Vl fimte-Wsrsjia : a The Offlrl.l Pappr of Harney Onnty, Hie Urtfi-iM oirrulatinii anil ii one of beM ftlvorl1ftin.fr mpillnmftin Kaatorn ' fnn. gflje fpme mefwia I Yfu . Mernttj tfoanfrg ( Mvort in araa r.f o,4M.H0O nctm of land, 4,7M3W armi yrt vm-nnl ftiilj..t to entry und-r tli piMIr land lew! of the foil-. I Ptatra BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY. OKKUON. AIV.UST S. 1W7 NO. 37 HT FOR OR ADR wide plains of Central Oregon. Mtmctkffl ill. mo the river will be easy, it is said, far easier than is the work along the Columbia ac- compUehed bj either the 0. R. ;l" P TtlaiHl & Seattle. Water grades, admitting of Bet-in. work up The Inng trains of freight, are vers ONLY TWO CASES OF SCAB WAI. ORHflON II CI ASM ALMOST CLEAN Bill OF HARNE COUNTY. de. f r H Vt bt Aacaa lata Svim ' Ionian says: k railroad war in fte a contest be fcg Interesti for the I nlililcs om the junction ith the Colum- rtor of Oregon. UjB, say the engin- flH key to the OresjOft country, where itNW mr mtv great in man already has a survey up the Deschutes, on begun ways wi' Harriman pro ( 'rogflSJL !l bard matter to ThejH Orepon Trunk Hd road attle AiitalistH. has pro Hthe papr stage utructioi materials are Membkttl to commence WQffm lying well in the of tfl state is being Hinc pro- he the 1' -t to lay track ihertjaflng water of the es. regoniink is popularly IB Hill hut jrHta ohtainahle cd to bi entirely inde H the Hill orHar syetsaa There is no at Mb ' ' , fcft Ill!'-feil Mil). IUIi H rights already iregon Trunk. rent hv i so fat P4 m behind the iutve fti ambition to Kil"ail magtia! i lA now as if tht.v BP precint ved fce sacred to Hill, I la 'omw a 3eSSJMK III!" lOT of til' ltry (nitary to that This let Mount itailwa i omimny. J. HT engineer ll1 tAt-ral WW kh into vhii'ii made 4UIM Ob ward I' well Into Cen wa acL'otupan- ing gang aim HB present of the Mount Hood sur- fBf the Bunuon.. ed at Any grades, can Hsaaily by a track I into ' Ik-M-hutes id on pto Eastern Ore tojth state hound- oast. uuiii-Hood road It kj beh. ultimate des- B pleasure Hr Mount Hood. OB An iii tinding Hftreat of the Cas- mHtrLHiion on the fVjMJS i commenced, i arts .hing further id that i schemes plying Km interior stafl ure being so it that v cuinot travel ctiou wi nout stumbling ii. TJB numerous pro udy S on foot would i An help the cuii of a ad to the long SBB now re ii not for the jHp-riinan projects eed nai'ialil tin gpttl HiukjW to matei ialize. Htu tii. ii help ii I tirade is doul railroads and ii i' Ue ex will be fortu- desirahle to all railroads and such an entrance into 'entral Oregon is worth fighting for. The con test between the three nroieets alrenrlv in (ho fiolH f,- tha Hou- numbers chutes grades promises to grow highly interesting as time passes llo.knm.irr. Mail Ktcp Off Oaartatlard ftaafe or (lrt late Treaak--Wc Have Mt).Mt Shttp NWI IMCWNH salai of the e.nmty stock inspector. The new law int reat PARl IN PS the dllfie- '. that otlicer very materinlh and his snlarv is not sufficient to mstity the time it reqoirea to do the work propHftr. Mr. .Shrail)erg will likely go be fore the commissiiners the next court with this sujrgestion. raising the TO i! I MORF. HOMF-MAKFRS difTerrnl theStati Harney county has in round 300.000 sheep on her ranges according to the figures of the state and federal inspect There is an easv crotwintr of thp ors who have been at work carry- ( olumbia River available at the ' in m,t the Prnv,"on!, of ,hr n,w mouth of the Deschutes where , diPP'nsr law HunnR th r'as' abridge can be thrown across I thm" months. All of these have the forme, stream if desirable to ben (1PPert wltn ,no "WJ" connect the Oregon Trunk with ,of about 10 hcA(1 and ,n a11 th"' the Hill lines if the project j8l vast number but two flocks we. , taken over bv the