The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 27, 1907, Image 1

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    Wt aima-trald
The (Hlldal Pit per of Harney ('.unity,
haa the largiat rirriilatimi and Ik one nl
Hie Ix-nt advertising nn-il i 1 1 ti in Kaatein
('re iron.
a - .
Vh rt ftrttw tTotinfrg
('fivers an area n( n,42,HOO ncrrt (
land. ,7M,W acrm wt mnnt nil
tci entry ninli-r 1 1 pilili. laml lain (
lh fnlteil Htatea.
n.s in rm i -iiiui
Orrjon Rrcaa Sonlhrre
Inn l Thrratrard h
attain NarthweMrra.
ing into the interior. .TO
ther thinps this dispatch
A party headed by W. F.
N tlsi in mikI 1. (.rotrory, who are
ilircctiiifr the survey and rijrht of
M work for the Oregon Trunk
Um, laMOMj to he a Hill pro
ject, w. -re waiting-to make the
MM trip into central Oregon.
under the guidance of Edwards.
It is said that Kd wards, hearing
that the Harriman party was
headed that way, did not want
to be in
SINK ARTESIAN WELLS level as a floor. hoitnmlesa In
sol), fed . man kit flow
in almost anywhere, thnt (low
out nov Ik nly now
I. Two orlhree railroads
point feebly that way. one, two
three hundred miM distant, but
the one and only best way at
this hour is the bush hung and
bush hidden mail road, here first
mentioned. Open it! Please.
open it!
"HiuViH-nr I..I m.i ant. it t in
thel power steam well boring machine tn, ((.V(((,;1 ,()Vor of ,ho
MWtra Wall Barlaf Aasaralai Wltk tilth
T Makt Arteaiaa Water a Reality
-Oavcraawat la Inlrrnlrd
ThM to tafia Prrnarallaa at Ftalaltt l
Praaiti Itarlaf Han-tat--
flaa Sp4 Pratraa.
Messrs. Swain & Smith have
arrived with their new ltl-horse
to immediate act-
Portland Thursday,
inHjH'ct the lines of
ilroad & Naviga-
lulius Kruttsch-
Mof maintenance and
Ml one ot Harriman s
The fact that a party of Harri-
tenants in the West in engineers left Detroit, the
In of last Satiir
lio threatened in-
trnl Orrrin hv thn
-,,...,., ,.i ,i. 1'eth delegations
. . . .. a. . I a ! I , A Kntfi at 1 f I i- thn ffl . ikaI . '.' . . . .a 1 I
aroused the Har- iry ai int am nme ni"IUM,BraM'"" " "'" nr" ninceni in nature, it is worth an;
succeeded in postponing the trip j at J. A. Maddux homestead near tangle of hush and all the
ot '( Ircgory and Nelson until next Windy Point. They experienced ""quails" and both, said and
Monday. verv iittle difficulty, in bringing linwi(i. for one little Hall f
Thus the Harriman party was tne mine in from the railroad hour this indescribable Harney
given the first chance to learn ftnd maje very good time consid- valley from its rock-built wall M
conditions and make a decision. !orino. tho condition of the roads you break throuirh the nines and
over which they came. It was 1(ok against the sun; see its
necesaary to make grades wider flashes on the gleaming snow of
in places alao to double plank Steins mountains, nearly one
some bridges, but otherwise the hundred miles txyond the twin
trip was made without mishap. lakes' Malheur and Harney
It will vet be aeveral davs be- Here- fr,)m these lofty stepi
Harriman people are up against fore actual work on the well will vml lk down upon the dream-1
the necessity for making an im-ipn some of the necessary MMMjt In all its mystery,
mediate decision ano starling con- ao(.c8Maries were loaded on a magic, majesty. The sparse,
struction of some line into cen- watro?) which broke down, nee- -MaTlW trees seem rootless and
tral Oregon. wmitating a delay. The teams hang glimmering in the hea
j have gone back after these and hundred feat in the air o,-r
INVKSTHIATE rNREROROUNn WATERS R., goon as possible work will be- 'Winm in. everlasting snows.
gn The Kiisieiiing lakes rise up and
G. A. Waring, a young man Mr. Maddux accompanied the hnnP- lik' the PropheVi coffin,
connected with the U. S. Geo- firm to the railroad and brought niitl heaven and earth. Th--
logical survey, arrived here last ' back sufficient casinir for an ex-! are i,ver' tn,,.v ttre K'd. they
fruit, bring Uiaffl along and help
' hat M have.
