The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 20, 1907, Image 1

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The Official Ppr of Harney County,
the lrfct circulation and is (mm o(
he heM iidvertliing rne.linmt in Kaatmn
I h Wrnn tatiutru j
i OWM n ar.a of flVH.COO arrra of J
Unci. 4,7(M,wn crc yet VSSBS4 miltt J
tn entry nnnVr the settt. lend lawt of
J lbs United Stale.
.... mm i
PESTS undertaking for the county, it ONECROPSAIDTO BE RUINOUS
would be self supporting if not a
paying proposition. Each and
lew It Tke That
frelt Orewer WaaM
I) T l iea.
Times-Hernld It
your paper of July
fit they would derive signified
their willingness to pay for their
spraying, and not a few but all
want it. It will cause our or
chards to got larger and nearer
together: good fruit will draw
hundreds, of good settlers; it will
draw capital and in a few years
it will swell our county tax roll
The Watery ef All Wbeat Ciwtrtii l That
Wheat Ahw Urewa m Laa4 Will
t'ttbaatrly lata It
A warning against the
crop system of farming
considerable development is go
ing on and population and pfO
duction are increasing to some
extent. ot the growth of the in
terior towns and rural communi
ties is still slow, in eomparrison
with the big growth of Portland,
and in consideration of the op-j
portunities and attractions that
rural OfOgea and its smaller
cities and towns offer.
s,np:l0" Of k)Q .a mine and prom-
Hl the is,.,! r:iilrn:wl i twirl Iv the Cltuiie.
VII the SUethe la Senlit Baay Alter Ureal
ll- Caa del Peactri Aat 1I
Qalch Werk fer Orahhere
LAND IT:NCERS HAVfc PEACI: that lie thinks he is entitled to
Ive, lie mint hustle and make
the most that i- possi hie from
his laii'l.'- continued Mr. Newell
"The real object of the govern-j
ment in maininining this de- j
partment is to bring all lands re
quiring irrigation to the highest
state of productiveness. In or-1
der that this may le accomplish
ed tin In age that is now
heltl largel) hy private individu
als niu i into smaller
press dispatch from Wash-
luly l.'t says:
that you find l.x-al fmn, thousands to hundreds of up-lands of eastern Washington hut not altogether. For some
pedal effort will he mad, ,,,,,, .m , may u, cutj
region, or without apparent rea
son, i h tide of immigration has
never .'t toward Oregon as ID
j as is fully warranted b) the ad
vantage w inch all parts of til"
n hy somt
again oiecaesing thousand of dollars. and the similar territory in Ore-
y of a county fruit As v m tno county court and w,no . atmd fa a
,n " I may no be favorable to the nnnetin on 'Farm Practice in
"r,,l"" ' proposition, if so to my certain the Columbia Basin Upland,"
- - )!i ledge n. arly. u-en one with writen bv Byron Hunter, assis-
riSW great 8' ,. tfl ,., rnrod fnr will meet . ... . .u- u .. .,i ...
,, . , tarn in me uiiren .i ii -
MU" ,n,!, tnat B' 'in more than half way of the department of airri-
" ' and with pleasure pay for all that cutare v tn0 Tacoma ledger. ' ' ' I"'!1"- - ,.,.
. m that no mfer:,,i , (i,m, for thcm Tnpy are all The bul,eti'n w published by the lation is the ownership by i few hjwf
. ... ..c.t-...... .--.- Sl-11K ilown the tests wnicn ijnjted States department and people oi so mucn 01 tne protnic-
Brou.ling pests that;Brefagt Petting a foothold and hy the Washington and Oregon tive land. This is especially the
B'1'1 " out will keep it if the county does gyneuiture experiment stations case in Umatilla county, end in a
r Bof the ..pinion that ,,( cme fonvard and help. jointly. Mr Hunter has lived in less dog rot nearly all others.
r-sfl is a very modest The maioritv here in the fruit - - - - -- M --- Great areas of oTaiinir land.
-- -- -e .- -- I III I'll lllll 1 "M IIIIUTI tr A.' It Ilia I e-
by the government to enforce tb
anti-fence law n the western
ninut": DOT n.vt year. All shc
iitl agenis who have been in that
I work in the past have
placed at work on land
fraud casts.
more essential that the
thi puhliolands
e iii.'ii MKon irom it
vated to the ver best atlvantage.
