The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 29, 1907, Image 1

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    rf fftnttrrlft
'Hicial Paper ot lUniPT County,
km the larjf clrrolatlnii and in nc ot
he beat ailverUeint meiliuma in Kaaier n
e'h.e Urtnl tarni gaunfrg !
I Ml.. I Mai J
WILL SCRLAM resident stockmen shall he given LITTLE OFF IN HIS FIGURES homestead entriw. had heen filed
preference in the distribution of during the past three months
range. This is not done in many falls far short of th? real nunv
instances and rank injustice has EAST OtEOONHN EDITOR WRITES OF her. Inquiry at the land office
discloses the fact that from April
1st to .lime U two and one half
months there was a total of 244
original entries made. Quite a
number haw been filed since
.lune 16, but no entries have been
KHi sil'ow m1 to pi of record since that
lte in acconiam-i with an order
tor Olerteea Tlat
Njat-'Oflkm al
r Caeaea
art1 now al'
4th of .lulv i
r oetaiis an- mi
but the general
Ibc carried out to
. Saatlerea Falrt" Treat at Earl) Data
Oa Bit Cm laaf Btlaf
been done in Umatilla county to
many resident stockmen by send
ing them 20 miles from home to
range which they never occSptoi
and which is not adjacent to their
deeded land.
From the orders of thes- petty
officials there seems to' be no n
course and the administratku) of
President Ronaevolt will
oiameo wun gross lncsmpetwey
canvass of the ur1"W"w,n arrying out me , v1t(.xmiVPy by l.ux and Miller,
has brought fa- niW laid down for the gnvm-' th(t catUe kmf9 of California
mem oi me urn vial.
The announcement that
li..mtMila huvn )rn
Harney county in the past three " ij "J f
afths. recalls an empire which
mils a few yearn airo was claim-
It Taka to Ta Saertair Cart l.r
Ceaitractraa al I'allrr raaalaf
I Stack aa laureate
to making the
f a succeas than
rv business man
promise! t be
hey all realize
make it inter.
rs they must all
fore we confi-
a grann parane
o hands.
n has kindly
eleventh hour to
tion. The man-
ped to (ret some
hut failing pre-
B Uavev. We are
BVatulate the man
be choice of the
all. Mr. Mavey
and the iieople
well entertain-
The .East Oragoniari beliefs
in the forest reserve principle.
It Mieve that the president
wishes to do the right thing by
the actual settlers and stockmen
of the west, and that if theae
petty tyrannies and injustices of
the men in charge of the reserves
were bnmgh properly before the
higher officials that they would
be righted.
The stockmen believe in the
principles, but they object to the
administration of the forest re
aervee. and this sentiment is
growing stronger every month.
The administration of President ,....... 4r,.i -
ratal Mr. Ilavev """ """ "ru ignore
un,l tlu. T-.r.l these chargea. East Oregonian
kwlen will act as
Bjday and Mrs. A.
n chosen to read
. Hon. A. W.
II form at some
in town and the
be made l n
out ti the ruir
and which extended from Mal
heur city. Oregon, to Fresno,
(al.. in an almost unbroken line.
A a loy. Re years ago. the al
itor of the East Oregonian rode
over that cattle empire. Begin
ning at Cow valley. Malheur
county, a few miles south of Mal
heur city, you began to see
"L F." cattle on the hills. That
was the signet of this vast em
pire. Everything belonging to
Lux and Miller was branded "L.
From (ow valley southward.
i to Bully creek. Malheur agency .
Malheur lakes. Silviea river. Dia
mond valley. Stein's mountain.
j McDermitt. Warner lakes, and
'on into Nevada and California.
Lux and Miller reigned supreme.
The' claimed the watering
'places, owned the cattle corrals.
Messrs. A. 8. Swain and M. R. .upjed the range, built roada.
Smith left Monday morning for f,.ncw, m erecUHl ntx
the railroad vWien- they go to get Lnd cjnpjn, pj., for their hun-
theirl.ig artesian well drilling ' dred of cowbova. kept out set.
nisamiKiernmacntneni,., diacouragwl fanning and
ruled the entire country fnm
a sotne-
ihe 1. F . " brand has Iwn
obliterated, but merely changed
to the B wn-mh. and Henry aM
ist holdings in fact
much mon- CaMM land than
when the K:ii ' ngonian editor
nnle over the cattle empire. The
same company has as many stock,
but do not have undisputed sw(ay
of the PMIgV a in thoae days
The S wrench brand mingles
with many others throughout the
same tcrriton There is no long
er any strife for supnmacy of
the range, all Ix'ing serene and
the only advantage Henry Miller
has is the great ranches he owns
It is not unlikelv. however, that
these big holdings may at no dis
tant day 1m' cut up in small farms,
hut even then the Harney coun
try will continue to lie the ideal
stock section of the entire west
In the circuit court of Lk
county there was a MM mod th.
