The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 15, 1907, Image 1

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    W tflnn-1Hrnld
Tli.' ttiti. -im Papar ol Harney Counly,
llif Urjiift i r in liiti"ii anil r OM .il
haat nilvi-rtia ng meditimp In Km
! eh rl Wnrntfl Country I
2 ( oMt an arn of S,49S,M arraa ..' J
Inml. 4,7M,:W Mfl ..I i inml atiriji-i I J
li rntry I In- m I.I . Iitml tawa nf
I I In- I'mIUhI Mat.. J
NO. 30
.S STILL IN AIR ilisoharjred into a surface toitter. OL'R GIRLS AT WASHINGTON toaaseupen Ihe miirht iso- IT IS AN IAcl I I I M I Wt
and from that into any small rania below, it swmed that at
ninlot nr stream. If desired to last tln had met with aw
jitii ; COMP TO SO still further purify the outflow, a MIILIP BATES BLOSSOMS ot T
CONCLUSION. hH .t sand or irrit ean be nlaeed ADVANCE WAN.
for it to nm through, which
should be occasionally stirred;
niipoal h Mean, at v it h shovel SO as to tret the full ' P W.fMsfl.. Maaamral Caaaal
trai ti.f r.iril A
aalllsa Wantril
effect of the air and sun.
"While the septic tank can be
rks and sewer- XUtA ,,,r a single family, for var-
uliscussedatsome!in,Rrt',,ons h is better, when
,.,., ;i . i inossil.le. for several houses to
luncil at the raff-1 . . .
combine and use one tank in com-
i Tvennesnay ev- Thp prinHna for
Ingdoneto liritiR this is that the size of the tank
definite conclu- required for the sewage of a sin-
Ollm llllesjm n lin , f'" family is so small that the
water, flowing into it at a single
discharge of a bathtub, is apt to
flush it out Iwfore the contents
have been thoroughly acted upon.
Again, the flow from a single
MM is apt to be intermittent
and this allows large amounts of
air to enter the tank, which is
detrimental, while the flow from
a number of houses, six or twelve,
is practically continuous. Irres
jMH'tive i if i he iris of In tank.
however, it is of prime inior-
mld believes the '' ' mai '"' "m"um OI sewage
ana water mat enters the tank
should in sufficient to fill and be
Stria la I aaal That Froai Toa al
OH Mflt Trae al Haatr
themselves all
move but its pro-
he rub. ItwN-m-
a vimagc rai;
tan airs to ex-
m at this time
le n-v The
avor any proix..
t having some-
Min which to base
and even then
H to a miIi- i.f the
tame their girlish exttben . .- MMH'in
Thin :i. c,j long and earnesily at
the vast spread of landscape be
low them.
"Kim :ew." said the guard
. very pretty," replied the
accosted one. I'.ut you ought to
sh the view from the top of our
apple'tree. "
Thej 'carried the gnardjinto the
Rl I M OKI 111 BV
I I kM
PrtMr far ? atari Mlaa at Vulna .
Whka an Iktlla, Hart Ptaarttal-
Pati nl Raa Saarnltar.
roper stand, h
liul we tn nmtiert v
e such v. burden nsi-Rro iron, wic urns once in
K wuhou; nty-four hours.
Hilirri The host construction mater-
Bjirovc her sani- ,al '8 cement. A pit of the re-
S without . iird size should Ik dug. allow-
Bse. how.-. er. b) aT about four cubic feet, inside
Krdin.'.iice pssst to each person.
B regulat in. '" has been prepar-
K'c iinii garbage, ! ajaodafl frame correspond-
K'lnovul of stable big t the sixeof the tank should
Hhis -should Im' oU be sot in the excavation, and the
Ld cm. ens 'ment poured around the nut-
E tu public L This should be removed
Should not be a cement is hard
Hud letter but is snoO .ii order to
A Washington dispatch to the
Journal says:
Phil Bates' party of young wo
men from Oregon departed en- little office and tenderly brought
route to other eastern cities, af- him back so consciousness.
ter several days here, during
which they were shown many U TO WEAI roiTOH-S HANUe
courtesies by Washingtonians.