Ih time to look out
for the ! ind during har-
of the lest for
; In- fair. lfoiihavc not seen
a premium list h-u sanM of your
tteighbttro about II they ttssi
bl have some for distribution
or write to the secretary at
Burns and you will be supplied.
The d sport progfMI
will ! ni i in"', 'ne this fall
and n is quits possible that from
75 to 100 head of horses will be
in attendence to complete in Ihe
speed events I he stork MM
will be made a particular feature
i liesl mIock
H by number of
Bof that system, pro
Hly to Shaniko to
Bferent routes thnt
wrgested for reach
or of the state. It
nn of the party to
thi lifferent surveys
Hel.v iecide on a route
Bn's projected line
M the
B'i' tiNi long denied '
Mel of the party,
H is such lis to gl ve
terminus of the Corvallis ft
Kastern, yesterday to make
a rush trip to central Oregon
confirms the report here that
special significance i Saturday evening and will spend
some time investigating the
underground waters of Harney
county. Mr. Waring came here
from Lot Angeles, and was assign
d to this field through the effort
of W' C. Mendenhall who has
charge of the government work
in the west and whose head
quarters are at Los Angolas.
Mr. Mendenhall was here last
fall and was most favorably im-
d with the artesian water
: ihe Harney coun-
:iit time a few of our
take an interest in
used the sub-
M length with him
wah th. result that he has sent
Mi. U arinii lure to make a more
(MMaffc in estimation.
Mr. Mendenhall explained the
time of his visit that there were
Moment that is reach -Me
pi cd as final with
Bj future policy of
B in dealing with the
tin niestion in Cen
B Accompanying Mr
from this
general man
it lines in the
W. Cotton, a i
We l . deorge
I'ligilieer for the
d and Navigation
Mil I-red S. .St..
M I lion ftP
Bip no idle pleas
BVtui'tliei evidenced
B that simultaneous
BBriiiir of Mr K rut t
Bjirtv from this
BBrmicndcut Ne nis
Bven . suH-riuten-Bj
lor the Corvallis
BBcromi'anied hv
K leers, left Itroit,
rminus of the '
BBrn. for Prineville,
BBd a meeting will be
B the Kurtlschnitt
BB purpose of the
B Harriman ' repre
Ethis city to Im to
ad resurvey of the
Be for the Oregon
Mih Natron to Vale.
Bk surveyed about
Bag. but changes
Butt were caused by
entanglements ha e
m resurvey. How
taal of completing the
or this line practic-
linistieii. and a.s
oiih ar
Hf maps
Miited States
perimental well of 600 feet in
depth. The hole will be 6 inches
to begin with but may be made
smaller after going a considera
ble depth if thought best
Many are of the opinion that a
strong flow will be found within
the depth proposed to sink on
the Maddux place, while a few i
consider it not a fair test This
contention will soon be settled,
however, when work is begun.
W hue this venture is consider-
are amethyst, sapphire and rub
ies. They are all this, inter
woven in one. They are indes
cribable jasper walls of the New
Joaqiin Mtl.LKK."
last year winch svr) one .i.l
mils was the lies'
(S)x-( i: , ml. ut I
POTtMsi .Inly 21.
