Vlf 4Tlmc-9lriilft Thr Oltir-lal 1'apor of Harney County, haa tlu iMgMl cin-nlatinii ami ia one o( I R.lv.-rtiaing mediiima in Kattern Or,fi,. J She mmt&Mtfulh I n v - v : h rtl Mnrntv Countra Cover an arra i Intnl. 4,7W,'l"'1 I m mil aril lo anlry BlrrU r lh i ! ' "I tha t'nltwl Mates XX BURNS. HAKNKV COUNTY. ORKCON. JULY 18, Wl NO. 34 ION WORK PLANS hero during the Lewis and Clark fair. The driver of "Old Scout" made a second trip through with Rl'NNlNfi A a heavier rar later going through to Portland, continuing on to San Francisco and then turning ess I again. They experienced no difficulties along the route coming west but the return trip through Arizona and other south middle states was a fright TO FINANCE NEW RAH ROM) EASTERN MA SURVr. INrrlaiaa HraJqaarlf r are 4 Slrm Acraaa Th Mill at Halll I.OCAI CAPTTAUSTS ARE INTERESTED IN THE PROJFCT TV Saa Fraactaca, Ibni at i'taa la IB v...nl. If Maao laalaaa la k rt al I Fan rev is iH'inir run iy rfisitin khiiw-uv rum- li Fall east- M'fllV in 1-lM'View, d paper. Inspired Harriman head- lew ork arc n urnal to the effect re iirou I'tcd system i Eastern ami South- M of tin- i on win he mint ana Hon work is rImhm ICtHl. by people living Elamath and Ijike the eomiiany will mi Kiamatn rails iiivcy has al- npleted from Ijike- nl to connect v itli i! line at a point tofllcc. in Ilaiii-. 0 mi Ion tor uusi im the en lestined t" or from i rom uif- unntt I I oul. I W'M ItukMM, MACHINF ENROtTE. Smith an.! Swain of Burns had a lig steam well boring outfit to :n Vale last week and were inl.adinp and steaming it up to take out immediately. The ma chine is about a 16 home power engine and is to be used to get an water and the first well will be bored at Maddux on Crane creek. In Harney Valley they pet their first flow at about 300 feet and a strong flow at 800 feet TIh expect to have to bore be tween .TOO and !HK) feet. The first artesian water found in the Harney valley was found on the Carey selection at about a debth of JX.) feel and about 14 miles "th east of Harney city. They ..rtli of iRn' prepared to go 1500 feet with i he new machine which hat a ....: t nrwwi tl: Id he,t serve the1; . "i " RM mis II. the first it cam well drilling ma chine ever started in through the inland empire lo- the great Har MJ valley. Tin- owners stated v..' ted t., make good time although they would pmbahly long hauls for water along the rout. The intention it to use artesian water for irri gation purposes all through that country Vale Oriano. nrn Milling Co, lumber MRU J Fry. ' ,la va r.. lewr U.iv Bunva!-.!. Ii)inln-t I M ' r.lan. n-rln Sanaar... iliainniati Thr spiaaua. .lit.. I .lark. .1.1.. .. ! Ml Mt i i i.i. di lir-n. IWIianl. .lit.. 't in Jorilan, rotlman A Special to the Capital New from Caldwell says: The con tmi tract for the grade work on the San Francisco. Idaho Montana ,.','; "' '"' ; rauroao was lei yesienw in " . P. Carter of Nampa, Mr. Car ter will arrange for teams and men to begin work on the gr.. by July 15. The contract covers MM anon I4S , ". t TH 00 i.im . iki tiki urn i, ml I ml 4 00 1200 i, mi i, 00 (Ml I H . u I'll" 10 mi irohina f i I amoml ll v IOCM AND PERSONA! WEEDS TAMNfl THE CROPS COdNTV IN WASHINGTON WITH MUSTARD 1 araalaai la Rala Aaata al Tk Rati Warai I a4. Craaa laaaal k Hrtalr4 --Serlaaa Caaalilaa lknttrai Job printing I'll.. Tin,, II .