rte Bimes-JIerald. -iitinirr riKtii.A mm or Aapfh IN THIS COUNTY. ,Y. M '"''I !" . I Mcr1 News. m. fBrison was down from v Bt Saturday. irrol ffcci! was over from the first of the week. and wife have been in the mountains the flMHA-u is making prepar- uild a large ware- le lots nacK 01 ine Her." U and Vic OahtOli, by their fan o tne monni.'iiMH lor lin mowers al redin Voegtly's ire about If vou want iw. onser, Mrs. j. l,. ?r. left far I'ortland -line- after a short V- "aji Promptness and Dispatch Go hand in hand with courtesy, accommodation and security in the transaction of business with this bank. HOur frrowin$r financial strength and conservative man agement furthermore merit your consideration in the placing of your banking business. Banking by Mail "Our facilities for handling out of town accounts atv unexcelled, the result of years of study ami aotatl I ptfftMM in handling this class of business. TlMM fa cilities for service are at your disposal. H e invite your buainrn no mall I how Hinall your account may he. Cheek hook andnuyplic furnhheH free ' Kit her call or write us. All communications and in a RMJ affjd promptly. First National Bank of Burns UNITED r TH5 DEPOSITARY. J 0 liili-im ChoColslH in p!pkgp freih ami pure Cllf Irtiir Sinr j . . NOTICF FO PinUCATION I m i I .m. Orel, it lllltn. lllr.nn. Illlf N. .!!. II Ii.'irli lven that In uimi n ih llio rtn Inlonn Ini p - n( Hi.' ivnici'' 01 1 "An id liirlhi'Mf hi nie. of rllf..rnln. m.'ti Itorv.' nn .-uirnil nn I 'nmn li i .'( lua k in. ..I Hnrt.n il I i k rn bIii. - i t sr, .'i i Hnt. M farmer km I ..nl. is daughfc i B George wishes us niouno that the berry sea I tionton and that ieoplcare ed to tonn-oiit and pick them t 20 obth n gallon. crlr has n'turned to bought 190 eea of d will be back later pects to locate per- ' ( !0HM and cgistration Bo lends can find you. Smith & BwnK's. A. here M e 1 1)1 K ir Free I iur ii B Harry McClure is in the city. Herman Ruh was up from Law en a few days this week. Atty. C. W. Ellis has secured office room in the Jordan build ing. I'm- Sale Three desert relin quishments. Inquire at this ofioi .lake Cary is in the city. .Tones chain mowers and rakes $86 while they last at C. H. Voeg- tly's. Fred Otley and son Fred were among our business visitors from Lawen Wednesday. For HompMeml Iiooatinni ( M. FitztirmlH th pioti. r bund l.ocRier of Barmy County. Walter Clark and his mothci were over from their CfMM tri'cK home last Wednesday, m I Imlv I'ulling I tli" 0 I 'rug Htort will In' flVtti ti' ' pnckRgi lf Hiln ToaOOa. 1'nwoVr ,,, P. H. QftJ and wife, the pt r residents of I awen, were in thecity last Tn.wdav. m busim t'has. Urittmgham and wife NOTICI FOi PUitlCATlOS i.e to ext n I their thank tlie mat v ho u n km. I "nt tiereHM' nirnl wing m i Of . W t'lvfng. t Hail n horn" MM snd r price, lie- Hdti i rwponttbls, .1. W. HiMun .V; Son have their crew at work building an addi tion and making alterations at tM K .1. Williams residence. Tin Mm him mini . if y.m wih I to Mil, for y.iii le lit your BtefM ri Do in nt once noil gat In tlir iwim I listing with y ir. K.'l'.r "tint, 1 - ' -- THIS IS WHAT THE "PACIFIC BANKER" THE LEADINC. FINANCIAL PAPER OF THE NORTH WAST HAS TO SAY ABOCT "YOUR HOMK INSTITUTION" "The Harney County National Bank of Hums will on the first of August begin the erection of a fine new bank building on the most prominent corner of the main'street. It will be built of stone, with a frontage of 24'feet'and a' depth of hitt, f modern architeeture'and equipped throughout with the best and most substantial convenient bank began business on May lXlh of this year M National institution and is already one of the financinl concerns of Central Otvgun " OUR GROWTH: IThis bank shows a stenddv increasing patmnagr ln' to its strength. tSMMnnjttfcM iod neral lilicv If