Hill interests. I found actually infected with scab. Rustem Oremm tnu,n in th ' Both these flocks are quaran- Iath of the proposed promise to take on considerable imporeance by reason of the projected con struction. Settlers are nourintr NOTII i rOR PUBUOATIOM 1 m -i. i .rim i . taraa, Oiania, faja ?t, ir 1(1,1 nl I rna hu rtlri nc liilrniii i iipp,., r TOM RlilURpsov llll ORIOINAI ROOMPR SPOOFSTS. U It ap fa linal Peealt fa Aaa ta Oar lOfulillaa--l Celaeltt Ratri Saeeltl iM tnl. II' aami :hr i,.iioinr Orrami t H'irn- 'rcf"!i rl.M r a aad i mho nitnn i " fi'ti nwrn w I mmi. Raalltrr tined and restricted to certain range, while clean flocks are kept off such range. S. G. Shraiberg, one of the into the interior and the reproach federal in8PctrB no has " that Oregon has the greatest re,n ine nipping operout.n IkkU- of Innrl iaolfttnrf fmm mil. " this county, was in this city road facilities in the United , for a few da'8 during ,hp week States promises to be lifted with- NOTICK FOR IM I1I.1CAI I0K 1 Mil 1' M V If- 1 tMM.ffl, 1 Kiiraa, or.. Jul. . I " i Nolle.' Ii hm In iui, thm li.iln A Kink fit Snrnii urea-M,. h ni."' l.oOri "f hi.tntett tlofl In tnnk. 111 i i.r.M.f In ill.f.Tt nf .iiiii, ii. ii, 'mi !,', i riiii in i. Ill IIIM'I,' x in the next two yean. Tick. Worae Than Sthl. Western sheep men, and sheep raisers of the entire country for that matter, are now confronted ' by a new enemy, or rather an old , enemy who has grown in strength I in recent yean. We refer to the ! tick, which has come to be re garded as a more serious menace to the welfare of the industry than scabies. Sheepmen every where relMirt tlmt tieltu nr. ran. I idly increasing in spite of effort a ' to eradicate the post, and that unless there is a general move- iii, lil uirtimcf tii.i . ,ti.. ..it t Iiiini will be serious losses. ' Indeed ! plai"' limit8 H,,d lH,un,lil and called at this oftice. He states that the article in The Times-Herald of July 6 regard ing the quarantining of range was misleading in that it said the state had been asked for a ruling on the proposition, when in fact the local inspectors had absolute authority to quarantine range and to enforce it. Section 19 of the Sheep Inspection law reads "In all cases where quarantine of sheep is authorized by pro visions of this act. the State Sheep Inspector and his deputies officials of the United States Bureau of Animal Indus try are each and all empowv to designate and specif; the of I'.-rrle I'm nl Hi. Ill i, it N ', O.I ll"li Rami ..Hi, S nHlli. 'l ll I ! OR PUBLICATION Sura i" l.i make nnl ft. la i i .1. II.. i I . m ii, i li i ."ii nil ft. I' " , ' 1 (.... II. llll I ., M II h Mm-aa i all I i ainl.b. II. all ... Minn. S faaae. M'' N-.l IH PI HI I' kill. I. M ar. already consider ir it is well known that ep do imt do as well or ,r much wool as animals ran the pest i'lili"' ill R iew. s U Miii.r, the postmaster at Paulinai i' i" ttM dt arranging for the ksjsjance of bond; by school district Nu. LT to put up a new school house. Some $1250 i. wanted lor the purpose. Mr. Miller informs us that the people of Paulina and vicimn tire making an etlor! to net a six day mail -.ervice instead of three days a week as at present. - Prine v.llc Journal' 'ii.il. e M "it If you plant but one fruit Irtir have it tin- beat the boat ia nuar tun (SSti, 'oti can procure tbe best l'ir t It it- uluuiili friuii AUain (ieurge 1 1 if cniiipiiiv ii.ki-i- iill rriapoiiaibili i.v and will rapUoe. All tree war ranied true to nan NO I Btjinj. unablt) to kiv. uur poraunal nileiiti'ii tu the toll, clion ul tbe au ouuiiIh tint; iih, tli- Huuit) havt) Imttn j.l.ic. d will. Mr. ( II l.i wnurd A ar having flapord siaes Iks dia--iilulinii ul ciiiiartiitiraliip a prmnpt iKllli lie Ill of III.