last few days which is of great
-p to the stockgmwers of
this section.
the first time the stock
branding law. a law that is of
prime importance to I
Oregon. when thousands of cat
tle, sheep and horses nm on the ,., .,...,,,,,.., .. ........ .,.. u
(I' lO'piHl III. II ll'l IV
he had not seen for many years
bill each time h VM staited'on
Mr Schenk's i.idence on th0
hill faces an open block and the
young man asked what that was.
'"tliei replied it was a park
the block is .red with sage
brwk ami nvk. He then asked
win the rod wire not cleared
out an. I W9H told "hev wen- usimI
for I I DtffiJI man re
marked no lm hut Scheiik -yud
w w.ii. peculiar people and
planted How 'i 'iu parks,
whenuipon he plucked a twig of
Mafe and pivsented ii to the
brothei to .1' iere the fine per
fume. Hi' .an! it had quite a
stnuig scent hut he would have
ii . Nrj p:irticuiar tilted com-
pltte with various sited drills
ami i if sufficient capacity to sink
he morning -x- " oeftin to oetmiieiy ascertain
Id. The firede- f nrteaian water ii within ranch
iii.- ma! hi ownu' means
The machine w ill U moved in
fn mi the railroad with its wn
motive power, as it is arranged
with a steam engine all on one
frame and trucks. They do not
an interesting
parade. Chief
iriven nis worn
m the Ikivs out in
H The liliertycar
m ihonnighlv ov
Kle entin-b safe anticipate any trouble in getting
aaC so thev mav 'n th "d vy wd be-
Kii..i th. celebra- twen " nd V,J-t,rini.-,
difficulty will likely be
.linn ..nurram nnvneas of the graflsj). A
nj"'i aa -pk
The pn-mium list for the oun
ty fair this fall has been isauad
and this week the maJWfntnnnt J
will scatter them all over the
county for distribution. We
should all take an interest in the
fair and make it the best yet i
The premiums have been increas-1
ed quite materially and t?xer m
i hie offered for a
display of the most imimrtnnt
pn-l'iil ..( the .-..iiiily. Of
course, with the limitcil manna
tain cannot do great '. but
omparison of the list with
other similar faint shows It to be
i th-
he grounds and J
I he gen-1
day. The g
i splay
to huve a
eoniiiK '
i.jiity to oolfw
the only
the nar-
Fair (Jn.unds ll"ni unuiuni ui caauig iora wi itored u, HUppy
it reniemU-n-d r" WHM oniapu wivn ine m-
chme and then- wiu te no delay
in the work as soon as the ma
chine ik on the ground.
The Times-Herald has M Raft
giving as u the sueews of this
r we certainly have
To what depth
isarv u go u titnl
n a! he only ijues
is practically net
it has been shown
struck at a depth of less than
ulk over old - J1- me matter oi volume
K our new set-or 'orce OM not nevn determined
Kitv of meeting at this depth as none of the wells
ning better at- ruv un properly caseo or giv-
eir netghborh. n n' cnance whatever.
uainess men of , n1 u " aemonatrat-
e a pride and " o-yund queaaon uint aetesiun
to entertain water i within reach of nvnrjr
day. Last year homesteader in Harney valley
cipated in the e water problem will be solved
them being I. d ll wl" mean much to tne im
mediate activity of agriculture
and horticulture here.
it w il! lie MM
an adequate fl
l.t niuneers find " innw.
n .tlnrkit. by a few test wells that u flow
RaTaWi to renew ac-
elcome Farma-
nd a few others.
ned put up ex-
ktable fioata and
H of the celebra-
Ha'.e their etforUi.
Kally every
B city will be in
Msat hieli Siaric
Fisher, the autuist who was
hare last week, after making a
trip to Burns and back, left Sun
day morning for the Willamette
v alley . lasing me oaiiuun ruuir
BUM sroCkMCN. over the mountains. It is likely
'that he will get all the trouble he
Bi of Umatilla want liefore arriving at his dea-
n- aallv agrwe tination. Frinev i lie Review.
Mr. Fisher may have been to
Burni liui 'I to see him,
or at least the auto These ma
chines are not plentiful but
what oqe would lie noticed on
our sireeLs. Fossibly he left the
machine outside the city limit
for fear it would fr.ghten the
Malheur city south with
what despotic hand.
