Ik IuttS-&rratd. rfATVaOAY Jf5K IW HrWH'RirTIOJI RATK :i a t.. .. j iwv- r.nv stuvv in in f mm his Wei- W. L. Blott was in Tuesday af- am possibility of sub-irrigation. hnm.-. ter a load of shingles which he able priess. jIUZj .j;, ., -wat . . ., lu, took to his homestead Mr. Blott u, cld r" .-.. ''..;:: "r1"' ,"rr-mf,suSth.tw. r Daw last lau. i nw noi own n imn lin Thursday tor Itenrt ana ne the state than mav continue hi n to Up-to-date iub printing at reason- Year Ms MoeUM e i ( iii' ii- tht form of snow and rain. la Burns I saw apricot trees Douglas Belts, one of th. bending under their loads gates from Oregon to th. healthy growing fruit. That public lands HNTO1 ' ,,n,v for the " 'nit ver has returned lv m-mildness of the dfanate ton after being than :; Mb fine nu"l.t the sessions. ( th',re ,T1 m, abundance. tkmhcai! Immigrant are daily arriving. Tl,, mwlmc v:w . lilt' munij 1! eMfrirnunK u .lntial growth. ..- meeting the purpose o-min:.-'.m: the ur. land under :h .111 It v I that the stBllrasni attanded was atev -apposed If solution aapaatag it ed. According to Y Associated Pre.- d out regarding ;h were colored in favor mmistratior. . sin and did not truthfu the facts He aii sidents letter during one o: th effect upon th resolution whi'i tion opposei. rh drawn by a a mmitt-for- lag after tl letter had bean read noon. He says that v. the president's nam tioned it was greeted and even respect wa chief executive but I garding the public iai strongly opposed. Aside from opposing thi thr extensions of bureau's gowars. Mr. K that the convention favored a more considerate course regard ing the use of reserves thai prevails and hebelu ter treatment wii: be aco hereafter. Secretary Garten have declared to on tana delegates that he realized tha was strongly opposed president's policy and would so inform Mr. Kooeere informs us that W i ..; fmm U'liiffier to the .- .V 11 IIJW. W I ILUB1 . I V.. .... - oi wneat in ine siaie mmi may irtinue on tn effect that himself and family that is today. It will undoubted-JAlhanj He sta'?.i with two woujrf nrrive here some time next teiil :V or 40 bushels per am wv ma.rhed team- and a now mohin. Hill says he has a club ami no water has bee put or, . toft up f.M Oawson and will pay mind except such as came m.ninc,pfinite tin- ' heJl?&LS5S -55 Claud M 8l '' Bffl was unable to defend him- er arrived hoOM froa to elf. the Pueblo mining dtetricl tail L. Saturdav m. ai neaSBei Department of Cnantrrer 11 ,n " of the UirriK to ',ul ,l" -if j-: i. i a n, iwt- amC " . .... fcj .a!.f.-t ry ei.lnc pre- . umleninoed. tt ha been rri.wl "il for n.iil- to Diear that "The Harney it We v oul victim man d Harry has again opened (he Windsor Har to Ibe public and invite his old time patrons and friends to call. Oraft beer ft rente No TRIM tMlUQ. Huoiing i forbidden upon ml premiere Trespaseent wil' be proe eouled. H. C. I.tfTRM. a. a TOSSS) i iCLXsaa A rail- nto that section is necees- er to complete de It is useless to grow tensive scale until - a railroad into Harne val- ithin five years thereafter ingauton af th. greatest land . ...a- amnions of tht North- ;" bow National Hank of Hirn." ir. the . t fit ' llU'n.. in the I oanfr f lUrner, ,F tenla ii borne .ml taf i'f trrefon. hae nMnplied wltK RWaaS ol the Statute M the ltnte.1 Sate. rriniired t' he complied with helor. ar-iation hall l au tliorned ! lommence the lumneat o linking . Now therefore 1 William B trolle' si the ( urreaeT. rtif that 'The llarn. Young lt. Faulkner CIVIL ilrlrCIPAL AMI IMItuTIOf. FNilNFEB Laari and Townaite Surreta K-timatea, Mapping. Drafting ami Designing Irrigation a Specialty Burns, Oregon cOMIMi TO CLOSE SIMIO- Pl-esliUe! k'li'M-..':- Undertook to ad viae newspaper run their newspap -at Jimtown Monda. -than what t. write ui. it He on raising fan. owing list has teer handed The Time.