Mr. Rates appears to have blos
somed out into a tirst-rate ad
vance Rgen. rd ws informed
bv the editor of one of the Wash
ington papers that he was about sniok'' "f ',"' municipal eUn-tion.
thP h.t in that line who had politicians are already discussing
come to the national caital up the next event, the choosing of a
to date ' nited States Senator to succeed
"You ought to be ahead of a rhar,,s w F,ll,on- the Tel
circus. " the newspaperman said. nTini
It it i.oe he Ml MOOftte. be- l'h'ss themisa great change
yond the expecUtion of hit '" ,h cards- ,h' ""torial
friends, and no happier MMJMQ ,,si VV1" Im' "n'' "f ' h' I warmest
of tourists ever left this city than hol(i in Oregon in several years.
the one in charge of the Portland "wause ot the number ot jhwsi
Masy ResajMkM aaa Otmmrat With
Toto Would (-all os Tfeca.
Nith the rilling away of the
nicking. The walls of
RBI should ! from six to
eight inches in thickness. In
small tanks 1 would suggest
that a partition twenty inches
high und four inches thick ex-
tend the
Uink lietween the
inlet tad outlet. This should be
situated three fifths of the length
fmf the septic tank '" "' "" Ir," '11 inist. tne
Hide a means b top. if the tank mmj lie covered
aaaaaMV Call slowK w'tl - I ceBaSIlt
tin issued by the
the '
i- tani in-
and villages
be adopte
in pan
magazine owner. chajM'roned In
Mrs. C. E. Redfield of Heppner
The Washington Herald jirint
el the following gtKHl-naturel
account of one of their days here:
hi Oregon, w here tTMat gr. iw :(
mile high; where they raise
pumpkins and then cut out the
ble candidates. In the old days
thaw were never but two'activc
candidates. Under the direct
primary' arrangement, with state
ment No. 1, then- will he four
and jiossibly five seekers of tin
toga. Among those mentioned are
n. who wish
The law passed by the n
session of the Oregon legislature
for the suppression of noxious
wsedsjin public highwa
farming'land and in'nticsjs ,
which'shouldjbe enforced. The
law took'effect May 25. and is as
iVttionl It shall be the dut IM (IVl.,.
oi hcii nwn niiHTvmor m earn
road district in this state, in addi-
the nutie? heretoi..r.. or,.,
scrilied by law . to ascertain from
time to time and know whether
or not there is in his district un.
weed known as the Russian this
tle, any weed known as the Cana
dian thistle. Chinese thistle or
white mustard, cockle burr, and
-liw-t sail ami if he ascer
tains, thst there is any such
"is. In, and IWore an thereof
have shed its bloom or commenc
ed to form its seed, set
cause to be served iiion the own
er, if he be known and residing
within the county, and if not,
iiNin the occupant of the premi
ses upon uhich weeds or thistles
ma Ik, a notice in writing noti
fying said owner or occupant of
the S3 ' i suul thistle, weed
..i weeds and in iuch notice
nuii-nt irrigation projects would
idea al tii st of what
the land would cos; ihm- MM bs
fore the project w;is undertaken,
s not unusual now o lie
notified ( an increase of from
one third tO one-half raise in the
isr aci-e after the work has
Itoen startel people are disgustHi
and will not alwavs ktok kuulK
upon the proposition to take land
to lx irrigated by the govern
At one time llarne county
Was Ver anxious to luie I In
governmenttake up tin- Silvies
valley reservoir scheme to irri
lie lands of Harney Vallcv.
but after witnessing the mod. ,.t
in Malheur and
Klamath our Tnele Sain" will
have to make some changes in
the irrigation law U-fore hf
would Ih- received with open
nulii and live in them: where men
play billiard with frees d hunseit I re,i, tall give the nam. b weed
ami wheat stalk... and wh.r. , '- ' , d the deM-nplioti si the land
erv one i- afraid to Jic lest it- bark. uM.n which the saeae is gnivving.
happy hunting grounds should ;''"' " -NI ' ilkr- bo wasdi- Said -hall be -.. rved hv
prove a very inferior sorl Oa " nauian Bourne, Ji to thtOOaMBWIt N pal
place indited. 16 happy noinesan- la!,t .v,j4r- ' "'' a' "
sighingfor the return of 1'idaiic- li,an aspirants. Then, for th.
ing-eyed damsels who ' democrats, then- is ,eirge L.
farewell to Washington from the Chamlierlam. Still another name
deck of the Jamestown steamer n hat of W S i K, i.
last evening, after two joyous father of the inil iu4 ri
n the only irenuine national farandum and oth erimeti
of the capital.
