must have had some dealings hisi,,, anii vnKys oi i at I'm,,, lhck u r,v thai With A PlIPl un fnmilif.r ti-itli i.itK- -a. . l. . 1 , vears airo bv the citv authorities j , i "eastern ureiron county wmen nan a ugm un mi -ngie mm years ago dj cm m wnorraeo u. lands and foreft mtt. tun,u thl,v killed it with r,.,l l ha eaerai would gladl ttle. p down on the boj tlr newsimiwr mnn hmk thi .... . . i i .... I I... I. . i :. r .u .,.,...;.. -;. o. --- , i ne mav IIOI IIIUl larms ai- "" on mm imi un- nvmi. in " ' T r. i rut n its gently as possible, but JUirns tor tire protection. At .hn a-.n:n fll1f fi.u u that time Mr Foster could find .. . . . ..... , juiy ft,r them to nap to make surveys and give an es timate on the possibilities of some may not . i . i i . . i . ....... M - it ailv euuipiHI lUUI cnips piaitliil mm M-rn nei inmi up o- vim mi i.ii m-ii mi iimiiikii ne oi- ,.,.,, I,. ., iv,..,,, ,. ,-.,., T ,,,. tin oi wunrs anil (.en. slat he 11 llll I III! llll Ml 1W ( . . - - I -,-.- --... fared to treat. S. A. nothing encouraging and so re pattad to the council. Now. how- neum m waier wnrK.s nor iv(, hj, (.oTect address, possible. When the ., ,. , . ... piin. mi ii, ,t linil vmiwith lutiliM-uvs would not take anvtb the IV Pater evidently dm ImmI to feetum w hi. b tin - are eagles claw lu aon -nt bun. not use vrivernment stationery. ,, mmmm ui,K.. ,. i(r.,ri Th..v He will send it to Portland to may not bnd high priced lands mounted. m. . . , i """ k. i ...! .k- ,;n; . iH'girinir mem to uuy ior a swiir. adopted has caused some con fu- ": " ' IT, IT owld explained that , W. wh Hm fortune, in ee I Walter and Walla,, Cappe, sion but this will xin be arrung- ' . " neittier i ommissiuner Ballmger Od when the bookl arrive and fUrnWl fH"V V nr Forester Pinchot wen- in chanaee are made. p. in- cwuon l" WK ,Mn K,ruun U1 Washington when the Puter let a of the products tock, ual fail opened y to th' BBHar11'1'1' "' twltlor T"". Il.-ri.l.l tll-rt-nr.- 14D lu.ib k"'h""' '". 'f" "" ,.''"' ll""h" 'onili- tii!iti.riulk- inrriMw,.,! hv "-"vl l,li"1 "' "v ....... ....,,1. matter of throwing up a higher : Raymond informs Th(. the 'ity but would be rather ter wa in circulation lodt; of ind of , up ' IAve tophlA) . in- niauy of a edLi iiii-r.H-.i HilKI H nl I In nn needed in iiiMs C9JM AT LAST Have I ir wen imens I mi. 1; ether jria'A.', i will l eighbo ithing re. Tl Tin .oi begun the year with .Mi enrolled, the largest number in Thh number will In a. ihe ha and llir- season J now will enter. Tin- Ii shown in thing Aft, r 11 ,,.. .!.., L... WlM tn five an abundance nf ...... .. mucn aimut mis uregon of mir- .. f . ,. At the fair in Sacramento, held b.-n told of the ) reposition , , . ,. in connection with the National -.wan well ma. lrrn:iiUnv ., ., Maht,ir Iin,, Chine to sink the spring Klai! premium- coiirnged it and said he f-lt , which . all irrigatwl the !' i.