you have in mind the IMMng unit either savings or checkini im ite you to become a deposit- llll: HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS K1, nl ih. -', "I fiilnii s.. In i, .,,.!,, i s,, ii s rent No : K. M m -ni" nITi i proof it h.Mi Hint tin- land i -.t or itun 'hmil r -! i n,awi I io rviai'llali ii -ii I J. C. Turney has gone to Port land. Wm. Hanley was in the city yesterday. A. C. Finn will harvest your grain see him about it. Al Southerland is swappim ,r. has lwen in RM ritv yarnswith friends on our in.! thfpM weak taking a needed A Bargain One binder for i-'1' He will Ih Kin the fall in- Sniiih .t St,,...k, 1m1 K-tll' IWImv. ,- !,;...! ral sheep. U I). Arnett has been in sale by C. H. Davis, Harn . ectin Irom Wagon tire for the past l'--v. days. Lost Two black hound dogs. Offici uitalilc reward will lie given . . for their return. '"'T1' "' tro.nl WAlDOQMfc n homestead last reports a line rain Alf HaKei fell down in the the other day and '(K-'1S lt Sund.-p. night while riiiiniiwr tr tin ( i f i mwl lo I'lif ill V Mill iv v i u..v "Vivivi, liruised and cut his face. Bbuy :2f) acres of raw , mproved nge brueh L Mn; n'vu i'r"'Ker w. up he well located. m hor homt' nwur Sotl hou"t l uesday unci was accompanied home by her little grand son. Rough lumber $12 )ier thou sand at the Harney Saw Mill. Roy Bunyard, proprietor. Good road and plenty of lumber to fill all orders. insjH'ction of sheep " f this month. about the ,v.htly Oregon. Horn In this city yesterdav. Vouns M.-at Market and to Mr. and Mrs. Mellie Parker, '.ivry will start a free deiuery a son Monda . Wl ant anvthing iti the It teems this morn.iu m or m,..lls ,,., ,, nmapumn unwen iur . umr a. , ktl()Wn Hn(i deivery will lie; inadi-. can nuy a .ion. . 'I' 'ini l Ml II, n... . ,. ,. IIMOTM V I i "'-n iliilmltif i4iiml In ill nr rrullal'i1 iltrli i lulmi In Hi nftiiT on nr Iinrtl4 Hlh ill cl Ini rlll. H t 1 t, 1 (. . !,.,., N.'IHF KOK IMMI.IMATION. i MiM -1 i i -1 innofrtt i, I ilrtlv llrrg.in, liil M " t'l H'irii I. nt In l1lDIUlii r noli ih.' i i-- i.i..... ..i ii.. .!..! i..nff . ... I Mi ml I. il Ih M'r "I i I . Im iilal,' ,.l l alllornia. " i Rhlniiin I nn. -iir iiy m I ..I ii ,. I I .- ' II IH lint II. -1 ' l..,. I., umf I. i I in i ', .'I M I, ,. .-. II..H N.i I . I, , 1 1. ,. .1 polllh, Hnr n l w M nml mil nil. r I ri.. I tti lm . ' .. t II.. i. t I nollMliI I. In. ii. .loii printing Hie TinteaEtowM ahZ2X"TTJ2vZ2-2T ! ! M. FitzOerald 1 1 Pi in ri K.-il K-inin Man iii'l ln. I levator ..I llirniv I'ounli rraclke lebrc I . S I md Office A Specialtjr BU1-S. OR IN MfHiri nt Itwt fOQ i . I.B'l.-n Hun,r nil i'l nn. i M.uii.. riiiuirala ol I in. i i ii iwi ; ii mower and raKe lor wo at i n ., Itamil valv for Voegtly a. C. E. LlNTHACtJM, Hums, Oregon. 1J111B. i ne noise nrcaKcr. a das off this week and HH II. McMullen home- . IflBi'lld of rest, however. nays Ma' worked him hard am waf luonco could possibly Seaweaml are the pun mse of filing on some coal Mrs. Wm. Muldaugh arrived r in that vicinity. They here on today's stage from think they have dieoovered fine Portland. bad of will tad ii is certainly Dr. W.C.Brown, Hfintiit. Ollie Imped they li.. in tlir nfw moim liuildi. g imrtli i I , i. Kdmondson and (J. B. iln Post Omo. imnnl here from Wanted now Homestead and CH yesterday. They came with desert claim relinquishm- tw"" nd wi" makp tt thorough MKJowan & Nichols " M-etion or the Harney country BOTH i h.iu PUBLICATION I M I I llll villi Ihi - i F. E. 9RAMLETT, SILYEI MOtNTtD HI IS AM) SKB 1 Made Is Orecr. All lit .In ..I I'Uilii,! ul'l'-onrripniillv . I "i Main in. I II SI , lliirm, Oienpili I he Capitol li.'ifiH-r Shop II. J. REED. i'i..pi Head'piai i. i l..i bathing and Firet-CleM IVweorinl Work. Ill RNS. . ORE;ON- ! ! ! I ' . w TnlllBk Tin Tl rr I Mi' tV Ll .