Ihe to-notchers in gorori. be done with very little effort if
! ment affairs arc In-coming Itetier ..ii wjii ...l.. U11, ti.,
ed more or leas an experiment, acquainted with Oregon's re- fair is the best adn
it ib practically assured that ar- sources and neccessities. IlstpoMMt to let the pie know
tesian water will Ik OMbTI Bttl IliriUlJ tie real resources ol tins cunt , .
though possibly not a strong flow of Commerce I jtbor. wsa gi f prised to see whal
at the 600 feet level. We have a .M an informal reception at the ,,. ,,
few flowing wells at a less depth (omn and the lest
and the flow was struck in what ' and a.- is nw w II known, was wa to si late grealei eff'ori
is Known as tne county wen IMaMOMttaly pTSOOMd OJ Men pliu-e lla n.
aiowieeu IMtGOJIIoM and VM) iTOOldent , and let our n. i-l
All are much interested in l ', i I . i, . ti mimii smitssi ml ,. i.u, .. ,i. .;..,. ti... .
g, . 'Ill a 1 m i j ...--. , , n inn in l (0ll, il "f
no funds available lor this field this work and everv encounure-L... k... ,...;.. .,... , .
i 1 IJ L J .L. I . "
nierii Knoii o im iriccn ni1 iir.i
..-.. ..- r. , lm. niosi iiueiemoiK Mil
motors to make artesian water .hem nil
The Times-Herald would urge
our fanners and stockmen to
prsparatttMl now for the
annual fair to 1h' held in Octolxr.
The premium list has been issued
nnd unite generally distributed
all over the county. com
a . j i t. ii
mnng mm nsnswt issa u win this f)lM .,(i evtr, ,.,Ml,.t win
oe seem nat i ne premiums nave mRdt. , ,!IX,. JlM ,,. ,HH,
BOM very materially ra.stM ana m theCOUnty on the fairgrounds
correspond quita favombiy with Mrinffttft wsjok,
district fairs in other )arts of
the state that have five times the
amount of support as the local
It should Ih borne in mind
that the Fair Association is doing
ry best possible with what
funds are available and thnt b
a liberal pat rotiav'e and 00epOf
ation it can l. niadi' more suc
cessful. The fair is for Ihe ben
efit of all tho pOOpOJ of llani'
county and Ihe asaneiaHow
tncoiHirated for that purpose
alone. It is in no wise a ni
making scheme for thelxnefit of
of individuals and every OOnl
taken in is either used to pay
miums. purses, or the impi'
ments of the fair grounds. The
.w.tllf.1 HVIUIIII..IU nf ... ,f,.l.l,t .....
.... Il rOU inti'iiil to htnld ai0 All a iii
me annual lairs must t.e i ik.n , ,,., .,,, , .,, ...
from this amount of course. UpaeioealkMis. Josra, imnm and
Let every one tlo his utmost I hard wars for l t half what win-
to make the fair this fall boMjrl" f"'""'lh ""' sVidlOM lum
irtn -ular than thai of I "' "OWtO
Klmer McManus. recently
a pupil in the John Day schools
was over from Mums Saturday.
w Iii re he has lwvn attending the
Harney county high school and
clerking in the Welcome drug
toie lb- i i well pleased with
bool work done Inst winter
and will continue in the school.
(Irani News,
If. I'iiim inn una trull lre
li it tho Im-pI the brat la tmnr
too )ihh. You on proiurr tin- Ural
fur thia ulntiiib- fidin Adam QsjOfSJI
Hih it. ni. nn takra all r-MHiaili
ty ami will roSjSBOOi All trrM war-
ranii 'I tt u to iiaiiix
General Merchandise
Agents for
Studebaker Wagons. Huggies,
Kuckboards, Sleighs and Slods.
Deering Mowers, Rakes, Hind
ers and Headers.
Send in your order for Deering Kxtraa.
Fairbanks-Morse & Co. (taso
line Engines, Pumps and Irrigat
ing outfits.
We place an irrigation outfit on
farm and demonstrate what it will
do before a payment is made
Complete line of
Dry Goods, Furnishings
Clothing, Boots. Shoes
I H Han
l i it n ta
I be Lmk Star
i row. " '"'
' ' illlil II Ml. . !
Bakery in eonnaetion
A Specially tf Sssri Orkn.
Tsril fui 'li ' i Um. if
products on ((in ,,',, nirrda Vour Mlroa
i- -nili mil
Contractors and Builders
Call and get Istlmntes. I'lans MM Price
you have work in our line
HhoMianrnr hiIIi .1 Hi. I..i t i, ,
e establiahed i lnih '"'ld
but as soon as it was possible we
should have whatever benefit
was possible from such an inves
Mr. waring will spend an in-lietiniii-
time here and carry the
work um fur as his means will
permit, lie is quite familiar
with the formation here, as well
us other valuable data secured
by Prof Russell during his visit
here three or four years ago.