-Hat ,d Irnna'n nc t l-w. hpcl uvttnii ,.u j j .j" r.... Wl '' haMiir real oi me nwu hiui t-i-iiut irwui .. Caldwell to the Snake river, a distance of about 20 miles. Mr. Peter Hanson from Carter agrees to push the work his Silver crtHk ranch during the to a rapid completion. week. TL- t i ii i nAn .inll.ul . f a as I 1 im- lurcKuinK "aw. huto iw j. A. Maidux was among our the attention of the writer by business visitors the first of the Landlord Cole of the Overland week. and as this great religious has i been short on railroad news for a few weeks we consider it time to again begin construction of a tew new raiiroans. The Times-Herald man togeth- ( ,; Smith w ;is in from his er with Peter Carmer and other 'Crane creek ranch the first of ll.u. ..i an land in Frank lin county'' Better sell it if jnotl liavo!" was the startling advice i ' i i .statesman reporter to- dftj b) a well known farmer liv- .ii here. v ho had just re- tiirnMl from a trip across Snake river, says the Walla Walla .sman. About one-fourth the grain in summer this county cannot 1h harvests!, nlmg to the statement of the walla walla farmer, on ac count of "Jim Hill mustard." as it is called. The reason for the fame is thai the seed was intro duce) from the east over Mill's railroad lines. Section after sim tion has not Mrs. Alva Springer was up i headed on account of the terrible from her home MM the lake a pest. It is overrunning the few days this week, the guest of ...imtrv and unless something is A t a w friends. well and it M pel cnaracier.ii ine Ml these twoKiintS MHl of irrigntioii tern fa done soon the land in that sta tion of the country will lie abso lutely worthless. The mustard is big men of finance are carefullv tn, w,'k liking after business cn.wamg me wneai om i me considering a plan to build a line " visitimr his family. "Ylds. Crops that looked good a tinlr. ki. San FramMaon V A ..... :..J . fW Wwks ago are not Worth t he " - - . . . ..... w, i j,. n. iniiii ii i-vi-im'ii worn Idaho & Montana road in the Saturday evening that his southern part of the county. The was sick and he left fur Portlands taatJafQ morning. CaMM liiggs. Ya MiMire and H. I Inprri Thai Paawd Here Located Bert Prough. a boy raised in Gooee Lake valley, and Minnie Kuhl. of Cedarville. eloped from that place last winter and could not le found. The young people wanted to get married, but the mute is practical and the coun try comparatively level, then fore will not require difficult en gineering. The matter will not assume definite shape, however, until J. C. Turney. the great master of finance and intelligence returns and is consulted. If Turney says its alright the will be built cutting. Mustard has grown up and choked the grain out of ex- iM.mce. Farmers are becoming , in .1 ovi i the situation and are ng their land at prices not SOXI MIMNll IHSCOVERH"!. The I'rineville Keview in a gen- OVERRliN ernl article on mining discoveries. both Pfcenl and ancient, has the follow itlf The lushuv of the Bluo Bucket! has be. ,i told so many times and in so main different ways that most pc mme to regard it as a nivtli or I figment of the natum ol the pioneers who I gold and didn't know what it was. A I am rate, the location of the lincl is pretty well understood to be in Southeastern Harnev OOUltfjr. flrMMl the de. rip tion of the route given b the travelers. Hut while a sarch has Iwen made for this lost proa-! lied nearlv mm year since that time, no trace has ever been found of it. and it is thought it will never be again found except : by pure accident. Those who be-1 lieve the story think the gold has lnvn covered by a slide, as auri ferous rock is usually subject to being covered by such. If the metal was picked up from sur face that surface must have been Uili.nl. and naturallv in the bot tom of ii canyon The recent discoveries in Northeastern Nevada, just over the Oregon Ixmndary would lend color to the liehef that some day a rich placer will be found in Harney county, adding greatly to the already vast store of wealth contained within its boundaries. N. BROWN & SONS General Merchandise VgenlM for Studebaker Wao n s, Huggies, HuckboardM, Sleighs and Sleds. Deering Mowers, Kakes. Bind ers and Headers. Send in your order for Deer ins Kxtras. Fairbanks-Morse ' Co. (Gaso line Engines. Pumps and Irrigat ing out .its. We place an irrigation outfit on farm and demonstrate what it will do liefore a yment is made Complete line of Dry Goods, Furnishings Clothing. Boots, Shoes Groceries. , mwmc4ommimm mm oral ile grade be n Klamath Falls MR nan at! by tin- railroad luiild-favi''-al'Ie than ever fchances regarded A . ' (Via. lalia. vai at landlrirl being under age the iiarenUi mining district and other points aaaaaaaaW Military 'Wo1 conH'nl Kepudlicuii says PtEBLO MINES STILL BOOMIN0 J. C. Turney has returned from an extended visit to the Pueblo E. Thompson ,.ft Wcdnendnv for dreamed of a month ago emigrant creek where they will From I'onnell. north, the ter- fishand resi upal' IMMM- n,r j ,he worst. There many ous 4th. farmers will not have enough R. A. Smith and ( A. Wells, grain mixed with the mustard to road two t our prosperous sheepmen fn it. Heads of wheat are of the Stein's mountain section, as scarce in fields as snow halls spent a few da-m this ciiy dur- on Main street today, and the ing the week farmers are bluer than the clear n a v. ii. skies over them. ( harl. Newman and hii niece -- , , ... . w- u , ., I hat the foul weed will spread IllSi Mary Lucas, were over from . . ! r- ..k .K , .. ,k.. l lht,r' " woroing the fanners of x, a ai t i ii i i i .- v ( mi n .- rv , Mr. Newman wu-- delivering a ll v.mi inl.-inl I,. Imllil ara Ailatll (ip.iiKi. Me a ill furnish you plana, -p. , ili. nil, .,, l,i,i ninilnaa and lianlwari f,.r I I half what ln- (lowa f 1 1 1 1 -r I i' -i A.l.lraaa him al l.awrn i aMMMMRR l lla.. has for la .a . - liilltl ,.l f l'....ilil The Modoc t"e southern part of this coun- ' w ' ,,i,i"1 that Sheriff tv nd northern Nevada. Here- New alfalfa hay has Deen com B ( iregon . .l; . 'Caldwell has tracked them uDiP08"16 mining excitement in ing in the entire ww-k and BBBBBIIU.nniK ,..-,...- -r , .; ..; , . , , . ... and settle- through all tlieir winds and turns "" "HU" BU" Bl ,rY' ,"T' mmw e..w umbn uinoruuiaie nun Willi in. .N-! i i its MIU- l I" IH' Blllinill lUiWHUV IS IIUV the n f .00t lending Ath Indian reser-the Jgm mli- in M Ml and hs-ated them at Mountain Home. Idaho, where he had young Prough am-sti-d and would have had the coupl. returned to Cedarville only f,,r the interest taken in them b the sheriff of siding in fact there is no occa-ingu regular hoi. ' riven Hl'uhlu Ri.ad- (er with wilu C. W Clevei 'or u. ti of Mrs. ft in last I uesday 'Ma aaaaaV t" k outing. mm with Id ' says sion for such, as the prospects justify enormous outlay for de velopment. The hills are alive w ith pros- Elmore count . Idaho, who wrote ! Pectors and all are well satisfied to the girl's parent- in taMyoung Wlt what is insight. According people's U-half. stating that both to Mr. Turney there are several .... .. ..I ,.J ... a J ' nun nf hiir fmnniw intort.ul.wl :it,.t 'he, The father' Uuit the camp will U- develow.l ""'"" -1"" BatUj th marriage. repidly as money can do it. left Cedarville in the win- therefore there is no longer any artme out south, but cross-1 doubt of the Pueblo mines com- .d the vul!e int.. Nevada and ing to the front and being ex- gaafga. uinied north. pioited sulhciently to make them A. My rick, a late arrival Yellnw They put up at stock ranches. ' of great importance. Pennsylvania, was in the -1 1 this section of the country who have seen the spread of the ter rible weed in the Franklin county distn. Two years ago there was little or none of the eastern iiest in I he county. Mut it dropped from the cars and spread from the E. VS Lewi is nuking pi : the farms adjoining and at i. .n- ;.. iv . breeJdai hone Boerbli fan to take the entire here for i public ii short :. In the east the hard winters I keep ll dow n to a tolerable de- Trc Less Mar RE8TAURANT i l,i a llaoraja, l'r..KlUr. Dm Mam tea n Mrests. MBAU!