- nllllM 1X .JtXlnn, 'm M1 nMT.ninn7T 1 nH woe wmt Thiol wfm'r ELY TIP r W . ikH t mjt ittfiiW--- Don't miss Mtlng my fiitAlNPUIr saeMMIrl tWE blor y.iu buy Uothts. I hii. l Ihiii in ihr Kiiliril Mid in. .i I .i.i, hi ihii (Ju lime fin the In ii. Vou i .in hive mil limn SIXTi.UN D ili-Rl U OJM rt (roul PIVH DOLiLiRRS UP and no more trouble alxsil them for I pMTMtM a I I MILL N CltANINH, RETAIIINI AND PltSMNi. See A. 8CHENK, The Merchant Tailor Burnt, Oregon ..nn kn vi Oil- oSlr. II,. I, I.. I i, Baker " I Lffgau is home from I to tBe where he met Mrs. SLengei nd brought her m i visit Orith home folk. Mrs. Hu daughtes of Mr Mr. . W llowner ot Hai Emory Hill and J. O. Alberson were in Irom their .lunisi Mountain homes last Wednesday Both are stock nan und jmssibly will locate in thi nOttMi Mi W. E. Sullivan has been over irom narney mis wwk mbibi- iug "Daddy" Byrd place a large hit nf iihu liumIs nn llii' Hhelvi'H -J : .U . U,,... ,. V-A1 A f' VVilmmv inH tt'lf.. u'Mil lor, tame 111 to tlllll 111 lH 4II- IIUMW W J ICU -" -... . l H.irn..v l.uv l,. ,,!,. nH ll... "'-rai. nnurp. t'uneriil of thl late I I land s '. Haines ( '.. (i. W. Young is now installing an up-to-date i old storage plant it hi Market and grocery. It is modern in evorj particular und 1 am selling out my Jotie: mower and rake- $86 tome W ie and Rose Whit uffleiont cuivucity to store a they laete. Get one now C Ii Voeg-th . Klillk' the teleliholie Mile Kul'.n Hulliurl l.iii-if nml I i uige in ertoi,. have been , amount of meat or the past ween. Htnt'ii are old tinu has Wilson and are during the hot hiy. ty t ke YUn; nai returned Iron k Engin HBim He Ht'l Willie Young who HKitmg relatives liu. at Faulkner is e. Hi' about the loth inst. BawBP Cotl"e HH('(t lu'l'e from I'm t nirda.. Mr. Coffey year ago and his trip I to make his yearly dains located some Baaav v.mie -v,- ine Bt-ii m iking general and putting in new 'photv Tin new quurter in chilli lilllKlltlll I ll W I l ullini ri fur liivilnlloiin nli Utaet m.l mil right, Oily ''"i St. in I. H. Holland and wife arm the timber loca day with Mrs. l: Ihmck. k and a Mi MeBrid all of Vane are uftr Hi m i brought part.. Mill. '. Harney .1 ('. Buck- i illneoi taod was an old pi.. county and had mai The Tunes Herald is give any ex tended obiiuar notice this issue, City Restaurant and Bakery Htm JACk" Ltb. r7.it. Pest Ofliu hiuvi. Hai , larai, On -h'. mln nl nl,. .il or. Iur. I ml . Inn lliki ri in rua- nn Hun elm, , ultra, brrwl i .n.klrw, Juughnata, ic lr OPEN DAY and NIGHT )iv l. on all LIVERV, FEED AND SALE rl nf I total ih : tit ! , FaMM, Heglaler R. J. M KINNON, Mock taaaatt ry ui.. n i lliirii-, Oi.'gon. McGEE & SMITH, Propts. Wn ....k i Iibik. nf ilm I. arn i i. M I , I hava rqulppad It rnliriily h llli in rig ami trrih. w II lled ' am Wn an In IMtallimi In a nilinxlaio Ilia p . pnrln ular with . "infi.rta'.lii riinvnv anoi and M Ilm Kul Froal i- .iilrally liH-alnl and vi)lnt in dm IxH-lnia- hotrli of lb . ItJ All ilix k Ii fi in nnr i at, rei !' mir Horws IkuihIimI by tin- dny, wnk or month ...ilding are more' nome Xygjy from u ,rip Ul next w H. wa the comfortable than where tentrul has been located for the paat several months. ,,ew U. MiHTiMin, a huaineus man ot (iiicinnatti. Ohio, wax here the lirst of the week. He had bought some school land in tint. alie several years ago and was bore to aee it for the lirst tune He was most agreeably surprised aj lie found his land exception ally good all auricullural land the Alvord and other P. L. S. father of five children, three Co. ranches in the southern part sons and two daughters. His of the county. They brought 'wife aj divorced from him . back a nice lot of apricots and end year ago and is now raeid-j other small fruits from tin- Al- in in Idaho with the two daugh- II is .sons. Star, Frank and James are here. The