"It is the ami id the govern
ment, by the iiiulligetit and helv
ful co ..penttion of the home
steader, to demonstrate that the
reclamati, m -rvi.e is not only a
Mtluable aid in contributing tt
the development of the state but
that the vitense is but sliirht
I when the results obtained art
he much of which might be farmed
successfully also retard the
W. iV HCI " . l,Kjbuisnessarenew beginners and and shou,d know whereof
H should go one bet- are onv learning: and to combat .-.-j..
-hat the party au- m. lK?iB will try any spray rec-i He nen t0 a general opinion growth of POpohUton,
Ajx-ct fruit be also ()mmended. And right here the .u. u.k-t farmen. of t he ' While these conditions cannot
m j . .:. j ., - "
Ijjje iiispev. nun ..v. JcountV
hipiKtl in here.
b fraud. said Acting Nnv-. linMi,ir,.,i
of the Interior Woodmll
than to have illegal fences torn ., : rumnnni that ther is s
movement on toot to build an In
dependent Cooperative Telephone
line from Hurn.s to Baker City.
1'iniiie Citj Miner.
We can destroy fences almost
any time and round up illegal
teen, hot Wt cannot delay the
investiirati't into land frauds
.. t 1,. ,w.. v.'lt,. ... tll.l.. it t...l tilt.
court could accomplish that the soil will be changed, at least soon, there , " , ,,, a,w, h-tf. thttir
. s shipiHHi in here, , K(kx1 work by compeiiing us all lyjj go wheat without a de- ' ' " '"'! opportunity foe wvered m w we eouia
., .accompanied I yjtoute tested standard spray cHne in the yields. This opinion thousands of new families on catch thom ..
-; i aaopwany me government ex- however, is contrary to the his-' now icne or nm sngnuy useo .ami. :,.,,,..:,. ,etvartment has
St', entomologist of
iakl rees are shirjed
Biat he be also au
Br.imptlv and with
Hiy all such trees or
Kwl infected with
rledge and that of
here this year in
l never known1
-e. Whether they
it peddled through
trees shipped
mot hut they are
f sor." thing is not done
lere ' y and to mul-
B the Hon. County
i pet: 'I, .lied to appoint
r: out iauea 10
r the reason that
few and far apart.
Iwnion the court in
o apHiint an inspector
g jum the proper course
pds fewer and far
t; far the reason it is
H economy and no
ty liberality and
good fruit. As it
nstruted U the
that the foot hills
nty are second !
H United States for
Lrd fruits of all
ftii the
id ol
I of
in theatliacent cities and villages
We cannot avoid tin conclusion
that rural OrgfOOl has noty.t
been sufficiently atlvertisevl. it
claims proporlj presented. Ben-
ience of anybody reared in the w county ow son
sUtes to which reference is made. this
Central New York product """"v ,i:i
good wheat crops about 40 years, ! v ' lut "nmi
but at the end of GO years thel"'- tind ..pp.,..
growing of wheat became un- " '" N'11' oetotobooggii
profiUble. Ohio. Indiana lilt- '"
nois and Iowa are also i "
Permer. HiaovotwH ..v..nttlll1lv ('"lllli d Ctlltin Hot
that rotation of crops was nec
essary to keep up the yield.
periment stations for all the diff- torv of airriculture in the United n(l for proHrtionate numU'r
erent pears we nave. SUtes. Bountiful crops for many
I know of many who are spray- ymn a decjne jn the
ing and spraying who might just yie,d ve been the rule. In
as well use as much pure spring ( stanceg citad by Mr Hunter well
water because of improper pro-1 ,ub, from the exper-
portion, ana Detng improperly
made and applied.
Then again, we have to learn
the habits of the pests that trou
ble us: their times of hatching,
and their manner of attack. For
those that fly take them on the
wing as a good huntsman shoots
a duck. When you wing them
an do no more harm. For
those which suck use a poisnous
spray that will penetrate the
bark or foliage of the tree. For
those that eat use an adhesive
posion which will remain for
some time on the bark or foliage,
but this must not be used much
after the fruit is well formed.
Or among certain kinds of vege
tables such as cabbage, lettuce
or anything liable to be eaten
without being well washed.
The codling moth is peculiar
in more ways than one the male
l.evious. And
the (lying; the female
em Is, docs all the dirty work.