( AT AUU HOURS Bmkmry In sonnsetion A SftciallT sf Skert OriMf. J.W.BROWN & SON Contractors and Builders Call and ft listlmates. linns mid Prices you have work in ur liiu Shop on .uriM.r aiMllli al Mm I I .ias)ua aaHSaMMMSWaMSMMaVaHMMMRBl if he goes to haik after th.- fencing of a valuable ranch he reORMtl) neured over then . may be I absent two , tin. the k'irl dressed as a boy. They i Capitalists came out from W in Tl got lost and wandered around till nemucca in their automobiles, friend W. H. Fiichett. Mr. My they were hungry, when they maxing ine inp in ahout six rick has taken land and has lie found a can and killed it. The """". since mis is possuwe u come a resident of Marne coun- gree, but out in tin-, hhiiiIi, i. the ..n.ters are comparm l. mild there is nothing to picad. Taking ad vantage of these favorable con dltkMi it has spread into a verit able yellow terror, taking farm after farm in its relentless cht- ilie- Farms which two years ago Tahla furniahail th. iiiaik.l all.iiila nn aolioilsd tlh ivarylhlng i.ur pair. m THE BREWERY SALOON I again ,,wii t,. Il.a ,,i at Ilia ami an i, llalion la t.-ii.l t I I., all II ii i-l..m, gauaral .ul.li.- lo .r. In u.ak. lliamaal.. , i I 1 1., BEER ALWAYS ON TAP WINE8. LIQUORS, CIGARS Y"r v. xm Hi Hrawrr aa.l H.la wutktara un.l.r ll.. l-rlrnt-a I man ami I. lummy mil ah, i , mai.au. ...ri. I ,.l ma in. I . ., I, .... li.n.l . i. ...i i !werecauirhtat killinir the calf i no longer considered so isolated tenallv on the ! TUi was up "d buy " can spare the time i they had met Hart) county. When the w investigate the district. In-.itlw.i- who owner of the calf learned that, ! them wa. a girl he retus- . ed to prosecute them and they through rse I stMUKiLR er eXKNMTtMeS. Monday in c,mtn w ith our old had no trace of the yellow curse are today so overrun that the grain is not fit to cut. in many places so choked it has not even headed Land prices bid fair to sutler a slump as a result of this unparalleled ravages of the fierce terror of the wheat, hast Ore-gtmiea. STI.VI ' 18 1 m Ml iA'iuULCO. r jismmM I Your Patronage So'icitcd. HARNEY VAIIKY HEWING COMPtlT. James Hicks, Manager : : a a a : ma- ed er said v kfhboi Ituwk . gwxt )ing t! gentlemen had a a al a.bi tLmi uiah! Sx Uulia )i . . ,;, ir. rruin uieic inc. ncm iaj ncu,- . Idaho, and other Idaho BMTMR, of liar- Rtopping bul l hort time in a I until they at last lound from the Cecil work, Proegfe -hearing sheep, 1 1' i.i.il a L. , , .fiul ,u. iim In!1 I nn a4aaa . diSlanee no" uir yiin.i"iiiii! i '"io.. boors The suid the were married in J'i- . lew. It was there they and were located, and an end put to rk i the romance. 'I ! IfJ u i .. le ground and uiMinium nawito. in thecen- ik- to re- Mr. C. P. Haight and Miss mice Howell were married at 1st time. the home of the i.ride s parents i the best on July 4th. at o'clock P. M. Us) part of Only near relatives of the happy re nae trav- couple witnc.--. u ine ceremony. Brown, "and Rev. Chandler officiating. leiiiaj).- H The bridegroom is the popular, Iuim.- we .-hall former, editor of the minkk, and this way on the bride is the daughter of Mr. client roads." and Mrs. Marsh. Howell, of mis the ouriv citv and she is one of the most all the charminj.' and popular young la- bordar Ol the dies of this neighborhood. i hie They left for John !ay and v JmMjM tall (aii.w.n City in the evening, counties and where they will visil friends for build roae las or two, after which they is becoming will leave for Portland, where oadd among Mr. Haight 's parents reside, and Us. ll.