With eipial cerUuntv. it nui ' n in the
be presumed that the hearts for 'humber-
many of Washington's ; h- lata, it be'will
isticotinl public building
tans, guides, policemen andothi been bu
"in in charge of hie pn mises a
cpy dad aartified to u-
i'itii manhole or with planking:
or. if larger, it may have simply
a shingle roof. In all cases a
IllUllllole aaaflBld In- left in order
oiii-p.ii the tank or clean it if
necessary. "
II eonuici W llll
and be broki-n
iropii in i
which live in
annual aim vopss
jhesf. unlike the
le air. oui iniiii
egetaide matter ' '' tioiat tttateaman gave
and appear ia some interesting railroad news
. . . . . .
rs as soon as me , a p-cent issue which wou d m-
of highly nffen-
irtal: they leave a
carbon di
ining some marsh
loma and lr.i
ash. All the re-
. armless
Hid fie. troi:
e the
aiesoi me .--nauti: rv(,-
Hpletely HV USSSS
i ia. but lln i
L-ir pathogenic or
pg brethren.
from the tank
ind m of-
pld aSWaVgS v
lpon in the s-pti(
''ic bacteria.
acted upon
the tank by sun-
.cmg ii
that the Chicago North
weStern Railw mtemplate
ion at an early date U- the
coast. The Statesman says that
representatives of that road had
md secured options
upon land to ! DOsd te iaSst
grou pa, etc
rlarriman i Imit that
. have been
ill the Hal 'untry within
the past few weeks and it is gen
erally understood that this is one
OOaatpJataf lint that is giving the
Harriman system considerable
uneasiness so far u-s this territory
If the North western is coming
through from it- present termi
1 naaataf sj way of Boise
I elusion that it
will cross this county if it can
DOSSib! find a route. The Har
wich b) the person
ime. :.-id if Ji' i Im i
on which
ill three p ces Umii
i of said iio-
ie in he such by
I r.
'. It shall I (he duty i
each road t in each road
district in thi late to call a suf-
brass-buttoned gentry are earn- '": lit w hi return
ing for Philip S. Rates' all-star ''rom Wu.shingun. .sevi ral months Uk-vnx iiumls-r of laborers to cut
aggregation to play a ntuni en- ' Pulton has been visiting jduwn and destroy haforo thesaun
gagement iouspartaof thwSute. gettiii has dr bl-.m
Never has a more enthusiastic in touch with
ling to
people, and at
Cske was defeated at the prima
ries last year hj such s small
margin that he is said to be an-
and withal, merrier a cluster of
fair tourists had a quick-lunch
view of the librar o the
president the sign manual of the
glad hand, or taken a-squealing aBMM tfl make another effort,
chance on the Washington monu- Mulkey has htM losing no time
ment elevator than this same since his few weeks in Washing
crate of Oregon peaches brought am
hither by the energetic propri.ioi Us! organization which won
and publisher of the PaehV l'h" taM primaries in May is
Northwest supposed to be ready for deli v .ry
The consignment was original- to Mulkey. In fact, rumor says
ly labeled "fresh from the farm. l,,al Mulkey assisted in building
handle with care." but any of the organization with In- own
public men in blue and brass who ambition in view and to tins end
sucked uo against this oombina- Wnancitlly mU-rested. Mul-
tion will testify that the peaches
were of the hardy variety and
didn't need taking can- ot
With that breexinessof manner
always associated with the west
but usually found in New
City, Mr. Bates' sturdy young
as the most wealthy of the
That Chamberlain will b
democratic choice is generally
conceded. This was also I H-be veil
: during the session of the legisla
ture last w d at that time
charges, headed by then- equally a dlderate attempt was made to
young chapen lUtilate the pn- .nt election laws
field of Morrow counts order v make it as difficult as
hit all the high places, threw a l 'hie for I aVtata to Is
giggle at everything that could MCHaftli It was acknowledged
tease a laugh out of an hysu-ria ,J ''' t'111''" te SensUi
patient, sJbjped bunch of brass RP'--entatn. tliat Chamber-
buttons for sou vei. ke off lain might BeasJhfe reee,
hunks of the capilul, library, and
an-, ot the also..' named weeds,
found growing at sny time here
after in the highways or un
any public binds in his road dis
trict, and the county cour
admit and allow the amount of
expenses and just and reasonable
charge for such work aj other
claims or bills filed by the road
ugh in their work through
ordi-jout this sectioi and every feasi
and ble roul V lass
r it is the in-
uit monument, flipped a smile al re
monstrating guards, and then set
sail for Jamestown. If James
town hasn't been settled since
1607 they will sett.-
Yesterday wa u day
In the morning tl ..