I the eggs, and fills our
fruit, particularly apple cores,
with loothsome dirty
The writer says the Willamette
Oregon, produced a good yield of
wheat for many years, but grad
ually the crops declined until
only 10 or 12 bushels to the acre
were produced. Then the grow
ing of wheat was given up al
to mention tin in all would find
u pnuiuiM n aovensss mem
selves widely, thoroughly and
systematically, independent of or
in connection with what Port
land organizations are doing.
But trhflo doing this, earnest
and persistent ofteti should lie
made to OfOtiOH real, substan-
mapited out a campaign against
the land grabbers of the west for
the coming year that promises to
mm up scandals that will com-
tivershadow those in
Washingt"). Oregon, Utah and
'. .. In recent years. The
entire force of special insp-
lor information
m the int.r -mountain states, and
i I.-., lopmoatggfi
mised , in two mi- three lo-
Homrelcader Is Wrusg. Sb)- Ncell.
Iii the Oregonian of last Sat
urday Chief Newell of the rot
Lunation service states that Ore
guii homesteaders are to blame
for not receiving government aid
in irrigation He says:
F. II. Newell, director of the
United States reclamation service
is another member of Secretary
i. Id's purty who reached
I1. ,ii land vesterday in company
with Mr I'mchot. Discussing
i he rt.lamati"n service in this
Mr Newell, wliile avoiding
.lol. printing The Times-Herald
If v.itl planl hut Ot) frail tree
have il the test the beat ia BOM
t.Mi nI Yoti can procure the lieel
fur this aliunde front Adaui (iei.rge
Ulr- .tin n ii v takre all rreponaililll
ly and grill r. pUii'. All irtwa atar
ranled true to nsrue.
II fee nit i to Imiltl as Adam
UeStgS. lb' mil ftl ratal vu plana,
p. i doors, elsjajoet and
hard.. .- ' I -ui half what Will-
duwH f r I Addraaa him
ai Lea
General Merchandise
Agent for
Studebaker Wagons, Baggtai
Huckboards. Sleighs and Sleds.
Deerinji: Mowers, Rakes, Bind
ers and Headers.
Send in your orders for herring Rxtran.
Fairbanks-Morse & Co. Gaso
line Engines, Pumps and Irrigat
ing outfits.
We place an Iniggttlon outfit o
farm nnd demttnatnila hnt it mII
do before a payment is made
Complete line of
Dry Goods, Furnishings
Clothing, Boots, Shoes
1 nr
Thev were imported here by
10 rears casoe to MirlM. miI1B ; lyor, either in
the writer, whei rM Th tnellinif
II Ull y on .--. v -- ---- -aa
,ru"1 Hi ..aratusof the female is very
und .hern tree- i if ,,,., (,r,iv wa-k
Thank God I have , . f . ' lt, with
or v.ould have bf ., sln,llK infuBgm of Sage, or use
Believe what, " u lt.u ti,,ips 0f Carbolic acid in
That all this , water or ,n HCl change the
grown in nitn.ey
most entirely and the Willamette i tiul attractkm ftr homeseekers
valley has become a dairying and hi Ow W '""H farms at
fruit-growing region. The Sac-1 reasonable prices. This is tjtpee
ramento valley. California, is an-' ially th- w.ti. of tfej
other example. It was settle; grow a
about 60 years aoo and the sum- t! be read
mer-fallow system of growing P small and ptoduetive tracU the cri,jt.jMn ,, U- homesteader!.
wheat was followed, but now the; of Ian, l that can t- iougnt at ht.lilttigr IiuhU that an includetl
yieW is not over 10 bushels to prtOOi that will Us tl .-. -t i pur- jM irrtarut itn i says that
' ' ' until the people of this stale
n. u 'hem lelvagggd work in-.te
,"1 mmmm ,,. i,.-,
productive area, the will not n
Tkc l.ttnc Mir
I 'r,..ii.'iur.
.n. ...I II streeU.
Bakery in eonneetion
A Sesciall v sf Skert Oresn.''il v
lha mat' I nil,, id.
.- tolloiied
I l'.K.w
i a IU..