-; Brst then spend the hot summer at lriver on the the prairiet'ity Miner. out Calif Lau-r "Old I , u.l. Malne wtus down from KKory made ln.s mountain home the nrat oi run through the week. hlioviug, aa by la a raqairnl. amount ul ilatoia praaantatl, Iliad and re uoi.ied agaioat il.a Cuuiily uf llaioa), Maw of iragun. ami dm au.unul alluar.l al i La regular July, IWV7, Urui ol il.e ouoty curt ty. ('. A. Sweek'.-. dam went out again this week for the fourth time during the season This i regretted h not only Mr. Sweek lll but many of his friends who use the water from the ditch to irri gate gardens. aaVSfcT . ' -4 THE CAPITAL SALOON, TKIHCII A U.iMi, a BurnA, - - Oregon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. I'll . a a m a , a Diniaru aiui rooi ianie5. Club Rooms in Connection. To a uua laal ai am'tii.m'o ai Maty fc Kol.y, stu graila riauiiualion 00 Mary Urlffio, ditu V UU 1'nalw liaary, dito W 00 Harney Courtly Na, priutiiR 7 7& Tittta -He ad, priotiaf 44 & M 1. LtVtBj Ulauka lor Ju.li. . of onaca 14 jo M L Laaria, exaiuiuuti ,.n OCalkiaa 500 M L laaiv, jualicv laa Mala va Kau.oud . tv h W llauiillou, tare an 1 keep too m y ooor 41.' W Hi) btt A. K. Kiclutrilaou, jailor 45 88 facilir Live Slock Co . reuavaieul oi Uiea lit, Ul Cliaa A KorUu, dito is. K ulacii, auM,iviaor road dialncl So a l&uUU lubUU A. MiKiuiie, auoerriaor road di-trict St, . 34 UU AH no i T Haruca, au,c,Uaoi road dialriri No I Lunaneig a lU.lon. .u- plieK lor SeeOaJ !' -0 40 6 4U II 1 I l.ouiaou, board of aaiaaseSi HM VS 76 rSSMl MaU-a (si A lei lo Itluphoue a'likt liln Kaui Moilmraliead, fruigUt aud Slauipa . RJ I H M florlou, auuolita 1 60 J M lallou auu.oa . . 4 UU Hugli llama. 1 inoutli aalary janiloi 4U UU Cuaa Wilaoo.blackauiilh- IS 0U I 11 iluul liul inn- (not tri 1 have ll tl.- Best 4hl I- "I 1 too glto.1 .'. I, I" r fur this allilud. Ii in A -I 1 1 ! all re aiMli. 1 nmt aril .. rallied (rut- In i.aiu- ej tfuui IfJ Ul 436 Married At the residence of --JL. W. Cioodnch in Vale, on .June 44 129 1907, Mr. H. -. ' of Malheur county, and Miss Onl 1 Blanch 1 county. Judge I 6"" officiating. Vale I & Chas. Ku.-v.m-11 and family ar rived home Wednesday frui ifornia where I 1 I the wit. 466 " Mr. V of the pioneer boys of lion, hut hi.- health heing bad for the al rj lias baao I ing around He is nol much im pro wl. (ieo. Buchunan wa., in Us to-iuv Tuesday from his hoow W ar Nig ger Flat. He infoi thai tMe entiie fanul has all hi 1 n 1 in i.e.! from an extended visit to relative in Sherman, Morrow, and Bal ing home at on J (ieorge lofll ' had ell taken can- ol .luriny, his ah seiu e. His enrthf" is now at I-. 4OU0 Grande but will le over some i uu time during the summer. BANKING BY MAIL You may keep an Account with us in PORTLAND, OREGON main et.. Aud your Neighbor Knows Nothing of it. CHA8. WILSON, lumii iU- o, 1 it ana 111.an,,. 4 a m eflBBBsi BBBslfBB JarMer ' I I BBBBBsil k 4 r r cent ntereHt Write lor our booklet on BAIVKIXGr I y JVIVIIL. Imlc fcaaa'a Hoel O.lut makea our Uataklas by wall ayaleni a mhku SAVINGS BANK OP TUB Title Guarantee & Trust Company ACIIVI UfcHOkllOWV Ol llll blAII Ol OUi HON J 1 ttTTtl 1 al ui;riAI jdCBlKITail IssMuTtlltU 1 IT01I Ovaa- SOO I MmmI tor aHlUflil Ul a Din' m 1 c"Ml"'' I Blacksmilhiox and Sorssbtdif. Waon Work ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns. Oregon M. L LEWIS ItllRc (Isr le (srsiss PAKTICULAKS and PRICES It aSSM eusHRf INFORMATION. ,.! Fayn 4 pair cent on 8avinu AieountH I I aj ;u I . 1 50 4 UU lliorhuin ltot, Preid.M I liurkhart, Trea.siiM i lias. II. hoof 240-244 Washinicton St., Cor C.-lllli, ,1. I J J.-JauHit Ai tount.-. Suhje. 1 to Ctwej Qgejrgi H. Hill, Vim Fresidsnt John B. Aitebieon, Secretary Ast. Treuhui, 1 Second M4H' !' MOMirMtrfTAt BRONZE ( ua.eANT, ssssaesw eserwaase, DESIIiNS. .oua: PORTLAND, OREGON fTlx3 Oreuon 1. 1 tt?l AH fW r u.l ilaaa aixouiuicHlaliuii. .ul, , IOUUI. KuUS lllUU'. III. i liuiua lablaa wall luruialital MaaU - A 1 ' ----- - alajeaaSeaaaaSftaafalaf' ---aJr-