funeral took place at Harney today. I. SCHWARTZ. vord. Both John Day and Prairie City will give race meet during September. The races begin at Mr. and Mrs. Charle Britting John Day Sept. and Prairie naIll (liui tlt. misfortune to low City follows, closing in time Eh both th0T lue-months-old twins the horses to come t.. this city ,i, ,,,,,,,. ii. -'- iu-i and nicely situated. He left for and yarticiiaite durimr the fair. cu,iu ,,io.hi mmA ,,. ,.th.r his home Thursday morning. Each will give $100X1 in purses. uur w,,lnesday n.ght. The httle - - - - I Grant Thompson informs us he one were suffering from sum- is making preparations to build mer i oniplaint and were taken to a nice stone residence on one of the mountains with the hope of his places. He says he has be- getting relief, tioth funeral come tired of camping at h various ranches and therefore, A. J. liwm ag Monday and determined to make him a good J ihmg possible permeneut home. Bj d us done to relieve the little it and himself and family will sufferers and the bereaved par- pathy the many friends in this munity. 0UB NKW LINKS Of (traceries, Notionn, Stationery, ConfertiortM, ('iyarM ami TobucroM Are now in. We are prepared to fill all orderafor uKOCEKIES ON A 11 PEE CENT HARtilN. We also keep constantly on hand SODA POP and ICE CUE AM in any quantity desired. 0tJ us a call. E. B. REKI) & SON, Burns, Ore. CAST YOUR EYE ON THIS Any cut rib or loin steak Any cut pork Pork sausage Bound steak Any othei cut bef Soup bones, shank, each .. te 7c 6c I to 4c 10c "The Busy Corner Store" v s carries on hand a complete mimkym then " . many friends will always Ih- .i tl id jjp to date Jinr ol doming,, welcome idicsand Gents furnishing goods goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, ioe$, Stople and Fancy gnxjerieaV Prices & Weight Guaranteed Ice Delivered to any Part of the Citv Young's Heat Market and Grocery 1 it: ..in. ' 'i UlllllllHlllllnni V cii ba umid by aajahg " I L lr. ""H ' uor $2 0 ato. mJ to 1 T - aA yam nwaaurr by w JltrHlJ I A) iff Vy A4M OF CHICAGO llf Jk Pl. A OyW. hi kd work- I ' fB AatiMumMafiayaiuvcf 400 I 17 '.. W lia- l'IM.1 llM MIS. ! m !.' ,f . miplnM tuui FaihiM .MUbII ify If. m ou are gome: camping take a hammock and enjoy your Seid in your mail orders They Hkceive our best attention. .. The Busy Corner Store" J.C. WELCOMI:&SON Harness and Saddle Inkers eadqua era for Celluloi & Handled Whip and all sim.'ar supj ea in line. REPAIRING Call and get our pricea Burn, Ortfloi) aaai ' ISraail $B&L iiiuu:iuutuuu.tmttuu.:.iuuuiuuumtuuuuuiiiiuiii:iu.. IOMM The OVERLAND HOTEL F. A. Cole. Propt. First Class Uiell Appointed COMPORTABhE, Welti. VfcNTLM.D Lb OUTSIDE KOOgS Cuawta Cvuetooualy Trouled Noth ' g tut LUoito H Ip ua.d Home of The Btockman and Fntmer IRAIU LUCAltll. N.iN aflatr, oLKNS, OMtuUM . . ;. imummnii .. u ... iwuiucm .ium ' .n.pUs tund Faihioni Show by .HAGKY, FKNWHK A I ( Ksn. UK . (iOUDS, FlINISUINdS, SHUhS, IIUS AND UPS GhnSBoanSxeXnEs Fruit, Veoxetablea. Soft Drink. Confec tionery. Oiara and Tobacco. main St., Burns, Oregon- Blue Mountain Rapid iraiisil Line our Ulif freaj Aaiti via Prairie til, Jiw V), ta til; i Moras, Mrcge il..) o Irom liu Iter C ii) to Hum, ' n il, i Kiufoi lalik i ohm.) .11 . - i nil.it il . . i I nit v i.i. M.tuoni aioiij the ruolo H iHroad to liunu oaly iu$ mile. I'oi relet ak The Burns Flouring Mill JOB ITUKLiVANr. Propt. 1 MOIlkKN KU1 1 EK MILL PKlil-l. IS DSHD I : jFLOUK, KOLLliD LtAKLbY, CHOI', AND All tniids of Mill Feed always ou Haad : '. i'iiinii in firry particular and Qf nufficitnl capacity to nupply Hit country in a nnliu.s u' tOO mil, , ,m stuf n. Tli ttii iHibi i mi. i ma caiv ium ou miliinu imui CUSTOM WORK DONE a ah naBfek m .aaaak m m. tm m. aa. i wniDHNMKwc. Mnnr. dfffi naoH Mhoiit tnr SnlA j nQecicer Olty, Oieeron'j. , ., ,j