-l Si.,', . . .ii-egonha ight them Fiank Landing and -I P OUl of the Crude materials w Inch, hitrl weii- oer from nn found I business Mr Theae homeeeekera will find Gearhail has pui l new ir t-s-k nf Muslin Underwear Shirt Waists Kimonas and Summer Dress Goods New Lfoi of SoroHtH Skirts just in We have so and Ihe sole agency for the aale nf C ARH A RTTS CLOTH ING If en wnnl GOOD GOODS We can Supply you N. BROWN & SON! inn with 1. Don'l la are m- thut nn i and redo. he othei pier, of mail long aa matter pan : he local olhce i- request nil liti'N i-iisi OFFICE confident an ii padty to id possibly l for domestic purp mes. ii in, nt coming should be tnaltel push ed to some definite end It- im- in ,'portance in pu: d when we i counted L SUI II lippill I lillllll-S HI UUI old ha taken ad lage of. The main pipe line fjfnn h lint nvrnarl A enila aanf Mtm . '.'ix.'iiiiaii4i'i'iiv . : nas maue Khat will a Is i8 part- atood I ej gi. ruiL 1 lettor mitt tal .ii, but puck- half and ir. certainly within the M of nur ci; Pedcral Court Order In Water Suit And D iivgon ! I CIllll II, ! b o ft he stale at I worth mentioning. One of Hmm Khun ..::. Hood Piw i. Willami ! alley and Rngu, . aim run for suj- rem: utesta over fruit produetBi that Klamath and Multn ea adjoin ling proouee KM l stock-rustlera must be abandoned. Irrigation has made fruit materials of main a fortHM here awaiting the ing nf the right man. The will I rich opportuail zoning to them everywhere if tat) will but Uiki- up th hammer and mngs and gn t i If Ii tin wnlild co nn furlhi r Tin", would not cast Inn, . . : .leated c adHa of im-lagee. In there inatrati lnanppn ces while conclu- I- Id lie leas, as of the colul,- AVANUS ill II IHIV HKIrlll Mr I'.ubb and lam the North rn Idaho when- tnral was i i etiurae the "boas" or rather he caught s fish. It waa Polls ar den irout meiisuring :7 1-2 1n chea und tipping the beam at 8 3-4 pow nay that Ml t . .k. Frame proud but faintly ex- taven a1'" nil i King machine anil snyscmiia 01 i 1 1;, pa are turning mi: I '.I o linil l.ei.iur Hi- ill f,mnl window! mul il lllllf llHt Wlll- dowa fmiiinrlx c -' 1,1111 t I. II. II so i i:i BPASSINfl Hontina l , Id N ll I I . Mil .i . aajaBegaBwjannxsn in Rauwii J. W. BROWN & SON Contractors and Builders Call ii' I I stlmntra, l'lan nrnl Prlcea I have work in our Mm I turn, Hum, 1 1 aeaeaaaBeBeanaaaeawejaojaBi if itet- ;.-.. i m sagebrush covered the land rt years ago. The de MB Lite mn with ', at stock Oper in- Ali echo nl nie famous wator '( VVO TW till. I Tin- ' figurea an I I class.. laaea, 026; giv- :: : . carr- j ,., :i and waa lought until xyoi. Many be excelled any where but en- re eoulc n the in will opWtunity to ii.-., da ttoek a ir. I1,-, -i.-v.-d in-st class tl bn- of 140; i.tin ''"' DrP 1 1 struts the stn , ,, ii., i,..'. ( it) with a riirhl suit which WHS bilterlv n.n.rl. of nt. intulliirunt nnil on. " '''4l ' L "' fnutrht bv tin Pacific i.ivMtock r..t -.,... i,. vt ill -- ,h.n The atory aa told by Mr. Frame - - . , ' company again I W I' Mauley, fruit industry tn immense paja F. L. Mace and alsait 30 other isirtinns. Plenty of sunli defend ;. numlerofyear8an t f aucceaaful fruit In the United B raaitaaart, produi ion, and of sunshine the was heard yeeterday when Judge, whole ri n-gon country W'illin iaaued an ord- has an abundance. Sui' niitting t- t.4ke certain aur- supp! r a thirsty noil veVb on l!ani ": nrniM-rt mukes conrlil ions favorable for aae waa startAnl in 1899 production nf fruit that cannot UUl1 li,e faauaaaan meauon tioiu nn ih-ii aa ine cnampiou ratilihiiake eradicator of the Pacific Coast, having entered a dot) of rattlesnakes near Hum - inimitable way is simply immenae and it at once caught the ear of the of tin Anaiii.,- i lub who , resulted him with tin Miinoth bona" the emblem of the club an a Uketi o appn nation. It will bo remembered also ,. II, nl Inn, l- t li, If anil li., n ii..