The clouds of dust raised by
their thousands of head of
ning driven tn the niilnmd at
Winnetnucca could be seen for
50 miles. Trainload after train
load of fat steers were shipped
out each year from that vast em
pire, but there not a solitary
home in its borders, except the
temporary homes of the cowboys
or at the Lux and Miller ranches,
where hay was put up for the
cow Kinies and where grub was
the scattering
camp in that lonely wilder
of grass and cattle.
There wasa tiresome monotony
about this empire. The saddle
a'.tle on the hill-
mules of the mess wagons. . ... . .
a! ..rcWan,l.,Ju, ". M-1-1
nsistent I. I -vhichmet "f f'"
your eyes every what. " " '"? Fu,ton.'
irw mi the forest rsserve i,i
The brand was burned int.. iht . '
doors of the cabin, on the wagon lt' . , .
. . Against the ..tficers of lle re-
boxes, mi the gates of the cattle
.. serve, he had never tendered cnt-
corrals, on the home collars, on . . .. . .
the pm-hforks. on the saddle, of ,c'7 A,nH1, ,he H
the riders, on the hats they wore. under whllh 'ey worked he had
H the bacon thev ate. protsstad and tollowmg the g
In all that vast empire there f 'conscientious duty -.back-wm
not s garden patch, not a ed by the sentiment of whst he
meadow not owned st one time, considers s majority of his con
by the -L. F.- outfit Cowboys -tituency. he purposes to formu
lated at all the beat spring, and Utf "u"" h- wl ' ure
claimed all the meadows. The " ww' " inai lw "" w'"
armv of men movri ,.vr th.m. mre direct control and
get benefits trorn the lands
range ami are known to their
owners only by their brands.
4 was tried out in every phase, i
The question anse in the case of
the state of Ongon vs. W.
Moas, a case which was tried last
fall, the trial nsulted in a hung
jury. Because of the pmminence
of the men intcn-sted the case
attracted wide attention
W. W. Brown, the prOMCUting
witness is perhas, the wealthi-
iiihii in Eastern OftfOM ha
ing several thousand head of
homes ranging in all of the conn
ties of the eastern part of the.
state. Moss is a prominent stock
man of Ijike county. The brand
used by the two men are quid
similar. Bniwn using a horse
hoe with a bar under it and
Moss using a horse shoe with a
triangle under it base up Brown
alleged that Moss had run the
triangle over the bar n sonic of
I hi. horses and the grand jury in
dicted Moss. The trial nsuli. .1
in a dismissal of the case ihe
court nding that Moss had his
Mi . in Is of marks and brands re
corded liefcav Bmwu Ratal IB
It is iMi'i DKi im
at its disposal the Fair Assocta-, " " " "" "?l V ""V
mi -miiiiiui liiai ihiiii louiil inn IN'
reconled. AIsmi it was ruled that
s certified record fnm Harnev
&kiivt .1. iiiljl t m . S Sfc i anl a m am
fully up to any of them so far as "TV1" w",u ""l w ' " ?
.. . . . evidence U pmve ownership in
the principal products and in-ili-tries
are concerned.
Ijet us all help this laudable
enterprise by doing something
toward its succeas. Remember
it is merely for the purpose of
promoting the interests of the
entin- county.
ljike county, where the "Mtfn
of Brown wss refused on account
of similarity.
A civil suit was instituted by
Brown to replevin the identical
I horses which wen- the subject ol
the criminal prosecution, and a
record wss made in keeping with
the rulings in the criminal case.
This will Ik- taken to the su
preme court for .. i ion oi
the entire branding law. Ex.
M. Sihenk, a younger brother
ir merchant tailor A. Schenk,
arrived here direct from Herman
stedt. Hungaria, the first of the
week. He is an experienced
tailor and came to associate him
self with his bnithi i
Mr. Schenk had quite ai
isTience while enmute, lieing un
able to seak English and rath, i
confused as to hia destination
Upon his arrival at Baltimor.
fellow country-man conneite.l
with the transportation comijan-
The Kis'hester IVvst se.y.: A
new sWiMi will occasionally put
its foot into it.' as ihe saying is.