Mr. Waring will gather what
information possible from the
flowing wells now in existence
and will watch the work of the
new machine just brought in by
Messrs Swain &
first well at the J.
farm will furnish conisderable
informution that will be of much
benefit to the government in
pursuing this imiortant work in
a reality. The government geo
logists have given every assur
ance that this is an artesian basin ;
flowing wells have been struck
in most unexpected manners and
under adverse conditions, yet we
have not one really strong MWMJ
welL We will now know for
a certainty just what the Har-
"f will amply repay am om- fjof i In
double of putting in an exhibit
During thin dog-day period, gnd ut the same time it is posai
tin- utmosphere is luden
with a spirit of resiflten I
potation oppression, don't let
tin- fellow VM n-vcr contributes
a dollar towards the advertising
and advancement of his commu-
bi- to secure premium. K
member it MM nothing i
SjKBabM on M kind of prod
atii the benefit to all is great
i this early the munage-
Mlt is arranging with proiui-
again SPSS '" "' , ! at Ilia
I an i i Hall m i. .alviiiltxl lu all ' I I I"
t.i , '-" - li"i In uiah. Hi I.. i . . - h
I llm
nity be excused rrom making , ,lt .,, ,,,,, the outside K
contribution because he can talk attend th. fun In order that tlnv
ney country has in underground OU(jer 0ftener than the busy may see whut the Harney
water as a resource and it will
be one of the great inducements
for early settlement if we find
water of such quantity and at
a reasonable depth that it may
hmith. I he be practical and within the reach
A. Maddux of men of moderate means
Joaquin M iller has a two column
communication in the (Irani
County News addressed to the
liuri Bushel Wheat Wiihuut wtr. county courts of both Harney and the travel into Oregon from
man and good citizen who be
lieves that a "square deal" in
cludes himself and tliat he should
do his duty towards his fellow
eitken if "broke" or too stingy
to make giving a pleasure, he
can do his section some good by
writiiiK a lw letters Ui relatives,
acquaintances and friends in the
East, telling them of the low
and glorious opportuni
ties presented by Oregon.
lJuring the jiast few weeks
try can produce. Some of these
people are boosters for the up
building of the state and make
it their particular business to ad
vertise its resources far and
wide. Railroad men will be hi
to see what we have in the way
of lonnuRc and u divi
Li sure to apM-ul to MM
and hasten MMMM MJ
If you haw- line horse, cow,
IK. sheep, gram, Vegetables or
i i
....I I. m mli ar. mi
iwrn-iiri-1 mm and i tiunlan "" i -'
Your Patronage 8o'icited.
James Hicks, Manager
Bums, - Owgon.
3t3tlco TTalm Headquaxtezs.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
(runt counties in which he asks , fvht haa been aa lanre aa at an v
Vale route is not Some out idt yntlumen who that the danM underbrush and nun durinif the Li wi.-, a Clark
ranee to tlu are experienced farmers, were overhanifing pine bourha that Imposition, and many of the
M the state, and it looking oer tins section durniK line the road between thu, place visitors are becominif familiar
K route that will be the first of the week and among I and Canyon City, be cleared. wjln u. tun. lies all-
Hv Mr Kruttschnitt other places visited was the I. S. He advises much on the road bv the State a larire number of
aa.notlu-1 survey that
kted extends from
ipresein lerminus of
A Bai ara to On-
Blliothi r, '..118 of
B iicl- ("led section
Md prin ide it with
Mtion would be an
M)u- Columbia South-
lann soutn or mis city, mr Duuainif ana says in part: tourists having made stops at
following the Campbell I have today returned fron six point in different
system of dryland farming and; a two hundred miles tour by narU of the Si
stage, buggy and boot leather to, Mr. Julius Kruttschnitt. Uirec
through and back from the bord-1 u)r of maintenance and operation
has made it a success so far. He
has a tiite stand of winter wheat
on his place that has never re- er of matchless and magnificent
ceived any artificial irrigation Harney Valley. And 1 beg to
and which will make at least 30 file a brief protest against the
bushels per acre according to the! dense brush that borders and
H to Prineville from estimate of these gentlemen. overhangs this most royal moun-
Bhaniko. This . .-rtainly good tain road.
aMigati-d -'ments for the Harney "The road
-aV these routes v. i I are evidence of what ' it is alright; or nearly so.