-i. in.' - ' , nrl a M..I Ii in m -In, in forbl n, n or t ,11 I- , i.i He full lU at "t ih. lee i it. Ilii i Han. I, M ., THE BREWERY SALOON I I an 0 . .1 In li "M lour . iiUar aatl ka iti. II. lnat !" at l,-illli MM I attroi . aeanta dea u( I Willi Mr I II I.. yai Ii Mai BEER ALWAYS ON TAP WINtS, LIQUORS, CICAR8 U , .. k i iiii,lr id iiianagvUMnI 4 umm aa4 . It'll , la Your Patronage 8o'icited. imiNiy mi.iv bbewihc coir.M. T. E. Jenkins. Manager ll !,. luoue. recogi Viile-I,irn-. wjww niHJ beat known lawyers in All Ore; ratulates Kla- B state reread in the math and Malheur upon th acluding the late John H. aJng of premiums for fruit exhi--.t. Milt-hell. bus at Sacramento. All Oregon -M-miM-rs nt the livestock com- uumirea uie apiru oi me poafae pany originated the suit against who prepared the exhibit and owners to obtain demonstrated what can be done eociution I i,y , waier rignis on suviea river m ne ana regions m uie uuiie. Burna-Venator. From oilier lut'h were oHftfed to belong egonian. k and it tirs. elu her classes 387: the cnmn.y. Allegations in the ; it of lln I lust class, complaint were to the effect that LOCAL AlSU HLHS0NA1.. 230; other claaatJ 1 collected u" l"li" ownen, nau con- strucieu uams and ilitches which ingtnii and killed iA) of theptjela in two hours. A swan MJ OJ the board I . Harm v Latkes a six horse coach fully equipped for the oc casion ia engaged and many of it wing shots will parti- lac Loec Mar RESTAURANT ri.i, MBAbS AT AUU HOURs Bekry in e'.nneeti A Sauull; afbaerl MM i ajala i ll. inarki-l all ual fah airier, Is fit of all county c 'Jera- PKIl:S Bun ille. Col. ' 'ack froat i the natural flow of wat- his outing at i.. 1' fm k ias.-, 182; other claaaea, i;i canii .cei ved first class, 32; other claaaea, 42: OoOoet 17. WOVk I'N AKtfcMAN WELL SLOW nn 111 a I made ni W'i d from th i. Kl. le numiier tnai pu eipuU in ihin linal hunt of the trip will combine busineae wilh pleaaun I. II liarrin Chip Smith came in Tuebday and a i" will be from his Cn.' ranch on on hand to gra. a visit to huiamiiy. and the possibilities of imiiitiiig A L Hunu-r has writU-n tnt: P01 l Huntiiigton will be tb Mt-t. in r-iM ..-o, tha lt friends iiere that he baa aaamad niawiaawii wiui ouier amau iu.-ui- .l.iHin. H.uii.w... .t..,.;,ii ,., f.w.r in. a hamaa and aeddte buairi. " l'"'""' B- - vv ...... ... .-.. -. - . . in U.1,1 J i no num. ui atiiL-Uiieij u nccui h of next month er and (I it from the com- Afi. 1 1 years of legal wrangling which baa been sel dun. in the history of of the livestock i land Journal. Port- IAMI K bMOkr LIVED i by ii littMl ive h nis, .. red b. nr ft I'.yruea baa taken a (swition aa l Ifl ,IMAUIUlll m ill'" ,ie Ubli noiei uai jubi viji-mvu u ivu- moiidson iJi W ood. nort lived, says a j H H m dispatch. Oni ago a ivea atthe lorestservici ,u .- ,.f ,i. ,,,, i, i i from the 11 n-,e ami g foi on rtiatardiaarl it tern ii ,i.-'- hie v iath ai i 1 1 , f '- ' y wt i Morrii e is ver; this IVed the .'