-Herald for ..-on It is a commenda e upon the part of our Tenants and should uraired. TheSunda closing iing enforced in othr nnvting with public The law has been Bp I bj the state circuit cnin n ..id and r :ood that it I hroughout I '.lowing is the agree niers of local dealers: r.- undersigned business mei 4 Bums. Ha.-' Oregon, having closed places of busines on Sunday Lai to July 1st 10 and baUaetag it to be to our best and for the general good v-ommunity. do agree to close our business .es on Sunday until further agreed upon N Brown A Sons. aburg t Dalton. Hagey. Fer.- . .Jackson. Geer & Cum- has. Wilson. W. E. Hu- Hopkins Bros.. W. C. Byrd. Tupker. The Times-Herald. - gtly. James Sm -hwaru. Harrison & Stor. that h. H Reed. A. Schenk. 1 .... w. loung. L. L. i J. Hansen. Ed f H .:i.nal Hank of Bur..." in j tl i. .1 f.m. ... It a pfn" " irvr,hoi ml -tatH of Oregon. i aothonte.1 III III II Sf Banking i Sai ti'n FlftT one liun- O'doek. TlV ' i n nine ol the Keied Stat what. " ' ,",,, "w'" ',,n,,"0 m iisv of The llarne t ouoty oana 01 torm. wherrof witree mv lun.l rtu-e tint "iiteenlh d of w it asssSM iiiptroller ol the ttirreiif F. WISEMAN Boot and Shoe Maker. All Work Neatly Executed Repair work turned out with promptness Prices right .lorgeniwi Hulkllnf OWItrON. turned man ate'of ll the Ad i . I I iair anii i ' ' ARCHIE WcGOWAN Ua. Lscatnas Isal Estate (er Sak Lsss Scrip Btefit is. !M. BI'KN- - - ORBuOS Every Manufacturer trie to imitate thi McCormick Machine Buy the Genuine McCormick MOWERS RAKES BINDER From QEER & CUMMIN BTTTS, - OECr-Orl M. FitzCerald BSSl Ktate Man an.l I locator M.'nn ( SBBSJ Mai lefsrr I. 5 Lass tfficc A Satcialit BURKS. OREGON F. E. BRAMLETT, ilLVLII Hl MFD BITS AND SPIB Mast la Order. . BJ kal .-arepecialt M til ami B Su.. Rnraa. Neoa i - thing about the newsp; nsas. Any old kka can run the preside: -it takes a genius- to run u paper - and sun: v. Journal. CLEAN LP SHEET 1 1 Tht- city council has auin the announcement I of next week will at Benaeal clean up da order that no rubbish n th. streets and lacreaai ger of firt-dunn. - .. thia sugges:. preciau as a pn taction. Arrangen.. been made to ha sprinkled third along th covered by the BBIBsk and tht Fair As sprinkle the groui a umi of tutvtioi- w Tea "M- Waaler Leaa Itu Kcurr naaat Fraai Vuit IWac; H tr LUCAL AND PERSONAL Purk Nutter was a visitor t "a dav or two this week. Tuesday has been set aside a -w ling alley. '..imhall and wife were oar vwiton durinp Reed and wife and Mrs. from the mounu. uunes Read k Johnson received some new milinery ne ladies are inviti t,. .. .. .tr- going lo plant gar.ii I. Nli and aee.U at i laat ats. flowers k trim-i-.h in a i' and son Huirn-r city last Sunday ram us it was a ad dispose.: as he sold only ur, atOtT and still has aom rmest horses, mules and jacks ifon .-i V Price and Chas. .:' Vancouver. Wash., this section for the eral days. Tht-: me timber and -r:.ng for suitablt- mann and heir ueparturt yeater': inn a: Union le Kntful visit with Johl ,mg and family. P-.:-.: tht- puipr erian church her. ia twth morning and evei.-jirt-ached two sermon were much appreciated. andTTom Jenkins ar - mountau. s;. Johl nform u.- that i.-urini: plant had an excel- MOWERS BINDERS RAK TEAD BUCK RAKES ES ERS MITCHELL WACONS 6l BUCCIEs Pumps. Wind Mills. Carden Hose Gasoline Engines Cre m Separators All Kinds of Farm Implements .:Sing R & MACHINERY J. J. TUPKER In an inten-iew a . uj- on his return fr : tni- Senator . the following M Hanie;. eon D ' Thi.- wa my asBBBB Harney aUej a-. of it resources and grow on nit- eve r I first mav. i: thr-wa.