- aalni- In rriU. nlfd. HaasDi h Oi amy. NO TBI8PAMIMG tluntiliK IK inrliiddtiii iip.ui my plaett aiij lining Kurua. TrtMipaaa ir Mill ti . run ilited i II VOKOTI.I NO IRKHI AS-8ING Noun- ir bcfeliy given that hunt ing and rlnHiliiig iipi.ii tbe eiiuloaad luiidauf tin- Aiiiiiicun Laud & Liv? Stock Co. ih cinotly forbiddeu Any peroon or peraon- found bunt ing or tioapaaaii t ill ot) proatcuted any any quarantine area or tarritorj . and they are hereby given auth ority over the same until the pur pose of such iUarantiii. -dial! have been effected, and any per son, penons, Arm or corporation owning or having in bis or tin A possession sheep within such quarantine area, who shall nut or allow any of such sheep to go beyond the limits of the same, without permit from the official in charge, shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punish ed by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00. and all the officials above named are hereby clothed with author ity to control sheep and territory in quarantine, and to take and hold possession thereof as pro vided by the terms of this act. and for all the purposes thereof." Mr. Shraiberg also wishes to impress upon sheepmen the im portance of their notifying the proper authorities of any infect ious disease making its appear ance in their flocks. If scab is to be successfully stamped out it must be handled right and the co-operation of sheepmen will hasten this desired end. The utteiiiion of sheepmen is called to section 20 of the law : "It shall be the buty of any peraon, persons, firm or corpora tion owning or having in his or their control any sheep which have become infected with scab or any other infectious or con tagious disease, or which have been exposed in any manner to such disease, to immediately re port the same to the State Sheep -' Inspector by registered letter, telegraph, telephone or in person, within fifteen days after the said condition has come to his or her knowledge, and failure to do so, or any attempt on the part of person, persons, firm or , . , . Mill. I ink 1 1 1. -i S, illi a l . ot Im a Mia W a- tana Waajater UOTK i POM PI hi. I. ATIOM IMllUmtTU i iea I Hun i liar .lilli . 1. I I. I . (I., : aaiii "i Man.- - hi. nu i ul SMSSk Main. I MM fAkaUC KagUlx MUM I H.I. 't 111 It'ATKlN. Cai'Ua uf ot I.I. nil, la-I.ASlioi Hun I liciai ) pi fallal A U. lira llll Secretary Tom Richardson oi the Stjite iVvelopment 1-oan'U'. sends us the following sugges tions that should be acted upon h ever looster in Harney ty: I'he iipreme need of all Ore gon and particularly your com munit is more home-makers. Ilkt Opportunity to secure them under the most advantageous conditions is now at band Several cities, towns and .-ill-ages in this State will make a material addition to their pop ulation as a result of energetic work done collectively through mnerciul li.xhes and indi- viduslly by the citizens in ad- thousanda of people back Kast of the low priced 0M lotiist rates w Inch will ho i ,t on sale Septemlier 1st and eo'iliniie until October 31st, to i 'i-etron, from all innnts in the United States. lb. we rates are agreed upon by all the railroads in the United States and Canada and are con trolled by the Trans-Continental Passenger Association, and Ore gonians must bear in mind that the home-maker is being invited imilar rates to Canada. Cal ifornia, Washington. ! i Georgia. Oklahoma and other States, and the state communit) to which I e will buy his ticket is tin .nr that eon.vnce.s him in advance that their imrticular ' n this great earth i' the .me in which he should live. We have on l niie month left bclm. -tale begins. Rales to Oregon from Kansas imalia. St. Paul. Minnea polis, and all the great Missouri Valle.s and west of there, is $25.00. with a reduction of $2.50 on each ticket east of Umatilla: I. b.uis, $30.00; New York "SUNi, and a pnHirtionate rate from any other point, large or small, but this ticket must be bought to your station, and not to 1'iiitland or some other city. a iioukiat, jf yoU 4.x,K.,t thein t come to you. and it devolves upon the readers of this paper to see that every letter that goes out of the post office carries with it correct iiifoniiutiuii relative to these rates. Qat all the facts from your local ate Oct together from 10 U 50 ait ie citieiir. raie a little fund for the publication of small leaf let giving the importance facts relative to your community, along with these rates, and have the 1. .,!;. i ., !,k'ht tb:,! it BJSJBjU not add to the cost age of a letti i and have a copy of it put in .ii . letter written by H .in . - - man Sjf ( MaM Several inn .11 Oil Jan. a. II ITHI.Ii l ON A'la Ii real tin .. innouncing the di tails about ih in ii' Rations and are asking that tin. write to their lei.itivcs and friends at a distance ami tell them how cheap!) the) can come to Oregon. Oct jrour commercial h. of oiii business men to offer a prize to the Uvs and girls whn will write the greatest numlier .t ! r who will get actual results In bringing an other fen ,i- into the community. The work of advertising these, cnlonist rates is up to each com munitx and each individual. If we could .nl, I a hundred thousand to the population of Oregon in me next year it would mean many millions Of dollars of addi tional wealth to the State. The school population of one district in Tillamook county was doubled in six months through the correspondence ot the pupils. ('o.vallis caused the sale of Won.oon worth of land through advertising in well-known agri cultural axrs in the oliler states. I'he Oregon Development league 1 1 ov.r lrt, 000 inquiries tiom people wantina to know about Oregon i nming lands. Then ll m intense desire U! come to -.be Pacific Northwest on the mrt of the people of the United States and this is par ticularly true of Oregon. Make' it intensly true of your commun-j ity. See your local agent and find out the exact rate. Get more particulars -post others put up attractive notices in the I ist olliiec and into other public places yet the new-comers to I write to their old papers, and as an inducement to do this, let1 them understand that they can compete f.u the eighty przies, or a i..t .1 oi :snni. osfarad bg Hm Portland Commercial Club. Nothing means so much to Oregon as the colonist rates, and when nu r end this remem ber that there is only one month in which to get in advance work. . v. , mind the beat. Don't allow that ti lino to keep you from dome vour duty n w home makei ma) bVf MM thing ou want to 1'iVI KM IIAKDSON, Secretary, Oregon Develnpiiienf league t ttu: pmimi k Big Reductions in Prices to reduce our stink sj Muslin Underwear Shirt Waistes Kimonas and Summer Dress Goods New Line ofSorosin Skirts just in We have secured tbe sole agency for the Hale of CARHARTTS CLOTHING If you want GOOD GOODS Wc can Supply mmi KROWN & SON! I W I a i i o Ha.iwa J.W.BROWN & SON Contractors and Builders Call and sat Eatlmatea, Plans mid Price If you hava work In our llm- Mhop o. mrtiar aiitilli at tha lwla a llaifuli . . : I lie THE BREWERY SALOON I again upon lu ilia pul'lii al ilia nil an llali n la ailantlaii In an ajauafal i nlilli' tu drop In niaar lliai, I ilia .1 I BEER ALWAY8 0N TAP WINES, LIQUORS. CIOARS Tlia llivwrry ami ' wutka ara un.l. . il. uianag.-iiMi.l l i ami aiiarlanvai I wrn ami la liuiilug oul a Aral . U Your Patronage So'icited. HARNEY VAII.HY MEWING (llM.ANY. James Hicks, Manager "' MK.IMIM MMtlllllt .. I hoots, wniuona ana Seal lialf wlial win- tJn.f fniiiirilv oott A.lilraaa Inm I Law n ill I . A. lain ll a : : a : a III Ik Lesc Slar RE8TAURANT Clilua '.."in.-, rriijuirtor. 