Mad .ml the report lhal be done here in the the brush is a nuisance,
I the part., abomination unto the Lord."
acted to be Anal LaaibaH cherries 1,. adds much more poetry in
of tb. ' lid . i'id has prose about the aMagtuflci
Manila to. Print baai ! factorj ttttl sea- this road and ii.iU the coinmuni
ni about UK! miles son. Kruil men aaouki iriail his cation with the following tribute
i ... i i I . I.... . .L r ...
nsiiiereu the most oii-naro in uus cuy ami wr uai io me ureal uai'mi ( -.un!i
of the entire Harriman system,
Ceneral Manager J. V 1 1
and i Ihiei
the 0 H- A N Ofl
rvajlii & Fastern,
left the latU r iirl of the .
God made for an aub trip llnough
Hut CaOtral Oregon. a U bope
"an the) liave with them a pod
lay .
l'pasbeeu suggested.
Hniilil be eonatru
Kiides on
iHrould Mnetrate a
upas tor some lime
Bum a railroad. sold his prune crop, on MO acres,
Hiinili and party are io the Fayette Commission Co.
. j- iiinmoii
,;ng a long time
If ih I - fail to
ember 1st
r 31t,
it will not be IM lault of the
both in i
editorial and lixuil colun.
press of the state has kepi the
one broadest, unbroken valKy. facta before its readers. Rem
and really and truly the richest ember this is the one-way rate,
valley west of the Rocky : -loun- the tickets are only to Oregon
turn l" Portland for $4500 on the trees. This is tains. The grain fields at this and not round-trip, and good for
an average of over $50 an acre, ' hour are the tallest, greenest, any point in the state, but the
to the above from and vet there are some people richest on earth. The beets ot ticket must read to your station
lie rai- -s
tlaruc) Should do Likewise.
VV. ti. Jenkins on Monday last
"hut once through the pint -you
can surely s the as' aim
almost boundless valley dov n
fallen at your feel, for ii is the
the following par
froin the Journal,
u- light upon the
Harriman party
who say it does not pay to raise
fruit in Malheur county. Argus.
Job printing The Tiu.t-Hcrald.
this valley are going to furnish when it is purchased of the
candy for half of the republic, agent back in the other states.
And yet this valley, round almost I
as a saucer sixty miles across, I Job printing -The Times-Herald'
You may keep an Account with u In
And your Neighbor know s Nothing, of It,
Blaiksmiihinr, aid
HrMaMamJj aC
I Lmm11 I
er cen i
Wiilc lur our booklet on
jQ-ALTrjHLI3NTC3sr fcy JVliVIX-i
I sain'. '..! Olii.c mal
IWukiiiK by mail lciii a uKttt
Title Guarantee & Trust Company
1'ays 4 jm-j cent on Savings Account!
" 4 Certiflc.iti of DepoaH
" 3 Accounts Subject to Check
J. Thorburn Koss, 'resident H. Hill, Vice President
T. T. hurkhai- John K. Aitchisoii, Secretary
(has. 11. Kopf, Asst. Ti
240-244 Washington St., Cor. Second
'pa 4 4tei
(V iiTrai;.D
IMJtncliili 1 IT01I
o.tK aoo Bmviu MM Um
aaeMtma Bpri iii a
Owlr. H H Oarculava-.
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Bums, Or if on
IM as flM to fweut
T MJI0M aoMjg
ytTlr 9HON"
aauMiruax. u.
. ..' 'f "-li- JoaM
Tjfcl.0 Oreaton 0Eic-tol
AH KUNli, Manager
Kirai'daM sccuaiiuuciatiuaa iiii otutt, clvoi mil muiiuiU
loom. Vumi iavitaa ina IriunJ U aloo with Inui whu lu
Hunia Tablaa wall furuUheo) Uual a