In March the hook chanced to U
short of material for the type
setting mm lune. and in glancing
through ...mi . changv for copy,
a i lipping was taken n'ferring to
ii which the statement
apHared that 'a short time ago
ihe pun' food commission made
an of tobaccos, ' and
iiniong otlu-r things discovered
that 'English Curve Cut snd
l.inky Strike tobaccos contain
ed in (hi- cent, toliacci . and the
rest common limn wrapping
mst Bull hurhani had no to
bacco at all. the greater part be
ing bmwn aM'r soakeil in tobac
iine and up. ami
Daks'. Mixture was only lOptf
cent lolmceo,
I ii. American Tobntw o
hsvinu run scnaw th- statement.
which was Im-iiiii printiil in num-ia
Plfaafl thnnighout the
'.ii. look notice of the matter
and denied the statement in toto.
To settle ii lutheuticity. this
psper wmte i.. I- K Sister; of
the pun- food commission, and
RM r. a I won! that no such
analysis was ever made. Hsnce
it stands to reason that the
statement so published was false.
Who the individual was who
article an mini the
and Reconl dm-
not kimw It does know, how
. . i i hat it had inil has no in
tention of doing an) individual
or conqiany any injury, and n
gnls sxessdingi) that it fell into
a hole ilii) RMRtM else, and
desire to givi this statement S
much publicity as the former ar
ticle Si far as it knows or be
lieves, those brands are all tobac
co the same as any other brand h.
ami the pulihi more dan-
unoking them than
falls to the lot of any consumer
of the vm ed
The foregoing is published to
Mull Murham" smok
ers wlm wi i. uliout to go lawk
on tin- old time braid.
(ieneral Merchandise
Agents for
Studebaker Wagons, HujfieH,
Huckboards, Sloihs and Slods.
Dteiing Mowers, Rakes, Hind
ers and Headers.
Send in your orders for Dwrlltff I'xtrnn.
Fairbanks-Morse & Co. (Gaso
line lOnines, I'limps and Irrigat
ing outfits.
We place an In
farm god 'C arill
do liefm i i . i
Complete line of
Dry Goods, Furnishings
Clothing Hoots, Shoes
I V i
Contractors and Builders
Call and get listlmntrs. Plant and Prices
you have work u. luu
' !. I.. I -...III. ull,- I . i,. ' . . i.r..l
.iK. n .h
mi.l hi I . ii.i ... all
I. I.. lr.ii In in.k. ll.. i
I ilia
Your Patronage So'icited.
I mm vm i.i y bbewinc compakt.
James Hicks, Manager
Tin' llri.w.f an. I -i.ala wi.tka arr nmiaf
ii"fifiiri I iiiiii aaxl la lurmug .....
maaagaaaani ,4 maw
i.i I. mill .hi. Ail a in
(ia..ii- II. will fiiimali )nu plan,
Ii. .loan MUiilnaa ai il
Bums, - - Oregon.
:&aJc:e Tlilc
Wines Liquors and Ciffftf
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
,i i ..
pirt from aeaaon to stwsun. gath- . Irwn " ,a" m
a .... i riavir rvMikH'i vf t'tiuii Lie?a. . i a . i . . .
nng, brand i ng and .hipping out , . . , iemei mm aim a iw hau iii.Mruc- i n umi ni
k ..r,,,., f .k J ti, One-fourth of the area of Or- .. .M .. . ......
frm wiav v v 1. 1 i. Wll(l,.i. a I H 1 ' M A vj, m ,,,,, . ,, .,, - 1. 1 (a. i I I i , rn . .
was no permanent settlement. on "".m "ttl,0'UM ed him scroa. the ,,,.,, .first
In the spring there would be 10U Much of thu great g"" giving him a fe
men at one ranch and then for 11 "''1-,i for.-st The land.. 1 ,. i(U4Jy
months it would be deserted and t tiniberetl. t ptaceu in re- 0UrIJ afu.r ,6 ,(ii.
the entire force would ride sout I """ roTw,w T
ward to trail the fat teem to the
iii naoa fo.wiiaii. t .. ...
Black mii i i In at and
Abing and forest
B but they i
BV kick to makt
BBistraiion of the
Bh the forest re-
BV the re.v
ai! largely turned
Henced men, in
aBag or forestry.
Bjpobsible for the
Bnget justice.
railroad for shipment
It was an ideal cattle empire
and Lux and Miller made the
most of it
But the empire is shattered.
Settler, have crowded into the
very heart of the domain. Home
are made now uoon the 'alkali
licka" of 20 years ago and gar
den. are smiling at the spring
onee claimed by the wild cow
boys of the sagebrush plains.
Railroads are bein ed.
irrigating ditches are being con
structed and tiie tents of the
mark the horizon as
ocean and 7 in rnauiini it.. I 'mi
tleeeem. are a greater menace to . K. . ..,.,. ,,.