Contractors and Builders
Call and get liatlmates. I'laiiM jimU Prkea If
you have work in gejr linr
Hhoao. rorn.r a.tli at ilia lla A QerfsM BSta. iafOa OtSfSSJ
l again d to tl.., at ilia
ilh everything
V.nir i.alri.ii
The writer sees simis in the
worms. , Columbia basin of the .sunn- 1 1
suit. Twenty years ago much of
ami an , ' Halt, ,i. la a.tomlf.1 In all UI inna fatoa.t. .nl tba
ral ,i.l.llr In lr,., In ma. llir.nwlvra t
the Palouse cm. try gave a "ln "" '" ln' '"
large average yields of spring ''
wheat, producing crops every
year, as are now obtained from
winter wheat grown by the sum-mur-fallow
liaising nothing but cereal cr igg
a g
rn, a
1 act
said ' 1 Ml always
thai the fruit of
only ggaajp
NT llj sigil
ill would no wen ,
we only got tia
our climate and
them. At that
down with the
mager to make
on the White
when we got to
iy thought he
is. in the ooinion of the writer.
smell of the aj m any COMtinualiv uging UJ) thl. dwUiy.
way. she wont believe it u an mg vegetable matter in the soil
apj ile tree, wont go up to it, but fjUJter than jt jg ing add..l
will btay on tne grouno mm Thi Pft,.ni.. ,,!,. thai anil
i starve to deatn.
Now if the-Hon. ( ouniy Court
more lifeless and more inclined
to run together. lit- advises
aaaagiaattti gj to appoint anat practice of burning
a fruit inspector it is to be hoped wheat stubble to get rid of it.
it will at least put forth an effort Stubble serves as a manure,
to educate those who wish to wu. powej UIUieri antj .,
learn how to make lucious iruu eb the water-holding capacity of and other relatn.-., in Southern
to take the place ot the wiiu the soil. In the drier regions the , ..,,,, M.
..1.1. to secure for reclamati. n
H. thinks the grem
ble in Oregon is that the
,., rata share gf the
Bajgggf i content to
cultivate and make use of only
all acerage of land, although
he would attemot to httld in his
' Brenton p, M -i,,n an acreage much larg
left v. n indefln he diaposett Uj work.
If th. farmer is to gel the from th- QtattMNMH
ugh tlie reclamation fui d
t'lu ii was a
Rgpp luring tl.
....- down
Tl.a Itrawrr). anil wnrka ara u.tfar iba W.agaajmil nf n. aajaS
airlanoa.l inn. an.l i. ini..n. nut a tt.-t la- -
Your Patronage So'iciu-d.
James Hicks, Manager
outing in the mountains.
John ' ei and
mother v.
Valle. I .,"1 W.ilneaday.
Mrs I. Ratd and little son
arrived home Sunday from
a visit with Mrs i-
ON Yean
.:. .
1 1
t. sjaVKMi i
TKIMCH A POUaiAII. I'r.-.ri-i.ira
Burnt, - Oregon.
2xe. Ice sPBhlsl Hoe.d.civLfa.rtoro.
Wi'ies Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Table.
Club Rooms In Connection.
ster. inai time i not mryieid , holding up remarkahU porter family are all well
kn.-u flr IHililt' U'hl. lttst UlkT i ....II J A.W1. L :. . "
u. 'He jumped up in I ...... j, . . ., ,riiMa. ar .... .... .... fhK Johnson and famiK
BBBV 111 I IIMlt till (I a a. va--u. - rillla-as. lit IU.TIUI- IIIuIIIilIl. .I W 111.
B called out "Where
that ..urian?"
Hd by a man who
H beautiful a lot
! ordering for acres this year.
are . butes to better methods ot sum-
VlitH W 1 I I M . . I I la. .. . a.. W k . V. a m A. a mj m
i ji va-a.k. .-- - iiiri -ininivv i fiu.1 ia rirt-i i 1 1 it n t
He ... ,.. in Unmv -, ... - i,artiir.. 'I'n, ilv for an outing It.
aiiu our ,Yuuu.m ."-j son moisture is conservea. Ills
rnntv will ,ioon be wallowing in . ..... ., u I.
w . ..... -, m iv in t : ii, ii ir.a. irmr mim i .
. i
ii '
n - a.-. I
any i.ountry. anu
der a full crop of
He ordered the
sjrered him to go
geniai. to come say-
en ho loft before
w down the fence
le sjjVxk in.
bold to ask him what
H let the stock into
Hful young orchard
BHie gu e me one of
via$g looks, and said
are just aa d da
iv Kut of them. If 1
Bt sund and a few
auolt- ido from Um
apples growa right h.
A. F. B. Geobge
CKOf HVOSrtCTS 0000.