around the (Vi .
ote for United S
Senator, and the hope of de
feating him the) undertook to
1. so that
democrat! Chan U-rlain would
kin s msb Bios
the tank is de- tention of Harrim; u to get a
amount of sew- .rich on all routes and
(low into it. and practically shut out the North-
est unaied from , stioii. At any trying u find something taat
individuals in the rate the movement of this com- looked as if it had grown or been r H
Lion in which it is pettag line will spur Mr. Harri- fed in Oregon. Nothing looked knowi
for practical pur- man on construction and like home. low
ty of four cubic even if we don't gel both at oi "Oh. look at the cute litti-
thirty gallons for .t will eoinisdl him to not neg-et slrawljerriea." ii-iaWimint nm of f u , .
will K'e by being the fair farmeivh&e.-
Qn tliis basis hst in th aosorunem
It lis,,. teat poor benighted ert'.-t. -
caiiacity oi . . . ot easterners lutv-to out uo within sm the OiiaWtr at
l"i. four lews .. ill make them feel all the : their sbortesdee ...i ii,i..r. j.l will kill tin -ni;,il
il lOl.K t ihfVt' mill fMnflftlll "What flalftliih LuiLinr i rial miinn tuiava ur mitaK 1 riut siirnt--
- -- --.---....., - a lia, ) I U1 kl I O I'll ' " . ar-w - - ..--...
gus, " said another. "Why, you times ao aerioaaly attack roses."
U. kV. Brown, ht borseman, , would have to eat several sta;.
dieton rJist Oregonian
The market man said nothing, reports the marriage of Mr. C.
but "The butter's spread too to Miss Jessie Ray-
thick." inond in that city last Wednes-
When the creaking elevator day. Mr. Conner is a prosper.
brought the Oregonians to the ous farmer ot Helix and recently
uo of the monument no. I tbi-v invested in real estate in thi.
1 scattered to the eight windows' Vai-
uuike and
line as indicated
three teet wide who spent tl K.s in Lake-' at one meal.
size will change view, and during hs stay here
jin an ordinary showed his great liberality, be-
that t rom water- forj H for his home last
sn sinks, wash week, urave the M. L. church
a dear, odorles.s $100, the public library $100 and
.'hich can be used , the Baptist church $60. l.ake
Purposes in can U uminer
n. ment reclamation work
was being discussed with Sena
tor Fulton and Congressman
Kllis during their recent visit
hen- when a local man vent, nil
tOSSy that We didn't like the
method of the government work
as it was tooe too much
red tse and plans, with lack of
prscticability, win. I, i
-truction more tlian if done
by private people u trad.
This was admitt-d by our distill
ed visitors and Judge Klb
told of an in. i-r on the
Umatilla project tliat illustrates
the unnecessary work incidi
the work
A Iocs! resident of Pendleton
had came into im Judgi otlui
n the BUh
tii h I."
Ellis tl
(rouble was ..
that a few day
of sufficient size to acconimodat
;IM horses had beeu sent out to
camp. 0n -t thcofficei
to make j.luns for
Portland'- wel .vA
"ing blue prints I n. plans
elaborate and
afJL One of th-
with it
ions U put up tlie lent II.