- thai daapi) impresse iu- BsasBiBaent since thaa ol ;lia-. BsVtl the existenc whiLii to mt- u" Tut- main -eason and that the ..- 6U miles rvid. hi - carted to the rail are aaveral atkei kargi lanstflktll sheep were . vicinity When 1 dipped at their vau. under gov u.st tkata II v. a q I -ujerviaion in accord ally thought that tin ' tin. state iaw The ana d theas hi i nmaat men m charge of le irrik'aieti ii pressed the great lieuhaunl value. Aetna ..on in finding the Jenkin.- I hsj iitiiiunstrateii thfl -" complete ami convenient I tja, caaioii to oiiioliment 1 "Last summer Mr 1 - n their excellent equii.- I removed the sage brush fron. an ment and complete shearing t tJu-acre tract ol land about two plant OPP SITE OVERLAND Bit s, Oregon HOTEL :autiia ED FLOYD General Diicksmithing and Repair Work. HUi SHOEING A SPECIALTY. "ustomary Prices. Fj.ey Oid jtant "urns Oeajsn. Pat"1. Solicited -ae w . ceeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeees ; THE iOTEL BURMS BAR. 5AM BAILEY pru.ri.tor. fine V, Jq ors i :i Ofs n rarqlaod Cub Wh'kq CLUB kOOMS IN CjMKlCTIOH EVERYIHIW6 Fl 5T-CIASS Courteous uti otliii MU0I041U5 . &aafann&iisW BTat wJ ML 1 -aMV ' Safc pM W 9t 1 imnpi b i wSBuMS!3Fi'l ir-..-u X..4.1 1 SBi """ Pc "n to IHl The fireat Black Percheron StailiVn VENIN Will alnnd the . a'n at THE RED FRONT BAR uiidm; aUI-rV M It H BI'KN. ORKG'.N all Tl..- .-. haer real- p ! S H i..l, ..i eryoe, per..i.. bndms aeTrrai (ii) qcllea redaction on cno of laat var. t ... !..!. ...LMnLlifUl BH.1 L . Clia lllilW' RICHARDSON. Secy. C D. BRANDON Mrl The Most Popular House in Interior Oregon NEATLY FUtNISH-ALL OITSIDE ROOMS Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists ADELAR RACINE. Manager. Burns. Oregon Burns Meat Marlce Nee Sasf fsssile Ike Fiml Nstrassl Baal aia I uveefl ketd th Pork, ViJ sp liilorn;i m he j r .iim bbbmbh NEW! Spring and Summer Dry Goods, Shoes STOCK IS COMPLETE Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hut Ribbon, Laces, Gsnvas Oxfords, Fashion's Latest in Everything COME AND SEE THE MANY NEW THINGS Zse f UHjf jjSl j ; pi- ... r sttrsaifc afsM M.J HANSEN'. ' vM II - ra ei BU3TER BKOv .aSS?ta5sl!DC'K rtsSmF HESS roa jaOA CLau.' - j"x"."-.-ir n-r.--a.. t OUR NEW LINES O I Papers, Drugs, Stationer Confections and Cigars f are nuw in U-TAM-NA Choeolataa, Eaton-Hulbi t Jtsl f tionery. monogram, Banquet He.1'. POM J Diapnteh. Nathan Hle, etc Bylo Tt'sol Pouider H. M. HORTON. Pr.pt ',a'e;avf . v - A New and Fresh Line of GKEO CEK of all "idrid.c. Fine JLot Of Delicacies M - tuvite ll oubltr tu call on ua aud luok Uiroojli ur tlu. k which la larger I ban aver uelun- Wi uUiAMtk SATlSrALThW- rtltb Hlblll LUNABURC 6l DALTON. BaaBBBBBBMBM I BBBBBi BURNS LIVERY AND Ihhi) SI LKW1K QJtsUURT, Praati Sfjtt-ial a i, tU (I HI frriitlit ;, ,, HOI A,S . , FUN U:. ,.UL nal pSSSW Hey ' on Iii i ml III I, 1 a ti Vuur tmironugt to outi, Mais Bl . Bun. I av BIGGS STOCK FARM Our mile north u( Buroa, Orrynu STANDARD BRED TROTTERS POLAND CHINA HOGS DAZZLER 2:26, NO. 15847 If you want a high priced horse you must have a Datsler. His. colts sell to dealers for more money than the colts of am horn- in Harney county. They all have size, style, action and speed. A few choice driven, speed prospects and youngster far Hal at all times. POLAND CHINA H(K8 I have purchased th. choicest breed ing stock to be found and have pigs from them tar sale either single or in pairs not akin. For particulars address J. W. BIGGS, Burns, Oregon Special Atteitioi fivei iu Coidoctin J Fuerals Nfc ANI ACOllATF HY SCUK UWNttHW. ftlTt liN. a I BURNS MILLIfcO Oi HORTON 4l 8AYER. Proats. ' Rough and Dressed Luml Rustic, Flooring, Mould Finishing Lumber. recarw wmill to Burns. Good Hi Lumber Yard in Burns.