Joseph Barton returned
to an
..f I h fjilmnliia Viuuin u.-ill Tn.i.l
singie-crop farming longer than ''ert a,lt
localities near the mountain il l: ' ""''
where the rainfall is greater. J. A
Mr. Hunter believes too many Ml
varieties of wheat are now grown
on The best .ariei .end- f,
You may keep an Account with ua In
And your Neighbor Known Nothing of it.
tuci ttaoa lo.w.taoa a ,,i n
Black smilhioK and
Wagon Work
Main St.. - Oroejon
I HaVaH Koa '
( 1 dfl LU1 I
per cent
Thursday's stage from his outing
in Harney and irant counties.
arid and humid sect, uld land I 'his u
be tested, then these- varieties iniing fi
mK.hiIH Ilu imiin.uul l.u CI..., .. ;..,. i I.RS lu-en titudv-
In Harney county there are many j mUJing qxaJifiu of wheat are ing ,,,,
good roaas, witn oniy mree roaa boat when grown in arid or semi
supervisors while in Grant coun- arid sections, and some varieties
1. ii Holland f th- f I .
oaal tt.. i.iii-in. t .
ty the roads are bad with super- are better than others itor ;mUling '',,:.
... I raaj mill i n at aa aatu nil ii. , .
.. aj.mfrh t.r iLr avorv I aaejgec oumctUJ ttic ail Ulflt aaocu
1UI DVJIICUiiiiJ i--, ..j ...
,iir..h m aeutii in
while irrigation
OOas the road everywhere in the farmers and wheat buyers will
thTbulLuTwhTh ty -th tl
Wire fiaa aireauy oocu uuiis, aw
come along, moot neglectful way.
Hvtt- would not have Mr. Barton says that grass and
M to pasture a goat. " grain looks fine everywhere in
ftal fruitmon, 1 have said counties, especially is this
BBjaviui man ot liiem the case in Harney county and
And it prohtablo to read in full.
The oouuhttion of the state of
Hem my view of tn Lock on the range are as fat Oregon is not increasii g as it go to the Jamestown
. ... Sai L. .. . .. . i I... ajavt. U tl, cmu tk.. la ,i i.l ...t Look sick ill loa and
- rffcw.u . nun ...- miu Sieetv u l.:u.i ur. i 1..0 io l... v.i.o um. 11 oi.uu.u. nj'(K.M m
OggJK in this ...Hill v it I....,.,...- ii.ur for tht furmer mid Iv the rttat nf thf stuti' is mil loUSl.'v
BH mint sttvl hnvi- ......Lwr Mr Rnrt.m ivtiim. ktw'iiinir utn with Pi.rllund in not Seen the lady Since
- . -,oiumi,on. 1 o r ...v.. --.
one who did not ,.u lo his home in Baker City, this respect. While quite a good turn so oo aw aoow wnaaaay aaa
them. And in- Thursday mornimr. I'rairi.- City many new homeseekers are scat- '"t far oast as Virginia u
, natter of iiisUlling the
'pkeaM and ' g up is
a matter of little i
Mrs lone Whitii,, .rood
t. She started to
fair, but
ill for sometime. VSo have
her re-
g it an . : net
tering out thiough the sUW, and "1
Writs lur our booklet on
JB.A3SrX5LTTSTar toy
tad iM't l'"t Offl'c maka. tHir
lluikin by mail aalcui a M..aa
Title Guarantee & Trust Company
Atiivi in;oosnogv oi mi. siaii oi gaaiai
Pays 4 er cent on Savings Accounts
4 Certificate of Deposit
" 3 Accounts Subject to Chaok
I Thorhurn Ross, President George H. Hill, Vice President
T. T. Burkhart, TTSMUrtl John K. Aitchisoii, SecreUry
t age 1- Kopf, Asst. Treasui.
240-244 Wabhington St., Cor. Second
. . a -
llantTKlilll IE tYB1
or aoo B " "
Ifrio Hal
(Ufculur ..
1. 1. LEWIS
lillst 1 1. Is Israiti
U U)sas asiriag
Ma ml V H
Vf i fma mlf
fTlxo Oregon HCotol
s- wrx'ergaa; jj. jl ja.a.?j.
AH f'UNU. Ma...tser
cU. avcuiuui.nlatiuu will, urai
mom. l-uun uiuiu I... .- ktoi.Hi'1. hiii. nl.fu iu
li .... labia wall ( Maal. I