Ufik the plans, went sta U the
elected for the lent to Is
Ided up tin- blue pnnl
and stuck it under a sage
with a stone weight u ki
from blowing away and put up
the tent without evei looking at
the plans.
If we had practical men at the
head of the reclamation .
who were capable of making es
timates and work in a business
like manner settlers under gov-
L Woldenlerg informs The
rimes-Herald that himself and
Joseph Barton of the Sumpter
Valley Railway have pun-hased
the Blue Mt. Rapid Transit stage
line from Frank Metscnan and
the mw linn took active charge
the first of this month
It is the intention of the pres
ent management to at once sdd
four-horse stock and another lutt
Concord coach lietwi -n hen and
Canyon City with st least IM
din.-i and hould traffic justify
it more will Is- put on in fsct
iln entire line equipped in a man
in i to take can- of all 'he busi
ideiiMt.-lv The pres
ent arrangement will facilitate
freight and . business
.oui bring alsait a mm.- satisfac
n si-r, ce in ever) part n ulai
i people of Burns will ear
: !'-. late this an
ment and if the i,.-w management
makes gtssl there is no reason
business may not in
iallv as it i
the l -I i inpN d and most dir -I
io a radnsid ixnnt from
this interior -.ction and if pros-r
rates can iH-sii-iiml and bu
men assured of prompt attention
to freight the line will do a big
Mr Woldenherg as
sures lis of this desirable change
and wi then-fore hope to see
- sj men raapOaad in s msn-
at will show our upprqehv
bmie is the general msnager
of the mw linn and will In- out
on the line frequently They
have leased the Metechan si
.io- rl v I of three
years ami it will continue the
IMipular stopping pk-e it has
Imiii in the past.
I l. liVl- filf ilr. (SJ
luy prna ..I H (' VA I, Or Lafl o-
V SMS I'll in i,n, fesaht sad Ho, (l.
i. .1 Pr ooiiili ICinhIi- Had
Afi. Apfil li I pan seppit ut
fi..iu paiua of I1.IM.. I Km ka ami
General Merchandise
Agents for
Studobaker rWaKons, Buggies,
Blackboards, Sleighs and Slods.
Deering Mowers, Rakes. Bind
ers and Headers.
Send in iur orders for Deering Kxtras.
Fairbanks-Morse & Co. Gaso
line Kngines, Pumps and Irrigat
ing outfits.
n mitftt
farm and demonstrate what it i!l
do iH-fon- n pavment is m.i-l.-
Complete line of
Dry Goods, Furnishings
(lothing. Hoots, Shoes
.1 W I
i na lla.ia
Contractors and Builders
Call and get Hatlmatcs, I'larnt nnd
iiii have work In our line
Simp mi .. r,. lam. i
for Clean, Wholesome Meats
Pickles, Cheese, Chouichouu, Olives
nions, Canned Goods
Appl... Cr..nbppi... Potato.., a. It pl.h. Soap
It- UiiSKi. an, PrepriaSoes.
Burns, - Oregon.
vv'i u-s Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
ttlai k l.aligabsHgS In. nl. i.
h a.n ..lino
llNAl !t I -
Hui ip Oirgi
Ik Use tou
' . . lul
HfSa i"l II Miavla.
Baksey in lonntntion
A Sftcislly ( Nfcsr I Oiecr.
ssfeHsleT ' alSL 9 kaV
B bCapallHa!a.KeS '
na ' JaaesBSs
1 I BJ ( r ajk i
I a Inn lli .1
'I, a inarkal alt
!-' 'i. In Had.
ill. . m ryllilng
i ir assess
Ovajr soo
im iimilo.iiWl4ii a
Blacksmith.!! &
orssht eiif.
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
I. L LEWIS laraaa
U U)SM SCalfaSf
Main St..
mmma JLoxAfOTiAJ
mcnciLLTfl ma at
MsSjMI ''$ STOVE to
IIMBS tlal A
CNUmu '
tooL IM,
Tlc& Oreeron
AH H Mi. Maiugfi
Ku.t i-U. .. illi aval. si. i" an
iU i. . Inun.U l !,. Hli I. liu wliuu ui
l.iiu. lalilpa wall furuUlimi Uast. W t'ui.ia