0 Mam ami H MSSSaV MBAU8 AT AULt HOURS Bakery in eonneetion A Sfccislly if Satrl Oresrt. '!'' I.- fiw Us i iiii svefytMaf tli uiarkft sflbrds V ur i tbroughuut ta mini' THE CAPITAL SALOON, TR1HCII A IK) MM AN, 1'ioUtoc.. Bunii, - Oregon. Jlatlco TtLlm ZsCamd.q.ijLa.rtexaL Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection. i alu. . , le V m fiksk, K. s m.Ii. i FOB i L'BLK .TIOK iNutlte is lirit . lull I ra... U lu..) '- f i bun... it. .1 lit- ua.... .11" 1.1. I"U ' Ul ll. .!.'. Ill f '.eari.a'1 .' iil.a all ul al ali'l . al. lib aa ' -i I al iataat BANKING BY MAIL You may keep an Account with ua in PORTLAND, OREGON And your Neighbor Knows Nothing of It. CHA8. WILSON, uuiimi NOMiaaaeaai - Mill .. ink . 1. 1 III. t'llli .XL III lit' till I K Hill, li.iiieh Maiutgxr. : 1. 1 I t ,i 1 ' "url ul tin- .iity. I.I 1 1 : lllillli Ittl.j III lllilllM- ) N ,ii. Mi tlil Ilia Ad- iiiiiiimii ii.u ... tin- hImi. i iiLiiIhlI aatata i her linal afcoiiiit, ml tliat tiie sig'iwl thin territory for the tall Htmorabl. J. P. iwiur, Judge of iu . inspection and expect to begin .otters a water uov ""'i""1 (,,,l"t ll,4JH et "' 6ttl I tbia duty about Aiurust 15. lie olumbia to the ,' of Au"""1' "W7, "1' T1." Go",,ty insisUs upon sheepmen observing corporaium, to conceal tat- ex- , istentf of audi disease, or to will- J,' fully or maliciously obstruct or . hinder the inspector or his deput- '.'.' ies in the discharge of his or S. their duties shall be deemeil '. 'I -.. I.klI....... ,i. .. ....I .'I...II 1 . .. II..0UV1HLUIIU. Hliu .Hunt nui'jru uiti'iider to n fine, upon convict ion, of not le.ss titan lUO.OO nor mote than $5O0.uu. " Mr. SchraiberK has been as 4 Fer cent nterest W rile lor our booklet ou fvaullful 0al.na. Ua raaaa HOTH I ' 0U PI BJ i ATIO u ma ma l.AKK UMHR July j Wl7 Ovajr i U4.1C aiii a fual uiihi inaaca inir Htuakiag by mall ayalctn a m. SAVINUS BANK OPTHG Title Guarantee & Trust Company I I J ij Blaibniilriiuj and (ijtK&j ALL WORK OUAR- Main St., Bums, Oroajon A I. L LEWIS V ICTTtl isB litcnuuiinp in pAR,a!UKS Snij Htr If M Lial M Olrtiulauu. and PRICES ! MJISM italf IS INFUKMATION. I UK u4 ' H ii tu Ii ioat impossible 11 . . . JS1 ... 1.. .1 a.. ..I U.... 11-. ...... ..... v"'tir-.... .'a ti time .ud ' the lttw in V respt and will Ion by any other (ur , burinj oi Hid aucuuui that is done so far as possible. ot the t.olum- All ptKtuiia objatAias u ai.i account bhoulu any sheep, now conaider- trom Shanikoi" b.reby uuiiticd tu aupeur at aaid ed clean, trespass upon this t.u,e .ud place aud ni. '" " rantfe those responsible will get AC 1 1 VI OhPOMIOMV Ot I Iii. St All OI OKI KN Pays 4 per cent on Savings Accounts " 4 CertirtcatesoilJeiJo.it " 3 JU Jav,Avn eai ay "uwMKjwNTrroMPAay. Sstiai luiisai DESIGNS. by reason of the the country. the Deschutes. be found to thel 111 lulu li.ilu.l at liuriia, Orutj.m Una atlal day uf June, l'.J7. Mam ha J. Hum-AMU, Admix. Kat. Tbua. ttuward, Uac'd. into trouble and be put to con siderable expense to dip again. Another matter that he con- llu u.ii. u.r iui:oiiuj iiua.. u. i-ru. t ' J. Thorbum Ross, President .lul.i'u .l.j.,1 Ml.. I i 11 I I I Va . II... I . . lil.lHUIlllllUUK" '" ' .,... , v.. .. ...... laud. Ill Waller H i i. Mall'.-A- Caapa. Jatuta f i.carbarl, Muaea trlua, ajl ul Vau. Oraauu .a. lam, KaUtr See U. W. of Imuleuiii Clevouger'e fiue hue Accounts Subject to t'heck George H. Hill, Vice President 1 . T. Burkhart, Treasurer John K. Aitchison, Secretary Chas. H. Kopf, Asst. Treasurer 240-244 Wabhhiylon St., Cor. Second PORTLAND, ORFGON r M1 ' Xa atataam4ttana- mfmmim , l Ol-xe Orearon Hotel 1 AH Kl'Nd, Manager tit..laaa4ciiuiiicHtaUoua illi uaat, aleau Mad cuuifuiU rooiu. lum mvitaa liu frtaiida to atop aiih tnuj wliau U. ui-M. Tablaa.wall furuiabed Uaaia St ca.nl. lWiaV, aa-w l.i aaJajXaaWWaawataajalaapSJjai