.Hi. u loriuanuii trophj v' . exhibit tieceeaarj to mo -nid- but as in thia ha work is ex- int., of n ivntiiuuii v. .. - - o --- - .. itein bull ' ,l 8 "Pe public, the state r. wwui. in itum auiruM e : . -. .m i .. . .L. n bnneh of beef cattle from i ' Ha I omo "... nnu a nrin'.i .oimauun n. ui oiun. ine leiier oore me A D. Puter." to w mnemucca ior smpmenia. ingle ui. section are The qui leading ones. jOK 0 the road between qui iod How will and indicated ihui the writer this place and Harney, a doubk- UatPaJbat be '"' lut) waa not dealing withanuofai Pindar please i the : curse Uaraub r that he was notify thif ofl I 1 . Mahon. ii. an oiu nana ai ii. come oi ine questions could not be answ n . .... A, i.l, . ms on his bv the for-oaf anaiiiaa w,. it.., !.a. f, lltll I-H.v... ........ .. - ...- .... .. . m. , v v.. . v hv will be wav to Bead la erred to the general wnere Y'e f" hllt' of beets with a party ot teamsters who land office, and came back with U inelutk aking 12 more taama to the this notation: MIU...... Il,,v,.i.,il,iv ri..l' to Klin ill the "VViii, ia iln uiniM I'ufur'' ..UUlll 111 wo..v..v... ...... --- --- ,. ,.v . fc.,o ni.uv, ww . of the Oregon Trunk VVe never heard of him." If you plant but oim fruit trci Lane. let) were oi ine ihe lorest service was no more huvt, it the U-at the beat i noin Malheur impression that the road would acquaiiiled with the man or name too good. You can procure the boat Won for be puahed rapidly through to than the general land office, and for ibis altitude from Adam (isorg. r. fardee , completion, lieiui uuueiin. wnen ruier s letter was passtsu Hut couupany lakea an reapoiiaiuiu- l fioin one official to another, it ty and will replace. All treea war- ..(ll Job printing--The Times-Herald was always with the remark. ' rsuied Uue to uauie. . ui address It. VV. 1 who will ciioerfully aup from de., I ml m wi i-wMf . ,. I WrM Wat thing !.. - l. m ijt Lfcl tS ALL HOPr. Mr. Harrinuui thinl ii not et thickly m BMg - '' uaMuaaaf ae.lONlui.i i.i iium. MAM im ' , V iat.M I all Ma.. a A . THE CAPITAL SALOON, I III -i II A iHiNKi.AN, I'n.prlatoca. Burns, - - Oregon. HVEcac Hoetd.q.-vj.axtoxa. Wiies Littiors and CiKrs. Billiard and Pool Table. Club Rooms in Connection. I. L LEWIS illbt bw la (areial PARTICULARS and PRICES Ta aajfeat aadriag INFORMATION. 5 .- JLcifQTIil .ICaUTlfe H 0 iitemm 1 itoik ,iBiMBBiaBB Pi eMBMMaaM BWsutiiut Blrtc Lll a OMian. M ' I " ial :it- MOaejM COM' AMY. DESIGNS. J. M'Daltoii and wife expect to leave tomorrow for &i fair and also visit relatives in Polk county. They expect to be absent two or three weeks. ST. FJr ANCIS ACADEMY Boarding and Day School CoiiUucUU by Ihe Slater ol St. t ram la liAKfiK CITY, OkliOON 'I Uia iii.liliili ,i, oduia uiiar ailvaulagta l, yi.uug !.' ili Ifa a aotfal. eaalel. anil ralnarl artm ailnn laawetlkai I ia ia all Uuuriit-a belonniiig Ui a thorough otluialin, Uoi.l viuhu. guilar, Isujo, ami uianJolii. , ihe language" ; jiaiiilKig in oil, poattil, vtat.:i aotora, aa4erayoa; ah aiedi al n" Bad eraa ii. i ii tal needlework , .luiltiaud, lypewriiing uud iHxjkkueping under lulvc year of age arc admitted Mudit-a Hill be maniad Tueaday, Se I. A. 1UU7. For particular aeuu li proapcclu or apply at the Academy The Burns Flouring Mill : J Jc! 8TUR raVHNT. Prop. UOIIEIN K0 I IK MILL PiOCESS IS I'SiiO A in ry particular "'" ' ' ' 'ii''iiJ '"'' i"imty fa U i mi. in bi ' I LOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND! All kinds of Mill heed always on liaoii Tat Vtat. UlUllkM MARkEI PRItt PAIM IOR HOOD MILL LIU WIUT CUSTOM WORK DONE Good Seed Wheat for Sale