PMUritirthM iarrivalattn.unothat he ,,
bered poftioo. see. they felled Mt hiH itllnii.y.H vhii Utf MIIlMn
atone. The,. I0S.IM Mi not mm WJO j,
believ. -ii. iHrmitlingthereserva- Mll(1 obtaining an affirmative
tton of timUni area, which, lv ...i, him ; J Ti,
f 'J wrw aaaaaa . aaV" '
Ik Use Star
I Mi. a i ..
. VI., i, .ii.l
I iij.j
b MfaaU.
with the timher off, would offer
inducements to husbandry. On-
man was the proprietor of one ol
the hotflx mill liiul uimn
M - ' ----- -j-
iy inai paruoi oi -., am. wriiu.n vi (riMn liu.
-really forest or inere y
mara. me ..i.-i iuurm- Schenk's ftfiai.c.
t..i domestic purposes, should, in ()1y tt fevk n
mat ion. ije permiiieo u
hrothi i
COnsistawl "!
this man gave
Bakery in connection.
A Spciiillv Satrl erscr.
'la I. (uri.ali-i ., llli - varry t lili.p ilfurila Vuur pair. in
..BBBaaBBaaaaaaal aaaaaH
A x M Br
WW atBatpEaW jf.
If '. a J il i
I far as eye can see in the vicinity
H. C. Ellis, just in from Bend of the .Narrow.." once the
great gathering place of the
F." clans.
Tuesday, left the same day for
BBbe forestry de- Burns on telephone buRJnsM
wBJing range leas- The PfeaaSer company keep, its,
BVuh and just officers in seven places at once
tVi .. an- dis- all the time, studying impn
Bjin. making purchases oi
a. good and other lines to complete the al-, communities.
c Hniinisiration by ready vast system. I.i will not The "L. F. " brand has been
v' now till we have direct, obliterated from the country. A
reBaSJn in government control.
The rest should, under the com
pact, which settled the middle
west with thrifty people, be made
open to entry.
To permit of any other course
is asking Oregon to sacrifice loo
much. Population is wanted and
Harney and southern Malheur w b '"'"' ,ho1 lU,nte ,'""
J....:... . . ..i I. ,i....nt nun tLut
: :. .. UUL tr VU ociuvim in. -on t not
ii jo,' 'K
KWerable in many
Bless better ser
BS about,
Hfticials will pre
BVagainst tlu- foi
communici.'..oi. with
ille Review.
J. fl.
lur ..e.. . locator ami sur-
to sett lenient can
.. .. . . i 'i .rti it lune mm
l ul acUve .settlement and wani w vt '"" -
beconaj splendid farming th an' wl1' tnwd . off J""
il me ijuronuii oi lou
der an-1 forage for sheep and cat
tle will be more troubleson
iture than it ever has been.
new era has dawned. East Ore
i he above is a very nice
but we would invite the editor of
BaW rules say All kinds of land scrip.
BViu owners and than
Lands bought and sold the hast (Jregonian over to see
Business the Harney country as it is now.
, ' pair of halters and collar
taken from the White Front Barn
had better be returned or the
matler will be laid before the
grand jury. The person guilty
The announcement that 100' of taking them is known
I him more money the next m
I ing. bought him a ticket to al.-
and wrote a note to the stage
people to bring him on in Mr.
Schenk begun to think he was
being chased clear around the
world, but Anally landed in Burns.
His brother met him at the post-
oAce but the new comer did not
know him and took some time to
one bun that he had really
reached his destination
Mr. Schenk at once eseon
his brother to his home on the
hill, but in the meantime On
young man was relating his ex
perience and telling of the funny
ways in America. He was k
money by absolute strangers I
who asked him no questions fur
ther than to find his name was
Sihenk. He thought both limes
he had found his brothei whom ' L
Main St..
S iii
p .
.Li Jjfcy OiafW Tills1
4 ih , mtm m m mtmw i cs.t l f
Ova BOO Bi SaMiU loi
Saautlful b) , lrliu I
... i i v i n h" Peaiana. H L
a... aataaaaaaaaal Raaaaa
a svrrBBa i
I eaSF '
' '" i-.., Jf"' '
. awnii.inoi p.."K' , ANT.
-uLCO. 1 1 JaJlBal I '
IFtxe Oreon
TaaaaafiaCX AjRa lalil . AIIKlNii M.
e k9tmL '' Kiral dii-
Waon Work
ANTEED. Surna, Oroajon
ill S las I. tarsi
Is MJfSM tMkieg
fee tall lUssaSM
wull III. I